The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 10, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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.rt.lafc4 mr rnhM faset Bo .) "J
ar Snaoar SMTBltic at The Jsornal Ito'la-
l nrtk 4 T.mklU, pnTtUnd. Or.
Batorva1 it tti postern r at Iwtb.e4. Of.,
Nr IraMmlMlaa ttecfc Ue aMlie ee
riM Butter, .... '
rrr rrnowrs vtt rim nam. Aost
ll eVpert-aeefe r,rt4 bf tkM aaa-bare.
111 the eprV wtal Senarttaeat yaa wl.
!) mil InttK Oo BraaewVk BaUdlne.
la Ptfth . Krv lerkl UlS FeepWe
um Balldlng, rafraav. . '
abactintloa tm by SMO ar t a a aSdree
la eke Called State ar Weitcak , ,
.. ,.-, , DULY. - ' 'V.
0e feet... ..,,...) Oa MA I Jat
v. . BCNDAI. -,
Oaa rw........tieo Om .(... ....I J
One raar IT.Se 0a ataata I
gala of bait a pound of weight a
WMk, of them eight or ten
pounda daring the term. . Put the
amailnjg fact was that these children
by artificial propagation 10 u to
cope with the . lnjurlea wrought,
especially on the Douglas fir, by the
pine beetle,' would probably have to
had no trouble In keeping op In !be taken with t grata of salt '
their ttudlea with tbw children In the
usual '; elementary ' echooli. .'.When
they went back to their places In
the ommoa schools they; were al
most. 'Invariably ahead of their com-
yaaioua. -., ;. J
The instances -of . success in - ar
tificial propagation of beneficent In
sects are very rare, Indeed. 8 , '
Other authorities appear td agree
that the economic importance of
professor 'Klnoald's discovery has
company will next install a bigger
liner with a rose festival, a mardi-
fras and pageants every day on the
promenade deck. . ; . '.;
of the present systems of teaching In
our schools. ' He Instances this: . No
body knows, he says, the best ratio
of humidity la schoolroom air. By
actual test the air In many Is drier
than that In the Sahara desert. We
don't know the best way of lighting
school rooms. This we know that
in some schoolhouss 62 per cent of
the pupils have defective .eyoslght.
and in the same city 31 per cent
only In other rooms. Nor can we
prove whether the boy that drops
out of school does better on the av
erage in after life than he who fol
lows through the' , school course.
Nor are there ' school accommoda
tions provided in many of the big
cities for nearly all the children of
school age. -
The remedy, ttjls educator says. Is
to convert the bureau of education
s nt a . . a . a m
PORTLAND IS shocked by yes- 1 "" uw
terday-a murder. ,:,Hunua da- l.ornJit.loB op these matters, to
I ' f pravlty went Ita. limit la the H ? . Y . , w . u . V5
'!'. crime. The Uvea of a whole U?r'nt?",!ent . of
ramllv inrfrcil Ant - an)! a ,
The last ' topic reachej by. Mr. not yet been demonstrated.
Ayres Is aa to a possible remedy for ! that the story was written up a little
the universal Ignorance as to results 1 in the paper ot its original publlca-
: In a chop suey restaurant, a cus
tomer Insisted on pouring his' cup
of tea In a bowl of sugar, and when
he refused to pay the damages thel Roee City.
proprietor bored him full of holes.
The news ought to be hurried to
Hobson as another unmistakable
proof of oriental Invasion. ' .;
Bitter and heppler crowds than ever.
All vlaltore agree that Portland U the
' a ' ' ',
'Parly" IS about eliminated la raunlol-
nil arov.t-.m.. . . .
A Criminal ,Statuta
From tie New York Worll
The Christian church at wauowa isi ah,-...... --..-..-. .. ... .....
a a . Im.n ,k., . .
- a a.. , " 1 iviwnuxni Will iry m ,
Marahflald has sat out to break Its secure criminal convictions of violator
own iomkb oc juiy caieursuon rocoro, or the BHarman anti-trust law as a re
sult of the supreme court's decisions in
That jjradloter of bad weather for this I soon af tar tarveet.
Tha Mora flourinr mils will lb rut
Into flrat claaa order to rasume bualna
waak ie keeping- mum,
a a
NeltW a borrower nor a lender
ee; .
For loan eft loses both Itself
and friend;
'Aad borrowlnr dulls the edfe ef
. .. husbaadry.
This all. to thine ewa eelf be
true; .
And it must follow, as the nlfbt
the dar.
Thou eane't not thea be false te
' , say man.
