T1IE : OREGON DAILY , JOURNAi; PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. JUNE 17. 1011, illElfS DAY EXERCISES 10 BE i WELD DM Classes at Hawthorne Park : Presbyterian to Appear in Costumes; New York Tnn r ' ity Church Rich but in Debt. Chndrert'a day exercises will be held In many of th principal churches of Portland tomorrow. At the Hawthorn ' rark Presbyterian church the rhlldrtn will all appear tn ooetume. These serv ices will begin tt 10:10 o'clock a. m, k'xerclnco In honor of the day will also be held at tha First Presbyterian ehuroh And tha ItaaMilo Congregational church, At tha Flrat Cliurcb af Chriat Satan- Snnday Services of the Portland Churches and Alder. 11: eubleet o( limn. im ma un v raa inn ma n. i in. Evolved by A torato -Forcer AVadnesdey 'ni meeting, s p. m. a. xx. First W)itai Tanima ' rwairth And Taylor. Rev. tV altar Itenwall Hlnaon. H. Y. P. V., 8:16. subject "Aim;' Tern- Pie Rlble -school classes. 11. lira, t duiuik t Ian uiiuim"' T-ao. k.v Donald Aa MoLaurln,, Walla Walla, naan, -411a lira." Ai-ieta tiisty-iourth atreet and For- tV-Jlirli.h ....... r i aa Vf Phell. Afornlna- service. 11: Sunday T.'!,n' Children' flay exrclaeB 1 ltlMall. Rev. HeryH. Pratt; U and T:l. a , monjlt It Kopplmaau. 10:11 T;, & we? a'nd J.V TwyJourtRTTj l94,.C; " ' . " B,'J':. . ,M " . ' D. Corby, 10:45, theme, "Horn Ltssona riadmont Cleveland and . Tarretti Our Saviour (Noi-weglan Synod) it year- of Ministry Have Mad lilear." Rev. J. K. Snyder. 10:3 and 7:30; & 8. Eaat -Tenth; and Grant - p. M. Holden. a 6M ij; T. P. a C. E. evening aarrlo II: C ii. 8:41. Tonlirs. ."Xhtdnw and hervlce. 11! H. H. in T:10. tddnu . d iarnntf nilev4 tnm that anm m achOOl. 11:10: 11. Y. P. II. :aat avanina- - East Side East Twentieth and " An Benr. ' Rev. Albert lihraratt- fi..rvlra i a. m, uunuar achool j II a. m. Tha Prownlnr r th. ifin. -i n aaa ""V" t"v". :,. ox, "Svery Man a King. Highland Alberta and Slrth Rev, li. UMoit . n V P TT T: o. o.. 10. Bcrvlcea at 11 and THO. llarOaA.r.M,..M. . I'l.a.nl l. Ita L- LL J.1'""- 11 and 7:30; Ji. fc.10i Truth"; "Tha Foollshn.e of Preach-1 Voelker' hall, Mississippi avenue, be tag . Itwean Ueech and Falliua- atreeca. bmr. ' A Mt t . . M & i i mru r.aai -j uinrrnin ana nn.i nv, 1 Ticeau n. a. Paul a oerman lat Twelfth, and 1 Clinton. Rev. A. Krauae 10:18 knl (. Ulbl meetina: and ' rouna- neonia'a ramuni, inurwiajr, a p. m. niMiuM TawA.a lA.tnL.j a.c. b a iz. Morning- "Haaponainir to Jeaua;" rninir, vnuaren a cay rxarmaea. Wealmlnater F'.aat Tenth and Weld- ler; He Henry jvfarcotie. 10:8 and 7:48; 8. Bj 11; Y. P. 8. C r-, :I0. Mount Tanor Beimont and Pretty- man: Kay. led ward U. 6 ham. 11 and t: o. t., i I n. Trinity Oerman Mlaaourl ' Synod) I Burnelde. if. 4:10 and e - ltlaoaUaaaou. . . ' Church of tha RrOthren (Dunkardi) nortowicK ana Kiiuntawortii ava. jtav. eoraa Uari, 11 ana T;tj , 8, It; Bwedlea Cora "alyatlon Army 410 Wllllama and Bell wood; J. A. Rlmbaoh. itlt U Ol A.ea.elek 0:1&: H. 10: 7:10. HwedUb A Stanton; fipokan Arrnoe Eet Reyenteanth and a. a i 'il Aoauatana Rodnav .' and Rar. II. H. BaadatadL 10:41 and Hpokanei Rev. TX A. ThomDaon. 11 and f:io; 8. R. 10; C. IL. (:10. iiope juontavuia. Kat eeventy- eighth atreet. Iter. Henry la. Nave. & 8 10; 11 and 7:10. Kenllworth Uaat Thirty-fourth and piadHtone. . Hey. M C. Martin, paator. w. Ill' Swedlah . Mlaalon Aevantaenrti - and and oilaanj Hw.B. J, Thoran. 11 and II 8. 8.. 10; Y. P (:S0. ' ...... Klltrt Chi Del Xllrhlran avanna and Hkidmore, Kev. & J. Thorean. nt & a, Wllllara Paraono Calvary l-'aat rivhh and Orant. Rev. "rn'n. iu:iu q. n., i k N. MonrSi 11 and 1 7 1 0 S? at It: MlUard AvenuS-Rev. John A. Town- Jinmanu.l Mieda and Pecond atraeta. , M,l?ln?,I-.JR Ni. f1:""-,- ?rV R"V. K. H Black Preach Inc at 11 and 11 and T:4S; 8 8., 0:46; K. II. 7. T:3o; 8. 8.. 10? J rlndlw Out cub. I:U. ?oplca "Kalthfulneaa In That Which I Urace kfonlavlliB. P.ev. Albert EL I lmmanuel Oerman Comar lltb and r, A i5 Vow?a. ii F S ao (HellwW U. & Eballng. . l:lj fcpokwa. aV Aaltloon Lao 8. Orace Enrllah (Mlaaourl Nvfind Rerby and Farto. Rev. Carl Uaaaold, 10:10 and 7.S0; B. a. :0. " Nt. Johannea. feninautar arenua .nd tlat. tha aubject of tha leaaon ,-hllDlrj la;, -I. tba Unlvera Including Man, ly.iVtyV.yJly Involved hr Atomle ' Forced . Doea I will nr.- Kn k n Kvotvad by Atomio Forcer "Doee America Need the Modern School" will he tha aubject of tha eernion to b Se : livered at tha Uaitarla church, 8av. anth and Yamhill atreeta, by Itav. Wil liam Thureton Browa. ' ? Trinity church. New Tork. rich at ararybody crea beyond tha thoufhta af money valuea, la I2.1SS.S94 la debt Contrary ta ita former practice, it bow telle la lta annual re porta the vejuee of Ita pronertlea, ita income and Ita , dta. ' Ita report of , laet , yaar, . Juat leaned, valuea product! oned at 111.117.000. of which -oot la real aetata at aaaeaaed , According to Now York true value of thia real 110,000,000, but no on who Iblako It aniaht b that aum. Tha debta ar tha erection of bualneaa blocka. tenemnnta, thoee which wrorrl brought ocandal parleh. . hav been torn them, and today nobody can alngle Trinity tenement with reproach Practically all are far better than or dinary ona. ' New buildlnia for rental are erecUng . In order that real aetata may ba productlva. Tha Income from real aetata renta laat year waa $7tl,- 1(1. 