7 J THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 13, mi. v A UTH 0 RS OF R iES OLUTI 0 N S FOR DIRECT VOTE ON UNITED STATES SENATORS onoe premier backstop. Is going back and that Cub - fane are glad that be tend the Inatallatlon. It la planned to atrlng most of tha wiraa and ereot poles before, track laying is oommenoed. The board of supervisors yesterday appro priated 110,001 for tha overhead work. . Tnalnir nthera Annor llarshaL ' CZAR SENDS WOLF ' HOUNDS TO CARNEGIE , . , ; V, ; ! , f " (Publlhm' Prm IimhJ Wlr.) ' fit. J'eteraburg, June IS. The csar has Juat sent sa a preaeht. to Andrew Carnegie two splendid wnlf hounds from the Imperial keQnels. They have, been ehlppad :to New York accompanied by. two keepere. '. The , dogs pave, been trained te hunt wolves' and are rather savage to all but those, they know. One hundred thousand card adver tlalng union label firms will be distrib uted throughout the - country by ' the Textile Workers' International union. '. ' 01B0AMIII la no longer pa the team la the general belief In baaebell circles bare. Conalder able, comment baa been oauaed by the fact that two daya before tha trade which aent Kllng to the Beaton Dovee was announced, five Trolley ' Dodgers stole while he waa behind tha bat.; "'"; , : Erect First Tol. ,' ' trailed Pt4 ltfd Wlr. fan rranclaoo. June II. With appro prlata exerclaea, the flrat pole ef tha Oeary street municipal street railway eyatem will be erected at 1 a. m. to morrow at tha Prealdlo avenue eroea. log. Engineer A. M. Hunt will superin- V' Unllad Ptm LfuW 1r.l . ' ' v Venice, Cat, June. 1. The sprawling and posing of eome of the bathera at the beach here annoya City Marshal George Nettleton and today ha aaked the board of trueteee .to paaa an ordinance pro hibiting parsons from going about the streeta or lyinr on the beech clad only In .their fathlng eulta, He alao aaWed tha city to employ a muaoular police woman to .eliminate beach fUrtationa. SENATE i - U Follette Sets Off. Fireworks bv: Declarlna -Treaty Will Not' Relieve Country Froiri A. Excessive Cost of Living.. V . a tfc- ,( i RECIPROCITY ... . ...... h "Weehlnston. Jane II. The opening In tha raHnrACltr f1(ht was Sched' nltd to begin la ths senate at I 'clock V this afternoon, when separate reports ' on the bill are expected to be presented by the finance oommlttee. Chairman Penrose Is ready to pr"nt 'the majoritr report, referring the bill as oassed by the house, with. Root amendment, without recommendation. Three Minority aVeports. The minority reports were prepared h TjiKolletta. MoCurnber and Williams. ' irniictta'a resort declaree that the maasura is dlaciimlnatory In favor of tha manufacturers and ' unfair to-the v farmera, McCumber s report separately '-.-T denounces tha measure. Williams report-repreeeated the Democratic view and ' Included eppoaltton to tha Boot amendment, with approval Tot tha kill as passed by the house. ' . . - v The ' reciprocity meaaurr" was the business scheduled when the aenate met at S o'clock. Leaders predict that the debate will laat for at least a '.I" month. -. r-'."V , " in offering his separate'-report on . the reciprocity bill LaFollette served . notice that be would offer amendments which he said would reduce the cost of Uv ins over 1290,000.000 annually. ' Sin Vet KeprooenUtlvo. Referring to the reciprocity bill as passed by the house, he said: 'it -The bill represents neither the prla- ..' dole of orotectlon - nor of tariff for revenue only. The etijy principle It rep resents fairly la that of free trade, . No . relief from the excessive cost, of living will result from the exchange In tanrr reductions on. manufacturea covered U this aaraement. ' f "While Canada Is our formidable com. ' petitor la agriculture we have now such -; n overwhelming advantage that we need not fear that Canadian manufac turea will threaten our supremacy on this online. , It la not the fanner nor I tha consumer for whom these negotia tions were made. It was made for the i benefit of the railroad a, the miller, the I ! packer, tha publisher, . -. . " j- I .