The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 16, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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.i ' . i'
Announcement That Other Ar
; rests for Violations of Neu
' trality Laws May Come, In
dicates Campaign. :
Jialeal Bnrase ef The Journal)
today to eupply Vtljoen with men for
th Lower California expeaiuon. v
Jose Oroico, a cousin of Oenerel
Paacual Oroaco. In command of
troop. Ignore - General Blanco, Mad
ero appoint civil ana muiurr
commander, anil la arresting Blanco
policemen. Similar condition ar re
ported , from Caaaa Grande and N
salee. A a rault of thee dissen-
Ion. It la said, the Insurgent pert
or th etpcditlon against tb Magonle
ta In Lower California may b aban
General Vllioen ha brotaatad to Mad
in it mwn uiiT ww u . . '' about , to on, th,
th minuter af war invtigai u I p-armCH? flnrj I ImcerTnftn 'oaVlA i ,'....;.
' - Salem, Or, una II. -Although
a ettisan and an attorney, and
" appointed by Judge Oalloway of
th olrcult court to act a refer
in . a dlvoroe , suit today. Mr.
Donald Upjohn, who waa recent-
m FOR $30,000
l ttnltad Freee Lmm4 Wire.
.Lot Angeles, Jun H. With th an
nouncement that other arreat ar t
follow thoe of Dick Ferris, amuaement
promoter; Rlcardo Macon. Anaelmo 11
gueroa . and Llbrado Rivera, all with
th exception of Ferrla officers of th
Mexican Liberal Junta. It waa believed
tier today that a genera) effort, em
bracing th entire Pacific coaat ha
been decided upon, by federal off! oar
looking to th arreat of all pereona
auapected of vlolatt neutrality law
la connection with revolutionary v
. Inenta below th border.
- Ferrla, who waa releaaed . an IIIM
ball, ta today winding up hla dutlea aa
director af amuaamanta for the Ban
Diego exposition ground breaking aela
bratloa and ta expected to leava tonight
for Loa Angela. He will probably be
arraigned before ft United State com
m!aloner Monday morning with Magon,
"lUvera and Figueroa. . . ;,-
Ferrla wired friend her today that
he la through with Ban Diego for all
time to come. ' It waa In San Diego, hi
friend ear, that Ferrla met officer of
the Mexican revolution. ,:,:,
Federal . official aay they will be
' able to ahow that Ferrla, Magon and
other offlclala of th local Junta held a
number of conference In Loa Angelea
which resulted in the formation of
Liana for aeourlng aoldler to Join th
ower California revolutionist. Both
Magon and Ferri deny that any auch
conference were held. Magon aaya that
hi following I, hoatll to Ferri and
that th amuaement promoter would ba
executed If caught below the - border
Una. .. ,
Ferrla , Disclaims Interest.
i IT1UA n i mm - - - WtM.1
8an Diego, Cat, Jun is. Dick rrl
of Loa Angeles, arreated on a charge of
violating the neutrality law, wa m
no pleaaant frame of mind as h mad
preparations for th trip to los An
geles today. Ferrla was releaaed from
They Are Deprived of Legal
Rights by Virtue of Heavier
Vote in City.
Attacking th organisation of tb
custody on USDS ball last night "There Fort of Tillamook and raising ouse
ls absolutely no troth In the chargea tlon a to to Invalidity of the port bill
agalnat h declared. Ferris, wb passed by th legislature of 1101 which
resigned as manager of the ground m .ft... all nxHi in tha atat axcaot
h.?.k,Df ''V'i.fntt! h.i! th Inland, which waa formed
Itlon. said that his activities below I --i.i ! haa Wnl
.v.. n'- - ... fn. th. k af nub. under a special charter, suit has oeen i
licit, only" Jfllsd In th' circuit court of Tillamook I
"On of my attalnmnt by experience eounty to enjoin th proceedings of the J
. ... - - . - 1 - I b..kll.llMH Wa. mmtA I 1 1 1 . It I UM.MU. mmmA I
u u . V BaMAa MMnnft MIMh I Id. uwl kilt ' . . V
infl warn a wyvu ... i w. m i
tunltles even to the extent of making Behind tha ault ar many of the f ar-
a buffoon of myself to advertise the mars and tlmbermea of Tillamook, who
celebration. It waa only ignoranoe ei nave oaea woiuaea wiut tns euy . . . . . . . . ' .
