The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 13, 1911, Page 17, Image 17

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Fcnx bale norscs
roil B ALE LOTS ,
IDn BAUt FAlCitS 11 1 . EXUIANGr ItEAI, tHTATE 21 1 , ROOMINQ H0U8t3 roll BAtS CI
A modarn room houee, Dutch kitch
en, panel dining room. . eet-ln chin
clom-t. tinted walls tii parlor, larg re
ception hall downstairs and upetalra,
alao I bedroom ell with closets, wall
snd ceilings tinted different combina
tion, braae slectrle and gas natures,
special flxtura for electric Iron, full ce
ment basement cement floor, double
uh trays and wood lift, furniture at
a bargain with house, larse auto garage,
cement foundation, and floor, with mud
Iran and drain, lane enoush-for truck
auto could be ised for barn, work hop
Or email factory, lot 80x100, cement
walka, new lawn, roue tree, roue
bushes, telephone Installed, Only ID foot
from block wltn drug store, grocery,
butcher, shop, hardware, barber shop,
ahoe repair ahop, bakery and Ice cream
narlor. doctor's office and dentist's of-
rice, fine neighborhood, nearly all new
bungalow dlatrlct, high and dry. food
echool, no poley railroad In hearing, one
block to W-R carllne, paved etreet con
recta with all parts of city; location
1075 Division atj no sgentsi to eorn
mlaalon: worth 14210 If sold this
month only 3B50; pan terms. ura.
Myers. Phone Tabor 1119. '
acre lot
on time:
atreeta; water under pres-
area; cjtiver-'nt to car;
East aide. . A-llll. ,
" OEIiVfAN'lJ UW pniciiD Ldxfl.
. I on K. Und, fill each. . .
I Railway addition, 1160 each. . .
I Railway addition, 1200 each. ' .
8 Flrlsnd, triangular ahepe. f 3TS each
110 down.' IS monthly, takea any of
thee. Fre4 W. German, til Burnslds.
M. or A-27T4, .'"
..V. : ' .-"v.
"Modern l-roon bungalow, .close
.'In, Sunnyslde district; 'paved
atreeta, aewers everything in and
paid for.' No atreet Improvements
added to thla price. Everything .
V In. Full purcliaaa price, 12880
1100 caah. balanca eaay monthly
ftaymenta. Do not hesitate lo
onk thla up. If you tre looking ,
" . ' for something where the price la
bright Thla bungalow waa built
' . ahntit una veer a no bv the Owner.
" Mis reaaon for selling la that n
is leaving tne city
BT OWNER Fine 110x100 'wruir, In
Woodstock, cloae to car; built updls
trtct, cloae to Reed Institute and East
tnoreland; haa II frull trees, 10 atraw.
berrlea now bearlna. Price 1 1100: half
caah, balance easy. aX-705, Journal.
A real bargain In ale acrea of
fin land, practically cleared, laya
level and cloae to fine road and
w Is near kit. Scott carllne. Only a
. ahort dlatance from Or ay' a cross-
Ing. Other land In Immerlate vl- . '
. clnlty held at aeveral hundred,,;
dollars per a era more than thla
, tan be had for. Will cut Into , '
' half acrea or lota to good ad van- v
; tage. Thla piece of land can be ,,,
" had If aold vary Boon at the low
: prica of , - f '
Oet full Dertlonlars from
W. A. BARN KB. , ' "
II7H Qak at. Telephone Main 1T41.
c-.. ' -'. . ' f t' ' '
'406 Acres. $25 PervAcra'
All 1
til ACRES land en Corvallla Eaatem
railway at Naahvlile, Or., atetlon at
Place. ' ao acrea under cultivation. I
acrea orchard, balanoe of acrea In
crop, balanoe of land In peat u re, 100
acrea timber, balanca all
4 room
- R, H, Goodkind Co,
. ' 402-4 Hoard "f Trade bldg.
9 Rooms, Trade for Lot
Nicely furnlehed I room bouea, near
eveL In hlrh elate of cultivation.
deep, rloh, mellow loam, and the vary
We after In thla 441 acre farm, an
f tha bet buy a In Oregon. It la lo
cated iuet R0 mtlee aouth of Portlaad.
Thero are 401 acrea, 19 aoraa .ln euW
t iivanoa ana in crop,
timber and aaeellent
trent r1, n hi m
coat, and being well watered. It la one ail outhouaea. Fine well water, tarn
ef the beat Jairy, grain and atook . J'T orchard, bearing. Thla placa la well
(low I barrowa, one dlao, I cultivator,
drill. 1 roller, hack, road cart and
crop, balance eoetttrlng"it. ndbt7 J1A7. ! aevermf other amall tooa; prica 110,
eelUnt paatura.- Kntlre ',ft?'ed$1 n X?twff . will eonalder trad on
leered at a vary email i-room bouaa, new barn 10x14, ln0 k v 7 ,
located, only S in Ilea from Oregon City.
on macadam road, eloaa to good neigh-I
oora, , acnooL and ritnm leaa than one-
ranohea In th etate. There are I dweU
ring boueea, one very fine two etorf
frame kiuu at 1 mimi .iThni 1
fine frame barna, and lota of outbuild-1 half mile of a Dow electrlo Una, now
Inge.- Jood orchard, good aprlng at tha under eonatructlon, which will alraoat
liouae, Jue 100 yard from good double the preeent value of the lend,
echool, telephone , in . the . houae.) My friend, her la a chanoe to get a
Thla elegant farm . la '. one of tho fin home at a reasonable prica and eaay
prettieet porta 1 the valley, Tho term a, ae wo don't need tha money, and
Ill Lewie bldg.
fuel right for
th lata of per
tb CASH and 111 par month buya a
lot ti root rrontago -on o. n. m i..
within 100 feet of Mt Hood power plant,
IM blocka from Union ave. Your profit I
will oo me quick. Price 1100. I
' ' s . I47H Oak at. r '
. r ;
leaving tho city. - r fc
;.T. A. Sutherland - r' .
, V - - - ,.'
iACRE lot l013i: -1100;
eaay terrne; atroatat wat-
er piped to front of lot;
" near car: oaat of elty 11m-
Ita.. Main 1400.; ..
1014 Hawthorne ave.
Phono Tabor iojt.