' Shakespeare. v
tlon. This mention Is not Intended
to discourage the .' professor , from
further experiment, but only as a
caution against building too large a
structure of hope oa too slender a
foundation. ; . .',
It il. .1.. w . j '
Tn the Iat.. aarnnt.. u'. "T" """'i.ioa; eason. as-
Tha Jnaanh Commarelal olub will aoon
I Install laii watch scales athe atock-
the Standard Oil and Tobacco trust
cases Is further proof of a new attitude
of mind in Washington. , - " ' ' - '
Until Mr. Taft became president no
the machine, collided with a cow In a
farmer'a field . Tf fh. Marfn1 .. k " .".V" PoicV tnat there won't i
T . ... . r . . . I f ..wTru,n" monm tnat won't be
vine does thinking, it would doubt- . . ; ,
Is the last word in human Infamy.
It is the tragedy of the Holtimaa
child four times multiplied. Instead
of one victim, there are four. In
this latest nameless instance,' Instead
of burial for the little five-year-old.
HE BRITISH budget, Wently
laid by tha chancellor of Ithe
exchequer before, the house 6f
commons, Is one of the most
,v I I. .... J vuu,u"
o grarr. iQr latner, rmtrkable ever proposed.
mother, daughter, and son. tv,. fo ,
lnrnVZTftf Mce of w,tt,t- w,tB recasts in the
hSltiit tlon under the budget
SSilad ' 0. ' Second, for the .'proof of
and received TI1000 in cash as part th .DllltT of th. countP.v to ...
posed to nave rurniahea the motive .1.1 vMi -. kv
for the deed.. It was a tragedy heln. ?.ai .f0f L?U '"fi"! 2lh 0l.d
enough, but it pale, into fnsig- .7
nlflcance beside these Portland bor-17. V-".---
HRBE ATLANTIC liners sailed
Thursday from New York, hav
ing on board 2200 first class
passengers, bound for the coro
nation. It was a great outpouring of
Yankee dukes and duchesses, princes
and princesses, lords and ladles.
, Jack Johnson went along with SO
suits of clothes, prepared to be re
splendent among the rest of the roy
alty. James Jeffries, who ..thinks
nothing of spending $10 for a beef
roast, will be In the American col
ony. . . v
-John Hays Hammond will be
there to elbow the dukes and mar
quises, and with a huge, entourage,
the shining slmolepns he will spend
will spread cheer among- the British
Almost every American city wfll
contribute its quota of visitors to the
coronation exercises. It is said that
no Jess than 100 will attend from
Los Angeles, , We are contributing
heavily to make the coronation a
gala week, even, though, the say
Queen Mary has no consuming pas
sion for Americans,
1, morw yicuaui 10 anow wnai . Outalde innulrer: No. Portland Is not
she thought of the accident than I tusiiy surrartne; from a scarcity of
what the farmer said. '..M " ..""WV v. v. :" :.a
' . ' 1 1 1 1 - 1 ir we eeulri .!-,. t.i-
One', reflections become painful ?h'.nV,t.
in. end flahn. licenses.
.... -e a
A Doultrr ahow will be held at On
tario in iMcember, opan to "ail Ontario
poultry ralsara and ranchers of tha aur-
roundlnc country, on botn sides of the
riTer, ;
whence reads that the c'hlef of po
lice in Chicago has been compelled
to issue this 'edict: "Women must
not wear men's bathing suits." '
tfaey could be elected for life.
The lonsar ha aaneu armaa
reciprocity, the more votaa tha Ranut.n. I Waahlnaton
can party , will kaa naxt ar. . .. I teacher in tha
. . . . I .1 1 A L. I
-t , 1 f viuanu uuaincaa cpiiaaa,
yards, aocordlna to the Joseph Herald, attempt was made to enforce the Bher-
' Tha countr clerk ef Hood River coun. mM. lw ' Hmlnal statute. In bis
ty reports fa collections In May special messase to con. rata January It,
amounting to $418.10, exclusive of hunt-1 1101. Mr. Roosevklt danouneai tha ail.
vocstes of criminal prosecutloa as de
fenders of , the trust!: (-:;.'
"One of the favorlta malho1a of tha i
Utter class ef assailants Is to attack
the- administration t for net brocurlna'
.lie impruonmant laatead of the fine of
Jamea II. Jack. . dfeDutv ahcrlff haa I offenders Ifedif-af ihAalsh ntla.trtlBli I a ear si
There has been no punishment for
the destroyer of the Holtxman. child.