aonrectatlon and rural Judgment that af- Tillamook la tha port. They assert
fered srttlclsm Instead af praiae.' I they ware deprived of their legal rights
ly admitted to 'tha bar, discov
ered , Just aa tha hearing waa
open that . aha could
waa a we man
and so haa Joat her first fee.
. After Elisabeth Warner, plain-
tiff, and John D, Warner, de-. e
fendant, had taken their places
In tha courtroom, accompanied
S by attorney and witness. Mrs.
Upjohn discovered clause In
, tha law whlob provides that to
ftot aa referee ona must havs tha
e qualifications af a Juror. Woman
suffrage failed In Oregon laat
aleotloa, and the young female
attorney had to step down from
tha bench. Tha hearing waa
transferred to the district at
torney's offle
Judga Oalloway - waa on his
way ta Albany and know noth
Ing of tha mleearrylng of his
plan ta have Mrs. Upjohn take
tha testimony.
Miss Bertha Ransom. Teacher,
Tripped Over Scantling : ;
v at South Bend.r
(Bsertal Useatrh Tit JearaaLt
South Bend, Wash., Juns ll.Trlal of
th ease In which Miss Bertha Ransom,
a Portland school teacher, suae tha city
of Booth Bend for $30,000 for personal
Injuries, la proceeding slowly owing to
tha number of wltneseea summoned and
th grilling to which each witness la
subjected. Great Interest la manifested
In the trial and the , line of defense
polnta ta sensational developments. It
la. thought the eaa will consums from
a week to 10 day.
Oa th evening of January I, 1110,
Mlsa Ransom, who waa then a teacher
In th high school In this city, tripped
over a scantling nailed across tha side
walk and waa seriously Injured. Mlsa
Ransom is represented by It It Wright
o this city and W. P.. Richardson of
Portland'. City Attorney John T. Wei eh
of this elty and O, W Dorr of th Se
attle law firm of Dorr Hadloy ara
defending the city. - v -
. "'
lOalted Press Ueaed Wlre.i
8L Louis, Mo Juns II. Btruck and
bruised by a street car. Professor B.
C Curry, Boston lecturer, apologised to
tha motormen for getting In tha way
and delaying traffic. .....
London. June II. All Indications fn.
oay point to ft aememeni or tna British
seamen's strike within ft few hours.
us cDniumniit onar or an increase
of 10 shllllnas made bv the Whit, at.r
w.anaaian i-acme. xamport and Holt
(no iimm wwwu .atcovpiaq DJ IO Union,
rh . - II . . . m .
"'"f mrm wpeoiea ta max ft
miliar orrer.
' Bfftd Own Coffin. . f
ixa Angeles, csl. June II. William
, waa vuneq nra toaay in ft
oasxet wmcn na nimseit made from
wooa rrom a zormer noma , Tha casket
waa mads of heavy wood, haautifnti
tha propoaed bond leeue for tha port 3Q DAYS TO GET BLOWER
Attack on EaseaAda Feared.
lUnltea rteee leasee wira.i i r r . . . ,
Baa Diego, CaX, June 11 Word came I baa been out from 1400.000 to $100,000,
t Insargentg Motlnons, -
T7sltf Vtnm lw Vlril
Kl Paao. - Texas, Juns ' II. General
Vlljoen la experiencing considerable
difficulty In assembling a force for
the proposed expedition against th in
aurrectoe .. In Lower California. Tha
Insurgent troopa at Juarea.. it la said,
are in a atata of Insubordination, and
tha authorities in control ther refuse
from Tecate today that tha Mexican I me larmera nave not reientea in tneiri tlaertal Dlsaetek as Tea Jearaalt
liberal force which left Tift Juana yea- opposition, ainoa the power wouio re- Balaro, Or, June lsV Ualeaa th head
terday has turned back and Is going main to inorcaae me taxauon at aome of th par,iu. Manufacturing com
weetward. It la supposed an ftttaca on iur. . . pany of Portland has ft blower system
tnsenaaa is piannea. -
(Cnttee Pre Leaesa WH.
