The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 11, 1911, Page 26, Image 26

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    .. A" ' !- I". -'I'J J ' ' " - 1
r u i, furnished rooms
; - -''". , . EAST BIDE -v
t NICELY fnrnlshed room
With refined
private family, bail), light and phone, I Thurman.
. M . . i . t . J 1 1.- I ) 1 kuiBMrt I i r
, U" 4th and 7th sts. Phono B-2643. '
' MODERN housekeeping room a and
i furnished rom; all newly furnished;
, Hew building at Russell and Klrbey
. streets. Take J or L -or. - - 1 - - -
: ' TVH large, nicely furnlahad roonia,
' " hot and" cold water; beat thine on east
V M. . i70 Belmont, cor. 18th. Tabor
10, Si
; , : uocsEKFErnva rooms s
' ' WEST BIDE '.
THDTB tn fnrnlahAit Kanukunlnr
rooma. bath, vara- and tubs, ill I wvjvinu cur. win sell my rurniture
WlTCHKLL housekeeping rooms: light.
u; mclTam. 7tn A ri-noere, A-4B7.
ffto plaaeant housiikeeplnir roonia, cluaa
in: desirable iocs t ion, , ti inn at. j
NICELY furnished housekeeping roonia,
1 or I; chean. 170 12th at.
tnu na irii ill? u.ii.w
Of t rooms. Hi tna il take Hut-
sei-nnavar car.
FOR SALE 7 room a, food furniture,
heap, cash or terms. . 101 Jefferson.
Main 4(83
FOR RENT Nice a room house, mod-
"A a vuf us.
woooiawn, II7I.
Call R. L. Ray,
t.. it
KlT.'H furnished' 'front room for gentle
man in private) tainiiy, on cast man
1 16 minute walk to town, phone and bath.
j-:aet is.
THE Electric Hotel New building.
modern, nicely furnlahad roonia ll.aV
and tip par week. , K, 11th and Main.
Hellwood I JI08.
rum latter
moderate nrlcea,
Union. Phone Eaat 6880.
it transient room, ,
Lam hart House, 13
CLEAN1' room for gen daman, bath, on ,
- Sunnvaida carllna. 16 par month, lit
. . Ttelroont.
; ' CLEAN, new, modern rooms, moderate.
, , - Kaay walking distance. 564 B. Tam-
comer lth. p-Qft. r
'. LaRUK nlcly fiirnlalid aast front
room, modarn, $10. E. th, near
"; Oak. Knat :nz.
$1.60 to $1.60 weak, clean furnlahed
houarkecptnjr room, uae of laundry,
bath, phone, yard,, heat, icaa. 4A( Van
pouver wve. and l!03Hi Stanton. U car.
TWO lurre connactliiK houaekenptnR
rooms, modern conveninnot-n, walking
dlHtancc. Kaat 1740. 104 Hwiton.
SKATLy furniahvd houaekeaplna; rooma,
alnk, porch, aaa, walking dlatanoa.
ttVi K. Morrleou. Phona hat tool.
t vTTpUrnIITIkD houaekfloriln. $11
MAnthi ha KtMnn Mil Wwn
Phone Woodfawn 730.
UKNISHUD hounckncplnx rooma, eon
venlent. 02 Iay at.; take L car;
near o. R. N. car whopa.
fURNlTTlRa C room houaa for aaia,
part or whole, 6(4 Columbia at
FOR 8AIK Fu rnltura of l-room flat,
148. Call auick, 120 Vauahn at. flat D.
I Furniture for aai mi roomKouees
rtoiiaa ror rent, from owner. 170 I2tn.
Wllllama ave.
rooma for rent
i't'RNlSH ED flat rent or wile; modern; I THKKli clean rooma with porch, newly
wlk!nir dlKtance. Phone Kaat 0001.
18 1
ROOM: and board durlnir Roao Featl
al. $1 a day. 401 N. 10th. Take "fl
ea r at depot, cot off at 20th, walk 1
Mock north
furnlahed for houaekaeplnn, $18.
Hotiney ave.
WO large ' furnlahed houaekeeplnif
rooma cloaa In. 107 EI (th, 1 block
aouth of Morrlaon. Kant 4.
EVKKGRKKN roonia for rent; afeep-
lnc and houankeeplna' rooma. $0 Eaat
Dth atreet. J. II. Zlmhrfrk.
i'lNELY furnlahed front room, cloaa in, I pRONT aleeplng room and rooma
BKAUTirUL, new I room furnlahai
houa at Koee City Park; no children;
"en bo laaaed for a number of roontha
If bond la furnlahed, or for aale. Ad
drea p. O. box $017, atatlon A.
WH RENT To email family for I
montha, from July 1.' a I room fur.'
nlahed houaa on roadway In IrvlnKton,
near Id at: at $0 per month. Wltmer.
Knllv Cn 7ft 4rtlh mi Main 1ftft A.IOaM
w K 1IAVK an axceptlonally gooi amali
furnlahed houaa for aala or rent:
plendld Inoome; wa handle only amall
property, turn them quick, tho poor i
man'e airenta. Tho People'e Exchango, 1
ng Hurnanan Piog.
kURN'JSHKD cotUtro. 4 rooma, $10
month; another llT.Ov; Four room
lower flat IIS. Aooly 164 North 2th.
W car from depot, 6th, weat Sob Mor-
riwon to ztn, piqck north.
COMFORTABI.K furnlahed houe of i
" nousra ron rent.
4 rooma, 7l Weldlar ati. ..$10.00
I rooma, 411 N. 23d at, ... , .117.10
I rooma, 1114 Clinton at,vt $26.09
i roQina. ivi naiaev be. ......... ii&oi
f rooma, 14H Front at. ....... . .$10.00
T rooma, iioB Franklin t..,,,w, .
T rooma, $40 Waaoo at...
rooma, 141 Knat lftb at..,.,...
I rooma, 464 Math at, ,
I rooma. 10 Bharar nr.
7 rooma, IDS Kaat th at..'.,,....
I rooma, ) N. 16th at .....$37.60
nATH rUK BENT. ,' 1
( rooma. 076 K. Waxhlnrton .llA.oa
a rouma, i n. Tin iNorin,.,..,,,
I rooma. 164 K. 14th at
rooma, 6(0 Kaat Salmon t......
rooma. 60 VI 12th North
rooma. SHOW Kaat th N.......
1 rooma, 071 K. Waahlnaton,,..
, , rnitiii, WATM.IN8 ctfc,
60 ALDKR AT. - ' '
I'OR ' RENT A modern I room , flat,
walking dlatanca, weat aide, 1 room
rented brlnga $16; part furniture for
aala; reaaonable rent Call Sundaya from
10 to 2. Main 1741 r week day a Mar
anaii 07.
I1J 6 room upptr
COMPLETE family outfit eonalatlng of j 1$ HEAD freeh dairy oowa and one bull,
logant new, full , leather top topi aeveral good family cowa, ono large
huggy, rubbor-tlpd new cuatora-made I Jeraoy and llolateln, 0 gallona per day.
Ill Two
Vaughn. .
