The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 13, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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v r ,,.. ....- , .
1 I
Sixty Years Married,;
Dallas PairCelebrates
Acting President of, the Sugar i
i rusr days v neaucuon , in
Duty Would -Save Country
i-" $52,000,000 Each Year.
pcopU a maun tad . to .
illy, tlf the duty on
v ' (OalUd TrM Lmm4 Wtr.) '
' Wuhlncton, June ttdward : At
kins, acting president f. th American
Refining" Company,' reauroad , the, atand
today before r the nouae eenainlttae. In
veatlsatlne the ausar Industry. .
! Ha taatlf lad that tba toUl sugar bill
of tha American
ISS8.000.000. annually,
raw augar war removed, ha asserted.
thla aura could be reduced,
Afurwarda. .he Qualified thla eta la
ment, aaylng that the removal of tha
dut. would cripple the American beet
augar intereata iand. probably aeatroy
the cane sugar tnduatry. . 21a advocated
partial. reduction in the duty on raw
sugar, cheapening its coat and protect
Ins American producers simultaneously,
i, The autement added that the truat
was Interested in 13 of the II beet
sugar factories in 'America. - Tha. Mm
ml t tee decided . that tba investigation
Shalt Include Inquiry Into tba ' .trans,
actlona whereby the truat 'secured con-
-trol of tha Pennsylvania Sugar Refining
rompsnr. Jamas M. Beck, counsel for
the sugar Intereata protested but Chair
man Hardwick e tha comma lea over-
ru issn n l in. p-
s-v . 1 '- e
(United PveM Lcastd ITire.t
, Birmingham, Ala.. June-ll.-r-A con-
aolldatlon of eoal, , steel ' and Iron - In
terests In Alabama has been formed
through tha merger of the Alabama
Coat and Iron company, nd tha South
ern Iron and Steel company under the
nam of the Alabama . Consolidated
Coal, "Iron and Steer company.
The new- conoern controls eonalder
ably more than- half of the industry
In tha state. '. J v.
- v - .... i i. ' ,.V
(DnlUd Ptm Usacd Wire.
- Paris, Juns II. In recognition of bis
cortesy to ths French government for
his gift to tha Louvre museum of the
famous painting, "Chef Da 81 Martin."
which was stolen from a church In
southern Franco, it is reported tpday.
' J. Plemont , Morcan miv be made a
knight of tha Legion of Honor. Wheth
er be will accept the decoration, is not
known, i -After tha theft of tha picture
and its purchase by tha American money
king, considerable - agitation arose
against Its being allowed to leave the
country.- . ''
- .. .,
'.Washington, June II. The ailver an
niversary of tha wedding of 'President
ar.d Mrs. Taft. occurring June 19,. la to
he the. occasion of one of the most brlU
Itent social eventa . in the history of
Washington aoclety. Several thousand
limitations weresent out today. '
-. -
j Wag Washington a Dane? '
V London, June It. That George "Wash
iitgton's ancestors used to tell it to tha
Canes Is tha belief of Drt Solloway, who
is studying the Washington family
.'ttee. He aays it goes back totha Danes
tf the tenth century.
in i i i
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I I . "VUU1M.
l on Bald Heads
" Resorcin is one of tha latest and most
affective gem-killers . discovered - by
science, and In . connection, 'with. Beta
Naphtol, also a powerful antlacepUc, a
combination is zormea which - destroys
the germs whloh rob, the hair of . Us
, nutriment and thus creates a clean and
healthy condition, of tha, scalp, which
prevents tha development of- new germa.
, Pilocarpine Is a well known agent for
restoring the hair, to its natural-color,
where the loss of color has been due to
a dlaeaae. Tet ft Is not a coloring mat
ter or dye. V T t vfwi
.The famous Rexall "98" Hair Tonlo Is
chiefly composed of Rescorcln, r Beta
Naphthol " and Pilocarpine, combined
With pure alcohol because of Its cleans
ing and antiseptic qualities. It makes
the scalp healthy, nourishes tha hair, re
vitalises the roots,,' supplies hstr nour
ishment and stimulates a new growth.
