n fabuloaa fortuna oached aomawhera out under tha eusploeaof tha Knights of Columbus. Tha body waa ablppad to CHAS. COOK, SURVIVOR OF ANPERSONVILLE, IS DEAD ' (llpaaUl Mspefa to Tka 'laraatl " 'McMlnnvlUe, Or., Juno ll.Charlee Cook, a veteran of tba Civil war, died Sunday' at tha home of bla eon, John ,W. Cook. Ho waa 71 yeara old and a native of "New Tork state.' Ho served hla oouhtry with company B of the Fifth Minnesota Infantry. During tba last three months of the war ha waa a prisoner In AnderaonvlUa prison, when It wag In Ita worst atagva, and waa one of the few survivors that lived to tell tha , tala of that awful Imprisonment. Mr. Cook came to Oregon from Kansas In 1111 -and lived at McMlnnvlUe till ha - answered the final roll call. Hla funeral waa held today, under ausplcea of tha L O. O, F. with Interment In tha Masonic cemetery. . eweaaskSBaaaaaaeweaiaaaaaaaaaiasaaBaiiiaMSBBaaaa .1 : Preaerr MlWa Cabin. . Cl4 Ftm Leewd Wt. I TTaablngton, June , II.--Final prep arations are being made today for moving the hletorlo aabtn occupied by Joaquin Millar, "Tha Poet of the Sier ras' at Belmont and Sixteenth streets, this city, to Rock Creek Park. At a masting of the California Stats as sociation, bald bers In tba aabtn. A. J. . Boyer, historian of tha organisa tion, read' a paper on the life and achievements of the poet, and Miss JD. O. Griffin related Incidents of bla Ufa Tha district oommlsalonere have agread to allot a place of ground on which tha cabin will ba placed and eongreee undoubtedly will consent to tha removal of tha cabin to tha park. ; - YAQUIS DEMAND TITLE. TO LAND, THREATEN WAR ' asaesajBBBasaaaapMeaasBja) ' (Calt4 rrs LmmS Wire. El Paso, Texas, June II. -Declaring that they were promised lands In Max loo now owned by tba Richardson Con struction company of Loe Angeles and In whlchr John Hays Hammond and Henry Taft are prominently Interested, tha Yaqul Indians have prepared to fight unless given title to tba property. Tha Indiana claim they were promised tba property if they fought with the Ineurrectoa In dethroning Dlas. The Richardson Construction company as serts that It haa a dear title to the land. Madera and bla effldala are of the opinion that tha restoration of tha land to tha Indiana la out of tba question. FIRST DIRT HOISTED alda tha srlm old Bpanlsb baatlla In Madrid. Tha teauteous younr dauerhter, Tereea, till weepa and la attlf "In tha bloom" of tarty womanhood and gloom of Portland for Interment. . Edward O'Connor, an old and re pected realdent .of Aatorla, died of i STILL III JOMEIIT heart failure Sunday afternoon, lie had been out for an auto ride fatnrday lonely aorrow," although tha flight Of II yaara bava passed ovar bar baad alnea evening and appeared to Je In excellent tha first dolorous lament want forth from tha dungeon, Tha wretched cap tlva la atlU In momantary fear-of being spirits. Upon bla return ha wastages auddenly 111, but rallied for a time. An other attack at t o'clock Sunday morn ing proatrated bins and bo lingered but II hours. ,. .. ' Mr.. O'Connor waa a native of County Kerry, Ireland, and waa 71 yeara of aga Ho waa a widower, hla wife hav ing died a year ago. Ho bad apant mora than 40 yearn of bla life la Aatorla and waa aeaoctated with most of the old business flrme of tha city a various capacltlaa besides conducting a butcher business for several years, A Hubbard Get Hair Cut . V , (United FYms Lm4 Wlre.lV-. , fit. Louis, Mo., Juna II. -That , XI bart Hubbard's hair . baa boon ohorn br tha village barber of East Aurora ' ' (Special DIsMtea ta The Jearaalf JTuntlngton, . Or ' June II. -The Mo Keen motor ear, running from Omaha to North Yakima, 170 mlleey le ex pected at Huntington aarly tomorrow morning. Tha motor U making passea ger schedule, and la running aa an extra action of tha Oregon-Waahlngton lim ited. It la to ba uaed by tha C-W. In tba Taklma valley on tba North Coaat road, and baa a aaatlng capacity of If, bestdea a baggage aompartment, carrtea ISO gallona of gaaollna, ualng three gal lone par bour, and la capable of a apeed of 71 mllre par bour. It la making nine atop on tba overland Journey for gaao llna '.'