111. 60 4 room lower flat
fiat lid Vaughn."
room v upper f lata, ill
17th and
private family, all convenlencea free.
with or without board.', 363 12th at
lain 1041. .
141 11th New management, thorough
- ly renovated, alngle or double rooma.
Table board. '
THE Whitehall Family Hotel, American
plan; ., every . modern convenience, 4
an u area from P. O. 261 4th.
liOARD AND ROOM In private family.
heuaekeeplng. 101 K. 11th at
blocka from the car line.
liarkaon Realty Co, 131 H
rooma, 1U
11$ Otto k
Flrat atreet,
FURNISHED modern ' lower flat I
rooma and bath, electricity and ge;
Greater Meier & Frank Store
Rental &. Information Bureau
Homo huntert vlalt our modern, com-
from car: also 1 room flat on
or W-R car. Inquire 614 H. Ilat
80 ft.
-W or W-R car. Inquire 61 i
$40 6-ROOM furnlahed houaa, 1 rooma
now rented.. Phone, bath, piano, eleep-
inpr noron. tat Lincoin at Main S4
i hvum in private laiuuy, i nuni.i thii our I r
at., between Yamhill and I pletely equipped Information depart; I jf..'1
FURNISHED oottaxe, phone, bath, gaa
and piano; cioae in. Taao u car. in
117 11th
Taylor. " -'.
R(K)M and board in private family.
Homo cooking, bath, phona, etc. la?
tnent fourth floor, main building, and
note the varant hniiBM and flata on our
Hat You'll aave time In getting properly
and comfortably located. We keep In
iouca win n in 9 vacant iiaia ana
Tn 12th
CONGKNIAL homo wlthloard, homo houaea In all pkrU of tha city. Wa have
"V' cook I nr. bath: ratea raaonalle: walk- I the combined llata of all tha real eatate
Ing dlatwiice. 44 Id. Main 7065, agenta In tha city. Wa alao have a Hat
ROOMS In private family, with or with- bulldinga In courae of oon-
out board. - 68 E. Oak at Phone atructloa
F-2l. i, .. ... . a.
feOARD and room, bath, phone, good f YOU W3nt tO Rent 2l HOUSe
noma piace; ja par mvmn. i uir
.... aan.
ItOOM and board for five men. Mia
Hannon. 1230 70th at, corner Old
ive. Tremont atatlon, Mt Bcott car.
8IX room furnlahed apartment; beau-
tirui Daicony. j carnnea, Duaineaa aia-
trlct, ront cheap. Call 748 Northrup.
COUPLE girl, want to aharo furnlahed
bungalow with couple, auburban homo,
F-707, Journal.
NICE modern I room furnlaSed house
for rent, adulta only. Phone Tabor 072.
6-ROOM furnlahed houaa with
mlnntea to P. o. Phone Main 17.
nrcL i
i-ROOM flat at 11th and Columbia at.
TO tn ft t A au ninnlh tt aV U.liM.a.
vm a, a w w J hiwiuii, 4i a t A je ij if tt a "
Jonea Co.. 211 Commercial Club bldg.
Phonea: Main . A-2B6I. - - -
TJirtEB room flat for rrnt with or
without rurnituro, near cunton. can
before 10 a. m, or after 4 p. m. Phono
oeuwooa uez. Due r im at
room modern unfurnlahed flat
th alceolna' balcony, on Portland
Helghta, overlooking tho city. Phono
Marahall 1764.
EIGHT large light rooma. weat aide.
walking; dlatanca, reaaonable. 141
11th at
NEW 4-room flat uae of piano, gaa and
electricity, waah atove left ln.baao-
narneiia and handaeme, aofa, fearleaa.
lVia-iu. norae, tine driver, elegant aad
dler and will pull a largo load to a
wagon; alao whip and halter and trial
of two week allowed. 606 Alder at
Aak for Mr, Hurda outfit P. R I
purohaaed thla horaa 1 yr, ago and ha
coat mo 1100 and la worth that today;
am aelilng for no fault, only am leav
ing ma cuy. aut Aiaer at
j Pair of marea.ifor applo orchard ori
la.m: izio win purcbHao tue band
aomeat and moat cloaely, mated pair of
rnu ruin marea, ana yra,, wt, zbuv
ua., tnat atanda in thla city today. They
Rruco Oimtnlaalon Co.. Union Stock:
Y arde; Woodlawn , 1400; Trunk t three
litfiia. t
BlX ' BROWN "or' ouf I "leglioru
with cm-kerel 16: alao have
Rock chlckf Including mother for $3.60
per doBcn, Phona Tabor 1867 or call
2000 Kaat Market.
tll.Vof tuy liar rod Rutk hona 12 each;
i k. 1 1. Kea nana and cock oneap;
roung barred rock chick egga for art
Ing cheap.- R, Green, 16th near Clay,
j aoor lun. , -
FOR HALE 100 Rhode laland Keda
laying hens,, 100 chicka I to.f.weeka
for sale miscellaneous ip
are abort legged and very chunky, built I old, 160- egga eettlng, chicken houaa
with moat tieautlful.v Jang talla and 1 11x80. Houaa and yard a rent for $11
nVi anal ..a. 1 H a 4 . I .j4 w 4 m t f l..JU M.S
fine drlvora. Trial allowoU. (06 Aider at FOHTsALfrrFre'ahho?
i.i. v,...... ,a ,w- oow 28 ,D" m,Ut milking. Ity Iba.
Pair of cheatnut mar a. wt 1280 lb. Ihuit a.v . jn. Mmith NaKvin7 aim.
tnmg tnia pair ara tha encapcat foi
money, $lio. that -I ever offered
aale; alao a new aet of heavy br
harneaa. Trial allowed, 606 Alder
' fFOR HALE dairy oowa, 1 freah, can,
eachlng '"""v '""i' X .f. ""."'"
- mug , inane. iin ton uiuua, -jatrquain
hill. Portland. Or.
EDWARDS COMPANY Belling out flock
of North I'aclflo Furniture Co., at 16
Flrat at, at factory coat , We,. bought
thla atvck at bankrupt aula for ilo on
the dollar. ,
oo mattltnr rura, "lx71, 45o $ Yum
Yum eprlnga $l.(i $3 Iron lU $1. ki
ll mattraaHea $l.d 14 pit art aiiuare
$2.U 14 hliih awlvel office chair lM
110 oak -gaa plato cuphonrfl 18.00
$7.60 collapalbla go-rarta 14.80116
caah ' allp reglater, ' lb Ref liireratnr,
alightly uaed. $6.36 $10 oak chiffonier.
16.6b 111 felt mattroaa. aUghtly aolled.
18.85 $15 uk aetteo, $7.6018 hall arat
14.10 $18 . amiare, heavy oak table, 8
ft. $1.60 $12 drfeeera $1.78610 6-ft
atandltig duak, $0.60 $12 mlanlon acttcc
$11.76 110 oak dreaaer 110.66 f 10 oak
buffet 11$. 60 Heavy- jnlaalnn. library
table $16 $30 oak roll ton deak. 64-ln..'1
ll$.60$28 . liarnea ateel , rnnge,' iiaed.l
114.60 one office aafo. liO.60 11001
bin lth-Premier typewriter. 34 '
llf iiuon. AT A HA .ill KICK RK-I
flllWflKUB lUMl'ANJ.
