The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 17, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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rrrn nrinnii n
Ar tnoHrl u
E. F. Apley Traces to Portland
Girl Who Had Been Missing
' Since She Was One Year
Old; Court Restores Child.
Annual Report of Insurance
Department Gives Interest
ing Statistics.
Threc Sisters Meet First Time fa 57 Yeans
For IS year. E F. Apley. Napoleon.
IN D, has seMrrhed for hla daughter
I taken from him xv'irn she was 1 yry
! alii and w rewarded thin morning In
. th Juvenile court when .he waa re
, stored to Mm The slrl la now 14
ffiri old mill hurl nrvrr o-n her father
'until llirv nirl irt thr court room of
'Judge d'nunw Pho Ik going I a K hum
with Mm. mil there In not a happier
rouple In rortland toilny.
r The big tara rolled down tha cheek
jf tha North Dakota rancher when ha
faa sure (ht Utile nirl was his, and
his to take home. Tha girl la Just
aa enthusiastic over her new home aa
the parent. Her mother la dead, but
there la another to glv the daughter
. . that motherly attention which aha baa
tiot krown for many year a.
.' History of OlrL
... Th story of little Ulllan Apley Is
n of those rare bit that la often
' .fctard of. It la the story of a child taken
at tha age of one year, placed In Strang
hands, later carried away from the
notice of tha father, grown nearly Into
, jrounr womanhood, left to drift In tha
(ft.lem Roreaa ef Tb Jnor.U
Salem, Or. un 17 Taking insur
ance statistics aa n laula of estimating
the commercial growth of Oregon," said
Insurance Commlsalonrr R. A. Koser to
day. 'It may be aeen that tha develop
metit during the year 1910 was 100 per
cent greater than that of Itftt over 10.
The lit r see t Increase are noticeable In
; the amounts paid for fire and life Inane
lance, though the large! percentage of
' Increase appear to he In the Item of
utitomohlle fire Insurance. The liability
remlnm Im-reaped from llftft.000 in
1 to IZfTJ.OOO In imo and the pre
I mluina paid for fidelity and eurely
bonds Increased from f 1ft. 907 to $101,
!6. Mutual fire Insurance companies
increased their premluma from IJJI,-
0Z to for the year 110."
The third annual report of tha Insur
ance department of the atate. covering
tha buainers transacted during the year
ending December 31. 110, will be ready
for distribution In a few daya. Mats of
all the com pan lea authorized to transact
business In the state mav be had by ap
plication to the department.
Bullae Show Oalns.
From an examination of the report
it will be noted that it rompanlea were
l)fnid to tranaact at leant ons of the
varlotia classes of Insurance business In
V. . ..,-- I I. J ,u. I I
-I-. , i I . . . " -' 1 wuiiiiH uiw im villi 1II.V 11 1 111 I
. '"-.withdrew or h1r Moan.
, Salvation Army.
"" .v Aply formerly lived in Wisconsin.
, Hls first wife died soon after the bins
of Lillian. By mutual consent, the
; Vtbe 'of less than one year was placed
fin the car of a family by the nam
. raf Owens, who lived nearby. The usual
.attachment developed between the little
.child and Its foster parents, and sh
. father was not allowed to see 1L On
.day he broke down the door and sought
t take hi child by force. He was ar
rested, and ordered not to molest th
( foster parents, who quietly moved away
' aoon after this affair, and never In
formed th father. He began th search,
"which was prosecuted through th en
Ttlr west Several times tie has riven
yp, but upon hearing; of new cluea would
resume in e investigation.
IV , Traced to Portland,
; '.. Th fostsr parents moved t Wash
ington, and located near Walls Walla.
A few years ago they left th child In
the custody of another family. This:
f lamuy. later Became tired of the girl.
,and left her In some way to ahlft for
; nerseir on th streets of Walla Walla.
,8he was picked up by, ths Salvation
Army, and given a home. Last Sep
tember she was sent to Miss R. Liene
rnan, matron of. the Salvation .Army
Rescue home. tJ East Fifteenth street.
Portland. , y "t ;
A few day ago a relative of tfi
foster parents wrote the father of the
girl where his daughter could be found.
, He lost no time in coming to Portland.
,nd arrived last night To cas was
In the Juvenile court this morning, as
a move had been made to have her
legally placed In the custody of the
rescue home. The father had engaged
Attorney FV M. Saxton to make fight
fvr hjs daughters but everything "was
so easily arranged that no contest was.
snade.s? t '., . . :
i- ; WlUlaff to fro.
The girl appeared very willing to go
With the father to his home, tha rescue
norn people favored her going, and the
latner was so pleased with the mat
ter .that be was overcome .with Joy.