V -, ' "v - . yV'
$10 Down, $10 Per Month
Fine e.vlew lot matured fruit treea
reetrlctfd dlatrlct near car, cement
wamllraa D i 1 1 Dim arel lea 4faa4 aa r"t
Jiy nna t room, nouoa. piaaurea ana free or charge . jqi Board. oi iraae
tinted, bath and two toi lata, gaa in, ce--d,t
rnant wall baaornont, with mJ" jll CAfill and II jr month buya a, lot
10x100 feeU jreajaal tonough bov location. Buy now and reap tha
VdXi .n:.:.r7nVnd xonnoTu nltiiT' ' B7 B0W. P
A .!llJ,Ktl.ulXL'A'y BRONO-iTEELB CO,
furnlehed. will aril for 1170. and give
very good terma. Fee my agents Imme
diately, aa muat ecll at ence .
Chittenden i NeiM , . .
110 Oak at
OR SALK e room modern cottage on
Fenlnaula, overlooking river, 'P
Ing porch, Dutch -kltohtn, plata railing,
whlto tiled bath and Tcitchen, cement
IVbaaement and walka, laundry traya.
lot -10x100, beautiful anaaa ana wn,
rice garden of all klnda. Baa thla at
onca. I am leaving tho city. Every
thing goee for 12100. -Take Bt. Johna
car. get off at Jeeaup at llir Gref ley,
M1U nlr mt
100x100. near carllne; aome etreet lm
provamenia paid; .will" sacrifice; only
13169, terma. r
Room I, Ltimbormeno Bldg.
$50 Ddwny $10 per Month
' Alberta atreet section. Big enap.
E. 17th and Alberta Bta.
kto Lots'
On Weat Stark and Sid ata rarlKa
bulldlno-: beet bur In the city. Emntre
Raaltv A .Tmil f"rA Vrhll 114. 4fl-
rlght on carnna.ynone yvoooiawn i yeon aidg.
$600 Cash Takes Thli"
Modern bungalow, plaatered. tint
Will Mil tr taHA It takM mt MM
"i i termer eniennm nrrounmnret- mean.
beamed -celling, paneled dining room, l c U BAMBEROKR. Marahall 71 J.
window ahaaea. narnt Tixiuree, porcetaiu i MOotn z. lAimnermena Bids-.
bath, patent toilet,- He!!!?Sr tO'100 LoT, 1 block to Mt Tabor car
nni w.1.!, i, ... . . lino, street neing improved. 1100.
roeeav cloae In, 1 block to car 7 mln- 0wnf.r notli Belmont street.
u tea service' west of Mt Tabor; bal-1 i.t.ur iIvl,.; , -i ' i i
nco 11100, payablo 111 Pr montn. K .aho Donami ioie, cioeo in.
J fJ. Oordnn. 7 Oak at. room 827.
MU6T aell a eacrlflce. 1 room modern
houae, I bedrooms, large eloeata, bath,
sleeping porch on second floor urgs
front porch, recentlon hall, parlor, din
ing, room and Dutch kitchen, cement
basement laundry traya. near pubUo
uhAAl and i-Jefleraon hlh school. 1
block from ear, 26 minutes from city;
easy terms. G-T09, Journal.
Wo handle larre tracts of land and
subdivide them .and ONE SATISFIED
price 12100. 8ee mis at onoe. room r"'i"A' " !T. """"'jri .
roodlawn ,15.
Ing of tha middle-man profit Is TOUR
profit Acreage 40 par aero up, easy
fKfin Ttawn; fl Month '
K''IjBMt"bny lnlpotUrfdB cmrUr"' .B,M PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO,
405 Couch bldg.
Sea owner. IS 10th, near Startt.
Living Spring
or Is nice theSo da
Of oool water Is nice these days. ' We
-? 1 saiwA aa asmaII vW tkla m. M ....a.
.V "V"""TJ...,.,i -j.-"kV ?. m orea or una Doavoraam
nd modern, built by day labor, only
I2SI0; little down, balance in iu years,
Crwner.1020 Teon bldg. A snap.
- ; ; :ln Citv Limits .
One acre planted to r strawberriss.
land la slightly rufildg.
drainage.. The Srtce .wit
aonat property a only tit per sere. H
caah, balance $ par eent Bur this tract
I and double your money. , ,
- 37 Acres for. Trade, -v
This Is an exceptionally cheloe IT
aerea; Ilea right along the Salem aleo
I tno ear .line ana oloso to etatien. It
la all In high staU of ooltlvatlon. Ilea
perfectly, no rook or gravaL. . Cboloeat
f looea mellow loam - sad perfectly
drained. . Good I room bouaa. barn and
i emioiuiiunge. riioe oronara. 4 uac m
mue to station, we nave aovwr exam
ined a nloer tract than this one. About
10 minutes from eltr llmlte. Prloa for
thla elegant tract U only ITI00. Wilt
exchange this tract, for Portland Frov
Will Trade This Choice 60
This 10 aero farm la Inst I miles
from the city limits of Portland, llfc
miles from station on O. W. F. ear line,
and Is decidedly one of tha fcandaomeet
ana 1 peat tracts we nave ever imi,
steadily In value.
, If rou are in the market for a nice
1 to I acre tract lust at tha gateway
to the eltr of Portland do not fail to
look over-Webater Acres.
Ill-Ill Corbett bldg.. Portland, Or.
.V- suburban homes . '.
1 to Acre traeta liiat outalde nltv
limits. Opening prices 1150 to S60 per
acre; terras 10 per cent caah. balance
very easy monthly payments.
. Just so sureuia Portland arrows and
. . . . . . ... .. ..til V wm i
arow it muiMuic ao a lire win maae i n-v..u , w,-w
2"Wrf l,ma,U crt lroU taerM iuti of Vltlvation;
Tne entire tract lies perfectly, ana we
challenge any one to show better aell
than thla. Good room honae plastered,
large barn, and .ntballdlngs. Flics
I1I.0M. Would trade for city arop
rty. ' I ' . ' :
21 Acre Onion- Ranch.
Do yon want to raise en lone T -If so.
here Is the tract for you. There, are 11
acres In the traot; T seres gsnulns
beaverdam planted to onions; all of tho
place in cultivation, oxeect I acres. The
traot Ilea perfectly, chofos spring and
One acre of nice fir crova. Oood I
' room house, I nlon houeea and good
barn. Nice family orchard. U mUe to
station. Thla la tha ehoaseot proposi
tion . In an onion ranch that we nave
over . aeen. two crops ef onions will
pay 'for tho place. Prloo only MOOs.
