The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 17, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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Harry W. Walker Says State
4.. '
Will Throw Vote to New,
fi Jersey's Governor. ,
(WMtlnftaa Bare ef Tee JowmL)
Washington, June 17. Harry
.. w a - ..,
maiaer, i in. w.u . "robbery of Frank Millar of The Dallea.
ralaslonera la New Tork for many years. I gnd a McBride, of Portland, was
. whit baa racntly been In Washington I finad '1100 and arlvnn a BO dav sentence
numerous times, dcclsres that hla state
today la for wooarow umn or mi
" Democratlo nomination, and would Vive
Mm tha electoral vota ror presiaent
jilt that la. If tha voters hava half
, a 'chance to give aprtuion w meirjto tha depot, preparing to leave for
wishes. ' I Tha Dalles, mil suggested thay bat
; ."I have traveled over tha state lately
several tlmca on bualncs entirely dl -
' associated from rUttca; thus I have had
opportunity to hear popular expressions
of opinion on national pouuca wimmi
, bias or slant I give it as my settled
conviction that out of every one annareo
- members ef - tha Demoeratlo party In
New Tort stale many more than one
half are for Wilson, and ejinougn
tnlrht seem to be a large proportion,
acoordlng to my observations, tha pro -
Wilson percentage runs clone to Te."
.Mr. Walker was asked whether this
applied only to members of tha Demo-
. era tic party. .Ha answered:
"It was Impreased on my mind, that
the pro-Wilson sentiment nM apreaa to
members of ail parties, and factions.
too. for that matter, and that In New
Tork an Immense majority of the voter
' -. a. ms A..IJ .. tha ITmhlrai I
insi .viiiaon wuuiu
?. . ii. .. . wiiaan
'l'Al:ii: i?rZ
rmrrKe '""'"- l,.ZlZr-.
Democrats, because of hla
aoMlce. and because he baa for years
peen regaraca mm vum .
. . mam, aa.l
iuiv '""" '
..J mIA.UN Itl lUllIIHml
acUvltlea In tha eaaL
The treasury of tha Patton Metho
dist church on the Peninsula was en
riched last ttlRht aa the result of a
- lawn party given at tha residence of
William KUUngswortb, at,zz Alberta
avenue. Several hundred guests were!
7 . J . .
present, the spacious gounda beln at -
traetlvely decorated wun twneae an-
terns Md W streamers. !
MraKIUlnBSWorthm'as hostess and
assisted byMlssea Nina, Fay and Lou
Kllllnfrsworth. Mrs. Dr. William Kll-
llngsworth. Mrs. Clinton Shorno at the
booths: Candy, ice-cream, punch, and
6ey Island "Yedhotr- weTr. served on VT At w, They were escorted to
the lawn. Tables wera set on the lawn.,w. Tra.btrt.r(.n .,,,-., ,k.
- A careteria luncn wu one oi mm ma
reaiures. uxmion anomv am yeuuiiui
torlan-tones he cried the good things
v - During . the festivities an. orchestra
furnished delightful muslo In , the par-
i. -f tM vininworth home
- a - a at t caa ea. e a-k ,
. innrorrn atin AnWIOrn
' Annho I tU ANU AU VlOtU
Harriet . and Frances Martin, two
'young women who reoently came from I
MoMlnnvllle, were arrested laat night
' v... t--. a .v
by Patrolman Wellbrook In the Burton
hotel at Third and Main strsets on a
i vagrancy charge. The . two girla . re
cently lost tbelr mother and accord
ing to tha patrolman, they have been
somewhat - wayward. Judge Tazwell
gave the girls sound advice this morn
lng and suspended sentence. ' . -
Evanavllle. Tnd .. la about to nut no a
nubile auditorium' seating from 8600 toPanam MMl ton6-
40C0 people and the aecreury of the
Sxf i- SW-J-
. trllllVU 1.111. aTUM-iMIlU Ml(UUUl
merce ftJr Information of how Portland
la g6ing about to aecure one. They are
particularly anxioua . to know whether
Portland expects her new auditorium to
be a paying investment or not
' v.' wMMMWA.. .
