THE OREGQN DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND; WEDNESDAY EVENING. JUNE HMl HIIDUSmRL tlEVJS OF OREGON, I'JASHIHGTOIl, IDAHO AiirarauiiE : Beaver River Power Company -; Promises -!Juice" by Early October. r ': Boise, Idaho, June 14- That the lctrloal ower . transmission line Of the Beaver Hirer Power company wlU '.. be uundml from the Jdalad river plant north wara lot. Boise and through' tha ' Payette aountrjr about October neit la ' tha statement mada by U B. Puller, snanasrr' of the company, wtth heed- tfuartora at Bllsa. t The Bearer liver plant haa baen In : operation a I nee the aummer of 1161. j It l actuated about Jl tnllea fom Beaver City, Utah, and haa a capacity f about 1000 horsepower. It auppllea the mlnJnr Industries In tha vicinity of Mllford. and Hchta that town. Tha plant being constructed on the Naiad river will have an ultimata oa- wlopment capable of zS.SOO horaepower. Tha oreaent Installation will have a capacity of about 10,000 horaepower - generated .and about 1000 horaepower delivered. . It la located about aeven ml lea from Bllaa, oa the Oregon Short Line railroad. . One of tha greateet demaada la thla . part of tha country la for power with which to pump water upon lands that cannot be furnished by. the gravity aya terns, and it la to meet thla demand that the Malad river plan re Una will be. extended into tha Payette fruit dle- trlct ' i An Indication of the rapid progress being made by tha company la tha fact that franchisee have Just recently bee ewcured In Mountalnhomo and Olenns Cerry for lighting thoaa towns. The first plant In Tellurlde, Colo, Waa a mail concern. It helped to build oth ers, and so tha ayatem haa extended until now It Include four planta In Colorado, of which tha company owns three and leaaaa one; four planta la Utah row operating, and one plant In laano, me largest ia mis iniermouniain country, located at Grace, II miles from Soda Springs. . Eli RAILROAD TOIIIH'S FERR ' . ? 1 1 . " 1 1 y Idaho Northern's Presiden Says Line Will Be Extend ed 52 Miles Within Year. (Bpsdai DUnttV te The JoemeD Ifampa, Idaho, June HAt tha an nual meeting of tha board of directors of tha Idaho 'Northern railroad In thla city yeeterday announcement waa made or the extension of tha road northward from Its present termlnue at Em met t. to Smith a Ferry, on the Payette river. The extension will mean It rnllea of new road and the opening of a vast territory neb In lumber, mining and stock arale Ing. It wlU alao mean 'tha bringing to tbo famous Long valley country transportation feci 11 ties and tha de velopment of lta wheat fields. Crews of surveyors are on the pro posed Una doing tha cross aoctlon work and Mr. Pewey aaya that actual con struction will bo begun tha latter part of thla month. Ha anticipates that a year will be required In building the road.' k .... new towa la being promoted by Mr. Dewey, which ho haa deal mated at Montour. Tha valley Includea about 1101 acre on the Payette river, II miles eaat of Emmett It la especially adapted to fruit and tha entire valley ta being planted to orchard e that will bo sold in small tracts whea tho towa alto ta opened la September. Splendid Pactum, ' (Sporiil PUpatrfe'te Tb Journal. . Boise, Idaho, Juno 14. Oeorare V. Lolghton. . eight miles wast of Boise, a . a bluegraaa pasture of 10 acres. oa which ha haa pastured 100 bead of sheep far tho paat five weeks, according to IB. V, Ellington, the government dairying expert. 