THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, 'FRIDAY . EVENING, JUNE ,18. 1511. 1 V "OLD GRADS" WILL ! FLOCK TO tt OF 0. BOURNE SEES REPORT Class of f88 Will Hold First Quarter: Centennial; The V. ; " Week's Program.-. , - . . - , .,. .ji - ; i : ptH1 t)Lnt-e In Ta. isarasLI 4 University pt Oregon, Eugene, Or., Jun. II. The; cnmm.ncrn()t ' of the clMi'of lllt Will ho moat elaborate. Sp.eal hav Imd mad. to beve the rerulat atudents .remain after . trn examinations for the oommencement and long; program (in txen arranged s for the week 'end,' In addition to tha rmrular exercises . tha university - will Witness ' her . f Irat quarter . centennial, when tha elaaa of 118 will aaaambla la Eugsoa. Tha ceremonlee of tha reunion of tha "old grade." wllj be under th 4irectioa of judge JB. O. - Potter of Bu g ana; v: v ...'.,' . Tha, following la " tha complete and official program of tha commencement " Sunday, June ls-ii a. m., baoealaa reate aervlrea In Villa rd haJl by tha Itev. Benjamin Young, D. D paator of tha Taylor Street Methodist church, . Portland. ;' . '. '-. , Monday, Jana 1 :! am.. tannla flnala, Alumni vs. Beniorsi 1:H a, m annuel in ..ting Btata AaeoclaUoa Unl , varsity of Oragon Alumni. Vlllard haJU ; t P. kl, graduating exsrclsaa af state ochool of mualo, VtlUrd halL A Tueeday, Jun iO-s:lt a. nu, meeting board of regent Vlllard Ball; 1:11a. m, annual meeting of tha Alumni aaso : elation, Vlllard ball;- lp.nL, prealdent'a raoaptlon to alumni and guests of tha ' University on lawn at president's bom.; . I P m tug of war. Alumni vs. Seniors, across campus lalief 7:tt p. m., flow.r . ind farn prooeswlon on tha campua; I p. m.. Maypole dance, unrveraltr co-ode. " on earn puas 1:10 ' p. mj ralllngBaak man oratorical' eonteat In Vlllard hall. '- WadneadaV, Juna 11 10 a. m, addraaa bsfore tie graduating claaa by Thomaa . r. Kane. Ph. D praatdent of tha Unt , varalty or Washington; 1:30 p. m, aal , verslty dinner to alumni. In man'a gynv naalum; (:S0 p. ta., alumni reception. reunions ana Dn in men s gymnasium. OF M INDOE; HOPEFUL EIIGEII E- cons 9IKT t tine Believed Permanent One for P. E., & E. Electric Railway. ' (8Mlal Diaptteb t. Tha 7ovaat) I Eugene, Or4 Juno II. What la laid to be th permanent gurrey for the pro poacd electric railway between Eugen and Corvallia la being made by a corpa tf englneera In the employ of th Port land,. Eugene 4k Eaatarn Railway com- Jany. Th aurveyora arrlvad from Port, and yeaterday and left Immediately for th outaklrta of tha elty, where th auyvey waa begun, following th pre liminary eurvey mad by th oompany'a Englneera laat aummer. The aurrey ex. tend out Weat Eleventh atreet to tha city llmtta, .thenc In a westerly dlro tlon to a ttolnt five mllaa out. tufhlne- north and proceeding In aa etralaht a' im aa poaaibie to uonroe, wnare the Corvallia A Alaea railway la mat Thla t line, which ha been bought and paid Cor by thla company, will b uaed as a link In tha through Una and will b jectnnaa. r Right of way for a good part of th dlataao between th two eltlaa baa been aecured, tha deeds apeolfylnc that oonatructlon work must begla befor fieptamber 1, 1911, or the deeds become null and rold. - WESTROMITE PEOPLE -1 SEE BREAKERS AHEAD ;-: St. Johns', elty recorder, F. A. Rice, Kwaa served with a stimmons yesterday to appear in court to show why an in junction should not be placed against the elty preventing the laying of West rumlte paving on Jaraey atreet, -the main, thoroughfare of the town- Sev eral property owners who desire other pavement aid have filed suit against the city of St Johns. They have con ceived the Idea that the Weatrumlte la not quite up to the atandard of other companies and aa' the plana are for pav ing nearly a mile of atreet they seem daalroua