Anconaa, ., young,
FOR RENT Five room flat modera;
weat aide. $20 per month. Call, 171 4
Flrat atreet. Main 7400
fine layvra. 118. Phone Woorilawn
1741 Rerkcley at, St Johna car to Mo
Kenna ave. - '
choice a took, apoclal . rataa per 1
llwooe 1118. - ,
133x4 caalnr and tubea and rhafna. II
et of vihratora for 4 cvllndnr auto:l
alao vibrators for 1 and 1 cylinder ma-I
rin enrlnea and a number of Other!
nemo, i-none u-1017. w
. ."BARONESS." i .
Coal black rtara 1 vaara oM ' watvht
1060 noun da. Tha handaomaat nlana nt
horaeheah that' atanda In Oregon. Not
m wiiiro nair on her. una oun trot a
run mile in 1:19 and will road to 11 He)
r,,u.:,.pr?.u.r- a.1 ruw.j! m AUa-. i.du i,ro.Xnd on.
T,i.rr .,,-. i . " , Angora goat Paul Kotn. 171 Ar-
.,ur .1 ryle atreet. Penlnaula atatlon.
' VMra nA IftTI nn.inrf. I,,,., I 70th Bt N.
aound gelding that can a ten a 1:16TUREJ0 freah cowa. 4 to gallona daily.! Tho. poor, mane agent . Tha Peoplo'ai
riy I one jeraey. t to. lutn. a. w. car. I y'.iiiia e miumnnn "'"
S 3
BRINQ anything you have - to au tol
una 01 nee. wo oan aeu anything,!
make a specialty of email -tranaactlona,!
rrom Ka up. sarnie naming over 11000.
ahot rlaht now and f think If nrnrrll ona . Jaraav
handled will go very laat Ha ta very 5565 freah cow and" calf. 11 fc ?4th at! Wa BUV CLOT HI NO AND EVERT'
nlca mannered and .a afyll.h mA li.nY. I , , . . , THING. '
soma an animal aa you will find in
a day's travel. Sold with full warrant,
allowing 10 daya' , trial, at 601. Alder
at W. .
FOR . BALE Thoroughbred pedigreed
. French poodle pupplea, rnaloa, a mall
and perfect specimen a, five weeks, old.
sena ror circular, rake urea nam or!
See Us.
FINE lara-e room, with private
", home cooking. Tho Magnollaa,
Kearney. ;
LARGE ploaaant room In modern borne.
, aultabls for two, homo privileges. Eaat
270. ;
V, I'IRHT CLASS room and board for 2
a. gentleman. Call 06 K. 71st st Monta-
H 7'"a car.
PLEASANT room, firat-class . board.
pleaaant home, man and wife or two
i. young men.' Mam 23K0 or 663 0th.
10TH Large, handsomo
rooma, with or without board.
14 KNOTT Board and room
from L car.
TWO nice front
14.75 and $5.
Rental Department and Equipment Bu-
reau. mil win aave time ana money
by conaultlnr our eaulnment bureau on
third floor. Our aervice la free. We
keep In touch with all vacant houaea,
flata and apartments In tho city. Have
tho combined Hats of all real estate
agenta. - Alao buildings In course of con.
I lMtt Itw, fn, MnllH. A f.w twrriA An...
Irvlngton, 2 story 8 room bungalow; i
room cottage, B. Yamhill; 8 room mod
em, neroy; a room nouae, line view, I within 10 mlnntea' walk of tha hualneaa
Thurman and 23d; 7 room ateam heated rl"ni!? 10 """"" wau of tn ouaineas
rials, unrurnlahed. Northrup; 4 room
flat Salmon at; 7 room Franklin;
208 16th st, Near Taylor
These elegant t room unfurnlahed
apartments which are now completed,
are situated in tho heart or the city,
MODERN 4 room flat; welt furnished;
adults preferred. Phone C-1160. 161
Sacramento atreet.
NICE furnlahed 6-room flat ,-736 ft WU-
iiama ave.
room, on Hall st.
rooma to rent with
Tho Hollywood, 138 Grand. -
nd board, walking distance;
plea want home, reasonable. '130 Hall.
lift Tillamook, room and hoard, $5 per
week; 8 In one room, $4.60 each.
A.AVMVJA , Ul UiniiCU, .1.U UII1UIUIBUOU I wTl Uda, A U T ,gu,,uu.,j (v.
looms, single and enautte; quiet very! the East Side) and tha aavlngs will ax,
" ' For Rent
10 room house, partially furnished,
allmodern convenlencea on entire block
of ground. . First class location on east
aide. Price $60 per month. For further
particulars, inquire
1 I he Lawrence Co,
(Successors to tho Dunn-Lawrence Co.)
148 Alder at. ,
WHEN you move you'll need NEW
FURNITURE. Buy It Judiciously (on
llaht reception
halls, built-in bookesses and buffets,
automatic electric elevator and dumb
waiters, dtsannearlna beds, private Pa
clflo telephones, largo porchea and
Reaervatlons mar bo made from own
er on premises or by phona. Main
4715, A-6848.
eeed your moving expenses.
Our LOW PRICE8, which In 1 years
made ns one of Portland'a largest Fur
niture Houses, were made possible be
came we built on tho East Side, there
by saving 126,000 a year-rent.
s-7a urand Ave., cor. riiast Btark Bt
WK can furnish your n-mie at a great
aavlng. - Bee us before purchasing
elsewhere. M. Ostrow 4k Co., 14-88 N.
Id st Comolete housefurnlshera. Rea-
uuiet seclusion will be found In large I sonanie prices. Kaay terma.
furnlahed housekeeping room In pri- BOOM house, newly papered and
vme latmiy, away irum i
time, largo yard and ahado
of Portland Helghta. Private entrance I ig. so. Tabor 2144
n.thTCothTron'.rrr- 'VTr,.?? TWO new modern built bungafows; 808
suitable, for single gentlemen. Reason
able. Kamm bldg,, 1st and Pine.
S UNFURNISHED rooma for rent, 1268
Union ave.,. corner Alnswortb, over
store. Call Hunday, Monday. '
THREE unfurnished rooms, between
1.1th and 14th at 471 Salmon st.
One elegant f room apartment win
be vacant May 22. Call and aee It
18th and Flanders. Phona Main 2201.
112 Der month,
Call Sunday or after 6 p. m. Mt. Tabor
car weat. 441 13th st, comer College.
. - . FURNISHED cottages, flats, rbbms 4
t'i room cottage. $20 month:- another,
i,! 117.60; furnlKhed housekeeping suites,
' 2 rooms, 18, 810, $12 month: 1 for $16.
" Apply 864 North 86th. W car , from
ff depot 6th west qn Morrison to 26th,
Mock north. ' ,
and 623 HolgaLe at. near gel 1 wood
carline.. Inquire 624 Holgate, $18 par
month. '
FIVE room modern rot ta tee: kbs. eleo-
trlc; large porch; fine view; take 23d
or a car. 864 vaugnn street near 26th.
Only $17.