Judge Gatens. said It was one of the
happiest moments of his Judicial career
to see the father and daughter reunited.
.-; The ; father "brougiif old photographs
of the fc-irl s mother to show her. He
also brought a card of memorlam irlv
ing an account of the death of hi first
wife. These were rreatly treasured 'by
he It-year-old girl who today is
snowered with genuine fatherly affec
tion. Lillian appeared In Juvenile court
'dressed tn a prettv -trllnh m.M.
t the rescue borne, and a black sailor I
euraw cat She ha very rosy cheeks, is
'T fair and has brown hair. The rebuffs
, received from the world have made her
n older girl than the average person
vi ner age, ana she said she was glad
to have the new home, even if it is 10
mnes rrom a town.
i ' a
aes were revoked
for cause. The total premiums received
by companies transacting business In
the state aggregate t7.6I7.10t aa against
l6.fitO.K2 for the year 1909. Th pre
miums returned In 110 amount to fl,
07t,M7, while corresponding sums re
turned In 1909 amounted to $961,404.
Amounts paid policy holders In Oregon
by all classes of companies, exclusive
of fraternal benefit societies, amounted
to ft.tZt.Stt. while In 1909 th com
panies paid 11,021.354. It will thus ie
observed that while the gross amount
which the people of this state have paid
In premiums shows an Increase over the
year 1909 of mora than 11.107.000, thr
has been an Increase In th amount
which th companies hav paid In losaet
and claims of f 1,200.140.
rraUraai SocietU Vot XdsteA.
The amounts paid by fraternal so
cieties ar not included In the fore
going figures, those
r 1
" i ".' i , i
Charge : of, Forgery . Is ' Made
and Name Is to Be Given
When; Priest's;; Contesting
-' . Brother Puts on Witnesses.
At the left Is Mrs. Sarah Bowman of Burr Oak, Iowa, In the center Mn.
O. Roawell of Kelaoj Wash., and at the right Mrs. L. C. Northrop
of Lodi, Cal.
' Kelso, Wash.. June 16. For the first
time in 67 years three sisters met In
this city a short time ago and their
reunion under these unusual circum-
socleties having I stances ba Just ended. The three were
been required only by recent act to I Mrs, O. Roawell of Kelso, Mrs. Sarah
render financial statements to th In-Bowman of, Burr Oak, Iowa, and Mrs.
suranc department of the stats. How. I C Northrop of Lodi, Cal.
ever, as raor than 11.000.000 ar paid Th three sisters Were born In On
by members of fraternal societies, thelUrto, Canada, and Mrs. Northrop, who
gross amount paid for Insurance In this
state. Including that placed through
authorised companies, aggregstes well
on to 19.000.000 paid by th citizens of
Oregon for th protection of their de
pendents and business and th preserva
tion of their credit ' .
Th average rat per 1100 of Insurance
charged by stock fir Inaurance com
panies during, th year 1110 was 11.17,
while for the year 1909 th average was
11.70 and the year. 1 90S, 12.14. Kor a
-,--l.t 1 A ...... 1 1 .... I I
Fnw iv jrvmim 11 ivr intjj viu fcfioi ivf 111 S 1 S
ranged from 12 to 12.68 pef 1100 of In- Une WOman ACCUScS AITcSlinQ
surance. The loss ratio to th .com-1 ... . . .
pairlea upon a "gross basis was about 24 UlTICer. Other ChanflPS HPT
ner Mint while for tha VMr 19(11 If ! i 1
Is now 72 year old. crossed th plains
to California during th gold rush of
1149, and is consequently one of th
very fw surviving female forty,nlners.
Mrs. Bowman is 76 years old and Mrs.
Roswell 62. Their picture was taken
during the reunion for The Journal.
They were together three weeks. Mr.
Bowman and Mrs. Northrop then leaving
ior ineir nomes. All have grandchildren.
.. eaiem, or June lj.Chargea of forg
ery and th exercise of, undue Influence
r Involved, In th contest of th will
ef Father Kmmeren D. Wehdl, who
died last November, leaving his entlr
eaute, of the alleged value of 110,000,
to th Order of St Benedict. . JleaV.
, Ing of the contest . opened thlar morn
ing before Judge Henry Bushy of th
probata court T.h wlli. wa mad last
November. .
The will I being contested by John
B. Wendl. brother ol th deceased priest,
and th defendant ar Rt, Rev. piacldua
ruerat, abbot of St Benedict' abbey of
Mt Angel, and other official of Mt
AngeL Th proponent's first wltneaaes
wer called this . forenoon. Father
Thome testified h was an eye-wltnes
te th signing- of th will 'and that the
dying priest was of eound mind and act
ed i voluntarily. , ,
When th contestant's witnesses take
the stand sensational charges are ex
pected. -
Attorney Frank Holme admitted to
day that' the name of th party to be
accused of forgery, would be brought
out but he would not divulge It at this
time. No ham Is specified In th com
Attorneys W. L. Kaber and M. EL.
