THE OREGON DAILY JQURNALy PORTLAND. 1 FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 16, 1311. 0 BUSINESS ; CHAKCT1 " Buy, Sell or Trade 3 ;r W kitami extra good bargain in roomng house, reetauraoi , ana '"uworni, fir furniture, 150; rent it room", . i -: - '11 rooma, 11600; term. M ,. ii a strictly transient HOflo. v We have aom new 6 room modern ' bungalow at amail payment a, balance Mm aa rent- Wa have soma rhole re.ldenc lot at a bargain: aiio acreage rmsa in. . ue before buying. Wecan aava you money. . " grMMONB CO., 147 Weat Park. ANYONE looking for a splendid bualnea. location abould call on i Mr. C. H. Lehman, room 212 Chamber of Commerce bldg., and ask him about LYLE. HALF Intereat In one of the beet known otory brick hotela, long leaae, cheap , renL I want 18000 for half, and It fay over JO per cont. I will trade ortland property at Ita real value or Improved farmi oame property muat be rr. Ann near. net nir uvns Bard of Trade. . "YAilHtL COUNTY R&kVtf' C5. r 410 Hot he hi Id bldf.. . 4th and Waahlnc ton ata., Portland. V have farma from 10 to 40 cr5 knn .ml. nrrhanlt and orchard lanfl! timber, ehlnajle in'lla. hotela and city property. vVa locate timber elalma ana homeateede; elweye reliable. RESTAURANT In very buay center, new building, cheap rent; well fumlahed and convenient. Eaally clear 110 a day. It worth $00. lut I have my buelneea at the office to look after and will aelt to you for 2i0. Oreateat anap ever offered.. Ooddard. 60S Teon Mdr $600 Buys Clean Grocery Worth I living room In rear; roaaon. homeicn: tnat a an. . BROADSTREET8' EXCHANGE, 171 U Morrison at. AM TURNING my arocery tOck . 10 time a year without llettlnar; toclc win run aomewnar ownn .p i000 rood leai; I want to retire. Bee Ibert Welch Bon. 011 Lewi bldg 4Mand Oak. ; fAKirw.H to aiaoiin a wunur?. r.i. - opening. Mpenence noi ncnniii i not neceaaary. en raged; capital yflf Woodl s-n hotel, wooa- experienced man now onl aecondary matter. dre Room 1, Woodlawn lawn car Cigar Stands nAe. IMI: areat m.k.e rini T loni leaae. 417lf Oregon Packing Co.. tsaat ain ana Bo.ri of Tra'de.' Ttf AVTirri 11 c I -n- rl aatata office. If you're a metier and want to work." com! along, at 431 Chamber of Commerce. ' WANTED Reliable man aa partner in well eetabllahed bualnea that will tav von 1176 per month; emranane not neceaaary. Particular 14 Ith at, office n. l - ' lfnVTjn nlrtiira theatre. U orlce for mh. ae will trade for lota, diamond. contract or equity. 107 Pthehlld bldg, FOR SALE Reataurant cheap. J.TjaT' leane. neni i.u. rirom D- HELP WANTED MALE INCIDENT. (On of many.) Office aecretary employment depart- ment I. M. U. A. atreTne-er out of work (110 ....... ... . .-W A 5: l.",..i amtTi"i-?K-7hit a . . v m a. .: v-,." atarvatlon. - - . "eecretirV-If you pay II for .peclal iu rv.i inn. " . etmployment memberalilp, you will have the Y. M. c. A. with it resource be- twecn you and atarvatlon. RECORDFOR" MAT.lllI. , Call for men.,... 211 Poattlona filled ........... .Ill "-New romber ............172 employment membership guarantee employment or refund of membership fee, give two month' full membership .-, privileges. 10 tnontns- social pnvnegea. and und.rtalrea to .Mm itirtf tmnlonid SuHnVfihiTfJll "temT if membership. ipioyea without further charge. We have constant demand for hlah , grade, experienced men. Are you quail- flea tor a better poaiuonr flea 'eecretary amployment depart ment. X. VL C A. . ' . :We Want Several energetic and trust worthy salesmen to sell an ex ceptionally high 'grade beach property, which carries the hlgh- est merits. 317 Railway Ex- ' change bids. FLOORWALKERS. The Meier A Frank Co. have vacan- Sl?fll.J,r., APPlT 10 Supt' " Itb floor at 1 a. m. v -j d parquet ELEfRI6IANS. -hard woo. floor layers, painters, plumbers, steam fitters arid sheet metaf workers, non- union for ut or town. . Atmlv 122 . iminn ' '' ...t n. Inwti Annlir SS rw.rHli Snih hid Apply 321 - "m!S ' b .xv. i n- V HSif S? S&oXu& experience, high CiaSB PropOBItlon, fr??U 4VhT! neaVstark ,maner' 100H 4th st. near stark. dustrial stock: references required. . i.. ii. . ..i. m iMs.n... n m 206 Railway we,ver.;on y,ri .weavers, on blan- Exchange bldg. VEAV'ERS-2 good i7fat a-Aod-nrloe list Union Woolen Mills, Washougal. Wash. WANfED-Experienced bookkeeper on ' electric conaumera ledger. Apply 601 Lewis bldg. rTP-rLit l j WJ.EiAr.2f.,!oSSSilll 1? . 60-BS N. 7th St "VI ..r i CHEF headquartera and halpera. CaJl fornla Wine Depot 286 Yamhill, next - to Journal. WaNTED At one. men to learn to drive nnd repair autotnobllea. Call at Hawtnome oarage, o wawtnom. FIRST CLASS printing solicitor; union shon: liberal Inducement to "hustler. A-701, Journal. WANTED A- good sash and door man to lay out and machine his own work. Call 1838 Union ave. 6POUTERS, , experienced In flour mill work. Apply 222 Commercial club bldg. WANTED Good, first class, sober man to care for horses. Call at once. 605 Aldr st. hOV WANTED 16 years, with wheel ; good "Wages. . Apply Alder hotel.' BOY about 17 to wont In machine shop. Call after p. m 263 Knott st WANTED Guitar player to play with mandolin." . journal, UNCALLED for., tallor-umae stilts, 110 up. Taylor the-Ta'lor. 286 Burnslda. . WE eelt uncalled for tailor made suits, $10 up. Harvard Tailors, 868 Burnside. WEAR a Kenahaw 12 hat; all etylea. 