-- V ' Jtfmll'9f "IttrttH. -' ' i "Publishers are promised a free mar ket for print paper for which we spend $68,000,000 annually.'' '.' The report denounced the paper trust, declaring Its conditions demand action Intended to bring Immediate relief. - It adds: - The gross Injustice of the proposed bill compels me to oppose It If, how ever, It Is enacted Into law. It ahould . not pass without amendments In the ' ; Interest of the great body of consumers, .. . including farmera who are compelled to carry all the burdens ef the presi dent's lopsided pact," .'.,.' . T.s i m i in- .!, DIRECT ELECTION RESOLUTION WINS, : . WITH AMENDMENT (Continued rrom Pago One. .'. ' the resolution on the around of federal dictation of atatea rights. . .. .Democrat Swings Tote. ' The vote of a single Democrat In the senate, Clark of Axkansaa. who voted against- the other- members, of his. party and favored the Brlstow amend ment, made poaslble the tie which. Vice President Sherman's deciding vote turned into victory for the Kansan. Jlad Clark voted . with the Democrats, politicians, today point out,' the party .would have been successful In Its at tempt to put before the Republican aenate a reeolutlon which It Is belle ved would have failed to pass. , - That the Democrats sought to force tha Republicans to vote on:, tha direct ' election resolution as it came fronr-ths house, expecting it. would be defeated; thus making campaign material. Is the assertion of politicians here. ;: Wegro offrage Baal Point. The question of negro auffrage Is A p p e a 1 forcefully to" particular men,' be cause they're right Curt, brims .and Sai- Ion Split Straws, 'Sen-, nits, Mackinaws, , etc' The entire range of fashion's styles. The "Bciv&Mwiyk: .$X00 A' c Panama $5.00 Up - linTlCLOTIIING coi Leaver straws Two member of the United Stttei tion permitting the popular election of the United Btatee senatori, were paasea oy io sen,a. w m left Is Senator William E. Borah of Idaho, father of a resolution permitting the direct election of united States senator. On the right Is Senator Joseph L. Brlstow of Kansas, whose resolution fires the fed eral government supervision of such elections.; , - . , : ' ' -' the real point at Issue. The reeolutlon. aa it passed the house, specifically pro vided that tha varleua states ahould control the time, place and manner of holding elections. , The Brlstow amend ment, which waa a - aubsmuie, omita tha provision of the house and by In ference permits federal control of elec tions. The language applying oirecuy to the matter of elections Is almost Identical with that In tha clause of the constitution providing for tha election of representatives. ' It Is admitted In party circles here that the real opposition of-the Demo crats to tha Brlatow amendment waa not shown by the final vote on the reeolutlon. v , - -. gjhlft Opposition. That this . opposition, however, will not extend to killing tha reeolutlon In conference, but will be ahlfted to the state legislatures, Is aatd to be the party plan. i .; v Blnce It requires a vote or three- fourths of the state legislatures to rat ify, ahould the twelve atates of the solid south'- fall to indorse on the ground that it would mean federal in terference with the lawa governing the enfraachieement of , tha . negro, . this number In itaelf would be one more than enough to prevent the amendment from becoming effective. ? Tha resolution as amended and passed followa: "i.- - That in lieu of the first paragraph of eectttm three vt article one of the constitution ef the United States, end la lieu of ao much of paragraph two of the same section as relates to tha filling1 of vacancies, the following be proposed aa an amendment to tha constitution, which shall be valid to all IntenU and pur poaes on tha pert of the constitution when ratlf led oy the legislatures . or three fourths of the aUtes: ' Provides fot Yacanolea. "The, aenate cf tha United' Btatee ahall be eompoaed of two senators from each aUte, elected by the people thereof, for six years;, and each senator ahall have one votel The electors In each state .shall have the qualification requi site for electors of tha moat numerous branch of the state legislatures, f.. "When vacancies happen In the rep resentation of any sUte In. the aenate, the executive authority of such atate shall issue writs of election td fill such vacancies; provided,,, that the legisla ture of any state may empower the ex ecutive thereof to' make temporary ap polntmenta until the people fill the va cancies by election aa the legislature may direct.