23 Si . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 13, 1911. HHGHT OF SEASOU REACHED BYBERRY MARKET SUPPLIES POTATO MET TOUCHES ED ..-,.:'.- - -. - . ' ' Price Drops Very Fast Along .Street but Bottom Seems Old Stock. Moves to $33.50 While New Goods Sell at $4'5 Cental. i . - a 1 r i l. ' l -nurair now nign . recora mouui neacneu: ;. manners '"c",". potato market . . ' . i wnen ttia mine r i ' Are Offering Record. oti Wll I today" aa JS60. V . v - . . Portland Wholesale Market. ... Btrewberrle lower, ' K(fa aaatar. ' ' . ,.. Chicken weaker,' '. Cherries lower, a , Canned shad In demand, .Aspasms firm., . ; ( .-. rotatoea higher. ',- - ; V - An entirely now ached In the rol When old atock climbed hia-h while new, goods moved up to IS per eental. ', , .. , - The renersl marlrat tnr M natiliul n Front afreet la 13 per cental, but ao iKiiiiiiiu ra in. noiaina mat noiaer are able to command aimoat any prio For awhile yesterday afternoon there waa not a pound of new potatoaa for sie in me annra nom , diafrirt Kvery.aaok or bo had been cleaned 36 LOADS GATTLE raoni FOR LOCAL YARDS Bigk Run of Grass Stuff at 'North Portland; Feed Hogs Higher but' Light Stuff . Is Nickel Lower.; ; ' CAffl SHAD HAS 500,000 BUSHELS EXCELLENT CALL OF WHEAT TOTAL FARMERS' SUPPLY ! laat week aold Ma wool clip of 11.000 round to P. J. Urown, theprlce bain 4 centa stratsht. 'The . Tuche and Holt wool waa purchased by Ryder at ItH nente for the old awe wool and II rente for the youn crop, . Tbe market aeema to be strengthen lag and little la being offered here. Scarcity and Strength of Sal mon Market Causes Deal ers to" Bid High. , . - hoidinas bv Producers Ex- w, - tremely , Light In the Three - States of Pacific Northwest Market "Is Nominal. - up earner in me nay and the arrival by I I (earner waa1 delayed.. Only nominal I hiih'ki came forward on rxat a these. were held generally around IS for pei ana i ror ordinary, quality. ,j . ' New Orernn nntatoaa in blna a. fered In a limited way. aaJe of a fair tied lot belna made lata reaterdar af ternoon at 4. The aliee were gooj but e t unions ateaay. ,. (' "Wool ateady. '.' . Hope strong. e. ;. . - ,r- r t BTMAmSMMXXa MAC $1 CXAT VBOJn, STREET QUOTATIONS ", rlea readied Cows to tl a. crate fog ay. I ''ift,rtJ! ?? . antra lota with COaxkg f fold. ISOtlc: "Willamette valley,, Ito; tad Jlneelan, I40J Turkey red, too. OATS Nominal Pnwtnurtf nr4a i ' eiv. , wnue. aiaeut gray. I2s.ee 19.00. ... . - . ,. BARLEY PrndtKwa nHr 11A rren. roiieii. ta.to: brewing, tfo.oo. MTLL8TTTFFH SrlUno- nrtra Rnn fSI.OO; mlddllnaa IH.OO; abort, J2I.00 X tka Btockyerda, Kortb Porttand Hoga higher tor feedera, . lower, for kllleraj cattle aaaier; . abeep . ateady; lamba weaker. ' Booth Omaha Hoge U to lie lower; cattle slow to lOo lower; aheep ateady. .. ChicagoHogs ateadyj . cattle at $UU. Taero van fair offerlng-a at eaeee pnoea um im taa oay. mmm ' It looked aa If tha atrawberrv market . bad struck Lha bottom ' alone; Front .Street during the paat 14 Hours. . kecelpta were very . heavy . and eon stderlng tha high prices were well taken i ih ?"rlngs .war not vary well, ma- v strong; sheep ateady. , , : " nuui trr cattul . " 7! WHBAT-Nomlni Tra?k dellvbr-C- ..ri--:,"a'T.. vm wit aoB, Jf!!7a; blneatem. !7oj forty. I ZiVTr "rrrw,"" J.,r I Id to Ha trana-1 HAT Producers'' price 1116-i-Valley car of Sales were mad down to 11.21 a crate ana as nigh aa I J, but actions over ei.ae were n met with. Thla morning tendency to atlll further price and it waa generally, forecast that I L'H 1 woud ba reached before nlgbt, I H , Th?te were better offerlnca of Clarka I Ll- thU morning and the beat of thee were wfj) O' ero quoted at 11.60 with a tendency Uter J i"m?tVV ..'iS. In tha day to ahade this quotation. I trelght. 8 f :'. ot rreouentJy I i. . v'ji,.-""u vfia.uin onnnrr, there "u a I 11 K Matern Oregon, y$l.00 deoreaa thi Wxed,. f 1B041C00; . clover. O! wheat. 