B. F. Adams, a sheep herder from
Cody, Wyo., was arrested yesterday af
ternoon for passing a forged check on
the Moyar Clothing company for $80.
Tha man purchased clothing to the ex
tent of $70 and secured the change.
When arrested checks aggregating $190
and supposed to - be worthless, were
found In his pockets. Detectives Graves
and Hunter made tha arrest
The librarian at the St. Johns branch
of the Portland library has arranged a
plan whereby readers going away for
the summer may secure ten books from
now until October 1. by obtaining vaca
tion cards. Theae cards permit the
reader to keep the books for ten daya
without renewal.
Why suffer or take chances on trans.
, ; ulation when, I can five you abnolute
i-rottctton and - a possible cure?
- -he ; WILSON WAT 18 qOARAN
, YOUR HERNIA, regardles Of occupa
ton, age--or sex. No sprlnr No elnR
tlo. Indorsed by all physicians'? who
- hav ual, it. Don't wait; delayiare
alweys 4inwtM and ; frequently fatal
Try .tha.wiison'.Wsy; So days irea,-
!f.r..? JAT W. WIMOBV .
HfcBNU ferKClALiST. "' ,
M tlatb St., Between Oak-and Pine fta.
" Wpstairaj. Phocs Mala 637S. ,
Ask or write fnr hnoklct. "A KpkIM
,T1H on Iluctur aad lis Cure." It's (tea.
0!e Hill Uses Rock as Ef
, : leciive. weapon in iwo
Ole Krill, arrested litat night by Ser-
W. !ent Keller and Patrolman Maddox
.Ionia uu "'"en an lur m..u
on tna rook pile thl morning br Judge
Tanwell. At the expiration of the prison
I terra mil will hava to appear before
in i tha grand Jury on a robbery char a.
H1U mat Millar, a logger, on hla way
I nMr way and bolh atartad up Sulll-
Ivan's guleh. At the aaat and of the
I gti bridge. Millar waa atruok in the
atomach with a big rock tied in a hand.
karohler, and relieved or mo in fold.
I which ha haft concealed in hla shoe, a I
i tinK and a watch.
I Shortly after tha assault and rob
- jbery, B. B. MoBrlde, who waa passing
it i tha scene, waa alugged In the head with
i the same weapon and robbed of 1ST.
1 6rgeant Keller arreated the mea In
I the north end for vagrancy and found
I at the station that be waa the one want
I ed for tha robbery. Whan searohed at
I the station. Miller's ring, watch and a
I bunch of keys and other articles were
rouna in mil s pocsets.
-rpi piTirill TAI Ct
I CL.I.O rllirUL. I ML.C.
gets diamond ring
K u Amldon. editor of tha Optimist.
believes he made a mistake when he
Pckad up Eckert Shaffer, a young man
h known In Tacoraa, wandering
bout the atreeta . of Portland, deeti-
t . ,.v- rn mn tt.rA t
allow hire to ebara hla room.
-" ' .
I a.
1 Teaterdev the Tonnr men wrote m
pitiful note to Mrs. U L- Thompson,
a friend of Amidon's family, atatlng
that hla baby girl was very III. and
asking for the loan of soma money or I
jewciry, ana xorgea Amiaon a name.
Mrs. Thompson without making fur
ther Inqulrlca, allpped a valuable dia
mond ring from her finger and gave
it to the man who said ha had come
direct from Amldon. The . police are
earoning ror Shaffer.
(8prHl Dlnpatch to Tb Joorn.L)
I riowouri, vt iiuot 11. J.WO cr
1. 6 Sund.r ,chool work
Koseburg, Ur June it. Two ear-
m fpom tn wr- roya,,y enter.
Ulned hero last night They were met
,t th- nla 5.20 0.c,ocK b u
numbr of automobiles and taken on a
. ,K. ..,,.ji.. i
e:30 o-ci then were entertained at
tbp commercial club, where dinner was
i 0f evening waa spent.