80 many pewa In Trlnltya 10 Patch. 11 and I: 8. H.. il: Youna Peo. f '" ' Prayer meeting, xnuraoay even ng. SuMeota: -"One Body. Many Mem- nio jeeua. - A. Ieonard will Breach both aervtraa. 11 and 7:10: & a, 10; a r. p. ik i. Bunnyalda Oermao) Forty-fire t and iiawuiorne: b, a. t:4a. conraa wyaa, puperintendent. mx. johna (Oerman) Ret. Karl Fold rlnity ijakota a treaty Rev. A, Rob- ?r$S2! n 11 j. m., 7:0.p. .n.1 C. &..: tS?XU& irnaiwLwmnt and Mi.t.Mth, r.u? n1 Ivy atreet, Rov. B.. A. B rrinitv neon & 8 Vernon Wya-ant and' Era: Nineteenth 1 Rev. ueonre w. Arm a. Jr. 10:10 and 0; 8 B-. 11: C, K., I, Roae City Park Eaat Forty-fifth and nancoca: aervlcea. 11 and 1:4a. Rev. noun 1 not Beely. v:ninaaa M6H Flrat. 7:41! a 8.. :48. Oregnry Helghta Heventy-thlnl and treeL 3:10 and 1:11. . New Church floclety (Bwedenborglan) Eleventh and Alder, Knlahta of py thlea' halL Iay eervloe and eermon, 11. PortUnd 'jVallowabip 8alllng lurach nau, en. tn. T. W. C A. Rev, Will aoeek at I o'clock Chrletian and Mlaalonary Alliance EX Ninth and Clay atreeta. Rev. C. A. ermona oy ratter of lecture on raham. re jurn.a miaeionary, . Common! Meeoua Mlialoawtl North Front atreet Bpeoltl aervlcea, 1 and L Penlel Mlaalon 114 Madlaoa atreet. ASTORIA CENTENNIAL -GETS LARGEST FLAG POLE. IN TiE WORLD 1 n no innvpf ULU01I 191 tt. I. Chlneee ariaatrmORl Wurnatda atreet a B3 T J. O. Melon, auperlntendent Flrat German Fourth and MtlU Ray. J. KratfO 11 and 7:30: 8. 0:4ft. OataoUa. Bt Mary Pro-Cathedral. tod uavia Moat Key. Low inaaa. t. I and 0. Illah aerraon. 1L, Veapera, lnatrucUoa oeneaicuon, i:t s. eeaa. nae-1 eervtcre 1 and I n. m. ID. 10:40.1- The Churan nt UnA lit Wntllna atraat. WllUama ave-IRev. J. T Neal paator Sunday arv. Bervlcea at 1L 1.J0 and 7:10. . l:IO teitlmony and p'ralae meeting at 1, r.vanee leal Rvnrwt ilarmaA . TTamll. t T al r lJlik .ml Ti.Im .Irui. nan... fiaap firavi rr.iv na. Mminii n. h. Pirkin. vaitirirtiia a 1 maia. Srott carllne. a a. lit, paator. Berv-llng tor men at I addreeaed by Henri toe at III a EL. 10. 1 A, Atklnaon. of tha labor and aoclaJ . ' I aemce qepartmont at the congregation 8eveath-Zay Adventlat. I'1 phurph of North America on "Church Central church-Corner gaeventh and ?r' farM h WelUg the- ,rA.MkuS.S,r -""t ' Mrltual .ocTv, A.ky Mall, .Kk-k "1 , . , I " mma oaornaon koniiriDCfi a wmiu .mw., w w . medluma tnaetlna.lt lecture. Air. m.; . eunaiy nignt 1 iiati i. 1 " ?hH.t7.nS:"r? XZf'rf" VAr?hI Rollglon-Barmon. at I and ?ML JSSS-.Si .-W'C . ... -' munTon BervkM! preaching. ' and by J. L G Grumbln. aubject "Com 1 wri a, ja. ai . inn. pu' J Second Oerman Morrla and Rodney. riB.W:7ri.,.. .w -.a tV w.i".. !-.. Roaeoucjan Fellowehln Society. . Ill va property Rev. Frederick Bueerman. 11 and T :3 0 : rT,Ku. ti .T V.', "A" "1. '' isaat bui-k aireet. Marquam building Interpretation of tha tll.Stl. 16. . .0:46; Y. P. U-. 0:4(. . Lew ruu! t il.h m, .nd '.. m V 7f.,K- fcH!L. "a...' f.55r4.'1f.. .RoaecuoUa phllo. valuaUon. rorty-rirtstrtorner Eaat lt.,0i veenera. benediction. 1:10. ' WcdneedZV Vta-IT Tlta4""'" '1"T'nm.Tl '. ... practioa. tha ti a. 8U Fr.1. J5..t El.venth and Oak- Mount Tabor huch--Chapl Port- taton"at"r.t jT itt lUte la about chHatiat, "A VouSi Hellaion 5 B,T'. i H. Black. Low maaa, I, 1 11 land aanltarium. A. M. Dart, paator, Datter pay fainti (Mormon) Eairt can bo found C iZSu 1 M eiaon." a 'S. Ij; High maaa and aermon 10:10. reaidenc. 118$ Kaet Btark Vtreet Ser Tenth MaTMarman atrioU T Saryio'a, purchaaad for 11 and 7:loY a .tP. u! 0:10. XV!?' t":tlon and benediction, vlcca j Kahbath achool. I p. m.; preach- 11:45 and I. 8. 8.. 10. . , ' . incurred for Moiio. Olivet-Seventh- and Kvaratt ' t , s ' 57 tf ! W Mtinft WilikaW ."WMf-w Ail Aid I Kev. it IL Thomaa. 11 and 7:10. I r.W -"- . -;". . 1 fu.myaiuw i. c . cieoua vaoiri(iuvni All Ola I "'.;,'' 4.". a.T. I Rev. J. O. Huahea. low mam. 7 and I Alblna i-hnrrh rnn... ummim ..x anil nth atrr .. . . . . rightly rrfySfTtada, IMI iiT Wl l f."4 rmon.' 10:10. Mallory avenue. H. Ha.f ft, a-tor" I. Roa City Spiritual aoclety. Drew t tho temoua Jjay, p no V " Va-para and benediction 7:10. I ld-nco 601 fca.t Iverett atreet Service: Second atreet. near Morrlaon. down. all. of tabernae fcaet Vortv-flrat and Hoi. ,lch1" (lullaa). Fourth and Sabbath achool, 11 a. m.; preaching. 11 8pll aervlcea from I to I; free dla- polnt to a 1 8, a. 0:41.. Bermono by Rev. Robert fIf,,rJMIU' ,"r"- Lw maaa. .a. m.; prayer meeting,. Wedneaday f"'0" nd teeta; lectur at , Dr. Bt , I Qray. iuh mm ana earmvn, y eepere 1 uiprni, t:w. laaanm ana airrerent meaiuma. 