MODERN 8-room house, lot 76x150;
fruit trees, berries, chicken house,
good barn; 4 short blocks to car; only!
tiv. A-YU3, journal.
Park Apartments
N Park and Harrison sts.
Beautiful 1 and 4 room furnished
housekeeping apartments, every modern
convenience, walking distance, good car
service. Parents will find this an Ideal
placo for a child to be out In tho cool
park. Bummer ratea $46 and $80. Tela-
jnune xwaranan 7U
MAKE your reservations now for camp.
Ing and hotel accommodations; fine
Climate, beautlrul scenery, elegant Ioch
tion, delicious and health giving waters
8 rices reasonable. 1020 Chamber ol
ommorce. "
McDONALD HOUSE. Nye Beach. New.
, port Or. Board and rooms (home
cooking), camping ground. Furnished
Housekeeping tenta. Mountain water,
sanitary conveniences. R. A. McDonald,
nrwport, ur.
RENT Seaside,
$168 will mirchaaa oonrmleta outfit
COnalstlnr of hanrtanma rll maria 1ARS
lb. horso, with fine long tall and mane, Caxadoro cara to Ollbert atatlon,
Vtw'vt"" a . " i 1 - I
aauuiv. is a natural roaaater or 10 miles I br
per nour and can step very fast; also
my new harness and lateat pattern rub
ber tired open buggy; also whip and
halter, and to purchaser I will allow 10
days' trial. Aak, for Mrs. Lewis' outfit
60S Aider at r
TTIrhaat vrie Da id , f or man' a -and I
ladles' caatoff clothing and ehoee. Main)
IV.W, ,1, tw,
WANTED Live real estate firm tol
cress tha aala of ahout , KA lota Inl
Montavllla district; good . lots, easyl
ferma. What aro your facilities? . B-l
0) Rose
treodera. 11: ohean caaea.
lawn ava. .
REGISTERED French bull bitch," moth
er of winner. She's going cheap. C-
$225 caali will purchaae young pair of IFOR
iree woraing muiea, 2600 lbs warranted I
700, Journal
;-VlCTROLA" wanted In trade -for 14
acre at Woodatock. . Difference On
easy monthly navmenta.' A. UndordahL
1 owner, room A. Lumber Exchango bldgJ
Phono Main 8080. '
WANTED 8econd hand tent with i!
must be in good condition end cheso,
(live stso. J. E. tielger, 111 E. 60th at
Tabor 2401.
A 6 room furnished house for rent for
summer season at Seaside, Or., roa-
sonsbie. p-709, Journal.
SMALL furnished cottage for rent Sea-
aide, June and July. Wood lawn 109 3 .
COTTAGE for rent at Seaside. Phono
wain 4101.
FOR RENT Furnished house at Sea
side. Inquire at 406 Jefferson st
LARtTif place, 80x176, on Front
between Msln and Madison; Just
the place for machine, blacksmith,
boiler shop or :eed atoro.
rpom. arrange to
building on 34th
Heart of Sunnyside,
win lease store
suit In new brick
near Belmont st
Chamber of Commerce Bid.
HAWTHORNE and Union ave.' store
In new brick building with frontase
on Hawthorne ave.. In center east side
nusiness oisinct, reasonable rents. H.
x . raimor-jonea uo.. ziz-ziz commer
clal Club bldg. Phonea Main 8698; A,
a . T nnnunuilLm twioa
..J 1. 7 T 1 "I lA T . , I V.J,
TirTUimu a i t iua if nuoivri
kind anC true to pull In any spot or SUPPLIES, WON PIPE. STEEL AND
place and are worth as much aa an v nair I CAST IRON. BfelCJf. 400.000 OUT OF
oi noraes mat you will pay saoo ror ana, WORTMAN. KIN BvllAtlNU,
can do aa much worki Trial allowed. 1 6TH AND WASHINGTON LUMBER,
1285 Will nurchaaa handanma nalr ISOB I RIN'O. JII.T. JTOH AT tnwMT
lbs. team of bright bays, warranted PRICE-. INTERNATIONAL BLDG. fc
kind apd true to work, ivlth new aet
neavy preecning harness. 606 Alder,
$178 will purchase pair with new set
heavy harness. These horses sre suita
ble for farm, express or general purpose
horses. Trial allowed. 605 Alder at.
P. 8. Also new farm wagon, $55.
stock and
Michigan Buggies
Rushford Wasons .
Eagle Dump Wagons
ro you buy etlher above, s
408 Buchanan bid. Phona Main 1115.
Headquarters to jell and buy everything.
Wo are tho poor man's scents. Make a
rpeciaity or small transactions; anything
irom izb. to iiuuo. wo absolutely guar
antes to sell anything wo accept on our
dooks. uomo in ana investigate our
new metnoa
us, no mattrNhow small.
WANTED PenDle of Portland to know
that I nay the hlshest cash nrlea for
sacona nana pnusenoia goooo is. At
Pester. 141 Roi-sell East 1681. "
VOUR caat off clothing and ahoea are
wortn something; we pay tho bos,
price; wa also buy household goods.
WANT to buy 1 dosen second hand fold,
Ing chairs; must bo cheap; givo phono
numoer. ij-iua, journal.
BE WISE: get -more for your ascend
hand ftirnltitrs by selling It to Ford
aociio.1 jo, in ist. wain xsni. A-X44H,
170 B. Morrison, phone E. 1022, pays
nisneat cann price lor xurnitursv
EAST SIDE auotlon Jobbers wand Id
hand furniture.- h I sheet oiice oald.
urana ave, k. iobi.
List yourl business with WANTED 2d hand furniture. JEaat 1114.
its Hawthorne ave. nvatefft
itvii b llTja. TV a KIT, JUrftlBU I -.j v, vmvj. mu, it,, a v .mil
outside the high rent district and for counter, small cook stove for laundry, 6
that reason can sell choapcr. Why buy a rm chairs, gaa range with hot water
second hand vehicle when you can set heater, storo truck, ill Union avo.
m omw uno st spout ine same price r
n. M. WAJJ1U ft UU,
121 Hawthorns avo. "
aee onr
prices, wo are located
LOT of haosehola goods, iron beds.
springs, mattresses, gas range, steel
range, extension 'table, chairs, treasure.
laays aesg, pstn tub, tent 10 feet,
WANT to buy a bicycle. Phono B-6121,
We DON'T ask what yon want for your
rumiture. we make cann orrer. m-zj.
NEW and aecod hana pool and billiard
tables bough! and aold on easy terms;
bowling alley, refrigerators for lmrae-
Anderson time and -repair-your piano.
u.u area A A, -
main vivo, i-(vt4.
THE MURPHY Horso A Mulo Co., and
Hawthorne Avenue' Stables sell on
commission horses and mules of all
claases singly or car load lots; also bug
gies, wagons and harness. The only
strictly commission barn In the city;
regular auction sales every Tuesday at
2 p., m. Private sales every day. 420
Hawthorne avenue. Phonea East 73; B-1369.-
diato delivery. Address (no Brunswick I STANDARD make upright piano; sale
Balke-Collender Co.. 48 6th at
I Do.
or rent , JUS ft C
xycnr ttr Awn t-t . .-. , . n . . ,
new sewing machine for one-half I COULTERIJO LabbeTldg., violins.
value: am leavlnar Cltv (muat sell.. Tall 1 muBicai wurummii mane ana
and aeo at 188 Tillamook at, Portland. I WANTED Auto In evohango for lOOx
100 lot, all clear. 61 6th st.
h- st
ia.Ka Twitil e In. a, 1....