Pogue represent Mt Angel.
Andrews Makes Statement of
Lack of Connection , With
Disappearance. ,
OpkIsI Dlsatik ta The lonraaLt
Kerby. Or. Jun 17. -Oen Andrew.
mentioned ; In a recent dispatch from
her xoncemlng th fat of Frank Law.
ranee, a prospector who last winter dis
appeared under ' mysterious olrcum
stances front his caljln . on Fiddler's
Quloh, has Issued a statement covering
wiiiieviiun. wnn, int rntiisr. jkn
Appeal of Webb, Condemned
.: Murderer. May Be Lost by
; ueiay in Filing Transcript of
I rial in District Court.
Jesse r. Webb, etayer ef w. A. John-1
son in a room In the New Grand Can
drtws gives a straightforward account tral hotel. ,whr Johnson waa I
of th affair. HI version of bis rela-lwith a blackjack and his body stuffed I
u..ruvv avuaisnn ivi-imio a trunic, win reseat to the gallowel
..r. " '-- i wnnin rew weens ir a motion Drenared
. My acquaintance with Frank Law- Ibv m.teiet a..o.J- r.- P.'PV began last f.ll when he eam, to Uj.. th. appeal Is .ranted IT th eute
th camp of Tom Watson and tnvsslf m "n ,utl
on tddler'a Oulch. H seemed Ilk a r .J?, ' : " ' '. : ' I
pUasant old gentleman and I gave him hav fataU, "ired fWiiS. s-"1??!
letter of r.bomm.ndaUo. to Dick 1 ffaSMJj U3lf-t0.
eiL, a yeenr frlnd of mine living- ner rrmnt bv r rm.u t7-. t I'T
Kerby, which presented In fJ. .Z.?H"M.orro'r' Thlsj
person, thereupon cave him t (0 w. erec, ne urges,, sal
as a grubstake for a protin trip! JurlsdieUeoi
anil Lawrene r.tiim.4 t. . .ei'l10 eoaldr th. appeal. ,
South? Bend Defense Tries to
Show Frameup by Her
Story, Leaves Town.
Ill per cent o4 for th yearv.1908,
27.4 per cent, and for a period" of 10
years prior thereto th loss ratio varied
.a a ar B ST - w I
t' . . :"JT. . ' ".J! "ZZJr", . .u! Dispatch to Th. JoumaL)
..I. ",o,n 7,,; . .' ."TI Astoria, Or.. Jun 17. Durina- th
J ran I . l V wss.e .1. 7 jrcs a IBtlCW I ,-.! w.w.- . .- . iL , ,
r th. t.hie. tJn.A in th. .Mr tr,al ,w0 women of the underworld
will show that notwithstanding- the ,n tn" PoUcs court here yesterday on
average loss ratio is Increasing from vagrancy charges, an Investigation of
year to year, the average rat per $100 charges of extortion and graft made by
or insurance la gradually tetng reduced the women against Police Officer R r.
ana mat it woum appear mat ui siat Basel, who arrested them, was entered
Is being charged a more nearly correct
and equitable rate for th Indemnity
Into by a mutual agreement between
the city attorney and C. W. Mullina,
wno defended the women.
One of the women persisted In her
story, but the other, who was seen In
consultation with a man well known In
the tenderloin during a recess taken
by the court, when she was placed on
the witness stand flatly contradicted
statements she was said to have' made
previously to her attorney and the city
attorney. Two hundred dollars cash
bail was furnished for her and she was
sent out of the city last night. The
case was continued - until Tuesday.
(Doited Prei Leased Wire.)
. : Stockton, Cal., June 17. Sam B Ax
tell, editor of the Lodi Sentinel, yester
day shot Charles Sollars. nn ice dealer,
f the same city. Sollars dJed today.
The ehooting grew out of stories of
an automobile accident which occurred
Saturday. Two young women had
started to Stockton In Axtell's machine.
It turned Into a ditch. Sollars came
Iong later His story of the accident
sahgered Axtell and a quarrel followed.
N . .
V (United Pi-cm wire.