- - -.' "This amendment ahall not be so eon etrued as to affect the election or term of any senator chosen before it becomes valid as part of the conatitution.7 BORAH IS-PLEASED; . -BELIEVES STATES WILL - RATIFY RESOLUTION . 4, ; (CaltaS Prew Maaed Wire.) '' Washington June 14. Asserting his belief that the resolution for the direct election of gUnited States senators would be ratified by the aUte legislatures, Senator -Borah (Republican. Idaho); father of the resolution,, expressed his pleasure today over its passing. ' Fersonaity, ne'saia, -i wouia nave much preferred to see the direct election ef senators resolutidn adopted aa It came from the Judiciary committee, but it la exceedingly gratifying that the measure passed aa it did. - I think that If it reaches the states they will ratify it- I believe the ratification " would have been more certain if the resolu tion had been adopted in fta original form. 1 I feel, ; however, that It was a great victory and that all ought to be satisfied.": -;:". . ' .. Borah sharply opposed the Brlstow amendment, which was adopted. . Senator Brlstow, (Republican, Kan aas), father of the amendment, made the following ..statemenuK" . v j.-', -"The proBDect'ls now fine. The dl rect election of senators resolution, as the senate adopted li, I believe, is cer tain to be approved by three-fourths of the states within a year or two. It presents the simple question of whether senators ahould be elected by the peo ple, and therefore is much stronger than the original resolution, which provided a change in the constitution depriving the government of the right to control senatorial elections. If that resolution had been adopted,' it would have pre Clpltated a bitter political controversy over sectionalism' and the negro ques tion all over the country. I think the house; will adopt the resolution as It passed the senate . - AVIATOR BEGINS RISKY TRIP OVER APPENINES .-t.y...;: 1 , .fin yy yj .--.j"- wtj, " I . (Dnlted Ptom Leae-d Wire.! "- f Rome, June ltHeedlees of the dae- gera of croasipr the . Appenlnea, rthe warning of- hli friends and tha decision of other blrdmen ' to withdraw,' Aviator Fry today started n the Kome to Turin lea: of the, Parts-Turin aeroplane race. The distance is 300 miles. . A prise of 1100,00ft has been offered for the flight, and though it was tacitly agreed when the airmen reached Rome to abandon the last leg of the flight. FYey decided to- comply with the ori glnel conditions, and be certain of se curing the PCU , '..; senate whose resolutions provldlnj BRIBERY CHARGE Insurrecto Colonel Accused of , Extorting Large Sum : From Governor. CDaltad rrasj tisnd Wlra. Nogales, Mex June 11. Char gad with having accepted a bribe from fed eral officers la connection with the ex ecution of "Red" Lopes, at Ague Prleta, Colonel Garcia, In command of the In surrecto troops la the state of. Bonoro, will. It waa announced today, be tried by court martial. Colonel Garcia returned here today from HermoeUlo, where he had gone to explain - the reaaona for his arrest snd detention at Nogalee of Former Governor Redo, of the state of Blnaloa. It ' was also Intimated that Colonel Garcia extorted a large aura of money from Redo before he waa released. Colonel Cabral arrived here shortly before noon1 with lie, additional insur recto troepa. . Believing that Cabral is here 'for' the purpose of disbanding his troops. Colonel Garcia and his men, 100 strong, entrenched themselvea In the old County Jail and backed by several hundred rounds of ammunition, will re sist any attempt at dlsbandment High Prairie Grain Outlook Good. (Ha lea Rnreaa ef The Klickitat, Wash., June (Haleai Rnreaa ef The Jevrnal.) II. Manager Health and BY MRS, MAB -Edith:, No. I do not believe in "dry shampoos.' , If you were going to wash your face, would you even think, of rubbing powder on ItT When you need a shampoo ask your hairdresser for a canthrox shampoo or. ouy tne can throx at any