The realised 'surplus on the es
timates of 1109 Is 126.911.600.
hnttWa nnrMfca TK.r.K; ThlS gOOS 4. tO $7,100,000 tO the
to be swift retribution for the de- "'""'J WrcosIs. the same
structlon of tha fonr latter .irtimi. MB to the development ' fund for
The resource, of! the .tate and the r0!?.'' WMt eytlon,' andamaU
-best endeavors of an Indignant peHeTaw" , . lli73:
Die can well ba directed to such L600 Awards the old sinking fund
in end. ; s . j for repaying debt ,
There, era unit in th. T..,man f.J Th estimated , revenue for the
lly ;who- pas. understanding. En- prf,Mn Jr to : Th
dowed with Intelligence , at i birth, f "mtldfc, PWndltnre) v $870,163,
there,ls reason for all to be lntelll- 200' Th, Inclndea, besides ,the
rent. We more along In the pur- fJTT.W.'! a0 thf 'Fl
suits and pleasures of life, never sua- ?d le"" than Ml.100,000, provided
poctlng that at our elbows there are for 'oM, JPnions, and the other
those willing to take Ufa for a ea- "ere"!" soclar objects.
rrice.' ilt ls'onlv whon nonfremted report ot the chancellor on.
with the hoyrjble' evidence of such " wndltlon, of the nation was rosy,
occurrences a. that f yesterday that a" ned credit for his estl-
we get a new of some of the revolt- ,tne fut"r "T"" reUabll-
Ing possibflitlea of the race. f ot nla. Prev'on ccounts and
The i hand that Blew the HIUs ""f m Pit
ought not ; to go ' tinwhlpped; ; Re- nj?a . ""fi" h" ?eea
sources and official acumen ought retieed y 188 6,000.000, and Inter-
to be applied nntll there can be no c V 7r nas oeen
escape , 1 - ? - - - , vod. Harvest reports are good.
V ." . .. . Experts indicate a period of still lm-
LEONARD p. AYRES, EDUCATOR Pro"11 trade. Unemployment has
, - - . 1,, , J fallen fast, especiaUy In the building
KUNAKD f. atkes, educator, trade. . Kauroad traffie has lm
haa led a busy life during: his proved and the price of railroad
8$ years. ' After graduating atocks Is raising.
from various educational fnstl- The chancellor expects the insur-
tutlons he began teaching in Porto I ance bill to ba financed without add-
Rico, and became superintendent ofMng a penny to taxation.
Porto Rico schools in 1906. V He be-1 It will be , remembered that the
came connected : with the: Russell lords called ruin when the 1909 bad
. Sage -foundation 1 -.1908 and has t was ..Introduced. The tartling
since auraciea, -general, attention. leature or taxation on the unearned
The Interview with him to appear Increment of land was denounced as
I In . Sunday's , , Journal shows bold th flr8t atep towards the financial
thoughts of an original Investigator downfall of Great Britain.
on the school system of the United Results speak for themselves.
States, t-',.-.
1 His first' topic is "Vacation
"Schools." Children to the number
of 250,000, he says, drop out of
school each year without having fin
1 Jshed their courses. A child that
for any reason falls to get promotion
at the end of the school year Is, ac
cording to the old system, hopelessly
behind his ellow. for all time, un
less by special brilliancy "he can
make up the lost year by- double
T IS TO THE school, children
that Portland owes acknowledge-
' m.nt f At. An, Af ti mai! k.antL
ful events ot festival week. The
Innocence and enthusiasm of child
life never radiated more delightfully
than In the exercises on Grand ave
nue yesterday afternoon. ,
.' The spectacle was one of the
finest of the week. Childhood fits
perfectly with flower, and those who
contrived the ceremonials of, yester-
aay ao pjannea aa to accentuate me
fact , .. ,,; .: v.',' .
A vast concourse ot pleased peo
ple spent a most agreeable two hours
in contemplating the performance.
It was scene to make old hearts
young, and to bring gladness to the
man of sorrow..' . it was a fitting
episode among the many splendid in
eidenta of the festival week. -
The children are reflective of the
home life of Portland.- It la a city
with a larger percentage of home
owners than almost any other, city
in the country. In the exercise, by
the children yesterday, oar guests
saw Portland in a most delightful
mood and under auspices that muct
have compelled all td admire.
Many people who e to Europe an
"""L..c,ula, reaiiy enjoy themselvee
a school auparvlaor in The man making- this assault Is usually.
county. He hae been .a either a prominent lewyar or an editor f
a pubiio ecnooie and 40 a who takaa hla rmiw r,m
olers and hie argumenU from their at
The Dalles Optimist.