4 4 4 4 r 4 ' What la oonatderad tha talleet one-plec flag pola In ih world 4y baa been preaented to the Aator- la Centennial by Tha Whitney 4 Company, Limited, of Portland. 4 Tha ataff la 111 feet and fiva In. chea tall. . It la II tncbea In di ameter at tha butt and It Inch 4 at th top. - . Thla lmmeni pole waa found in the Blind aolugh of tha Whit- ' 4 nay company in Clatiop county. 4 It la yellow fir, and baa no de- r feot Tho atlck waa pronounced 4 8 perfect piece of timber, and tha 4) carpenter haa mada It Into ona 4) of tha flnaat flag pole In exist- 4 enra. The nest hlgheit on record a la ona at BeatUa, which pola waa 111 feet Tha third talleat ataff 4 known la tba ona at tha Foreetry '4 building In thta city, which li4 111 feet IM IU UtlOUM ATOLD PACIFIC U t Rev. J.J. Staub. Portland, Will iviaKe Aaoress June zi to. Graduating Class. ; ' r '., rffped.l nitnatek t The loaraal.) ' i ' " - ' racirio .Unlvecalty. Foreat Grova Or June lTExamlnatlon wera flniahed yeaterday at Faclflo unlvaraity and all la In rcadlneaa for commencement To night tha advanoad atudanta In tba con-" aervatory of mualo will appar In recit-. aia in tha colleg chapel. Tha reaulta or a meitra work will be nr.a.nrad .land aome of tha beat eamnnairtnna Tha flag ataff will ba aracted ; 4 on tha programa for tha two concerta. on Bunday at 11 an. tha 'baccalaura- , ata aermnn will ba preached by Preal-1 dent W. N. Ferrln In tha Flrat Coilgr. gatlonal church, and at I p. tn.' tha an nual addreia before the riiriaii.. and -hAta k.v. aprivad at a afnrt. .-a lii.iii... im l - ,u k .... - . w w. . . - . , -w 1 vi.uv ) ill. am 1 1 w in . w if a . nil , . . and work of aetttng.tha pola la,. 4) Bmlth. recenUy of China.., Tho aenlor claaa daw ea-rlaa . ba held Monday at I o'clock n. m an tha campua and will conalat of epeech. . in tha city park at Aitorla. Tha flag for It baa bean presented t tha - City of Aatorfa by Phil Metachan. Thla fUg la II feet wtda and 10 feet long.' Both flag now In prograaa. .Tha ataff will 4 Third Itnott and Vancouver. Rev, W. J. Heaven. 11 and 7:41; a -. 10; . X. P., U. 0:16. r K ethadla. Taylor FtreeV Rat. Benjanttn Youna n. D.. 10:30 and 7:4: b. b.. i.:i: k. 1... church ea and ohanela are free that new 1 1:41. Mornlna claaa. 1:10. Dr. J. Wi renu brought la only I1I.IS. People Fletcher, Seattle, aermon. morning, v who belong and who worahip In Trlnity'a churchea and chapela contributed laet year 101,190; a.larg aum when it la remembered that only two of tha 10 are attended by people of even th mid Ol grade, -and none of them by the tr. Cudllon.. 10:10 and 7:46. 8, olaaaea that belong to St Tnoma. St 1 Children e day exeroleee. enlng aaored concert ehorua eholr, Rob ert u. careon. oi rector. Trinity Eaat ITarrlaon and Hemlock; Kev. W. iw inga-ia, 1. inn r. 11, 1:10; 8. a. 10; claaa meeting, ililB. Grace Twelfth and Taylor, Key. John jcpworin and benediction. 7:00. Immaculate Heart of Mary, Wllllama and Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. Law maaa, 0, I and 0. High mae and aer mon, 10:10. Veapera and benediction. TilO, Aacanalnn, Montavilla Rev. J. P. Ftupatrlck. Meaa at S. Hlch alaaa with aermon at 10:10. Sunday achool at 0; benediction at 1:10, . 8t Patrick !, Nineteenth and Eatrler Rev. K. P. Murphy. Low maaa. I. High maaa and aermon. 10:10. Veanera and benediction, 1:10. Real Palm, from Je ruaejem will be given out . St Stephen', Vorty-aerond and Ka.t Taylor Rev. W. A. Waltt Low maaa, 1:10. High maaa and aermon. 10:10. Holy Koaary. Eaat Third and T!nlnn Vary Rev. A. 8. Lawler. Low maaa. a f and 1:10. High maaa and aermon. 10:30. Veapera and benediction. 7:10. Sacred Heart. Mllwaukla Re, nr.. gory Uoble, O. 8. Uf lw maaa I. High maaa and aermon, 10:30. Veapera and benediction, 7:80. Holy Croaa, Tjnlveraltv Park Rev. J. P. Thlllman: fl S. f" ftar ma a-sA lSpworth-Twenty-lKth and Bavl.r "'rb.ne'dlcUon. 8 oTl-K U 7 C l utin'.Zkyl Redeemer.- Portland and Van- . . 1 . . - - uu, w uibiw, o. mgn maaa ana aermon. lo:so. benediction, 4. St Andrew'a, Ninth and Albert Rev. rhomaa Klarnan. Low maaa. 1. lll.h la part by the country church bureau Forty-aecond avenu-Rv. Aa Sleeth. ."kIwL . Y?"' lnstrw- f k-:w. R wii.- of g'r'iS.-rC 134? xum Doara wur am among ma iecturera. I Norwarlan Tmnlah corner vanootiyet ujuuon, iv.bvi BartholomaWa or Graca perlahee. Trin- league 0:41. Topicas Tn T mo,r Ity narlah haa lltl membara. a aam r?w . Church;- evening. Dr. John H. a . . .... " . " .1 ItMAflhAf ' . . . ... - wl utc 1 .no iiOy C , itev. J urn launuo, 14 u , B. S.. 10 T. F.-M- 7. Scandinavian ehiireKarlar. adnlnv. Johnson, reaidnnco, Arleta. Sabbath achool, 11 a. . rn preaching, 11 a. m.; prayer meeting, Wedneaday night, T:I0. .L?.1.,i churcb C. F. Folkenbarg, paa- L' 7 w tiervicea: tMDDatn International Htbla atudanta. Portland aervlcea. Oddfellow' halt, Eaat .Sixth and Alder atreeta. Bible lee son. 1:10 p. tn.J dlacouree, I p. tn.. by O. It Joy. bl jonna servicea. 