1 Fourth, 449 Washington. BARBER WANTED for Saturday, $5 guaranteed. 227 W," 23d t ( WANTED A L- first claae hostler; must N sober and quick. - Call 606 Alder st. VAtCTED Butcher and meat cutter; married man. Phone Tabor 1387. HELP WANTED MISC. 63 . WANTED two men to Team taxlcab, autotruck and automobile driving' and repairing."-Call at once. . Office 126ft in?..hf.-A. M . MAM lll'ilt.ljv.-l. .'. . . , wr -..KM r... .ij.r "WJV. . GOVERNMENT employee wanted Send ; poatal for Portland examination sched ule. Franklin Institute. Dep't 207 G., Rachayter, K, Y. : - . .' . iuiornational . Correapondem.'e school a. Local offlcat 281 Alder at M. 1021. r HELP WANTED MISC. RAlmnnt Auto School Th only thorourhlv e04llPPd ChOOl Or THE PACIFIC COAST. -Complete r-ouraa. Including thorough driving Instruction, technical ana pro Ileal work In all Ha d"'aii. . K. 2ID AND MORRISON. ' Tako B-8 or Mt. Tabor car: look u up before deciding to anron tmwnrn. MOVfMrt PICTURB OPERATOR8. v.mrn KK lo 140 waklv: learn buel neaa In 19 daye; laona wjeonahla. JHK.W fii' Waanmiion. near inn. GOOD llva man can earn mo a nay in d.mrr.T td aelTer: Write Pafetr Economy TDamoer Co- 440 Bharlock Aurn tAwn a haniiia. nti p aiiiomiiio bldn.. Portland, Or. II p.r rrfo.h. !f land. ur. Main llu. , HELP WANTED FEMALE 9 WANTED TOUNO LAPIXS FOR TKLEPHONr OPERAT ING; WITH OR WITHOUT EX PERIENCE. APPLY THE PA CIFIC TELEPHONE TELE GRAPH COMPANY. ITH AND EAST AN KENT 8TS. SALESWOMEN. The Meier As Frank Co. require aalea women for the following depta. : Neck wear, white rooda, allverware, crockery, walata; alao 26 glrla. 10 or over, to learn the buelneea. Apply to Supt, on Ith floor at I a, m. VV'OMKN enH alrla to work in our aanl I Ury cannin. plant. Inquire Lang- A i Co. Factory entrance canning aepart- Burn,Wa g treat, between rront ,n(1 p1r,. FAMILY of two want girl for light i nouaework one who a peak a rroncn preferred; will pay S6 per month. Tele- phone mornings. Main 6618. WANTED-Competent girl for general hou,ework w1tung to go to the coaat. good wages. Phone Main 460. T70 Handera at. GIRLS and women wanted at cannery Belmont Bteady work Apply at once. GIRL for cooking and aeneral houae WO. HRI4II WHIIIV. Ill MH Mai " Hawthorne or Sunnyalde car. WANTED Hand ironera and girl to I learn other department work. lai u worr"ron- , r WANTED Girl for general houaework oral houaework 'iyVronTrto"" Jror" 1 lo ' in country town, can 141 H Yamhill at, Saturd I WANTED KeaDonalble. refined nurse girl to care for two children. Call I mornlnrs. 1181 Thurman. W car. A WAITRESS wanted at the Bridge rea- joiRL about 26, forphoto work; eiperl i enced preferred. K-71Z. Journal HELP WANTED MALK AND FEMALE SO -. t'.iir.. .a I - JL TJrVw .... ... l-u.7 I "" " .w-, '"J? L7IJ" helo i a u avwu i m uiraiLiuiis. k i graduatea earn 111 weekly; exoe?t Inatroctor: tool 1 or coiiegea. i w. 4tn i, fortiana. I 'nu . i . . . - r . . . . i . PRIVATE ahorthand lejaons, Gregg and M ln2i; V 2 """ '? ?"" '-'"- .j;i-"-V?'',,,,"r Main 7122. Modem Bualnea College, ith and wawmngton sts. FREE leaaona in thorthand; new plan and syetem; u at once; only 10 taken . tfils month. Stenographic tute, 116 Chamber of Commerce. EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 05 C. R, HANSEN & CO, -mpj. i. Wmi nravu .nvw-Tvei fialT of flee 2g N,Td VD jaa.ii. vi i iv vi ... u v., . imiu. Ladle' department 7th and Waah, ats upataira. i-omana. 44 Front Ave., Spokane. 17-81 Ith at, San Franclaoa Established 1171. Red Cross Employment 10 N. 2d. cor. Bumwlde. M. 686.. A-6711. j WANTED AGENTS 6 REIJABLE salesman can mae big or . - - - ... . w- ... i psru nun-trriaava irm, .aruw, nn i eto. Outfit furnished; cash weekly. Ad- dress. OREGON NTTRBERT CO. Or. Salesmen Hoi Salesmen wanted to aell the. moat complete line ot nursery atoca in in nnrlhivaat. ('.ah waeKlv. I CAPITAL. CITY NURSERY CO.. Ralevm. Or. CASH every week for salesmen MRIng our cmi hardy wen.rooti nursery 4ntr ..41 rismA . taroUnrt. I Washington Nurse'ty Co., Toppenishi wash. a . . Fg.tlrv ' ..iiina. - 8AhSJn1 "?J .fJn,Ir .' " gww. gurant4 tock. . Good nome grown, guaranteed oiock. vtooa territory; money advanced weekly; poal- tlon permanent complete line. Yakima Valley Nursery'Co.. Toppenlsh, Wash. w.VTmn." ama- wl.h ,.tr. mobiles to take Mi. agency for Port iin M.rt.ra n.w . .j. .' i mm u... WAmiw agema ror quick aeiun WANTED agents for quick selling, 8? FlWunloS'notel 387 H E. Burnslde. .'7? " "T " u . u . m ra "?,Z"jr.r' Lff pi',d wSl."' Pacifii Nurser Ca Una rwt hid-7 nfiuTpn o a mi.m .n wall eatatw I . : " " ". ' " Ifht man; "- prt w.awSg nflron'nV, .xperien"- I .rS WANTEpaleamao for money making kw!p,ng suites. 120. 