Ws want yea to try a raw bottles of
, Rexall "SS" Hair Tonlo on our personal
"guarantee that the trial' will sot coat
you a nanny If It does not srlva you ah,
aoluta aatlsfactton. That's proof of our
W,W, . .. . Wl . WM -III, U . M U
aispwisDiy aBRioniirtra , usi . we anow
what we are talking about when we say
that Rexall "91" Hair Tonlo will grow
' Tiatle MM taa1a A-vnAMV ' Af AAitaa
Vs vaaa asvsawa mvvwhi va vvviba
wk kal4HBa Haav KaaH -v aitak Ua
wiiviv ubiumcos aasaew . arww - vi ss uu avufj
duration that the roots of the -hair are
entirely dead, the follicles closed and
fwtsMi nvaa anil tha stAain fas mplmmA . .
fivnM w v vs aaxau r bvm a ay tsui
Remenber we are basing our state
ments upon what has already bee ac
complished by tha uee of , Rexall "91"
Hair Tonic,, and we have the. right to
assume that what it has done for hun
dreds of others It will do for jrou. In,
any event you cannot loss anything by
giving It a trial on our liberal gu&ran-
member, you can obtain Rexall Reme
dips only at the Owl Drua Co.. Inc.. cor.
ner Seventh and WMhlhton streets. .5
Mr. and Mrg. H. E. Grant, who, alnca
' 1851, have not been teparated I
mora than threa weeks at one.
-.....; ... , - - .- - i
faperbl Dtwatc Ui The JoaraaLt
Dallas. Or, June 11 Mr. and Mrs. H.
El Grant of this city Celebrated their
sixtieth wedding anniversary yesterday.
Sunday afternoon about S9 members of
tha Baptist church calle'd on Mr. and,
Mrs. Grant as a surprise.
' Mr Grant was born In Lafayette coun
ty, Missouri, ts 1110. Ha worked on the
farm with his father tUl he was nearly
li, when he moved toDavla county, Mis
souri, Mrs. Grant., formerly Miss -Josephine
Williams, , waa ' born . in "Ray
county, Missouri, In' 1831, and with her
parents moVe4 to Dans county -when she
was quite small. They were married In
Davis county June 13. 1811, and on May
1, 1851, started for Oregon, .which they
reached October 34, of the same year.
Mr Grant took up a homestead of 110
acres In Polk county, and they lived on
it until aix years ago; when they moved
to rans cuy, ana snortiy alter to Dal
las. , During the 0 years they have been
married". Mrv and Mrs. Grant have ' not
been away from one another ldnger than
three weeks at one time. They are both
enjoying good health. . They, have nine
children,; three of whom are still living,
J. M. Grant, sheriff of Polk county and
D. J. and B. M. Grant, both business
men of Dallas. ' V.- ",' v" ?
-Vi rroctor Knott lit;
-' ttlmlfA Or fM.e WMC '
: -Lebanon, Ky. June . 11 FormerlCan-1
greasman Proctor Knott, jwhose' famous I
speech on the northwest, . in which he
put lxuiuu ' on the map, rererrtlng to 1
it as "Ths Queen City of the Unsalted
Seas,-' and established him as the first i
humorist In congress, is In a critical!
condition, from paralysis and pulmonary j
troubles.: ,; ; . ; . . ;
; Two-YesuOM Drinks Acid.
vj rtJaltfd Prwi Ijmi1 Wlr. ' '
Kanaae Cltr. Mo. Jon4 11 tie
Lawrence Robblna, 3, Is reported out of
danger . today: after .drinking; the con
tents of an ounce : bottle, of , carbolio
acid. ,' Tha bottle had been left within
reach,' and the child, obtained It lit. the
absence of the'nurse.V.
f"r&: 9 pro. - , i
K I li g 1
ti - i
i i .
4 r i
' , - 'onn ? Sainpolll.vVf';,;-!f'f
Thfa Is the final week- of ' stock In
Portland for the season, snd John Bain-
polls and the Baker company are giving
aupero periormances or Richard Mans
field's famous ' old . play, "A Parisian
Tha ele of the cruel and v heartless
Baron Chevrlal, which Mr. 8alnpolla la
depicting. Is ths one la which the great
Mansfield first sprang c into national
rame In New Tork. The reallstle death
scene of.' the third act is -bne of the
ftneat bits. of acting Mr, Sainpolla has
ever done here. . '
Following the atock sesson, the Bakr
will open next Saturday afternoon with
summer vaudeville and phots plays, .