$13 Per Acre,
111 sores. 10 sores in cultivation.. 100
acres splendid land, balanoe rough. Soma
gooa umoer. tsuiicunge poor, splendid
spring. Right 'at echool About 101
miles south of Portland. Prloa only
MB per acre.
. 160 Acres $2600,
This -Is a choice farm homo. There
srs i acres; 11 acrea in orop, II acres
praotlcally cleared, I mill 1 on foot good
fir timber, I nice streams of water.
Oood spring at houso. Oood I room rus
tic house, small barn and outbuildlnaa.
There are 100 bearing fruit treea of
all varieties. Lots of grapes, berries
and flowera. Thla Is a snap. Prica
snly 11440; cash, balance I years.
I per eent Interest
Do You Want a Farm?
Ws mass a specialty of farm tends
and oan give you any siso traot you
want Ws have tbo oholoeot list In tha
city and will bo pleased to go care
fully over our sntlro list with you and
will lend you what assistance ws can
to help you get Just the place you want
Ws ir Ire you tho owner's prioo In every
Instance, and novo vary from - that
policy, we at Dot open our omee on
. 41 ACRE .Iota left at
vAmon'a Acres I sold Sat
urday. That's tha way they
aro going. WhyT" Because
thoy aro tho best aero lota
for tha money anywhere
about Portland; -graded
streets and water under
pressure; I860 and 1100 on
easy term: all of tho 140.
. acre addition lies between
Portland's and 7-mlle cir
cles; near electrlo car. How
ard B. Amon Co.. I2M2I
Toon bldg. A-Ult
all . wo ask of tho purchaser It to keep
up tne piace ana in tares t at per eent.
and we -will give' him four years' time
to pay out
If you aro In tho market for a place
of this kind, don't fall to aee thla one,
as ther aro not advsrtlsed every day
at IKOI and the tsrma wo aro aaklng
you. All we ask of you (a to come
and lot us prove what wo advertise ars
sona rscis.
End Of Suspension bridge, Oregon City,
house, S barns, all fenced,. S springs and I Oregon, hotel,, good clao hou, every
water piped In houae. creek running I thing rented, will aell for 4o0, lake
the Place; ,lo neaa goals, s caan nn a lot as mgn as iuug.
i aaaume oirrxrence nr lioo on int.
horeee. I wagons. I plows. 1 sulkoy I IKkjMS ELEGANTLY Ft-'KNlSIIEn.
j nia la bdoui ma oeai amen nouae e
have aver hau on our Hat: very flneat
weat aide location; rent ltd, we ran ar
range to give you a 0 room flat In con
nection with thla place tinfurnlahod,
which would give you 11 rooms elto-
R ether, I furnished and I wnfurniehed,
era is a chance to work In your furni
ture. - .
Fine Weet aids location, furnnco heat.
rent 4I, furniture very good and nice
ciean nouae;, prtco only iuo;, io surs.
and seo this. - - .
Ixvnted nesr Portland hotel, well fur
ftlahed; rent Its, I year less, I110O
caah, balance eaay nnvments.
4 rooms. Very fine.
-Finest west Bids location, very best of
fursiture, 1V year lesao on houae, clcara
1110 a month, price 12100. terma. Yon
Will like thla, be aure and aeo It.
II rooma located on a fins downtown
cprijr, rial anir aiav'wjm e yeer
leaae yet to run and . can Ds renewed.
-. t
of good soli, right on railroad In
t Washington eounty, thi miles
from Buxton, - on good county
, , road. About II acrea undsr cul
tivation and more eaaily cleared.
Oood shot soli, well and aprlng
water. Small houae, barn, smoke
house, fruit drier and other out- '
. bulldlnga. Family orchard and
small fruit About 1.000,000 feet '
of green timber which can be
eaaily marketed as the railroad
runa through-this land, and thla
timber would practically pay for
the land. A snap at 12100; flOOO
III Lumber Exchange.
'J , ' '.? To Exchange
; Farms for city property. '
City-property for farms. '
. Houses and farma for sale." .
., Hunter Realty Co, ,
LII-I Board of Trade.,
, larshall 1777.
f A-II07, '
acres, all aet to I-year-oid
trees, trsds for automobile.
11600 each, two 40 acre tracts near
Kiamatn Falla, for automobile. On
equity in houee and lot.
114.000 OJcar. 410 acres Gilliam Co., I owner will guarantee thla house wilt
highly Improved and In crop. 1! mile clear J00 a month, the furniture and
pieiion; win iraae an or pan lor carpet a are very good. aJi iron beda, no
city. Property. ' - . houaekeeplng rooms In thla houas and
14000 block Vancouver business the price la only 14100, terms I260O
section; want acreage or houae and lot, caah. these are ths kind of bouses every
14009 Fine I room modern home; one la looking for.
want 10 to 40 acres Improved. t - MODERN APARTMENT HOUSES.- v
12000 Cleer, 7 room modern now LOOK I NO CASH REQUIRED. '
bungalow) want Improved acreage. 10 rooms, finest west elds location.
Shoemaker Investment Co. SK iTt!sr cSnsi
Main itt. 121 Henry bldg. month, fine now brick building, a team
AN I PART OF 600 ACRES at 160 acre; i'ViP "very apartment, pn
an ansoiuts snsp; only I mtlee from
Eugene, near four railways; good wood.
water ana aome buildings.' Fins lor a
dairy-and Joins one of the beat known
orchsrde In Oregon.' Only one way to
know what this la see It Til pay your
sxpenses. Simply must sell and will
take any honeet orrer that la backed up
by a couple thousand dollars, or wlU
200 Acres
$45-Per Acre
S00 sores. 71 acrea cleared and In
crop. 1,000,000 ft saw timber. S saw
mills on place. 2 sets bid re, II head
cattle. 11 sheep, 40 hogs, 100 chickens,
AU farming machinery. R. R. through
piaoe. in lamnui county, win take h
exchange. Owner, Mr. Casey. 424 Lum
bormone bldg. Phone Main 261.
II acres, nart cleared lna in arhnl
and atatlon and the C. A E. R. R, good
new I room house, fslr outbuildings,
fins spring wster plpsd to premises,
healthy young family orchard and all
klnda of amall fsuita, about 1.000,000
fset of merchantable timber on place,
team. I cows, chickens and farming
tools, sell or exchango for city prop
erty. Look thia up. 401 Lumber Ex-
veto but lis in every apartment, year
leaae: If von have city lota or houeea and
lota to ths value of 13100, we can aell
you thla fine place and no cash re
Sulred: see It quick; H won't last -long,
- Fine weat aide location on a corner,
very finest of furniture, every apart
ment furnlehed and all rented, rent
tun. witn'e year ireae. inia nouae
clears 1160 a month. If you have I200O
caah( owner will give you I years to
pay thp balance In.