111.00 All.oOt ohoat okaaed prior to arrival, by local kill. Tae bos ateera stood at MJS wall som extra faaoy oows want at i Tb utter were among the past reoantly aeem la tk yard. Som s tooted spared - hell era ., oam aorward front tk soatk direct to a local taaat oompany. . XORTIlNb LTTBSTOCR RUN. liogK cattle. Calves. Bheen. Aooordlng- to reports received from tha lowar Columbia, several . canneries are at work packing ahad thla aeaaon. While thara haa Emu m. a-raat mnit rrlt-m In the aalmon catoh, ahad have been plentiful and owing to the extremely tronr canned flah market mnkara are determined to take full advantage of the altuatloo. - j - " Bhad are generally packed In pound talla and are quoted at 0o a dosen t. o. b. river polnta. It Is stated that one of the largeat aalmon handler of tha coun try haa Informed local nark are that tha firm would tak all the ahad -offered tbla year. -lllelier water in . tha rVilumhla la intarlerlnc - with the nack of aalmon. Catchea are atUl rather light, although In a few lnatance fractional lnoreaae in tne naui is reported. Market .for canned aalmon remains Very firm hers but no new bualneaa is reported because packers as a rule have soia ait may expect to paca. . The foreign markets for canned aal mon are thus reviewed: Anderson - A Colt man ' Liverpool Aiaaaa a raw parcels cava onangea hacda, and tha market ba now ad- iced. Prloe ruling are from lie British Colombia flock eve Half Bound flats ar reported to have changed I hands at 40a Id. Inquiry for thla else package haa been very good. Idea are lor further advance. A. few may vet be bought at 40a, but gooda are gener ally being held for 40s Id to 41a, One pound flats remain at 10a Id to I la. One pound talis value or from lis, t IBs Id. 1111 Pack Tha market remains quiet. X tb Wkeat ruid. Croldendala. . : waab-, Oram com leg out In good shap. Walla Walla. Waab- Wheat backward, pat srops or beading well. . Papdleton Wheat report gen 4 'raUy good, . i ' " Endioatt, waah, wtrn Whitman crop - outlook 1 beat aver knows. Palona, Wash. Whsat re ports inditaU cratt yield la years. te Owing to the axtenalve demand for atrawoemea now coming rrom cannera. It ia not expected that tha price will elump to tha low record of previous season. 4 For- the first time ever known here cannera ar In the market for Lovette pound, tie. nu-iw line anmy, wnicn 10,7 usually 6-fro t car to buy at any price, they arelAday eeeklng auppllea at 16c a crate Wue they ar offering 11.10 for Clark and .Wilsons. .Ther- prices are aval 1 .aeHi'und cratea and boxes are returned. The strawberry trade In general la of tha opinion that tha height of the ahlp plng aeaaon will be reached within 0 houre and after that' only email aup pllea will be available. Thla,. however, la mer gueaa.. v , .. , 00911.00; alfalfa. 114.00; oats. Ill.Otf V7JiTm Alii AMe. Mlaava . ft at BlK , " va vei'ir, jvea tesn jmt ss -.. er brri: local akera. l4.4Bai.ll: eprt emnee, j.woi.io. , Bnttcr, Xrr "ad yonltrjr. Tuesday,,.... If, ,1011, Mondav 161 . Saturday ....161 ' ,. Friday .' 12 IIS . II Thursday ...110 14t 10 Wedneaday ..124 . , 11 . ., Week ago .. ,.10 2 , II . , 1 ' 1617 1041 'Hi llll 1011 1111 Today's run of cattle, while not a " ' Only ' 100.000 : bushels : of wheat re main la tha handa of all producers of the three states of the Paclflo north west Stock a in the handa of tha mill ing fraternity ar almost too nominal to figure. ... Market for wheat remains very firm but very fimi ri I7rrfu fw M blu.at.ra "ranging from Mo to II pound flata. There are-a few aellera ouenei. acooroing to in atanaing.oi at lla Id. . . I tne buyer, utile wheat is avaiiaoie London Orocers Qaaettei Salmon ' price and mlllera ar therefor There Is a greatly increased demand f?" PT PI"n?1,uln, 1wh"var from th country for aU canneA gooda, their needs require additional buying. probably due to the fine weathei' which l our maraet remains iirm or paienu has prevailed, and thi rtlol baa w"h no change In i prloea. A email ahared la that demand. Business haa amount .of export buelnese la reported been don. In British Columbia en a mucn anaoea prices. nou tni record breaker, mipplled fh trade with pound flats at an advance of Id nerjaUU quoted at 11.60 per barrel, aomel rtUTTEft Extra ereamery.' prints, tock It can poaaibly uae for case and a further rta la anticipated, of the Interior mill anxioua to oleaa flata, CAIJI-XJIIXIA . FRUIT SHIPMENTS roung America. iBHc; storage, tec. unuomia nais. lltC i rmlta and Tgewlss. POTATOEBh SeUlna wrices Beat lo cal. li.6o: good, si: aaatern. is. Aprtcot. Moving filowlr Bat Chv . ?1: Sew'lc. 2 ?0110' Ties iwuuig iHt, ' I OM1UN8 New., is; Australian. 