'Another remarkable field, as cited by Mr. Ellington la that of U V. Stafford, near CaldwelL who paatarad IT head of Holstela oattlo oa a seven aore field during tbo aummer of ZS1S. ' . , . im . nmi icdo ii r tp LrtllUUmiLUO MILL IIILIL II i nnoTPonnnn f ILL UUO I iD JU.UUU First Drainage District In Albany's Water System, to Be Idaho to Be . Formed Greatly Improved This i This Summer. ; :l 1 ' ' ; Summer. (pedal Dtosafafe'te Tha Smrmil.i I , ' " tSpeotsl Dlsastrfe te The Jeerael.t f Nemos. Idaho. Juno 14. The first I - Albany, Or, Juno 14,The Oregon drainage district of importanoe la tha Power-company baa announced, that ft iffitiUil sections of Idaho la In orooeea I will erect during the present .summer of (organisation, covering 10.000 acre. filtration plant tear lta praa- Tha tnonaoo of water, and conaequent ;fc:L",! S ,Ho ktali 3 .iv. m v.. v.,.k. v- )..-..a t. I bank of tha Caiapoola river. Thla plant alkali haa brought tho laadownera to wn iUnHar t0 that now la operation mimura ( mi oonoiuoa I at Oregon aty, which is said to be the there is an Airgent demand that tno moat modern and extensive water fntef. work of drainage be Inaugurated at I Ing plant la tha etate. . D. C Green, resident manager of tha Oregon Power company, aaya that soon aa tha plana ar completed con struction win be be run. . , .1 : Tho purpose of thla plant la tha purl flcatlon of Albany"o water supply. 'The It la honed IpreOcnt plant la rapidly becoming in Married on I u"i"" na nenoo . up . oreonon ' 01 inia new structure. . , MINERS GO TO HILLS once. It W estimated that tho cost will not exceed 14 per acre. , Tha organisation of tho district will bo started by petition to the county commissioners at 'tho July term and tho oleetlon creating tbo district will be called soon, afterward. that actual work oan b during the coming winter. . The landowners, are to be assisted by W. O. Sloan, an expert on drainage under tho department of drainage In tho government o.rvloa. 1 Mr, Sloan baa headquarters at Boise with Don H. Bark. ' who la at tho head 1 of experi mental work In thla part of tho etate. " IMlllnc ArtaaUu WelL (BvecUl Dtopeteh te The JeorasLf Balnea, Or June 14. Thomas Laf-I ley, who haa the contract for putting down tha well which Is to eupply the city water worka, haa tho eight Inch 1-Dream" quarts claim near hare, when hole down and caaed to a depth of 601 tho now famous strike waa mada on feet. Tha contract for tho well calls I tho Htggins property, left Kcrby thla for 100 feet In depth, and It la believed I morning . for tha mountains accom that la that depth a flowing well will I panted by a heavy pack train loaded bo found, , , ; FOR SUMMER S IRK tpeeUI Dweatafe te The foer.iL Kerby. Or, Juno 14-J., M. Oae and O. 8. Roes, lessees of tha "Ooldea with provisions. Both declared to Tha Journal correspondent last night that there I nothing mysterious about their departure, notwithstanding they have boon hero aeverli days preparing for tho trip. ,.' t . . - "The fact la." said Mr. Cage. "Boss and myaelf own two claims near the Illgglns strike and have enough oonft dence In them to Justify the fullest ex pioration. tvr that reason we are now going out prepared to do our own development work, aad stay several 4 months if necessary, .We think the Bullfrog,-' ona of our claim that ad Jolne the Golden Dream, haa the latter barked ort .the 'boards so far aa rich tiesa is eoncerned, and wo propose to devote our Immediate attention to It In tho effort to make another big 'kill ing.' ' It haa a large quantity of free mining rook In algut