32 Rooms
All housekeeping brick . building. I
years' leaae, cleara 1160 per month, will
take small rooming house at first pay- -
is em; no casn requirea.
. 16: Rooms
10 acres In Crook county, three miles
from R. R. station: 10 acrea in eultlva-
rpWknrrtt Wi ill sS !" "s In wheat balance In po-
acre. tatoee ana garden truck: 6 room house. 1 Corner building, sll on ne floor. 4
P""1 Dam. putouiiaings; span or vcars" lease, rent 176: a money maker;
v-w n , mv wpiv,ii uu u Bnuii9vii puie vnu in poeaeBBion
Light housekeeping, rent 10, 2 yesrs'
leaae, good furniture and clean house,
1400 rtqulred.
25 Rooms
10 Acres
. $50 Per 'Acre
Ten dollars down, five dollars
per month, I per eent Land lays
. level and plenty, of good aprlng
i water, II mllea from Portland,
., 1 H miles from railroad. This It
the vsry best garden er fruit
lend. Bee this at ones if 'you
wsnt a snsp; must sell. -'
Call 140 Chamber of Commtroe
.-- Bldg.
Phone Main 7117. -
J. M, Kerr & Co.'
Suite 111 Henry bldg.
38 Acres of Best Land
10 mllea weat of city, half In, crop,
I room houae, aprlng water, horse, wag
on, buggy, ohlckena. I cows, all for lilt
an sere, worth 1100. - -
- I71V Morrison St
Implements. Only 180 per acre. Will
exchange for houae and lot In Portland
or acreage Improved or -unimproved on
car line near rltr. If thla Interests you
address me, D-610, Journal.
corner tn ana ons: tit, 1
111 Henrv bldg.
The Oreronlan ef May 11 haa the
following from Mra. C L. Diok of
Here Is a Dandy
17 rooma, hot and eold -water In all
tho rooma, elegant furniture, big money
maker, good lease, corner location, beet .
west aide atreet Wanta nice farm,
from 10 to 40 acrea. .
Swell Rooming House - -
There are II rooms, I baths, most ele-
a-ttlttlV flimlahA rmm In mwmmi -t..
(6H acrea. All In cultivation; new g I alweye fuU of the best class of room
room house, barn and outbuildings. I ' never oeen on me market before;
Toung family orchard, all fenced and Is Vrs' lease. If you want something
1100 EQUITY In 60x111 lot en
macadam atreet; Ideal for small
manufacturing business; double
frontage trackage. Will exchange
for moat anything of value. -171,
. ..
14 Acres
on It til highly lmt
beautiful lo-
cation, and best of deep mellow toll,
close to Portend and handv to electrin
station, school, church, ate.- Prloe only
IJ76 per acre, easy terma. , -WILLAMETTE
104 Yeon bldg.
rasnberriea and notstoes. 'all fenced.
room nsw modern house, $2100; terms. phone MsrsTisll 2436
114 Commercial block. ' - . 1 " 1 ." 11,1 ' '. ' " ,
ROOM coUage, all newly refinlshed, ' - . HAVE TOTJ $1107 .
, . tinted, painted, wlrecT for -Jlfhta; mod- y
ern plumbing: 10x100 lolrchlcken 1100 will put you In possession ef I
bouse; 'Bull Run water; cement walk, acrea of cleared land all in rop, of
iiYDu;.Dy ntn, ii) per montn, vwiici, i wnicn you wiu get one-tnira; tajte aa
11 lipwls bldg. I vantage of our offer and buy now. It
MUST SELL, i " I means cash to you. Cloae In acreage
' Most beautiful yard In Sunnyslde; all If" P' crt up; m lermt i m'
klnda of flowers and soms fruit trees; I PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO.
room cottage: improvements an in.
tfKKO. Until ilann. 971 R. UariHaon
St. -. '. I FOR SALE 60 acrea of fine, riclu black
FOR SALE by owner, 7 room bungalow, I garaen aoii, au in mgn atate 01 cui-
ceiling, ftrep'laoe, bookoaaea, ali double truck; family orchard of "sorted fruita,
14 acrea. all In hls-h state ef miltlvm.
tlon: all fenced ana eroaa fanned, fair I
house, good well, family orchard of ss-
sortoa iruit, plenty o perries ana small
fruit Jots of grapes. This is the vsry
best of soil and has just snough slope to
give good drainage. 'This would make
an Ideal place for chickens or orchard.
Can produce anything. This was In pc-
laioea iaai year ana prooucea ign sacKS
per acre. On main county road. R. F. D.
and telephone; l mile from carllne. This
la a bargain, and you will say so when
you see It; price ISOOO.'tlOOO csslv
oi-tp-zt wauway axenangs.
Ill .North Ith st, corner Ith and OU
' sen. Main 4111. A-7III.
plenty of running water all the- year
round;' can be Irrigated; fine buildings
of all kinds, all kinds o farm irapie
menta too numerous to be mentioued
here; mllea from Portland; price
1260 an acre. Anclv Rose Cltv In-
rxr.ri t 7i.r -ir ; v .tk.: i vestment uo. n tit
'constructed: have good reaaon for sell
.Ing. Price $4200; with, terms. - J-711,
Journal. ; '
JREAT buy for 14600 60x100 , corner,
4 2d and Hswth.rne. business corner
with good bungalow fenting for 122.60
terms, i u
mens bldg.
lenry bldg, . Main
$1650 $100 Down
-Bungalow, new ana modern, run ce
ment basement ' wired, piped for fur
nace. lot 60x100. 814 -commercial block.
belanes;7-per cent. Urns to suit: lot
Waterfront Acreage
10 acres, rtsht st bost landlnar. XL
mile to depot. It seres under cultiva
tion, balance second growth,- easily
ciearea. s acrea tne rmest peach land in
the valley, balance slightly rolling and
excellent for apples, pears and sll kinds
of small fruits, right In organised fruit
district quick service to Portland mar
kets, for- Immediate saler price" 1160 per
ere, e ensn. wee Mr, uarr. si Btn at.
