The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 17, 1911, Page 7, Image 7

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' Washington Grand Lodge Se
' lects Site for' Institution
.' for Aged and Infirm.
' ' V llnwUI DliMtek ta Th. Journal! ' J
- ' TtooniL.Wuh. June li.liv unanl
mous vot the Maaonlo (rand, lodge of
.Washington haa decided to locate th
. Maaonlo horn for kited mwottri,
j widow end orphana at Puyallup, wherrf
. a It 5.000 sit baa been donated.
Th Masons et.Puyallsp had bran n-
;s deavering to gat tba home located thr
for aoma ttm. - Th alta la owned by O
Dowa McQaeatou and la known as tha
Olaaer property. It la directly south ot
I Puyallup and Includes 20 sores.
Tha alta la said to bo on of tba moat
, beautiful In tba entire valley. .From It
tba Olympic mountain, tha city of Ta-
coma and Its harbor with Its shipping
rrmy om seen on me wni. un in norm
. lies tba city of Puyallup and the foot
hills around Edgwood. On tha aaat may
, be seen the city of Sumner, tha 8tuck
river, the Puyallup rtyer. tha Cascsds
. mountain range and the Puyanup val
ley leading up to tba clttea and towna
; at Aidarton, McMlillan . and Alder.
id.aho mm
. Southeastern Idaho Comes to
the Front as Home of Al
, falfa Honey.
::h ml
;). p,
i: . J; fit : in) H;'f
Ll --r i - "' - " m., -- ftOS
(8pdal Dtoaatck te Tb AnraeM
Welser, Idaho, Juns IT. It Is re
ported that tba members of tha Idaho
.Bee Keepers'' association operating
largely In this section of tha state, will
market 100 tons of extracted honey this
season, most of It going to Ohio and
southern states. Two carloads of bees
bar recently been purchased for mem
bers of the association.
Southeastern Idaho is said to be tha
greatest honey producing section of tba
country, the conditions of soil, climate,
altitude and the production of fruit
blossoms, clover and alfalfa all being
favorable. Tha bees lira said to be less
subject to dlseasa In tba dry climate of
this state and tha quality of tba honey
, ta pronounced to ba superior. '
(Speelil Pt.Mtrh to Ta Joaraal.)
Nampa, Idaho, June 17. A rousing
mass meeting was held at Midway, tha
, half way point between Nampa . and
Caldwell, ta boost for an electric
railroad between the two towns. C. W,
Van Kirk, one of the old settlers of the
community, had negotiated right-of-way
for the road and had the same ready for
disposal to the men who would build.
The distance Is nine miles and the road
', would pass" through one of the richest
farming communities of southern Ida-
' W. E. Pierce, of tha Caldwell A Inter
urban road, between Caldwell and Boise,
submitted a proposition that If right
of-way were donated and the grade fur
nished he would put the line In opera
tion within 90 days,
fnserlal Dlapateh aa The JoaraaLI
Baker, Or., Juna 17. The first round
barn to ba erected In Oregon is claimed
for Baker county. It was erected la
107 by A. V. Swift, on his farm four
miles from this city. Tba barn Is (0
feat la diameter, f feat blgb to tba
plat and 17 feet to the top of the
cupola. The first eight feet of tha
building Is occupied aaa atable, drive
way, machine shed, harness and work
room. ' and granary and feeding floor.
Tba balance Is an unobstruoted space
capable of holding 160 to 1TB tons of
Tha stable accommodated 11 horses and
10 milch cows, but can, easily be trans
formed so as to accommodate It head
mora of cattle, besides considerable
space for machinery, etc A litter carrier
reaches all parts of tha stable and con
veys tha litter to a wagon under cover.
The feeding is accomplished from a cir
cular floor If feet In diameter.
At first Mr. Swift Installed a circular
track for handling hay, but discarded It
after the second season and put In a
modification of tha ordinary bay. der
rick. This consists of a mast reaching
to tha height of the plata and guyed In
place, with the guy ropes running down
the sides of tha building to within reach
from tha floor. By tha manipulation of
these guy ropes the mast la sat so that
tha boom, which is movable up and
down tha mast, will automatically carry
Its load either to the right or left and
return to the unloading point with very
little attention or exertion. Thus wa
are enabled to put the hay Into the barn
with as little trouble as though wa war
atacking it In the field. In addition to
this, tha hsy is always bright and sweet
and can be loaded out of the barn on to
the wagon just aa easily aa it waa put
in with the horse fork. For this pur
pose the mast must ba tilted In the
opposite direction than when filling the
barn. r
There is also a atalrway running from
the ground to the cupola from which a
most excellent view of beautiful Baker
valley is obtained, and which baa proved
quit an attraction to visitors.
