J ! Little Jeff Flatly Refuseo to a a ar ', t . ' . . aa. - ... a y - sr a , , HONEY TO LOAM 27 - ( PKM0NA1 - M t A88ATK1 WAL AKI WUU iAUI1'B laiiiuiM Vacation Loans And th t)lac t (t ttiem. f i to .. 1 00, At the lowet r(. All w renulr la that you Ployed on aalary. and you t the money 19 IX, and ahe euccennfully removed the flulckly without mortgage, lndoraer orlcanceroua tumor. Since lta rfmoval I ether aecurltr. Can and ate ua. 1)6 It now. . State Security Co. St Falllnn Mdg. nan MonftV LOW HATKS QUICK tTWH WO RED TAPENO DEI-AT. An, Amount From 110 Vm On furnllnre. nlanna. atnraaa recelnta. lWeatock tamonda and all other kind of prraonal property: paymenta ar ranged weekly or monthly to anlt your convenience, courteous treatment to an; private offlcea and all bualneee strictly confidential. 1 fJRAT P1TNN1NOHAM. IJ01- Rothchlld bld.. JSTtt WaaWng ton at.. htww 4th and lith ata. If You Need Money n ran caeuy na oupinru tii lunmui., nlanna. llveatock or anv other peraonal property, mriciiv roniianniiai. rni rm'D i.anr. 114 Ablngton bldir.. on 8rd between Btark and wnmnnfc'on. MOK3T FOR SALARIED PEOPLE. Women keertln houaa and othera furnished without aeeurlty. clvapeat rates, easiest paymenta. come ana get money when you want It. and pay as vou can. nfflcea In all nrinclnal cltlt D. H. Tolman. 31T Lumber Exchange. Will Loan You Money On Tour furniture, nlano or real estate. Lowest ,xat of Intereat. Bee me first. ' a mm a a a a J, t. Nichols II Teon Bldg. LOWEST RATES: loans on any secur ity, chattel or real estate. Union Brokerage Co.. (IS Ablngton bldg.. 106ft id at. LOST AND FOUND 21 LOST Four bundles and two cut glaae dishes taken by expressman rrom Hanover apnrtmenta Wednesday, June 7. Poaalblv delivered wronir party. Re ward offered for delivery to K. C. Hatch, 41 K V.. 15th n. Iv. ' ANYONE having left a watch to be repaired at the Laake Jewelry Co., hln'S'rfX" "w mu"t cu for "m LOST Ctlrl s locket snd chHln, Initials "V. L.. ' on Russell street between Rodney and Union, or that vlclni'tv. Re turn to S58 Russell street; reward. Council Crest. Finder call Marshall JfiSl. L08T Fraternltv nln. shield, crows- shield. nones and skuii wun pcari eyes. turn to Journal offtco. Reward. LOST -Rankhook helonelnir to Dr. Ash- by. Finder please return to 233 Vfc N. 122L Heward. LOST Brlndle Boston Terrier, 1 white eye. Liberal reward. Miss Baker, Hotel Minook. 4th and salmon, PEItSONAL 22 MEN, If yon are weak, nervous i and I run down, write for the wonderful tonlo vltallsfer, "V-V-V." Information free. The Vltallier Remedy Co., 224ft Wash Inrton, Portland. 'WIS C!URB consumption, rheumatism, atomacn trouoiea (rererence as 10 cur ia- consumption, inautra of Mr. M. A. I anklns, B2S front mt). consultation free. Lang's Mineral Wonder. 231 Main, occult, new tnsutrnt. acientiuo ana school books bought and sold. Send for free catalogue. Jones Book store. ES4 Oak st Henry bldg. MRS. STEVENS, 16 years Portlands , leading palmist and clairvoyant, has her lata .book. "Palmistry Made Easy; on sale at 843 ft Yamhill, corner 7th st. WE do everything In ladles' tailoring, -Suits to your measure from 336 up. T. M. Ehrllch Co.; Phoenix bldg.. 6th snd Oak. LADIES, why worry when A. A, A. sup posrltorles, '$1, easily regulate female troubles. For sale only Ausplund Drug co., no w. Bin. ,. MISS ALPTH BAKER, please ckll at 609 Everett, and call for her personal please ckll things and her trunk, as I am leaving city Boon. p. v, it. GILL'S Spiritual Message meetings, '' Wednesday, Friday, p. 'm; Read ings, healing iaiiyv: 300ft, HoUaday. i aire u or i cur. , HELEN SORN8 and J. E. Perry, mag netic healers, treat all chronic dis eases. 287 ft Busseii st.,', Portland,, Or. Phone c-mzTi hours i a. m. to p. m. DR. A. A. AUSPLUND. . ': ' Diseases of women and) surgery. Ex, amlnatlon , free. 802 Merchant Truat bidg.. fith una Washington. Main 4047. BOOK of Nature. Kiu- hill. Mansl , Gray, Fatal Passion. Decameron. Be hind FofttllRhts. 