1111 Mnutn nraa. ham atreet Dlecouree at 7:10 by Wil liam A. Baker, aublect "8010000 and auniMJi, 11 m. m.: nreachlna 11 a m I . ' "...r, .uujwi avivne. oraver meeting WKd-VJ,l..,e??A, Bymbology of the Oreat pyramid." Seventh Day Adventlat chureh?"-i:aL.."J.t,co"til Mlon. corner Flrat and Eleventh an EverStt afre?a7 Bong 'Vtcn tracta-Barvlc.a 11, -11:10 aervlc 7:41 p. m.; preaching. I p. to. ' MW-i r, . .a At Albany and Auburn Kplaoobal had Praabyterlan in In latere respectively hav opportunity to atudy at Bummer achoola. new problem . connected , with - their work. Th Albany achool waa atarUd three or four ye&ra ago, but tha Auburn.' Rev, ueau'.ii un j. uaviuiicu acnaoi mere, la 1 s. D. nu :o; nt. i new thla rear, the data beina Juiv ia. aervlcea. morning: Rev. fiunnvairia Kaat Yamhill and Thirty- flftl: ftev. WlUlam It Fry. D. IX: 11 and 7:su; E. 1. :io. - '- Bt Johna Rev F. W. Sandfur 11 and I; B. L.. 7; a s.. i. M. J. Bailey, n.t.- - t . v .. . . aarmnn. avaninar. . uw i.a,ia warn in ia year ia tne irw: r"1 .-".v."r rr.t. ni aiml rUrah and .).. ... ' CI1WHM ailBBlOn V-Oa a -. " conduct"' and userulnesa will ..ba given, Laurelwood, ' Blxty-thlrd atref and traltei B rethrew la atrial Radical Sixth and Mectianic, Ray. 0 rr,A'. WrUn- 11 and 7:10; a BL. 10; Flrat Rev, Plsrah Mlaalon. Draw- halt 1(1 Ban end aireei z -o OlOCK. The ' Florence Meade Mission cirole, Of ladles of. tha congregation of tha Irvlnrton-HOiIadsv aectlnn. enmnnsad of ladlea of tha congregation Of tha Unl- III A 4Mat a . . a. aa a. Iv 8BM I a VI 0 l'S Vtll I I1 ai r mna 8.Tjtiainvi i a..MK n- .a. .. .w at a-i -a w-iai, . -t r. ' - ar,,"v ywifaiifi wuren vi 1 luin X. B. nnOWiri 11 mnA 7 1Q R M I 1.AM . dM.M...A a- ai.l rr-C a 10 C fr at -aft w 1 at unuui idiu mwunv i nurRua Aihr.n ir.: or.a. . iiiwtoom ii to nom or Mrs H KITH ) i i. i ' o ' i : 7, ' ' '.T. " eif-Q wm pe welcome. 7 ai!i.?v- Sp'rUuklfiTm-"!. . hon.KM. . t. ... . . . anaoclaUon meet In auditorium South Mt Tabor Slxty-Mv.nth atrat. Third atreet. Conference, 11 in' v'rCV.I'TB,nehr(1 ll and I; a 8.. Medium meeting. I p. m. Lectt iu. u tu., 7. demonatratlon by Rv, Dr. Kl m fur and Elma u. 11111 at nA mrr . n m. BTaaara-na. I rw.i..i. A.. v'nJ a....- v a ..a w.. J . . . I v,i.ir...i vawiviii: Avvniuuc VI Ulva in Flrat ChUrCh Of tha Mlama.. V.aj. I "tn M...la.aa T I,- a. . Sev"; Couch. Rev. c. H. Davla- P, m.. E. B. hall. Thlrty-aaventh and s. s :4; preaching aervlcea, ll and riwthorn avenue. Frank Roblnaon. iv iV i Vv a-rayer meeungieiaer in cnarg. vv...cvi7. i:oi aireei meeting. Unlou vuuc.uar. jaw- street meeting, " 'iu rurneia street, 7:30 p. m. tteilwood Church of - th Natartn gJrtfenth and Tacoma avenue, Rv. U f "ia."'"ii. o. o iws preaenmg arv '.ce, li a.nd 7:J0. Prayer meeting. Tu- TWIN TOWNS MAY MERGE THEIR SCHOOL DISTRICTS i aoclal problama. Thea BJ. L- 7. - . ' I gervlcea at 8 iS ll a';i ""u"."' ".rrl"i.Trf thaf.tha . Ma a W.taa. . -Baaak aaeao-aa ma nWT . .- V 1 aw inavu. A j ajtBtir I in ar a a Bl nn 1 11 I . priwriir r min- L u ,"-r''.,..".,,'u P- m. ;, bunaay achOoL m.ttn -r-,;.r.,.V I be reduced but alumni. Battled oaTSrt'antia and Rodnev: -f "1 Caruther: -I . . . i ' . . mora by oi oouraa, uauany at- R.v K. HerUlar. 11 and 8; 8. a. i , - united MaaTawftaTlaa. diatnota Third Kast Thirty-leVentn and Saal.l .Hull., til k ...- - . 1 . . T V ' . a,i. , a . Baw I fit. Stanlalana Tnll.t. I Uav, C TiaaV, 7:30, a----'", -....m-m nui vv iiih .u ivviai i .TPnu. ,aoa pmumwi. ---- ..... i - - m.ijiwia i u : . rat.... w . .. aervlce, and also to th ' nubllo - work. I J. Laraen, 11 and 8; 8. 8., 11. ana jpauing ay. charlea Seroakt Low ,,. "i ",",. . ., OI ".a waaarana, ..w vwxuu -wuus-waA VaAJ Vvl Ivt ill. ' aMlU I at . at A . 29 83 a) . fJ A I HYtl fin 1 - . . a a I l.ilU; O. O.. O.OV. . . I, er-"Vw-jp.--. also h given to ununtr achool ar later of Now York, in many state v.,- ... . - ! -.'.'.'-.; - ffait Plni mi Mnth t,::.,"..B' ,'-.HlPn. Ua , Tha Volunteara of America, etu eauington and Mrs. ar. hav decided, through neia council just bold li appoint advisory boards than five 'laadina- IHr.a kt ..s ia. I Wnndlawn William J. In Which vnluntaoi-a ha'va nnr,4.r.v.l. I find 7:30: 8. 8.. 10; J. li 8:30. pmiantnropio , work. . Buch hoard haa been found helpful In a few cities wher already appointed.: Th council alio named a board of flv member of volunteer organisation to aunervisa Bunday achool. Work, which Is growing among volunteers. Tha council learned that PhllanthrODiO work Of voluntoara has. mada much progreaa within tha . yeah - Almoet- 11.000 famlllea ware helped last year in tha poor aectlon. of large cities and 840.144 oersons wera fed with substantial meals, thla large nuraow not including tha tamDorarv ak bai I at ai nda ' awlaMa.a . a, .