T V 1? ' 11 T 1 llmor!-by. epra'nato thie reeton, but mat MPrtmwU sdvertlain.
jLctterS rromthc People I wouldn't be so fashionable. , " carrytn. mall from Do fur I
H ! a 4 ; v ' . lend Friend. It le planned to
The poetofflce
ior bio
to Kin
' Shortly after Ur. Taft auVwaa.i.ji ut
salayfRooeeaalt the .overnment betan crlm- i
Tlnn ! Inal nrnn..1 1... . 1 . . . ... .
lt?on.UV-.fK?MJ,,,,r,l.wt liJuuin Iu'rvibtw'n br I. and dlrectore of. the Turpentine" :
"...fyy.T'S traca of the animal 1 . . . r '. truat. anf BlaaII TmA eASiarli Iamb tawleW
. s, ay . . vf ' , 1 " wiifHiMvna, W1U JR1S
Father Cunnlnsham. 8. 3.. 'baa ralln. ntnc, Criminal proceedings were
auiahad tha oaatorata nf tha rhurrK rt I aiao orousnb aaalnst dlraetora of tha
Now that all the election returne erelL" Berel Hrt l Klamatb Falle and "Mr truet and ofthe Beef truet for
and evervbodv kna. .k. 7.1 hae cone to Tacoma. Father McMillan. I vtolat na- tha 8hmu. i.. Th... ..... .
cedure on the part of the people R0".K",T.!1.rul tgi, iZhupy cS2.d7?nVhy. Si.rVA CUr colle b,Ta. not ret eome to trisl. Other per-
' i - - - - . - i .... . . . n n . i,. t..... .
, , 1 1 . . ,, , . - . v vtiw . ill 111 I
PUlllna It." Ho llr.r... .t... 11.. .
mwi iua noree,
The Tax oa Lighting Companies. .
To the Editor of The Journal. -Some
great papers and eltlaens are telling
us that the voting of a cross tnoome tag
in me rorni or a iioense is a xoousn pro-1 in ana everybody kneave the , rea
Portland. Their reasons are that thein" " xor the reat of the week.
operating expeneea and paid by the peo-1.,?-JL". 'i00, i0r,c lr.
pie themselvee. ' -
Bounds quite catchy. Nevertheless,
the oeoole voted that tax. and. unless
tne evar rnenciv courts nravent it. tnai Baoreiarr Hitcbrtvv la
corporauona win bbtb 10 come uirvagn I "
with the money. ,
Borne of the wise and good and great
never bother to reason a thing out. The
all was. earners should be paid a per
f.n.UF. M'.,rv Pa. In addlUoii
thereto, out of the public treaeury. "
Secretary Hitchcock ' ia Ann-
-teJr'Knr-pS adverUeingder. , .
a feature of all poetoffices eventually. Marehfleld News: Hank pier
,-.. . ; - ieonai maiotmenta have been taanA in.
Th nrat Maiiw i .ti ,mh 1. I connection with tha alleged cottoa booL
what the Redmond Daily Spokesman Tn dectalona of the supreme court
proudly caJles itaaf. Ho l- waa la. I m the Standard Oil and TahMM inm
fi.bld'hlwHw'SSyi'i JI.pu?; r"!! .taiM ,rtn"n Prosecution an ee-
waa. in. nrat man a .nh.ipiK. .mi " -w -... . . w vimtli hv-
. 11. ih I Hon of the etatute la eurh that im man
renaera nimseif liable to Indictment and
oonvicuon tor a merely technical ef.
ere re-
A dlahnnaat r-i., "nl coppie ot onqueie wn,on "voives no wrongful act.
argument of a corporation lawyer Is discovered in Idaho-TthouVh hVT n:,.1,."1".- .'Si 7.. e"mnal proeeoutlens
them, and Is repeated lunded the money embeasTtd. Bui ; as a thi coos county cm I ium lor f hi ol",0", ' carry on than civil
.h a. thAn.Oit rule women in noaitiona I l.ZJZZ u ...c?'. uJri?r f0' proceedlnge. SDeclfio acta f anaifi
--- "- -..!,., '.-:-:,. '".' unuouoiwir a ara i n.(vi..,. k. - V-TT'-
aomemuig unansweraoie. in xact, now-1 ,L " " mora iruai- uriqueung piant . wiu soon . be eetab-l Vr . iirowo Darona rea-
ever., If there Is any known way by wortny tnn lllshed oa the bay. - - , . Jsonable doubt: but added difficulty is
good enough for
from mouth to mou
which the public eervlce corporations
caa get three per oent more out of the
people they will take tt without any
They are taking all they oaa this
minute. Show them how to get one-
tenth of one per cent more out of the
publlo and their directors will greet
yen with outetretched arms.
81ng- Sing.