60c each. Catalogue free, -Schmale Book Co.i 229 1st. RELIABLE spiritual' adviser,- answers all nuestlons succeBsfullyi Cards ahd palmistry taught. Room 2, "343 ft Mor rison St. ' - .. ..r-'.;':.- .. SANDERSON co.. savin , nd.cpttorl - .... .1 Plils; sure reeiVrS? dXd 1 ? - l '?.'.. ROOt Derlods man. t. J. fierce. za ft Morrison. MRS. SOPHIA B. SEIP mental sclent 1st and psychometrist; suite 22, 886 ft Washlneton St.. daily Main 6824. Meet. Ing Wednesday 8 p. m. MA6SEURING Positive cure for rheumatics. Phone M-6731, residence suit ciay et. airs. , c-Morrison. MADAME , ESTELLE, - magnetic healer, I reliable spiritual adviser. 848 Yam. I hill, room 8. Walk kpstalrs. Mailt 1320. 1 SEXOID Marvelous cure for weakness in men; money returned if it falls; Dr. Pierce Remedy Co.. 245ft Morrison, LORENZ Nerve Tonlo Tablets restore lost Yltsllty J5c box, 6 boxss 8L36. ;Btipe-iayior lrug co.. zs Morrison. -WOMEN Use remolds when others , xait; soia ana guaranteea tf the Aus-, , piuna urug uo.. nun, etn st. Main 8106. LADIKS' Lorenx Antisenilo Cones are I i- soothing, safe and sure. ; 81 per . box. otipe uayior urug ' cqm z Morrison st I BUTCHER, ago -40, wishes to meet sin- I Kle woman of widow,- object -matrl-J .moniai, Aoaress v-yzs. Journal. . ; 1 FOUND, amateurs bring your work. Rose ! City Photo Studio. 6 4th. 2d floor. !BALM ot ffg. remedy ror dlsenses el ", , worpen. Jiia Davis st - .Main 921(. ' I - 1 i I I . f . . . L f ttt n n am a T -. . . banr at Woodstock removed a larre Roe cancer from my breaat. ' At the imt time I had a cancerous tumor un der royrifht arm. whlofc rv me real deal of rutin anil trouble. I wen back to ber place the fth day of May feel well and have trained In flneh ever eince. My home addreaa 1 sos uirnn ave.. Portland, Or. Phone B-1083. ELLA V. STARK. 'Signed and aealed In the presence of myaelf a Notary public In and for Ore gon, june s, 111. jomn v. vuvjci. no tary ruoiio ror Oregon, ncai. wu- vw. A. newoery WANTKl Men wno are Aeapondent, have lout ambition, are easily urea, sleep poorly, back achea. feel that tney have loat their former atrength end vi tality and those suffering with stubborn discouraging dlseaaes and ailments to pome to me and receive a free friendly talk and examination aa to their condi tion. If you desire treatment terms can re arranged to suit your means, ur, Walker, expert specialist, llTFtrst at dr. alice a. uritpT Diseases of womtfn and children et- elualvelv. Woman arr often saved se vere surgical operations by consulting me. ' Nervous diseases or cniiaren a specialty. Private hospital accommoda tions. Confinements cared for. Cor respondence solicited. No charge for consultation. Phones. Main Stit. A-07 Offices, rooms to It. USVi Washing ton at. A LAST of refinement and education Dleanlnsr apnea ranee, middle aged; I would like to correspond with a gentle man of refinement -60 to 55 yeara of age. having tneana to provide a home for a true, home loving wife. Address wpg, dvurnRi. r n a ' . . i MEN CURED QUICKLY Modern electric treatment for dls eaaes of the prostate, nervous debility, rect i, chronlo. blood and skin JUeasee. W. I., Howard. M. D.. 304-f Rothchlld blda.. th and Washing-ton. A RESPECTABLE eehUeman of 40, at ran Ber In cltv. wlahea to meet lady between 25 and 36. a working; rlrl pre ferred. No objection to- widow with one smau cntia. Object matrimony. 4-ill Journal. BWEDICH medical jrymnaat and mas seur. C. Holmatrom. digestive, nerve. sexual ana chronlo disorders a specialty. unly scientific masseur In this city. orrice soz-s Oreeonlan bldr. DR. WALKER, specialist; quickly cures fliaeaaea of man. blood and akin an -rbiadde'r u.5?uTtmnSi Z NOTICES 20 NOTICE TO BIDDERS. Salem, Or., June 15. 1911. Scaled bids will be received br the board of trustees of the Oregon State insane asylum, at the office of the clerk of the board, capitol building. Salem, Or,, until 2 o'clock p. m., Monday, June zb. jsij. ior tne purchase of the follow ing described property: "Beginning at the corner In ancle on the west boundary of the donation land claim or j. bj. farrott, in section one, township elajht south, ranee three weat and running thence eaat 18.16 chains; toence north B.'