Mr. Swift says of his experience with
tne nam experiment:
"My reasons for installing a round
barn were several, among them being
economical cost. It Is easy to see that
a given amount of wall will enclose
more space in a circle than In any other
form. The convenient grouping of every
mouth toward the center from which
every spear of hay can ba fed with tha
least amount of exertion, and the excre
ment being delivered at tha periphery
where It can be most advantageously
handled appealed to ma as by long odds
the best construction obtainable. The
immense hay spice, solid, unobstructed
by beams or posta, grvea the maximum
of spac for th minimum of labor and
"I have not .been disappointed In th
practical utility and convenience of this
building, and were I to erect another lt
would ba essentially the same aa the
present structure, except that I might
Increase the diameter and decrease the
height somewhat -During the four sea
sons -that I have used my barn I con
alder that It has well nigh paid for Its
construction." 1
Private Irrigation Project in
Lake County Will Heclaim
. , Large.Area..; v
Gardena and Touchet Farmers
Get Top Price for Choice .
Forage. ,
(SoM-lDl Mtnatrh t Th. Jiiarn.i l' '
Paiaiey, Or Juns IT. The Anna rlv-
tr Irrigation proposition is nearlng com
pletion. , Jn about a wk ' contracta
can b mad with in company ror
plenty of water to Irrigate aa much
land as la desired. The water from the ,
river waa diverted Into th big flume
about a wek ago and all that remains
to be don Is th installation of th big
ISperl.l M.patr a TV Joarmal k
Walla Walla. June 17. Alfalfa hay
raised In th Touchet district Is being
contracted at fit a ton. th best price
that has been received In th valley for
soma years, ft. it Larapahlre, master
of the Qardena Grunge, has returned
from tha atate grange meeting at 8ro
homlah, and while there arranged for
the contract of as much of the valley's
crop as could bo seoured at til a ton.
Gardens and Touchet hay Is bringing
$1.50 to fVtnora on me market than
hay from other dlatrlcts of th north
west, both on account of tha
Mimn. All h HlttiM and lAt.rATtf .r
comnlete. orovlaion havlna been mail of th hX I1'!' nl to way in which
to Irrlaat theuaanda of acree of hlth- ' ' cured. Hay ralsera will meet at
rto un watered land.. uaroena lonigiu io atncua the con
T,. nmn will ilarlva ta TUW from I intOling Or ine Crop.
tk. -4... .r. it .i.v.t.. in loucuei ciaima wiai its nay induatrr
k.i. m it tmm at t ha rata nt from I Important as tne rrult industry
1000 to 4000 gallons, a minute. After!".1"" uyurr rjr. rarrrai uainea are
hatna- raised br tha dudiil the water Is Planned ror that locality, and
discharged lnt th main ditch from
whence It flows into th lesser ditches
ana laieraia.
pur a w
creamery la to be built In the near fu
ture. With thia done It la believed the
yield per acre from Touchet land will
equal that of the beat fruit land In tha
upper valley.
(Imlal Dt.iulrh to Tba Jnnra.1.1
Merrill, Or., June 17. A good quality
of building atone baa been dslcovared
on tba peninsula t Tula lske. Tha
ston Is a handsome pebble sandstone.
apparently or unusual value.
The suggestion has been made that It
ba uaed . lnatead of brick. In the new
high School building. Tha specifications
call ror a brick building, which will
neceasltata the material being hauled
from Klamath Falls or a brick making
plant Installed near her. Of this latter
(gmcUT Plipatri to Tk JoareaL) I It la doubtful If suitable soil for th
Welser, Idaho, Juno 17. Ths 76 miles I manufacture of brick can be found close
Track for Seventy-six Miles
Will Be Rebuilt Within
. the Year.
io Merrill, ir tne stone can be pro
cured at a reasonable coat, an effort
brought into first class condition before th. .r., .7oV
.. --r m.m n..t fall T.aat vaar gray a ton.
of th Pacific & Idaho Northern tracks
from Weiser to Evergreen will be
the snow flies next fall. Last year
10,000 new ties were put Into this track,
and thia year 40,000 new ties will be
put down. Thirty-five miles of tha. old
track Is already ballastsd, and 10 more
miles will be ballasted this yesr. In
addition, the 16 miles of new track
from Evergreen to New Meadows will
ba well ballasted.