now, on tbo out cropplnga, carrying nigh- gold values, and we are confident of running Into something ' pretty rich sooner or later. Anyhow we ate going .to try mighty hard to accomplish that purpose.".' ' Gage waa bom 10 years ago at Loa Anselei. Cal., and haa followed mining prctloaIy ail hla life, while Koee waa horn threo years later on a. farm la Indiana, county, . Pennaylvania, and haa had very . little experience In mining. Mia parents moved west when ha waa I ytare old and y pun g Rosa followed logging aa an oocupaUon until he fell In with Gago a roar airt, and they be came rull-f lodged "pardnera." - s j Another find that ) attracting eon stderabio attention Just now relates to soma pannlnga broushv In from tho head Of Flddler'o OuiJh a tew daya ago. Last fall J. VT. Btgtltrm and R. X. Fmrwell of this plaee, " whllo proapeot Ing on tho gulch, uncovered what they thought was a pocket proposition, tait- Ina- out about 1100 worth of free gold before locating tho claim. .'(Their idea waa that tho exposure wa ' the result of an old pocket, spill where tho gold had altppod -of f, but are now 1 quite poiltlvo It came un from tbo ledge and will, sink la tho effort to find the latter.' . . ' 1 . "; . NAVY'S AIRMEN MUSTN'T FRIGHTEN NAVY'S COWS - - i.-; ' (Belted Prase Leased Wlre.l V Annapolla, Md, June 14. Secretary of tho Navy Meyer may1 find It neces sary to get some advice from Secretary of State Knox on matters of diplomacy la order to. settle' a dispute that has broken out In his department It Is all over tha department' aviation .expert menta to begin July 1. The offlcera in charge of the work have selected a field adjoining tha paature in which the cows of the naval academy a model oairy are located. ' Those In charge ef the dairy have protested, fearing that tho aero planes will scare tbo cows. Peacock MM BuJlda Warehoiue, . Sueetit DUDStca te The Jooraall - "MUton, Or, June 14. A large staff haa been engaged by tha Peacock M1I company to erect a warehouse near where stood the old Peacock mill, which was destroyed by fire about a year ago. I!AS t;0 SU3STIT!JTl 0 n iv' vn is m m mm The work ta axpeoted to commence la a few daya as the company ta prepar ing to handle the large wheat crop ex pected. . . H : I I 5 P-'J1" J . ' J. "Hl.J.'tl '.. 1 L1 '"l."" .. '. . '.. I I J .Absolirfcl Puro ; ! Tho esfy bz!c!ny pawzfc mada from i2oysfCrcpo Qrtmm cf Tarter - ntfiaDitsFEsasiE I f 1 . J i i . I t Keep a Kpdali Record of Your family The pictures md tht work5 ich afford a lilting pletture. no arn room lor ny part 01 the work. Simple gnd inexpen five,.,'.. vs- We have all the latcit modelo of Kodaks - and Brovn Cam 'eraa. '' ' Kodaks ...f 5.00 to f 100.00 Brownlc....f 1.0O.t4 f 12.00 ' Come in and ret a free copy of. the new Kodak catalogue or write for one. . ;.; . Columbian Optical Co; - Sixth St, Selling Bldf. I High 8cbool at MerrilL " (Bpeeial DMvateb le The JeoraaLl ; Merrill. Or Juno 14. Merrill is to have a $15,000 brick high echool build ing. It waa only a few yeara ago that . Merrill . built a very fine four room - frame structure, but already thla ' la overcrowded. At a meeting of tho board of directors It waa decided to erect . another building, and ' the board waa unanimous In favor of a modern fire, proof structure. 