.oa cnalns; thence north 50 degrees 4S minutes east, 7.00 chains Turner; thence north 39 degreea 15 mln- utes west along west Una of tald coun ty road IS. 50 chains to the north line of said donation land claim of J. E. Par rott; thence south 89 decrees 37 min utes west along said north line .21.40 chains; thence south 33.60 chains; therice eaat 9.96 chains; thence south 17.80 chains to the north line of bealnnlnar. contalninar 121 acrea. mora or less, situate In Marlon county. Or., sav Ing and reserving 16 feet square from the southwest corner of above tract as right-of-way." Terms at least z& per cent cash, balance in three equal annual payments, with Interest at 6 per cent per annum on de ferred payments. All bids must be ac companied by certified check of 6 per cent of bid. Any - further Information may be obtained from h clerk of the board. , The board reserves the rlsjht to reject any or all bids. ay oraer oi me noara or trustees, or me uregon oibib insane asyium. OSWALD W EST, Governor. BEN -W. OLCOTT, r Secretary of State, THOS. B. KAY, State Treasurer. Attest:, R. A.. WATSON, Cjerk of the Board. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Dls- trlct Court of the United states for the District of Oregon. - In the matter of Henrietta Benno, involuntary bank rupt. No. 1793 m bankruptcy. Notice la hereby given that on the 2d day of June, a. i j. i Henrietta nenno or Portland,. Or., the bankrupt above named, was duly adjudicated bankrupt;. ana mat tne nrst meeting or ner cred itors win no neia at. tne orficesor the undersUned. -rooms 401-2-3 Fenton building, Portland, Or., on the 88th day Of June, 1911, at 10 a. m., at which time aald creditors may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact , such other business as may properly come before 55 i XT. J.. i ?i3T ...... ... . . l ... . S? s bankruptcy hMSeHcd disclose, aaaet. amounting to 82752.76, estimated. " ' Referee In Bankruptcy. Dated Juns 16, 1911. A SEALED bids will be received at the office of C. D. Frazer. secretary state purchasing board. State CapitoL Salem, no until T,,n 9E 10.11 H.ntl.. etc.,' for the state Institutions for the enaulnar six months. Bids will hi ad. ened June 26. ' Bpecmcations and lists may be ob tained by calling on or addresslnc C D. Fraxer; secretary, state - purchasing board. State Capitol. Salem, Or. BUSINESS v DIRECTORY it ARCHITECTS GEIJSBEEK ENS5; CO.. 604 Blake-Me Fall. Main. 8378. Clans, ; specif lca vions, drafting and designing in all lines. fi, A. SWINGLE & CO., architects and ' superintendents, structural-engineers. ss MCKay Mdg. Marshall 96. C. 8. GOLDBERG & CO., 312 Couch bldg, Engineering, designing and drafting. W. A. CARPENTER, architect and de- Signer, removed t 1039 c or com. THE OREGON : DAILY JOURNAL. 'PORTLAND, : SATURDAY EVENI.NG, JUNE 17, Stand for Any More of Mutt's Rough Stuff WKLLB PROEBSTEL, sssayers, ana Ivtlcal chemists. 204 VI Wssh. M. f 60S, MONTANA assay office, laboratory end ore testing work. lBf Morrison. ATTOIINETB A. E. COOPER, attorney st law.' Oaneral practice; abstracts examined. Re moved to 1 424-1423 Yeon bldg. Mala 878. A-2071. CHAS. M. ABEltCROMBIE. attorney at law. ' Practice In all. courts, abstracts examined. 122S-29 Yeon Bldg. Main 5417. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, abstracts ex- smlned. 2. Healy. (irana ft tu Mr. CHRISTOPHERSON A MATTHEWS, general practice. 418-417 yeon Diag. AUTO SUPPLIES r. R, KEEN AN CO.. 194 4 th it A-43, M-3912. EmDlre Auto Tires. Pope Bi cycles, Auto, Bicycle and Motor sup plies. Vehlcla KuDDer liree BATHS IMPROVED Turkish baths, lsdles Swedish attendant fine rub. Z17 bal mon. M. 7927. IMPROVED Turkish for ladles; Swedish attendant, fine rub. 287 Salmon. m-i BICYCLES AND MOTORCYCLES tVa mas ar r,,AMIntaS KlrlVU trlAtnfO , T KKgiwa uiuivivvieo, ai w, . . w - cle, elect rep. zz IV. lztn. Mar. iom YALE and Detroit motorcycles. 