Fifty-five men ara employed In
Plank for Chchall Streets.
iBpectal Dl.pateh tn The Joaraal. I
Chehalls. Wash., Juna 17. In the
eastern and southern parts of Chehalls
the city will lay about three miles of
street planking. Bids have been opened
for th work and contracta will likely
tha I ba 1,1 at th Mxi ratefng of tha city
alnn nnwi from Welaer to lver- " u.mun.uiiicu
avaaa A rt avtra vanaT nt at A main tm
Ji.-v4 Air a is miu cheaper in th long: run than maoadm.
lAUlBllAlIK tr tv w as, v wiv a v u.iav i - . - .. . . .
xtenslon of New Meadows. Thes 0l"w,nor" OI PP"y m aisxnots io
men will be put to work this week on b proved hop to par. when the pro-
th old road from Evergreen to Welser,
making a foro of Hi msn which is ex .. .
pected ta gat Into good condition an Building Macadam Road.
averaa-e of en mil of track par day. I (Rpeclal DUpitrb to The JoaraaL)
Klx mllea of 62-pound ateel at Cam- Athena, Or., June 17. Athena haa
brlde-a will b reolaced with (6 round half of the new macadam road between
tael. this place and Weston completed. While
A new two nan eoncreta nler rail- th road haa cost th citizens of Athena
road bridge will b built across the and vicinity a Urge sum of. money be
Welser river between Goodrich and sides th money spent by tha county
Council. . actt span will be 60 feet court, yet th community la well pleased
long. j . I with th results. Weston Is now ready
Tne new depot at New Meadows la! to begin work on her end or the road
the finest la Idaho. A $40,000 hotel Island the rock crusher will soon be moved
now under way there. I to that place,
III n . I
Fads and FasLions
New Tork. June 17. Th weather Is
Waiter fiahrJ; nf suggesUv of summer, hut
Caldwell, presented a proposition similar what do women cars about chilly and
to that of Mr. Pierce hut th Pierce i dampwinda, when they have aome aum-
proposltlon was favored by a very large! m'r finery to show? There are plenty
majority. A committee of five was ap
pointed to negotiate with Mr. Pierce
to contract for the road.
of opportunities to see soma exceed
ingly handsome summer' costumes on
the streets and at the fashionable
luncheon places. Many of tha toilettes
are of the three piece description or
coat and skirt suits of silk or of silk
combined with some more sheer stuff,
auch aa chiffon, voile or etamlne. But
(BDedat DUltatch to Tba Jonrnil.1 I tni ara alan nUntr one Diana frocka
Boise. Idaho. June 17. Idaho does not ihnt mam at them xceadlna--
propose to cooperate with other states ,y chJo remarkably almple.
01 tne west in aenainff a ary rarming Some of th nWktest Uttle atreet cos
exhlblt to the Chicago land-show, ao- tumes seen recanUy had frocks ef fin
Cording to a decision Which haa been - hlffnn tHmmad in taffeta.
reacnea oy oiaw inimiraiiou wmmii-1 -,tK onlnra nt fllt lnia or of m-
sloner Rich, who has Just received a UM.r . muailn or of hemstitched
communication regarding the land show ,u, Mftn . nn th onn aleevea
from John T. Burns, executive secre- U. a.n ffa turnip hack flatlv over
wijr niuiarei V"" iiivciiiouuTO fi; it,. Vxtttnma an m.teniri tna
xarfiiiuB cuuavDn wiiiv:ii ia iq wiq B I collar
2S5. ?aW.."Z!2? Many of the coats are .belted at the
v"uu" .-., vilat llm. Tha latest models
nans ar on iooi io max a oisuno- ., . mar lmHna the
Tte Lure of tke Hobble Skirt
By Darra More.
HERE may be aome orchid-women
wno tnnve on man a not air, dux
there are a lot more who thrive
on his Soft brain. Man la ever
a deceiver, but when lie enters
Into competition with the skilled femi
nine Circe, he; is a sorry figure; And.
he Is hopelessly handicapped If h hap
pen to be rich and old.
ttr ftst exhibit for I3h
Engage In Dairying.