to secure competition. V The contraot waa given to the Paclflo Coast Weatrumlte, a new paving con cent, which recently completed its rec tory at Kenton. Thla company had promised the city . that Its pavement would be the first of its kind laid weat of the Rocky Mountaina, but now it JookB aa if the city may have to let the contract to some other company, -aa the Weatrumlte people hav been enjoined by Warren Brothers, who contend that Weatrumlte pavement inmngea .upon their patenta. The caae will be heard In the circuit court on June 14. GLENfliDfO FOR GRAND JURY ACTION Vi 8peci1 Olptoh to The Journal.) Ontario. Or., June. 16. Nineteen. year-old Olenda Record of Ontario was bound over in 00 yeateroay arternoon to await the action of th grand Jury of Malheur oounty. Ball waa furnished The charge is securing $300 on a forged check from a bank at Ontario, June . Bhe was arrested in Portland. . Nearly all the $300 was gone1 ; U; CINDERS' FALLING ONTO '; HER BED TELL WOMAN C HER HOUSE IS ON FIRE ' T)lptrt teThe Joornjl.) " - Kennewlck, , Wash., June 1. When burninrv cindera ; began, dropping ". through i the ceiling 4 onto (r the bed where she -lay Aalf I asleep, . Mr. F.l Q- P-eede . of Horse Heaven, living six miles south of here, realized the house was on fire. Mrs. Peed was at home alone with her baby, and ; ' rushed from th hou. with 4 clothing smoking.: She eacaped harm herself, but tha hous and 4 contents wer totally destroyed. ; ' -'- - ;- - ' 4SpHal Diotr t Tk Jountl) V ' Waahlngton, Jun II. "Senator Bourne called on th chief of engineers this morning and examined District En gineer Mclndoe'e report oa th Willa mette locka made under the Bourne amendment to th last rivers and bar bors bllL ;, i . ; : "Under the rule of the war depart ment no specif lo publicity can be given until the report le signed by the .secro tary of war and Is ready for submis sion to' congreaa However, ' Senator Bourn fela hopeful that early deoielon n the report will be reached-by the secretary of war when full publlolty can be given th matter." r - Auto'; Racing fBlood 8port,n, iciwiMt Prr U rite.t ' Chicago. June II. "Blood a ports" Is tha phrase applied to automobile rac ing, aeronautics - and other vnt In wbich elements ef -danger are Involved, by .Coroner Peter Hoffman. ' PASTOR. miEEUHG Bend, 0r.,: Minister's Hands a Yet In Reverent Pose When Found. v (Baedal DUMtaa to Tae oerasll t - Bend, Or., Jane II. Kneeling In prayer bealde his bed, " Rev. J. i An thony Mitchell, a Preabyterlaa minis ter, died suddenly soma Urn Wednes day morning pf acute chronlo Jyepp ala and heart failure. The body waa found several hours later with hands still clasped la a reverential attitude. . , Though death eame peacefully, life had been a surging battle with Rev. Mr. Mitchell. At 17 h enlisted as a soldier In the Civil war and was with Sherman In bis famous marches, rive years ago be eame to Bend and took bp a homestead, His wife and children refused to leave Los Angeles and Join I him, and at th lest commissioners court at Prlnevllle he was granted a divorce on grounda of desertion. He was 14 yeara eld. and the oldeet of bla flv living children J 11. i ' ii i .' '! i Shot ta lf, Savr-d by Wormaa.' " (SpmUI tMmtrb to TTte JaaraaLl ' Bend, Or June ll-Tblrty-flv miles out oa the desert from Bend with a II caliber pistol ban la his lag. William Everett, a homesteader, . formerly pt Seattle, feared Monday morning for his Ufa, but today n is la th hospital here oa th road to recovery. He waa saved largely, by the foresight of. a woman. When the man. accidentally shot by a platol with which he bad fired at a Jackrabhlt reached the Mllllcan ranch In a wagon, Mrs. Ada B, Mllllosa saw that be aeeded quick attention.' , It was II miles to town and II miles to th nearest telephone, snd she Immediately dispatched a horseman to th telephone t summon an auto from Bend. Record time was made by both- courier and automobile,' and Everett was being eared for In the hospital a few hours sfter being shot Outina Boots 11.11 for ladles' lilah tan boots. 