1 . i The plans' were drawn by R. K. Wat tenburg and call for a two etory, eight room building of brick. - Contract for tha, building will be awarded oa June i r - - -r " 1 - , ' r ' ! Opening Cement Deposit. i - Rpecll DiMxteh te The Jnaraatl Dallas, Or., June 14. -The Portland Cement company haa common oed the work of opening up tha tlg deposit of cement rock 00 1U Oak dale property, la this county. A gang of Greeks la en gaged la stripping tha surface soil off of two lodges that diverge from a large outcropping of atone. They have cleared off two leada for a length of about 400 feet. ' ; " - ' 4 . Roclaim Iloraeahoe Island, .. i apetlel lltoaatrk te The JmiiLI . Astoria, Or, Juno 14. County Sur veyor Parker completed making a sur vey of Horseshoe Island, located In the Columbia river south of Woody island, and which la to. be diked, this aum mer by tho Brown Dredging company! Tho Island eon tains about 140 acres of what will be fine agricultural land as soon aa it la reclaimed. . . New Depots Promised. - tgpeH.I nUperci. te The lwreaL . Kolao, Waah, Juno 14. Reports have reached Kelso to tha effect that .Cen tralis. Chehalla, Caatlerock, Winlock and Xelso are to get new depota this year.',;., ; r, ,.; M . v Bafld 8teel Bridge. -Gold Kill. Or, June 14. Plans are before tho county court for a new ateel bridge across tha Rogue river at Gold HilL ' The bridge will be modern and will coat 17000 to IS000. ' Enlarge) Flonrlnir M1U. Madraa, Or Juno 14-Conat ruction Of an addition to the Madras Flouring Mill has been commenced, which when completed and additional machinery in stalled will enlarge tho capacity of the mill - from a 10 barrel to a 71 barrel per. day and also provide for additional atorage room. Tull & Gibbs Inc. Our Closing Out Sale Gbiitinueis to Present th6 Greatest ;CohsumptIori O Anvona Interested In tbo euro ef Con sumption should get one of tha booklets telling of recoveries by the use of Eckman's Alterative. - 1 Saratora. K. T. Oentlemen: Tor years I was troubled with cough and expectoration. My ease waa declared consumption ny my physi cian, and I waa not expected to live. Another physlclsn advised the uae of Eckman's Alterative wnicn 1 looa ana was finally cured." (Birnoa arriaavui j. .w. ilahaliT. Puflor details of above ease on re-1 tjoest. KCKman's juiersuve laT oroncnius. Asthma, HaV Fever, Throat' and Lung Affections. Tor sale by Tha Owl Drug Co. and other leading druggists. Ask for booklet of cured oases and write to Eckman Laboratory. Philadelphia, fa., ror aaaiuonai evidence. Inveitlgnte for yourself the offerings of this most noUble event and then you will know why such active selling hai marked each and every day since its commencement- why thousands of thrifty homefurnishers have been so eager to share In tha remarkable money- saving opportunities. Be wise and take advantage ,of the (inal offerings you'll neveragain know such economies in furniture, home . ' . u - . . ' . ' fv i. ' fimtishinga' and -6ther. mercharidise' of,. dependablenest,-;,..--' '.rr-'i'' X That Remarkable Sale of Wall Papers Is Being drertised by Those. Who Have Taken Advantage w Still -Many Rolls in Artistic Effects Yet to Be DisjwsedOf--Horne-owners and Dealers Alike Are Sharing in This Wonderful ODDortunitv for Securinff Wall Coverings It Lowest Prices Ever Known in Portland or Elsewhere All Stock. With the Exception of Engliih Eltonbury Silk Fiber Papers, Are Going Out lit One Fifth of Regular Prices The DrtlllutC for ,OU. Odwrlnl t)lin.t-h ta Thm SoaraiLl ( Dallas, Or. June 14. -The work of drilling for oil southwest of Dallas la being steadily carried on ' by the Polk Countyoil. Gas, Coal st Land Co, The drill ha penetrated a distance of 110 reet ana ia in a aanay siaie lormauon. Tho outfit of tools and appliances at tho well is quite .complete, and there is sufficient came to arm a npie soot feet deep if necessary. ' J - ' Warehouse at Haines -..v: I Rneclal Clanttrk te Tha Joarail.l ' , Haines,- Or., June 14. The Farmers Cooperative . company .. haa planned for the erection erV a warehouse 100 by 100 feet and 20 feet high, larger than any 1. warehouse at present at Halnea. 