drug store and prepare the shampoo at home by dissolving a teasnoonfu Eoonfui of canthrox in a cup or not water. . The cleansing lather of this shampoo wilt remove the excess oil ana all dirt and -dandruff fron-4he- scalp pores. Tour hair will rinse eaally and dry ry quickly. This is-the most bene ficial shampoo -1 have ever used, it Is very refreshing to an itching scalp ana makes the hair very soft, silky and so fluffy there will eeem to be rwloe as much of It ' Tou will find nothing bet ter than this ahampoo for promoting a clean, healthy condition of the hair and scalp. It Is not expensive and will not cause the hair to beoome dull and streaky like soap shampoos do. W. M Your dulL weak, expression' less eyes can be made clear, beautiful and sparkling by putting in each eye twice dally a few drops of a simple tonic made by dissolving an ounce 01 crystes in a pint of cold water. . This inaxnenalva tonlo Is very soothing and strengthening to weak, tired or; in flamed eyee. Oculists find it excellent for treating granulated nas ana eye troubles generally. Its strengthening properties make it a great aid to those who wear, glasses. . ,. ..... .,: Mrs. O. Ifli Tou may be able td re duce your weight simply by exercising and dieting, but you can easily nasten tha reduction witn the loiiowtna: Dis solve four ounces Of par not is .In one and ona-half nlnta hot water: when cold strain out the. sediment; take a- table- spoonful of the liquid before each meal and you will find it a splendid dlssolv er of fatty tissues that will not , yield to other remedies. It Is harmless. In expensive and has restored many to their former slender figures and given sure relief from the burden of being tun fat ' .11 .. 1 M. R. C: ' A good inexpensive lotioni to take away that sniny, ouy, sanow look to vour ; comnlexlon can be pre pared at small cost as follows: Dis solve four ounces of spurmax In one half-pint hot water; when cool add two teaspoonfuls glycerine and apply to th skin, rubbing gently until, dry. This will "whiten and beautify , your akin without leaving that powdered look. Tou will find this lotion far bettef than powder, aa it not'-only gives your face a fresh, youthful tint, but does, not rob off or show like powder. I find it ex cellent for preventing and removing freckles, skin, pimples and,, as a pro taction to the skin from the. sun and wind. Do not use powder on Vour face If you want your complexion to remain smootn ana iree zrom. mai muauy tuva. Martha: If you have any fears of ; mm ..-iV for an amendment to the constitu Brady of the Oak View farm of Sf0 acrea, located on the famous wheat- growing section ef High Prairie,' near Lyle. repprts crops very promising, as a criterion of the outlook, reports on a field of 111 acres In oats showed nly 10 aores not up to the standard. Tha flrat combined harvester in that section will shortly arrive on the prairie. Oak View is the largeat wheat farm-in the county, and Is owned by Frank A. Emp sey, a mining roan residing at Spokane COFFIN NAILS ARE. DELIGHT (Continued from . Page , One) ',' ' Sidney don't trade me off for, a yellow dog.'- - Calls Jfceve a eed TftTiet." f '.Attorney John I Rand, Love's attor ney, tbla morning sought - to establish the fact that Love had always acted as a dutiful husband and had provided and waa alwaya willing to provide a home. The testimony of plaintiff was to the effeet that he had alwaya given her lota ef money and Jewels. He admitted she had returned to him $7000 out of 111,000 he had deposited to her credit in the Fifth Avenue bank at New York. Concerning the reaaona why he want ed bis wife to leave England, Love said: 'The reaeon was that I had lost my money and had to go to work." . On crest-examination, Mr. Tuaka sought to prove that Love had been In New Tbrk n hie return from England and had voted there. The witness de- fnied this, saying that he landed from the steamer Leutschland at. Hobokon, N. J, and had gone direct te Chicago via Philadelphia, .leaving Chicago for the west a few days later. The hearing was adjourned at noon until 1p.m. ; , . vr : Cobs Think K2injr Going; Back. r Chicago. June 11. That Johny Kllng, Beauty Notes MARTTN becoming bald, now