'HE COLONEL renews his criti
cism of the peace treaty. - He
does ' not . want ' any ;; proposed
agreement to tie us up so we
can't tight,, ;
It is our colonel's notion that if
any nation offends our honor, to
"cinch etn." These agitators for
peace treaties and , smaller arma-
wrk tn tha vear fonwin Th- a. nents, he regards as mollycoddles. ;
cation school offers the simplest HU v,tw of 'DatInal dignity; la to
method for avoiding the - penalty of ha7 aonal chip delicately
the lost year v poised on the national shoulder, and
Jfot only for tha chndren but for "i0 ri5. Europe, Asia or
tie public the present method is Africa knocks It off to "shoot 'em
asost costly. Mr. Ayres says that op H,B We of ttaf olive
esurb child who, by failure tepass ex- L.vCn ",eaoe w B0,1 hl
aminatlons in New York, is obliged terh wtlle .WV cocked j-e-
te repeat half a grade, costs the tax
payers 23. Experience of vacation
schools shows that practically all
tne cniidrea tailing at their June ex
i volver in each hand,
It Is international comity on a
hair-trigger basis. His theory of
diplomacy is that if any foreign dip-
vest pocket - protected W. H.
wannebo against pistol bul
let gt St. John. Thursday
night. A couple of rowdies made
insulting remarks about two ladles
witn whom wannebo alighted from
a car. Wannebo resented, and draw
ing revolvers, both the hoodlums
fired. The harmonica was all that
prevented a tragedy. .
It is a fine scheme of life to sup
ply rowdies with revolvers so they
will be emboldened to go out and
make remarks about women. It was
the runs more than native courage
that gave them nerve enough to be
insolent They are a type, as the
facts show, who ought not to be per
mitted to carry weapons at all J any
more than the publlo at large Is not
permitted to buy poison exoept on
proper certification.
" It we are going to continue the
unrestricted sale of pistols without
Inquiry into the character and pur
pose of the buyer, Jhe killing wjll
go on. If we keep the bars down,
tne: vicious, the thugs, the crooks,
the burglars and the rowdies will
continue to shoot and the Innocent
publio continue to pay the price.
sing sing la the same of tha best
If a publlo cinch is cinching all It can. I known prison in the United States. For
new in the name or ail the ft naneial l nearly a century Its grim walls have
aamia can u get any morar I excluded from view tha tun. th. auf.
If It raise Its ratee It will reduoe Its .J' .71 JZ. . 2.
profits. People will burn candles, kero- tr'Vr .. YS
eene. lard oil, do without light, eat In ot mates. Its site was known as
the dark and eat raw food If you put I siount riceaaat ana a pieeew one it is,
up ratee high enough. If a higher rate I overlooking the Hudson, but to the la
would yield mora returns the gaa com. I mates the name Is a dismal mockery.
bine and the electrlo light charity would Mount Pleasant was chosen as the
rates the rates tomorrow. site for New York'a penal lnetltutlon
It would have raised them last year. In 112s. One hundred, and fourteen
If to secure that three per sent gross aores were appropriated for Its purpose
Income tax these genteel parasites I ana in origins, prison contained 109
raise their rates the reeult will be to cells, the bulk of the work having been
lower their tnoome and their profits, executed by convlots from Auburn. It
The gross Inoome tax will compel them I required three years In its first bund-
to reduce ratee rather than to Inoreeee "- , ee waa xouna to oe too
them. It wUl tend to secure to the pub- (m11 shortly loe more cells were added
lie more service, more polite clerks. anerwara ece more. .
man avtanalnna. mftr. at what tha MA. I Sing Sing's etory a full .of weird
nia want Thaaa nnhiiit aarvina no mora-1 and eombre and tragle Incidents. Fire
tlons proceed an the theory that a f ran-1 i. . oeairoyea ne recoroe,
ht.. la warth what ran ba anuaaaad Ut POPUlST memory and the . DUbllC
out of the people over and above thelfi0 h?1.tb min uUmes. Contraot
coat of eervlee. With them no sernce v.-- mmuuuvm, uaura
whatever would be rendered If the dlvt-but !" reforms have been
dends could be aecured aay other way.
They have to give service and aome re
turn for their epeelal privilege and use
ef our streets. It Is because they hate
discovered that by reducing rates they
can secure more custom and more divi
dends, and that people are burning oil
aad candles tight now in this city rath
er than
brought about to the extent that there
haa been little or no disturbance and
the wardena have bad more or lees of
aa easy time of It
Keepers used to be la leaaue with
the ooatraetere and they -worked the
men terribly. Frequently the combina
tion was especially cruel. . Prlaonere
aubmlt I theb on. and" wwlW d, into cauldroni T ef
umLlIh!LrJm.Vv,in,Jtva molten metal to make It impossible that
saeuuna, ma wi wu a. auwi.hav .Hnia h... . a .u. .
tTtZVTiC p tm7 The mZ .xTl.r
is nothing for the combine if Jt pro- TOl, , fi, ttBaa
eeeds on the other and opposite course. wSrML
I am reliably Informed that the elec- o.: ht'?... -V 'Vi0" AD
trld combine Is charging U0 per horse- rl tt ref wed to work unless
power per month, when its actual value thVy got Ice wWteK
is less than IU6 that hou.e light, are IheJ m aiiha th.