... ! ,',. ; .', T ' " ' ' J : " Edward O'Connor Dead.' . ' (Special Plapatch to Tba JeuraaM ' Aatorla, Or., June II. Tha funeral of Kdward O'Connor wan bald at 8t Mary's Catholic church thla morning at 1:41 1 llsecUl DUpatr a Tba JitU ' Eugene, Or, Juna II. With many business bouses closed ' and a parada held, the commencement of construction on the Kugene-Sluslaw Una of the Lane' County Asset company was cele brated In a demonstration from I to 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Autome blles and other rigs, and several lodges V and civic aocletlea, participated In the parade, whloh began from tha oflfca of ; the Aaaet company and proceeded to Fifth and Blair streets, where first dirt was thrown. The organisations of busi ness man war well repreeented. ; - satM-M--aMaaaaBMesnBaeaeBaaBMMsaaaasaasBa ' ' Claims Montana) Residence. ; New Tork, Juna II. On tha ground -. that ba la still a resident Of Montana, ex-Senator W. A. Clark, who lives In a , 17,000,000 Fifth avenue mansion,' es caped execution In a suit of debt against ' his son. ' : '- .' i,;'; tortured to death, and la atUl stricken with a deadly malady, despite tha fact "Beautiful Daughter; Teresa" Waits Yet Enough Passage; , Money for America. ; that ho baa .eurvlvad and aeemlngly thrived. In tha long Interim, In' almoat every detail, with tha exception of tha data of tha appea.'. condition! appear un changed with tha unhappy prlaoner who wanta to give a.ay 1250,000 with tha guardlanahlp of the weeping; and beeu teoua young Teresa, all for a llttla -litanoe amounting to aometblng Ilka ' ' ftpw1J Plipitck te Tb JoaraaLt ' Centralis, Waslv,. June II. Tfce "Spanish Prisoner" tu eraln beefl heard from In Centralla and Cnetialla. "Wll 11am Keatlar and Frank I Foster hart letters from "M. Bandrowsky," and a wall known business man of Chahalia la alio aald not only to hare board from tba same distressed Individual bat alio to have parted with a goodly, sank la speculative sympathy. ' Tha old story snows llttla originality r departure from tha wall that baa gone forth for years Tbera la tba aama 1 ISO or whatever amount can ba aeparated from tha recipient of the letter. ' Unmoved .by tba appeal, Mr. Keating and Mr. Foater are keeping thalr lettera from tha "prlaoner" aa souvenirs of a aohemo that haa duped mora than ona etald cltlaen of tha twin cities! Can tralla and Chaballa. ,t . - - ,, and that Pra Elbartua therby iwoa a 1500 bet from William Marlon . Ready Alabama broke all reoorda. both for of 8t Louis waa ward brought , in a amount and valua In bar coke produc tion laat year. , . i v telegram bora. Heady says - ba baa no bet. . THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', PORTLAND, , TUESDAY EVENING, JUNE 13, 1911. SPlf Alt NORTH COAST OTOR ON MSUM ROAD MAKES OVER AND RUN Principal Portlond Agehts "Vudor? Porch Shades and Hammockb--!f Automatic'1 RctrlQerators Flreless Cookers, Cno Plates, Window and Door Screens, Lawn Swlnns, Porch Seats, Tents, Camplnfl Outllts. Fishing Tackle, Tennis Goods F,nrninAiiA M $10.00 Linen SuiU for $3.95 10 to 11 a. m. tomorrow, in the base ment underprfce itore, a sle of 100 .smsrtlv tailored women's Linen Suits, splendid' styles in white, tan or blue; good materials, suitable weignts, maae as well as high-grade wool suits; per fect fitting: $3.50 to' $10 QO OR values, special sale for iPJee7fJ Child's $3.00 Hati Only 79c n tn 11 a. m. tomorrow, in the base ment nnderprice store, a sale of 100 children's Hats, foundations of Leg- L .