126 LP,.0',,tlon' 232 Washington BUrm eU for summer. W x.n-ii.iL.. nr ..nn. room u. - SITUATIONS MALE Want to Change First class stenoaranher and all around office' man. experienced In lum- bar. banking an other lines; have taken care of correspondence of large firm without dictation; am employed at present, but would change July 1; best or rererenccs. m-9, journal. CLEAN-CUT young man wants posi tion ar clothing salesman or travel ing salesman. . Good references. B 7 15, Journal. A NO. 1 Experienced and reliable man who can furnish city references If de sired, wishes position as Janitor or por ter. G-713, Journal. $10 TO anybody that will show and get me a steady Job operating an elevator. F-7 1 5. Journal. BIDE LINE for eastern Washington. Idaho and Montana, by experienced salesman. A-711. Journal. ELECTRICIAN wants work, knob or tube or pipe. A. Wortley, general de- nvery. WANTED Work as apprentice to fin- ish trade; had 3 years experience as cabinetmaker. S. Bohn, 126 Graham av. AMERICAN middle aged man; handy. Intelligent and trustworthy, wishes light employment. E-711, Journal. TWO steady men want work on farm at once. G. UrecKer. 840 Upshur t, Portland. , A COLORED man wants work aa jani tor, a good worker and good habits. 133ft N. 14th st. Phone Main 2060. . EX P E R I E KG E D carpenter finisher wants job. Can give results. Phone East 2823. FIRST-CLASS China cook wants .posi tion In hotel, restaurant or- boarding house. C-717. Journal. COLORED man wants Janitor work, good references. K-707, Journal. WORK wanted, gaa fitter, plumbers' helper, experienced: B-711, Journal. -.--"-.- - - - - i 83 1 SITUATIONS MALE MUNICIPAL. FREE EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 171 MADISON, BET. Id AND It. MALE AND t-EMALB HELP. ' MocuinnH to kmpiyilR OA NO CUAROP! TO KMPLOYfcfl OS EMPLOYS, . v U1M Jill' Aatl. SITUATIONS FEMALE I A MlDni.K.Aafcn TaJw would "" - 1 houaikMnln for rluh of four man. I ran irlva al reference, -in city irwmmy. .,-in, .iMirp.i. ELDERLY woman, aood cook, do tholand tranalent .lVr9!?TS: ni.... HIH N. th at , WlNTErwi'hl Ar.n la " r.r. for from 1 lift i. rsncili VMIID. jarm ATlKJIVl Vlinuot two to eeven yeara, by elderly lady, TT&W Ti V''' I A nom. room 4. H! NORWEGIAN "girl wahea general houaework. Call at 621 Market at. cor. of ith. ' t.IhJSif!aih9i? fare. Addreaa 1001 Michigan v- HlDDLE aged lady wante work J a hrniaekeener. Call 101 td at. room 13. WOMAN want day work. Ho an hour. Phone Main 161. TWO waltrenaea want poeltlon for re- laurant H-7U Journal. EXPERIENCED woman wlahe day work. Call A-44S2. ... w- J.- kAllt 1""""" w'"n" w flTUATIONS WANTED MALF. AND FEMALE MAN and Wife want oare Of fur- nlahed houata during nimmir montn;WANT a couple to room and board in can ruraian beat er Fortiana rererencee. U-T14. journal. MAN and wife want ork on "fannT 114 E. Morrlaon. room I. B-ltll. 10 ROOM modem houae. eloee In, for HUll rragJ 4falWVV Vr III. -w I yard. 11400. 121 Allaky bldg. VHlTb; blilLD HOMKC quick, vale 13000. terma. 4 rooma, nice onflnemeat caaea only. 117 Fargo. Wdln 1140. PRACTICAL nurse wants 0-716, Journal. , position. DRESSMAKING 40 LADIES' tailoring, alteratlona, ulU at M .1 .. g f I a-4701 rn urn nn iin in j ii i t a. ni i si ui.aivi . LADIES' -tt-a '..,1.- m,ip ... 'ma- url.l,. Iteration.. LReubln Elite La- qier Tailor. Belling blag., atn ano Aioer. miommm fa 5 FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE The Burns TINDER NEW MANAGEMENT, '" "t UllphSne.n a'aUnlt Wltl by the day, week or month; epectal In- Centrally located, new brick building. . ..,i.....i wtm 10(1 U I Twelfth near Waahlngton. Phone Mar- shall 2710. i '; . '" : notei burton Mr. and Mra. Burt W. Flaher have And !6o for each additional trunk; taken the management of the Hotel moved promptly. Phone United Ex Burton, comer Yamhill and Second ate., preae Co. fttarehall 1401. A-7411. and will be pleaaed to rerve their FOUR furnlahed houaekeeplng rooma In friend and the general public with the private residence, good car aervlce. moat modern and up-to-date hotel aery. ice possible, can era do convinceo. FOR a clean cool, comfortable place try the new FOSTER HOTEL THIRD AND DAVIS STS. 110 outalde room, hot and cold water. . .i..t. 1 1 v. . . v. n ,, . h.. -"".' -Vd i .ii tralnaT loweat rates Tli thi city. ' j.,!f'i-rvnt,. nnTgr RIICK1NGHAM HOTEL! Bachelor anartrrenta. at the Bucking- Jj rH"l for yo Jt nd your chum, II P?? 7"n Prlv2? tb5 9i??I,7 fhi !?f ,,a2Uin,-.SrIrr,1-. AC2hit 1 atreet from Portland hotel. 180 Yamhill HOTEL RENWICK Corner Seventh and Taylor upposue i-ieing ineatre, ono diock irom Portland hotel: strictly modern; a "JpJ I hAma. V. Kiiei.f.esiat nawtrtlai MgiR fill 1 , r.. - TIiS,K-n!iUm,brt 2nd . 2 double outside rooma. first and sec- ond .floor. 13.60 and 14; also some very nannsome room witn running water, 16.60 and 16. 116 10th, cor, korrison llnitPn Trflfl NPVPf fllflPn U . lrM. , J 247 Madison 'Mirahrim Tri 'I??-. In! ...!., . 1 ' I and" reasonable place to "kto 212 8d. corner Salmon st.' A-29IL iinu min iuubv m muueni, re.jiwi.wiB mMMEnriAt. hotel, under new man- . i. . . - i . . ... i . T ' . . I - inineni, nut inu cum ruiiiims w.;, choice rooms at 13.60 up per week. 4fc3 I Washington st TWO large well furnished housekeep- ing rooms. Gas. bath, phone, also aiepnincr rnnmi. wim or wiinnui ooara. i 324 14th st. viA,,- -n. .