8peril Cl;p-tck to The Joarnel.)
j-oierprieo, ur., June iv. a Dad aieo-
I a -v uijiva iivi utrjvigib ajl, iHIS
Tha UnrfAS let MlUa m..!... m a .Lla
nlaca Wednaadav evenlnr. A fla.
Phone wlra was struck, which caused!
the splintering of a number of the
I pole supporting It and tearing up a I
telephone and switch board In the home
of Arthur Jewel. The house was unln-la
(TnHed Vrern iaaacd WIr
Washington June 17. Senator Heed
Bmoot (Utah) today conceded that
Penrose's prediction that tha reciproc
ity bill would pass the senate and the
h,r0bbly correot H MkeJ T"
yifuiui. i-cuwui juufj iu, iia jareuen us
T a a. a. . a j j . .
"m atw w e jeucru juoge in ins
William Dousky waa refused his final
naturalization papers this morning In
the circuit court on account of having
evaded the immigration officials when
be landed five years ago at Staten Is
land. Henry Hanard, naturalization
agent, Is holding the regular monthly
examinations, and several are being giv
en the fjlnal test. . .
R. W. Tucker, a deckhand on the Pa
clflo Bridge company's dredge Titan,
was struck by an Oaks car opposite
the Motor BOat club yesterday afternoon
and Injured so seriously ha died shortly
after being taken to tha St. Vinoont'a
hospital. .
Agitation has been started by automo
bllists and farmers to have the Port-land-Hlllsboro
road oiled. At present
the road is in poor condition. The Ore
gon Highways Improvement association
may take the matter up. .
Father and Son Go Mad.
(tlulted Hrww Id Wlro.t
Oakland. Cal.. June 17. K v, vriot
her." ?od.T from Alr Ur"noTh !
are atiegea 10 nave gone violently in
- . '
sane and had attacked each 6ther and
other members of Uio family. -
- Will Go to Havre.
' (United 'reaa Iaard Wlre.j
Corunna, Spain, June 17. The steam
er Tpiranga arrived todav but former
President Diar of Mexico did not land. 1
He continued to Havre, where he Wjii !
disembark. From there he will go to
Bwuaeriana. He rafuee! to see any cor
respondents here.
v .Engages Counsel.
' 'United preai Id IV Ire.
Delaware. Ohio, June 17. Mra ' Jesse
R. Way-Henkle, arrested for the aliened
poisoning of her stepdaughter Merle, to
day engaged counsel to fight the pro
posed exhumation of the body of her
former husband who la burled at Cald
well, Ohio. .' :.;---...-.' -
, Wifpt Colonization Tract. f.
The Chamber of Commerce has re
ceived an inqiflry from Kansas City,
Mo,- where a firm is looking for tracts
In Oregon runntna from 10.000 to 20
acres for colonisation purposes, '
at I
mammmi ,mm r-
fAiftw 'ifflmiX&xk&tr wvrfmim iiT - .
(Copyrijfht, l9il, by C J. Mar, PubHshas' Press.);
By Homer Davenport. ..done the patient no good. The mediclno
Canadian reciprocity Is having a bard jAninistered by this distinguished prac-
" I tltioner rerelv Anm nrova bneflrla.l to
tlm ' " 8UtM ""
Tha services of "old Dr. Root" have
H. F. Ingersoll, aged 13, years, whose
father Is a nephew of the famous Rob-
rt Ingersoll, wss arrested this morning
I by Detectives Tlchoner and Howell on
vagrancy charge and since being tak-
en to detective -headquarters, haa con
fessed to six recent east side burglaries.
A large quantity of tha goods that he
is said to hava stolen has been rex
covered. ' , -
One house which he entered was the
home of E. H. Puga at 4811 Twenty
fourth, avenue, S. E., yesterday whan a
quantity of Jewelry was taken. An
other home which he haa confessed to
have robbed Is the J. J. Hanhart home
on Thirtieth avenue, 8. K. where he
tele a quantity of Jewelry and a re
volver. The robber does not remember
the other places. s
When arrested he had a Smith & Wes
son revolver fully loaded In his pocket
and In his room was found another re
volver. Ingersoll was first picked up
last night by the two detectives as he
was leaving a pawn shop. A messenger
boy waa engaged to follow him and his
room was located. He was arrested iwe
morning as he was leaving the house.