- aA. """- i vaiuiuvu si unnaLmaa t a-n. . w - a . . . Homos of Mercv eared for sooa .m.7 Patton Michigan avenue ana wpen- (gpeH.l IM.pttch te The Jotirtnt) ' ' Marshfleld, Or., June 1). Tha merr- atreet A. Wells. K. ti, in- nr..hin. I lnr Of the achool dletrlcte of North Band ervioea U and 7:30. Prayer meeting and- Marshfleld la a matter being con Wedneaday, 7:30. sldered hr a number af the eltlaana in. Boanainavian church Corner Eaat traad i. aA,i ..u i i. ...i...j expense of maintenance could vohtion and ba heard in Portland. M. W. A. TO HAVE PICNIC 0 4 4444444y444 '"d "tunts by member of tha class. At - , I" vciock an tna aame day tha finals in TO ATTEND CONVENTION llVSSl. OF SUNDAY SCHOOL nlrl' d Tna Sunday achool of th. Unlv;,- .,T.Ua:f:.i?il,"f 55! .n""L.,?" ' thit It ahA?lf reVch forward to Xli tli lat,B ""r chapel at th aam byra to attend tha International Bun- -WaP,Y. ..Ti,.! -id,,a,ia V aT... .2' . day School convention to ba held Id m- wttl lbfSiPi&'i? ' San Francisco nxt wk for lnnlratlon !my.T.V. A,TT" .,oh.n : and t aour tha bt method and U1k or Porti.-d t. . .? JL th met helpful ulpm.nt for th g? Vlo.roLra1L Jt 1Vt.h ' growing wdrk In Irvinaton. - raanion program of tha Philomath- Hnobla M. E. Naah. a prominent iJ!$& L?J" pUr' tTnltarlan Uyman of Bo.ton. Mas, ha r??8l,n"on nl .aI'." ?m?UB an Imporunt plac. on th program of " k! " .w. .,.f '-v.9 . . ' th convention, and It la axpao'ad that .f t?,- Bn- ' ba andvthara will eoma from tha on- If V!'?! ? of ? f"00!'? ,nm ' v.. r.iura .a KD-amni at p. IS. of the aam day.' .At 10:80 a. m. Wdnday tha arrauat- ' Ing exercises of th university will ba Ml himrtn n AnAinin neia in Marsn nan. Tha addreaa will , Ul TAUiriU U. UnUUNUd be delivered by R.v. j. j. euub, pester , t i . . .. of tha Sunnyald Congregation church (Speriil tHspstrh te Tee JearaaLt Of Portland. Tha annual business meet- Forest Grove, Or, June 17. Th Mod- Ing of th associate alumni Is called at" ra Woodmen of America of .Washing- 18 m, and It 1 p, n. th corporation ton county will .hold their annual plcnlu dinner will be held. ' In thla city June SL Th uao of the The laat affair of tha program la tha ' college campua ha been , of fared v th big eommsnrament eonoert In th rren. . Woodmen, and thl I -one of tha moat Ins. Mm. Paulina Millar Chanman win attractive picnlo grounds In tha state, appear In old ballade and aonge. Hutch- , Tha Flrat Battalion, uniform rank, M. inson. tha English pianist, Wagner, tha W, A., of Portland, will bo preaent The New York barltona In ballade and old -l committee has arranged for a number danoa mualo, ' and ' Professor Frank of amusement features, eomlatlng of I Thomas Chapman, violinist. In Hungart- ' ball games, foot raoea and other sports. Ian and Vlenneee music will oomnlete " All tha oamps or tha organisation In this tha program. - . . ' county will Join In tha picnic. I ' " i MINNEAPOLIS NOT TO USE PORTLAND FLOATS '"'" -n v V 3. K. Blakeiley of St Helena, Of... Minneapolis Will hot haa1 tha Roae convicted en a charaa nt avtnrtinn - Faatlvat floats that have been off ered I that plac aome time ago, waa arreated ' her for th Civic celebration bv Port-1 V as tarda V hv netaetlvaa r'.F-.Mfa. aad land. ' Manager Chapman of tho promo-1 Price- at Eighteenth and Waahinrton - Hon bureau of the Commercial club r-lrreet. -Toots" Blakaaiav. aa ha ia : cetived a letter today from Mlnneano- commonly known, Is charged with hav- -t lis thanking Portland for tha offer, but ing aaaaulted and threatened to kill ' aaylng plana for tha celebration had Stella Thompaonl 84H Morrlaon atreet '; gona so far It waa Considered unwiat The threat Is gild to. bav been road' , to ehang them at thl tlm. y Sunday. . , ... ma i nev. j. l jp.nann ia ani T-iin. a a- wUhOen- trru: Rev. De mer T. Tr.mbi. i u Ram.VyV Holy-'communlor't: "i ..a . Booth aa lead- Pa" "Uw5 l.A na sermon. 11 andO: Sunili t- ,t,. I league o, o.. .- - i acnooi, io. '"" "' rmujj iv:su. Hind- theJr grand ..0"p Babies Chrletian Baptism of Jn- r-hnrrh e n.,. Ing on the Buckler." tf. S.. li; t! w x Cleveland, to fjtnU and Children;'; Children's Dajr Vesperi. 4. Holy communion and sVr" t:A 7i5' l' exercises. ' of not fatrar UaAMm Ttuth rht'l Administration." I ' -, a.k 4...."'. "Ulon ."n'J eer I The Church of tha Mtranraia r...t.. 1 1 i ... ouuuiii ui. acn moatn ... .- a '.' - - . . in. i St at least 10000 a year If not th merging of th two school ! but tha plan. It I aald. prob ably cannot ba carried out until there I built a street car line to connect Marsh- field and North Bend and glv better wunnuuni, Twin- David's East Twelfth and Bel. tieth annlvrsary seryle. mont Rev. Henry Russell Talbott Holv Montavilla Eaat Pine and Eighteenth Communion. 7 -an .-, lilh ".J2 atreeta; Rev. Harold Ob;rg; li axd s; prayer and aermon, 7"4S. -".a 1. 8,,. 10; clasa meeting. 11; B. IcJTas. st Andrew's. Portsmouth t..v H-,ii-arnnd Kaat Kiiteentn ana xacowa. i anohaiHo. - ... . . . - . tav. Leater a Poor. U and 7:10; 3, a Mrmon77:80:u8. 