la the time to save your nair. tjy re tunc one-nair pint al cohol and one ounce qulnsoin at your druggist's and mixing with ona-half pint cold water you will have the finest remedy imaginable for dandruff and falling, lifeless hair. Bub this ton! Into the scalp twice a week and yoi will soon sea a -wonderful Improvement in your nair. it win taae on a neaun color and become glossy- and abundani This tonlo Is not sticky and will In stantly relieve scalp Itching. I know of many hairdressers who use this tonle exclusively and with fine results. It is equally good for' both light and dark hair. , ' ' Mrs. C K.! For . that - tired., wornout reeling you need a good tonlo to duiii up your strength,- energy and appetite, and remove from your blood those Im purities, which cause pimples, sallow- neas and otner sun trouDies.- xou can prepare at home an Inexpensive,' bene ficial tonlo as follows: Dissolve one- half cup sugar and one xunce kardene In one-half pint, alcohol, then add hot water to make ariuu quart, xaxe a tab leepoonful before each meal. I .cannot recommend, this tonlo too highly as a reliable spring medicine, It will give you new life and ambition and turn your pimply, . sallow complexion into a new, fresh one. For stimulating the organs of the body to - normal action you will find this simple, old-fashioned tonlo Just grand., -t - MrsrN. GtEven 'at your" ire of 4 there can be no good -excuse for your complexion not looking lust as smooth, fresh and plump aa it did IS years ago. I want you te try a cream-Jelly that I have found very fine for clearing up a dark, rough, wrinkled skin. You can make it yourself by dissolving an ounce of almosoin In one-half pint eold water; then add two teaspoonfuls glycerine, stir and let stand . over night before using, Jfpply this to your face and you will soon rind mose large airc-coueci- lng pores smaller, your blackheads and -inkles srone ana . your -complexion . smooth and clear. As a skin beautlfleri I have never seen ns equal ana l know you will like it, , ... t, . Betty; - 'A simple paste made with 1 powdered : delatone and -water will rid t your face ot those unsightly hairs. Get an ounce of delatone from tha druggist and with a little water mix some to form a paste, then spread. on hairy sur face and after remaining two or. three mlnntea . rub off - and " wash the akin. Delatone costs dollar aa ounce, but It dfles'-the-woki-.euleklr... 4 IMay: Faded 'blonde hair can be re stored to Us former gloss and brilliancy if you shampoo with canthrox. . rinse and dry, and then wash with marlax tea, rinse again ana ory. xou wui nna marlax . autte harmless, but. It soon changes streaky, faded blonde hair to Its former rich shade and softness. . A Small . Bofs;fi!&cidef m VliSU SBtaa - vvf tm aaM.v waaw arm splash of mud does not ' Improve the looks of a suit, but we can soon take away all signs of the damage done. Anyhow, lfwlll pay you to have your suit cleaned and pressed occasionally. It Improves their appearance and. gives them that tailor-shop appearanoe they had when Tim delivered, to, you. r ViennialSteam Gleaning Kan .Orders Receive Prompt Attention. f H rkenes Slala 16, A-S4SO.-, gae-SSS Third Bt, Portland, Or. , .-1; ;'v 1 I 1 . , . t a'sii''.-'; ,' w "'; . Which way Is Ppirtland trow- Inf? Is it folnr north; sooth, ' east or west? It you .wiU study : the growth of cities, yon will find that the hamlet begins at,; a point and grows to a small . , extent in the form of star. then the star turns Into a circle and the dry swings in the most eligible, convenient direction. 