The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 13, 1911, Page 20, Image 20

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    .; 5 .
t eaaii f . - i n nm i i n piw a gagg wwwiii 'jjl 1 an a j i rr 1 '. i u '.. i ' auJ. 1!- - i u .....:..-. ma
Portland's Ideal Corset Service All Latest Mod
ybn'll Enjoy Luncheon "In onr 7th Floor Restaurant
Jisa WSi
Ite : ays EM s&w4ayMcw& Yoi Vvowmi
More Pays
Of Teachers'
I7XCITEMENT ii increasing as the
din crow lest! On the home
stretch snd a fighting chance in al
most every district I
Make these last four dayi count
tare every duplicate aaJea check and
rote it for the teacher you'd like to
ee win.
Already, we're arranged a list of
the ocean liners and date of aailing
the three winners will have their
choice of any route to Pari or Lon
don, Yon can't imagine what a task it
ia to tabulate the rote, with the tre-
ra end ova increase It's mating these
last flay. Here is the list of highest
contestants in each district op -to '5
p. m. Monday;
your Summer needs oh all - kinds of WhiteGopds? ' .Remember, this is
absblutejy your final opportunity to profit by our Annual June reductions
nn nrnriir nil v fiver Wlif t arHrta in thfi fltnfft. " V ' v ' ) "c v '
waa r w m m mJ w w w b mmm w wiw a m w (w v ww ' , , t 1
White-Vash Goods,
Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Lace Curtains, efc at June XJhite
''; ':.':n"r,n-'..v;.v
Unrivaled Slvings
Ptekftue. som r, aiui. .tea.aes
SMt-wa, soaa Aaaa, Xdd Sai.saS
PortM, rias T. VaUiaff. .. .lTO.STS
Hri sun autno, i,i,aso
HimrliMD, m. Ooaob MSMaS
Cteaea, SQm Wlmlfted, rIg. SSTS
iHOnfX. suae oim. aa. ... aee.ira
Ban, ma O, ZJsoola Xtgk.
sctokar, Mia
xoaoou vjgk,., sjoaar
OatUa. K! 1. xawthenie .... S44,e90
Varpky, aclM O- XlrtOaad. ...a,43Sr8aS
TaaanbalaMr, atUs aC.B'w'a a,Sll.O0
Blaak, Mra. B4 raalaamU. . .187oa
Cbaaar, atra, Baaayalde ... ,.1,437,700
SUad. Jtra. a, Oeklar Ora...lM,aM
SaahaaU, SCn. JanoU, Irrtom. . seeooo
MOxia, ariaa T Xawihon. ... eoesoo
BohaUr, atUa at-, ff. arira. SS4.STS
Taayee, aflae JL. Koatarlila... MI4M
Yaulsg. MlM B BannBy...l,lU.lTt
OarWT. atUa Ima, alllimaXla. .1,113, 7S
&U4, Oa rrada, TataatU Taa.OOO
BadoUae, Uaa Artorla BUga e9.1TS
Oorpw, BOae at, Balam 41SJTS
Wata, BUaa Bora, Ualoa. S41,e7
Ovtiaadai, Stlaa at, Oni BW.. tasM
raampaoa. BUaa jTnattoa. , 170,450
l-Uly, atlaa Jaaala, Or. City at. 100.18S ,
Bioianem, KUa V, Stprlaa-flald ToVSOO
made and comfortable,
on sale for 2 days only.
Regu larly (JQ OQ
$4.80, sale attDJ.QO
$5 Rattan Chairs $3.68
Imported Hour Glass Chairs,
as pictured ' here, are unusually
popular, bplendidly made, roomy
and comfortable. Our regular
$5.00 Chairs, on salevtf0 a0
for two days only at eDOeUO
$2.50 Grass Stools : 51.59
Durably and firmly-constructed, neatly woven J
good sited Chinese. Grass btooyi, that sell regu-
. JrS'- - larlr. at $2.50.u just as
"1!XS-t. oictured here. - Unusti-I
. . i
ally popular style, vm
sale for two days at
extremely low price of
Reed Muffin
Stands $1.13
Here's an extra special in this
convenient piece of summer fur
niture. Well made, as shown
here. While the lot lasts, these
$2.15 Reed Muffin Stands on sale
for two days only at fl ; o
the special low price of el) 1 1 aj
4 A Vfaa-i V ; VM WU A 1 waaCaAA U
atVEacbj Only;! $S:9
Imp'rt'd Camphor
Chests Reduced
, ; . No need , to store your furs
and' woolens when yoitxan get
such splendid Camphor Chests
as these at such low prices.
Depend, on them year after
year . to fully protect against
moth or dust These prices for
two days only :
$150 Camphor Chest at $3.19
$5.70 Camphor Chest at $3.99
$7.80 Camphor Chest at $5.48
IPS SELDOM indeed that such an offering as
this is. made. You must see this really splen
didly cpnstnfcted Chair to appreciate the unusu
alneSs of thebrice. - Similar to iW ';.V';?
able. bier, comfortable, ideal sum- .1 '
mex chairs for. porch or lawn.