xass autn rua, lnulld In hla planing mill within SO
Two eulte were filed to tet the cues-1 d,va .ahor rommiaaionar n p. Hoff
tlon Involved. On I a quo warranto will order hla arreat. according to notl-
procaeding. In the name of the tat ncatlon aent him by Commissioner Hof f
at in rotation n d. y. a naaraun today.. The ayaUm waa ordered In-
"f.,n.!Lth Port. 2'w T" stalled Ust March but tha company
plaintiff represented by District Attor- t.tA A t.v. i ...
I ... w.v.. .v. rm w vii.oi. I . . ' "
K.wrrt r i in., if Under com- V v aori t0 matau safeguards any company
mand of Lieutenant Donald C Brlgham, tTO ta.t5 S , Jgf SafffHt
tha aubmarlnaa Grayling. Bonlta. Nar- Lf a deeire to hav. th. dlaouted atiea- 1.' ...'7'" n0tJ!
-K.i- B.imn mi.m. and n.i...i t- .vl ...i. w Dy company, ine wara
W MSilW, b-vh'vhV; V' " VilS) lltlBXUi ft VII V eW.VUU V V
Tarpon, belonging to tha third eubma- h. Leach and hla wire, aa Uxpayars,
en rout to Gloucester. Mass, en an way. Tha comnlalnU were aerved last - -nd forf,a blowsr,
under water voyage or aoout io muee. Tuesday.
- 1 ' Two Important questions ara raised,
f1IA7 DACQCQ RY VIRfl namely, one affecting the Port of Tllla-
UIRL rMOOCO DI IUU, , mook alone, the other affecting all
company took advantage of tha right
to call for arbitration recently but wa
attaeklnr th port! NimDt. Idaho. Jun it. Mn nmi
lai 1st aWMeaWwl laaa. eakaaa ejU.,ai Tl... Iw?...i m Ma - . ...
. aaa. . . I w sinai, vuw ltvi vaa vi VVrve I I DUKir or HOlUm IILflmDiM BllIRinal a I
Vi ro. flSata Tme l7 The steamer At0,r.1r W"1. Wuslaw; and others her room In a hotel In Nampa today by
Tnlranaa. bearlna former Preeldent Diss w"?"? ' r commisaion. taking chloroform. She waa discovered
of Mexico, arrived today. Dlas did not r",na, " f. Jrma co ,B n unconaclous condition and timely
leava tha vessel her, however, and aha t0 tMl "s validity of tha port arrival of physlclana saved her. They a,tM i. ! I act aa ft preliminary to tha sale of I mnrVA an Vmnr nv, tnrm h.
.IMUIOJ VU IW V.UI M 11 UB. .ii... " I . . . . , I " ' - . v... w -
pected th former Mexican dictator will I " voae u juat given gained consolousness. Bh had written
MAY tvTflP AT nnRIIMMA P0' organised under the law of 1101.
' if the contention attackl
leava tha ship.
Laxative Water
ta . " w HV
;y -. 6uro ; -Gentle
Quickly Relieves
We have a large number of used automobiles left
with us for sale by people, who have , bought new
". Pierce-Arrow arid" Cadillac :i:ars. i These, used cars are,
? being' offered al remarkably low prices. If you are
looking for a second hand car, it. will pay you to in-
I : vestigate the following: . .
STEARNS 1909 model, 7-passenger, 30-60 H. P.. top, front, Warner
, speedometer,. as tank, demountable rims. 1 extra casing.
, " This car is being offered at an exceptionally low price. ;
':?':-''if ' :'':'!:.''-- i'.ftt-"'tt:r i "l ej'' . ' '.