(Htca Dlgoctcb to The JmnflA
.i M TJ.InAatAN 'Til nHMVaa.4
in ov aero inu vi xi, vt. xwuiin 10
miles southeast of Chehalls, and will
1 S ka . W I
ness. The . rrlo rmld for ths lace
was 920,000.
Are You Poorly?
If your digestive . sys
tem is weak, the bowels
clogged, the liver slug
gish, you cannot wonder
that you feel "half sick"
all the time; but listen
is a good remedy for such
His as well 'as: Malaria!,'
Fever and Ague. Try it
today. - ' ,
Makes YoU Well Again
waist line from the high empire line
which was the most pronounced feature
of the early spring showing. Not that
the short waist has .passed. It is still
extremely modish, but a reaction la
slowly and gradually asserting Itself.
Quite surprising, alao. is tne per
sistence with which lone, close sleeves
appear among models from some of
the exclusive houses. - They certainly
are not so comfortable for summer
wear as th tares quarter ana eioow
sleeves, but the abuse of the very short
open sleeve makes one view 'with a de
cree, of gratitude a- trim, simple one
piece frock with aleeve fitted snugly
down to the hand. '
White serges with relieving notes or
bl&ck ara to be seen everywhere, bow
in suits and In the chlo little one piece
frocks, which should be extremely serv
iceable and attractive In the summer
outfit. One can get these simple tail
ored frocks of fine wmte serge at very
reasonable prices, and with touches of
s-av color or of biacK, ir oniy in a oeii
and cravat Whit siik Draia is appuea
to some of the whit . serge on piece
frocks, but perhaps the smartest of the
simple models are tnmmea oniy in
self-bands, stitching and buttons.
Satin belts and bags in all the bright
modish colors are offered In the shops.
miu t. n ... . .7 - .
with their whit serges, white linens.
etc. v . - -
The mousauetalre gloves In gray and
In white faced back with bright ' color
are another concession Jto the liking ror
dashes 'of vivid color and ar exceed
ingly good with certain-costumes.
The beautiful deep ' tones or vioiet
and purple are "well liked as rellevlntr
color for white,1' pale pink, grays, buff
rose and various other, colorings, and
are sometimes used as freely as black
and In much th same way.
Beads are losing their , popularity
with the ultra chic. t l-'r-
As fleooratlvs agent in- trimming
th tailored stilt," there I nothing so
effictive aa a black and white striped i
silk. . - -x . . i ' - -
For evviilng wear th draped wrap Is
Somewhere In Iowa lives Thomas
Foulkcs, who met and loved Lodavalne
Miller, a beautiful and worldly-wise city
girl. Lodavalne promised to marry
Thomas, and with that understanding,
the Iowa farmer loaned her $11,312,
and, at the same time, parted with $40,
000 worth of property on "specious rep
resentation." Now, Thomas la suing
his fair temptress for a return of a
part of his lost fortune.
"Love will not do for a man cf 50,"
said Thomas sadly. "I went to a doc
tor In this town (Chicago) for my eyes,
and he told me I heeded a wife. He
said If I had a wife I should never need
a doctor. It Was the doctor who in
troduced me to Lodavalne. I sent her
money for everything she asked for
aad she never even kissed . me. Up to
now she has cost ma close' to $50,000,
and I never was light sure when she
Intended to marry me. Thirty years
of hardship got me $60,000. A few
years of over confidence in the protes
tations of a city woman cost me all of
It, and much more my faith In human
nature. I can still laugh, but I can no
longer lose. - - . -
"But you don't-believe la a fail
ure because you have been deceived?"
Thomas was asked.
"Oh no," he replied. "What I be
lieve is that no old farmer ought to try
bis wings In the city. I might have
got a good woman in a country town
who would have played aquare with me
and been kind in my old age, but I
thought I could get a bobble skirt'."
And so, the truth comes out again
that the real apple of the man's eye.
is the sassy dame with the French
heels, th bobbing curls and the latest
wrinkle In hobbles. It was ever thus.
It's Just human nature, that's all. And,
they never outgrow the subtle and in
sinuating appeal. Is it any wonder
that girls and women will starvs them
selves for th price of an ostrich
plume, a pair of silk stockings and a
vanity bag, when the picking Is so
most seen In all sorts of Soft, supple
materials. '
Small black velvet buttons are used
tn ahitntanA nn aaahn. InintM. AOllara.