(ahi. n; o ""..i ;T. ei.. iZti. - " ... . 111 " West farK. PLEASANT. "J"' bath, gaa, phone, 12.60 tianfairta.i4 rttm week. 475 I Malrli TWO ladies or couple to take my apart- ment for summer; very reasonable. A-4557. i nv a'ttttwtVt f V ?7Ti 4 BEAUTIFULLY fui Bt,Ai)nruuui. lumiwu ruuiiiB, phone, bath and liaht, centrally lo- cated. in refined neighborhood. 264 12th. LARGE nTcely furnished front rooms, with or without hoard a Inn sultahle for offices or studio. K8H 10th st. ii...-, .v , ; '.. inn cuni r.Vi"-r"..V" i?"""iv. '.""L"?' not i ana coia waier, sieam neai, pn- i vate baths and suite. HOTEL MIB Sir FrTe phone and bath. Main 7t64. rooms I weet j F r?c f'iV, ""' . .NiB"EPn2? f.5"a.;up J" Bon: f P Ella i : . B.SP',l.M.Ilr,!N.l nJ?"!?I ' I Shir 427 Mont- gomery St. wain zza. raSW NEAT furnished room for rent with frvFTinnlre-M mnm.' V i use of kitchen for working girl 426 ERnT 2l r ,. 8th street. J. H. Zimhrlck. TWO connecting rooms, suitable for two JFf nS-w. stT S,r. r"' r-jJ-.n.aJ-2IL. a ifntNit vrA-1 m. I rt .A I AZZYrn'TT r.aannahiA 268 3d st. . FURNISHED front room, with or with- out housekeeping privileges. 462 Salmon st. Main 7840. "'. EARGF. front furnlahed room for rent), suitable for two. 170- 10th st. NICE front room with alcove, suitable for 2 or 8. 471 Main St., cor. 18th. SMALL room -and sleeping porch, very reasonaPie, pnorve ana patn. zez lztn. NICE rooms, furnished or housekeeping, i natn, eiectno ngnts, pnone. Z3t stn st. FURNISHED bedroom for 1 or 2 work ing men; cheap. The Idaho, 889 6th. ROOM $1.25 a week, nice and clean. 630 Davis. Main 4214. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE 62 THE Electric Hotel New building, ma 82.60 modern, nicely furnished rooms $2.66 and up per week. E. 11th and Marion. weiiwooa 1BU8. FOR RENT One pieaaant nieejy fur nished sleeping room, $10 per month, bath included. 174 E. 85th. at and Yamhill. THE GA YOSA modern rooma 13 per week up, Grand ave. and E. Stark. ' Two modern furnished room, walking distance. 469 E. Ash. Phone B-1153. FOR RENT Modern furnished room. 114 E. Hth. ' ' ; - - FRONT room for rent Phone and bath. 418 Commercial st FURNISHED ROOMS ',.. EAST SIDE 02 vm& wjsS$? 'n rJtttll.m 5kfcbaoa lOk Ith 'J0'" I1M , week each. . 10.4 " t N . ; ; - ' I vnn RENT Ona nicely .furnished front Bleeping room, lis par month) loath Included, in B, 5th at. - UNFURNISHED ROOMS 10 THREW room a for rant II N. 10th. Main 1714 or a-itm. ' - - I unnonm m CMmh a. aii.m orl rooma, alnrio and double; rood homo i.nnliln. fnnnnlwit liv.nnn: permanent I FIRST olaaa board and room In refined I .... a. h T prir.Tenbath adJolnTn 17 Id ?. y F!!!? iaJ0,n"' ,a tijkw TlnKu'iif) . "' t?fm? InHya.e'T.Xl'UndJ! a:, l... , klngt-n-offlce1 men 'or Jli.h JL, fit eKS0. 9T r:. :: :: L- V renovated, alngle or double room. Table board iuE Whitehall Family iJot.l. American . i lqUarea from P. O. 163 Ith. I KINK larva room, wlrh nrivil bath: I home cooking. Th Magnollaa, 117 I Kearney. I PLEASANT room, flrat-claaa board, I pieaaant noma, man ana wire or iwo I rouna men. Main 2SI0 or III Ith. fefeAtltlFUL room, and d-n- . ner, II per week. 476 Clay t rnon . . . KUUM ana ooara in private lamnyj K nome conveniences, apt wornaon i private ramuy. Taoor mi. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD St Irr r n a ana rwin vj ww m" tlemen with use of garage or 4arn for auto. E-71B. Journal HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS 8 WEST SIDE I p-ttw vravrirn miiim. flats, rooma I I room cottaae. 120 month: another 117.60; furnished houaekeeplng aultea. l rooma, 9, iu, iu monui: ror ie. Apply 114 North 21th. w car rrom 1 depot, Ith, west on Morrlaon to Ith. block north. ' THE SUTliSRLAND. I 1kY..a. a.Ki.W.Al k.-aunU av IMMAB1 iicwir lurumma iiuunrvtiiiib iwaniv. I electric llghta. gaa range, hot and cold i water free hatha and phone; W and 8 ,;.ri ?:4-!.7,h nrt Thurman ,U" Mam j rY- " Ty -. HUnt'S tXDreSS fit Baffgaee CO. 1 trvrk. lOe. Additions! trunk tlo ach. Grip with trunk free. A-I41I. Marahall 1411. Rose City Park Transfer riioa to Roae City Park daily. Pii and furniture moving, aty woi 101 h. Main IIII.VtIIT7 NEWLY furnlahed housekeeping room I in 1. 1. a and 4 room aultea. very convenient rooma, price 12.60 to 14 a wee per suite. 76 it t. ie- -ar- ahall 140. t&c for one tRUNK" 666 Thurman CLOSE In connecting suite, delightful surrounding, running water, private entrance. 211 14th. FOUR beautiful large rooma for house keeping, beautiful surrounding. 41 j f in. . 1 1 a! a a -r" . nil 'if i' i 1 1 1 1 i, Trane. Co.. furniture nilrxO DnUO. moving apclalty. 71 7th. Main 1106, A-10U. twI TWO nicely furnlahed houaekeeplng room on lower floor, reasonable. Phone A-6701, 294 14th t fit Lownadale iTi nicely furnished rooma. with or without houaekeep- Ing Phone Main 7867. 112, THREE room, housekeeping rooma, aaa elate, steel ranre. Ill 7th at Main eaiii.. FURNISHED housekeeping suites, 13 i ... mat T-.t .1 Buu , .ninmu .u. Sffi vnun urni.hui hiii..iiuntni rnnma fronfcgaa. yard. 114 a month, 183 Front t faotjEKEPING. furnlsncd, 1 room ulte, first floor, desirable location, very pieaaant reasonable. 