Salt Lake City. l tah. June 17 Con-
' i?C,t0,T W1Jllam Ki' "f the Pocatello
$ vision of the Oregon Short Line w-j
Allied and IVputv Sheriff Wliton of
d uv miaiiy wrmndid In a ftpit
'two, bandits arrrnterl on a Short
l 1Jn iirniKe, I,Jnho today
' The men w re errestod and Wilton had
i5i?;'tWO r!V0lvfers from thorn. One
Wf the andita seized one of the bums
nd Shot Wilton. Kidd popple,! Wth
- I ,robbr an1 wa h,t to death.
' w. XTc bandits signaled the train to pton
nd escaped. A pogue is pursuing; them.
Jl L (",t,a 'Tress lamil Wlr
(United Press Le.ned Wlre.t
Washington, June 1 7. -Of flcials here
say that the government Is powerless to
check Japan's expansion In the Philip
pines and the western hemisphere. There
is no way in which America can change
conditions regarding Immigration Into
the Philippines, It is asserted. It Is
believed that the Japan question may
become.niore serious now that Tokto
has announced Its Intention of sending
Immigrants to Manila on every steamer.
The chilly reception which the Fill-1 (United press lw Wlre.t
pinos will -tender the Japanese imml- Seattle, Wash., June 17. Patrolman
grants. It is believed, will not affect W. H. Gunllffe died at the City hospital
them in the least. It la generally ex- at 3 o'clock this morning, one hour after
pex-ted here that pressure will be he had been wounded by the bullet of a
brought to bear on the state depart- supposed highwayman. There is no clue
ment to use any influence It mar have to th assailant Five shots were fired
with Brazil and other South American I n a duel between two men and the po-
countrles to check the pro-Japanese liceman, it is believed.
Railroad Row at Pendleton
Due to Anger Over Size of
i i 'i
(United Prens Leased Vtre.
Everett. Wash., June 17. Floyd Mer
rill, a Seattle "automobile kid" and In
ventor, is in Jail again. The Beillng
ham police today notified the local au
thorities that Floyd and his youthful
partner. Archie Jamleson, were arrested
last niprht. This was after they had
fHcaped from the Seattle Jail and had
taken Ions: Joy rides every day, paying
the automobile renting companies with
checks, had. it is allejed. Yesterday
young Merrill, who is the inventor of
an electric railroad signal, passed an
other check in Marysvllle, Wjph., and
on the proceeds managed to reach Bell
Ingham. He will be brought back.
J am lesion ran away from home In
Winnipeg, Canada. He made his way
west getting his railroad fare by checks,
it is alleged.
Sergeant Fred A. Ribbach and Patrol
man Shumaker heard tne shots and saw
la man running. They gave chase but
railed to get him.
Special Dispatch to Tha tuarasL
HillHboro. Or., June 17. J. P. Gard
ner died last night' at his home in' West
Union from the effects of the attack of
a horse Thursday night. He was lead
ing the animal to water when knocked
down and was terribly trampled before
rescued. He was 83 years old and had
lived in the county 20 years.
former tSnited States senator fro
(Salem Bureau of The Journal.!
Salem, ur., June 17. Klsworth Pick-
Harold VanderbfJt Badly Burned.
(Coifed Prase Lcued WlnM
Red Top, Conn.. June . 17. Harold
Vanderbllt's gasoline launch today lies
at the bottom of the Thames river near
th Harvard crew headquarters and
Vanderbllt Is suffering from badly
burned hands and i scorched face as
th result of an accident-that occurred
wuy urn yea nere on board the
vessel which also brought Rev. Dr Lea
"i"' vi: vi a, tiearord Hills, N. T
iHinrehr like Become quite chummy with
the minister who was introduced to
him aa his double. -. '
. ;V Which one' is me," asked Dcpew
iwhen tbty were presented, -
4 ? Fire Xosg t Swift Current.
ted. Pr... Wlrr"
PWIffCurtejiti Sask, JunlT-A dis-
r fistrous XU occurred here late yester
; day afternoon, the lose being estiinated
t II&.90fl. The fire totally destroyed
the buiWJrig and the toctc of tb ureal
. ?'ortlwn Supply company and part of
the International Lumber Implement
ewmpany'e lumber jard. v '
m New ell. a clock" Inventor,' drove his auto- whe,n V"t''WM cranWrlgr up the
mobile into a Sunset' Orocery delivery enKlne. 'Theierigine backfired and lg
.aann nn ,.r miea tn irame or the launch.
day afternoon. The aufo auht- the
horse's front legs and threw It.vlolently ? " Aketf Is HI.
to the pavemnt. breaking it left leg ItJslt.d rress Le.s vein, A
The horse had to be shot. The autoist " San Francisco. June 17. Rev. 'Charles
sped out of, the city saying, he had SV'AkecV- pastor of the First Congrega-
urgent business In Marion. v . tional church, former pastor of the Fifth
Avenue Baptist church, New York., is
Poker Players Were Warned.- confined ta his bed with a severe cold
(Unite Pres. Used Wlr. : Js mm iungs He 1
New York. June 17 The story of hew reported tnuch better today, .