11.11 for men's high tan boot a. Greenfield's.; comer Fourth snd Yamhill. . - Rails fewMj Most Shoes Starve to Death Thanks to the Leather Trust Your ordinary shoe breaks down because all the life has been starved out of the leather in the tanning. That's Trust leather tanned with adulterants, with chemicals, with anyjprocess that will cheapen the leather for the profit of the Leather Trust. If you want shoes made of live leather leather tanned for your kind of shoe and your . kind of service you znuat get Endicott-Johnson shoes. Endicott, Johnson & Co. are the only shoe manufacturers In this country . who tan their own leather, They are Independent of tne JLeatner iruit. You will get more wear out of Endicott-Johnson shoes than any other make of shoes has ever given you. : You will get style good fit foot ease exquisite finish, Inside and outside. You will save 60 cents to $1.00 oq every pair. Endicott, Johnson & Co. sell direct to your home shoe dealer no profits to Trusts or Middlemen. ' END WELL (Goodyear Welt) is their dress and business shoe $3.00, $3.50 smd$4.00. i - . . m . m , .: . END WELL shoes combine perfect loot comfort wiui all the little modish touches that a man wants in his shoes. ' Two hundred styles a full range of lasts every width of toe all the colors tf leather. ' , . Remember the name stamped in every she II Hi fit. GALE & SON, 4 N. Third St. Shoe buyers who Eve outsid toe dty where this paper !s publisbed can learn tne names of their home dealers who carry END WELL shoes by writing to Endicott Johnson k Co Endicott. N. Y. 3V "t-' Many Women, Thinlc that a silk gloves are "KayserV' The mistake is natural, because "Kay ser,s,, are the original and best known There's A Way to Tell the Genuine "took & the hem" for the name Kayser" It .means assurance of qnauty. and reuaoiuty, A Guarantee That Guarantees. A "new pair free" If the "tips" wear out before the glove. "Kayaer glorei "eosf no mn tnan tne oramary kmd'.''and sjw'-worth'dbable;:;; Sbort Silk CWat, S0&, JSc $1X0 Loag Silk Clovee Tlte-Sl.OO. lUfan IWwTi.lLT. - -r Better Bargains than ever In this Great June ".White' Sale Underpriced specials , ' V In every section of the storeBelow we list a few of the offerings: . Now Ida Masarlns 50 CENTS A YEAR ' The Ioii in' Value The Beit in Quality ; w Jilllrl'H'?riMllliH,lii - . sZl' "111 llT1--3"''MtwjM,l----""- - - ' New Xdts '' Patttrna , 106 "AA.-;.. StylesSixes Lowered Fpioea on uup women s Ready-to-Weap Apparel Wnmnn'o Snifn n.f. .Si 2.5 O iV S15.00, $19.50 and $25.00 A showing of stylish, perfect-fitting Suits. Perfection in fit is very essential to a really stylish garment This is a prom inent feature in all bi our Suits. We guarantee each gar ment to fit' perfectly, whether it costs $10 or $30. Our Suit offerings, for tomorrow not alone excel in fit, but are eoually excellent in style, workmanship and quality of fabric They are of fine French serges, imported English weaves and nov elty materials. Some are artistically trimmed, others are plain tailor made. Wash Dresses at $2.50, $3.50 to 05.50 n ! isms ii i i mi 1 ii i i i iii ,i mi r sn--r r r 1 fc A very complete line of Wash Dresses for street wear. Made in all the newest styles with high or low neck, kimono or regulation sleeve. Materials are gingham, poplin and several other good washable materials in plain effect, stripes, checks and plaids. The best assortment ever shown at such popular prices. Wash Skirts 08c, 01.25, 01.50 to 03.50 An excellent assortment of pretty Dress Skirts, shown in all the popular styles Materials are poplin, rep, Indian head, linene and linen. Jhey come in plain white and polka dots, also colors tan, blue and natural linen. Compare our styles, quality and prices with others. va t .;. , m mi -.