The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 17, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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High; Priestessv' of, Cult -Will
Testify Concerning the Hor-
, ribfe Life of Girls. Under
Fakers Malign Influence.
. (bolt4 Preas Ll
Chicago, Jun 17. -When the trial of
Evelyn Arthur Sm, charged with ab
ducting and ' contributing to the delln
... LI. O.!,....!. 114 ...It I.
lfMH VI ilia ( iwnuiuii Jll W U . ot
resumed Monday, It la expected that
Ufa In the "house of the Lord." See'
temple, will be described from the
standpoint of on of tha'glrla who lived
there, horrified.
Asslstsnt Stat' Attorneys Burnham
aid today that one of the women who
had been high priestess in the cult had
agreed to testify. Whether thla was
Mlidren Bridges, Mona Roes or aome
other girl, Burnham would not say. The
fact, however, that It had been an
nounced that the two glrla had refu'aed
to teatlfy agalnat Sea haa arouaed the
belief thai the' girl who will take the
stand la aome other connected with the
. cane and whoaa name haa not yet been
;given out',.' t ' .
Confessions to Be Used, ,
to.,M.kM.' .- U. Ik MAW.
ressions maae py tne atee ana nages
glrla to tha police when the ""Junior com.
' monwealtb was raided . and Eea waa
'found living with them will be Intro-
ducd and it la expected that the Cw
Tense may put the girla on the atand to
repudiate tha statement-. . ,
It la believed that thla effort on the
part of the defense will be blocked by
the action of Judge Honor, . who baa
decided to put the girls on aa wttneaaea
, for tha court The court will himself
conduct the direct examination, bring'
Ing out any points that ha thinks . tha
jurora should hear. . Tha court's wit-
Besses will then be subject to cross ex
I animation, both by tha defense and the
state, hut .to cross examination will
' be confined to tha points covered In tha
direct examination. ,
, r dirt's ratter to Testify,
Stephen Bridges, , a wealthy Jeweler,
Mildred's father, one a follower of Bee,
will b tha first witness for the state.
Bridges has sued Be for $200,000 dam-
age for the alienation of bis wife's af
fections and for the abduction of his
-daughter. w Mrs. Bridges, . Mildred's
mother, knew of and sanctioned the
girl's connection with the "Junior com
inonwsalth.'. . . ..
- .Mildred Bridges Is now under the care
of the Juvenile court- Mona Re, a
strikingly beautiful woman of 24. has
been conducting , the "commonwealth"
slnoe See arrest.
In hi opening ' address v Assistant
State's Attorney Burnham excoriated
Be. . He declared that under the guise
of "religion and high ethical philosophy."
Be had debauched and debased little
girl placed In hi keeping. He declared
that Mildred Bridge had been delivered
. Into See keeping when only 18 years of
age. by bar mother, who knew of the
purpose for which the child was nt
. to the "Junior commonwealth." but was
so completely under See', away that ah
thought th action proper. After Burn
ham had completed hi statement, court
, was adjourned until Monday.
- (Continued From Pag On.)
More Than 3500 Acres In
,'Coos County Bought for
, " About $200,000
rrrr p .
; .V-' -: - ' -. - :
Iftperlal Dtapatch t" Te Jnrwl.l
Marahfleld, Or., June IT. -The
nasha Wooden ware company t of '
nasha. Wis., - haa bought th property
her of th Oregon Coal & Navigation
oompany of San Francisco. The an
nouncement : has not been . officially
mad public but It 1 known that th
deal ha positively been made. 7 ... -. ,
The Oregon Coal A Navigation com
pany la owned by Ooodall A Ferkln of
San Francisco and Is one of th biggest
holdings In this city. . ' -
The company operated th steamer M.
F. Plant from this city' to San Frsn
Cisco but recently sold th boat Th
holding now consist of about 8100 acres
of land, which Join MaTshfleld and ex
tend to Llbby, where th company owns
a coal mine. Th mine waa closed down
recently as the property waa offered
for eal. . ,,' , .-:.,
Much of th land U valuable aa out
lying city property and a great deal of
it is underlaid with "coal. On part of
th land are abdut 11.090,000 feet of
timber. It I said that th prlc paid
was between $170,009 and 1200,000.