Ills wife was In the room when the
arrest was made. She was asked to
coma to police headquarters. While
the detectives left the room to allow
her to dress the woman threw . several
pieces of Jewelry out of the- window,
but she told the detectives this fact this
morning and then urged her. husband
whom she had suspected, to tell the
truth of the affair.
United PrMf Leaned Wire.)
Washington, June 17. Representative
Kahn (Republican, California) today in
troduced a Joint resolution for a com.
mlttee composed of 'five members of
each houne to conduct a sweeulng In
vesication of the army. The members,
according to the resolution, are . to be
chosen from the regular committee on
military affairs. The resolution carries
an appropriation of $6000 for expenses,
It is provided that tha report be ready
for the. next nesslon or congress.
-mw m m m m aw m m mt wi - w m m
(United Prefi (. Wire.)
San Francisco, Cal., June 17. The
Sutton children, ordered to a convent by
Superior Judge Graham, are thought to
be in Hood River valley, Or with their
wealthy architect of San Franolsco, If
th0 children are in Oregon, Sutton, the
central figure In a divorce fight that
has kept the California courts humming
for years, may be declared In oon tempt
of court and charged with kidnaping
the'chlldren. The mother Is suing for a
third modification of her divorce decreet
giving ner absolute custody of the chil
dren, which are now, legally. In the cus
tody of the court. - ; ?
Centraiia, Wash, June ifXcharged
with assaulting Annie Boktok, a Polish
chUd aged 8, Harry Court camp, owner
of a restaurant here, was arrested this
morning. Publio indignation runs high.
Courtearap Is being held pending the
outcome of tha little girl's Injuries.
Ha is married and has a family.
'"tlo designed aolely for tha
good of the people. There are other
Out of Class of 51 Only 36
Succeed; Largest Class
Yet Examined.
Thirty-six applicants out of a class
of SI passed the tests of the Oregon
state board of dental examiners which
began Monday and were concluded last
night This is the largest clas ever
examined, the examinations being held
twice each year, in June and November,
The board conducting the examina
tions consists of Dr. Frank .Vaughan
of Astoria, president; Dr. Harry Ol in
ger of Salem, secretary; and Drg. Jean
Cllne of Portland, Clyde Mount of Or
egon City, and W. S. Kennedy, As a
result of the examinations tha follow
ing will be licensed to practice dentist
ry In Oregon:
F. S. Barber, John Barr, Uriah Jacob
Bittner, William S. Bonnalie, James H.
Connarn, Oilbert C. Finley, WilllannF.
Clgray, Andrew J. Hlnlker, Lewellyn W,
Jordan, Ray H. Hunt, Sidney O. Kerr,
James Otis Kenyon. Carey EL Jackson,
James W. Miller, Herman A. Newton,
Thomas C Ohmart, James B. Pearson,
Frank O. Pearn, Arthur O. Rossman,
Fletcher C. Rood, George W. 8mlth,
George F. Schneider, Herbert H. Sohmitt,
Huntington Sfendel, Samuel B. Todd, Ar
thur EL Young, Clifford H. Moore, Harry
B. Garrison, William G. V, Hughes, Grif
fith U. Jenkins, Melvln H. Lake, Paul G,
Onstad, Alfred W. Keena, Charles a
Llndberg, Thomrfs N. M. Smith, C R
(Bptetal Dtsnxtch tn The jtftroat.t
Vancouver, Wash., June 17. -Arrange
stents for the Fourth of July celebra
tion to br held In Vancouver are about
completed and a partial program is In
the hands of the printer. Nearly all of
tha 12000 subscription has been raised
and the committee expects to complete
the amount today. ,
The celebration will contain many fea
tures never before shown .in Vancouver
and the military events are among the
big things to be offered.' Colonel Mc-
Gunnegle is assisting the committee In
every way possible under the chair
manship of Captain Reasons. The Ore
gon militia will take part in the parade.
ttTnlted Pre Leased Wlre.1 .