4.io; Woneer Fruit comoanv aava of the "w reo. yeuow, fj; ganio, io 7.. . . . - r. - . . - I km I . iruu anipments or ' wauiornia unaer I ""x 14Wo: ordinary prlnta. 10Oi4ei dairy, awhile.' Shipments were from Call II 10 ' , fornia and consisted of II loads. BUTTER FAT 7. . b. Portland. nr I f lere waa an easier feeling la the und, f He. - , JcatU trad at. North Portland today, POULTRY Pane h-ia. llUet fowl a I but considering the extent of the ar- 18c: eprlnsa. 22fflo: e-eeee. 12a: llva I rivals of grass stuff, this waa not to uun- BUCK!, Z4VTZBC; Ola aUCJU. 170, wuuuhw bw i urn iiiuwuu ium turkeys, alive, 14c: dressed. 17V4ci California were In excellent condition plsenna ft. 00 dosen. ' but were not unloaded until a late hour. EOOs Local. extras, 2O0fle: cas Cattle values at North Portland are: count, fresh. 19c; apot buying prloe, lla Best steers I.1O0I.I5 f. n h I Portland. '' 1 Fancy grain ateera 1.10 CHEEKH New Oregon fancy full ordinary gram ateera .oo cream, triplets and dalaiea 14Ue lb I Ordinary steers .......I . 1.76 xl pound flata are very firm. red also show aa advance of I while Alaska Id ter case. Barm nee There na Dn mor misi- ness doing this week, and price remain firm. Report of th fishing state that entirely a present. it haa lmoroved in Portue-ai. out in France, where it haa Just commenced, few fish have so far been caught uo are willlna- to ahade thla Dric con siderably. One aala waa reported her during th paat 41 hours at fi.40. Th shlomant waa for Chlneaa account Japan aeema to be out of th market SHORTS GET A SCARE ..a,,,.,.. ........... .t . date of June 10: Apricot Few - moving by ' evpreas. Flret assorted car Saturday from Va- caville, followed by quite an assorted movement next ween, consisting large ly of cherriea. anricota. a few Deaohea and Clyman .plume. Cherriea Black rherrlea. Vaeavlll. Sillaun, Sacramento dlstrlgt, well cleaned up. iacK oregona irom Placer coun ty juat. beginning to move. 'Crop fair Ban Jos cherries moving freely. Heavi est shipments next week. ' . . ",; Peacha Few boxes moving. About week before many for assorted cars. Plnme-A few Clymana. beginning to move. Tragedlea next variety, , begin ning aoout in xain. . . French Pronea Heavy crop. Packers timid, at '4c baela. Santa Claras. Crop promises iuuy ibu minion pounas. , Psars Bartlett fine crop. Fully July 6th before many will move. Sea son lata.. -Fall paara nearly all vari. etles, good. . - Ornpea Thompson Seedless . 40 per cent, Ala la gas 60 per cent. Tokays, bar ring eunburn. promise enormous crop v Express Cherry shipments- Moving freely.- Next week will hav Black Oregons, few Binge and Royal Annea from northern California, fin Tartari an from Han Jose. Weather conditions fine. Late fruit 'waa never in finer condition. Plenty of aprlcote, Clymana for express ahlpments ..- coming week. 'Few Alexander peaches, ; Weather condiiiona pe Of fruit and all varletlea promise perfect for growth letiea nromlM ta be of rood aiae and fine aualltv. Mn keta, dried fruit very inactive. . Can nera however, very active for Bartletts, ISO to 60 per ton. Only buying In dis tricts where they can get early fruit .andLfor Pears 2V4 and up. Apricots 160 to 60, Peaches 130 to 146 per ton, according to varieties. Late Cllne- varletiee commanding the, boat price. . POULTRY MARKET RETTEW Front Street Receiver Disappointed ':;'i."''',v'-":Oter the Slfnation. ; ; A Front street house haa sent t out the following review on poultry; -"The market on poultry of all sorts waa, to ua, rather a disappointment Kecelpta ware large and while they moved off quickly early in ; the weok, toward the latter part of tbe same they wer dull, lower, and- hard . to move. We were able to move all w had, how aver, and at Tight price. W gener-. ally got for hen about 15o and for springers 13 26a Young ducks were easier and we had to tak for beet a little as 22 Ha. Ducks must bs S pounds or better to f sell at beat pricea. 