This is th largest deal that ha been
mad her for a long time and when it
become known locally will have a
highly stimulating effect as it has bean
hoped that th property would fall into
in nana or a railroad or som large
firm that .would develop it, - , . '; ; v
(Continued From Pag One.)
II. In May. 1807. I was sent from
San Francisco to Ion and In nine
month I escaped and wa caught In
San Francisco on a burrlary .char-
and sent to Ion for one month, then
back to Sn Francisco for trlaL I waa
given one year In Fo1om by Judge
Cabanlss and cam out February 25,
ljio.. - .. . v ,;
"I picked up with Henry Babar, a Ufa
termer from Folsom and w were both
arrested for a robbery in San Fran
Cisco In February. Babar got a llf
sentence In' Folaom .from Judge Dunn.
I waa probated April 21, 1)10.
, Worked tow Months.
1 worked every day for seven
months at Greenwood. I waa in San
Francisco and at ths Burgess ranch at
Walnut crack, for several weeka I
worked in Lo" Angeles at different
puce. 1 left Los Angeles and want
to SatT Bernardino. 1 went from there
to Bakeref lld. ' Th second night I
was there I tried to hold np a saloon
in Kern. Thl was the twenty-first er
twenty-second of May and th next
night I went to th East Sid bar, Intending-
to hold up that place, but
changed my- mind. On May 27 or 28. I
masked and held ud a crowd In th.
Cast Sid bar and got aboiK tSO.
-I then went to Fresno about - th
first of Juna I stayed ther-three
,. . -- ..."" '(,' ' -' '
. 4 ? '-l,'i; i
' MlsssB1aMsaaaaas f
i T
V -
' c
4 ' i i
1 ,
Miss Lillian Graham, who Is being held by th New York police for th shoot-
. Ing of th millionaire hotel man, W. E. D. Stoke, in th apartment of
herself and Miss Ethel Conrad, who la also being detained. Stoke de
clare th young women attempted to blackmail him of S2S.00O and that,'
when ha refused to giv them th money, they fired upon ' him. v Their
version of the affair is that be attacked 'them and they shot In un
Pioneer '. Paint Dealers" Lose
'.Entire' Stock; and. Building
' ; Is - Badly Damaged; Fire
Likely i From .combustion.
Th ntlr stock Of F. E. Beach Co.
a pioneer paint company, wa destroyed
and th ,two atory building occupied
at .100 Front atrt, near, Stark, wa
gutted by, a.dlssstrous nr wnicn oo-
curred at I o'clock this morning. The
.building will b rebuilt at once. The
fire tartd in " the rear of the store
and .had gained considerable headway
before being discovered ,by Special Of
ficer -Chlldera. who hurried to report
to th fir station on Second street ad
Joining tb pollc station. Streams were
sooq turned on th blase. Including n
from th fireboac. ..
The Inflummahl nature 'of the stock
I'of oils and paint laad th blase atub-
bgrn and it wa not until tb ator was
practically destroyed that the fir waa
finally conquered. Tb atock waa val
ued at about $1,000 and wss Insured
for half Ita valua The building was
I owned . by , Mr. Frank C. Savage and
waa said to b th first brick erected
I In Portland. - - ;
Willi th. origin of th fir I un
known, Mr, Beach believe It to be due
to spontaneous, combustion, resulting
from th wadding; up' of paint-soaked
I cloths. Adjoining buildings wer but
lightly damaged.
-, ...
(Continued frord Page Ona)
establish where the bloody cloth cam
f rem 4bat waa found on th Wlllaburg
road near th Calk hous' th. morning
of th killing of tb four Hill and,
Beoond. th cours taken by th man
who ha frightened Ardenwald people
and attacked . a farm hand Thursday
It has been sixty hours slnoe the man
attacked Ous Obrlst, the hand on the
Dysle place, but McDermott and Brad
ford are certain their doga will pick
up the trail thrdugt tb woods across
th road from th Dysle house. The
dogs hold a record for following a trail
111 hours after a man bad escaped, and
of having captured him. . They are said
to have worked aucceasfully on numer
ous occasion wher a trail wa four
day old. v
Dog Well Known.