183 10th. M. Bl cycles. Repairing. 7068 BLANK BOOK MAKERS HOWE. DAVIS COMPANY. 109 2d st Blank book m'f's;: acts, for Jon Improved Loose-Leaf ledgers; see the new Eureka leaf. A-3183. Main 188. BUSINESS CARDS WARREN CONSTRUCTION CO. Street paving, sidewaiKs ana cross Ings. 317 Beck bldg. tHK BARBER ASPHALT PAVlNOCb Portland office, 06 Kiectnc oiag. Tar mI WOOD & CO.. all kinds O! Insurance, surety Donas. Mcrvay diqk. CARPET CLEANING JOYCE BROS.. Electric Cleaning Works Carpets cleaned and laid, refitting our specialty. E. 440. b-i63. zu k. iin in hii.t. Urns. Auto Vacuum carpet clean in. 20ft Orand. Kast b, ti-iii t Steam carpet mattress, leather clean ing, b&o jerrerson. m. zji, A-44i. IONE Steam Cleaning, carpets, feathers renoaterl: a-naranteea. K. iihB. H-zzjf CAllPET WEAVING NORTHWEST RUG WORKS, rugs from carpet cleaning, 113 Union ave., near E. Morrison. RAO carpet and rugs. 1518 Patton ave. mono woooiawn ztsso. 3. HINKSX DOCTORS DR. Blng Choontv physician for men and women, ouaranxeq cure, zzb Ainer. DR. L. T. YEE A SONS. 142 ft 1st st Main 8464: A-8XM- , CHIROPRACTIC PHYSICIAN DR. E. E. KOCH. 216 Columbia' bldg. Marshall 404. next to star tnen.tr DR. DOUGLAS, CHIROPRACTOR. 338 union ave. in. r-iust oiii. CHIROPODISTS DR. HODGES, 26-87 Belllng-Hlrsch. Foot speciallBt, corns removeq zoc. DR. J. LINDSEY, 175 Madison. Special ist on corns, punions. foot diseases. CIVIL ENGINEERS ORRIN E. STANLEY Railroad, munie lpal engineer. 1005 C of C Mar. 1564, CLEANERS AND DYERS WE CLEAN clothes while Called for and delivered, son. Phone Main 6828. you sleep. 261 Jeffer- CLOTHES GUARANTEE Tailor Co coats pants 81, suits, shoes cheapj Main. HIGHEST prices for 2d hand clothes, shoes furniture. 227 Front M. 6325. WE pay highest price for ii hand clothes and shoes. 273 Front Main 4802. CIRCULAR LETTERS MULTIGRAPHING, circular letter work in any quantity. Evenings. Main 7622. STENOGRAPHY,' typewriting, circular letter work. 16 Wash, bldg. Main 3723. "PROMPTNESS and dispatch." Craln Corn. T-etter Co. A-4666. WRITERPRESSED, best process, bet ter results, quick service. Main 1077. COAL AND WOOD The Multnomah Fuel Co,, Main 6640, foot of Market st A-2116. Good service as well as good wood. DELIVERED t PROMPTLY Main 8j7. F. J. EVERT?. Ft Curry st. 4 foot dry wood. Nat. Fuel Co., 387 Water st Marshall 960. COAL" WOOD NEER & FARR No. 1 dry wocd. 4 ft sawed to order. Special Price A-1 Cordwood UNION FUEL CO.. BOTH PHONES. FOR COAL AND ALL, KINDS OF WOOD- PHONE HOLGATB FUEL CO." eifiUiWOOI) 486, C e n t ra 1 4-1 1' wooS sawed to o'der Ya rd 249 2d St. -Main J606; Home A-1106 IRVINGTON FUEL CO., wholesale and retail v lr : cordwood. East 935. C- 3322. -f i RAINIER Slabwood Co.. root Yamhill; country slabwood, or short and bloc 'wood. Inside wood. M il 1204. A-8829. 7 STANDARD WOOD CO., box planer and cordwood, " 847 E. Stark. East 2816, B-1695. OREGON LUMBER FUEL CO Slab and block ood. Tabor 3811. OREUON Wooa Vara Coal and wood. A-644t MaU 8C44- 224 3d. oor. Clay. CITY MARKET Wood YardVoOk Ac Son, 3d and Clay. Alain S243. A-4323. - ' :: v ; r WOTICEpfoWSLABWOOD ORKEN SHORT WOOD. OREEN 4 FOOT WOOD. INSIDE ORKEN SHORT. DRY BHORT WOOD. SAWDUST, for fuel snd bedding. The Portland Slab wood Co. Main 8119. A-7001. Dry Wood Cut In stove length out ef wecked buildings. Be sure and call us up be fore ordering. WE BEAT ALL PRICT.S. International Bldjr. and Wrecking Co. A. F. ELERATH. Mgr. 897-811 4th St. south. Marshall 1934. Dry Block W$od Mixed with small wood. 34.10 per load, delivered anywhere In city. Port. land Wrecking Co. 106-107 11th st Main 37. A-873. SKOHERM Wood Co, th and Gllsan, 18th and Vauchn. Fine dry country nt wooa sawed in stove lengths, cora wood all kinds and dry block wood. Phones Main 6859. 