George HobaitVof Reno and H- War. T" - " ""' ' 7"
ot K,llBa Plsved poker on board .V -i Poole Murder tase. l?p. .
the Lusltanle -and lost $2500 has een .bowler. Ind.. June 17. Tho-Bentoh
elucidated hers by tn. Cart Anderson county' grand Jury is .today considering
or acw Jessey. He said he. Informed th cese ef John Poole, aUcged murderer
n,.piyers that, the men they were pUvy. of Joseph . Kemper, . whose, body , was
ing with' were professional sharpers, r found buried on Poole's farm, j '
. ' -" . .'.:. i- . " ' .- . . .'.'.', f . ''.,. ' t ' ' j. ,'..'. ' 1 ' i . i1 ' J
(Special Dlspatrk te Th. Jonraal.)
Pendleton, Or., Jun 17. Mike Moran,
sectton foreman at Cayuse station, who
was probably fatally stabbed by Mick
Andrlcho. a section hand, who had been
discharged during the day by Road mas
ter Buhrer, is lying at St Anthony's
hospital, Physicians and nurses declare
he has still a chance to live, providing
blood poisoning or other complications
do not set in. The neit 24 hours, they
say, will determine his fate. His wife
Is at his bedside, having been rushed
to this city last evening from Cayuse
by a special train.
Moran's wound was secured in a flsht
in the bar room of Martin Anderson In
the Bowman Hotel block at about 8:15
o'clock yesterday afternoon. A large
number of Foreman Cicero's crew bad
entered the saloon, and wer In ugly
mood because of an alleged shortage in
their pay checks. Andrichu had been
discharged during- the day. '
Three men who first started the riot
were this morning given a trial In po
lice court on charges of disorderly-con
duct and were sentenced to pay fine of
150 and serve 10 days in tail. Two oth
ers drew fines of $25 and another a
$15 fine.
The fight started after the foreigners
had been ordered from the saloon bv the
bartender. The order met resistance by
the Italians and in response to the bar
tender's calls for help. Moran. his son
and Tom Mylln rushed In and with their
fists were soon doing great execution
among the belligerents.
One of the Italians bore down tinon
the 18-year-old son of the section fora
men and was felled with a club. Moran
had retreated Outside the saloon when
one of the burliest of the foreigners
drew a knife and plunged it to the hilt
in his breast, the blade piercing the
breast bone and penetrating the liver.
As the victim fell, th assailant dashed
around the corner of the Bowman hotel,
threw away his knife and made off
down the street, followed by a number
of pursuers. ,
Foremost among these was Mylln,
who overtook the fleeing man and threw
him,-holding him until the officers ar
rived. With a number of hi country
men he -was taken to the Jail, where he
was identified as the man who did the
stabbing. In quelling the fighting
Italians the orricers , wielded pick
handles and a number of .heads were
broken. -v ' ' :
After he had seen his. father struck
down, young Moran went in search of
a gun, end falling to secure one. at
tempted to organize a mob to raid the
Armory and take the guardsmen's rifles.
Several joined him but cooler ; heads
succeeded in restraining them. Feeling
aeralnst the laborers wait hlirh how
ever, and several were assaulted later
on the streets so that the officers .had
to place them in jail for protection.
This is the second such affair wtthttf
the rest two months, Jsp Gulllford
having been stabbed by an Austrian
I when he was assisting in ejecting a mob
" viviBii . . win ui vijtm-
plc saloon.' fi," ,f ' '(
Moran has been in the employ of the
railroad compansw-jfor many years and
for some time past has been eedtlon
foreman at Cayuse, it miles above this
city. During the winter his .wife and
nine children lived In Pendleton In order
that the latter might attend the public
schools here. ... . . -i
(Special Dispatch to Tk. Joars.l t
South Bend. Wash., June 17. Th ess
now before the superior court in this
city, wherein- Miss Bertha Ransom of
Portland sues .the city of South Bend
for $20,000 damages for personal In
jury, drags slowly because of the num
ber of witnesses,. bu tains in Interest
as th plan of th defense are disclosed.
During a seven hours' grilling cross-
examination of Mrs. Ransom, mother of
th plaintiff. It was shown that the de
fense will attempt, to prove that Miss
Ransom disappeared on th afternoon of
November 27, 1810, and wa discovered
at 12:10 o clock that night, apparently
about td jump from the Morrison street
bridge, but that the episode was pre
arranged by her friends and that she
wa taken downtown In a carriage.