- i a M . . n Saw tw IM . 1 n ii i7i m wii in i ' i ii i at i am h i II ilvail.!, 1 s i AUmW aWw m a r I .T BamSsa-WI f m'M W f HI' . - a. . '.HII 111 AtaW h mm m r. , II n7;:t:I AS fl , i imj.-c i ii mi . . M Hit -. 1 BBC fva' , J U3LT J ' a t SLJL A Remarkable Puroliaso and Sale Fine Hiitilin Underwear Hundreds of fresh, new, snow white garments to show you tomor row, and it is certain that we never offered prettier styles or better made garments at such; insignifi cant prices as at this sale. . Most of these garments were purchased in New York lesa than six weeks ao at extraordinary discounts. It's a 1 J! J 4 . AV- 1 0.. ' Kn rnnin rime id kiii u 11 v vuur uiii. mer needs at much less than usual prices. Princess Slips Priced 08o These fine garments are made of very cood aualitv material and neatly trimM with Madeira embroidery and heat laces. Regular $1.25 and ?l,5u nU, vaiUCS. . opcciauy pntcu ,nu w s. v Princess Slips Priced 01.08 A very special offering of pretty Prin cess Slips. Made of fine quality dimity, trimmed with lace or embroidery yoke, with skirt ruffle to match. Neatly t. rhaf sll ricrularlv at $2.50 and $2.75. bpeciai (Pi MM for this .sale .. . . . . . .. , .r aP 1 O, Corset Covers Priced at 50c Just received a large shipment of Cor set Covers, shown in all the latest pat terns. They are made of fine quality nainsook, neatly trimmed with very pretty laces, embroideries and" ribbons. Extra good values. Priced for C Aw this sale UUt Muslin Drawers at 0100 A showing of an extra strong line at this price, shown in the circular or um brella style. Made of fine quality nain sook, cambric or cross-bar dimity, dain tily trimmed with fine embroideries and laces. Regular $1.50 values. A A Specially priced this sale . . f D 1 e" II Muslin Gowns Priced 8 8o Another line of Gowns, made of good quality cambric, nainsook" or Mason ville Muslin, trimmed with lace and em broidery. Fine, well finished garments that sell regularly at $1.25. OO Priced for this sale OOiv Muslin Gowns Priced 01.50 A special vaiuc in uic uigu uciw jiaiip, style with long sleeves, also -the" low neck slipover style with short or half length sleeves. Made of very fine qual- lty namsooK. or camuric, wnu udiu embroidery and lace trimmings, vRegu-, lar $2.00 and $2.25 values. (f CQ Special at .... -OlaOy Footwear Values Women's Shoes at Ql98 A line of Women's Shoes and Oxfords, also one and two-strap xPumps. They come in patent colt, vici kid and gun- metal, in low and high heel. AH sizes. Regular $2.50 and $3.00 1 HQ values, priced at . . . . ... . . . i 1 . 7U Men's Shoes at 03.98 A soecial showine of Men's Shoes of good quality gunmetal and Russia ttalf leathers, button and blucher lace style,' with high nob toe. They come in dark and light tanand are suitable for both young and old. '' ? Regular $5.00 and $6.00 values, priced for this jJ I Qg Misses' and ' Children's one and two strao Pumos of : erood quality5 leather. Values up ,to $2.50, special (J 1 A Q for J) 1 A Complete Showing of the New Style Bo te 6. Corsets at SI to S3 Every pair guaranteed., See our vwndow display." An unusually large and attractive showing of the ' celebrated ;R.!,& G.; Cor sets, ; including; all h the , new models, made of fine coutil or. summer; weight batiste, well made, per-, fecthy finished corsets, trimmed with fine em- broideries ca n d 1 aces. There is a style and size to fit' every figure and every pair is guaranteed. Many lines to choose from at - G1.00 Co gg.oo::