9861 A-2416. COAL Alblna Fuel Oo., WM 47 Alblna ave. WOOD 8tV.l&iVidiW00D Yamato Wood and , Coal Company EAST 818. B-1867 SOUTH PORTLAND BLABWOOD CO. Main Zlb: A-3842. Dry Inside wood. green "lacwooa. clean sawdust ror bed ding. Dry cedar, 22 per load. BURN8IDB FUEL CO- 126 E. 7th; wholesale, retail wood; iso sawea to oraer. is-TZ4 B-2777. DRY WOOD 32 per load, yard at John Deere Flow company new building, aq ana Kant Aiaer; pnone H-1075. COLLECTIONS OREGON Collection Agency. 437 Hanv llton. Exper! collectors. Main 4778. COLLECTIONS everywhere Colton Adj. Co.. 410 Ablngton bldg. Mair tin 8410. PORTLAND Collection Agency, All debts collected. 817 Al'sky. A-7217. M. 4222. (JONTRACTOICS AND BUILDERS S. WINO, Carpenter. All kinds Job worn, rurniiure repaired, upholstered. Kblsomlnlng. painting. 236 6th st Phone Main 7&48. A. C. FURLONG, building contractor money loaned for building. C. Main 2061. 638 C. oi WILLIAM FISHBECK. carpenter an builder, Jobbing and contracting. 204 4th Main 6241. VELGUTH & PIERCE. 225 Union. E. zhimi. yians free, (general Jobbing. J. BURTON, 186 1st Estimates furnished. architect-builder. M. 1817. A-1817. ROBERT WAKEFIELD, tractor. 414 Wells-Fsriro general con bldg. M. 680. DANCING WALTZ, two step, three step and stage aancina- icsoriH. l'6c: everv tnornlnar. afternoon and evening. Prof. Wal Will son's School, 3N6'4 Washington t. bet. W. Park and 10th xtn. DENliSI'S ALVEOLAR teeth where bridge work is Impossible; doe away entirely wttb plates, brldgewoik: we cure pyrrohea (loose teeth) absolutely, terms to re liable people. Alveolar Dental Co, Ab lngton bldg.. 10ft 3rd St. CHICAGO Painless Dentists, establlahed 16 years, .izaft Washington, cqt. 8th. DETECTIVE AGENCY PACIFIC States Secret Service Agency, 421-428 Board of Trade bldg. De tectives, shadow work a specialty. Mar shall 372. DOG AND HORHIc HOSPITAL DR. BROWN. D. V. S., of 284 ft 1st st M. 4086. Hosp. 89 K. 12th. K 644. ELECTRIC MOTORS BOUGHT, sold, ranted, repaired. E-117. waiKer m Kenzie r;i. wks i8 unl.m. FOOT SPECIAJST DR. C. W. HEVLAND, 17 Healy bldg: Grad. Chiropodist Grand aiid E. Morrlsca FURNITURE AND STOVES. WE buy, sell, exchange and pay beat prices ior secona nana rurnltuie. stoves, ranges, stc. Hartxell Furn. . Co.. 833 S. 1st. PMone Marshall 2676. GARDENING LAWNS mowed lr. first class shape and tawen care or. zviyt btanton st Wood- lawn 1 S54. 4JASUL1NB KXOIKES STATIONART and marine. electric equipments: launches. accessories. wholesale and retail; engine repairing. Relerson Machinery Co.. 186 Morrison. HAIR vioODJ FEBVET & HANEBUT. Leading wig and toupee makers: finest stock of human hair goods; hair-dressing-, manicuring, face and scalp treatments-. 1 47,3Uv.iuat.M04,J4-:64.J HAT FACTOR MEN'S hats cleared and blocked at the Eastern Hat factory; largest hat ren ovators in the city. 64-66 8a St. ground floor Worcester blag. Hats direct from the factory at half price. . HOSPITAL ASSOCIATIONS PORTLAND Hospital association, 80S Rothchlld bldg. Phone Main 703. HOUSE MOVING C. FENDERS, house moving and rais ing. 674 Front st Main 4991 " INSURANCE McCARGAR. BaUt iVLJvely, 318 Fall- Ing bldg. Every form Insurance, bonds. LAUNDRY 8EB Lee. Chinese. 209 Mill. Washing and ironing carefully done. A-4039. THE NEAL dressmaking parlors; ladles' suits and svenlng gowns a specialty. 190 West Park. Marshall 1119. LANDSCAPE GARDENER FIRST-CLASS gardener wlir take con tracts for looking after gardens and lawns or work done by the hour or day. A. I). lllnman, 885 N. 22d St. Phone A-7448. LEATHER AND FINDINGS CHA1. L. MASTICK A CO.. 74 Front Leather of every description; tap manufacturers, findings. LIBRA tUEfl CIRCULATING library, 186 6th. bet Taylor and Yamhill. Books 3a per day. MACHINERT R TRENKMAN CO. Hydraulle and special pipes, screens, batcglng, mining machinery. All kinds repairs. 164 N. 4th. MINING AND DEVELOPMENT SWASTIKA Mining Co.. Lt4 Send for our booklet. 220 Drexel bids. . MIRRORS W. B. CLARK, mirrors and beveled plates to order; dd mirrors resilvered. 68ft 1st st. Tabor 245. M JLTIURAPHINU MULTIORAPHING. shorthand, type writing. M. 766. 