Lcuffs and re vera. They ornament In
1 l. . 1 1 JL . 1. 1 J . 1
pinugiii lines (.no Buuuiuers suu aievvca,
the bodices and skirts. - The smaller
they are the more desirable.
'Lingerie hats are trimmed with
frills of pleated 'lace, ribbon flowers
or huge silk ones.
Wings are the favorite trimming on
large white straw hats worn in Paris
They are placed high at the back or
around the crown in a bandeau, some
times they face the hat, which is per
fectly plain on top.
While the Princess style in bathing
suits is still to be seen, all the nowest
costumes this season have belts like the
frocks and many have high waiatcd ef
t at m
Steaks and How to Cook Them.
Housekeepers should abandon the Idea
that only the high priced meats are val
uable as food. On the Contrary, the
cheaper cuts are often more highly fla
vored and fully as nutritious. : The
chuck is one of the cheapest portions of
the beef, but when cooked slowly in a
small amount .of water, either with ot
without vegetables for seasoning, is a
most excellent dish, in stewing meat,
if too high a temperature is used, it
will toughen the fiber. Another mistake
Is to overcook the meat "until It falls in
shreds. The skirt steak sells for J or
S cents a pound less than the others,
but If properly -cooked Is Just as good.
Lay the steak, on a meat board and
score It well with a chopping ' knife.
Then dredre with flour and put It Into
a emoking-hot frying pan that has been
greased enough to keep the meat from
sticking" to It. When well soared over en
both sides. -pour over it a lltttJ boiling
water and allow It to simmer slowly
for two hours. . Season to suit the tsat.
bit of carrot or onion, a bay leaf, and
a little vinegar to soften the fiber will
add to the flavor of the meat. All light
meata are best stewed and browned Just
before serving. Mutton or boef is best
browned first, and then stewed. Cheaper
cuts are best cooked in th fireless
cooker. When roaatlng meat it should
be quickly seared over to retain the
Juices and then cooked slowly till done.
Usually 15 minutes to the pound is re
quired for the time of roasting.
"Toil talked constantly through the
opera," said the young woman.
"Yes," replied the other. "I disliked
to do it But it was the only way to
keep' father from going to sleep In full
view of th audience." Washington
1 i
He Do 'you think that your father
would offer mo personal violence If I
were to ask him for you
She No, but I think hs will if you
don't pretty soon. -The Watchman.
From Their Manner.
. From Puck
"Do you auppose there are any peer
esses left in England r Inquired th
plainly dressed woman with her arms
full of bundles.
"Whv I sunnoaa So. madam. " ranllad
the floor walker In that soothing ton
one uses, toward mild lunatics, ...
"Well." said tha Indignant, humiliat
ed little woman, whose means limited
her to the cheaper grades of everything.
I didn't know, but what they were all
over her working In this store. - V
Large Collars.
Extremely large collars of heavy lac
ar being worn on many suits and
dresses. ' Some are called the "Char
lotte Corday" collars and all are charm
ing. J Sailor collars,: Svlth or. without
Jabots, ar being shown by all th lead-
lnt; blouse shops.- Materials ar varied
aad Uluuulnff la applied la many way.
Iced Strerwberries. Carefully aelect
two pounda of rich, red etrawberries.
Beat five yolks as for custard, add the
strawberries, which have been previous
ly tossed in a . sugar boiler with ten
ounces of powdered sugar, and pass all
through a sieve.- Cook the mixture over
a brisk fir until it begins to simmer,
then beat it into a puree. Freeze it in
the usual manner and put it in a cylin
drical pudding mold. Stop it down with
the lid, and surround all with rough
ice. Serve with whipped cream In the
Strawberry Cocktail. One quart of
strawberries, the Juice of two lemons, I
one quart of cold water, and two cup
fuls of sugar. Mash the berries, add the
water and lemon Juice, and let stand
three hours. Strain, add sugar and stir
until dissolved. Let stand on ice one
nour. serve at tne oeginnmg or a
luncheon in tall, narrow glasses, reserv
Ing three or four whole berries cut in
two for esch glass.
. a
Strawberry and Pineapple Jam. Take
two boxes of berries to one pineapple,
shredded. Boll to a sirup one quart of
sugar and one cupful of water, then add
the pineapple and boil fifteen minutes;
then drop In the berries and boll fifteen
minutes longer. Remove and bottle.