...!.. . n Irllnwatt Vlniil. I . . . . - " '
-v , "r" ' . 1 r z I nere tne atriae spreaa to tne shoe ehos.
when Pasadena with a plant owned by dm iooa ..n t,. . v. il.iL T ...
law vx R. vvva-w w.m, v
profit at five oents. If so this concern
that bleeds us can afford to pay a three
per cent gross Inoome tax out of Us
hundreds per cent profit, and If It wants
to get it back it oan only ao so ny giv
ing better service at more reasonable
no argument ia favor ef nuliifvin tha '
oiiminai provieions or tne ' antl-truat
law. That Is what Mr. Taft'a orede.
eeesore did from tha day . the statute
The very threat of criminal fimttmi.
tlon wlU in Itself make for a .etriatae
obeervsnee ef 4he Sherman act Men
who are ready to take their chaneee la
civil proceedings will be very cautious
They howled and hooted at the attend
anta night and day.
Flnall, all. door and windows ware I JT.... " Ti" ".I?? w
dosed to .hut out freeh air and the b- Hn preVeouUon 1
.tperou. JM & VSSSSjlvSSW
:. ..: r. . . rr ujoro,ns at aiu
wu. tun nauii.nuim 1.111 ui, ana vu
the sixth day they promleed obedience.
The stories efthe many escapee Yrom
Sing Sing, particularly In the old daye,
would fill volumea of thrllllnr romance.
Since the wall waa ereoted around the
prison in 1817 the steam whistle, which
announces an escape, has not hadte be
ounaea Trry oiien. wnen Atsaieon
Johneon became warden of the Institu
tion he deveed a wire aereen for the
room for visiters with meshes so fine
, i,v(.mpa cvnm oa jaaaa i . too
nriaiui.T. XTI a ..!. ....a W. lfMA-
of the 'convicts and he made the en
tire prleon aa airy and clean as a -hos
pital. Nobody Is made to work when
IIL r Food la better than It ' was; In
stead of Iron eups and plates, crockery
has been provided. There are summer
hotels today with not as sweet a place
to eat la as tha jjlnlng room of Sing
By Miles: v:
Lives of fat folk eft remind us that';
Stripes have been given up at Sing .w" "fS f"0,ff "iTt,
nr .lnnr; with tha 1lfat.H - H-aiI.. Or ltB muth tOO hot, my bl
hot. mi htvitha'a In ,'.
n. "wa vla aummar timei
Sing, along with the lookstep.- Today
- . . . - . ...f.. I . - mi ai t m-ua am.
using an obsolete figure. The prls-j There ere flfty-eeven reasons ' why all
uniform Is dark gray, with . fat f oik hate the enow. ; ; , f ' :
"'xhe pesdsof the prisonsrs are net V1 Jty. $11 l?m,tmBMnt
longer shaved, except ee a matter of vt .t1.!...: iliU AVA.' Jk ' ..1
cleanliness when thsy first arrive. Af- ' "V' the op'n "work with."' ' ' om
ter that they are permitted to let their J Tempered with ,a tinge of Chrletmsa
hair grow do 'they .sen comb It f John- - ' famished, , too, with, sprigs of
son ' argued that . there ' waa nothing I . .",un.. . . . .- '
mvm w win nyurijpnvpia. ou Wl til
morally improving in shaving a man's
neaa. - f. :
Next week Seven Famous Painters, i
amlnaUons, and attending racaUon I0,1 treches eveq' vaguely on our
schools, make up their deflciencles 7V' ' "J"'CU'U piu 01111 n
and are ready In the fan to ro on as na c11 mm PrJurea vu
' If ther had not failed. fh
schools cost the city on an average Nat,ona,1y "d Interaatlonally
M Per child. So the vacation fP'W0' ar eolonel Insists on be-
schoois save one year in tie child's 5 BU ume8 lo eB n tne
school life, and in money to the tax- nternational Vfakers and Uars." He
payers $ia. Insists on always being In position to
Both teachers and pupils work vol- tCIncb em lt s corking theory,
nntartty in the "vacation schools. but " P"""11011 working plan there
These schools are found to help the ?r pm International figures who
children', health.