The two doga taken out thla afternoon
wer brought to Spokane from San An
tonio, Texaa, by , Harry Draper, eight
years ago. They' figured sensationally
In the Steunenberg, Harvey Brown, and
other widely known murder case and
war used In Portland In 10I In th
. 'Catted rreaa leased Wire.) - u
Nmt Vnrlr. June IT Ethel Conrad
days. Th next night I tried to hold and Lillian Graham,' held on th charge
up a car, but waa Interrupted, and I of assault . to murder ; In connection
held up a man and 'woman at th wifh tha ihnntinr of W. K. n' stoke:
chool hous at th end of the car line mllllonalr bote) puroprletor. were called
and got i. Then I went to Stockton. I ud for arraignment before Maglatrat
ticep crimlnls, or accessories before
the fact to the dynamiting.
"'."In that trial the state ha rights
W 01 J flat tha Aftg'lIJlAfl ' fnlAnal TOrtftBa.
I1 ,.nMlna.l k. AU(M
va wean uiHiiiiiutMi w, ussy vn V leal ill cu
reputation for standing for the square
' deal' when he rushed, unsolicited, to
the defense of suspected and Indicted
dynamiters by doubting not whether
they committed the act charged? for
that he had a rlht to do but by doubt
ing whether any dynamiting of the
Times had been done by anybody; for
' that is what his 'If means.
Kowtows to fcabor Tot,-.::
. ,, "Of course Colonel Roosevelt must be
war of the fact that he does not een
-begin to tat fairly . th tru attitude,
of tb editor of the Time or th Times
nswspaper on the subjects In dispute.
His clearly apparent effort, to appeal to
popular prejudice by aligning the Time
with ' the interests' with capital as
-against. labor, is worthy of him and
wholly indefensible. - . '
t "Ills' la teat position on the union labor
. question as announced in th last Issue
of The Outlook Is 'that of uncondition
al and abject submission to these mo
nopolies. He sits at the feet of Gomper.
east adoring glance at him and kow
tows to the labor vote, which Is a de
lusion, a sham and a bogle man which
no brave man need fear.
" 'Colonel Roosevelt, disappointed 'poli
tician and virtuous vault er. Is steadily
revising and - reversing himself down
ward." : . s,! .
Menus, couneel' Stoke, explained a.e Of Frank Smith, the murderer of
that th mllllonalr. who we. .hot whll. J haT"a' Ctkk." e07ltS
in , the girl apartmenU wa. .till at JJ'f t.J "J Vf-S'iS
Long Bach, wher h went ye.terday if 'J J?'t
after being dismissed from the hos- AAJSJ Jt r &JniZ
pital. Th heartng was adjourned until thl mlthkHl.? 2
Monday after Fraachl had reduced bail ?ZJ SJ ltZS Eim Z
to f 10 000 each. 1' attempted to shoot Draper from be-
. ' ' ' -. ' bind a tog. ,
Uradr. one of the" dor . was shot In
Hill, but wer let off near Toncalla, be I the fac with a hot gun by Smith and
ing told It was Rice Hill. . 1 badly aoarred aa a reault Sam, th
Chirf rt.,lA - - KMtn.Ki A IhaL.i A 1 1 i ,
bnUbn. UNUAUUn I Dut BM ma no discovery. Tl) srhsnrf bery seven year ago.
1 na piacea guard at several point I Th doga
Fraachl today. Attorney Torenc Mc-
(Continued From Psge Ona)
. Improvements at Hot Lake.
Despite , the fact that (various news
papers and newt association throughout
the, west haVe attempted by the use
of printer's ink to close the Hot Lake
sanatorium, the place continues to do
business at the old stand,. and Improve
ments are constantly being made.-,
At present force of men 1 engaged
. In laying a new steel alx Inch water
main from the present pumping plant
to the, 120,000 gallon cement reservoir,
and engineer are doing the location
work for the construction of a gravity
water system. I This means that sev-
: eral larg spring, which for year hav
been allowed to go unharnessed, will
be brought to th sanatorium and mad
to furnish water for that institution.'