-J 4mt atraw - taatilv trlm'd in silk, ribbons end flowers; a splen did range of styles ana eoi- nlp ors; $2 to S3 values, at only I 500 Roll of Reg. 10c Grade Tutue ToOet Paper Only 4c 10 to 11 a. m. tomorrow, in the base ment underprice store, a one-hour sale of Egyptian Pure Tissae Toilet Ta-R-i rolls, full size sheets. Limit 20 rolls to customer) regular 4n 10p, or 3 for Me, spedai, rou Scrim Curtains on Sale at 25c 10 to 11 a. m. tomorrow. In tha base ment, a rale of 300 pairs of ruffled Scrim Curtains, 2tf yards long; neat strioe patterns; rery good quality for the Summer cottage; good sellers at 50c a pair, offered special OCp for one hour at low pnea of swell 3000 Yar3 of Lace of the 10c Quality Special at, a Yar3 3c 10 to 11 a. m. tomorrow, in the base ment underorice store, a sale of 3000 yards of imktffon Lfnenr Torchon, the irrid" lhaf wears so well; edging and Insertion, z to 4 inches wide; very r hales nattems I 10c oualitY. O. special for one hour, the yd. Ol 25c Rice Straw Brooms 15c 10 to 11 a. m. tomorrow, in the base-; stent underprice store, one-hour sale of Rice Straw Brooms for " household use; 25c values, at J-Ol 75c Wall aocks for Only 39c to ta 11 l m. tomorrow, a sale of small Wall Clocks, German carved ef fects, with chain and weignt; 9JUg regular. 75c sellers, special for J7l Boys $1.50 Shoes on Sale 98c in t 11 a. m. tomorrow, in the base ment underprice store, a sale of 300 pairs of boys' Shoes; good, depend able values, medium weight, box calf, hlneher cut: a rood, serviceable school shoe; sizes 8 to 13 ; reg- QOn ular $1.50 values, tjie pair avev $1.50 Silks Special, Yard 55c 10 to 11 a. m. tomorrow, in the base ment underprice store, a great one hour sale of 2800 yards of fancy silks,' suitable for every purpose; they come in stripes, checks, plaids, spots, etc, A marvelous collection of colors; 19 to. 27 inches wide; all pure silks; our regular $1.25 and $1.50 val- KKn ues, special, one hour, yard ft' 36-inch Shirting Maoras, 20c Quality Special at Only 10c 10 to 11 a, m. tomorrow, in the base-; ment underprice store, a sale of 24 rhn'icn new Shirtins" Madras! nil 36 inches wide: an excellent rancres of patterns to choose from; good, re- liable colors; regular ok. - f quality, special for on hour Awu Men' $1415 Shirts at 47c 10 to 11 a. m. tomorrow, in the base mnK 1000 llferi's'Shirts of fine oualitv' ; nrrnlc lio-rt or medium cialors.4 olain ! or plaited bosoms, cut full size's-14 to 17X1 regular i.w: and?i.3 Ar7n values,- special for one hour at Extra Special 3 Regular 10c Ice Cream Soda 5c Glass - . . . . . ' " - - ' . ' ' A 3 to 5 p. m. Positively not before 3 or after 5. . During the two warmest hours of the day fatigued shoppers may be refreshed with a glass of our famous Ice Cream Soda; fT our own make,. Regular 10c size,- special -for 2 hours OK "June White Days" Sale Throughout the Store Call and See the Great Bargains Special 25c Lunch Served Daily Basement Store Try Our Fine Ieq ine IBasemnieiiiifl From 11 to 12 M. $2.25 Kimonos Special at $1.09 i 11 a. m. to 12 tomorrow, in the basement underprice store, a sale of women's full length Kimonos, made of excellent qual ity crepe material in Oriental and small floral patterns. All neatly styled and trimmed with bands of contrasting col ors. A splendid assortment; M AQ regular $225 values, at only tPXeUa 5c Spool Silk Special, Spool 2c 11 a. m. to 12 tomorrow. Shop by the hour, be among the thrifty shoppers in our basement Here's sublime quality Spool Silk for hand or machine; black and all wanted colors;, regular 5c grade, special for one hour only at K 25c Shell Goods Selling for 9c 11 a. m. to 12 tomorrow, a'sale of hun dreds of pieces of Shell Goods, such as back combs, barrettes, etc., in assorted color