. . , a n..i nau
juaaison. st bridge. J. Simon 4k Bro.
Newly furnished housekeeping rooms,
' electric lights, gas range, hot and cold
water, free baths and phone. f W and S
car.. Cor. 27th and Thurman sts. Main
1016 A-4174.
SPLENDIDLY furnished, modern houtse-
- hppln4f JtniJtes oiiX-roorn Woodtewn--g4,'
; not ana coia water, steam ii-at ana ootn
eiectrio and gas lights. Prices reason
FOUR room house, Rodney avo., near
Mason, $16. Beattlo & Hofman, 204
NEW house to rent near Alberta and
Union ave. Union Realty Co., 1064
v?A:-blo.v Inquire at 100 Williams ave., on
l ; i "tt "t iiitiBrv,,1 u
FOR RENT 6-room house, 450 E. 12th
st. -N., $26. Phone L. H. Vincent,
Main 1Z4
The Burns
Centrally located, new brick building,
nicely furnished, hot and cold water
and frefl telephones In all rooms. Ratea
by the day, week or month; special In
ducements to permanent guests. 105 V
Twelfth near Washington. Phono Mar
shall 2790, . ;
Hunt's Express & Baggage Co.
: 1 trerk. 60c Additional trunks 160
ch. Grip with trunks fro.
A-1418.. - Marshall 1416.
Rose City Park Transfer
- Trips to Rose City Park dally. Piano
And furniture moving. City work alao.
HOI 4th. Main 8115. A-7837.
V . If I don't haul your ' trunks wo both
yy '. Ioe money. K. 2130. 409, E. Morrlaon.
.; I'tiRNlSHED housekeeping, extremely
pleasant rooms; very reasonable; good
:. .."location; two room basement suite, 812.
,f $J fvi. journal, ,
;vSir- isc for one trunk -
' And S5e for each additional
suites. Tilcelv fnmlahrf
hOUSekeeDlnsr rooms with nrtvata Kath
hot and cold water, steam heat, with
l.v " r. "i. i ' ' . I a " ,n!.i cicuiiio ijxnip, trices
$o.E0 Small new house.- Rose City car; very reasonable. Inquire at 300 Williams
330, 7 rooms, jicar in, central east ave. on corner of Halsey.
side. Main 7267
$8.60 House, , 1309 Lenore, corner 13th,
woodiawn. Key at Foley & (jo.. Le-
kum ave., Woodiawn.
FOR RENT Fine now 9 room house,
GOOD VIEW apartments, 668 Market;
HALF of new three utorv brink KOvtno
plate glass front 16th and Marshall,
suitable for light Jobbing, manufactur
ing or retail; divide spaco to suit ten
ant or tenants; long lease, a. u. Iong.
ATTORNEY has flno furnished office
room to right party reasonable. Main
7370. ii-705, journal.
FOR RENT Offices and store rooms in
oia a. tt u. T. bldg.. 6th and Oak sts
Also store on Oak st. Inquire 76 6th.
Herd man.
C-1866; East 278. W. H.
'''2n'i Co- Marshall 2403,
united ifix-A-7412.
FOR RENT A large 10-room residence;
. Ideal for a boarding house. Rent $65
a month. M. E. Lee, 311 Corbett bldg.
FOR RENT 4-room cottage, 862 E. 12th j
.st. North, $9. Fruit and flno lot Tel.
East 4062.
MODERN 6 room house, furnished; gar
den In. strawberries now ripe. 122.60:
a snap if taken at once. G-701, Journal.
FIVE room modern cottage. Inquire
260 Hamilton ave., or call Main 5889.
6 room house, west side.
new and nlcelv
nisned. i and s room
em and vei reasonable; Pacific phono
in eacn apartment.
HARRISON COURT, 194 6th Two and"
three room unfurnlahed nnnrtmnnta.
all modern conveniences: most reason-
able In the city. Main 6148, A-7863.
FOR RENT General store location, cor.
. ner E. 11th and Main. ior further Jn-
LARGE front rooms, single or ensulte.
with one or two rmmi aultahl fn.
oiiiceni. ipgt Itn St.
FOR RENT Half Of 2 large front of,
flee rooms. Only IIS month. Inrluri.
Ing phone. 741 H First st. room 4.
furnished and unfur-1 8TPRE building suitable for grocery;
om apartments, mod- '"S, 'ooms; nice lot; sale or rent.
i1ir--7 V I cl jr B U. ATI HI II O I U,
The Chesterfield
Cor. 20th and TTaafnov
New and beautifully furnished and
unfurnished apartments of three rooms
em. oatn, very oesirafile location.
Rents exceDtionallv renannnhla roil
personally or phono 'Main 8381, or Meier
JtV Ilia 01 ! aa OA n 1 .AVa... a. . A.
i ii. a-nvni urjtHrimCIl L,
'S'-iCf'' onfumlshed
rinWirery central
:'vfci? Morrison.
BLDG. Furnished and
housekeeping . rooms:
Apply room 86, 8d and
' . In suites or ulngln, also sleeping
.t rooms at a cheap rate. Gem Hotel.
;;':'M-v 5 1st st. Main 9338. ;
V -! TWO furnishod housfkecplng rooms.
3 LARGE rooms and bath,
"t- $12- ' : 1
692 Irving
126 Alberta.
i 112.60 a month.
. Meade.
y. TWO
695 Water st, cor.
SMALL house for rent $8.
Woodiawn B75. ,
A 6-room modern cottage. 609 Front
and Caruthers sts.
MODERN 6 room " house $212.50; yard
and rosea, woooiawn 17.
FOR RENT 5 room cottage In good
location. Phone Woodiawn 1214.
The Codv
New corner brick building, all wt.
muu iuucs n.iwo ana tnree rooms each:
Pflvate Phono and ploctrlc lights; fur-
inmicu; jttiuiur service; a quiet modern
Hume mi un or moaoBt means,
nicely furnllied housekeeping
.w-i-rooina; close in; $20 per month; 600
i-n;;,MHl street. i
"lijS'TWO" or" three rooms nicely furnishod;
r' aras range, bath, phone. 214 N. 16,
fe-rsTi el.;iA-.gB!'. -
' ,j LARGE front room nicely furnished for
housekeeping; as. bath and phono.
s; 211 Sherman et.. south corner First.
" Tjf HOU8EKJEEPING rooms; suite
'V rooms, gas range, sink, all
jjVyi Icnccs TUs i3tn et-
":. v i TWO: largo' light housekeeping rooms"
! fri ohone, $3.25 per weclc. Close In,
V':i!v-:14' 6th st
j' t TWO housekeeping rooms
WILL sell my furniture and rent you
a 10 room modern house that will
give you 5 rooms and bath on first
floor free of rent; has 2 renters on
second floors bringing $40.60; house
rent, $28. 41 E. 8th N., cor. E. Couch.