8om that were lighter aold lor aa little as 20o or lean. Do not send tnem unless they will go I pounds or more. . Old geese are dull at Il0o ana lar-. young geesa will oring li FRESH FRTTTTS O run res New na vela. I2.60&I.2B box: bananas. Be lb.t lemons, 1104.60; grape fruit, 13.26: pineapples.. IO70 lb.; tangerinea. II.K6: at ra wherries, Oregon, 11.26 1.60 per 24 box crate.. VEGETABLES New turnlpa. 7Bo: oeeia, oc; carrots. Beat grass steers Beat cow . , . . Medium cows Ordinary eowa Poor to fair cowa Beat bulla Fancy bulls Ordinary bulls CALVES. Best light f . 7.00 Ordinary , ' 186 oor s.euvt.vv Interesting Tarda sveport. I 25 B.40O6.60 o.it 4.75 6.00 1.00 4.00 6.006.25 4.76 4.00O- SECURITY MARKET IS GENERALLY HIGHER New York. June 11. Securities wer generally higher today although th Wheat Market I Suddenly Lifted In the Chicago Pit Today. Chicago. Jun 1J. Short In th grain market received . a scare today at the I opening they will not forget xor a wnne. Julv oDtlon waa auddenly and for no apparent raaaon lifted to l!fcc or io itr Vr'lFiJL.r SZEKL. ' th bove the previous day's closing. Other i.??fnp.i.! Ho' in sympathy at Opening of the market waa quiet but most at an advance over yeetecday'a closing. Amalgamated Copper and other metal lasuea wer bullish - and all scored a handsom advance for the . . .. . Belling or Keadina is said to nave V. a V. . ..Ik ,W- . I. - T . . An Interesting report of livstoek Bt-tB Commerce commission would ra. auce the rat on coal. Tha lrreaularltv of tha' London mar ket waa caused by the aettlement for th moat part. Canadian Pacific, Cheea shipments and receipts at the yarda baa been issued by u. M. piummer, see retary of the Portland Union Stock' ?6o dos, bunches'r) yards company. Tb report ahows that per cental; tomatoes, I total receipts or cattle tor May, in 1.(0 i.i m .a southern. '11. K0O1.TS erata: basna. fi7lwra S.asa haad. comnared with T.18I I T'"'! V"" horseradleh, I if 10c: green onions. 1 Bo a year ago. Shipmenta from the yarda " Range of New Tork pricea turniahed 1 oy overoecs at i-ooae company; Description the oDSnlna. Closing was at a sharn decline from the opening, valuea being! o higher for July ana Mo each fori September ana Decern her. - American grain, visible supply, shows in ousneis: Today. Tear ago. Wheat .....26,971.000 11,181.000 Corn 4,017,000 1.014,000 Oata ,413,000j 6,141,000 Canadian visible: Wheat 4.604,000 Oata .. 6,712,000 in: noraeraaien, itint; green onions. 1 6o dos.: peppers, bell. lOo Per lb.: head I durtnir the same neriod were 8.202 head. leiiuce, iioniva ,ooen noinouse, ii.ow I comD.rea with s.sis a, year ago. cat- box; radishes. 16o dosen bunches; i tie receipts from January 1 to date eelarv f 1 onr flosen! ertmiant. 4n nw .kna ini.l nt 11 Hi nnal a,lh io. cucumoera, j.zo per noaen; pea a, IJS,e5 a year ago, an lnoreaae of 1.089 1 Amal. Cop. Co. head. Shipmenta lor the same period Am. c, t F., c. were (.203 head, compared with 1,111 1 Am. Car, c... a year ago. . i ao pra c. Barley 111,000 5,207,000 6,747,000 10,000 ao; oauimower. xi.ioirji.ja oosen; as paragus, local. SOfffBo dosen; extra fancy, 75c; Walla Walla, li.JB box; rnunarD, Jffzc id. , - APPLES 13.10. ' Meats, risk and Provisions, FRESH BEEF Wholesale alaughter. ra price: Beat steers,. 10 10 Ho: or dinary. fUAiOc; best cows, IffitUe; ordinary; 9C. f j j. v u ' PRESSED MEATS Front street hogs, fancy, lOo per lb.; ordinary, o per pound: heavy. Ic: veals, extra. llHHe; ordinary, 10910Vio; poor, IUc: sDrlnar' lamba. ' 10(9 lie: mutton. 8c, goats, 4c; beef, lOSc L.A.HU Kettle tear, tierces, ue id.; steam rendered, tierce. 10o per lb.l compound, tierces, "IMo. perjb. HAM, BACON. ETC. HamS 18 19c: breakfaat bacon. 11 H iff 27c: boiled ham, 24fj26o; picnics, 12He lb; cot tage roll. 14o per li regular ahort. cleara, smoked. llHc; backs, smoked, 14c: pickled tongues. 85o rer lb. ' fish Nominal Koca coa 100 per lb.: flounders, c: halibut. 8lc; striped nana, zvc: cairum, ixidjijc; aaimon, lie per-lb.i aoles, 7e per lb.) shrimps, 12 Ho lb.; perch. 78o; tomcod, Ic; lob Btera, 25c; herrin'ra. into; black baas, 20cc ' sturgeon, Hll3He : lb.t, sliver smelts, '8c lb.; black cod, 7 He; dressed shad, 7c; ro shaa, i0o; ahad roe, 20c lb. OYSTERS Shoal water bay. per gal lon, ( ); per 100 lb. Back, 15.60; Olym- pla, per gallon, 13.25; per 100 lb. sack, 11.B0; canned, eastern, 6Bo can, 11.60 dos.! eastern In shell. 