Questions delved Into the history of th
Ransom and Parker families, MrsRan
som being formerly a Parker, and sen
national testimony Is expected.
(Special Dispatch to Tha araaM
Ban Antonio. Texas, June J7. Th
fly th common, busy, disease carry
ing house fly got a rap In the appel
late court of Texas' yesterday that is
calculated to couse the people, not only
of this sttte, but In all parts of the
country to get more in earnest In their
effort to do away with this summer
time pest
Th swat th fly got In the appellate
court grw out of a suit for damages
In which Liouls Rittlman had sued A.
Cohen & Company for damages alleg
ing that flies from the defendant's place
carried disease germs that caused the
death of Miss Belle Rittlman, daughter
of the plaintiff. A jury in the lower
court had given the plaintiff judgment
for $1000. The peculiar thing about it
is that Associate Justice W. S. Fly
passed upon the case.
(Special Dispatch to Tha Jonraal..
.San Antonio, Texas, June 17. In II
elections so far held in Texas to vot
on the proposition of bonds for building
public highways, the required two-thirds
vote was given in 16 of these elec
tions. - . ,
Th result of this vote upon bond
Issues for highway purposes gives some
notion of how determined Texas farm-,
ers ar to build good roads. All roads
built under these appropriations will bo
of the most approved kind for the use
of the automobile More roads and
better roads is the watchword of th
Texas farmer. . t, i .... -
end Lawrence returned to n, rrn mtt. 19 wsjiaer we appeal.
er purchasing a few supplies at store - ! Othef Cases bulla. - ' -
here, He located a Quarts claim tn his The district attorney's offW -mm
ewn name and that of Sowell ea Oar- Oar, motions dismissing the appeal 14
soon after put location noUoe on two on manslaughter and riven three ynara.1
wiuwa v uwr iiuuiari uuico, using I Williams, en oiiicer of th Leathst
hi own nam In en, and th nam of Workers'. union who wa antncd tw
myself, Watson and himself, for the five years for amhe.iiement
Other. '. lias, convicts r .v-
.urae and BeweU JteloeaH. Thlel Dtctlv at.ncv. .
"Mr impression ' is h simply oostadl "I hav been lea .b .A-
the notices of. location on thes two! vantage of such- tmn i . e..
claims without staking them. Anyhow, a man Is under ntnco ef death." sail
he performed no aaa.aament work on the district attorney today, "and yt X
themj and they becam subject to re- cannot eee that a man convicted of aucV
s"- iriie JUiUVi. Ui AOIUT. rw I ga It Flit si I avIima n aaMl1. a i
located the on. on ridaler's Oulch kfter wnsldSstlon. A " " " "
Lawrence's location had forfaited, while . ; b--- L Tr-.-.i-.v,. , ,
Dick Bowel cam ov.r after, th tim " ' ' A ITaaeeldaNe.
hart nir.,1 -1. ku in thie offlc w meet with eon
nam, th claim Lawrenc filed n first lys In criminal ease, and
In Carnentar Onlrh W.lth.e xvmtmnn th work piles up.. Th purpoa of th
nor myself relocated any of these claims ,ttuU ln ,,na' down tn method
In our own name, or otherwise at any JPPal Is to requtr reasonable diligence
time. . I In disposing of cases.- They ought to be
"Lawrenc called on us several times. "Pt moving, anj papers filed within
but I was never at his cabin excepting the required time, unless extensions are
on on or two occasions, onf In par- srsnted for good reasons. .,
tloular being to get a shovel he had "The . cases cited In . support of this
borrowed. At this time be revealed th motion ar clear ln holding that th su
hldlng place of the key to the cabin, prerne cpurt of the stat has no Jurls
whlch was over the door, telling m diction of a cas when th transcript is
to use It whenever I pleased. 1 had nut filed as required by statute. It Is
several conversations with him con-1 true that extension of Urn was granted
cernlng hla past. In which he told tne I for filing th bill of exception, and It
that be had been In practically every I seems the transcript was held ud for lha
mining district of the country, Includ-lbill ef exceptions. That makes no dlf
lng the Blsck Hills. Cripple Creek andlferenc. for th law' la slain."
other places of more or less note. The -. Ami tshu nAM.fc .
last time I ever ,saw Lawrence was! xi.., , , . .
shortly before the holidays, when h. I ... ,.!:SlV", . " . " JV.
came to our cabin about 10 o'clock one . . ' T, c , ? . 1 ' '
SfU.tBMTe .mf,eTju:nfo ktzlfsjz
wards' excited no alarm with us, as !ra? ..ordeLwV.?b"
he was accustomed to remain away for )""Jr?Bir" ''t."""
a time, and when his .'''A 'X,"l?"'l
disappearance waa reported. I drew ths "J: h.. .f.rt .h..
h. h. v. K.m i.. Ifendant has been In default since that
time. He awaited tha filing of th
conclusion that he had become dlscour
aged In som way and merely pulled
up- stakes for Other parts. In fact. It
has been said tMkt Lawrence was ln th
habit of doing this at other places. 1
understand he worked around Merlin for
a while, and he may be known there.