PEERLESS 1909 rh6dctt?passenger, '30 W; P,,top; glass : front,
i ' Warner speedorrietef. - Car completely overhauled and re-
; painte4 Price, $2000. j . ,
t "YS'' ':'.' i f"-: ' v'i;;- '
PIERCE 1910 node), fr-cylinder, 36 H. P. S-paMenger, top, front,
speedometer, seat covers and clock $3000.
REO 2-cylinder, 5-passenger $250.
CADILLAC Single cylinder, 5-passenger, equipped with to $250.
CADILLAC 30 1909, 5-passenger, equipped with top, front. nd
speedometer $850. .
CHALMERS 1910 30, equipped with mohair top and front $1000.
CADILLAC Model '"G" Roadster equipped with top, front, speed
ometer, demountable rims, one extra tire and tube, Rohr
bacher pump, full electric lighted.
PIERCE 1910, 7-passenger, 6-cylinder, 48 H. P., .thoroughly over
hauled, repainted, 1911 fore-doors, equipped with top, front,
Warner speedometer, complete new set of tires. This car
r is being offered at a price which should move It immedi
PIERCE 1910. 6-48, 4-passenger, top, glass front, speedometer, com
: pletely overhauled, and is now being painted in our shop.
Can, be seen prospective purchasers.
! PRANKLIN Model "D," 5-passenger, top, front, speedometer, and
. clock. Kecentiy overhauled 5850. .
MARMON 5-passenger, 30 H. P., top, front, and speedometer.
This is a high-class car and being offered at a very low
. price. " ..''',, ..
MAXWELL 1909. 30 H. P., 4-cylinder, top, glass front, speedometer,
, xf electric lighted and prest-o4ite tank. Price $850. Copsid
. ; ering the equipment, this is a remarkably low price,
BUICK 2cyjinder, t6p, front, speedometer and tire chains. Price
THOMAS 0 H. P., 6-cylinder, top, front, speedometer $3500.
" STEARNS 6-eylinder, 90 H. P., 4-passenger $4500.
: ' We Guarantee " Every 4 Car Exactly ar Represented : ;
Covey Motor Car Company
i an opinion upnoiamg tna law. mini- nathti r&r.n ... n.
way, howerer, contends that la this band and In her hand she clutched a
friendly suit essential queatlona were .mall locket - containing his picture. He
uiuvuuiiaa hi am vpinioB rmiu in- iivaa In DalM mnA t. anhnn. in him
Conclusive Ihrourht him hnrrUHlv h ntnmnhll
violation of flpim." When he arrived hla wife wa able to
Dunlway assert that the principle of accompany him home. Domestic trou-
local option haa been confused in the I ble seems to have been the causa
port law with tha organisation of mu
nicipal corporation a, port being In the
latter .class. The law of 1101 provided I
he manner of organisation of ports and
tneir powers, allowing them to be I
formed by vote of tha people upon the
ruing or an I per cent Initiative peti
tion. At th election the people may
vote whether or not to form a port, and
If formed It -must ba In tha manner
prescribed by the act
It la contended by Duniway that this
Is violation of the spirit of the con- i
stltutlonal amendment, which prohibits
tha legislature from enacting or.aaiend-
ing tha charter of municipal corpora-
tlona except by general law. The pur
pose of that provision, he alleges, la to I
secure to the people of municipalities I
tna right to initiate law for them-1
aelvea, enabling them to exercise a lo
cal option power. This cannot be done
when the legislature aaya they 1 must
accept a certain kind of municipal cor
poration, if they vote for any, .
Yttal Points ta Oases.
Thle point. If sustained by the eourta.
would ba fatal to all the porta In the
state except the Port of Portland. But
the other point referred to. If upheld,
will be fatal to the Port of Tillamook
alone, and that is this:
The - port act provides It shall not
affect tha porta than existing. At that
time there were - two existing ports.
Portland and Tillamook. The port of
TinamooK. organised in at that
time Included practically the city of I
Tillamook only. The act aay that
existing port may ba reorganised and
new ports formed.