and styles. Our best regular Q values to -25c each, special for only aU 50d Meat Srfws for Only 25c 25c-Table Mats Special at 13c 11a m tr 12 tomorrow, in the basement underprice store,r a Sale of Family Meat Saws, well made and very durable! Our regular 50c values, offered special OKA for this hour at low price of, each TABLE MATS, in sets of 6, as-f Q' sorted sizes; reg. isc a set, only .a. wy, Reg. 50c and 60c Dress Goods Specially Priced, the Yard 27c 11 a, m. to 12 tomorrow, in the basement underprice store, you may choose from over 2000 yards good, serviceable Dress Materials. -; such as tweeds, voiles, , mo hairs, .batistes, plaid and cheeked novel ties, fancy stripes, etc; 36 to' 42- O'7s inch) regular 50c and 60c values I V Boys' Play Suits, Regular $1.50 Values, for This Sale Only 97c 11 a.' m; to 12 tomorrow, in the basement, 200 boys' Play Suits, Indian and cowboy styles, made of good quaftty tan drilling with long pants. The cowboy suits havs, regular cowboy bats to match: tha Indian suits bava feather headdress sizes AfT 4, to 10 years j ( $L50 values, at f i V Women 15c Vests Special 8c ll a. rn, to 12 tomorrow, in the basement underprice itore, a sale of 50 dozen Sum mer Vests, fine Swiss-ribbed quality; low; neck and sleeveless; sizes 4, 5 and 6 Q our regular 15c values, special only OfU H specials y to 5 P. M. Only in the Lunch From 12 to 2 P. M. $2.00 WaisU Special Only 79c 12 to 2 p. m. tomorrow, in the basement underprice store. The greatest Waist sale of the season; fully 1000 to choose from. The lot includes some of the very best styles of the season, fashioned with high or low necks, long or short sleeves. AH beautifully trimmed in lace or em broidery. Some slightly mussed. H(r Reg. $1.50, $1.75 and $2 values, at I i7l 50c Marshmallows Special 27c 12 to 2 p. m. tomorrow, at the counter of sweets, we will sell during the noon hour only our own delicious Chocolate Dipped Marshmallows? regular O'Tp 50c grade, special for 2 hours, lb. $2.00 Sailor Hats for Only 98c 12 to 2 p. m. tomorrow, in the basement underprice store, a-two-hours' sale of 150 splendid black bailor Hats, made ot fancy rough straws with wide drooping brims, correct styles. Regular $2 QC values, offered special two hours vOU Hardwood Coat Hangers for 3c 12 to 2 p. m. tomorrow. "Shop by the hour. In the basement store, 1000 highly polished hardwood Coat . Hangers, Og full size and correct shape, special Oi 50c Jewelry for This Sale at 5c 12 to 2 p. m. tomorrow, In the basement underprice store, a sale of hundreds of pieces of Jfaney Jewelry, consisting of belt buckles, , stick pins, hat pins, belt pins, beauty pins, brooches, etc.; some very attractive, serviceable pins, fp worth regularly 25c, 35c and 50c, at JU 15c Gas Toasters Special at 9c 12 to 2 p. ta. tomorrow. In the basement ustderprice store, . a two-hour ' sale 1 of Toasters for fhwas stove, the best 15c sellers, offered special one hour W Remnants ort Sale lit Half Price " 1 1 1 ' j " 1 aaw 1 . i i in i i i i 12.to,2 p.: m, tomorrow, a two-hour ale of remnants,., including practically every remnant in the. basement. Dress goods, sSlks, draperies, embroideries, laces, rib bons, wash goods; etc, all, good, useful lengths. Shrewd ; buyers can use A ' them to good advantage; every quaL , - MenV Blade Shirti: Special 39c 12 to 2 p. m. tomorrow, In the basement underprice store, a sale of 45 dozen men's: Shirts, made of excellent quality black ; sateen; bodies and sleeves cut full, all well madeand finished. Sites 14ya to 17, Shirts marked, to sell at 59c each,: special for two hours at only, ea. 39c M I A SPECIALS Salggcreen Doors Complete With FltUngs t L Shoe Men Uimtfleirpir' From 2 f o 3 P. M. $5.00 Skirts on Sale for $1.95 2 to 3 p. m. tomorrow, in the basement underprice store, 200 fine quality