847 Hall at. FURNISHED houaekeeplng and aleepln . rooms1.60 to 12.00 a week. DeSot g OtO nouae. zi za si. FURNISHED hke-ping rn.. Bt- w nouaeaeening rooms, iio a MAfllh a n ,,n "791 1 montn ana un. 121 isi st. , --- . MITCHELL housekeeping rooms; light. gas: moderate. 7th A Flanders. A-4076. SINGLE rooms and two room suites, 10 to 20 per suite. 661 Gllaan. HOUSEKEEFING ROOMS EAST SIDE 48 FOR light housekeeping. 5 room apart ments, ruraisnoa; outside rooms, ugnt, airy; 10 minutes' walk from P. O., on CHHl tuJ. in 11110 rjeignuvrnooa, xo per FU,?IE.Jf I"1 .on.Uri".bi,ed .kec1nln rooms. 2 a week and house. UD. Sleeping rooms, 11.26 a week and up. niiall at', near MlaalKalnnl av. fat cKmixfrp : u-.... "... it tt.I.. F15M2J?J JrXmV?S-.iiS.l 'iH.i!.!! . v... J t.! S! S? c,ean Pleawnt 1 " . r-. . ENTIRE lower floor residence: four - rooms, pantry, bath, furnished, f 20. Can Saturday after noon and Sunday. i7 wheeler at U car. ONE suite of 2 or 8 rooma well fur". nl.h. .aa r. al.tiM. tlrht. h. water heat use of bath and sratlonary wash tub. 1181 Kerby. Phone C-2667 UITb and single housekeeptno- rooms Unfor r5Bt,.chep' Cnlon avs- Phone E. 928. TWO nice, clean, well furnished house- keeping rooms, on W R carllne. 626 ltl. A 1 THREE or 4 nice housekeeping room. to adults, reasonable; references. 868 Knott st room, con- take L car; i in HT U sS pW rG. r"om tor working girts in private family. 845 Union ave, N. ' - TWO furnished housekeeping room.. reasonable; no children. 463 E. Pine, corner 8th. ' Grand ave, and g. stark. LIGHT ..housekeeping rooms, 488 Ta ma v7nuT leUwood ,.: -? HOUSES FOR RENT 12 FOR RENT 8 room house, fine gar- aen ana wooa, q per raonm. mo u- ylon st. FOR RENT 7 room house, with large vara, zos wrutaxer at, zo. i inquire 885 1st st. FOR RENT Fine -new 9 room house; Irvlngton. C-1866; East, 271. W. H. Herdmanj 7 ROOM house with garage, east aide, good residence district modern. 606 Lumbermens' bldg. 7 ROOM house furnished or unfur nlshed, fine lawn, fruit treea. 929 Knott. Take Broadway car, SEVEN room house, strictly modern, window ahadesv curtain rod and lino- leum. Key at llll E. 21st st N. FOR RENT 6 rooma, close In $10. Ap ply 487 E. Harrison.' MODERN 7 room house, 871 Kelly st.; West side, $25. Phone Sell wood 1640. FOUR room cottage on Eugene at, In quire 640 E. Stark st., cor. 12th. 4 ROOM house. ' 875 Rodney ave., $16. A-477S, C-HH3. Wain 137. HOUSE va Nob Hill for rent very rea sonable. 661 Flanders ,-, , , HOUSES FOR RENT RENT 131.61, room bungalow. nlce .lawn, tilectrlo light flxturea, window ahadea and aoreena, linoleum In bath-room,- fine ateel range In kitchen) will rent or leaae to reaponalhle part lea. Call Olenn are. Take Hawthorne ave, rf-J ; - - FURNISHED oot Uge, 4 rooma, 110 month; another ilT.10; four room lower flat til. 1 room aultea, fio. fll month. ApdIt III North Sth. W car 7i wSSk'Jrnl V't 0n MorrU0n. WB can furniin your noma at a great ' aavlng. Bee ua before purchasing elaewhere, M. Oatrow Co.. 14-61 N. Id at Complete houaefumlaher. , Re. eonable prlcee. Eaay term. ONE BLOCK TO CAR. III. Cov little 6-room cottage, with ge range and heater, fine yard, choice roae. wi aiiaaiaaifpi ave.; aey net poor. FIVE room houae; fruit trea. newly Fapered and painted, lit per month! I N. 11th. phone .Woodlawn 2171, or call 114 Alberta t. . - . . . a - . a TrrfiT' ile'!l7.J?om. ".UT? .f?fw morni Tf. carnnn. ciunt in; iincny modern n. , neighborhood. Phone Tabor 1270. .. ' ROOM modern hou... corner lot. H h ook of car. on Vancouver ve and Pain at, 111 oi Henry r i. a. ' HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE 82 I .Want Furniture - ..... . M i i. Something good to trade for to rooma of furniture. F-714, journal -. sTST rf1m-i-AuiM-rrtmii, cloee In or iweat aide. 120; furniture of all or partor aale. lnaulra at 406 let V fJAT iia . TiT?JL ?. .. . Mi t. DOr 676 -.ii l . J., i ,. a MOT THE for rent with furniture for n ROOM anartment houae for rent. furniture for aale; walking diatance. 66H E. Morrlaon. Phone iLaar Ma corner 44th at. FURNITURE of 7 room houae at eaerlflce. Marahall 1261. FURNISHED HOUSES 80 COMPLETELY furnished I room house, large grounds, close In; pisno, etc.; rent for year or longer, l&Q month; 112.60 month paid on ooara oy two i- aier: lnvestirate. rnon m. mi. iiI.'.AtiTirtTl. n.w k mnm furnished house at Rose City Park; no children; r-rn be leaaed for a number of montha If bond Is furnished, or for sale. Ad- dress P. O. box 2017. station A. TO RENT for 1 montha. 6 room mod- light, phone. Piano; 2 bloVk to car. furnished, electric U O. Hughes, 271 Wsahlngton at. 'UDiTW PAAm aaI v m area vi rt 1 v tNir ntaheWt. "ner" month: lloi I7 h ave Stiw art's. 'Mt. Scott car. APARTMENTS THE iEZilBIKF . 208 16th St., Near laylor M i rim Arn i!nisnT nuuon jvn in FAMILY WITH ALL THE COMFORTS nv unum These elegant 6 room unfurnished apartmenta which are now completed, F(5R SAXEFurnlture. 