Kaiser Schauen Torte. Beat six
whites of egg one minute, add two cups
of granulated sugar, beat twenty min
utes, add one tablespoonful of white
vinegar, one teaspponful of vanilla ex
tract, beat ten minutes, bake in patent
Torten form or two large layers in
moderate oven. Let cool before taking
out of tin. Cover with whipped cream
and strawberries rolled In sugar. Be
sure and have pan well buttered, floured
and sugared, . follow directions carefully
and you liave the most delicious cake
In Wine. Put a quantity of the finest
LJarge strawberries In a bottle, put In a
lew ipugniuis ui powgerea sugar, im
the bottle with madeira or sherry wine.
His Cheerful Way.
I can't believe the half they say
Of life and the weary vay,
I CRnnot think how some may go
With hearts bowed down with weight
of woe.
I cannot understand at all
How many find the shadows fall .
Around them where they toll and thrust
With worn feet In the burning dust.
I cannot take this life to be .
Unfairly measured unto me
Whenever as I strive and sing
God's soft sky lifts its azure wing,
And blossoms at toy feet I find
And folks so friendly and so kind.
. -Baltimore Sun.
. I . R '. R R ,
Colored Blouse.
Th' vogue of the colored blouse Is
constantly- Increasing. Plain, pink,
blue, tan or : lavender ar serviceable
for morning and business wear, made
with the practical long sleeve and worn
with Stiff laundered linen- collar:" while
afternoon blouse ar of blue and ahit
and pink and white striped muslins.
with whit or colored frllli short sleeves
and collarless neck, v.- ;- : ..;
Roy W. . Nutting, a newspaper man
of Albany, Or4 accompanied by Miss
Flo Nutting, la a visitor in the city.
Thay are guests t ths Ferklna.
W. IL Babb and wife and V, 3. Gary
and wife of Mdlcln Hat, Canada, ar
In tb elty looking over th country
with a view to locating in th state
Thy ara regltrd at the Ferklna,
Mrs. M. R. Pomeroy, wlf of former
Sheriff M. R. Pomeroy of Clatsop coun
ty. Is a visitor In th city from Astoria.
bh is a guest at th Perkins.
' Rev. W. Q. Smith f Wolf Creek. Or..
Is a business visitor In ths city for a
faw days. H is a guest at th Parkins.
Mr. and Mra. J. H. Trayper of Perry,
Or., ar In th city for th purpose of
meeting relative from Salt Lake City,
Mrs. John Trsyner and Adelbert Tray-
ner. They ar all reglatered at th
(1. F. Elliott, a prominent cltlien of
Boone, Iowa, accompanied by hla wife,
la In the rlty on a visit. They are
gueat at tb Perklna.
Judg Stephen A. Lowell of Pantlla
ton Is a business visitor In th city for
a fw days. It I a guest at the Cor
nelius. Dr. C. E. Wade, a prominent physi
cian of Drain. Or., is a business visitor
In th city. He Is a gueat st th Cor
nelius. B. D. Marshall, wholesal cigar deal
er with headquarter at Los Angeles, Is
In Portland on a business visit H is
a guest at th Cornelius.
W. T. Wright, a prominent f anker of
Union, Or., la In th city en a bualness
visit. H 1 a guest at th Corneliu.
Francl E. Held, advance agent for
the Blllte Burk company, is in tb
city, a gueat at the Seward. '
IL J. Douglas, secretary for th Bend
Townsit company, la In th city from
Mlnneapolla, a guest st the Seward.
Dr. L. A. Nlppert, wlf and daughter,
Mlaa Lillian, ar vlalttng In tha city for
a few days. They ar guests at tb
Profeasor II. W. Scudder of the Ore
gon Agricultural college, la a vlaltor tn
the city. He Is a gueat at th Seward.
W. M. Collins, owner of several oil
wells In the vicinity of Bakersfleld. CaL,
accompanied by his wife. Is registered
at the Seward from VIsalta. CaL Tby
ar on their way to Alaska, wher they
will spend th summer.
ii. P. Ash, a merchant ef Stevenson,
Wash., Is a business visitor In th city,
a guest at th Imperial
W. K. Newell, stockralar and fruit
grower of Oaston, Or accompanied by
Mra Newell. Is a visitor in the city, a
guest at the Imperial.