Salt Lake City, Utah, June 17. Presi
dent Joseph -' Smith " of - the ' Mormon
church, today telegraphed the chairman
of tha bouse augar Investigating com
mittee.that It would be difficult for him
to appear aa a witness, v He said he waa
suffering severely; from rheumatism.-
' Report Is Denjod. -
- tt.uft4 Prnm Laaaad Wtra. i
Washington. June 17. Former Chief
Forester Gifford Pinehot's secretary to
day asked the United Press to denv a
statement published saying that Pinchot
had called at the White House. -
distinguished and espert political posl-
tions on the Job, however, not the least
of whom Is William H. Taft, and tha T
prospects are now that tha patient will T
recover. T
v (tTnlted Preta Taaed Wire.)
(fault Ste Marie, Ont, June 17. In an
mttnrt rn aava thm Ufa af ffra Ana-aHna
K'aannlltaaa .nnvLId Ida nnnfapld
of ber husband and doomed to exeon -
tlon after the birth of her expected
child, her attorney, Uriah McFadden,
today cabled the Canadian premier, 61 r
Wilfred uaurier. who Is in Juondon:
' - "WomVn throughout America petition
you to litejcede with tha governor gen
eral or wxh the king to pardon or com
mute the death sentence of Mrs. Nea
poll tana. Her provocation was great
The woman was under a great mental
strain You are asked to spare her for
her four living children and her un
born child," .the cable read.
McFadden has asked the Italian con
sul general at Montreal to petition the
king of Italy to usa his Influence with
British and Canadian officials to save
the woman.
(Special Ditpatch to Tbs Journal)
Vancouver, Wash., June 17. Mrs.
Marlum Bresea, 60 years od and. a pio
neer of Clarke county aince 1862, died
yesterday at the home of her son. W.
B. Bresea at La Center, of general d
billty incident to old age. She had been
ailing all winter and her death was not
unexpected by her relatives atid those
who knew her condition. -
Mrs. Brexoe was a native of Missouri
and crossed the plains to . Washington
in 1853 with an. ox team, six months
being required to make the Journey.
With her husband she located in Clarke
county that year and with him took up
a homestead where tha village of La
Center ttow stands, they being the third
tamiiy to locate on ' the Lewis river.
where the country was a wilderness. ; ;
Mrs. Brezes was the mother of 12
children, four of whom are living, name
ly: Mrs. Mary, wootton. of Portland.
Or.; A. J. Brexee of Mapleton, Or.; Mrs.
Pauline Lockwood of Vancouver, and
W. B. Brosea of La Canter.
The funeral will be held Sundav fore
noon from the United Brethren church
at La Center and interment will be
made In the Mount Zlon cemetery. -
(Spedtt Dlipatrb to Tb Journal.
Oregon City, Or., Juna 17. -Word Was
received yesterday evening, by Mra. F,
C. Burk of the death of her mother, Mrs.
Ely C Maddockj of Heppner, Or. Mr.
and Mrs, Maddook iformerly resided in
this city, whera botft are well known.
Mr. Maddock having Served as sheriff
in 1884-86. About six years ago the
moved to Heppner, and hava conducted
the palace hotel aince... . ' . . 7 ;
A message received -yesterday morn
Ins; stated that Mrs. Maddock was unconscious-.
, Mr. Burk was making prep
arations to go to hex mother's bedside
when the news of her death was re
selved. " ' . ' .