H ACRE, beautifully cleared. lovely
garden growing' 4 room house: 10
minutes' sar ride from pos toff Ice; close
to stores, cnurcnes, scnooi, etc. ' It S
worth"-1600, but yrtu get it for 11000;
terms. John B. Ooddsrd, 606 Yeon bldg.
IWI3 have 1 acrea covered with grapes
II miles from Portland, near
Lewie . river In Clarke county,
Wash.,1 on main eounty road, ft
mile from boat landing and - 1 '
miles from RldgefleldT Vsry
fins black toll, none better. 46
sores under cultivation and In
crop, 6 acres pasture and tim
ber. Good 4 room house, plas
tered and papered. Barn and oth
er outbuildings. About 1 acre of
orchard, sssorted. Price 17000 or
18000, with stock and implementa;
16000 cash. Might consider some
city property In exchange.
'yr unwi pruuw rltlon. 1 mllea fmm TnrlmA 1.
better uian tnsy had ever been berore 1 0nen eountrv Prtni tskoo Wm tVmAi
and they will go oonalderably higher. fJ? he. oTsame va!u.0
We . till havs two of thoee fine prune CfAYS.ALTT COMPANY.
farms In Yamhill county one eontalne , ,rtauway exenange.
47 aorss. I mllea north of Yamhill, one 10 ACRES Fruit. . berry and chioken
mile from 'Flag station, 26 acrea bearing land, near Vancouver, ' 6 minutes
fruit trees, well loaded at thla time, walk to electrlo atatlon! amull honu
7 acres In ' other cropa, 16 acrea In I Owner will accept unimproved acreage
pi.ur mna iiinuor. i ami it orcnara I or cut nroDertv I or limn. f. l. Mam.
ana svij xmaa oi smau rruna. cooaioerser. Msrsnall 711. Room x.
Chittenden Neill
110 Oak st
nmanA Amm n. .kl. C u V A . .
good bam, one cow, 1 brood sows and
chickens. TPrloe ?600, terms.
When you aee it yon will. say It
It worth $10,000.
McGowan & Pennington
Room a Healy bldg.. Grand avenue and
meet morrison su, pnone East -111
121 Lumber Exchange.
ANY PART OF 600 ACRiSS at 160 acre:
an UDsoiuts snap; omy i must from I buy right
Eugens, near four railways; good wood,
water and tome buildings. Fine for a
dairy and Joins one of the best known
orchards In Oregon,' Only one way to
know what this Is see. It Til par your
ia win
expenses. Simply -must sell an?
value tor ilioo Rft Uiw;atisWf V investment at 12800; 11200 cash
Mt, Hood District
Half cleared, all In crop this year: S
J. E. Nichols Co., Ill Yeon I seres young orchard and one acre bear
ing; line tocauvn, ruuKii mnu, uwi
water, close to church and echool ; good
new house ana earn; a nne nome ana
and all other small frtilt. on eleefHi
line, TOc fare from city, that you-can
BEAUTIFUL acre tract; runnin
iberser. Marshall 711.
bertnene bldg.
I HAVE 6 acres on Estacada carllne
that la all good toll snd stumped; II
will sell or exchsnge this for anything I
iu wuere 4 can looa: alter same.
What have you of value? I will add
some cash If necessary. Call 111 Yeon
Ping. 1
110 aoros of fins apols land: 10 mil lJjL,?r .?. .mclmo"7 lB orchard;,
.?IT.m,.l:7V;nKaj U.tK'lti Vli trtociV iTSr and' only M 'mlnTtta
to exchange for Ore-
ortland property; - CL
FOR SALE OR TBihn "" "
Large I passenger White steamer,
RICH "RED SHOT" orchard erfl 1..-. guaranteea 10 oe'in nrst. class oondl-
ant climate and beautiful eceneiy. K,n' Vjo'L" clu t7rl H-rW iJ
can all be found In Chehalem Valley 1 11 ' r rial at li N'
- v .... , 3,1 ...... v . v,.m.iiu, nsj i rriTll. 1 1 1
Call or write Eager V Watson, 110 Lewis I BEAUTIFUL HM scrs highly Improved
taw. i larm, located i miles rrom van-
wlcouver. Waah.. and 100 yards to lectrl
UU3UXlAXn9 47 station; gooa nuuaings; to exchange
II rooms, H-JO, rsd for smaller one,
14 rooms, - worth t00, today -1660,
10 rooms, 11100, part trade, leaae.
10 rooma trade, grocery store, 6 yeart
lease. . . - -
Berreys Realty Co.. 241 4th tt Msr-
-471 .
Shall 2818, A
bstter Isnd to be had In the northweat VaneiSver ws t
Price 40 an acre. Owner would ex- t'mFh$,
change for city property, and give cash f tJK51n0J
difference or long time on balanoe, M. l5Ir ?
E. Lee, 111 Corbett bldg.
Roomlnr House Snap "
II rooma nicety furnished. Close in.
Can rent transient Easy clear 150
month. Must be sold at once. Beet of
fer takes It Owner In hospital. - ...
H. E. JAMES CO., IS 10th, near Stark.
the Pacific, realty co. -
Hotels, Rooming and Apartment Houses.
Phone Main 8660, A-1476.
121-24 Falling Bldg. Id and Wash. Sts.
. v - . MARY E. LENT,'-
Portland s Leading Hotel Broker. '
Boarding House "
II rooms. large dining- room; also
grocery and confectionery. 1 paid 11000
for it, but am sick and will tell all for
1350. jeters, 16 N. Bth st
-A First Class Buy .
for cltv oronertv. t Ramhiit... i K rooms, moeuy noueeKeeping, nice
room l I. m.m bid, tno ciean, rnrniture gooa ss new. cen-
i traiiy located, weat side; terms. Owner,
HOMESTEADS, located t-m. I room 1, Lumbermens bldg.
good soli, near R. B,, river, school, I EQUITY of 6 fine lots In restricted H-7 It.
r. v., wnsat, auaiia, rruit, potatoes aiatrict. tics- zion. Balance due.
growing nearby: one day to sse claims. S1400, $6 per month. Surrounding lots
Room 21 167 Oak at selling from 1700 to 6800. -Will trsds
HOMESTEAD relinquishment, 120 acrea fiT u,2 of, mthlng of equal value.
to trade for horses, automobile or va- Phono B-1017. -.
cant lots to value of 11200. W. H. I WILL" trade you 45 h. p. automobile
that coat 300 for something actual
ly worth 11500. It's in first-class run
ning order. John B. Goddard, 605 Yeon
uavin, 1 08 ixwnaaaie st.
