The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 17, 1911, Page 1, Image 1

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aomethlnf apewlal la ft real ratata
war. let It bo known, through,, Tha
; , Journal.'a Classified pages.
J A. M. Today.
aoise .'.,,....,,...,.. fO
eettle ,i .',,., 49
pokaae 68
CarshX laid .,, 43
a vtmaimo so
rertlaas. , 46
The weatberFalr tonight ' aindl
Sunday; north.weaUrly w .-Jj. -
VOL. X NO. 00. t
,..'.,.-,,; , i . . ..;..
Wisconsin Expects ' ta Enter
' . . . ' 'a a a '
the Next National RepuDH
' can1 Convention With, One
Third of Delegates PJcdgcd.
- - ;u a.
Slogan", ' "La Toilette " and - a
Chance to Win; Taft and
Sure Defeat."
muted Press Uassd W1r.
i Washington. Juna 17"-Robert Marlon
La Follett. Wisconsin Insurgent, la a
candidate for th Republican nomination
for president of the. Untied State. This
statement Is made with, his knowledge
and consent . "! , , ,. : .
La Follette's friends ear that he. Is
prepared to battle Taft to the end. Ai
re Jr. they say.' the Wisconsin senator
la certain of one-third of the delegates
at the next national convention. ' They
will enter the convention with tha slo
gan. "La Follette and a chance to win.
or Taft and sure defeat"
- La Follette will defer making any for-
tnal statement until the campaign de
velops and the voters ar giving mora
serious attention to candidates. When
ha announces that ha has entered the
race. It. Is expected that he will outline
Ms fight against special privileges In
Wisconsin, and its results. In the con
vention the progressives plan a demon
stratlon which they hop will impress
the delegates with the belief thst J aft
la not the popular choice. La Follette's
ripporters are planning to get" many
delegates Instructed against supporting
Tail ror toe renoimnation, r
f In Oregon, Wisconsin, Nebraska, New
Jersey and North Dakota primaries will
be held to .Indicate the choice of the
people for president and vice president.
La Follette's followers expect at least to
carry Wisconsin and Oregon la those
primaries and they believe that ha will
have practically solid 'delegations from
California.' Washington and Kansas.
1 i .
' i
' f
Mini I ii in. mi i .
Senator Robert M. La Follette, who
will 6ppoae Taft for President.
Famous Draper Dogs,: With a
; Reputation for Running
iDown Many Criminals, Al-
i ready at Ardenwald.
Janus-Faced, Chameieon-Hued
Downright Fabricator ; Who
Has Tried Friends' Patience
and Invited Foes" Criticism.
'-(United Pntt hmt Wlra. '
Loa Angeles. June It. In a lengthy
artiole in the Los Angeles Times today,
General 1 Harrison Gray OUa replied to
Colonel Roosevelt editorial entitled
I 'r. uompers, oenerai otia ana the Dy
namite cuiarges," pnbMahed'lir tha cur
rent issue of tha Outlook.. ,.
I In the TiiBaK which It saya was respon
sible for tha "oblique Insinuating dia
tribe In the Outlook from the, pen of
tha editorial ex-presldent." today's ed-
ltortal In the Times eays In partt
"If Theodora Roosevelt had been a
contemporary, of , Ananias, Baron Mun
r,,,- rU:A C .:... oenaes,t-jnio,.inose Uius-
UUmaS, Lniei CXeCUtlVe OI. trious romancere would have been, dla-
I !! al u j l lancwQ ana ie .wouta nave ion mem
ld55 IJcXKV, milllU. Oildl UCU notoriety. The many colored coat of
IM;U UAnrliMK ur: d:- Joespluwas uniform and sombre com'
'With Heading Fire Ring pared, with the coloring of the Roose-
iveu poiuicai rooe. ur an tne Janus
I faced, chamelon-hued, upright and down-
right , fabricators that aver tried the
patience of friends and Invited tha crit
icism of foea, here, certainly, is the
limit. The name faee-both-ways' is in-
adequate. '.,
Demands Tair Trial.