10 a. nt' "rf ' M 10:80 and 7:10: k 8., 18; C. R. li Chria- bwin ir.fiuuavur, o:.u. CoquUle Sawmill Rons Again; . (Snertai Dlsostch te Tha JnnrnaLi Coqullle. Or.. June 17. The mill Of tha Coqullle Mill St. Mercantile company I p, Tne (Jiinton n.euy enwni rumwn ri. uampton. b. y 1 a. tnaall Rev. W. IV .an. ta v. n D., :o; ii wiu i.av, an. univerairy."ra,i'7J'" y!?. "" Kenton Derbv and TTttnatHotr ....... I haa reaumed on rat inn a afta (i.vin. h. s., lo.so. (been closed for reoalra. Tha eno-ina w.a-iwt h been overhauled and mada more Flret Engliah-jat Bi'xtn and Market 5fTa51.4 5! i' bef ...-.." m wiiuwviuH - ami JV Bmw 1 aummer. thia altej last year All Saint. Twenty-fifth .and Bavlar wtreetatF. B. Cnlvarfli and 7:30; a 8.. ul,,luS lk ?nOT,0B rwJtn.,' Rev. Roy Edgar Remington Holy Vim loi r- T- V I "tl1 Botn w,u operated all munlon. i a. m STSb TkV a . , i yJ!?- kemorlal East Fifteenth aaal Tih- Tha mill formerly onerated on ing service; evening aerv.ee'' 8. ' ' betts. Morris Heverling, 11 and T B. Swaa destroyed by an explosion U 0 Bit -a a. la ft A M I . ' I 1 A I - . . . . Rev W aJeffry. J.; 11 and 7:80 shalLRe v7 J. 'a'U Slmnaffm African Zlon ThfrCeenth and Main, fUcnarIat 7:80; a 8.79:46 Holy Rev. W. Matthews: 11 d 8; a 8, 1; T,t and srraon, 11;' .vensonga Cl HT T. MAn 7.fl first Rev. C, C. Rarlck. 11 and7;30; tt Hamey .Rev. U. 6:80; S. B.. OS. ' . 8; evening pra euchar and 10. Holv I norm jroriiano. ' tuermanj earner ; - i wanrY.rirai ann Mafrvavnv. . . . . Church Fifteenth T. F. Bo wen. fl braver and aermnn ; enepnera uranam and a. T . . - .. btocKer. b. at iv; aermon at 11 and 8: Y. P. 7:16. Flrat German Tenth and waa rebuilt recently. New Coroner for Coos. (Spadai tMtp.tcb to The Jenrael. ."da Cl'r'. Marahfleld, Or., June onrMl.) 17. Com Each of tba chief or gan f tba) body ia a link in tba Chain af LUa. A chain ia aa troagar thia In waakett link, tha body Ba arranger than ita reakeit araa. If thr is waaltaesa ai stamack, liver or !uas, thr I a weak liak in tha chain el Ufa which may inap at aay time. Often this so-called waakaais " ia eauiad by lack of nutrition, tha result of weakneii oV diicai f the) stoaaaoa and other or jane of difestioa - and nutrition. Diieata add : weakneete of tha atomaoh and its allied organ are cured by tha ol Dr. Piaeoa'i Golden Medical Disoovary. Whaa tba weak ar diseased stomach la eared, dieeatei of other orans which mm remote from tha Stomach but wbioll have their orijia ia a diieaied eonditioa af the stomach aad the erjaas of 4ieatioa and autritioa, are cured alia, Th0 Btfmg mum Jnm m tfi Btomack. Vasa fan ara Mmm9aa0VDUen air" aa roar mTf m afroaj araaae .... ac mm a aoaaf My, Onrax Away. Dr. Piero' CooiBaoa Sent Madiesl Advitar, aw reviied Edition, la sent frtt oa receipt of stssapa to pay axpeaee of mailing ssjr. Send 21 eae-ent stem pi for tha Book ia paper covers, or 31 stamps for the eloth-beand vol Baa. Addreaa Dr. R. V. Picrea, Buffsle, N. Y. ; a I Hhllknaa.hf lft-lK and T'lA. B O a.iT I " T " . - " judge nail haa appointed Fred WUson TJnltea BvanreUoaX " I" coroner to tag the place of Dr. a First Eaat Sixteentn and rnniar. I E. Golden who has resigned the office. Rev. a S. Mumeyi 11 a. in. and -7:80 I fr. Golden wa serving his second term! . -- ,--.-.---.,-. i a a ,a I w Du.u.ru vruism ana van. ana almost 40.000 lods-iflsrs war lven i"v"."-" " - " - ' S"."v." .n'..nB wawson. ll and In th vaar .' In tha madl.t di.n...i.J '-7.' -a nA n. w ? IA AAA I XeU LS CQVVIJ 1.11 HHUVV. new cues were 1 707 old ones cared eor. 000 eases In all. ' - Nearly 1 ban una , eons attended th indoor Sunday and week night meetings, and 8.70.000 the f outdoor j meetings. Tha Prisoners' j Wa.lavan Oleaaon rtJi .mT U KW! If iTMa ll' a -fc2JSn ChPJ-Portland Height, S B.. 10. Keyaton , league, In the office but expect to leave thl! ll' ' f0yA Moor " ' 101 a B-G8r.r!:M.mnH.i , . Af?!? Knitvor- :0' Blttner. city for anoth.r location. Wilson, la an . or almost 82.-17. 'a I Grace, Memorial, East Seventeenth leader- . 1 drtaka m. m tvowwim;-. u, wi - anu Yeiaer kov. Ueortre B Van Wi. 8.. 10; B. L.. 8:85. tera. JPrayer and sermon. H and 7:80. Oak Grove Rev. Jamea T. Moora. 11 8t. Pauls. Woodmere, Rev. Oswald ; W. id 8rS. a. 10 j Taylor 8. S.. 2; service. 8. W B)liu -aucaejiw i..j- la-.;: a .rr i r . 51?jT:raTv"-t" 7 wiiraT- - dib"p jm.o.tj Memorial chd V, A a. ...aa. ? hAA . . . I B 1 aad II O fit til- " T. U . 7. I nAH..18 -k.-1l. 1 "T- ""r.: 'f'uuw ""noers, ana or ais- ".ik.V.Y.? .nd 1 Ockley Green Gar and ' Wlllamatta Rev. J. Bowersox. 11 and 8: a S.. 10: C 13., 7. . St Johna ivanhoe and John. Rev. charged prisoners going under volun, teera oars, 78 per cent ar living re- w uvea, my correspondence and we voiunteera are In touch with 80,000 men who are today behind prlaon bar. t DfitxrAll , ArSanlnly. tr.l. . . ' a - . . ia-aT wa a. ajBAas.uaca.Adia . r 1 111 v a 11 in m Patton Alberta street andJiicnigan 7 m.; wrd semces. 3: May.; anTS Bishop Mo.-ris Memorial chapel,' Good C. P. Yates; S. a, 10 pre Methodist John A. Melton CAJUnBJTTXB AJTS BXTZZaOxTJI alaakaa ata.J a aATl 1. 