4 room modern "Couiekeanina- Sot eWer 111- one child ll foot launch for aa a cheap, I K. n. y, rent ,. month; Ucatlon flr.t mTilf uSUX?& FIVE room houeo, fence. 116, furniture, i FOR BALE New, second atovea, fur- e very thing 1178. 1276 E. Yamhill t. ROOM and kltohen or two unfurnished nltnre. 167 Flander. Mar. 117b. T are iiioaira in in. nun oi in. 017.110s.; grana gooa waixera ana true BUII - .Itkl. . A mlniit.' . K. kn.ln.M I . . 1 1 j ... M . . ,. - within 10 mlnutea' walk of th buslnasa center. They Include large, light reception halls, hullt-ln bookcases and buffet a, automatic electric elevator and dumb waltera, disappearing beds, private Pa cific telephones, large porchea and closets. Reservations may be made from own er on premises or by phone. Main 4796, A-6641. Park Apartments Park and Harrison sts. Beautiful 2 and 4 room furnished housekeeping apartments, every modern convenience, walking distance, good car service. Parents will find this an Ideal place for a child to be out in the cool park. Summer rates 146 and 60. Tele phone Marshall 8070. 8 JMNUTES FROM P. O. Well furnished 4 room anartment 160. also 4 room unfurnished apartment, 140, modern in equipment, tip to date In service. 22 Ith. Main K682. The Chesterfield , Cor. 20th and Kearney. New and beautifully furnisWed and unfurnished apartments of three rooms and bath. Very desirable location. Rents exceptionally reasonable, Call personally or phone Main 8881, or Meier A Frank's rental department ORDERLEIOH apts., cor. Grand av. and East Stark st. New. fireproof brick building, beautifully furnished, two and three room apartments, private bath, free phone, hot and cold water, ice box, no car fare. Summer rates. East 800. EILEEN COURT lth and Morrlaon sts., beautifully furnished apart ments, 5 minutes' walk from postoffloe, very reasonable, laundry privileges, alao nice sleeping rooms, $2 per week up. Phone Main 4061. SAN MARCO APARTMENT8. eTItH AND COUCH STS.. NEW BRICK, all 1 room apartmenta with nrlvate baths. gaa ranges and phones, rents for sum mer months 128 to 127.60. Phone East 2751. HARRISON COURT, 394 6th Two and three room unfurnished apartments, all modern conveniences: most reason- able in the city. Main 6148. A-7861 MAHR apartments, elegantly furnished. comforts of home, private phones and fcaths. elevator, .' private plaground for tnnqren. zz w. zotn sr.. Maranau 102, THE LILLIAN. th and Montgomery sta. Nicely furnished basement rooma and apartments; new building, all Out- siae, wimi view; low rental. DURFEB APARTMENTS: 1 three room furnished, apartment, nrl. vate hath, steam heat $25.60. 308 Stan ton st. East 1065. NORDICA apartments, cor. Belmont and ' Grand ave. 1 and 2 room furnished apt'.; free light, heat, bath, phone. THE DAYTON Svaell location, fine large e-room apartmeni.porcnes, every con venlence, rBBonable rent. 668 Flanders, THE Camar. 7i4 Lovelov. furnished or unfurnished 'apartments; summer ratea. larsnan zsza. FURNISHED apartments, 514 Jefferson st. Main 5482. FOR RENT FLATS 13 MODERN 6 room flat, rent 127.50! one room rentoi onngs iio; west aide. walking distance; part furalturO ' for sale. Fnone weeK aaya Marshall 676, MODERN unner flat 6 " larxe hrirht roomr- Faa 2d attd Claokamaai-flna FOR RENT Modern 6 room upper flat Nice location. 16th and Everett Num ber 629 MODERN 4 room flat;, well furnished; fine yard: adults preferred. Phona C-1160. 353 Sacramento at MODERN five room flat all convent ence. 335 Cook avenue. 111 month. F. E. 265, MODERN 6 room flat 115 per month, Mrs. Cramp, 601 Alblna ave., corner Stanton st. ' : FURNISHED FLATS SO MODERN flat 5 room and bath, com pletely ; furnished, s very reasonable, 406 Ross. -Take L car. HOTELS 04 HOTEL PORTLAND European til.a i LJ!!,vL,..f.y; I SU5LMFJ. RESORTS A KB your reaervatlona now for camp- 11 HEAD Jeraey and Ouernaey mil j In and hotel acoommodatlona: fine oowa, average teat 6 per cent butter, mate, beautiful ecenery. elegant local fat. R. P. jftaamuaaen. Corhett. Or. MAKE In a tlon, dellclouaand health giving : water: prlcea reaaonable; 1030 Chamber Of V wii ' "in .w. . . ii j v.'b.,l,l) 1 X.4MH In .Seaalda, furntah-d; a bargain taken at onoe. FOR RENT nAIXS 10 THB Drew hall for rent any U the week. Ill Id at STORES AND OFFICES WLlX& JJSV&fflLTiEi1' I '' the place for maohlne, blackatnlth. ' .holler ahop or lead ator. . vtHwwn m v Piuggjsts, Look! ; Storeroom, chean rent, fine location r rn w nrna an ciram him i. a iuvtlb he.. j:ui . 4th. Phone Wlawn H0S or Main 121. i i -. , r r . i - J HALF of new three atory brick;. 6010. plate glae front 1 Ith and Marahall. fIuble for, light lobbing, manufact.-r. l ."".! - ' y;n- 144-110 Frint atlong leaae, seat Hadlaon at bridge, J. Simon Bro. 11 1 FOR RRNT-v-Storax central location! 1 "7 vhih njni. .uii.ui, j nractioaJlv any kind of hnalnaaa. i. very reasonable rent: auitaDle jor I ... fin,hltt hid hP0R RENT General etore location, cor- ner E. 11th and Marlon. For further information call at thla addreaa. NEW atore. Ruaaell. oor. Kerby: good ror woraingman a fraoe; rent oniy DEfeK room for rent U per month." I verier, got iiumiwr cucnmna". ' I i f ' . . . 