... Mrs. Jtfaddock was born and reared In
this county. She was tha daughter of
Jacob Rauch. She Is surlwed by her
hnsband, two daughters, Mra. Burk and
Mrs. J. L. Wllklnsr one son, Creston
Maddock, and William Rauch, a brother,
residing at Gladstone, . .. . -
pww a a imi a
Agricultural ' College'; Students
, Make Interesting Trip
Down Willamette. (
Making the trip of 120 miles, down
the Willamette river la three canoes,
four a. A 'fl atudAnta arrived
Crvallla -yeaterday morning at
o'clock., with nothing worae than
burned backs, the result of removing " : t ,7'
their shirts to take a aun bath. - M Uses Frances and Lillian Qelln
Hal, Barbur. one of tha party,
that they found no dlffloulty in
.in h c.nii.m o. -inb.n,.a r.nM
f ,h. hi.h ithnn.h
.lr.m wu verv mwt, tno.e nolnta. I n,B 'amlly to Portland and Will .rem
The fcoya alept and got their trweala
.n.hA.i.M k. ,. -a trt.
time In order to secure all the pleasure 'ro nl"n ,br'f l-f vl
poaslblo from tha tr'P. top wera made ""T V, - , I
.HrZT. ; . :.Z
cVrVlei "oano;; around f.l"' -lfr In tb. city. U, 1. a ,
Those making tha trip wrra Hal Bar
bur, "Babe- Coursen, Allen Burdlck
Lawrenca smith.
Attorney William Xowrey . of Chi
cago, who haa been a prominent work
er . In Juvenile , reform, ..waa tha guest
this morning of Judge Oatens of
circuit court,-, who holds Juvenile court
an Saturday. Tha gueat haa been rep
resenting a large irrigation project
southwestern Washington tbs paat
years, and says he. likes Portland
well that ha may locate here. r
A few years ago. Attorney Lewreyl K. H. Eointgen, manager or aa
organised 40 of the roughest boys
the Ohetto in Chicago, and called them
hla "Forty Thieves." "My Idea was
to teach them tha spirit of Anglo Sax -
An f mm " ia v nr k. knva
this year ar prise winners In unlver-
sltloa. Attorney Lowrey waa a candl-
data two run a so for one of the
mnnlclnaJ court . ludaeahlos. and wss
defeated bv 121 votes out of a total
vote of 178.000. He waa greatly
pleased with tha court session this
morning. '
With about B0 members of the
Oregon Naval Militia aboard,
the United 8tates Cruiser Bos
ton arrived in the lower harbor
at Astoria at 1:25 o'clock this
morning and at 10:45 o'clock she
moved up to tha upper harbor
and dropped anchor In tha
stream. '
The cruiser, in command of
d 'Lieutenant Commander. Epeler
and manned by tha Oregon boys.
made a quick trip dawn Trom
Bremerton, which place she left
at I o'clock Thursday evening. .
GkrVernor West Adjutant General
Flnser and a number of other no
tables expect to rret tha Boston
at LInnton tomorrow and coma
up with her to tha local harbor,,
which she is expected to reach
1 at 0 ciock.
llJKIi; Ur- LiUIMiUL
. ,w
Tha r,rir,(Ml matter discussed at the
fourth annual reunion of the Pacific
coast consuls a their, meeting held at
Tacoma Thursday wa that of sailor
boarding' house legislation on Puget
flnund There, wera 28 consuls from
British Columbia. Port Townsend,
Seattle, Tacoma and Portland. There
was only one United States consul. Con.
aui smith of Victoria. ' ,
. The next meeting will . be, held at
Seattle or in British Columbia, probably
tha latter affd It is exDected that the
San Francisco consuls will attend.
p., t ,..a.a il.
meeting were: Kndre m. ceaeroergh,
Norwegian vice conaui; J. W. Mathes.
Dutch vice conaui: Valdemar Liddell.
Swedish vica consul;' and U, Oyama,
Japanese consul.
The newly-elected officers . of the
Grand Lodge of Masons of Oregon were
uwuua jnu.jr ww uwii, ui. ciTf
mony being conducted by Retiring
urana Master woiverion.: Alter, tno
4naa11..n . M..t.. -l
presented to Judge Wolverton by' Judga
S!lanii" 2? fiderX, "f Udd
nvMsiiuii c0.vuuvu v tfuufl VIVilUlU a
nmaru in a eeunir manner. - -
The Masons wera on record yesterday
before adjournment as declaring war
against Impostors working in Oregon in
the guise of Masons and resolutions
were adopted to that effect.