? "In splta M - the evidence taken before
the grand Jury upon which the McNa-
maras were indicted, the Times has nev
er made the assertion and doea not now
make the assertion in advance that Ahehr
guilt le established. It has -demanded,
and still demands, that they shall re
ceive an impartial trial before an un
prejudiced Jury, with every Intendment
Owner of Hounds Certain of
Success in Capture of the "
, Fiend; Dogs' History.;
a . .-
a Warning Against raker. a
' Complaint has been made to
Tha Journal by people residing a
In the vicinity of Fulton that a
man representing himself to ha
working for The Journal has so-
Uclted subscriptions for tha fund
to- secure the capture f the Hill
murderer. The. man Is an Im
post er. and Is not authorised o
secure any subscriptions to this
fund. -
Persons wiahlqg to . subscribe
to the fund which now amounts
to $2928, are requested to send
names and checks to The Jour
nal direct and under no circum
stances to give money to any
one representing himself to be
a collector for the fund.
The man who canvassed Ful
ton homes Is said to have se
cured small amounts from aev-
,'eral famillaa who gave him the
e , money thinking they wereiadd
a Ing to the fund for the capture
a of the murderer, .
latest Pictures of Wrecked Battleship Maine in Havana Harbor
The famous Draper bloodhounds.- that
have . been successfully used In hun
dreds of man hunts in the northwest
In the past eight years, were brought
to Portland last night and this after
noon have been put on the trail of the
Hill muyderer,
A posse consisting of ' Sheriff Mass
of Clackamas county, Sheriff Stevens,
Deputies Leonard and - Fbillips, '8am
Bradford pjri)e,r ot-tte..a'gs, ji1 X. It
McDermott, their runner, left at 1
o'clock this afternoon for Ardenwald.
the" scene of last week's murders and
where a nrowler. thought to be the
'lame man, has been seen for several
nights by farmers living In the neigh
borhood. i . -
, McDermott, who trained the dogs, ' ta
certain they can do two things first
:w r ::. . -;Voii .-?r ; t
; r- : v: ' . -N'.- fSJ
'lVa .-t," . " drJ. 'v - JJ
Vv"v' - a , 'f T
Mail Clerk S. J. Grimes Says
Pair Entered Car as Train
Left Drain, Jumping Off . at
Bloodhounds From Salem Are
on Way but Get Late Fore- '
noon Start.
andlt Are Busy. .
Lawrence, Kaa, June 17. A
bandit today robbed the Doug
las county treasury of JJ200.
H locked Deputy Treasurer
Kddy In the vault. During the
robbery crowds sat on the court
house lawn listening ta a band
, Salt Lake City. Utah. Juna 17.
Teggmen today entered .the
Bennett Paint A Glass company's
office, bound . and gagged tha
watchman. locked him In the
vault, blew the aafe and es
caped with 11009 In cash.
(Continued on Page Three.)
and Safe - Cracking Crew.
, (United Press Leased Wire.)
Hlbblng, ,Mlnn.. June 17. Charged
with arson and being accessory to rob.
feetles where safes were blown. Dr.. D.
-Fir Dwnaa,. physician and mayor of
Cass Lake, Minn., was arrested today.
Tne arrest was nfade n warrants
worn out by Fire Marshal Fullerton
ana .rinKeriqn uetoctive Joseph Field-
Wig., " , A.'-. . .,; ;
. ' rtre xung Alleged.
The state officers are engaged ln
roundlnr in others who are' tnhrtA tn
be members of a fire ring that has I Of the law In their favor and that they
been engaged In wholesale arson and 1 shall ' not be convicted ' unless proven
ears blowing in the northwest for the (guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of be
Past three -years. The officers i allege f Ing either actual principals, legal -par
Detective, Charged With Kid
. naping, and Dynamiters
" Committed Crimes "Equally
(Continued on Page Three.)
(Continued on Page . Three.)
(united Press Leased Wire.)
London, June 17. "The L'rd of Sklbo
Is an old man, and I don't care to be
come involved In any controversy with
him,"' said John w.. Gates. steel mag
nate, in answer to a statement by An
drew Carnegie, characterizing Gates as
a '"broken down . gambler." ' ' i '
Gates arrived . hero today' and read
with interest the statement - given out
by Carnegie yesterday at ,! Edinburgh.