ia- water:
IS-minutes' car ride: big!
ciun a i inns, vuvi ,a un far noneet atier uiu i iitcnni up
ing distance, a nig oargam. wan i i y a couple tnousana aouart, or wni
noarq or i rane. - . - i exonange. uwner, Mr. vasey. 2t bun
ONE nice room house, full basement! permens moy. rnone warn its
4.baar1ns trees! easy terma or. ex-l A-- n-- ni!-
1 1 i a txt ... ink I Hi:iHtVH r in 1 1 1 I II i :. - r I Hi .1 in:
end K. Pine: ask at 1040 EL Mill it, . 6, 10 or 15 tores In high State of cul-
Montavllla, R, 1, bog 611. tlvatlon. close to Portland, finest black
OWN your own home! anything you 2,L WU,1 h S,a re,er y1 .t0 an7
' -want , to nsv down and 110 . month of our customers. They are pleased.
'buvs new, I room plsstered bungalow. I Easiest Kina or terms, jrrtaet oeiow
;Mt Scott line; price 11100, Goddard. n2??1?? .J2"Sa-A
' 601 Yeon bids. 1 WILLAMETTE VAtLET , JBJVTB5LOP-
illneai very reasonable. 11600: r good CHICKEN snd fruit ranobeg near Port.
," terme. Phone-ewner. Main 46T or A- tfJ,1.'-wi f",' - m t0 e!4 i0
,r. . f ..... I running water, beat toll. free wood.
I.' H t. i' - ' Lit ' .11 spienoio irun aistnot, view ex - voium
I' I2 10. half caah. i rooms, west tide, east J bit river and gnow peaks. I acres 12601
.view lot, wira,snB,winT iu. m , 1300- 10 acrea 50d; 10 per
tT Tl v.ii l, , ' mmtuw U..W1U, . sent caan, easy payments, otner tracts
'712 ROthchlld bldg. ' . 1 " ' im nlln. ilitlna ill tn til u .nn
A' SNAP -Owner going east; will sell
II room nouse clearing foo over ex
penses. Inquire II ,7th. -v; V
A NEAT 6 room bunsalow 11300 cash.
balance 11200 terms. To see this is
to buy. Phone owner woodlawn 2000,
gyw i run uiug., rvrtianq.
126 monthly. Just like rent buys I room
home, beth, basement, lawn; price
allow. rnn owner, jchbi mi, t
v . 5 Acres $850
5 tores, all good, level land, faces On
main county road; f new 4 , room hduse.
' WEST Sid's .nap. Modern I room horn.' PIS Afif 5K JnJ?-?i"?i .bu 15
near JSdjind Thurman. See Hagei I.-ff. rm '"vm oa"
mann. 601 Kauway axenange. 1 XT .vfVm wmaT.PW rniriv
m oiv-iv-u itaiiway nixcnanga,
H flna Trtirrl. nf tho Pmn :
.i,,,,u; i i r ii i 1 . 1 VIIU IIIMU VI HIV VIUMi- i.
FlvK room modern buniralow oil comer I n... w.. - .. .
FOR SALE by owner. 6-room bungalow;
close--ln'n -ear- -llne street -paved;
12600. Phone East 1887, '
Liu. x . 11 . "i . '"u i a i i t
U60 House ana tot, line location,
close to canines, easy terms. : 98
E. I2d N.' Phone Main T7l.; ? '
I ROOM modern houee for 12600; part
; ensh. Csll A. J. Noyes. 1109 Mall st
,f: ROOM modern house, near Union aval.
ror sale oy owner, 867 Monroe st.
VAti' 1 R it nw fi.r. iin atf tmrwvim
PACIFIC . w. development ca,
' 5 or, 10 Acres Souds -
r $500 cash for 10 aores; balanoe easy
payments. 1 0 miles from Portland;
cioss to tuition; fine ' ton; crop - will
make' the payment . Owner, G-704,
I'gAAwa "k ; . i 1 1 fuce utile cnicsen rancn, go minutes
. S. k iI ' I ou1, straen, shade,' Close to river; yo
suit no commission. -Tabor 104.
buy; this from, owner. . Call after 10 a.
m.( Wednesday and Thursday. - Smith.
OK SALE-LOTS 282H Washington, room 18.
I, 2, I 6 and 10 acre tracts, cloae Ir
' IRVINGTON PARK. SNA P. ,1 ' '. 1 " '"lZlTu.7mi"i''Jl
J100V.-,.i5l?hC ?,,yiay H on the tore; big values, eaay terms. CalL
Z3d and Alnsworth. Price I42K. Hiw. I .v. ... JT ... xr-wr v -- t
tj srd Ind Co, 60S Swetlsnd bldg." .1", joi Co'rbett bTdg?
!s J8800 BUYS close In lot 60 foot front- 100 buys my equity of il6Q in a l6 acre
Vh?ll klr Vt n b"nce- mustTdlspoVs of -"'-t
w nJ'U Corott.p,d'. ' Utn-t meet the payments.
?!"P?F ."in iota in same block i 16 ACRES fruit and Doultrv ranch, ne.i
onoe, .at I
10f,t Jour-
I for 61000. Terms. David Lewis,
b ?-. Ijimbermens blcTg. . ..
I WAVKRLEIGH Heights, 4 lots oa ridge,
i "snap: choice corner, -12600; 11800
I cash. - J-710. Journal. . J ".
Vsncouver snd electrlo line. 21 loo :
terms. KraWll, . lift Merchants - Trust
bldg.i Marahall 68. ,- . .
1200 tcret-ef Und for ttle cbetpi.. Ja
uire s vtn, wroir uatia
CITY ACRES, near Mt Tabor, Phone
owner. r;st bbho.
1011 Chamber of Commerce.
ANY FART OF 600 ACRES at ISO acrt;
an absolute snap; only 2 miles from
Eugene, near four railways; good wood
water and some buildings. Fine for a
aairy ana joins one or tne nest known
Orchards In Oregon. Only one way to I
. ' ; 10 Acres
$500 Cash Down .
Ttila la all . In fmlt firinclnatlv in.
know what this is see It, I'll pay your I plea and cherries; also some strawbcr-J
expenses.. . Himpiy must, seii ana will rlet and blackberries; located one mile
tase any nonast orrer mat is backed un I from trmahoro on the Oreson Kleotria.
by a oouple thousand dollars, er will 1 40 minutes ride from Portland tr to
exchange. pwnr, Mr. Casey. it4 Zaum-1 (macadamised road), ; Sea us for par-
bermens bldg. Phone Main 855. ' jtleuUrt. ? y i 5 ft i; i
Associated Investment Co.
a Suite 618. Teon Bldg,; otn and Alder.