4kg B . PORTLAND LAWYER WEDS atriet, . RALEIGH COLLEGE GIRLl Phonet Mala 1787; A-1787.. undertaker of thla city. fkyM Office and Store Flztarea Built . and remodeled. , Altering and ' repairing bouaea. ., Show Cases and Counters built avenue. Rev. R. 8. Mvers. . preaching. 11 and 7:80; a a. 10. B. 1. ;so, CnrUHnn. r-.,.tMLi Trout TwentTetn and Sal. mon; 11 and 8; Bible achool rally 8:45. special eong aervwea. ,jt. j. . unorm- ley. r-. . .S : Koaney Atnur-vi en W- .ai baatAa, ' O J R ea WI aermon. 7:15 1 St John's. Bowen. S. 6, sermon. 3. St iMlchael and All Angels, aiuwaakle. Rev. tJ V. ; evening prayer and First. Rev. (Special Dispatcb te The Joo jf-orest .urove. ur., June 1 irnaLl 7, thurs-1 LAFFFRTY Wnill n ccc . PRESIDEMTS' HOME HERE ErtTRUs? r Tba Commercial dub has written let-1 Flrt Corner Park ' and Columbia. ra to Oregon's reDreaantatlv. . -is. "Mutual Christian ' Helpfulness," - . . .. I .- ' . ' m x rv. I l. . V.M. ing um 10 support a tlan un. TTempi or w, 1-0..-. - by Mlnneapou. Md It PaSha" Sermon to Portland Chiropractic St. church East Ninth and Mill, B. F. Smaller, castor. Evanaalla. fit pi?Sni5" ,. i T?dJs aV.1 nit flAjr vnln Raleisrh, orH Misa Vivian ,n.c7ond- ohu"chlElatMFlandera. b H0 15? ?rid Samuel R East Thirty-eighth and Broadway., Rev. streets. Rev. Wilbur N. Coffee. 11 and hV?1 of Tualatin Adadamy, Officiating. G"ld C. Potts, curate7;80 and 11 Holy 1:80; S. 10; ?lass mesUng, 1:80. JTh wedding occurred at th horn of th j , , .1 ttu jonna 11 ana ?:su. gr-e asking . - - - ' Milan, ffradllfttes mi. a hidiw noma ror .tiia, na. vv,..?:-"::. .-... -nr-i-u. &ElA f.tha T?l.t a....:r V" WOOOiaWll ot. urr-a u . au a, . . ... i.ai.ico "uuBieu atl.n 7:30: B. B.. iu; Ki. tx. :u. v. . - . - a Tt ar .. 1 1 aa iwv, a. n. miliary, dbp pas tor: S. It S.. 10; Preaching 8:80, tJt MJnnetonVa, which would In effeot M4l.dator7e ' ..Wo aania as a summer capital. All I vices 11 and 7:30: Bible school, 10, a tt representatives m tha . fit. John. Lively street j, boos from.thls .Ute have agreed P 1 sapport th plan excepting Congress- ' . Mai A irf y tir. A V v . . I rrJaT k7J:.' 1?!". Mr- and Eightieth atraat : 8. ft. 10. Preach - "'r w"lM! m cjuo saying he in ji and 8, Rev. G. K. Berry, VAted on thia coast, although nsai mat tmpoasiDie he will xlo JUtk Mlnnetonka plan.' Congregational. Madison and Park. Rev. JJyOtt. D. D. 11 and 1.AK. BCnOOl IO. , T'nntxa .V-!.-. IIHcld anrl nl.,i lH ir ' . ..."" v. . ... , iua, vi Ajrea. a S in -weiaon; 11 and 8; S. S..: 10. 11 . . Laurelwooid Rev., William S. S., 10 and 8;C E.. 7:16. " -rrV'';. Sunnyald East Tavlor and . - tn-t ' Thirty-second. Rev. J J, Staub; li and i .to. : o. o., iv: j. Bef ormed. First German Thirteenth and Davis I bower of 'rosea bride, and" was witnessed by relative and schoolmates Of the contracting par ties.v The wedding party stodd under a in the orchard. . The streets, G. Hafner, .pastor. . Servloea Um- . Z.a - v... ..T,' I K. y-JQ a. m.l I " aw " ... nuira ataaa. una. 10:45 a. m. and 8 p. m., V. f. a. u. t p. m. ' oest man, , Mrs, utwrenca haa lived for . v . A . ' Church of Our FatTier TamhUl and a number of-year at Raleigh. - She at- ChlCaffO . . .,.$ 72.50 P.Pv 5' minister emeritus. 11. -,. .ha R.iiin.),.m w.at, St ' Irkiiia . . ? . . . . 7(1.110 63.90 line, Miss Jessie Klncald Of Portland, was bridesmaid, and Robert Imlay waa best man, Mrs, Lawrence has lived for! S. 8., 9:45,' Sermon by Rev. William . . w w- eepting Congress- r:JTn.T rt O. F.. Gliian atreet Hassalo, aiiu-u - nuuuusuB laaiarviaivy .ana . IB y : - ' graduate of the Bellingham. Wash., nor- Du ' LOUIS C fl'l; V(n.lnlThralnn ftrnwn - 'TWlaa inurfaa XI.. I BUtl BOhOOt' Mr. L&WrnCe lS B .TradU. I . VRT johnson: ddress, Miss Lydla A, Finger, Chicago; th Modern School" at cf, Paolfto unlvrlty and th law d-OU 1 faUl ig at 11 and " ; J. jauaniesB or a christian, . I partment of the university of Washing- I r-l ft Bl 81 a I s R rVAaa4 . A at -. art a. 1 .0.01 aataaaaieV I . . a a a a. a a. . m, . . . w. wnii ai racmo o was a noted aVter:1s8CPnv.,!r0St J5,,t7M,L Hall athlete and waa prominent In all atudent " Have.Your Ticket Read f 'Burlington" Low Round Trip Rates East Montreal , .$105.00 t . . .. nasaaio tsweei eaat Reventn aand J. M. Lowden. ChJM .r.r.leo. winnlnn. aA.. . . v . - v.' i viwub 11 ana 7:210. wigiuanq East sixth and Prnscott Z.ttTo-WVn "ft? r affairs. The marriage Is the'cul- Omaha and Kansas City . . . . . . . . . MUNLY WANTS PLACE ; UPON 'SCHOOL BOARD ' Judge M. O. Munly, president of the North East Side Business Men' clubs ha announced his Intention of becom ing a candidate, as a member of the school board at the election to be held M outlay, Jun 18. s : f , . 1 Judge Munly waa for 10 years nrlnH. pal of tha high achool at Scranton, Pa and has for many years been interested In educational mattera. It was through tho effort of his club that the flnast hlKh school wst of th Missouri was constructed on the east side, sa well a the reconstruction of the Williams Avenue school and other . educational uni'i vvniuenis. , , v " ' '.