Bdm4I Din Mi te Tba JoannLI
: .WalU Walla, Waah., June 11 By a
majority of 311 votes, T. C Elliott yes
terday won the Republican nomination
for mayor over V. H. Rovers. The vie
tory of Elliott Js slgnlflcsnt In that he
was supposed to represent the anti-com
mission government 'element, while
Rodgers wss supported by those who
fsvor ths commission government. -'
Voting wss light, only 1191 out of the
mi registered going to the poll a It
wss ths first election, in which Walla
wane women . have ..voted , and few
availed i themselves of the opportunity.
The Democrata had bet 91 votes, there
being no contest on their ticket.'
Republicans nominated With contest
were Mike Davis, chief of police; J. W.
Brooke, city-attorney; It H.- Cramp ton.
street commissioner; 'John D, Ankeny,
councilman flrat" ward." In the third
ward Byron Lutoher and B. M, Hunting
ton .tied, each aecurlnr 101 votes.. :
3. F. Cropp is ths DemocraUo nom
inee ror mayor. i ,. , v .- v ,
The city - eleotlon will - be -held July
10 at Which time there will be a vote
on commission government . ,; ,'
Richmond. Va.J- Juns 11. The f cy-
clonlo stornt which swept - the lower
end of the Virginia peninsula k left to
day a path Of deatructlon and cost an
unknown , number of , Uvea, ..Tha dead
gre estimated at from II to II. No
bodies have yet been recovered. . At
Newport News msny -houses -were un-i
roofed, trees ' and poles' wsre leveled
and shipping disabled. , . J
f ' IMmHaI TMAnafk 'TV,.
'CoqulUe, Or, June 11, Dredging 'the
shoals on Coquille nver Is being com-1
menoed - and when the , work' la com
pleted there Is to be a 19 foot channel
at low tide from the moutl of the river
to thla place, a dlsiaoce of II tnllea.
When thla work la done -the aawmUla
at thla place will be able to shin, their
lumber directly out. of coquuie river.
, - ". Bog Factory at CoqulUe.' 1 f ,
'(SjmvUI IXipt-b te The Joeraal.) '' ''
CoqulUe, Or, -June . 11. A box fae-
torywlll bs erected at this place la
connection with' the new aawmilr being
built by : the '.CoqulUe MU1 company.
Men are now placing the machinery and
expect to have-the' mill la operation In
about two montba. . '
An Implement has been Invented fori
sllclnr a boiled egg evenly, a more dif
ficult task than generally la supposed.
EXPERT WATCH ; REPAIRING fcy Swii WatchmVkcr-.Pricc3 Moderate
i Lc; , rrT"i jncrcnanaisc
Middle Aged and Elderly
CTse Foley Kldnsy Pills for quick and
permanent results In all cases of kid
ney and bladder troubles, and for pain
ful and annoying irregularities. They
contain Just the Ingredients neeesssry
to regulate and strengthen the action of
the kidneys' and . bladder. They ' are
tonlo In action, quick to results. ' Try
them. - Bkldmore Drug Co. Two stores,
main store, ill Third street; branch
store, Morrison and West Park. -Wood-
ard. CVne Drug Co. , '
s,w . , . -i -
I , .
i ' i ' " ' 1 - .v. ' .' ; ' ..."
Till Joly . First
A Little Plain Talk
.Wi are not givinf our planoa sway
' (nobody ia) ; we are not , giving
aomething for nothing (nobody U).
This is just ;gtraight, legitimata
removal r gale. We1 offer tha dig
count to aave moving tha stock.
The Uprnan, Wolfe & Company Store flashes this message to all the public
r"We can show you how to keep cool and comfortable." ! ; Vr
If. you are properly equipped, personally and domestically, you can make the Sum-;
:mer truly the - 'great play time" or the year. ... :
-r-Thi$ store is thoroughly, stocked with Summer merchandise to solve this problem for
you. Every department Is flowing "over with light-weight summery things to keep you
cool and happy when the warm days come, - ".v.-.