. Open air schools are now working
in z s American ; cities. The Idea
was started In Cbarlottenberg, near
Berlin, lnyj04. In If 08 the Lop.
oon tounty council established its
first "recovery I school." i Special
wacners were put in charge, and n
have a faint surmise that It lacks
IHE ; STORY 5 published a few
days ago in Washington papers,
and reprinted in Oregon that
" PrnfoaaM Trn lTln..u , -
tocher, had i inoro than 125 puplla. the University of Washington had
Afr t.f,rtt wrk" better ap- dlscoveaed. a parasite: that waxed
r". lwrYT 4 104 1 lm- uccessful war on the pine : beetle
. ' ' cmiaren nonnwasr, sounded tod good Ao be
suffering r from anemia, , scrofula, trne. Not that there waa lmproba
heart trouble rand pnlrooaary disease bUity In such parasite bein found,
Tl were toUlJy cured or greatly lm- since almost every Insect has Its par
proved during- the three months' aaltlc enemy. But that trie work of
trm of echo!. They averaged a the new parasite, could he extended
mation comes out of Ohio.
Eight additional indictments
were returned by the Colum
bus grand Jury yesterday for alleged
bribery In the state legislature.
One of the indictments' charges a
member with "soliciting a bribe for
voting against ji bill for the protec
tion of. game birds, a specious activ
ity on7 which to reduce lawmaking
to a money basis. Another charge is
In connection with l legislation i for
underground railways, and a third
was attemped bribery on the Rose
county, option, bill. f.v ''iy; ;d
Thus, there seems to be a fearful
poser, waa a regular Jumbo, since for
alx years he never saw his knees.
Jules Jaalft. . the prince of erltiee.
broke every aofa he ever sat down up
on. xADiacne, tne great singer, - was
charged three farce when he traveled.
Dumaa pere waa stout, and SalntcBeuvo
j .1l..ita I " .WW ,WM1I A .1 1. fc,
- . rwi ... . jiaaan noes now, jcugene sue had such
All asbestos lands In Canada which .aversion t hie rwinar eoraulenrv tha
neiong to tne crown can oa acquires i ne aranx vinegar to keeep It down, and
eitner oy purcnaae or concoaajon,. er na wrote , "Tne Wanderinr Jew."
may . oe occupiaa inn wur,oy unoar a
,i.:rv.f:: spi.k BeCSar. Most go.
In 1ST? a farmer named Feeteau die- """ ye" ago ew neaiana leaped
covered deposits of importance, and the int the world spotlight by deelartng
first real mine began operations shortly "" ("ere snouia ne no more tramps
afterward. It la said that the enter- m mat country, ana py governmental
prise was a psying one from the start. Processes it actually did turn "hobos
Seven mines instil were opened In the! into taxpayers." , Now Spain haa come
first few years. One of theee is ssid f forward with a similar declaration,
to have paid 134.000 net in one year I which ie. In short,, to produce a "berga
upon an Investment of $1000. V less Spain." The plane outlined are eon-
, Asbestos was first mined In Italy, slderebly different from those ef New
and prior to 180 It was the only coun- Zealand, which put the , unemployed on
Tie bottle probably was a ratio of
tne aierrimae. but , why tha buttons
nana ounet had been so carefully sealed
up it win no doubt remain a mys
tery forever.
try that produced it at a commercial
profit The : Italian asbestos Is very
silky in apeesrsnce and gray to brown
in color,! Often the fiber, are several
feet In length.
- Aebestoa, - upon leaving tha cobbing
. U..l. 1 . . . .nln.lMW Mill. ,M 1.. mrM
iitu,i a aii tiw I'luniiii M,a n vmm
holding abost 100 pounds. Upon -Its
arrival lt la first, foreesxded by a ma.
ehlne similar tohe saw tooth sin used
in eotton mills. This separate, the tan
gled fibers,"aftsr which a final carding
taxea place on a regular earcung ma-
chine, When tha asbestos leaves th..
carding machine It Is combed smoothly
and the libera laid parallel in a uni
form mass. This mass is treated In a
rota splning machine.
This first spin. It Into a coarse yarn,
and then draws and spins this yarn
until it becomes fine and quite strong.
Where a hard, etrong thread le required
for certain' fabrics the t asbestos -. yarn
Is put into a doubling and twisting ma
chine, wber. two, or more of ,the yarn
threads are combined. Of course, if the
asbestos Is to he. Impregnated with rub
ber a. smooth; hard finished thread is
not desirable, vi jov ' .fvv :,-.Mr t
The spinning of asbestos, for a long
time seemed of great difficulty, owing
to the manner in which .the threads
persisted in slipping past each other.
i Finally. It was discovered that under
and wonderful scheme of legislation i the microecope.a .thread ;. of gabesto.