Another mineral spring is also being
connected with the main building, and a
handsome fountain will be installed In 1
th beautiful office lobby. ' . v I
' Business at the Hot Lake sanatorium
-never ceased - for one moment A' No' re
r celverwas appointed, neither Is there
, any possibility of Hot Lake sanatorium
closing its doors. Patients will receive
the same kindly care and attention In
. the future a In the 'past and: - Hot
Lake water and mud will continue to
relieve suffering humanity. -
fev " : ' i' r -I- 1 1 ".r'5;j;'M
; s Eastern Rates V ':
,4 The next Bale date for spedfal round
trip . tickets to eastern points via . the
Canadian Pacific lines I June 21. Make
your reservations now. Office Jt Third
- atreet : J--: ;r .
Waa rongbt Off.
hold up th Toll 'house about one I
mn outside of Stockton and started
to noid up a car but wa fought off by
in car crew. 1 Held up the Sunny
eoum oar twioe aoout one week between
the hold up and got 1120 the first!
ana iiq tne second time. I held up a
saloon over on the car line the night
before the first Sunny South bold un
and then went to Sacramento and held I lay over In Ashland today. Grimes for
up a car at the end of the McKinleytThe Journal described the affair
Park line," he said. "Th next day 1 1 follows:
took a Rambler bicycle. That night "Two men entered the car at Drain,
I -went Into Sacramento and held up Just as the. train waa pulling out. and
two saloons at the rac track. I then covered the' three clerk with revolvers,
rode to Stockton In about seven hours, one of the robbers baving one gun and j
I had shipped the wheel that nUrht and the Other two. We threw up our hands.
went ,to a saloon to Stockton to hold and the pair "..-V?- m nV cthe, three pair, of .hW one rifle, and train robber, found the body of Fred
It up. but the bartender took shot at taking eight registered ; pouches. Of two voivers. a hundred pocket knives. Klober. who was lost in the Caacade
. v .- .i . I , . . .1 .i l-Mt - I , ,- uvn,,!.,,,. uau ui u, win v
WWIV LW XO Ultf O li II II V CtOULfl IllOOn VW!CH!WWfl viUVIUI wviuiw, v.iv - I H... m mama a 4K. .
""o " "P agwin ana got s or n. uoiuntu iur mju uiw. ,-u'," $260. "The thieve stopped at the south
I left Stockton and went to Llvermore. . empty equipment and waa over- of town ..d .xcY..T.meA .heir clothes
This was a week ago Saturday. 1 1 looked by the robbera . The poucnes , ,... ..,u
held up .a saloon and shot a man with I were all. through ones and we have no A . BUlt ot -lothea. Th. !. f
my rsvwvtr. inen wen 10 wainui l, .k- I th "hoes taken were IH. S and H, In
uinyea mi tne ttogers notei. w v"-"w' v""""- dicatlng that three men-did the lob.
went to Concord: th next t day. 1 1 were nair run or ever ana omr- naa 1 -
didn't do. a trick ther. I then went le" " them. "HnPiiiTriminw n n
to Martlnes and held up a saloon near "The robbers pulled the emergency atrl PENITENTIARY HOUNDS
the depot but did not get any money. xoncaua, a. rau jjuu.iaa . oouniy
got a, watch, i This wa my latllowa ai wnicn me train ue not mivp.
trick.. . . land when speed slackened, escaped In the
IVost Si Mstoia. I darknasa They wer not masked. One
I went direct to Port Costa and to wa 27 or 28 year, old, . of medium
Ben Ida, getting there about 1 o'clock I height, probably 5 feet 8 Inches, of slen
in the morning. I got to bed and left Ur build and I wearing dark,, rough
Springs. Washington and In th English
oaa at Mt Vernon, took up a trail four
day eld and captured, Bessner, th man
who tied English to a tree and secured
an order for IS00O from, Dim.
Tha stat of Oregon owns som spec
ially trained bloodhounds which are kept
at tha fialam nenltentlarv - but the cir
cumstances aurroundlng th killing of
th Hill wer1uch that Sheriff Maaa
did not bellev th dog would be of
any ua In trailing th murderer. .,
Bradford. howvr, . who llv. . I
Skagit county. Wash., and McDermott.
were anxlou to put th dog on th
ehas and offered them to Sheriff Mass.