Vet In Cabin Afterward. . .
At all events, I. never sef foot In
transcript before filing the motion, for
until that was don there waa .nothing
in tha supreme court to which, Ha at
tention could be officially directed. ;
Section 1621 of Lord a Oregon Laws,
Is pointed to aa making It the duty of
th supreme court to refuse to consider
the case. Decisions ar: referred to in
- 1 - Thieve Steal Hnj Saf ek-
Chicago, June ' H.-Four men who
backed up a wagon before th Kutchal
Flavoring Extract factory; kicked ln the
door and hauled off the safe containing
$300- cash ' and I thousand of dolfafs
worth' of paper are contenders for th
heavyweight thief chanvlonahiD. Chi-
'. - iDcltnl Pnta Lau1 Wtrs.t
Toronto, Ont, Jyne 17. The Inter
national Limited on th Grand Trunk
railway Jumped th track at Newcastle
late last evening, on passenger being
Miiea ana, hair a aosen seriously ln
jured. ' .'.. . "";''.'"'1. ' '.''.;'. ,
The dead man was ' a commercial
traveler of Toronto . named J. Madlll,
He was standing ln the vestibule of the
train when the accident occurred and
had his skull crushed. Other car were
completely smashed The train was
running SO miles ah hour ; and It is
marvelous that more persons wer not
killed. .. - . ? ' . ,
his cabin after he disappeared. I was I an accomoanvlna brief to show decls-
u irora ine eiiects oi i ions ty th court, heretofore on .these
a severe coia, ana tor tnree weeks pre-1 questions. , ; v
cecimg v-nri.uiisji was unaoi to wore, , n4 lt noms Boos.
7;i J,,. i - I district attorney wine his mo.
" " "- mjj, Mlon foe whlnh an carlv hearlna- will, ha
. ,B,1M.!J,,,i Lawrences cabin ask WeDl).. UaM of ,If wlu b ,horU
aa supplied plentifully with provisions ah m.i in -k. tnr th.
. .u i . ti i ,i, . i " -" .........
m i u.npr. .. Morrow to set the date for exeoutlbn,
nlu,'ead,nir' " V. h ,had wheB when Webb must pay the toll for the
he tarn there was contained in the fowl rt.tK e o eiio ,.n '
arUcles he purchased rrom the store In Th, murder of Johnson last July, the
"J""' 1 arrest of Webb and his paramour, Mrs.
duently, whenever he got out of any. carri Kersh, on their return from a
thing I wish also to correct the Im- hoy ride tne subkequent cpnvicUon ot
urca.iuu in.i ji waa wnn 10m I w.hK nf mnntitr In lh. ftrii: itniru .nil
when the latter gave George H. Mood of Mrs. Kersh of manslaughter, ex
the key to the cabin. Somebody else cted great Interest In the northwest
was wit n Vv a won men. Tne murdard man. who cam with. I
rr. i i . . . . - . . . - . I a
'" la"" suiemeni is ooniirmea oy Webb and Mrs Kersh from flnekane.
Mr. Mood. drew about tltOO from the bank th day I
before he left-for Portland, and the
most of this money was found on Mrs.
Kersh. It was the theory ef the state
that Johnson's death was planned by
the couple with the object of robbery,
Mrs. Kersh being the lure.
Mrs. Kersh waa sentenced te ll years J
in tne penitentiary, out unaer a semi-'
parole is employed in some capacity at
the asylum for the Insane. Webb re
mains in the county jail, pending th
outcome or his attempted appeal.
Seneca Fouta, one of the attorneys
for Jesse P. Webb, convicted of the
murder of W. A, Johnson at the New
Orand Central hotel last June, stated
this afternoon that he will confess the
motion for dismissal of appeal , pre
pared by District ' Attorney- - Cameron.