-Oursjs a delightfully refreshing store, to. 'shop. : in. Plenty of experienced clerks ,
'eairer to serve vouVto make vour shoDoinir easv and cleasant. Come todav saunter
. through the various aisles. - You will find Summer tnings for indoors and out, but
' that reminds us p . . i . , . ' V' v. . ;i
Summer Apparel for Women and Misses v ;
Here has been gathered all the really desirable things required for outdoor wear. We
'have therti all; from Linen Dusters to beautiful Pongee and Satin Coats.. Polo Coats
not the so-called polo coats of other ttoret , but the real Imported polo cloth, made :
up in models precisely like those worn in Newport and Atlantic City. Linen Suits
ind when we say linen we mean all linen pure linen in natty tailored styles, r with'.
nntrhM shawl, anri'sailnr rnllars nriceri $6.75 to IHS.OO. " , - ;
Tub Dresses made of "reliable wash fabrics, just as dainty and as stylish and prettily I!
modeled as the finest foulard silk gowns. Tud Dresses that come from thesudsasbriht
and' fresh as the prettiest Testout rose. Middy Blouses in a dozen different models: .
The regulation Navy Blouse for girls from primary to graduation ages. Summer Waists
in a bewildering assortment none of the beginning-of-the-season styles, but the latest',
clever conceits productions of master minds the originators of waist fashions from
Paris and New York. Feather-weight Waists in China silk, flimsy waists made of silk
handkerchiefs, webby waists modeled from the latest chiffons and marguisettes;
A FlbwerShow in Summer Millinery - ; -
In no other section of the store can beauty and originality be better portrayed than
- in the creation of Midsummer Millinery. That we have struck the; popular, chord is'
manifested by our. inability to collect enough for a big display. Thev come'from the
workrooms every morning and are gone before night New ones' will be; shown - dur-'
ing the dayT-Special $6.75. , v ;. t
Talking About House Dresses or Kimonos Need Some?
'.Who will deny our leadership in House Dresses, Kimonos,, Dressing Sacques? It is
an undisputed fact that this 'store knows best the demands of women, because we.
make a study of it. It matters not how modestly priced the garment is we demand
that perfect cut and fit and tailoring which women appreciate. We have dozens - of
styles in house garments in percales, gingham, cotton challies, chambray and organ-'
die and other Summer fabrics priced special from 48c to $2.95. - ;;.-,,
Sale of Wash Fabrics, Special 1 5, 19 and 25c
Sale of Hammocks and Bathing. Apparel ;
Where You Save
Ton aave tha retailers' profit when
you buy a Bush ft Lane piano. We
t ': manufacture them and sell direct , ,
You save 20 per cent if you make
. , your choice now. You save your
; . nerves and those of he neighbors,
: for Bush ft Lane pianos are food
; .. in tone aa well as beautifully cased.
some tsars
.'v',': H-i' i" Discount ,,'
-Regular price .Price '
.V Our $750 Art Stylo . . v . . . f 00
t ' Our $550 Stylo . l.M-0
Our $475 Style r....:.,....,f380
" Our $400 Style '.;.VV....f 320
Our $375 Style V . . . t . . . . f 305
' Another make $325 . .r.....f260
. Another make, $310 f 248
Another make,; $275 ...:.,..f220 p
X, Another, make, $250 , . ,f 200 t
.Another make,' $225 :'......fl80 .
t Come, See and Hear Them
f A$ v': if V"
li '-.'5?'.' sV?:.v;i;:4',"'"i;'' ;. '.' j
Fully Guaranteed
Cash or Oberal Ternis
'HiiHiliOn .Everjr Evening Till 10 q'OoiSriij
Bit I mm
rl asam
kM 1 1 Schloss Baltimore Clothes
lr vitttitiiiiniiiiiiniiiiiiiiiniiiiiu
Scfi055 Mtlmrt Clothes
Compare "Schloss" Clothes with the best
clothes you know.
Compare them in every particular of qual
ity, fit and style. YouTl find that you'll
have to give your verdict in favor of
"Schloss" Clothesv
And .what's more, youll find that "Schloss"
Clothes , do not cost any mom than the in
ferior lands. v
Suits C-':cvv5!
HH I fafs
f BilUmon
, w
, Oottes .
.Ootttsi .
.- V J-" J -'t" 1.-' 1 Jjsssssft
1 5 1 S,
rcAast' ';,
, BltltOHIt
tefswt ;
Are You Hat Hunting?
Then come here at once, for we've got the hat to fit your
face, your head and your purse. Its name is
"Hawes and costs only
Forth tnd Alder Strtth tClothili(J Co' lCwf Wafcr. a?jnggr
' 5Abss 1
CaffiM 4
itr ii iiiiimiuik
i " w r .. ii . .. ..
7" "-l1
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