1.-. nl WANTED TO RENT room oSr'naT M WM,,: E-711 tUH RENT MISCELJjANBOUS 83 DOUBLE floored tent for rent cheap; root or Mesa at HORSES. VEHICLES. ETC. 18 HAVING dlsDosad of my eataU. will aiapoae or my family outfit consial- Ing of my pet horaw Harry, age I year. weight 1100 lba. the finest road horse living and can trot very faet; la aa Bound as the day he wa foaled; new ' " Lw'"7V,i. "V ;""""' " .w, , 1.. I i custom Guilts this outfit "V0",.0' V iEZSM Thomas' outfit 601 Alder sY " P. B. This horse la absolutely fear- 8 less and safe for a lady to drive or te .ii. ... ... w. ... v.. nun. biiu win vm eo wsnaoiag. oua A in Mr at. Pair of mare mareg for apple orchard ar will purchase th handaom- aely mated pair of mares, I . ..Aa IV- .k.. rarm; fzio win est and closely !.n.1.7. a.?!1 .VHtl "gffl ."WW.Wli and manea, ptrnmiy geniie in ataDie ana nne anv- era; trial allowed. 606 Alder at k... I mated pair with new heavy breeching harness; 4 and 1 yeara old; weight 2800 .... .... nuiui lor no isuii, pnjj have given up teaming; also very cheap Srice- trial a?lSwed.aSuP5UA-'; Wtt Prip..RanUchm Jel 'fArafaM-,. tlon. I have 10 head of young, chunky built sound marea that will suit all and any lclnd nt hnalnaaa and ... ...... hi. I to breed from: trial allowed on all of tnem. doo Aider st. Michigan Buggies Rushtord Wagons Eaele DumD Waeons . Before you buy etiher above, aee our we. ana get price, we ar located outside the high rent district and for that reason can sell cheaper. Why buy a second hand vehicle when you can get . uaw viie mi aooui ine aame pneer R. M. WADE A CO.. 122 Hawthorn ave. ?t V " ' '.I -' - 1 n : 1 x-unun; auction, j. w. juootn has been appointed administrator and will sell f Xl Z.Z. "T?r -" .""i.e., o buggies, 4 sets double work harness. 4 sets double buggy harness. 4 sets of Slnxle hues-v harnoaa t d.,mn w..n.. 8 Tumber wagon.:" All stock herein mentioned will be seld without reserve Z:rB f rP' ratn or THE MURPHY Horse Mule ro . and 1 Hawthorne, Avenue Stable sell on commission norses and mules of all Classes Stnxlv or car load lota- alan hti... glee, wagons and harness. The only strictly commission bam In the city; irauiar aucnun oaies every Tuesday at 2 p. m. Private sales every day. 420 nnwmurns avenue, f none at 7Z; B- I 1369.. OWING to removaV or our- buslneas Into the John Deere Plow enmnanv'a building on East Morrison at, we will offer a reduction In price for the next ?Ji da" on. our Btoclt t "0 Front at Thanking the public for paat generous patronage and soliciting a share of your future business at the new store, we remain, Yours truly A S. JACOBS CO.. Bv C. F. Clark. Mans aer. FOR SALE The famous stallion silve? wen, years oia, no, 6658, by Jubllle de Jarnette, No. 8864,' on Brook Nook ranch, color dark bay. varv a-entie to be sold at a sacrifice?; YnqulmW. C." Green, 88 N. 6th. H - " I I a. . a tirmn a u r .tTil.nn'T, ' iJL ' 1 1 Li ". 'i mares, weight from 1200 to 1500 lbs., 191 .RE9 tou,rt"g car, fuUyeouIpped, ages from 4 to 8 yeara; all horses guar- "JotoI W""''. 80 h.p.. used very anteed. Wllllameon'a Rale Stablea, at L'ill- M1 " new co" P: 186H Madison st, at bridge on west side. 91LP21'A ...j 1 . . TEAM of good work horses and harn...; JJ'l0.IOr.d.cV,urtn -Hw4, a-ddif- .i.n t , .5, ..F0. 18,1 Wno touring car, used -ery Wt saddle,' also buggy ana harness. . 469 E.tle, cost I28K0. Prloe lllio. . ion si. r I vv j. w uu,v, - ivaui ui iiureea lor rarm I work, also harness and wagon. What! have you to offer? Give full- particulars. I jtj-iiu, fjuuinai, i' HORSES and bugglea par rent by dayT week and month: apeclal rates . ft busmen hou,e. Ith and Hawthorn.. A 1 afifriFTiATCFR an.din v.- A lo8"8 br 849 Halsey st ' v ' WANXE1zSmall bunch of .taSnMTfw "ti&JW tMftln U3' or call room 10, 141V 1st st. hr8 Wftna cheap- 1100 K TWO ,good heavy teams, prices right S. B. Power. Shedds, Or. nnns Avn tt nT'sTtor n tiira a . . . -mr i wrt r . t m tt , a, .'. ' 1 - linninYT.,AM i tiVh . ' p wlnilng. I year old. itn si. . . . WANTED Female cat with kittens not I over on weex Old. WOOdlawn 2376. T v rwa'rrtmr ivn Dnittunv .. LIVESTOCK AND. POULTRY 85 T .Kf, ".a'S-rL.-60 iresn, very geniie. a Jjrowm near Kllllngsworth. .1-VlhtSuI4 it each. Mr."'UK n.V nrnvi " ' f' " .'. FINE fresh cow for sale. Hughes, cor- ner 17th and ' East Gllsan. , Tabor J0f6. L 1. I lHOKUU(iHB.u Birrea hock egg, i cnoice siock- scecia raiea per . ivu. i Fell wood 188. 1 SMALL pigs for aale. alao brood sows. J . , " u.ii .u, u.r.r at. . I VAN1fE6:200 .VVhiiMS Pekin duck eggs JUTVESTOCTK AND POCIiTRy 83 W)rAt ' la" home without ' Orpington' V I fcuffa black and white!. Egg very - - I kiuii'mt. priiwwq A. .IV. 1 1 Zi If toil MALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 MFOR BALRSECONDHAKD DOORS, V SUPPLIES. f-lON Piprf. STEEL AND CAfiT I RON, ' BRICK, 400,000 OUT OF ill. im iv, iut'm.i ifiuri ii r r t i nr.... I THOUSANDS OF FEET OF LUMRKK 'i n bw urr;u oncb FOR CRIB IJINO. ALLjFOR SALW AT- LOWEST ' r l!rRJK:.ifJNO co., lOMi fourth st.. I mAnnriALti in". , FOR 8ALE Chean. reanut and nnn. ' com machine, made by Cretot A CaH 7 i" " iiii in iiim vriitae conouion, Cf " or addreaa 110 Main, t, Oregon I NEW and aeeond haoa pool and Ml'lard bowling alleye. ref rlgera -r for Imm. 