414 Buchanan bldg. MUSICAL DEALERS 6EIBERLING-LUOA8 MUSIC CO.. 134 Id; complete line musical mdse. Free cstalogue Buencher band Instruments. MUSIC TEACHERS PBOF. W1RTS. violin, mandollrf gui . tar: Instrument given with special courues. 36 13th st. Main 5920. MRS. HARRY McOUADE, vocal lessons 21. Residence 1539 E. Taylor, near 55th. Phone Tabor 2K6. E. TH1ELHORN, . violin teacher; pupil Bevclk. 900 Marquam. A-4160. Mar.l29 PROF. T. E LAWSON. .135 14th st Phone Main 6197. Plana lessons 60c OPTICAL SPECIALISTS a LOBE OPTICAL CO.. 326 V Washing ton st. Eyes examined. Free advice. NATUROPATH PHYSICIAN ' DR. S. F. GROVER. Naturopath, Chlro. practlc Specialist. faraiysis, spinni Nervous diseases. 702 Oreg'n. M. 3142 OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS THE OSTEOPATHIC SPECIALIST. Dr. W. Arnold Llndsey, Selling bldg. not only cures rheumatism, stomach and all nervous diseases, but instructs his patients how to keep cured. Mar. 748 Dr. W. W. Christie Osteopath, chronlo nervous diseases. 814-6 Macieay DYia;. mam eirz, A-4so. DR. LILLEBELLE PATTERSON. Spa- oialist on nerves, scute ana cnronie diseases. 317 Fepton bids;. Main 861 DR. SMITH, uraduate Kirk villa. Mo. 1898; post graauats ivu. jizi eii Ing bldg. DKh, L. B. AND E. H. SMITH, general practitioners. 4" uregonian biag. OSTRICH PLUMES TAKE ELEVATOR AND SAVE MONEY. California Ostrich Feathers, finest In the world; old plumes cleaned, curled, dyed, wlllowed. Golden State Ostrich Feather Co.. Z14 Hwotiana. fttn ana wasn Ostrich Plume Co. tersest stock In willows and French nltimea: willows made. dyed, cleaned. curled to satisfaction. 303 Washington. OVEN BUILDERS BUILDER -of patent and Inside over.s. John Bcheer. prone Marshall 394. PAINT. OIL AND GLASS F. E. BEACH & CO.. Pioneer Paint Co, 103 Front st Main 1334. A-7043. RASMUSSEN & CO.. "High Standard" paint, ne. cor. 2d & Taylor. M A-1771. PATENT ATTORNEYS PATENTS procured by J, K. Mock, At-torney-at-Law. ,ate U. S. Patent office; book free. 719 Board of Trade bldg. U. S. and foreign patents procured by O. O. MARTIN 409 Chamber of Commerce Bulldlnc. R. C. WRIGHT, V. 8.. and foreign pat ents: infringement cases. 604 Dekum. PIANO TUNIMJ J. T. O'ROURKE, expert piano tuning, guaranteed 822 14th St. Main 6 SOX, PAINTING AND PAPERING PAINTING of all kinds; workmanship and material guaranteed. 449 E. Burnslde, B-2862. FOR best work, prices right call P. A. Doane. 104 Union. Both phones. FOR nent, clean papering and tinting, at right prices, call C-3249. FOR satisfactory painting, paperhang- Ing. etc., phone Et,st 1356. PIPE PORTLAND Wood Pipe Co. Factory and office. 24th snd York. Main 8489. PLUMBING AND HEATING PORTLAND Pipe Shop buys and sella all kinds of new and second hand pipe, and sells fittings, cables, pumps, valves, faucets, pipe railings for fences and rose bushes. 396 Front st Main 6328. Everything reasonable. M. FRIEDMAN. S52 1st. Mumhlm. gas Jp ' fitting and gen. Jobbery neatly done PLUMBING, heating, etc. Robert Oil- lan. 166 10th Both phones. RHEUMATISM POSITIVE cure for rheumatism. Sanitarium, 695 Front, st Hill's 49U. By . ' REAL ESTATE DIRECTORY NAME Baker. D. at.. Oty. Fans Property Hmnf -fttMl CoBipanr Pmbaker A Remxllct. . . . Porteiuhiw Hurbler Phi pin A Herlow Cn.k A Ce.. B. Knapp A Mrer Orot. a Real Eatate Co., The Rhielda. J. B Tbonpaoe. M. B. Co. PRINTTNO V1 VELCH PRINTING CO. "Doers of ilevi r lliinns with type and Ink 011 paper. 141 ft it SPECIAL prices on business Btatlirnery. Acorn Press 611 Buchanan bid. M-64. ROOKING. PAINTING, REPAIRING TIN roofing, repairing, painting and Job bing. Losll at H.iUer. 212 Jeff. M. 1424. RUBBER STASIPS AND SEALS STENCILS and o.'flce ststlonery. Cun nlnghsm Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. SAFES THE Mosler Bafe Co., 108 2d st Safes at factory prices; repairs; lockouts opened: bargains In second hand safes. SCREEN MANUFACTURING RUST proof screens rtiade to order. Prices right. East 2838. SHINGLES BEST In Portland. Bee them. Washington st H. E. Gilbert 801 SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES SHOWCASES and store fixtures In stock, made to order; lowest prices. J. Linden. 