The' sessions were ended last even-
lnar and the delegates to a arreat num.
Dor lert ror tneir nomes last night There
was a large attendance, ..
fillflMT OCMC-IUT lf alrtT
UlHlll Vtim.UI IO UUI ,
SI nfrFSS , HHflRRP Hl A nc
,wt tw ww w' iriuMf inwipn the party that answers the door
-rva . v -
?Zl 8 V
kind to use In making brick; charges the
Paclflo Brick company In a- suit , filed
today in the circuit court against that
fe'f0 ;i'.,rftij;f?re?!ntel
biiu auunmiuiai wun, uui t.u oar re I
were, used and the product had to be
dumped - into tne siough, alleges the
I brick company.
Tne loss oy. experimenting with the
cement upon representation that It had
been used In other brick factories. Is
said to be $12.S39, for which amount
tne plaintiff asks Judgment
: '. , ... in..' ii ,' I'-i.ia.
r Mathilda D. Hanson s'ajrs In he di
vorce suit filed i today in the circuit
-coun inst ner nusoana, tjan Hanson,
threatened to kill himself if .she did
not rnortgaga their home at: 268 JPaget
street. She secured $1000 by the mort-
gage and turned the money over to him. 1
Boon after this. she alleges, ha beitHn
abusing her and March , truck her."
She -was comoiiaa to obtain he attert-
tlon or, a. physician. They were mar-
ried in; l'0, Sha asks- for alimony
covering the amount of . money alleged
to have Been aquanaerea by " Hanson 1
when tha home was mortgaged, v . J
Fred I Stewart, at-aenator and ba
er of Kelso, one of the prominent (I
roads boostare for southwestern W I
lngton is a buslnasa visitor n Uie CI
He la a guest at the Oregon. 1 I
M. C lU:klnton of the Oregon hoi
who was called to southern Callforl
by the death of his slMter-in-law. la
pected to arrive home tomorrow.
W. II. KcKlee. tha railroad owner if
augar king, la In the city from, Ogi'i
from He is a gust at tha Oregon
U:J0 k uu"p.' ,l:..AaVnH'.m- ' ow' ,?P,,
sun. ,ron juvmo, wssn., is in tne
said i"" ""1'" runm mcmr womrn or
run, . ii"MU, "TV m
I cur. i ncv are -" si ine ire con
th.l K. K. Duller of llelllnghanl has tno
at "" .V . ' I v in ngni, vmnK examiner, is
bnw of wmiock. Wash.,, is a h i
- I . J.J?
IC-C Kldiidga, a merohant of Ir
pendente, la a business visitor In
city. Ha Is a guest at tha Oregon,
Dr. T. 1L Vincent, manager for
eleetrlo and gas company of Pendleq
aooompanled by lira. Vincent, la a
I tor la .the city. Mr. Vlnoent Is a
tired physician, and la tha father
Fred Vincent, northwester manager!
tha United Press association with b(
quartere at Portland. They art guif
at the Seward.
- J. A. Mllburn and H. n.,Mllburn
Huron, 8, V. are buslneaa visitors I
tha city for' a few days. They
guests at tha Seward. '
w. A. crown and wire 01 pendier
the! are In tha city. They are guests at
I Howard.
- S. Penneaton. proprietor of the A
in liana Granite Works, Is a business
twolltor In tha city from tha southern C
aa I gon town. 11 tl k guest at tha C
v I nellua. , .
In I tor la bottling works. Is a business
Itor In the city.' He la a guest at
f ii B. Hasan, sawmill proprietor.
I Bridal TelL Is a business visitor In
city. He la a guest at tha Portlan
Lnia a. word, a capitalist or
! Francisco, Is a business visitor In
I city, a guest at the Portland. He
I owner of much Oregon Umber land.
r wan iiowe, oi tsuiraio. . iH wm
connected with the New York Cen
lines. Is a visitor In tha city. He I
guest at the Portland.
P. P. Brush, real aetata operator
Kelso, Wash., accompanied by his w
Is a visitor In the city. They are re
tored at tha Portland.