- ' - He ctands for mora modern improve, iwrnt, it. greater efficiency in educs i.i.l matters, economy In everything pe rwilpjng to the schools and a more r'aaliike adminiatration. . 1 1 rou k k un 1 1 1 n cok 11 m s - . 1 e. t a . m.i a.Ttrn a t . a . . 1 TninflTinn cir m rnminns' vn nn , nan irii ri. a. ! K ton atreattTa iV fe' n l?1' aupport eerviee, io:a io 11 v. " First (Jerman-East .h i. -a Ta --,--.svV. "-"M.rr.,- rT' riLr' AUanUC V.11V . . . . is., :; evn,..a ,Brt. ...v. . ; stanton, .Roy.-John H. SopVt'ioTsaT ,--a M-STT .i"K.-a'i .i'1,' Jr".'"T.".: ... v-.- ? - I 7:80; 8. S., 1:16; C. E., 8:30. ': 1 " I -.-"rdi7tra" .1- tT .W"WT f.-w"M,w' w rsn H-JMrnora e V .e A , unlveralty Park Haven, now Daw- rim. .S . r R i-M arwrney. . r. I . . Flrs.t PresbyterTan'cnurcn. Alder and son, Rev. tf. CVKantner,- pT;H 1 . a 1 ; V, , DfttTOll - T.wei"1 : JtV.-"-., "1' Air",?..9,'.. J. 7. Morn- u and 7:30: Bible chdol. 10. ; 108 8. 8. Delegatea at Wootfbnm. 1 iwi nrnmr wuibuiui aw w v uiuia atnuut 1 aiibx. ivu r aai 1 1 1 1 er 1 1 1 1- ins vu nrm uk Aa - -. . , -. 1 - . 1 " - . . . '60.00 110.00 102.40 107.0 81.00 New .York' Philadelphia Portland, Me. ... . Rochester . . Washington ... ; Denver, Colorado 1 , . Springs -V7T.7 55.00 108.50 103.50 110.00 91.35 107.50 Miss trrn A v.. . v. T. . m i.m,. if . .1.- I a-itmMl. aM.4ta - I ttvuuwtaaai, Vlt uu a rfr A it .lMr4Vil I tT. vc..t.nnm.t. ' I County Sunday School association met Memorial Congregational; I Rev.. E. H. Mowre, 11 and 7:80; 8. a. I in Woodburn June 18-14. Of the etete '""""T" 'c'Yr2u-."tet' Topic, "The Complete Man." Even.! Wo 12:10: Christian Endeavor meeting. 8:80: of JeeuS; evening worship. 7:80. Gospel praise I Chicago, service . 7:46. Tonics: "The Sofrltual 1 Atkinson Rankirround:". "Facing the Realities of East Twenty Life." . : R.v. Herbert G. Crocker. fl. 810; wor: ina: address by Dr. Hs. Wallaoa Mlspan Eaat xweirin ana roweiL I snip, li ana 7:30. - . . 1 . . r . : ' "evening. Rev. Harry Leeds. 11 and 7:30; a 8 10: C. Ev, 8:80. , 1 .-: Calvary Eleventh and Clay, Rev. Thomaa Holmes Walker. 10:30 and 7:45. Bible school, noon. Topics, "The Flippant and C. Key of the JEClngdom; afrlwolfuia" - - Fourth First and Gibbs; Rev. Donald Mackensle. ; 10:80 and 7:80 a a, 13; C. hi., e:sv. Waverlv Heiaht. Twentv-atrth '.d Clinton Birvaia, u. a.- vinv naat. , . . ..... a.... vvursiiiir li una i :: a. ., iu. .t Pilgrim corner Missouri and Rhnvai- Bireeis. rrewuui u 11. a. H-.' 9:45; I Xvanaalleal Bvnod. St Johannes. German. Hamilton Halt hear Gray's Crossing Rev. , G. Heeaa. nervioe at i; a. a., iu. Bt James 1 Jefferson. laatheraB. f English west Park and 1 Ulan . T ... .. . . . Marshall Street Marshall and vsm-m I flimdat achool. 10 a. tn. r .11th At l.a... o . v. . xj -i ti 11. . r 1 . .r- 0 v" o.riuiiwuii t. ... . liaia. ji ana I I V. III.- 7:80. tetania Danlah 840 Union avenue it. Hawthorne Park Twelfth and Vo.v I Ttv. J. Hcott. 11 and ft: R H in v..n. Taylor; Rev. J. E, Jmyder et 10:80 a. j Swedish Jmmanuel Nineteenth and m. anu o. x. tr. a. a, m., vnnaren s daylirving. 11 anu 0; o, p., :(,. ;. "uoservatlons onl unitea xvorwegian 46 N. Fourteenths Workers, there wore present Rev. Charles A. Fhlppe of Portland and Mrs. Clara O. Esson of Forest Grova There were 108 delegates, rep re lent ing 10 de nominations. Forty-two sohools ' wer reported with a . total membership of 4188. -The following county tof fleers I were elected for the ensuing year; Preel- DATES 'OF SALE May 22 to 25: 27 to 29. June S, 7, 9, 10, 12. 16, 17. 21,, 22, 28, 29, 30. July 1 to 6; 19 and 20; 26 to 28. August 3 to 5; 14 to 17; 21 to 23; 28 to 3a September 1 and 2; 4 to 7. ; v ; : ' v -October 12 to 14. , 1 exercises. - morning: the Way to and From tba General As sembly, even Ins. Ball wood and Outatibaln: Detmar Xarsen. 11 and 7:30iS. 8, 8:41. . kuon' ' uermas cbunua Services for the Saaf. and wt.c"Sevy RoVVa".! J f aent u 11 OUbort, Salem; vie presl- and WaSCO, ROV.-8. lrlDuBola, 10:80 Id.- Ji n -Anderann. Balantt a,a. . ?L". 'Uv-.l,,:.iu"S M.OM.Hall. Ol... aI. ivtrs. f. u. metcaix. iodic a hi, i- ... duhhi, Boat" a , ' I superintendents of departments of - I teacher training, J. w. Feathers, Wood- Ohrunaa Bolenoa. - . I burn:, elementary. .Maraunrtte Tnnintt rirei jiiui i;n vl iurii iLiKuiventn. Haiamvnnma and trial tatinn a n Una.. 2??ln .r'"'","'- Turner; temperance and good citlsen: t. Tf;.;;;: - T1,..;.:wr, hip. C, B. Hirruon. HaselvUle: adult Evolved by Atomic Forcer Wednesday. wiacaeroy, Nuuverton; jnieslon. venlng meeting, 8 p. m. " I Ada La than, 8al era; advano division, llJuiiiiHMh ; October 18 to 18 te Denver and Colorado Springe only. " ,4 - - ' -''Final return limit October 31. - . - Liberal stop-over and diverse route arratige :' . JL- ' " ments. - 1 ' ,' ' A.C SHELDON. General Agent, .," " v C. B. & Q. R. R. , v ' 100 Third St., Portland, Or. ' . ' : BaMniii.iWl w't -bAlL East Sixth a F. Qlening, Salem'