428 Hawthorne. Eat 811T. SHOWCASES of cv,,ry description; bank, bar and store fixtures roads to order. The Lutke Mfg. C" THE JAMES I. MARSHALL MFG. CO., new and old showcases, cabinets, stort and office fixtures. 289 Couch. M-270.1. R. H. BIKDSKLL, HAMTLTON BLDG., Show chses In stock. Prompt delivery. 8.1 If ai'ent M. Winter Lumber ("o. SIGN AND SHOW CARDS FOSTER Ac KLEISER Signs; the larg r ulrn makera !u the northwest E. 7th and E. Everett sts. Phones East 1111. Home B-2224. " RANN SIGN CO, mi llty and servioe 889 K. Alder St. East 6303. W. P. BEROER & Hon Signs and Show Cards, 284 Yamhill st. Main li "SIGNS THAT ATTRACT' Portland Sign Co.. 287 Stark. Main 1696. SIGNS of all kinds, attractive, quality, service. Murrato ft Potter. 214 M 1 1 1. OREGON Sign Co. A. Llcntgarn. maTT ager. 271 3d st. Phone Main 1899, STEXOGR.-.l'HEKS. 'TOGRT REPORTERS OREGON Law Reporting Ass'n. 404-408 Ablngton. M. 5t)37. A-o3g8. uepositiong STATIONERY, OFFICE SUPPLIES TYPEWRITER paper, 76e ream. M. T56. Pioneer stationery co., Kucnanan oiag. TAILORING SCHOOL KIESTER'S Ladles' Tailoring college. learn dressmoing, tailoring, 14H llto TA'.-ORKnO ALFRED OGILBEE, 810 Labbe bldg, 2d snd Washington, suns to oraer. UUo BKAyUlBT. tailor and draper; ex- cluolve patterns. Z46M wsnington st NORTHWEST TA I LORS, FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. 2 IN. DTri Hi. TAXIDERMIST F. B. FIN LEY, taxidermist and furrier; glass eyes. Z4 coiuwipia. . TOWEL SUPPLY CLEAN towels dally, comb, brush, soap. Towel Supply c?.. sin ana uouoa sts. 31 per month. Portland Laundry Co. Phones Main 410. A-4410. TRANSFER AND STORAGE O. PICK Transfer & Storage Co, of fices and commodious 4 story brick warehouse, with separate iron rooms and fireproof vault for valuables, N. W. cor. 2d and Pine eta t'lanos ana turn -ture moved and packed for shipping. Special rates made on goods In our through cars to ml domestic and foreign points. Main 696. 1 -1996. Oregon Transfer Co. Established 1870. Transfer and forwarding agents. Storage, fret; trackage. Office 310 Hoyt st, bet 6th and 6th. Phones, Main 69. A-1169. PORTLAND Van Storage Co.. cor. 13th and Everett sts.. lust opened, newest. most modern toreaco -.warehouse In city; every convenience for safe and proper handling of goods; lowest Insurance rate In northwest; free trackage, vans for movlnsr. Main or A-lbzw. MT. TABOR EXPRESS A ST'R'GE CO. Trips to Mt. Tabor dally. Also City moving and express. 114ft Grand. IS. 42S8. PORTLAND TRAN. & DEL CO, 206 Wash. Storage piano, 'furn. moving. M. "ilo. A-1604. Res. E. 838. Bergstrand. TYPEWRITERS REBUILT typewriters, all makes '320 to 360; fully guaranteed; sold on ap proval: terms: rent "38 per month; Pa-C'- Stationary ft Ptsr Co.. 201 2nd at TYPEWRITER & Supplies Co. Rebuilt. ?a nano. n-Tii zq. Mar, 419. ALL makes rented, repaired, sold Cua-J - nlngham Co. i$i Stark. Main 1407, VETERINARIAN MODERN veterinary, hospital. 415 East 7th. corner Grant Dogs, cats treated and boarded. Dr. G. H. Huthman.-veterinarian. B-193.Fst 1847. MOrTSRN veterinary faoapltal, 416 E. 7th, lings, cats treareo smj tMartte1. )y, G. IL Huthraan. B-1962, ICast 1S4T. 13 fBuia,, Fisher A!lfU8 80S Currwtt I1M Orocnd floor Iwla bldg. TKUCPnONB ..A44H2. Mala 1401 , ...Mils and A-174 Mala MS 0" aarivaj run Hawthorne and It. 40tb... . ...3'f2 Chamhcr of Coinmarea.. BoS Corbett BMr T Chamber of Cnmmerra. . . . Tanof 1T4J Mais nr,J Mais 9&8. A-M-3 .Mala and A nin ..Kaat 7. O-ITn Mala .- . . .M. 8084. A-81ZT .orand Are. and Multnomah .905 Oerlfniar Bids Henry Bldf.. 4tk-Oak UI'HOLLTEREiW OLSON A KIKfl uii..un.j..... furn. u ph. 447 Union N. E. 1124. C-17i Furnliure reimlred. msttresses renovated made orner. soi Russell. C-2838. WELL DKILUNa SUPPLY your home or ranch with pure .ater from tubular wells drilled with modern machinery; prices reasonable Phone Scllwood 286, or address Btsr Drilling Machine Co., Portland. Or. DRILLTno wells a specTalTy; prices re. , sonsble Call Mam 1346 nr write fc. West 3 83 Mortises at. SUPPLY your home with water. Green, 8315. the well driller. 