$176 for furniture of 6 room house; par
ty leaving tho city, must be sold;
mostly new furniture, cost $300 6
months ago: rent $18; E. 17th, Call
Monday, 141 j 1st St. Main 7842.
IlKht. Dhone
and uawv.;runn:ng water in room, 84.
t4 jyiorriyon.
', i ' I-AKGE, nicely furnished suite, hot and
K -oold water, bath, $4.50 week. 241 16th
.?! st. north.
, :J. '., EILEEN Court,
163 16th. nice
front room, suitable for two
... conveniences. $18 per month.-
WJOHNSON ST.. 3 neatly fufnTshed
, - ' liousckt-eplng rooms and 1 furnished
: ,v 'room suitable for 1 or 2 aentlemen.
, f J W O -front rooms, housekeeping, gas,
v 'both, nhon, 4 minutes from P. o.; i
is- south, f 810 Clay st. ; .
'.!".,0-ili fiirniehod housekeeping rooms,
'M r oonvetihncea, ground floor front gas
rwe. $81 month. 892 Front st.
7th. Main l0f A-1011
AM LEAVING city and want to sell my
furniture of 6 room flat, all new and
In good condition; flat nicely arranged
cither for private home or to rent rooms.
809 K. 18th. '
12 WILTON rugs, large and small.
nearly new. can Saturday or sun-
day. Fhone Mam It) 7 7. Uoan, 1681 E.
yamnni st. -
uuh rooms and sleeping porch, living
room in rumeo oax. oinina- room in
early English. 8276; rent 127.60. Main
9327. .
ORDERLEIGH apts., cor. Grand av. and
i Stark.r.t-,.lew' reproof brick
building, beautlfull furnished, two and
inrca room apartments, private bath,
free phone, hot and cold water. Ice box.
ii- v-r purnmer rates. Jiiast aOO.
iwui Bi-oxiinentB witn private oaths,
gaB ranges and phones, rents for sum-
"1" months 123 o $27.50. Phone ISast
b I VI.
20th and Northrup sts., Matn 1178
Choice 1 room apartments, elegantly
furnished, new building, new furniture,
private bath and phonea, electric ele
vator and Janitor service; summer rates.
NINE-ROOM house, paying
cheap. 63 North 10th. Owner.
Trans. Co., furniture
moving specialty. r 71
I'L'RNISHED hurkeplng and sleeping
-rooms. llfiOta I a 00 a wak
- yiwr. hi wh, - -, -
,' AT- B SJ . 1 D" ST. Housekeeping rooms
, at 111 and $8 month. Call today. -.
JiOl'lF:k EKPfNS rooms" lowest rates;
jri.-(rtc iiKnta, Hione. 'fr W atar t.
i KlTistii-Tr houskpins- rooma, tw
roodt suites, $18 to lis, ii Glisaa s
FURNITURE for sale of 6 rooms, mis
sion, hias bed, all now, $200 cash.
Have to hurry for tBis. BZS Columbia.
FOR SALE! Furniture of 28 room mod-
om house, witn long term of lease.
Inquire 606 Buchanan bldg; furniture
an new ana up to gate.
FOR BALE Furniture of five-room
modern house. $100 or Buck range and
sanitary couch with pad and cover; $25.
Rent of house $18. Call 851 E. Eleventh,
FURS1TURK of room flat fwr sale,
flat for rant Largo basement 4nd at
tic, blocks south of courthouse. 271!.
Py at ,..- ,. . ;r . i- - - ; - ' ,
comforts of home, private phones and
fcaths. elevator, private plaground for
children. 228 N. 20th st. Marshall 101.
THE LAURETTE One elegantly fur
rished 8-room apartment, private bath
and phone. 229 11th st.
NORDICA apartments, cor. Helmorit and
Grand ave. 1 and 2 room furnished
apts.; tree iignt, neat, path, phone,
THE DAYTON Swell location, flno large
6-room apartment,porches. every con
venlence, reasonable rent. 658 Flanders.
WELLINGTON Court Apartments, 2, 3
and 4 room suites, all modern, very
icnmtiittuii;. im hiiu Cverett. Main 1J4
TO RENT Modern 6 room house near
2 carlines, L. and R. S. $20 month,
181 Mason st. 1
iooxlOO basement, light and airy, for or manufacturing. Phono A-
FOR RENT Largo outside office, wWK
reception room, phone and stenogra
pher. 1020 Chamber of Commerce.
NEW store, Russell, cor. Kerby: good
inr wtfrninijrmBn s traoe; rent only 40,
OWING to removal or '- our business
Into tha John DeerA Plnw onmnanv-a
uuuuing on .ast Mornson st, wo win
9n u".m J,n?Wr J" next stand with faucets; 1 flno gaa-eloctrlo
ThL0.,.11," F.m . fl"turos, gaa range, steel range and plaU
- eq silver service, b pieces. 112 union
i'..v,i.Q mi Duiiuiuny a aiittiffj ui yuur
$18 TAkES gent's wheel, new. guaran-I $350 KIMBALL piano for $15. 627 E.
. teed tires, steel rims, coaster brake,! 37th-st. '
Deli and line seat; complete wheel in
excellent shape; corner Eaat 82d and
division streets.' Tabor 8261. - - - .
BOOK CASE DESK, 3 refrigerators.
line nan tree, porcelain enameled wash
talking machine, last, one
S5B Aider st
left. $8,
BRAND new Baua piano, used
weeks, $187.50 cash. 850 Alder
future business at tho new store, wo
remain, xuure truly a. a.-JA(US3 CO.
By o. F. Clark. Manager,
$110 BUYS team of gray horses, weight
2200, sound and true pullers.
$190 takes a mare and horse with new
harness and llfdit farm wagon. Come
ana try tno team.
$85 nice, gentle pacer, 7 yoara
sound, fine driver or saddler.
247 East 12th.
FOR SALE White sewing machine as
gooa aa new. at a Dargain; also I res
taurant ranges cheap. Inquire at 235
Front corner Main. --
SOR SALE Rag rugs. Wa weave rugs
from rags and old carpets. Phono
your orders to Tabor 2919, cor. Eaat 43d
una jnnaison sis.
1110 Maxwell -runabout. fully
quipned, motor 4 cylinder, 23 n. p,
cost $1160. Prleo $560.
. Maxwell jr.. ruuy oouinre. 1376. -
1909 Win ton Six. fully equipped.
?!?' - : . -.. . .....
lyio uarrora. ruuy equipped iisso,
1910 Meo touring car, fully equipped,
motor 4 cylinder, so n, P-, uke now
Old. UXR 8AL-400 Joist 4x12x24, second ll'irin ear f'nllv
hand, all' good and sound. 38 per 1000. !", 'vt0? anSnn'ni
FOR SALE One business buggy, one
Bailey , speed buggy, and two sets of
single harness; also boy's riding sad
dle and bridle, all In good condition.
Call 985 Minnesota ave.