H agreed to let them try it oat, par
ticularly a. he bllv they will find
any prowler who may be hidden In
th wood along Johnson creek and by
doing so, allay th fear, of th popl
living near Ardtrwald. who bsv been
in a stat of panld sine th killing of
th nuia. .. ,:
upe at XcKlanvlU. '.
V 0org ' Zanall, a tramp, who acted
peculiarly near Gaston ysstsrdsy, was
arrested ther by Constabl Harrla and
taken to McMlnnvill on suspicion that
h might be th Hill murderer. Tb
man I apparently Insane and bad spots
on bis clothing which It wss ' thought
might b blood. U was sa trying
to wash these off.
Sheriff Mas ' of Clackamas county
and Deputy Sheriff Leonard of Portland
went to McMlnnvlUe last night and ex
amined ZanelL He made som. state
ments thst were verified today aod it
la not thought he waa oonneeted with
the Hill case, although the McMlnnvlUe
authorities were Justified In arresting
him. He will b held for, examination as
to his ssnity.
United State poatofflc Inspector, ar
Investigating a letter sent Mr. R. F.
Kuhn of 1221 Mllwaukl avenu yester
day. Th envelope wa . postmarked
Portland and .contained a newspaper
clipping containing an account of th
murder of the Hill and bearing a black
hand drawn In Ink on the top.
Vacation card are being Isaued at
th central library and all . of its
branchea List of book for vacation
reading, 'on many subject., may be ob
tained at the circulating desk. Ten
books, provided four are fiction, may
be drawn upon these vacation cards
and may b kept until th first of
October without renewal.
An exhibit of drawings done by the
pupils of th 8ellwood and Llewellyn
schools Is to be hold at th Sllwood
branch library. Tb exhibit waa pre
pared by the Instructor of drawing un
der the direction of the supervisor and
may be seen at any time durlna- the
coming week. The library I open un
til f :o every evening.
Used in McCtallcn instructions
- His Interpretation of- Dec!
sions by Supreme Court on
. Similar Points. v ; v
Fined for lUttlng Chinese.
Hop Sang, While Bitting in front, of
hi stor at 220 Oak street last even
ing, was atruck In tb fac by T. A.
Horan. who had imbibed too freely.
Horan objected to the ' Chinaman'.
Queu. Judge Taswell fined him 810.
. (speHal tMapetek te Tk Jm!.
, Marshfleld, Or. Jun 17. Judge John
I. Cok waa Informed today by Th
Journal correspondent that recall petl
tlon. gotten tip on account of hi in
struction. In. ths Roy McClallen murder
case, wer In Roseburg for circulation.
Ho said he understood ther wa. Mm
feeling In Douglaa county ever the out
come of thl caac, which h tried re
cently at Roseburg, but ' that b bad
endeavored to try th esse' fairly" and
Impartially under the law of th .tat
a he understood them to hav been In
terpreted by th supreme court of thla
News that the recall petition, were to
be circulated In Roseburg wa reeetvej
here with much surprise by members of
the bar and others acquainted with th
court work, aa during th term that
Judge Coke has served on the bench he ,
ha mad a reputation for fairness and
impartiality. 1 ?
jBMtaawaaa '
Roseburg, Or, Jun IX Th Juds
Cok recall petition wer placed on the
streets of Roseburg thl morning ana
are being freely tgnd. Attorney Can
non, who I. managing tn recall cam
paign, y they will be freely lgn4 In
both thl county and tn other part of
thl Judicial dlstrlot H says be ba
interviewed resident of both Lan and
Coo counties. According to Mr. Cannon
money I balng Subscribed freely to fin
ance th petition campaign, om con
tributing t, l and vn 2B.
, Found In 6wjunp. f ; '.
tOslte Ptm Laased Wlra)
Marlborough, Maaa, Jon IT. WIl-
Ilam D. Henley, prominent oelty man.