197 6th. M. WALL PAPER AND TINTING MVLINTOCK GROOCOCK. Inc. 188 4th. Main 9188. Tinting, palntlnc waHpsper paints, oils and varnishes. WHOLESALE JOBBERS XVERDINQ KARRELL, prodcee and commission merchsnts. 140 Front si. Portland, O' Phone Msln 179. - . s. A. GUN8T CO. DISTRIBUTORS OF FINE CIQARV rOHTlAKD, OR. WADHAMS A CO., wholesale grocers7 manufacturers and coffee roasters. 4tb MORGAN WALL PAPER CO. 230 "SJ mi., rnwwn Mimnn nnr Main. ALI.FN I.FWrg ' 'MKHIH WOOD FINISHING , FOR first class work call Anderson. Me .w?I,drlnl'!her' '8 year's' experience. 494 E. Burnslde. P.-2S62. WRECKING 'A' Wfi buy. sell and wreck old bulldlnrs. International Buildlna- Jh Wniri, company. 807-11 4th st. Marshall 1834. TRANSPORTATION OFJCH MTTEU TBAMWOBTATIOTf CO. STR. J. n. TEAL Freight received dally t Oak st dock for Tht Dalles HnnA ntvmm. White Salmon, Umatll. .ennewick, Pasco. N ?,l,ur'' ' Lewlston. Idaho and ntermeaiste points TTMST CLASS PASSEWOlM SCTTlffli FARE 50 CTS TO HOOD KITES, WHITE SAXMOV. THE DUU8, ' Steamer leaves Pnrii.nj c. Thurs., 7 a. m. Returning leaves The ' Dalles Mon.. Wed.. FrL. 7 . , at Portland about 6 p. m. same day, yiT. S. Buchanan. Supt; W. S. Smallwood! ' OenX Mgr. Phone's Main 2960 T&Tr' , HONOLULU $110 ratsT crtAss xoTrzrs tszt The most delightful snot nn wo.-ld tour for Tciur viritinn n.11.1.1 tSl .f'.i. baih,n" at the 'mous beach of Waiklkl. The splendid S3. Sierra "lo. 000 tons displacement) makes the round trip In 16 davs. and nn.i ri,p lne l,vlrB volcano of KUanea, which is tremendously active, and see for himself the process of world crea tion. No other trip compares with this for the marvelous and wonderful In nature. Visit the Islands now, while you can da it so easily and quickly and while the volcano Is active. Prompt at tention to telegrams -for hrtk Cit ings: June 10. July 1, July 22, August, 12, etc. ''" ; .. OCeAHTO 8. S. CO, 673 Market Street, an rranclaeo. ' 0.-W.R,i3cN.l-B, Harvest Qnea Leaves Portland dally except 8urtday at 8 p. in. (Suturdav at 10 d. m.l from i.h street dock. Makes all way landings. Arrives at Astoria at 6 a. m. Leaves As ..Jim uiiy, rcjjv nunaay, at j m. Arrlven Portland t 6 n. in. Mnh Air connection with steamer Nahcntta tn Megler. llwaco. Ijontc Reach an, ,il , points on the lfwco division. SAN FRANCISCO, LOS ,iNGELKS"T AND SAN DIEGO DIRECT NORTH PACTPIC B. B. nn S. BOAKOIE and S. 8. ELDEB SAIL Jvc jmifirnuMY, HjLwmareiv. at a. n. et office 132.Thlrd near 'Alder rtioncs iviain 1314. A-J314 MARTIN J. HIGLEY. Pasu i.m W. H. SLUPSKR. Freight Agent. - San Tranclsoo Portland Steamship C. b 11.HVIWW vi Ma jaoiraxes Hixect, ' From Aiimworth lock, Portland 9 a, in B. City June 33, Beaver 37, Baair Jaly al From San Franctsw nerthboend ii 'in Beaver June 1-30, Beer 3ft, B. City 3a ' From Han Pedro northbound.'"' 13 ' in Bear June 33, B. City 88, Beaver Jul 3. H. A. Mosher, C. T. A, 148 Third st , J. W. Hansom, agent, Alnswortb dock. -; Phones Main 402 Main L68, A-14Q2 . . ' ANCTKOB JiXJTB STEAMSHTM v 7 ' NEW YORK, LONDONDERRY" i GLASGOW. , ' Now Tork and Naplee direct vSlngU er , Round Trip Tickets between New York, srd Scotch. English. Irish and ail prin cipal Continental points " at attractive, rates. 8end for Bnok Of. Information. Bnperior AccommoAatioa, Excellent CnU sloe. Apply Fromptly t on Baservatlon te lecal agent of Anchor Line or HKNl'KK SON BROS.. General Apents. CIlco, III.' COOS; BAY UIINU STEAMER y BREAKWATER Sails from. Alna worth dock, port is ml, 9 a. m., June 1. I i. e. 25. :;. J iiv 4,, to, 45. 20,. 25, 30, and every days. 1 r. , ,( revelvrd at Alriswtti ,4ix ti d.i? . t 6" p. m. Passenger l"ar lust f r ; ! , scooml MahK, 8, ini;lu(li(ia r.i i,-, ...; berth. Ticket rft' Afnwt 1 : 4, Phones Mailt ?. S-Uln I.", .tl.,, I i