The old port of Tillamook waa not
reorganised. This waa not done. ays
uuniway, Because tna additional terri
tory desired for th port could not
hav been voted, a majority vote being
required e-otn within the old port and
any new territory - to be added. The
country would certainly have Voted
agalnat It, aaya tha attorney, and by
this method, which . he aaaerts Is . the
only legal way, tha old port of Tilla
mook could not have "extended its
boundaries to take In a. large part of
the county. ' , y
The plan of ignoring tha existence of
the old port was adopted, and a new
port mapped out, which Included a large
section of country; tributary to Tilla
mook, somewhat sparsely settled but I
valuable1 In taxable wealth.
Calls Xsthoa XUegai.
By this method the voters within the
proposed port, voting aa a unit, car
ried tha port plan. ' Tillamook city voted
heavily for it, tna country agalnat It
Duniway assert thla method waa en
tirely illegal. Th old port should have
been reorganised, he contends, If new
territory waa to be acquired. And the
existing port could not be ignored. The
filing of the suit probably 111 tie up
the Tillamook port . development for
some tlma to come.
"A mistake was made." aaya Duni
way, "in organizing several small porta
on Tillamook bay. There should be one
large port, to enable work to be dis
tributed and effort concentrated on the
bar, . inatead of work on the winding
sloughs Inside. Tha farmers ara not
being given a aquare deal and I believe
the courta will., refuse to sanction the
method used in creating the new port"
Several meetings have been held In
Tillamook with the object of meeting
objections and avoiding the suits, which
the people of that city fear will prevent
the improvement work they have under
way and planned. Tha amount of the
bond lasue waa mt to f 100,000, but this
did not conciliate the opposition, which
will fight the ' battle through on the
principle Involved.
' " ''
' . - - ,' - . . ' . ... .
i it ifnniT irin n -
a. ms hi vim
kwrntm "sv. eaa eus tktmmtr
... .. ........ ') ;.
. -1 1
s. .. ; '
irlt. t ut.!i:... ' f ' 1 '...-, , i
Yiiu a cixcv.L; uiiuct OKtiiuiii ui .icuetuiuijr, win. . r .
fort and workmanshin " If von. have not vt se- -v 3
cured your Summer Suit, come to. the .Lion"' and ;.';
permit us to show you wherehvour . ' TJa
Excel all other suits at this price, They are made
of pure wool cloth, with first-class trimmings and
non-breakable fronts, and are warranted to keep
their shaper Our courteous salesmen will assist I.
you to select what will please you, and you can )t ;
your own judge of the fairness oi our dealings and
the merit of our goods.
Boys' Wash Suits 50c, 75c, $1.00 and up to $4.0t)
Have you tried The
Lion Special $5.00
value Man's Shoe
aWeUVr H leUlillVD
166-170 THIRD ST
The "Beaver"
Straws are the cor
rect hats.
i xniiiiKmMii a
8oeelal Dlstiatefe te The journal) ' -
Moro. Or.. June 18. Four automobilea.
on for baggage and three carrying It
people, eft The Dalles this morning
for Burns. The tourist took breakfast
at Moro and will have supper at Prfne-
villa. Two carried Archie McOowan and
party, living In Burns. The other auto
waa driven by rarker Barrett, million
aire oil operator of Bakersfleld, Cel.,
who haa made 100 miles between San
Francisco and Portland, en route to
Bolee. Idaho, via Burns, and is headed
Many men envy millionaires.
A man who feels that way
. should realize he may become a (
rival of the rich men by saving
and Investing.
SAVED for a few ? weeks will .
TATE when sold en our terms.
Once the money is so invested,
it is secure from temptation to
spend carelessly. i
You will soon find that your
interest in a lot of ground will
lead you to be on the" lookout
for other chances for real es-. 1
tate investment and before you
, realize it you will, be on the f
road to wealth yourself. '
The old maxim,-"save your
. first, hundred ; dollars and you
are on the road to wealth," is :
now out of - date. "SAVE
YOUR FIRST $10 and invest i
In real estate" is the new ver- it
sion. While- you are ; paying k
your $10 per month your prop- ;r
erty is doubling or trebling the :
money you put into it.