1 WMM "Light Often ; people ; call for a light Leer to. avoid a bifter , taste. - Pabst BlueRibton . TluBosrWQsauty -would please tnem rxen, not heavy, ! and Las a delicate appetizing flavor found in no otLer Leer. - Order a case today. 0-71 its Street TtLNaJatt) lomt 1481 PEOF1 E Who could not make the trip by boat or stage will ; " ;- soon have an opportunity of seeing. : (ON GARIBALDI BEACH) : By travel over the railroad which, runs through this delightful'spot.' : Then the will see what a differ ence there is between a1 wind-swept sand pile, often sold as , ' - Beach Home Sites And a beautiful, level, grassy and sheltered lot in this, the choicest - little outing spot anywhere- on the Coast- 4 4 . The Railroad ' 1 1 1 mmmm", 1 1 J-,v- I7ietn 1 Xwtrnflrxt v Qk4! DnnVAA iTln'ii DmmmAm , a act Alien 1 1 ivca un uicci iaiicD( vjcio JLaiico and Heating IStovetT Are Commanding Attention Tnose Who . Are Buying Now Are Sharing in the Greatest Economies in Dependable 'r.'' ' f ' , Kangea and atovet Lver Jvnown in rortland; Supreme Steel Ranjea Have polished tops, heavy steel bodies, duplex grates for wood or coal, raised pan top-convenient for broiling, toaafine; or replenishing fuel, extra heavy linings in firebox and rhany other special and important features. Plain in design and the very beat workmanship. t' V: $43.50 for the Supreme Range with 18-incrj oven. -j Was $6J.50. ' ' . . r. 5. 9480. for the Supreme Range with 20-inch oven. .Was $68.50. t TH'. -k . Crown Steel Ranges have 11 the special and important features shown in the Supreme Ranged but are not as heavy in constrawtion. . , ' 1 ' " , -v . . ' " '83S.BO'jFoV the Crtwn'Range with 18-inch 'oven.' . Was '$49.50. V'.;'T.-r,''''r; .- 937.50 for the' Crown Range with . 16-inch oven. , Was $48:50. ' . r-j':.y;i?: . ! ' f 41.SO for the -Crown .Range with 20-inch oven.--. Was $63.5a i -i-vJ V; ' vV . r HtJo Kegai steel Kangea for ?3x,q FINAL PRICES ON GAS RANdES 43.5o , "New. Process'? Gas itainMS f or . fS'S.i $28.25 V; $36.00 "Real EconomyNGas Rangesor; . . ..$24.00 $40:ReaJ EconprnyvGasR ; These ' embody the most moe'raeatures'i lafgis $ range construction are economical in fuel and give the ; very best results in cooKing anap ; ; - K'$KM;Rtpt. Stee Ranges for '933.50 ' ' . Is Will Pky Yotf to Buy Your Heating Stove for Next Seaaon at ; ', ' :. 'f'?--i' vt.These Prices.; : ' :'.V;'i:v'-"'vi; -'..M -s i 8.00 Airtia:ht Heaters, for wood, now 4.SO t '$12.50 rKnoxaU'V Airtight, Wood Heaters ... .. ......... .9 6.00 $13.50 Moore's "Firekeeper"' Wood Heaters 't,;.y. 9 T.35 $175 "Capital"; Airtight ; Wood: Heater .kliU?Vii;;i9 8.9& PM Buck's ot Blast Heater; wood or coal ), i . . 917.50 $33.50 Moore's Hot Blast Heaters, for wood or coal." now :;817.85 $36.50 Moore Hot Blast Hcafers, for wood otoal, now f 19.85 - $37.,50 Barters Hot Blast JHeaters, for wood prfcoal, now',v. 920.00 Will be in operation soon, so now Is the opportune time to buy while prices are low, for this jsite is : , without doubt the, very " . ' Cream of AH Summer Vacation Places - ""-i-'-JVi,, Jr. ; 'il. .-Jr.. j.. . . .. . ... . ,., , . - ., . v '5. :--T ; ;;.''