F. J. Sardam, a sawmill operator
Kelso, Wash., accompanied by hla w
Is a business visitor in the city. T
are guests at the Portland.
d. W. Sanborn, the well known
mon packer, "and Mra. Sanborn, are
from -Astoria, accompanying tneir
who lost an eye Thursday while era
Ing an automobile. A surgical opera
was performed on the young man tl
morning. Mr. and Mrs, Hanoorn
aTuests at the Portland. . ;
N. H. Ne-ustadter, of the firm of Ki
stadter Bros, of San Francisco
Portland,-is up from the Bay city
spectlnr the local establishment H
accompanied by M. Ballln, of the fi
They axe registered at the Portland.
Joe Harrington, a well knbwn bn
hess man of Pasco. Wssh., Is a vis
In the city. He Is a gueat at tha 1
- Misses Mabel and Minnie McPl
prominent young society women
North Yakima, are visiting In the c
They are guests at the Perkins.
W. 8. Kennedy, a prominent trf
chant of The Dalles, Is a business .
Itor In the city.' He is a guest at
TXT a tiaannafil mtMf
I, , . .m.....
of Walla Walla, and Mrs, Kasar.
i . . . . . . . . . - i
in tne City Oir overat uiyi. mr. xuu
s Being treated ny a jocai special
They are guests at the Perkins,
Robert O. GraVes, a merchant
Marshfleld, Is a business visitor in
city. 'He la a guest at tha Perkins,
J. O. Baker, a merchant of McMl
I villa, acoompanled by his mother rf
sister, are in tna city lor a oni vi
They are guests at tna imperial,
Clark Wi Thompson, a prominent
torney of Cascade Locks,. accomparJ
oy ms wire, is a ousmess visitor in
city. They are guests at tha Imper
I J. B. Flynn, a real estate opera
I DUit.Mtni. I m m tmilnai.' lallA.
tna city. A e is a guest ai ma, mi:
lai. , ......
I W. H. Taft of Hood River, Is a
itor in the city. Mr. Tatft ia fnest
the Imperial.
Dr. Kershaw of WITlamtna. Or 1
brief visitor in tha city. He Is a gu
at the Imperial,
F. E. C'Duke") Monohaster of Li
mercnanr ana rruit grower, is a nsi
In thai .Itv a arnaat ait th ImnaHol
Tlmberman, 'left yesterday, for Vane
n. r jje will be absent about
.mI , v k.
l u ,.,.. tint .,1. -,
"'J - villi
i2 ,
" Ortmg, Wash,, is in the city ori
I Qrlgf VlRlt
Kidney pills are being1 "used as
onen-seeame to a rudo man whose an
lai mania is to kisa young nousema
Several reports have been made to
patrolmen-in the vicinity of Thlrty-
enth and Clinton streets that a
noddler la in theAablt of rinaina afl
WL aaa waiting until someone an
Ptty gin the man will embrace i
"creams of the unwilling glrl'drlv,. i
The) man ils medium lae,vabtfut
years old, wears brown' tfouaeia ,
Wack coat and hat.
lfiiniirn nlln Ilin
DAMAGE IS $10,01
Suit for Injuries and humlltat
caused by an alleged fRlse arrest
started this morning In the circuit en
by J, G Turner against George O. R
and tha Alaska Plumbing company. T
I nor wn charged with .the lareenv
' plumbing from a local building, but
discharged in the municipal courts
! was held in lain two days. . He. wa
110, noo for the Injuries done to his
name. , r-
TU I Cf? O TC MO M rial (TV
initr dltHLO IVIUIVtl.
" - DClni CD ' OUHTPlS
ntVULVCn,- onUJUll
. --? i';,
. J- O. Wilson. nf . 11 S Eant Gr
street, reported to the police this rmf
mn' tn-a - prowler s-enterea; bis ho
yesterday and atol a Smith & We
revolvers it cajibt", a J gauge R,
ington shot gun and I2S.60 In. moi
There is no clue to tha Identity : of
robber. - " ' fr 1 '' v ' -