91.76 1 per 100. Hops, Wool and Kldss. ' HOPS Contracta, 1911 crop,- jsc; 1910 crop, I023c; 1109 growths, 16 16C, : - ' TALLOW Prima, per to' Be: No. I and rreaae, 22Ho, , - WOOL Nominal, 1911, Willamett valley; - 141H, Eastern Oregon, t& -4HITTIM BARK-19nV nominal,' Ic; 1910, 60. ',.-;" , -v" ,-, HIDES Dry - hides, '15 H 1 Ho lb.; green, HQ 7 Ho: bulla green, alt. Ho lb.; kips, BHW7HO? calves, green, 129 In th hog division the receipts for I Am. Cot Oil. th first five months of the year were I Am. ixwo., c 12.197, compared with 19,928 a year I Am. Hugar, .0 ago. Shipmenta for th almllar period Am. Smelt, c. wer. 7.465. comnared with 7.980 a vfear do Pfd ago. (Anaconda M. Co. Sheen and lamb receipts for th first Am. woolen, 0 flva month of 1911. show a total of Atchison, c. 1 AO 09Q ArMnn.r. wltfc A A A0 1 v-a - I Aft fM ... ago, while shipments this year to datejBalti. & Ohio, 0. wer oomparea wim it.t-ti a 1 . ?u ' year ago. , Brooklyn, T. R,. At Chicago today there waa a strong Canadian rac tone In the cattle trad with no change cent, leather, in nrtiw, I dO Pfd. . . , . . fimith HmaK, rm ttl nrleaa ' m alnv,lChl. E O. W.. O. to lOo lower with top eteer at 98.XS CM. O. W.. pfd. and oows at 15.10. - ShlvHi ?fc p"l X,amba Oathering" Waaknsss. . While selected fed east of the moun tain wethers sold today at North Port land at $4, the lamb trade was weaker and the expectations are ror an aany Open' Highl Low 1 Bid '9H 7J 9H '70' 4041 41 i land today: yearllnga . Wethera . . . 14c Turkeva nominal at19iRiei)A 1 foe best live, and fancy dresaed will bring 26 42 26c- It la our XDinlon - that thara wlfl be an ordinarily good demand for nens ana springer this week, and at pricea that prevailed tne same It is likely that springers about loo, ..tr will bo a little lower Boon that, they and hens will get pretty close together a regard values. tk tl m6HAIR-19iC se!ectedr8B87o. SUOAR Cube. 16.10; powdered. 15.40: fruit or berry. 46.40: dry arranulated. .18.40; D ellow, 14.70; beet 15.20; Fed- ' DViihi,,.. ' laaa than fml, A berry; Honolulu Plantation cans granu lated, 60 lees,. ; h . . (Abov quotation, ar so oay net cash.) " '!-.: RICE japan no. i,.iCoi n 3, SOUTH : DAKOTA 'EO.t. HERB Eastern Sotck Causes Depression in ,1 , ' Iocal:Traderi4;4;T;5 On account of the heavier, offerings of eastern eggs at low prices, receivers are not a Die to command last week's ton for local ahipmenta. Strictly selected ALT coarse, half ground 100s, 8.50 2 utv,, ...av caii. .ma u.i- 2s, 6 and 10s, 45; lump rock. eggs may in a few lnstanoea bring more man quoiaiions out not weatner stock Is not eagerly Bought,' Another car load or eggs cam from South Dakota today. BAD . MEAT WEATHER , Condition Jlg&inst Snccessfnl Ship ment to Market. Weather conditions are aarainst tha shipment of dressed meats at this time. A number-of shipments cam forward this morning in a soured condition, mak ing sales necessary at Jower values. This Is true mostly of the dreeeed awlne trada--t Rhi oners cannot be too careful In aettlnc a tuff to market' Pricea ar generaUy unchanged. , ' v , Id; New Orleans head, H4iH; Creole, per tonj 60s. 19.00; table dairy, 60s, 111; IOCS, I1YS DS14 rels. 2 a. 120.60 per ton. , . . HONEx New, fl.fS pel ease. BEANS Small white, 14.00; larp White. 4.00; pink, 16.00; bayou, $6.60 Lima. 7.25; reds, 86.25. 2int. coal OH. Sto ' LINSEED OIL Raw, bbla. 89o aral.i kettle boiled, bbla., 1.0l: raw. in cases, 11.C4: tolled. In cases. 11.08 aal.: lota of 260 gallons, lo less;, ,oll . cake meal (none in market). ,v WHITE LEAD Ton lot, o per lb. 00 lb. lota, 80 per lb,; less lots, 8H per lb. - v. 2-: ' - '! ' BENZINE 88 degrees,' eases; 24He gallon: iron bbla, 21Ho per gallon. COAL OIL Cases: pearl, 18ci star. LlSo per gallon: water white, bulk, 89 f 1 O Lin n,, e-allAn iMitlDl . trlt., whit. ' 11016c- , . -'f . ROPE Manila, 80; sisal, Ho, OASOL1N t Red crown f and motor. 1522o gallon; 88 gasoline, 2835HO ranon; V. M.- & P. naphtha, 18 9 20 HO gallon. 