See foreman O.-W. w. ..- n fJeithtWh-rf" n'WP'. used very little .and cannot be
r nhnn., ia i tow rrom now cost 8-360. frlCO 81500.
a numueh or horses and mares,
weight from 1200 to 1600 lbs., all
good workers ana young- and bound;
prices reasonable. - 186 H Madison st.
paBr-. wus- svrt nivif.,'- -
AUCTION All kinds of wagons, bug
gles, harness and horses, to be sold
at Hazelwood Cream Co.u old barn, cor
ner 11th and Flanders, Wednesday, 2
p. m. sharp. 1
WANTED Team, weight about 2400,
or phone Tabor 8160
DIRECT current electrld blower and
shampoo table, also vibrator and
manicuring tables, at sacrifice. Co mo
sna tnako orrer at zn first st
SAFES New and Id hand: low nrlraa
easy terma; safes opened, repalre-1 and
painted. Purcell Safe Co. and Portland
care co.. a stn st. Main ssoy A-4U8,
"E a CE PTTONAL tai-galns urin
Remingtons $30, 8. Pre-
miefi $27.60.
$50 GOOD as now Columbia gramophone
, Hsciiunniuijr gooa tone,' nicgei norn,
with 45 choice records, for $40, B-690,
mares preferred: harness and waeon
un . y ery cneap, l two ton lull I AavniR vny. u-ivi
platform wagon: for milclc aale will
take less than half nrice: alao It! A BAt
double harness; very cheap. Call 648
Pettygrove, near 16th st
BIG BARGAIN $186 buys - 15o6 ' lb'."
i horse. 8 years old or will taka anm.
thing else In trade. $36 buys 2 wagon,
Woodstock. 67th st. and 5-d ave. Phone
Sellwood 188.
CRETOKS. neanut and non -nm tna
chine. Mod location, chean If la ban h
, A-t. . 1 11 1 .t . . . i . -. -
liiimWs. ,iu ana i-ain sis., van
couver, Wftsh. - . , v , v
FOR SALE cheap, 2 counters, shelving.
scales, encese cutler, qosk and. Stools,
buiuimo v ,vuijr b tore. r-7UD,
HOTEL PORTLAND European plan
only: $8. 86 day.
BELVEDERE European, 4th and Alder.
THE) Drew hall for rent, any night la
tho week. 161 Id st ,
SPACE for storage or mfg. purposes
in brick bulldlne. S floors KIWIrtn
Elevator. Cheap rent 09- Front at.
Main 2892.
$76 Dapple brown mare, 1150 lbs., kind
una senile ana souna. . s m antn
B. B. car. '
FOR SALE Fine team of black ponies.
mares, or will exchange for larger
nurse. - to JU. oiam Bt,
FOR SALE or rent, good moving pio-
tif X.?1 crefftn0n '.Kray mare, - turo show building Jh a lively little
.,W Lwn. A good deaL Call or wrUe?Lw!
HORSES and buggies ,fer rent by day,
week and month: special rates to
DusineBs nouses.
East 72. - .
6 th and Hawthorns.
3-SEATED hack, $75; new Mitchell trap
- tna. ,, rriii w-ue .or grain, groceries,
meat or anything I can use. .309 Stark.
Main 614. - - . -
GENUINE Navajo Ipdian rugs on sale
ON arcmint of nWh will aail i "At aq ""-J aain rugs on saio
"Zf?1 iWl.0 less than cost prioo at tho Motto
. Inn' riJZy ir ""; """ I fostcarq ana aouvenir' shop. . 144 d
S?,,i,0A. A3,i:.i-,-Mgd.I-onand ?th-1 t.t bet" Alder and Morrison . M
I 7rXT BTPTTA Wt'tP TO V " nJ V.i Jn t J.'"" J if ' M
WANTED 2. teams horses, - minimum AwThm 5fu? AZSXi v.t
2700 lbs.. 10 vears nrivminmr . Phnn, I -r , 7 T
Main 8832. Portland Cement Co.. Oswego, Skr, ',", P ,i' "
Or. - I FOR SALE Range with .coil, couch
FOR SALE cheaD. two -fine
ponies, perfectly sound; just right for fvr
SournaAS8 seven years, J-Tpl,!4 jj :
FOR SALE rTho race
V. . . - . -ll , J
'jj.i 1 u uunoi, mn ,iii guuu conaiuon.
saddle 1043 Vernon . ave. lake , Alberta r.r.
ONE one 2V waaon. one flno tt!-
rubber tired StanhoDe. to exchane-a fnr
iiuihcb. ,m tu. owm si.
FOR SALE Light express team, welcht
.... ninn i , . . , - t .
nunst'll Bt,
FOR SALEStudebaker speedin
also runabout-A-l snao;
" G-708, Jour-
FIVE-ROOM flat, heat,, water, gas
range and linoleum. Cor. 16th, East
Main. Key 626 East Main.
LFPER flat 5 bright rooms, alcove
and porch. Holladay addition. 288
2nd st. C-1001. - ' ,'
LOWER flat, -modern
tubs in basement.
newTv tinted.
848 E. 7th st N.
NEW modern 5 room lower flat E, 10th
and Clay. 325. Call Main 4743.
FIVE room flat for rent at 525 Mill at.
$12 per month. - , . - .
UP-TO-DATE 6-room flat. ' close " in.
t- 60. Phone Main 7161 or Fjt 1178.
5 ROOM modern 'flat am
WANTED at once, young farm or work
team; must dh souna ana true. Ktit
age ana price, j-iuu, journal.
EAST Sldo Exchange Stable, several
horses and mares, welaht looo ta
iouo. rio tj. vtn. near jHawthorne.
SMALL black - team of mares, well
matched, 5 and 6 years old, for sale.1
vimai'. in annim ave., peiiwooq.
FOR SALE cheap' draft team, weight
over 8200 lbs. Phono Oak Grove, Red
232. ' ..- . -V'
ONE handsome maro pony, harness and
, cart. Call 270 g. 7th, near Hawthorne.
FOR SALE cheap, horse or camp wagon.
Ask for McDulln, Esmond hotel.
FOR SALE A heavy SH wagon, $80.
rnone woooiawn iwv. lza. Kerby.
WILL pay tor keep of two riding horses
tiunng summer,- Taoor 7t.
NICE gentle pony' for sale cheap. Call
214 N. 16th." Tel. A-2869.- . T
horA YlAnnlv'
record of S-OT enn null a huirv In
2:20: will take food drtvln nnr in
exchange. 484 E. Stark st.
FOR SALEA gentle pony. -saddle and
onaie o. inquire o Overton ,st-
FOR SALE 30 head of ponies cheap.
Will be at Fulton until Monday.
tksa-as--ai mm, ta"kaafe"V-WM a-MH ,
1 PEN of 4 7-lb B, R. lavlnsr nullets.
and one 12-lb cock, prise winning
piwa, an i.fv fiv.. Tj3, trying.
some Imported pictures cheap:
almost, give away. HooDer. 447
Btn-Bt. '
FOR SALE-UVictor portable X-ray coll,
' massage motor and arm. Phone Ta
bor 2109. "'' .,jr"' :
CANOE $40 canoe for $25, good condl
llon. 17 ft t East ,- 4478 458 Van-
couver avenue. , . ,-' - . r
$10 DROP-HEAD sewing machine with
- an. aiiacnments. can tqs m. Morrison
near Grand ave. - .