Linen Dress Skirts at less than the cost of ma terial; in white, cream, blue, and tan; plain tailored or slightly trimmed styles. Smart, dressy, neat fitting d1 Qf skirts; regularly at $5, special vieell Reg. 40c Caramels, Pound 25c 2 to 3 p. m. tomorrow, in the basement underprice store. At the counter of sweets for the hour only we will sell delicious Chocolate-Dipped Cara- OKp mels; best regular 40c grade,' lb. afiieJU Reg. 25c Hair Rolls at Only Sc 2 to 3 p. m. tomorrow, in the basement underprice store, a sale of 20-inch Hair Rolls, made of fine crepe wool, light weight, in all shades; regular val' Op ues to 25c. offered soecial for 1 hour Ols 25c Tumbler Holders Only 15c 20c Towel Bars Special at 13c 2 to 3 p. m. tomorrow, in the basement underprice store, we offer for one hour only ' Nickel Tumbler Holders, " worth regular 25c, special 1 hour XtJi TOWEL BARS, for the bathroom or kitchen; regular 20c values, special 13et Women's Reg. $1.50 Hospital Slippers Special at, the Pair 98c 2 to 3 p. mf tomorrow, in the basement shoe store, a sale of 500 pairs of women's Juliet or Hospital Slippers; light weight and very comfortable, made of 'fine vici kid stock with rubber heels; all QCp sizes; $1.50 values, special 1 hour v,Ot $1.00 Black Silk at, a Yard 63c 2 to 3 p. m, tomorrow, in the basement, sale of 10 piecas of choice black Taffeta, 32 inches wide rich, lustrous finish and perfectly dyed, The proper weight for costs, softs, -' petticoats, waists, JO etc.; regular Jl vals., 1 hour, yd. UOl Boys' 50c Pants at, the Pair 29c 2 to 3 p. m. tomorrow, a one-hour sale of 500 pairs of boys' Khaki Pants, made of good heavy material, well finished; sizes ,3 to 10 years; our regular 50c val- OQ' ues, special for this hour only.pf. j6a7jL WonWa" Hosiery, the Bet 25c Values, Special at, the Pair 10c to 3 p. m. tomorrow, in the basement, a sale of 50 dozen fine luster finish- Lisle Hose, reinforced heels and toes; slightly imperfect Sizes 8yi to 9, 9tf, ia,,"i A. Regular 25e values, special, ; pair A U U 11 SPECIALS ON BALE FROM 2 TO 1 O'CLOCK P. M. ONLV In the basement "underprice store," a sale of splendid well-made,, good style Screen doors, size 24 by 6.6 and 2.8 by 6.8, made of selected cedar, well finished. All complete with binges, screws, hooks ana nanoie. rues, bewarel We are going to sell a lot of them. QCf Offered special for this hour only at low price atil Shining Parlors for Womeri and Located in the Basement Store lee Sltore From 3 to 4 P. M. $2.50 WaitU Special M $1.69 3 to 4 p. tn. tomorrow, in the basement underprice store. Shop by the hour; stay all day. Take lunch here. For one hour only we offer women's all-linen Tailored Waists with embroidered fronts, stiff collars and cuffs; sizes 34 to 42. Made of fine sheer material - Regu- Q lar $2.50 values, special 1 hour PJLeUe7 $6.00 Plumes on Sale at $2.98 3 to 4 p. m. tomorrow, in the basement; French Plumes in black, white and all colors; perfect feathers with full bodies; fast-dyed stock that tells reg- PO QQ ular at $5 and $6, special at Dee70 35c Neckwear Special Only 5c 3 to 4 p. m. tomorrow. Shop by the hour in the basement; 2000 pieces of fancy Neckwear, slightly soiled of "mussed. Some of this season's best selling styles, in Dutch collars, jabots and em- r broidered linen collars; vals. to 35c Ox 65c Shopping Bags at Only 39c 3 to 4 p. m. tomorrow, in the basement underprice store, a sals . of women's handy Shopping Bags with strap OQf handles; reg. 65c values, for only OaU 15c Drapery Goods Special 8c 3 to 4 p. m. tomorrow, in the basement undrpnee store, a sale of 3000 yards of drapery materials, such as scrims, ma dras tretnnna. ate., in white ana colors. 