I under the care of physician, here to
day, following bl. discovery tn a swamp
fur aa absence of 18 day. .Daring
thl. time be had little to eat and when
found he was la a terrible stat of ex
haustion. ' He la unabl to explain bl .
disappearance, and says that during hi
long stay In th swamp h appeared not
to b able to call for help or to find
hi way out Henley disappeared April
20, shortly following his marriage, and
the 'fact caused a great sensation. HI
mind waa snppesed to hav become un
balanced as a result of an attack of tho
grippe. ' ' , A '
doga played a prominent part In
aiong tne railroad and highway, and is 1 ths chase of Harry Tracey and followed
watting, nere lor niooanonno. rrora Ba-1 the outlaw in spite or his errorts to
lem on . the afternoon train, when the I put them off the trial by wading in
pursuit will be- taken up at the place I rivers and by the use of cayenne pep
where the bandits left the train. . per. Tracey said he feared the bounds
What is believed to ba a nart of tha I mors than all tha noaaea that were af-J
same gang that robbeO-the mall car en-Iter him.
tered the hardware store of W. W. Kent Captured Bill Miner. ' .
by breaking a rear window., and- carried The dogs oaptured Bill Miner, the
off goods consisting of six . suits of I famous British Columbia stag coach
SJLfJA 11 Bytl!,nf' 1 "en l!LinA:o!lT.i!r,.!4.f T0- boxes of cart- mountain back of Green River
, jTv3 Providing for tho whom on A rS
- VI V 'or" become pne's highest plea-. SL 1
I .f VI w ur and duty, yet many of ua fall , . , f 1
(f Z M y to oo ir, ooir ror tn present. For 1 wf 1
I IFNetr 1 7oxxr Peace of mind, your financial I I
I Ar B 31 A I lntret and your famAy' futur saka I ( J I
I I , W J K w, 24. ydd. Pres.! T. Wlloox. Y-Prei W I
I l ( OooWagham, w-i n. jg, Johnson, Seoi Q
V fsssa-. 1 m. r. wvawwji, v-r. ana itea asgr I
1 (fcLV Horn off. Spalding bdg, loraand. Or
(Salem Boraas of The Journal)
Salem, v Or., June 17 Two blood-
for Vallejo about II o'clock the next clothea. Both wer smooth shaven and hounds from th penitentiary were sent
morning. I went to Vallejo to do a both, bad dark hair. One wore a dark to the vicinity of Drain In charg of
trick, but when I lost my Pistol Id- cap, the other a dark slouch felt hat Special Guard Mile at 11 o'clock this
elded to quit" . , , t . . and both had their headgear drawn low forenoon t0 ba uied ,n th0 vnTmJtl of
Melville will be held at Fairfield to bide their face, ar much as -possible, , . .n ... mkluul
until all. the evidence jtosslblo is ' ' - Ltt m.n .naot, -r ah... t uu
last night. The Shasta Limited came
through Salem southbound at 7:43
o'clock last night ; -
gathered. He win probably be turned
over to th officers of Sacramento. 1
Attorney Raines told htm he should
bo ashamed of himself for .holding .up
the man and woman. in-Sacramento. As
Raine was leaving the Jail Melville
called, him back and said: "I tell you,
mister, I am sorry I held up that man
and woman Jn Sacramento."
' "- (Special Dlapateb to The Joornal.)
Roseburg, Or., Jun 17-The mall oar
of th south bound Shaata limited, the
Southern ; Pacific;: fst and.xcluslv
train, waa enterea py rooDer ana . two
registered mall pouches stoin about 11
o'clock last . night, as . tb . train was
that (Duma wa. ths ; leader of and running between Drain and Toncalla. .