FOR SALE $130, gasoline launch". 21 ft.
lonif: 1 horsenower Detroit enirinn.
Call 1166 Halght ave Piedmont.
1909 Pone Hartford first class con
dition, 11360,
1011 Cola 10 roadster, fully eaulnoed.
.iou. , ,
1909 Reo tourlpg car, ' cylinder. 20
h. o. 1350. ,
1909 Cadillac touring car, fully
equippea, iuuv.
We have a 1910 Overland touring car
lltto" r.f tiA -An- t uia KutViKW IniiMni,
car that wo can trade for Portland real
estate. ,.t
881 Everett st.
FLANDE racy roadster, . latest
Tront chairs and can not be told from
new; cost 1900, and will sacrifice at
Ms. casn 11 taken at once.' Phone Ta
nor g3. , - -
40 H P. Dmlmftrfl K naauniv., tut.
cost $8200, yours for 11100: owner Teav-
inx city, iiavia ; ivn . room a 1.11m
bermens bldg.
HERE'S YOUR CHAKPB-Jrb '-f. " '!
. must Mali nv V.TiiiH.niri - flinil.ri.
wi ovu: yours xor 1400i ' in A-l
condition.- Fhone Woodiawn 601. Call
lwjio ta. inn st. .
SPLENDID electrlo Pope Waverly run-
aoout witn practically new-isxlde
batteries. Newly Dalnted. 181K. sn
Aioer st. 1 '
WANTED Good runabout, first class
condition, cheap. Owner only. Give
run particulars or no attention paid.
--1 UQ, J UUl I1MJ." 1 r.
FOR HALEThe best Una of cars In th,
city from little to big and from tiofl
uoi ' oe- vance at iiuiuurt, aii jrvont,
WILL sell . an automobile ' - that cost
. asuun ror a caan nrira that win aa.
found you.' It's a good -one; and In rnnit
Order. John B. Ooddard,-505 Yeon bide.
AUTOMOBILE that cost .$360LTaTriri
good running order for something ac
tually worth $1600. This- Is: ai snap.
Owner, John B. Goddard. 505 Yeon bldg
Sprlnan ', guaranteed,
21 N. Uth at
OLD auto' tires 7o ner lb. delivered. In
ner tuoes -ZC we also buy copper.
DrasB, aluminum , ana Bona tires. J,
Aeve. ib coiumDia. ain sis.
AUTOS bought and mXd. . -rite for our
1 barcain list: we arOvsiire ft Jhave tha
car ypt want custom Mouse Auto Co.,
aa 1 Kiverott. mm is. ' . " ;
THOROUGHBRED Black Minorca eggs.
Xi. tvaitt. iuuu Cleveland aua
,'none wooaiawn 1U84; - ; ' i s
FOR SALE Week-old Buff OrninKtbn
ClUCKBi (tra. J. 11. Mills. INint-tharn
Hill station.
WHAT" is home without Orpington Bos-
tun wr.110 rxi verr cnuin. Miirnfi
Sellwood 1230. -.. , , , ' "
A. FEW choice canaries, tnala $3. fe
maless $2l all guaranteed., 550 E.
oaK at. --'"'-
ELEGANT passenger Winton auto
cost ine owner,.- sassu: , as gooa a si
new. .zuuu' casn. JJavia wis. ,urn
FOR SALE Lone Fir cemetery lot. lOx
12 ft Address Lock Box 165 Canadal.
vemun. p. i;. - - : - -
FIRST CLASS' Underwood typewriter'
' nearly hew for $60; A-703, Journal.
FINE cornet and elegant leather case.
Cost $60. Only $20., 350 Alder St
GOOD bicycle, coaster brake, good tires,
$18.60. 850 Alder St. - " - ' - - -v -
DISPLAY ;. tables for sale cheap; 344
-iart st;
FOR SALE Milch goats. Just -the thing
for- infants . and invalids. Phone, M
CHINESE nTleasant eifira. tl nAV . IK,
Wm.iB. Sorenson, seven. miles east on FOR - SALE Nearly -new 1 baby buggy"
Section Line Toad, Address Gresham. - ' , chesp.. Tabor 813. - ' . ' ' - '
FOR BALE 15x33x6 heavy tent, large
riy, ropeq tannn ' main 9S.
THOROUGHBRED herd ,rock egga, $1
for setting. Phone Sellwood 1495.
WILL have 4 fresh cows on next Tues-,
oay. sii a. Mam st..-lents. '
WILL take 4 , or 6 passenger automobile,
as part. of first payment on, 5-roornj
ounpiBw, BMiin wiij terms.- M. jj
uanagner. szi reon Diag,
THOROUGHBRED- R.. I. Red eggs. Ji
ror jo; o inurmin st, fnone A-Z179.
FOR SALE A good new top for a camp
wagon. Call Tahor 1696. ,
NlW counter 7H feet Milliner's show
case, 6H feet 267 E. 84th st
PHILO incubators and 1 coops; leaving j NEW, Edison Fireside
25 records,- 110.
FOR SALE 1600 pound mare- in Joalu
inquire i r.aet fianoers. - - 1
batnTllS -per I TEAM of horses' weighing 62.100; har
avsu, fUt 1,1 Den and wagon.. 1 461 Salmon. . .
town. -E-707, Journal
GOOD young Jersey cow for sale cheap. FOR SALE N
- : 5-7 Roselawn ave. -riiture. 267 F
rranh and
W-7U-, journal,
ew. second atoves fur.
r lanaera. . mar, 13 10.
WANTED Stock .to take Into good pas-1 CONTRACTOR'S , equipment, by United
. ture. 783 Bldwell ave.., Sellwqod. - I Eng. Const Co.. 711 Lewis bldg. -T
$175 EQUITY In good lot trade fori SHOWCASE. . flxturea, store flttlntrs.
FOR SALE Indian motorcycle, in goo.j
condition. ' Will sell cheap : for cash
Call Sunday 146 E. ISth-at.N.'.vTake
jnonmTiiia car. - - .
lAt ..linlnniltnhar.
worth $750, for 6-pass'enger auto, good
trim, C-702. Journal. ; ' , . :
$100 BU.VS a good sinislo cylinder runJ
about' ,-WlU demonstrate. Call after
VOR SALE 1910 'nabout "-"in goo3
: running . omer, ruuy equippea. will
ratjnnr; i-oo, zs u. ztn. - . f
$500 auto, 4 cylinder, 6 passenger, newly
painted; best. .condition. 430 Woroes-
ter.-- ; r ' , ' .
$500 auto, - 6 passenger, - 4,yllnder
. painted, perfect palr. 430 Worcestei
bldg. - r - - , - ; . "'-- - j
1910 6 paseengur Whrte Steamer, rtiri
- very little; leaving the city: muat sei
iih- cwii. iuup enwnce., i-n'i. journa
WANTED Runabout, must be good con
nuiiBi ana cneap tor , casa. Uwnel
uuijr, . wournai.
cows or equal value. -434 E, 69th. new, id hand. 112 Everett. U. 7611.
:-':"-''''. -" '' " '-;V:.' .-" y ' ' - ' ''. . ' .