CarncKle's statement was called forth
by assertions made by Gates before the
congrresBionnJ committee Investigating
the steel trust In "Washington. 1
- "I (don't want to put dirty words In
my mouth." Carnegie said. "This man
Gates is a broken down gambler; ' . 3
have nothing to do with him. When I
return to America I will take the stand.
.1 don't know why they want me. Mere
ly, ror sensation, J presume;' but wiiea
I .have flnUhed the. public may judgo
Whether ,1 or this - man Gates has told
the truth." " - -. , , .'.
Carnegie asserted that he had sold to
Morgan merely because ha wanted to
get out' of the: business .and Morgan
made htm an offer which was satisfac
tory." H said he did not own a single
share of steel trust stock and had never
been ln-the of flee, of the trust ' i'
"If Carnegie . were a man , of ' my
strength and my age: "I might answer
his attack," ' was the further comment
Gates made on the statement. .
!i The Republlo Steel & Iron "Company
la understood to be dominated by- Gates,
who was leader 10 years agn inr the
war for business that demoralised the
eteel: trade,"
' - Police. Will lEscort Women,
i Chicago. June 17. Chief McWeeiiey
cays It is not safe fos women alone on
the streets At teht and saya police es
corts will be furnished Women who are
called out at : night necessarily. Just
phone, he says." ) . .J ;'
" k f
ft Vi"" I
L ' '" .1 .-r' ' f ; .
John V. Gates, who recently ap
peared Jbeforo the . congressional
Investigating cojnmlltee. ; r "
(United Press Leased Wire.)
Indianapolis, June 17. Detective Wil
liam J. Burns was today indicted on j.
charge -of kidnaping in connection with
the removal of 'John J. MeNamara to
Loa Angeles for alleged complicity in
the dynamiting of the Ios ' Angeles
Times. MeNamara was Indicted in con
nectlon with alleged dynamltlngs.
In all, the grand Jury returned eight
Indictments In connection with the Mo
Namara and Burns cases..
The charge against MeNamara, is con
spiracy to blow up the Industrial Iron
Works at Peoria. I1L and conspiracy
In connection with r a dynamiting that
occurred In the yards of the Pekin
Unttin Railway in Peoria. Six other in
dictments were returned In connection
with the cases, but the namesyof the
persons indicted were kept secret by
court order. ' i , i Jj. , ,
It Is reported that the eight ' indict
ments ..returned Include one' against
Deputy. Sheriff Hosslck. of Los Angeles.
The report of the grand Jury upholds
the action of Governor , Marshall In
honoring the requisition for MeNamara
and also indorses Police Judge James
Colllngs of Indianapolis in issuing the
warrant for McNamara's arrest.
v The report . condemns the methods of
Detective Burns in spiriting MeNamara
out of the city without an opportunity
10 secure counsel.
"Dynamiting is an atrocious crime."
the report says, "but kidnaping is equal
ly indefensible."
The rievra show (he wreck of the battleship enrroanded by a serlea of bago steel cylinders .which are alowly
raising the Teasel from the mud and slime in which it haa lain for jeara. Major II. B. Fergnaon, United
' States engineer la charge of the work, Ja also ahowa. ' . ., , ,'
(Caltea Preea .Lsasta Wlre.1 T .
Havana, June 17. In the . opinion of
the engineers attempting to raise the
battleship Maine not enough , salvage'
will 'he - recovered to pay for 'the ex
pense of removal.; The Investigations
SO' far possible show that the steel hull
Is very rusty, and- It Is - probably that
the. guns, and i armament have been
ruined.' It. is now doubted whether It
will, be possible to float the hull away.
The work proceeds slowly.
New Territory Presents ' Fine
Trade Chances for Portland
Lumber and Foodstuffs.
Says Local Agent Laidlaw.
For the first time In her history Port
land will have a direct, steamship con
nection with South American ports giv
ing regular service, according to J. Er
nest Laidlaw. local agent of the Cali
fornia - Atlantio Steamship company,
which has Just completed arrangements
for making connections with steamers
of the Pacific Steam Navigation . com
pany and of the Cla de Americana de
Sud de Vapores at Panama, k ,
Mr. Laidlaw said this morning that
the new arrangement is already in ef
fect and that, the steamer Navajo, due
to arrive with a cargo from Balboa next
week, will take out the first South
American cargo, consisting of . 106,000
feet of lumber for Tumaco, Columbia.