'm puuini ana soia on eaay temal I dials delivery r Aildraaa ti,a mii.. .k Ke.ronenl;f ?T. T tn I'.t T! L gra" M ' ' ,. 8A rllZTl'i?i - i R.i,i ' d,.h o.'J kPfWNAL. bargain., durln. Roae mi.r. 10 B k' T lO Vrthi Bwrlt.y 'go.?", , 6th at. ,North.w't Vaatlua I ..1 a . a I COMPLETE eleo. engineering course, ! Hrranton irhnnl. I .hounrf . i'xiu a nrw, win anil cueap JOT CSSH. 11 B. taken at once. R.718 Jnnra.l . i goo a a new; will ee.ll cheap for cash If ii.n"a.:.j l 'j '-; i ' . ahape, flrat claie condition: ilao Injal marine engine will aell together or ' separate. Phono Tabor 1167 after 1 1. mi II FOR SALE 6ne half of cteneloD i.J. ' 1 1 i aer. icei; I pair or I foot etep 'ldr5 h?frJf Ruland; I. j: I ASWiir"rAMLr-g .JT" 7 10 DROP-HEAD aewlna machine with' ' au nncnramii, uiu III Jl. MorTMOtt ftPNTBA-l 1 BnOHUAoEa, nxtureo, etore rittlnaa. nw, ia nana, sii mwtti. M. tit. FOR SALE Household furnltur onoap. 107 Revere t FOR SALE Pleasure launch, worth hbo; win sen ii go. vt-ni, journal. FOR ' SA LE Almost new ton for i ' camp wagon. cu Taoor ma. WANTED SnSCELLANEOUS 3 wis UT CLOTHING AND EVERT' I THING. . . High eat prloe paid for rnexO enl I 'aoiee caaiorr cicming ana snoot jaain 1 1080. ftp i.t -foond hand houaeBold good." N. U. 1 gKfft 141 I OUR caat off clothing and ahoea ar. worth aomething; w par tha Urn nnrai r. .i.n nil. man. I t . : 1 . - I main TOOLS Highest prtoea paid for second, hand farmers', mechantor, lorgartr tools. Levin Hardware Oo FM Front. j . 1 '" J BE WISE; .get more for your" aa-1 a jSSl iggL PApAP.a AfTVtAM faArTfeiB ' I ... -- : r -- '."r.".;- . . . I J!?,,, ""JT1!0' J18,,,,,0"' 1 highest cash Dnce for furalturei I EAST SIDE auotlon Jobber wand 4 I hand furniture, highest prloa paid. I 1 onna it Ki. iuoi. I . . . . . . I ' . . !' WAMTKU Id band rumlture. Seat 1114. 4I Hawthorne ave. fleeter A Martin. WB DON'T ask what you want tot your ,. MmUure. W. make eaah offer. -1144. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 84 J AM, anxloua to eacriflce a VWS piano, perfect condition. 1160. Call day or evening. Always homo, 12S 6th at. between Main and Salmon ata. . . WOULD sacrifice my mahoarany piano, exceptional bargain. Leaving city. 80 West Park. L. COULTER WO Labbe bldg.. violin. musical instrument made and rap. FOR SALE AUTOMORILE8 - Second Hand Cars STEARNS 1 909, 7 paaa., 4 cyl 60 h. p., fully equipped, fine con dition ;..k 13609 CHALMERS 1910. 80. I pa SO pvMf ai fnik P,,!nEedood.k P 7 800b MiLtZl7 .-pa-i-'fo.- 8009 n. p.. iuuv equippea .......... louu nuiek aale 471 Ro-fl evi til CJUTILLA&-lllS 5 nas Vo" "" J."B' ? pass.. Q n. BIJICK-f 7ylPPT fuliy " eiulooed P . 410 BtJlCk' Model 10. 4 cyL runabout With too 800 The owner of the cam liava left mem witn us ror sale, they having pur. Chaied 1911 Plerrfi-Arrow or radfllan ear. Our list of used car 1 on. J,nuB"r changing. It wUl pay rU I lw L, YTiT MOTOR CAR COMPANT. ximz ana waan. era. IN OUR used ear department we have ine rouowing: 1 1910 40 tf. P. Buick surrey. 1 1909 40 H. p. Buick eurrey. 1 1910 25 H. Pi Bulok toy tonneau. 1 1910 25 H. P. Buick runabout 1 1911 16 H. P. Buick runabout 1 1911 10 H..P. Bulok runabout 1 Buick delivery waeon. - All of the above hava extra eantrimen and are In first das mechanical oondl- t,on guaranteed bY ? , jvupu Pope Hartford touring ea. i"0nitor truck. g01 JilIT..2B.rLB C?MPAI!T' Pacific Coast Distributor Buick Auto- mopues, un ana coucn at. iota n...i..A ......I.. ... i. . . Magwell Jr fully equipped, 1856. 1909 Btudehaker 80 touring car. like new cubi tjotvit. x riofj .W. hav!1. yer l2,0 car,n teck n t price, that will surprise you. Call them. Phone Main 1649. 831 Everett St QRKAt buy for 11101 cash-Chalmers .' 40 H. P., 6 psssenger auto; eost $32)0 last year. W l . ' ....a. . a " for the" 'east 'David Lewi, room 7 Li mmg bldgT"" " 1 Zl l-i1. '""-rr. " " - P ABBjEB- pT(01.Wro (iSfl, Springs guaranteed. '22 N. 16th st I OLD auto -tires 7e per lb. delivered, in t" t".l""." ..wP'r. prar. siuminuin ana smia lire. Leve. 186 Columbia. Main 6198. AUTOS bouaht and sold. Write foTo baraaln list; we are sure to have the Icar yoi want. Custom, House Auto Co 831 Everett, Main 1649. - NEED monev worsa than ever: will B11" my 7 passenger Studebaker, in A - l condition, cost 13300; for 11260. 1035 Hi. lain sx. in, , w ooaiawn 6Ui FINE business corner, on the Mac.denT hi. rlr.. nw .m ...k....' AT-. .-..Ll , A tin T .. 1 FIVE passenger. 4 cylinder, newly paiSS ea auto. iu picnp. , Main i4. LOANS WANTED 30 WANTED tlEOA on ( rmm hiinnl.. worm aouu: win pay cost but-no oroKeraam. k.-v8. journal. tSSd for. one vmir A nr r.nt Inter.. on two lota and small house. B-710. . . ..... WANTED - 11000 on a' 40 acre farm near I axJ S'WTV, wiuu. ccjuy,y&ivrciurvwiai fill ana 4Qor. . xur iiaicnmg. u-ii., juuiubi. i j rorest urove, U-YJ.V, Journal . , . - . . . ',,".'.. ' I. t ., , 1. " .'..'.:.'-, . I ' . , - - - r - 1 i, -. - -. .