1 , TURPENTINE In case. 75 Ho, wood barrels, ,7Sa;-.iron barrels, 6& He per gat C. a N. W c. Chea. A Ohio... Col. FL ft Iron, c Col. Sou., o do 2d pfd t..lia-a. J at drop of about 600. rpLVTt There wer heavy offerings of sheep l.90f" $?uctB' In th North Portland trade today, with r,, ." total offerings of 1.697 head, compared a. "L" ' with 1,211 a week ago. 3 ' ' ' At south oman mere was a ateaay -" ton for sheep and lamba, with no ex-1 ,ri' P. change in pricea. Wethera wer quoted 5" t.pi?'" at 44.60 and lambs at 6.5076. - i.'i.PM Chicago waa steady for sheep and "fn-.I'ec-, - lambs today, with no change in prices. t jn or.,pTa... Heavy- shipment or sheep continue jf.'!""11" 1 1 h. ma Ha ,a ih. a at frnm Aaatnrn lit Cn. a...... Oregon, entire tralnloada going from inter. Harvester. Echo to Chicago. inter. Met, o Sheep and lamb pricea at Nortn port- ao pra 1 icui$n vaiiey 14.26 ! San. City Sou EWea S.0J63.6 Lambs 15.0008.60 Feed sheep ...........,. 2.002.6t Hoc Market Mixed. Hoks were about a nickel lower In th North Portland yard today. There wer only limited arrivals, most of th shipment consisting of feeders. Tne later sold at 17.35 or an advance of 10c over previous quotation-but fin ished hoga wer down about. 60 with somo 211 pound stuff at 68.80. .At Chicago mere waa b eieaay ion m ane nog into loaay witn no cnang in nrlcea. ... ' . ,. ' ., South Omaha swine waa -weak with values lOo- to loo lower at 86 lor tops. This makea tb landing basis of Ne braska hog her $7.1 J. ?- Nominal swin values at North Port- land;, 'w i . . . , Beat blockers . .8.90 Medium light' 6.73 Heavy ? packers '' 6.8 Rough packers , 6.00.0 ion. WOOL MARKET 19 STEADY Sale Being Made Here ; at Former t' Range of kTices.'. v-Whil recent wool -sale by bidding hav resulted m failure, th market for open market tradina la generally steady and no change in values la shown here. Wool grower are showing n Inclina tion to ask more money since they re ceived advice recently from Secretary 8. W. McClure of the National Woolnrow era' association that no wool legislation . would be carried through bx oongress t this seaaon , . . '... CHEESE MARKET EASJEI; Some Sales Reported, as Low aa 1 -let - ; r,Mrkel QonwaUy 14 He. , Further 'Weakening of cheea market valuea ia shown In som quarter and there are reports -of sales of new flats as low as 14c a pound. General market remains at 14 He." Receipts ar Increas ing but there is practically no surplus on. hand. - - . ? Liverpool VlTieat Market. ,, Liverpool, Jun 1J. Wheat: ..-, Open. Close, .........-....... Hrt a 8d October ,.,.4..6a 7Hd , 6s 7i4d ,i .: Among th Bhlpparst, ' CattleJk W. Hunt, Merced, Cal., 10 loads i J. A. Robinson, Merced, 10 loads; Robinson' Bros.,. Merced, 6 loads;- A, J. Hanon, Oault, Cal.,- 2- loads; Charles Horton, Gault, 2 loads; Mr. Wltten, b loada; Charles Merril, Deer Island, Or, 4. IUAU. . ' . K . Sheep and lambs C M. Smith, Con don, Or., 4 loads; J. S. Keney. Heppner, 1 load; 0 A. , B. Ford, TamhilL r Orv i 10ad8. '.-f. Mixed stuff A. R. Ford. McMInnvlll. Or., 1 load hogs and sheep. . . rv - , official Xdvsstock Sal. Following are representatlv ' aalea They - indicate demand, supplies and quality offering: - : i , . hoqs. .AVg. Wgt M feeder ,,j 116 ' 1 light 211' SHEEP AND LAMBS. tit E. O. wethers.. 106 151 E. O. wethers........ 107 257 li O. wethers..;.....,-106 . 128 E. O. wethers,,,..... 108 128 E. O. wethers..,. 108 173. sheep ...,-. 85 88 sheep . ..... . ' 91 1 : 8 sheep .,,.v.,. 116 100 sheep ........... -M 134 . . .... m ii . , FORECAST FOR " SHIPPERS - Weather bureau sends out th' fol lowing forecaat -for shippers: .;-- Protect i ehloments aa far north aa t Seattle against temperatures ot aoout 74 - degrees; northeast to Spokane, 68 degrees;, southeast to Boise, 80 decrees: south to- Kl ski you, 78 degrees. - Highest temperature at Portland tomorrow about 78 degrees. - .. ... price. 17.35 8.80 14.00 4.00 ' 4.00 -:i 4.00 4.00 - 3 26 - 1.25 8 25 . v 8.00 ' i M.. St P. A S. M., K. A T.. 0. . do pfd ' , Mo. Pacific... Nat Lead .... Nevada Con. . . N. Y. Cent. . N. Y Ont A W vt.- a nr . N. American N. Pacific, e... . Pac M. 8. Co. . . Penn. Rv. P.O., L.&C Co.. P. Steel Car, c. do pfd ....... Reading, c. . .. do 2d pfd..... do 1st pfd.,.. Ren. I. A 8., O.. do ' pf d . . 