He says, however, that by' the time the
steamer is ready to sail he expects that
there will be more cargoes for countries
of the west coast south of Panama. At
Balboa" the cargoes will be lightered to
the other steamers Instead of being
handled over docks.
At some of the South American ports
(Continued on Page Five..)
Melville, Captured After Es
caping Posse of 150 in
Memorable Battle on
top, Makes Clean Breast.
(United Preas Leased Wire.)
Vallejo, Cal., June 17. Telling of
robberies and attempted robberies,-Fred
Melville, the dime novel boy bandit.
who for 48 hours fought off three
posses trailing him and who waa cap
turned yesterday In Ben Ida, made a
complete- confession ' to a correspondent
of the "United Press and to District At
torney Joseph M. Raines of Solano
county. ,
Melville who is held under a charge
of assault to commit murder, lost his
bravado and after being questioned for
hours finally agreed to 'detail his ea-
Teer - since his escape from the state
reformatory at lone.
Tells of Bobberies. .
Melville, who Is nearly 21; .but looks
18, told of a startling series of exploits
In various California cities and towns.
His' statement follows: ; , '
My name is Fred Melville. k I' was
sent to the reformatory at lone under
the name of Frank Melville. I. was
born In Texas and will be 21 on July
Loa Gatoa, Cal,. Juna 17.
, Three highwaymen entered the
Southern. Pacific depot here to
day and blew up the safe with'
dynamite. , Seventy dollars Was
aecured. V-, , ( - "
' : : Salt Lake City, Jane 17. Rob
ber arrested en Oregon Short '
Line train, kill conductor, wound
deputy sheriff and escape. Posse
Hlbblng. Minn, ' June - IT.
Mayor Dumas of Cass Itk f
rested, charged with heading ar
son and aafe blowing ring, fol
lowing capture one yeggman of
two yeggmen who blew Puposky
postof flee aafe. Fossa and blood-
d . hounds pursuing.. .,.- '--v? -
(Spertel Dispatch to The JonraaL) :
Ashland, Or June 17. 8. J. Grimes,
John C. i Meyers and John Lray, mall
clerks on the Shasta Limited, the mail
car of which was robbed between Drain
and Yoncalla by two holdups last night.
(Continued on Page Three.)
Warren Construction Company
to Improve Skidmore Street
at Cost of $306,382.63
Work Rushed.
(Continued on Page Three.?
Dr. A.1 E. Rockey. one of Portland's
foremost physicians and surgeons, was
operated on for appendicitis by Dr. K.
A. J. Mackenzie and George .Wilson at
the St. Vincent's hospital yesterday ahd
Is reported resting easily 'this morning.
Dr. Paul Hockey, a son. was with his
father during the operation, , ;
Dr. Rockey was taken 111 very sud
denly and the abscess had broken before
the., operation could be. performed, - ne
cessitating draining and making - the
operation more serious than usual. Dur
ing , the. early part of thr night Dr.
Rockey was restless, but his conefrtlon
is much improved. i . ' , ' ;
The cost of living is again soaring
In- man r Instances although in some
lines price axe lower.
Hams will advance He a pound dur
ing tha coming, week which will put
the price fully 2o a pound above the low
level recently, reached. Bacon - prices
will he advanced lo a pound next week
which means about So advance from .the
J low point.
On the other hand the price or lara
la so low that 'll Is almost being given
away. Stocks In the hands, of provision
men are the-greatest for many . years
despite the fact that during May,-1911,
ttya1 sales1 of lard were larger than dur
ing the same period year ago. '."'.' -
Consumers will, however. , secure
dressed moats ' at lower prices. ' The
coming of hot weather has curtailed the
demand for beef,, mutton and fresh pork
and therefore prices : -for these v- ape
dropping. ' During the .coming ...week
v . - '
there will be a drop of c a pound In
both. fresh beef and in fresh pork and
for mutton and lambs', there 'will be an
advance of Ic a pound.
There Is a famine In the potato mar
ket apd consumers will pay - the. fiddler
for awhile In the shape of higher prices.
At wholesale the market for old pota
toes haa advanced to 9 cents a pound,
the highest' price In' years and dealers
are experiencing considerable difficulty
in obtaining supplies at the advance.