Two styles, to choose from, with
extension and' stationary foot rest, ?
T? J I.. .L...
i vi uuc uy uiujr uicac Cf fJ . ;
$10.20 Grass Chairs tor &UVO
A Big Purchase 25c, 33c
and 50c Socks at 15c
ixoox omsza bt am.
AN enormous pur
chase of over five
thousand pairs of
Men's Fancy , Summer
Half Hose at less than
original mill cost!
, Surplus lots from
one of America's larg
est hosiery xmills. Fine
&f Imported Silk Lisle,
V Pure Ejrvptian Lisle
and Maco Cotton, in
solid colors, drorstitch
effects, embroidered
clockingand fancy hose
of everv 1) f
' pattern and ' color. Genuine 25c. 35c II n iz
and 5oc grades for tomorrow's selling at
Soft CoUart, just the thing for warm weather, in
light colored soisette, tie to match, pearl but
ton fastenings in front Yours Wednesday JLOC
50c Lisle iWd Suspenders, fine leather ends, at 25c
m. M MAT
Free Spool Charter Oak
Thread With Every 1 0c
Notion Purchase Wed.
bczxzx a
2 ' ""fV . fa atrencv for this celebrated
Charter Oak Thread
BnStVrVl "The Thread that's saved
Ilia OUU the 5c price to the Amer-
"Best Of ell COtton tiire&dsftcan woman I
Known arid sold everywhere as the world's best 6-cord
Thread. A free trial 'spool to every purchaser of 10c and
above in the Notion Dept. Wednesday, . Our price 6nOJ
Charter Oak Thread, in blkvand white, all Nos 6 forjC DC
Other Specials for Wednesday
Dressmakera 2Sc Adjustable
Skirt Gauges Two to a cus
tomer, 12f. , .
10c Wonder Silk Hair Nets
Large atze, 6 for 25e. .
4c Washington Pins Full
count papers, extra special, 2f).
10c Placket Fasteners "See-it-spring,"
doi., 5.
25e Prima Donna Hair Pina
Shell, amber or , horn color,
package, 12 "
2c Wire Hair Pina All
lengths, doz. packages, 10e.
'10c In-and-Out Collar Support
ers All lengths, card, 5f
25c Busy Bee Basting Cotton
200 yd. spools, per.doz 19e.
3c Grandma's Darning Cotton
Black and white, 3 spools Be.
2c Ironing Wax Wood 'handles
4 for 5.
w nzt u m a Am vrv; urn .
) !
If OR the last two months our business on Summer Boort-Coverings
has been immensely Result Is J there are manv incomDlete lines
and small lots to be closed out at phenomenally low prices. i , ' "
' The items auoted'below consist -of only :a fe of eachsize and
-'grade, so you'll have to come early in the morning to be sure of any
-one kind. , -
flUUIIJ V-; f fY r ,iUy JaV II. Will U
Lanark Rujjs-- ,
,- - 5
These hiebhr durable RugsJ
come in prcy iwo-ione cjictio ui
brown, blue and; green. Only , I
few of each size: '
, $13.50 Lenark' Rugs, 7.6x9, $9.65
JLenarK Kugs, vxiu.o,
The "Wool Rugs--
About 100 of the well known
Khaton Wool Rugs to close out
at these big reductions:.' ,!
$10.00 Wool Rues, 9x10.6, $6.85
$18.00 Wool Rugs, 9x10 ft, $11.65
$20.00 Wool Rugs, 9x13.6, $14.40 I $40.00 Wilton Rugsr 9x12, $31.00
$lOTwis1l'eaveRugs$7.8S $12 Extra:Heavy Rugs, I0:6xl2,$7.85
Our : regular $35.00 high grade
Wilton Rugs, the luxurious grade
which wears ipr veirs.' -Full
8 .3x10 .6-lL j size, i ex
tra special tomorrow
Season Opens
" here, for women,
misses and children.
Cleverdashing mod
els that are as be
coming as can be
They're so nicely
made and fit so well.
Made of alpaca, flan
nel and mohair, in color
you like hlue, black, Ted,
brown, and fancy stripes,
trimmed in bands and
braids. Short sleeves and
low necks ; some in the
popular P r i n c e ss style.
They're stunning clever.
See them today.
years, at $2.00 to 84.50
WOKXVST alzen 4 to 44,
at S2.00 to SI 5.00.
rmajnc'gcxooBs ixoob
Knit s Under wear Sale
afelaz: rramk
' Vtnt floor.
Order r afailx
C UMMER -weather and our extraordi-
nary prices a combination that's kept
, the Kmt:' Underwear i Store thronged since
Monday morning. ' .
Women's $2 Union Suits Fine ribbed
.lisle in low neck, sleeveless style illus
trated. Umbrella or tight' knee. Tomor
row, fil.33. .
Women'a $2.50 and $3 Union Suits Fine
mercerized lisle; low neck, sleeveless with
tight knee.: -All sizes, f 1.98.