(Contlnud from Pag Ona)
planned all the crimes committed.
v (Special Olapitch te The Joornal.) ' '
Grants Pass.. Or., June IT. Southern
Paclf la passenger train Shasta Limited,
southbound, which was robbed north of
The robber entered a partly opened 5rtrr 1" nghV limped Into Grant
Last night th officers, lying in wait floor of the mall car at Tn--JttUl'tAJ.Y
caugnt two yeggmen In the act of blow waa maaked. One of them kept the mall .rv Tt W ZZ
ing the af In the postofflce at I clerks covered with a gun while they nAt?J.,to',Xr,Ih! --Sff- L?ll
Ptinn.w. Tha rn r,,f 1 uimrM two rerlstered mall couches. rtl ?ocmoUve. pulling, th train began
and one of them, Martin Benin, waa vThey evidently intended to leave, the !"n hUi?v whef. tWnJlnll
seriously wounded and , captured. . He train In ; the isolated Rice Hill section, In..t0..f tnl clty' w?r 'elM
wa orougnt to semidjl on a special I " one or mem asicea wnen tne train
went up Rice Bin. xne cienc toia
them they were going up It then, so
the robbers then ordered him to pull
th plug" 'and Stop the train. He
did o, lotting them off a short dls-
to dynamite the Puooskv nostofflee tance north Of Toncalla, instead of Rlcs
safe V and - burn : the building. They H11L or about five miles " this side of
waited last rtlcht until the' man Win I Rio Hilt: -
their work, then 'dosed In unon them. Th sheriff and a deputy left for the hi exile from his country 1s the state-
Simultaneously they 'raided Mayor I scene on a light ' engine shortly after I ment of fellow passengers who landed
Dumas' office and assert todav that I the crime and now aeveral posses are I f romv th ahip Tpl range, on which the
tiiey iuuhu mu-ogiycenne, ruses, aniia I eearcBiaa vns aurivtiuuiiis cuuuu jr. ii i luruicr uivwivr caueu iruui v er vruz.
msricea maps, magaaine Pistols. Colt r-l is tnougnt tne men took to tne nuia 1 ,"my any 1a aone, niy sua naa set. 1
volvers and .Inerlmlnatln;' lttrg.-?.S:V I wet, of 1 Toncalla. f A farmer living I am an old man betrayed by, those I
. ' Detective Fielding assert, that On tha I about ; three mile wutn or Yoncau I trusted most,", said DJas, according to
special train today - Behan confessed 1 discovered two men asleep in his barn 1 the passengers. "The result .of the Ma-
and told of plots Involving Duma and I about 4 o'clock this morning a he went I dero regime will be chao and disorder.
extending back over a year. The tonJf to feed the horses. They dressed and I My Mexico 1b In the nan da of tnonte-
ression. Fielding says, told of a post- left H did not know of the robbery I banka I win never return there.
ornce robbery at, Shevlhi, Minn., two I then, but suspects they might be th
month ago, where one of the robber. I men.
train. The other was wounded but es
caped and today Is being trailed by
. . feara of Plot, y :
- A week ego officers learned of a plot
i v a m wm A aa al e a v a " aaas a m a 'is' "last
(tTnlted Preaa Leaaed Wlra.1 V
Vigo. Spain, Jun 17. That Porflrlo
DlasJ a broken old man, crushed by
said to be E B. Le Claire, stood off a
sheriffs posse. Le Claire is now re
ported to be in Boulder, Mont
rxs poucTHOZAwas' eoxpAjrr
H ome OiTice.t i
"-' coiitTf BTrrxsnrr),
C. riftk and Morrison -'aWS,'. '
A. L. MILLS..... ili. President
L. SAMUEL. . General Manager
Is Best forlOibiim
(Soadal Dlnrxtr tn Tb Joorait) '
1 Drain, Or., Jun--17. A tha south
bound Shasta lllmted pulled out at U
1 o'clock last night two men boarded th
mail car, held un tb mail clerk at th
point of -a gun and escaped from the
train near Toncalla with two sacks of
registered mall. The bandit had told
Foley' Kdney Remedy
Is particularly recommended tor, chronic
cases of Kidney and bladder trouble." It
tend to adjust and control the kidney
and bladder action - and 1 healing.
strengthening and brads g. - L. MeCon-
nelU ; 117 Catherna : St, Elmira, N T
aays: "Two bottle did th work moat
effectively, and proved to 1 me beyond
doubt it is th most : reliable kidney
medicine 1 had ever taken and it shall
always have my endorsement". Skid-
more Drug Co., two stores maltv ator
1(1' Id at; branch stor Morrison and
West Park sts. . Woodard-Clark Drug
ii --ivlpo, llif I
I tfca anU aWfca ta lat tham otf 4 Blu