He said he had anticipated some such
move, and will merely file a new motion
for new trial and perfect a new appeal,
admitting the present appeal to b de
"W have one year In -which to ap-
(Balem nf Th. Iiwmil V
Salem, Or., Juno 17. Stealing a horse
and saddle from a . dairyman living
nearby, Jesse Hall, a convict at the
state penitentiary, escaped last night
With other convicts he had been worked
at the State Institute for feeble minded
In beautifying -the ground. Sheriff
Mlnto and guards of the penitentiary
with bloodhounds are scouring the sur-
rounaing country today for the es
caped man. Hall is the first to violate
the., trust placed in him by Governor
Jr.: " ' S ' ""lpeatf h said. . "The motion of th
V ..Tt,!, .J,. wnrm. district sttorney. probahly will be con
work at public institutions WlthOUt .a f.. hv tha Vtafan -a-..,l1.-..Ir
guard.:: Hall was sent up from Mult- but this does not mean that Webb will
I hang without his case being carried
to the supreme court, We will at onco
file , a new motion and complete the
proper steps for an appeal," "
;.:'.' 7'.r;A ii .m.,-.v-.v', t, -S,.,
,.-, (Onltad Prea Leaaeit Wlr. I ' . ' '
, : Winnipeg, Man., June 17. A wrk
occurred on the Canadian Northern at
Eay, Monitoba, late last night and n
number or people were reported in
jured. The locomotive was wrecked and
several cars burned. Details are very
meager. The injured are being brought
into a hospital here. . . ;
Cooke i Acquitted. ' - -
" . (t'nlted Press Leased Wire.)' -
Cincinnati. Juno 17. Edgar S. Cooke
pf Chicago, former chief ' .clerk for
Charles Lv Warrlner, local treasurer of
the Big Four, was today acquitted of
emoezsung fzi.ooe. . t ,
The Hodcarrlers ln MlnlieanhlU Minn '
, havejust gained good increase In
r wages and bettered conditions. '
' - "i-;' . " '5' - - i. -i j. ii .. --s i ,--.,' . " 4 '' " 1
nomah county for highway robbery.
- (Soeclkt Dltostch to Th. Journal, t
The Dalles, Or., June 17. Walter. Me
cune ana gus scbuier were adjudged In
sane bj County Judge Lake .and taken
to the asylum at Salem Thursday.
Cune said hi people lived at Boise, Ida
ho,, anc' that h had been ln this state
only a short time. He believed the devil
was trying to. kill him. f .
Schuler ; has resided in this county I Newark. N, J.; June 17. Vice Chan-
several years and has a homestead near jcellor Howell this afternoon appointed
.xygn,. . nouui a year ago ne was aa l rtamioipn ferKins receiver for the Unlt-
judgea insane and committed to the asy- d wireless company on a complaint
lorn. Recently a brother pame out from which alleged that President Wihson and
Iowa and prevailed upon the asylum, au the other officers "wasted' or stole"
thorittes-to allow him to take the in- $350,000 cash. It 'la alleged that of
sane man back to Iowa with him.: . -The I -i.outj,ooo alleged to have been securr.t
aucnonues conseniea, ine patient appar-I "" me o biock not more than
entiy being or sound mind, and the Mu,uu was actually expended on the
brother came with him to this place Bat- company,
urday. night. They started out to the)
homestead to have a look at it before ! i Jluelists Mar Die ':
trni n ia imva hur heme, fhau hal rmi I ' -..,u1.iui.: ' - ... . . ...
"- sr -.,...v " .uuiiKirs,, , i.. June i .-o-ueieetf v
iniu ino wuiury uus .ocnuier Martin Peters of thtt T.ulr ,n
began, ehowlng signs of insanity-again 1 rond and Hrr Rmwn , n "
.1 .-vv. u.uu... .1.... v iukji auM i iqrK, wno cngagea in a -pistol duel in
turnnil him , over, tn tha iilhnrltlM i, ' f .1 ... - j j -4 . . . .
turned him overto the authorities.
MOsltcd Pre La WTVa.j
Liverpool,. June- 37.- Substantial con
cessions have been . made, by thei-shlp
Companies, to1 the striking eamcn." ' In
spite of this, however. . it was found
ncceseary to Imoort-ieeamcn to man
boats for the Mersey river,-: service." The
situation, atGreenock is serious.: "The
big steamers rumessta, Ionia and Cas
sandra, due to salt this afternoon, did
not have crews up to noon. " r
thb 'railroad yards here last night, ara
in a hospital Jiere, and physicians today
...... W . 1. . ,.. . Mm .
Him uuui.iutii win thrown
wae "stealing a rldo 6n a frojght train
and'-Peters attempted to arrest him.
Brbwn resisted and , the duel ollowed,
after whicti Brown K eacapejl. He was
found early .today In a field two miles
cast of. her,' with tbullets .through hi
head and stomach. , ; j
' Two Indictments Returned.'
Redding, ;:eaI,3uneA7! The grand
jury today returned two Indictments in
connection, with-iho failure of the bank
of Shasta county, Mardh 25. Names of
the persons have been kept secret.,;