1 Portland is beautifully and mag nificently situated and like the '' mtjority of cities, cannot grow " in four directions. To the west t are hills which make building -Impracticable. To V . the nort h f and south the same hills almost ' touch the .river which has , re- : tarded for years and in fact for , time to come Portland's growth : north or south.' To the east is . V a beautiful plateau as smooth as a table gradually sloping to ! the Willamette and Columbia rivers affording perfect drain- are. good elevation -and the , most natural way for Portland to grow. . A city in its growth follows the course of least re sistance. ' One has only to stand on the Yeon building, to see the Phone Marshall 410 '; 1 rousers. Owing to the backward season. I am overstbt&eo stock and I am soins to ive you more for your, money L by any tailor. ; ! will build terns you may select, worth f I ; 125 Fifth Street ;iii 1 J m. 1 m P m m ml sTsat Washington. ; Oyea a'ra. tOPEN '' ' v.'' '' V ' mm mm - ore .' noticeable demonstration V of t Portland forging ahead sait of,- 1 1 the WUhunette river. ' The east , i eide ss one rides through it pf-f ; V gents an appearance econd t5'; ' none and equalled by very few v residential districts on the Pa " dfic coast or even in the United .States. People make real estate ' values. People arejsclectlng the east side as a place to live be--' - cause .the streets are' straight, .. - wide, level and improved. The ' 4 ' land K Is : fertile; . the : location ; healthy and conveniences, stich as -; ' water, sewer, gss, electricity and '' i telephones installed. The trans- . portarion is tnore than satiifac- .' . tory . to : every resident because ; each section is tapped by double . . track line and the cars are op- to-cate in every respect. V In se lecting a real estate Investment; buy where the people are going, '., but buy before they get there. There Is no money to, be made -tn purchasingproperty after it ' ia built up, occupiedjuid made..;;. Buy, in , -the rough trtjprove ' your own and wait for others to improve around , you-then selL ' Buy the fringe and do hot get too impatient. Buy before ; V railroads are in operationnot after. Buy before) ; imp rove ments art in. Oregon Heights . ' fronts East Thirty-third street. only five blocks walk to the present terminus of the Alberta r v . suit to your' measure front rrom 530.00 1o S50.0Uf tor wmm. t --,.'4 !; '5',,'t -. Union Label iilEverv Garment l wui iubkc me exin irouscre your vm or j rrom any; ?cauuuj pBy ;or lancy suipea Z trousers pattern 'you may; selectWITiisI assortment in-' eludes 'Banhockbum Niggerhead Chetiotsr you cait less than:$5000, together with and brown1!,' English : Worsteds States Government lest Blue Serges.? I have spared no money in securing the best tailors this' country affords, ; and I will see to it enonally unlesayour stut is more than TAILOR EVENINGS '-'Z' mZ TT TT. kits ' earline.' Every' lot In the tract-' s; ;s high and dry winter and sum-,s- mer, and the entire 'tract com-' :'; mands a' magnificent view of the " mountains and the ' Columbia : river. ; The district around Ore- s. V gon Heights during ihe last few , " , , years has increased 500 per cent , In population and 1000 per cent Vi Via valuei: Oregon Heights is , . certain within , the V next few V years to have the same exper- ; lence. ' Improvements such as - ; .. rradinc the streets, concrete . walks and curbs will he put in ; : ; at oncej In fact the resolutions V have already been approved so ;there will be no delay. ' Do not ' wait until next year to 1 select your 'lots because every year ; . that yoU postpone this duty the' . higher the value , is when you wish to buy. , Oregon Heights' l is in the dty limits of Portland " and in the path of Portland's fu ture growth. Every lot is SO feet wide and 100 feet in depth. .The streets are 60 feet in width -and. as straight as a string, v- Grammar school,' butcher shop,. . grocery and other conveniences within 10 minutes' walk. Lots , in Oregon Heights will be sold ' for twice the price they are now offered within two . years. I ' want you to see Oregoa Heights st my expense. Toe terms are , $10.00 down and $10.00 - per , month. ' Take advantage of this - ODoortunitv before it is too" late, ."i Ring me up on the phone, Mar- v ahall 410 and make an apooint- ' ment when and where I can call , ' . r 1 a . ' : xor you ana your inena in our motor. car to see Oregon Heights; you will be under no obligation to buy. Marshall '410. : . Yeon . : . Building. ; . 1,-. - ;.. ' : . - than was ever before riven any Spring or Summer pal- only '-(' irum iic some maienai as buy in any tailor shop for ;' all the late shades of tans and the famous United - that you' will not leave here satufactory in every detail 125 Fifth Street Year Washington. Opea Xve'ga.' - -A