City and on main Moltll road; 25 acres I - - - ' CHEAPER ' THAN" RENTING.
cleared, good houae andi barn. Ilvinsl ' The Live Oak and Sunset Colonv
water and plenty , of wood timber, fir, lands In Sutter county, Sacramento vaf-
niapie emu niuur. . x-noe eiav per acre, i ley, can now oe purcnasea oy our is AST
half cash.. i. Very cheap. See
tx v. nutiJCHun, -
Anderson bldg., Oregon City, Or,
DC A '...1 rrrrrf
26 acres cultivated. 9 aaraai hr,r?
house, bam. hoo house: snrtnar: ennuo-h
timber to pay for this farm; tools; rich
soil; t Mr miles to station. 214 Com
mercial olock. - - :i
110 acres of fine apple land: 20 mllea
from Portland: 1100 ft elevation: not
patter iana to oe nsa in tne northwest.
Price 140 an aore. v Owner would .
change for city property. Add give tah I
auierence or long time on Balance, o M.
K. ties. ii yorpett piqg. - , . , -.
00 XtktS o wheat lanS nmT'PmM
ton all lenced. in ouitlvatloo
per aoret tsrma. ' -r , -
10 acres, 100 cords wood U mile to
tiding near Vancouver, Wash, will take
horses for part pay. A. R. C Panut
Grove, Or.' , .
PAYMENT PLAN, the most libersl on
portunlty ever offered -to secure a farm
in. uaiuomia. me ouyer is aosoiuteiy
nrotected . and the toil. Irrigation svs.
tern, transportation, markets, eto ars
I and descriptive matter FREE. For th
whole etory. address
Llvs OaK. .Buner uonnty, California,
. Acreage . j - -"
' X, I, 5, 10 and 20 tors traot s-
close In on Fourth street car line
" at $250 per acre &nd up, payable
In easy . monthly - Installments.
.' Bee us before buying.
r , loi Fourth st . :
Main ' . A-1500
I Must Sell Sickness 9
i - zoo , acres, iz under - plow, . acres
young orcnara, plenty or zruit tnis year.
OlIC &a mnrmm 11 u J . i .
50 aoree tinder -cultivation. U um
?m .ood town! ffil wnS . !! f tssorted berries. room houae, I
---t iw oaj . vw 11UW...M , i crop; iiusv; t mue irom . b. e, . r.
40 ner acre takea it: 440 acrea alrVi-r. I i.ot. t wiuhMimii C
land with exolualve water right for Irrl- owner at 614 XL Oak tt. comer of 11th.
gatton, good farm buildings, good out- Must tell job ecoount of sickneaa; will
elds rangefor stock.;. Address box 17$, eive terms. - - -
Klamath Falls. Or. - - l,-- l ll.t..t. .ili.'-'e i' ..
oAuxwr iL-iu. BAxaa. , ;. close In, good buildings.' orchard,
acres .good timber- land. ; If taken at I rn.Ho ('nlted Railways: Rock Creek sta
tion; -nw irr Kurw.-' m. t. xiaru, nouie
1. box 37. Holbrook. Or: - ; ,
" i..: ACKEsTTTiotrTrsiisB:"
: 86 bear In fruit trees. thoroiivhbred
cnicaens. ajzuv.
once 6 per acre. ' Owner muat have
money. Tank B. Blair. Eugene. Or.
EIGHTY acrea . of good tUlahle Jand
aome timber, . near railroad, small
town. - 'Particulars write to Gaorre Lip-
dall staUon,
4tb house south Ken
Fred 2raat., Tabor illl
SALS Good honualMil rI1n.
qulshment, fenced and Improved, at
a snap. Edwards, 1028 Chamber of Com
merce. -
PARTY leaving for central Oregon has
room tor two people wnom he car
locate dn homesteads. H-717, Journal
34 Rooms for Lease ,
. In renter of cltv - strictly modern.
' - 271 V4 Morrison St. ' r'
- 10 ROOMS 10f ,x
A-l rooming house, rent 26. . Clears
165 monthly. Price- 1250. Peters. 15 N.
SPLENDID 7-room modern residence.
891 E. waahlngton, near 19th St., to
he can changt for acreage; small farm. Hood -nd I berries T 850
rournt" r,n AttIGMk Kroi this is'u
- 1 nryr. room a, imwrTntynB oiag. note 24V 4th t
21 wulij cstaousnea corner , cash grs-
cery. cioso in, east sine: exohance for
FUR H ALU? TIMBER. i nome or improvea acreage. ' fzftoo. ,CSII
so.uud.uuq yeuow pine st I8.7B peror -.wnte owner, w i, Aoseny, morn
1000: first class timber. In one hnHv. I lns.
FOR SALE Furniture of
5th st.
WANTED Hotel or apartment house.
trade or sell 20 acres bearing orchard
Ifton per acre, near inla
nder value, asenta take
Marshall 3828. A-4718.
tii iienry oiag. . ivtaranaii ei.
Hotels, apartment houses, rooming
excellent location
close to rallrosd.
Klanath Falls, Or.
for manufacturing.
Address box 278,
room a.
Ions term of lease: will take Pnrt.
land realty part paymen(; furniture
new, clean and up to date. Inquire 06
Buchanan bldg. ,
8TF3!LTm??e,T' 7 Joom . and make payments: sickness" few
J.ii "''""". tor i aoiiars ana anytning or vaiuej best f
tms.ll farm or acreaara. C T.. Uimh.,-.. I . .-i . .. k.i. hi v v ...
., . v-... . ..i.ii.imi., -. - I journal.
livwiia, at'a (iucni 4 1 uueciD. iwilll
houses, bought, sold and exchanged.
IF you have a genuine snsp In a room-'
1... init house, -report :. to me st ' once. . I-
can sell It for you..- John ; B. Goddard.