Willis Van Horn, th well known
fruitgrower of Hood River, ta a visitor
In tha city. H 1 a guest at th Ore
gon, r
W. E. King, a mining man ef Hood
River, Or, la a business Visitor In th
city, a guest at tha Oregon.
O. N. Mevss cf Davenport, Iowa,
brother to a well known Portland res
taurant proprietor. Is visiting relatlv
in th city. He la a guest at tb Oregon.
Lester Wade of Condon, a well' known
attorney. Is a visitor In tha city, a gueat
at the. Imperial.
Frank Ira White, a real estate opera
tor and booster for Klamath Falls and
Klamath county, is a business visitor
In ths city, a guest at the Imperial.
E. S. Snelllng, an attorney of Cath-
lamet. Wash., is a business visitor in
the city. Hs Is a guest at ths Imperial.
J. L Nell, who yesterday took onto
himself a bride at ths Portland hotel
parlors, Is spending his honeymoon In
'9BBmWmmmSg9Bt . IO I " 11 1 J-.r'-""i J
the city. They. are registered at t: a
Portland. ' , : '
R. E. Wtlllsma, the wll known pott
ticlan of Th Dalles, Is a visitor In th
city at gueat at th Imperial.
. F. J. Fluno, war of much timber
land. In Oregon, accompanied by Ms
on. Is la tb ally from Oakland, Cat ,
and la a guaat at th Imparlal.
O. L. Ilardaaty, a merchant ef Eugtne,
la a vlaltor la th city, a gueat at th
Imperial. . .
Dr. R. D. Byrd of Salem is spending a
faw days la, tha city, a gueat at th
Imperial - - - . '
J. K. Weatherford, an attorney ef Al
bany, la a buslnaaa visitor in th city.
Hs is registered at th Imparlal. '
B. Ltndenberger, a prominent salmon
packer of Pogat sound. Is a business
visitor In th city. He la a f ut at th
Imperial. .... ; '. . -
C B. Smith, consulting engineer for
the Mount Hood Rsttway company, has
returned from a visit to Toronto, Can
ada. He Is registered at the Portland.
A. M. Drake of Pasadena. Cel., for
merly Interested In th Bend Townsit
company, is a business visitor in in,
city, a guest at tne Portland. r
Phil Blnmauer and wife, whose furnl-
ture was dentrojed In the Hanover
apartment blase, hsvs taken up their
bom at ths Portland.
Samuel D. Bridge, clerk of the su
preme court of Washington, Is a vlaltor
In th city from Tacoma. He Is -a-
guest st the Portland.
M. E. Welch sud brtd of . Coeur
d'Alene. Idaho, are spending their hon
eymoon in this city. They ar gueat
at ths Portland. ' , ,
Ca1t4 Praaa Uut4 Wlra.1 '
Los Angales, Jun IL Seeking neith
er alimony nor tn eustoay or nc
daughter, Ramona, 14, Mrs. Hslsa M.
Borden, through her attorneys, Clark
and Clark, has filed suit for dtvoro
against Gall Borden, son aad hair ta the
Nw York manufacturer who mad mil
lion out of a condensed milk product.
In th complaint Mrs. Bordsa says that
hs was deserted by ar husband la
July, 109. Mrs. Borden Is now ta New
Tork. Attorney Eugene Overton, coun
sel for Oall Borden, Implied that tha
case would not be contested.
W have not ret decided," ba said
"whether we will contest th ease." ..
Fire eart Discord t or rUpptaeeav'-
(United Praaa Lraiad Wife.
New Tork. June 17 Five years of
marital discord Is . th usual . price for
heDDtness according to aa opinion by
Justice Ford of the auprem court, de
livered in the midst Sf th Jun marl-lag
Bell Boy to Be Profeaao. '
St Loula, Mo., June 1T Toshtra
Tamlkawa, former Boston bellhop, la oa
his way to Toklo ta become professor
of philosophy In th Unrvsralty of
Kioto. '
Your Neighbor. Experience
How you may profit by It Take Foley
Kidney Pills. Mrs. E. O. Whiting. 1(0
Willow St Akron, O, says: - Tor
some time I had a very serious eas of
kidney trouble and I Buffered with
backaches and dlssy headaches. . X bad
apecka floating before my, ayea and I
felt all tired out and miserable.. I saw
Foley Kidney Pills advertiaeda&d got
a bottle and took them according to di
rections and results showed almost at
once. Tha pain and dlssy headache left
me, my eyesight becam clear and to
day I can say X am a well woman.
thanks to Foley Kidney Pills.'' Skid
more Drag Co., two stores main store
161 td St.; branch store Morrison and
West rk sts. Woodard-Clarke Drug
Co. . :,.' " ';
Free to You and Every Sister Sur
ring from Woman's Ailments '
I am a woman. '
1 know woman's sufferings. . -,
I havs found th cur.