!.; -f' i v i. !s.'V: .'li'j'SA '-v yfy-T 7-, -' .. i f ,j. Better make your selections now. Pay as you, wish. No interest or taxes. Call or write and we - will tell you more truths. Notable urrenng 5 . Some of the Final Prices, in Buffets and ChinaCabineta' $25.00 Bttffet.te cjnarter-sawed golden i oak; 9w.o ; ,$2a00; Buffet In qnarterHiawed goldett oak 9?t50 i $16.00 Serving Tatlea-in qoartersawed golden oak or fumed oak, now. v. .,.,.. ,,..91.75 $2L00 China Cabinet In golden oak, now. .913KO $2ZO0 Buffet in weathered dalr, bow .V....910sO $33.00 Buffet in fumed oak, now ;rfk;:;.;,920.0O $46.00. China Cabinet in fumed oak, now. ,.923.00 $25.00 China Cabinet in tiuafter-sawed srolden ak. 913.00 f $37.00 China Cabinet in golden oak, now . .927.75 $46.00 China Cabinet in quarter-sawed golden oak, now ; ..923.00 inFumiture $62.00 ,Bujfe( (JuC ;;flneattiuarter.siw.e4 : jjolden riak how .i.,;t930.OO $57,00 Buffet In fumed oak now UlfSi ,935;0O $45XX) China Cabinet in fumed oak, now..... 925.00 $79.00, Buffet fa fuined oak, now t i 945.00 $77.00 China Cabinet Jn fumed oal now .9-5.O0 $99.00 Buffet in. fumed oak, aow.;;V;i ,.9 60.00 $76.00 Buffet in finest auirtef-sawed . arolderi oak. nOW '. i.v , , . ; .' ..'V .''( 'MX'V f '"'' f.-'945.0OJ ?7,l.W-cnina cabinet m finest quarter-sawed golden oak,- now,i. VV"i,5 i yiiV.,V.Vi;' '' 92.00 $M5. oal 135.00 large Buffet Iny finestquarter8awied goldeni ' i',tlOW'r4$y't't;iy j 75.00 y( 3171UlIYilaiANGE BUILDINGli The Final Pricesliiif " ' - "..''J 1 4 t- i- Mn Mf irti ' trk "TTi A a X7fin Hairs Ct aim -' fi'v-r-:- Mean Much to Those Who Ijave FloQrsto Cover THESE FINAL PRICES ON CARPETS INCLUDE SEWING, LAVING AND LINING f?.i. f 1.25 yard for Lowell-Body Brussels Car- net. Rejmlarlv" SI 0(1 rMiW ;i4 91.35 d:"for ism-miit&ti . Carpetf-:Rigulary;$2. W,-. M 91.35 yard for Bigelow Axminster Carpet. Worth regula.rly $200.,. 91 yard for Smith's best Velvet Carpet Regularly sold at $1.50 jtf i;I5 W''nt' 91 yard for gmith's Axminster .Carpet, Regularly sold for $1.50. , v 915 yard for Whitall's Bodyi Brussels Carpet' Regularly $15" yard. A?-y'rif:i PINAL PRICES ON LINOLEUM. WE CHARGE 10c PER SQUARE YARD EXTRA 91.05 square jrard for StaineV Inlaid Lin- I 925 square yard for Staine's best Inlaid oleum. : Worth regularly $1.65..;' ' - ' 'J Linoleum; -Worth $1.90.:: "v'?:' ,;, 91.05. squarejard for Potkrf Jes'rinfaid ;t4n6ieans.;Wbrth .' $1.85. f:t&Z&$'px SOME ' FINAL PRICES O ROOM-SIZE RUGSTHESE ALL'IN THE siiW-FOO SIZE $50 'Bundhar Wilton I Rugs-; foronly.t 936.50 $1250 Hodges'1 Fiber Rugs for; only "i?, 96.60 $65 French Wilton Rugs tor only.. ..941.50 1 $37'.5a Bbdr. Brussels:-Rue-a -'fo'ri'.onlv. S25JOO $16 Hodges' Fiber Rugs3ow :for V.... 98-05 $1200 all-wool reversible Russ for. .... 98.00 A Few Miscellaneous Items from the fivvjStock of-the iv- ; Drapery Departa 69 I for rNof PieceM full size "Curtain Stretcheif.; Worth" $1.50. -.' 91715 for $235 Batnboo Porch Blinds, 8 feet long and 8 feet wide. V- " ; ' . ; 91.35 for $275 Bamboo Porch Blinds, 10 feet -wide by 8 feet long. . , - ttv - t.. tr 91.35 - for $275 German fast-color -green Porch Blinds, 4 feet wide by'8 feet long. V '. Round . "Peerless" Asbestos Table Pads'With ;;v1ife'. Washable Flannel Covert, A 93.25 for; 6.00 Pads42-lncn . size.' : 93.50 for $6.50 Pads 48-inch size,' ' ' V " 9.10, for $7.50 Pads66-inch size. . All Lace . Edgings and Insertions now at pae-tbifd of regular price. ".' '1 ' S rf All Lace 'Curtains t now at- one-thfrd of former prjee.-; vlV tTZ I k"Ct?' r'yrA'