26 to 40 Inches wide; regular val- Qg ues up to 15c, special one hour, yd. Children's 35c Rompers for 18c 3 to 4 p. m. tomorrow, in the basement underprice store, a one-hour sale of chil dren's Rompers, made of blue gingham, trimmed in white and red; well made, put together to stay. Actual 35c val- 1Q. ues, special for this hour, pair -LOi 20c Huck Towels Special at 14c 3 to 4 p. in.' tomorrow, in 'the basement underprice store, a sale of 75 dozen Bleached Linen Huck Towels, 19x38 ins.; good heavy stock, suitable for household or for hotel use. Regular 20c "11 values, special for this hour, each Norway Sardines, 2 Boxes 25c 3 to 4 p. m. tomorrow. In tha basement grocery department, a sale' of Norway Sardines, large size, put up in oil; OCA special for one hour only, 2 FOR awejPI ; Men's Underwear Special at 32c 3 to 4 p. m. tomorrow, men's Bafbriggan Underwear, fine Egyptian quality. close woven; sizes 32 to 46 our regu- OO lar ' 50c values, special, garment OiUK !Q SPECIALS' U From 4 to 5 P. M. 4- fo 5m. j Children's 50c Dresses at 29c 4 to 5 dl m. tomorrow, in the base- ment underprice store, a sale of 300 children's Dresses, pretty styles, made of good quality gingham, in blue and white, pink and white stripes, ail neat ly made and trimmed, in plain white bands; sizes 1 to 3 years; JU . regular 50c values, special at y 25c Jelly Beans, Per Lb. 14c 4 to 5 p. ol, at the basement counter of sweets, where everything is tresn and pure, for the bour only we wiu sell Jelly Beans, the children's favor ite candy; regular price 25c a pound, special for ona hour at 25c Ribbon on Sale Only 12c 4 to 5 p. mi tomorrow. Shop by the hnnr: stav in tha basement all day: tke Inneh there. Buv Ribbona. 5 inches wide, in pure silk quality, rich taffeta, in black and all colors; ?( arai4a tne ona hour ' at XailV 65c Market Baskets Only 39c 4 to 5 e. m. tomorrow;' in the base ment underprice store, a sale of fancy Market Baskets, rood sellers nn at 65c, for one hour only at Uai Bed Sheets, Special Price 39c, A tn i . m. tomorrow, in tha base ment underprice store, a sale of 50 . . . dozen uea onsets, maae oi gooa grade sheeting, torn ana VfJiV hemmed; no seams, special atyalv 15c Cotton Serge, a Yard 11c 4 to 5 p. m. tomorrow, a one-hour sale of 1500 yards of cotton Serge in black and white checks, large and small; a splendid material for children's wear.. Our regular 15c quality, ot- p fered special , at, yard, only XA' Men's 15e Socks, the Pair 9c 4 to 5 p. m. tomorrow, in the base ment underprice store, a one-nour sale of fine Cotton Hose in black, tan, trrav. maroon, navy blue, green, etc. Double heels and-toes, seamless feet and fast colors; all sizes; good rrtruWr ISc values. soeciaL oair-Vl Children's $1XK) Gowns 45c 4 to 5 p, m. tomorrow, a one-houraale of children's Gowns, made of fine muslin or longcloth; plain or trim'd with embroidery; sizes for girls front 3 to 12 years of age; regu- A ET lar 85c to $1.00 values, forTttllf $2.50 House Dresses at $1.48 4 to 5 p. m. tomorrow, a sale of 500 House Dresses and -Wrappers, wade of o-ood. oercales. snnsrham and cham- bray; sizes 34 to 44;,reg- Q" AO ular $2.50 values, special vastcvj From 5 to 6 P. M. $2.00 Bathing SuiU Only 95c 5 to 6 p. m. tomorrow, a sale of, 250 splendid Bathing Suits for girls,' neat ly styled and trimmed. ; Materials are flannels and ' popular ; cloths; black. blue, and light colors; . sizes QCIa 4 to i 12 years; reg. $2 values vO; 10c Ice Cream, Ptr Dish 5c 5 to 6 p. m. tomorrow, at the base ment fountain. During this hour we will serve our home-made lee Cream, chocolate or vanilla flavor; the best n townthey all say so. Reg tf ular 10c dish, for this hour only tilr Reg. 10c Toilet Soaps for 3c S to 6 o." tri. tomorrow, in" the base ment underprice store, a sale of 1000 cakes of ToUef Soaps, highly scentcl; good grade, v Monkey Brand. Cuda hv's MechanicaV" etc.; actiul . 5e and ; 10c ; grades, special for w