New potatoes are to a pound, whole
sale; the advance In this: line being ex
tremely heavy... It was an ill hot wind
that, created a shortage in the supplies
of new potatoes. The weather was so
warm. recently In Texas and Oklahoma
that a large per . cent of the new crop
of potatoes' was ruined. For awhile
Texas was shipping ., potatoes to thei
Pact fie coast and even competed with I
California ; in - her own' markets.
The largest single 'contract ever let
In the city of Portland for a street pav.
Ing improvement was awarded yesterday
afternoon by the city executive board
to the warren Construction company.
the amount of the contract being 30fi,
JS2.63. This la the sum that will
eventually have to be paid by property
owners on Skidmore and other streets
in the Alberta district. Warren's water
proof bltulithio pavement is the sur
face to be laid. i-.
Bids are usually opened and then re
ferred to the street . committee,' vut so
badly is the Skidmore street ; district
In need of paving that this formality
was waived yesterday on motion of
Chairman Piatt of the street commit
tee, and the contract let
The Warren Construction company
will begin the paving of the district at
once, and it Is the hope of the com
pany officials to complete the big im
provement before the end of the present
summer. Three plants are now being
operated by tha company In Its efforts
to finish all contracts now on hand by
November -1. .
Another street which Interested prop
erty owners have clamored for months
to have Improved is the Macadam Road
from Dakota street to the north line of
section 15, township 1, Contract for
the improvement of this .with hasaam
was awarded to the Consolidated Con
tract company for the sum of (84,097.74.
. A district : consisting of " Multnomah
and other streets is to be paved Imme
diately with aspmUt, the board yester
day having let the contract to the Bar
ber Asphalt company, for $39,239.23.
A new record for competition was ac.
compllshed. yesterday, when the board
opened 185 bids for street Improvements.
The aggregate amount of all the bids
submitted was approximately tl, 000,000,
Alec McNabb Is Victim of Un
explained Tragedy . Near
Brockway, Or.; . Death Due
to Fire or Assassin?
London, June 17. The seamen's strike
is assuming- more serious proportions
today; and - hundreds or recruits - ere
Joining the idle men.. Thw summer Mln-
neapolia - of the Atlantic Transport
NOW I Line "Was 'una Me to sail todojr on ac
California is shipping potatoes to Texas. count of the strike,
Sperliil Dispatch tn The Jnerast.)' '
P.oseburg, Or., June 17. Aleo Mc
Nabb, a young homesteader living near
Brockway. about 15 miles southwest of
this city, was found burned to death In
his cabin last evening. He waa burned
beyond recognition. ' , .
It Is believed the house burned Tues
day night and there are strong Indica
tions of murder, as the skull contained1:
two large cracks as though struck by .
an iron Instrument. v , . ,
He had no known enemies and It is
thought he had no large stun of money
In the house,
McNabb was about 3S years old and
well known in this vicinity. He was
son of pioneer-resident. ,A brother,
Peter McNabb,' live in Portland. - H
was very' deaf and was taking treat
ment from doctors here. He was last
seen Monday and was to have come in
town Wednesday for- treatment, thin
leading to the belief that he met death'
Tuesday." Dr. Smlck, who examined, tha ,
wounds on the head, says they may '
have been caused by heat. The arm
and legs were burned off to the knees
and elbows. .'
McNabb was a sober and Industrious
man, and had about 170 In the bank.
The barrel of an old gun he had in the
house Was found lying beside him In
the ruins. , 1
Boston, June 17.-Today la Bunker ,
Hill day In Boston, a legal holiday. Hun
dreds of thousands of persons wltneH.'d
the parades and other peelacular feat,
ures In hlstorlu Charleatown, y A fenfiire
of the parade was a revival of the "an. .
tiques , and ' horribles,' , for - which the
Charlestown proot-sslona formerly were
, In the military prade, the vanquish-!
enemy of Bunker Hill wcra reirf-nt' i
by the 62nd reelm"nt from , I -t
St.. John, N. B.. "fusini-r. who v t ,
heartily cheered hI1 alonir th lfn I i-;-mission
had been arir;ti by tl, M-.
chusetts authorltlm for ti .,
dlera to bnr arm vlilun c
They came to Bonton un i
of the Ancient snl 7;- .