But, knowing tnese things, j
and thinking about themand
being . convinced of their truth.
and saying to yourself "Yes s
that's- righfbut making no
move, making no start, you
will never realize any benefit v ':
in the least . ,. .
It is'-only those who do things
that will reap the rich harvest
that is sure to be gathered by
those who invest their money
tn well selected real estate. It
cannot -run away, it cannot be
stolen it -cannot burn up. IT
IS YOURS the moment you
;, make your first . payment and
' receive your contract. Month
after month, year by fear t
will constantly increase In value
' and before you yourself are
aware . of it you will be what .
you have so long looked for- ;
ward to hoped for and prayed
ONCE if you are to secure the '
greatest results'- from placing
your money into productive real
estate real estate , that has
future before h-iot behind it.
Thomas Blythe bought some
sand lots in San-Francisco for
$250 each and for years before
he died he had an income from
them of over $100 a day. The
same property today is worth .
' over eight million dollars. -
A traveling salesman : was '
begged by a friend a few years ,
ago to invest $4000 and buy a
half interest in a lot In Los
Angeles but he was afraid, so '
his friend went to the banl
,and borrowed $4000 'and bought
it himself. The other day he
old it for $500,000. '
.Marshair- Field, who died a
few years, ago, made, the .bulk '
of his $80,000,000 by buying
suburban Chicago property and
holding it for a raise.
' The Astor family, with sev
eral hundred million dollars,
.made It all in New York real
estate. . . - ' - .- .. - :
. The C rockers, of San Fran
cisco, bought cheap lots in San
Francisco in the early days and
are now enjoying rents from
office buildings, hotels, , stores
and apartment houses,
- Names of men who , have
made fortunes in Portland real
estate would cover this entire
' sheet. You know them as well
as I do. Think of the men whet
' are! building . Portland's sky
scrapers They made most of
their money in Portland prop-'
erty. ' Follow, ' their example.
. The same Opportunity is here
' today that was here 20 years "
ago. Portland is THE place.
Think about it and ACT.
More fortunes and more com-
petendes have . been , made in '
real estate than the combined
' gold, silver and .copper mines
of the world - have produced.
No other investment can be at
.once s 0 profitable and so safe.
Good real estate, rightly select
ed, ; is safer than any bank
: safer than any stock safer than
any bond.
Toung man, put your money
Into a piece of property in the
-t outlying districts and then go
" about your daily business. It
will make your old age com
VELT said: "Every person
. who invests in well selected real
it estate in a growing section of a
prosperous community " adopts
'"method' of becoming independ-
ent, for real estate is the basis
1 of all wealth." t -
XXX'X;M' -
CLEVELAND said: "No in
vestment on earth is so safe, so
sure, so . certain to enrich Its
owner as undeveloped realty.
I alwayr advise my , young
friends to place their . savings
in realty . near some . growing
town. There are no, such sav
. lngs banks anywhere.
"The wise young man or wage
earner of today invests his
v. money In real estate."
you a chance to secure lor $10
' lots that in a few years win be
. worth three times their present
CLOSE IN on East 33d street
- only, five short . blocks to "the -
v Alberta car. Today the prices
. are only $500 to $600. Water:
included. f
If you are sick or out of work '
we suspend your payments dur
ing the time you are irafortu
'A', nate; ' .. --. rf&fvk
. CaD me up on the telephone
; Marshall 410, tell me where
you live, and I will be pleased
to call for you in our motor car. '
I treat you the same as ' .
: merchant treats you when you
t go into his store.
I will tell you the size of the
... lot, the price, the terms, let you
read the contract, and you ren
der the verdict.
' , ' Don't be bashful
v ' bon't put it off and aay "!
will go next week." The . Jots
vou want next week mie-ht be
sold to some one today, u v ;
; ' Call The up on the phone'4
Marshall four one o. -
: 404.
.. vrnv. .
for .Denver, arid 8t Louis, and home by
wa ei'Taxaa, . l, 5