Children's 50c Nazareth Union Suits
High neck, long sleeves or low neck, sleeve
less. : Knee or ankle length. All sizes to
morrow, 39. ... '
Women's 65c ' Underwear Vests, Pants
and Union Suits of lisle and cotton, low
neck, sleeveless with umbrella or tight'
knee, 3T. .
Women's 25c Vesta Low neck, sleeve
less, long or wing sleeve. Fancy lace
trimmed and crochet yokes, 15.
Women s , 35c - Vests ' and Panta Flue
ribbed cotton. Low neck, sleeveless or
wing sleeves. Umbrella or tight knee
pants. Each, 21.
$2 Venetian Silk Vesta White, pink, blue 81.59.
"' ' " -nj-i'
$4 and $4.50 Lace Curtains
Tomorrow. Only
dS:' .
rONT forget this is the last week of our
June White Days reductions "on all Lace
Curtains. '"''
Solendid $4 and" $4.S0 French Net Curtains.
Also fine Scrims with.Quny or Renaissance
Edg'es and handsome ' Notting--f0 OC
Tomorrow at low price
r $2.00 NET CURTAINS f 1.60
Twenty ' different patterns in white Nt
Curtains, -made on Renaissance braid," 36 " to
40 inches wide and two and one-half fM fl
yards long..,, $2 Curtains, tomorrow vl all U
Dainty dots, figures and stripes,
36 inch;
lit White Swiss, yard at only lis)
25c White Swiss, yard at only 18
White Cable Net and Madras
.Weave' .Curtains - in wide range of
staple, and novelty designs? .i-. -W
$2i5 grade,, pair ' at only, f 1.48
$275 grade, pair at only f 2.20
15x37. adjustable)
18x37 radjustablei
' 18x45 r adjustable -22x37
adjustable J
22x45 adjustable;
26x45 adjustable.
Metal Window
Splendid ly
made of galvan
ized rust proof
wire cloth and
galvanized ad
justable frames.
Be sure to meas
ure your win
dows before 'ordering.
Screens for S2
Screens for 34e
Screens; for 39
Screens for 39V
Screens" for 48e
Screens J. for 51jf.
-Day Sale of Home Needs in the Sabeiheiit
Iii Washing Machines
Iba Garden Tool Specials
75c long or short handled Spades for "only 634
75c long or short handled Shovels, for only 63
$1.00 three-niece Garden Sets, snedal at onlv 794
$1.00 Grass Catchers, 12 and 14-fnch eiie, at 79J
$1.25 Grass Catchers, 16 and lo-inch size, only 9?
25c HoeK good firm .handle, special at only . 19t
50c Hoe: extra well : made,1 special . at 'only 39'
30c Grass Hooks, special at this sale,? only 34e
A $1.5Q Ironing board
Tomorrow Only $1.09
Extra well made' strongly braced
ironing boards, made ; as illustrated.
Regularly $1.50, -. for two tf nfl
days :. special - ft -" only dlUl
25c Covered Sreerl boards at 194
f The ' famous
hiarh trade White
Clbud ; Waahing ,
Machine ' is , sel- ;
dom offered ' at
such a low price?
as tins.. Strongly k
and perfectly
constructed. Ex-
actlr as' illnnfrfit-'.
ed 'Does the work easily, quickly and
well, s New style, operated' on the ;va-
uutt ! principal. $12 Machines 7 QQ
for three days only,' special at I 'I'
Royal Society
.i 'uv ., a ,
:.. t-fs Taoxs r&oos v -,
' . oxbeb bt acaaHi1-
NOT withstanding; the-rush if
toda7,: there V1 are f still 4 many
of these beautiful . sample: pieces
of art needlework left, to sell at'
i -. '-IunousRoyal:. Society('.
: Sriple(Made-U Pillos V
V- Center Pieces, - poilies, ;
TabieiCovera'i Ete 5:Etc.
3-W'-:ean'tv attempt '; to": give nyJ
thing but the price range $5 to
$25. But Jhe sale prices are ex
actly' ONE-HALF. . '
Sale of Hesular So:
I ii 1 had x i enjoy these bright ) une days-f
V it'll be a pleasure f6r you as well, with a neat
easyTrunning. Go-Cart . . ,. K . , ' y . J&?01? 'H0r.
' Here ar splendid, collapsible, neQtionlGo-. C
uans, .wnicn sen reetuariy, tor ao.ou jwaae liKe . 4
ta - 1f trSSf f SM f. f4U :. (SatKaSa4Veay4 'VAa1b' ' Im aMA ''. J:' -:-4'
the I illustration,iwith ; rubber-tired i'wheelsiarge
nooa : ana loot rest. uphol
stered in good quality, leather-
All English Perambulators and; Col
lapsible Go-Carts, 15 per cent off.'.;
All Fullman Baby Catu, 15 per cent off. '
All Oreole Go-Baskets, 15 per cent off, :
AU Katun Baby Camages,407 off. j
mi:, mm