9-4 . . Rook 1st, o..... do nfd ....... St L. ft 6. F., lp ao iirst pra... St L. ft & W., c r ao pia ...... Southern paa, o Southern Ky., ft. Texas & Paclflo. T St L. ft WH c Union Pacific, c, VI. S. Rubber. , c. U. a Steel CoM. ot Utah -Copper Va. Chemical Wabash, o .' W. -U. Telegraph west in an. h.lec. Wis. Central, . Big Four Ry. Soring . ... Ooldfield Con. J Tenn. - Copper . Meav National -. Wheel.-Lak E.. Third Av. ..... Allls-Chalmers, o. Alton, c. ... . Distillers ...... Ore Ivends 83 83 33H 55 65 106 .. . 19H 62 186 Foreign markets were generally waak ar. Range of Chicago prices furnished by I Overbeck c coo He co. WHEAT. en. II 1Kb, 4i 87& 87 87H 89H 89 MUUB. July ...i. Sept .... Dec. Hi" 136 H i35H If 126H 106 Ui60H,160Jl57H 89 30 120 22K its 81 76H s 88 48 80 4 tilt 88 60 22 18 66 146 14 163H 138 18 62 187 161 A V 44 107 Open. H lgh. Low. . cioi l4i 87 86 87H 86 86 88 89A .... Hi K RK U RIU Sepi-V.V: 66 6 66 66 Deo. " H.- 66 OATSTv 88 38 88 88 39 89 88 89 40 40 40 40 PORK, 1680 1I1B 1528 1615 1495 1600 LARD. .... 815 820 Sit 811 .... 832 821 826 826 RIBS ....820 826 ' 815 820 ....811 620 812 817 WOOL CLIP 106 July ....1517 Sept ....1600 ul' Sept . Vale Sales Highest. Vale. Or.. June 11. Wool sale wsr Slow toaay as oniy two ouyers were here this morning. No sales mad thu far today and all of th wool clip stored her Is sold except six carloads. The lateat sale was made last night by w. P. Alien or juntura, co.ooo I pounds at 15 U centa. Vale wool again received th highest price of the season a lew days ago When Anderson and Owlnn received 17 cents for a small clip. Th same firm averaged 16 cents on their large output of wool aold during th paat week. which were: R. C. Goodwin, 60,000 lb.; John M. Sells. 60.000 lbs.: J. 8. McCumsey. 60.- 000 lbs.; George and Mark Hart all at I 15 cents. Frame cummings, t s.uou id. at 16 centa; J. M. Howard, 81,790 lbs. I at 16 cents. ... . . - - - Buyers hav neon scouring in coun try ana ail cups are neing purcnasea at private sales. One million pounds have been sold In Val this season data to I 5 100 160 120 81 22 186 ' Total sales. 680.600 shares. Call money, 22 per cent Dnfar Sheep Shipment. Dufur. Or., June 11. Ther were I60T ;ad of aheep shipped from Shanlko , w..lr 4Vila fnalrtntf 40 eat lAa.lta J of the wool and mutton producera. H I Nine of th cars went to - Cl Elum, Wash., nine to cnicago, two to Port land. The price realised for th ewes was $1.75 and for th yearlings $2.26. Good Sheep Run. Hennner. Or.. Jun , 13. Th Whet stone shearing plant cloaed down for the seaaon, last Thursday, after denud ing 63.000 head of abeep. This Is eon slderea a. good run for the time the plant was in operation, and Mr. Whet stone Is well satisfied with th result Prepare for Wool. Joseph, Or, Jun II. Th Joaeph Warehouse company Is making; exten- renal re in expectation ox in wool clip this seaaon. ; All of our woo large ol- i growers predict a heavy clip and even if the price of wool doea not go above 14 cents, they will do batter than last season. - ., Wool Condition 3oed,-- Boise. Idaho. ; June IS. Andrew Lit. tie, a big sheepmsn of Emmet reports that conditions in that district ar quit good - and that the local wool growers expect to get good price for tneir cups mis, season. Operate Scouring Mills. Th Dalles, Or., Jun IS. Following th recent wool ealea in eastern Oregon, th large acourlng milla ar running vncrmrreT wavtr ctiTrurvn ul1 or? of workmen. A very alVAsalA w aWsvAiaav , UAiaajuM'awn . i larva Portland Bank. Clearing today ...,.....12,283,098.76 Tear - ago - .............. -1.883.441.S7 I Gain today . ............. ..1348.656.39 Balances today 101,254.00 xear ago I6s,382.ia " Seattle Bank. T ? Clearings today - .'"..... ... .1,281,885.09 j uaiancea .................. noa.i6f.oj large amount of wool la being shipped ner oaiiy. . j -. . V Baker Wool k Sale. ' Baker. . Or., - Jun IS. Jack - Rohner ' Taooma Bask. Clearing today i...:.i..;,..S06,S18.00 .Balance .......... ,. THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPAffyr Constructs Asphalt and a4tier Bitum inou Pavement. 