I will mall fraa of any oharg-a, my be rM.
aastwlth full instruction to any anfferor f-ora
woman's ailments. J want to tell al women about
this cars us. my reader, for yourself, your
daughter, roar mother, or your sister. I want to
tell yon hew to onr yourselves at home with
out the help of a doctor. Men Mass uderstaitd
women's sufferings. What we women known
iswMees, we know better than any doctor. I
know that myhome treatment ia saf and an re
cure for twcirrtu r rwtttll .Itclwsgai. HcaraHaa, Kt
Imasrt f f aWag 1 the Weak, rrthwa, a toitri
ranis, Vttria r fanaa To-art, ar eWtks; su atla a
baas, sack set sawils, sterlet Saws tastiest, stnaMatas.
cnttlag ftaUaf at ta Sfiaa, alt.cT. sets Is n, sal
satatt,, cmmt. an umir natst satrt aaj .
a satkattatt stcsUsr to our sex.
I want to send you t saaak-hlM ses Instatst
Mflralr tm to prove to yon that you eaa ear
yourself at bom, eaaily, quickly and 1
sorely. Remember, that.H sfl tss atflHag to ,
si v tha treatment a complete trial : end if tm .
arlsh to continue, it will eost you only about Uoenta a week or lea than two cents a day. It .
will not Interfere with your work or occupation; last ttif aa rear sans tst sMitia, tell me how yoa
Buffer if you wish, sad I will send you the treatment for your oaae, entirely f ree.ln plain wrap
per, by return mall. I will also send you frttst mt my book "WOHUt OKI HF0ICA1 ISllSO" with .
Aznlanatarr fllnatraMnna ahnarlnv whv waman anrfal. and how thY nan na.llTnnr.lhaiiiaalwaa
at home. Every woman ahould have it, and learn to ttttak far ssritlf. Then when the doctor saye
"You must have an operation," you can decide for yourself. Thousands of women have cured
themselves with mv home remedr. It cures all M ar rataa. Tl Batiwrt tt iMfttol. I will aznlaln a
simple home treatment which speedily and effectually oures Lsuoorrboee, Green Sickness and
Painful or Irregular Menstruation In young Ladiea, Plumpness and. health always results froaa
Its use. .
Wherever you live. I can refer you to ladles of your own locality who knew aad win gladly
tell any sufferer that this sow TrMtavat really carts all women' diseases, and makes woaua wall,
strong, plump and robust. Jtti mm at rear satrni, and the free ten day's treatment ia yours, also
the book. Write to-day. as you may &u( ace thlM offer ajram. Address O
mrs. m. summers. BexH Wotro Dame, Ind.. u. 8. A.
Health For You!
Get Cured Before Vou Pay -
We have a remedy that cures, aad w will prove It to yeu-bftr
you pay ua a cent. This remedy is Klectra-Vlta, th wonderful dry cell
body battery, which cures disease by infusing the nerves and vitals
with a glowing stream of electricity while you. sleep. ;v.!.j: .
Eleotra-Vlta has cured to stay, cured some ef the most ehronlo
cases of rheumatism, kidney, liver and stomach trouble, nervous
debility, female trouble, lest power and weakness In men. Let ua
send youfethe names of cured patients. They will tell you what Eleotra-Vlta
did for them. t ;
We know wbat Kleetra-TItu has Tu for ethers, aad we believe
that it eaa do aa much for you. Here ear offer, aad It's a aiaeer
oaer Take oar appllaaee aad nae It ia year heme. If H earea, pay
for It) if It docsat, thea wt doat mat your aaoaey That's fats' aaeV
aauare. What more ceuld yoa aakt ' . , - . ,
Our big, free book tells all
about Plectra-vita, now it
curea and wihat it costs.
Send us this coupon with your name and address
and receive a copy by return mall. ...
Call if possible. Consultation free. Office hours:
t a. m. to p. m.: Wednesday and Saturday va
lngs until I; Sunday, 10 to IX. .
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