606 yeon bid?; " ' -
11 rooms, elegantly .furnished, strictly
-' modern, clears l5 month. 1900. . God
dard. 605 Yeon bldg. -
EIGHT unincumbered lota In Baker City' t6R BALM OR KxCHAlaE Rooming
whubw iw roruuia i . nouae, xi rooma, nicety , .rurnlsbed.
i""!' vr mmm. i, wnnrEar, i nnro orai, overruling moaern; will ex.
roomj 8 Lumbermens bldg. change for smaller house or vacant lot
670 eoultv In half ure with ehe.n In. ' f 16 N. 88d tt -
- twovements. on Grays ave.. Mt Hhor I rrr.TKMT hajt aom uitt. . .nrol
""?,, ?njr.0I!,5rwr hou,, 7 lo In 1'ngeoast city J WILL build apartment bouse or family
" ""x i " I n wregun. luuiraw ouuaing now. i hotel to . suit ' tenant; lease ror long
WELL Improved 10 acre tract I miles J Want'. n?1,J rooming house or business term of years. M. E. Lee, Sll Corbett
irom court nouae. trice auo. . Take I "" i, nw .irou mu;, - i oa.
MINING and industrial stocks; tele
Jihone tnd other., bonds bought snd
d C S. Fletcher. 126 Ablns-ton bldg.
.?: 'x.: BTJS(XSt CHA3TCES . ZO
12000 to 28000 In cheap house and lot FOR SALE or exchange, my equity of f6r" sALKA "barber shop and "poop
808 Board of Trade. 2220 In a corner lot 1 block from ear, room; fine opening for some one.
FOR SALE OR EClUGE For ,for .nrB; nd, wagon, or A-l Onlv a few dollars required. Ask for
house and lot. 160 acree of tlmh.. launch. J-7 18, Journal. - M S11 Corbett bids'. "
oruunns ,vuv,vuv im u.vuu.vuv feet, sit l Din city property, eiegant unaimers 40ITO TRADE Notion and dry gooda
Russell gt . h. p.. 5 passenger auto to trade for store, price 81600, for country store
TEN aores, all In cultivation, partly in I pst 68200. David Lewie., room or hotel la good town. 827 1st at, Port-
rruit: Close to eiectno car and town. I uomwraiKn , - m land.
Want borne In city, uavld Lewis, room I WE have some subui
I Lumbermens bldg. I . and exchange: come un and we win
FIVE acres of best Hood River apple I convince you that our, values are all I fixtures r about 11600
iana, ciear or lnonmorances. to trade i "- ......j.j jtu uiuk.i tniun iva n.
for rooming bouse or small store.: $760. WANTED Klickitat or Skamania ooun. I CHANCE , extraordinary for anyone
ovo iron ' I ty iana nv exenange ror eisity equity j ,i wanting welt enuipra macnine snopa;
160 1 ACRE wheat ranjh -on ""Condon I In new modern. 6 room bungalow. J-7J6, 1 splendid ...location; Willamette valleyk
branch: -..can.i-ell he t nlnwA Prlt-i Journal. .. : .......v 'r ...i ,:.u-i I A-700 Journal..-.
04600; .will trade for anything of value. I NEW 6 room bungalow. Price' 12600 I WANTED A party to finance the best,
r-ctcm, otn t. win traae iot lot or acreage; Tatuea i surest, paying proposition in tne mar
WlLLexohange equity' In choice Rogue lat VJ5.00 .r, '8B- : Cowln' A PurcelL 607 ket today; lnveatigate. a pto Case,
river iruu iana, ior f ortiana proper
or auto. R. J. Drake, 881 T.-1L C.
bldg.. city.
or Portland r,rTir I Snalding bldg. - - Isslthst.
iii J- ; i . i i . . " .' i ' "i 1 '. I . . . .. ... i i. . 1 1 l 1 ' '
ISO AUKts or iana in wneeier county I FOR SALE 6 chair Daroer anop, gooi
' and balance In cash to trade for home I ' dawn town location; lon a, snod
FOR farm exchanges, business chances I ner carllne. Louis . Salomon, 238 Ibnalness; will sell .right, '-all iJ Lum
o rnomlnar hotiaes. ea.ll on n ; Mnrk. I Stark at. . - v 1 - ' I ber Exchange Bldg..
weat Realty, Co., 17 Board of Trade 2 autoa, 7 and 5 passenger, model K, I PLUMBINO. heating and tin shop. I)
bldg. - .- - ."- 1910; good aa new. For sale or ex- f - miles from Portland, doing good bui
WANTED Rooming, house or hotel . I change for real -estate. W T.. Vaughn, I ness.- M-91, Journal.
nblll. 244 1st
acre adjoining Capitol
Main sou. -
change for Portland- property:
. , U TAJ TM.sMa.Ml ' ra
IvmiiB i vp tuuiiiai,; -
FINM IaAUNCH to xchaniro for lot or
good quay in inou or lot- E-704,1
fS WAII S-Ok r 6 4a, aaasl 1 kitw ss Ht . -. I
Bb04maker, tz. mna wll Menrr bide 1 vn.wuwr iu, nw viutct iyp-
Main 440r Art 434. ; ,T I writer., ciiflrntijr; ud;;,s bargain for
c(n urvTwij w4usj Ayr ailut:. ' J-lil,
WILL trade for automobile, 80 lots In
ooiaenaaie, wasn.-v-vaiue - twooj Xa
warden 1020 Chamber of Comnieroe. ---
DOWNTOWN grocery, chean rent. uv.
inr business. -Will trade for lnt nnJ
eset sine. ri-Tis. journal. . ..
SEE us for real estate tradea anywhere.
B08 Board of Trade bldg.'
"lii i ' "i -1 1 1, ajini i in t, ii - - -Lr
HAVE 11230 equity In 41 room mndprn
notise. an 'rtirninnea, balance ;5 j-.r
oiith. eneblocker; will nt-n t.r i -
I mo
I - H b n cr . nt Nlnti't.f fm
will, ouy, een or trade anything. I Purchase price isob
XL F. Lee, 4015 Beard of Trade bid. I Lewis bldg.
WANTED Partner with some monnv Ii
i building businees. Lots of work, gw 1
opportunity for good men. 227 10. 4 .' I.
SALOON and tursished rooma c H
I -11 . ............ ..ww .
csdam nsd. cor. Pskofa.
500 Business Cards $1
Roue Cltv Prtnto-j',1
SALOON for eie tih-' k -- I
rice "J1000. . la N. i-Lh t., i it,.
i JklflVI.Wr l'l' I.H'C ...', 1 ' . .
. -- 8.V.IW lo r.-.l.-k h-M I-. I '
j: i "iioi a.-i i
tre-l for B"' ' r '
1 . ... . .'. :