606-608 Eleetrle Bldg, Portland, Or. Oskar Hubec, Manager. ,- Bnhl Wool Shipment. , .' , Buhl Idaho. Jun IS. Th' flrat' lot of wool ahlpped from Buhl left thl point for Boaton Thursday. Th con signment waa alg car, all horn grown. and cam. largely from tha flock of Meesrs. Soutoworth and Jackson,. . It Is-understood that the average pne waa id cents, ana tne quality extra good, th ' wool being clean and van. KANE-SPITZENBERG ';:.; IS POPULAR AFrLE Thousands of sheep hav been bought ila aeaaon by ranchere In thla vicinity. and It 1 expected that within another rear or so Buhl will become on of th principal wool shipping points In south, ern Idaho. , . . , .... ;rX" Wool Clip Fair. ",,.'" Bolaa. Idaho. ' June 11 The aheeo hav been driven In off the hills and corralled and sheep shearing I going on at a rapid rat all over southern Idaho, aooordlng to report received here by local sheepmen. . - it ia aaia mat in nil np run at a fair averse In quality and quantity. They ar being sold right off, in most cases; and this money will appreciably lighten Idaho financial conditions. - BSaBVSBaaasaSBBBBaaaaBBaBaaBBBaalaaBaaaaHaa - By th first of text year India will b making Its own railroad rail In. stead of importing them. - Th Dalles, Or.. Jun 11. Local fruit growers . smiled yesterday when thrv read In a Portland morning paper of the prise wining Kane-Mpltxentuirg ( Five, wbloh. the article asld wer v.ry Ittl heard of and raised only nar Walla Walla' A great many appu Of thl variety are raised hare and are found to be an excellent fruit to ken and ar a sure market product. J. C. Hosteller, a large ral.er of aiw pl, haa a great many of thla variety on hi Chetiowlta Cov frara, three mile from here. , : O SI A HA LIVESTOCK LOWER i : rett. Prww Laaa4l Wlr. I South Omaha, Neb, June IS. Cattle, 4300; market alow to lOo lower; ateera, 16.1606.16; cows and heifer. 84.69 a Hogs. 11.100; market 10 to Uo low. sr.. Sale, 16.70 6.00. - t Sheep, 1000; market : steady. Tear, lings, 14.6696.16: wethera. I4.A0A4.60; lamb. I6.60ai.l6; ewe. l4.00Q4.ai. OIICAGO LIVESTOCK - MARKET aWaaaaBaaasaBBBlB "--., Chics fo. Jun II. Run: Hog 11.600, Cattle 4000. sheep 11.000. ' Hogs ar steady. Laft Over. S60A; receipts a year ago. 14,000. - Mixed, 16.0006.11: heavy, l6.19A6.il rough, )6.9O$6.05; light, 6-00 QUI. t , Cattle Steady. t Sheep Steady. , v.. Bank Notice Security Saving tnrj Trust CotnpaJiy Orbett Building, Fifth and Morrison Streets Capital and Surplus $950,000 v . . , Invites Accounts of ' McrchanU, Ino!i visuals and Sayings ' ' l . v - i STATEMENT OF CONDITION OP LUMBERMENS N AT I O N A L. D A N K Ooraw Fifth and Stark, Portland, Or. At the Close of Business, June, 7. 1911 ASSETS. Discounts, . 13,764,191.11 6, J 87. OS 160,000.0it 138,990.14 800.00 26.00V.90 1.629.01 Loans and Overdrafts U. 8. Bonds to Secur Circulation . Other Bonds and .premiums Real EsUte Fumltur and Fixtures.. , Customers Liability Under Letter of Credit , Due from U. 8. Treasurer t 11, 500.00 Due from Banks ........ S4Z.86X.as Caah on Hand 660.091.88 1.80B.865.47 ' , 14.581.064.07 ' XOABXXJTJBS. . ' Capital ...I 800.000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profit .... . 83.288.89 Circulation , 160,000.00 Stock Subscription Account, ....... 166,100.00 Dlvfdenda Unpaid - 76.00 . Drafta Accepted Under Letters of Credit ....a 1,639.01 DeposlU 8,681.011.13 14,582,014.07 . r- v, MERCHANTS NATIONAL BANK PORTLAND, OREGON. K , UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY.. , , CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, $350,000.00 The policy of this Bank is to cultivate helpful ' business relations with its depositors, and to render , at all times the service which their needs demand ' and which our equipment Insures.' Every courtesy ' consistent with prudent banking Is uniformly ex- tended by this Bank to all depositors, ;v f i FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $1,500,000 ? I , SURPLUS . $750,000 ' ' Oldest National Bank West bf the : Rocky Mountains - I 1 - . v . I. - II "BrrUUTHIC Is a definite, specif ic, non slippery, successful pavement,"- says J. W.j Howard, the fa moua consulting en gineer of New York, whq makea a, scien tific study of pave ment ' . and acts for cities -in an advisory capacity. ( Overbeck & Cooke Go. Commission Merchants . - Stocks, BoncY ' ; ," Cotton, Grain, Etc U "r 216-217 Board of Trada En!!." ; Member Chlcaro Ptrd ef Tra . Correspondents ef L " r -y v ; Chlcaro. Nw Tetii. - . W hav th only fr'. vt i , ' aannactlneT PortUr. I v . eastern oimfca - ,