- ..... ' BhAeVBil as vista-,- k aval eane4a na mJt aVU.Si I
government work,- and put the work
near unoccupied soil, and even advanoed
some money for a house and a cow and
a Plow,
The Spanish" system Is tha less def
inite policy - of declaring that work
Shall be given somehow or somewhere
to every man capable i of - work, As a
.result, when other employment is not
offered and men ' are found prowling
in tne streets tney are. impressed into
the army, , Rd , thus put on pay and
reuons, ,:s-'-f;'
-. Whenever a ; child via found , bersina
m : tne street it is taken to . what is
called el campamonto da disinfection.
There It is closely examined washed,
even - fumigated, dressed new, . clean
clothes and sent to one ef tha varioua
institutions, Here It is reared, end an
In Ohio. In Illinois, they called it
jackpot" lawmaking. - It Is not gov
ernment, by the people, -but govern
ment by the subterranean dollar.
In a poker game In Pennsylvania
recently five aces were found In the
deck, and after ; the smoke : had
cleared ; away three of the players
were dead. In the war for extermi
nation of ' disease, the . scientists
might -; take ; into account thats the
fifth aco Is also deadly .microbe.
is Now an Atlantic - liner Is to' be
built withr'aummer r bouses In old
English stjle for tea parties on the
promenado deck, and with saloons
109 feet . Jonf, . Doubtless a rival
showed a notched surface, and that by
mean, of eepeclal twjstlng snd spinning
opuia oe maos suceessrut. now, ' after
aiiempt u nut to rurnisn it with a
useful education that . will produce a
competent worker,
Every effort is made to eradicate In
tne cnna tne oid oeggmg epirit, which
seems to be second nature in many1 of
the lower class people of Spain. It ie
so much a jaart of their nature that
men and women .who are well. dressed
and are eut strolling along the - street
or road, apparently , happy or contented
will instinctively screw wi their faces
Into ea appealing look and with a whine
hold oat 'their hands for alms 'when
they meet a ': stranger, who . evidently
looks ss though he mrght be touched.
The problem of malting Spain beggar
less, to the solution ef which the gov.
nature, all atune.
Fat. folk need a cindered sidewalk with
, a down grade all the way.
In a place where no attractions need be
ton Roads. The fisherman knocked w thT ,h.152Ji.?I-awy:..- .....
rr h. .- .. u. .v. it 1 """inwi amy
" uutiMMu mi ooi mun mt worry spread
tle.V Some small objects rattling about For the wide, expanded person who hae
inside fired hla imagination with "vis- ' troubles straight ahead.
Ions of money or, Jewels hidden In an ,' ,. .. , .
empty champagne bottle, and afterward ""f.t folk eeekPa olaeS o!-" Ut U8
lost overboard, or accidentally dropped Where our plodding, puffing manner
from passing steamer. But his "find" may entitle u. to pace t mmnwT
proved to be only a small lead, bullet os seek a cooler-haven where the
oa cottpre o veraigrweovered tw'Mstyt,y"".y..? rfv v
buUons bearing the "a A." of the Con-1 $1 y0J h-.1" UB th
ewi ejsay ea
; When Brides Wore Knives.
" From the Livaroeel Pnat
- Of the many dainty and curious relies
belonging to old wedding euatoma none ,
are more, interesting and beautiful In,
themselvee than tha other indiananaahi. .
bride knives, specimens of which Still , ;
miRer nere ann mere among the cab.
much axperlmenting, .manufacturers arejernment oommiu Itself, Is therefore dl.
ble to spin a single asbestos thread of jrected largely to changing the spots of
1AA ...via I. 1 . a. a . V. aa . . -1 1 1 la. .. . . , . . . .... . T '
an, ounce.
Fat People Not Vat Wltted,
From London TMMta.-?v?-n
It . le frequently averred that fat le
deadening to the brain and eonaequent-
ly a foe. to Intellectual activity. Butt Monitor and
ia tnie soj some or tne greateet men
the world haa ever known were ttiumn
even to obesity. - . ,. .,
Napoleon was decidedly embonpoint,
pr. Johnson was fleshy even to fiab
binees. So waa hla bloeranhlcar ah.4.
ow. Boswell. Balsac, the greet French
the leopard in th cub,
A, Relic of the'Merrimac,
V,U From the New TOrk Praaa.
?"A fisherman from Portsmouth. Va..
was hauling his ; seine In Hampton
Roads recently in-the. place where the
Mernmao rougni tneir
duel In the Civil war. A heavy, object
caught in tne meenee 'or the seine, and
when the fisherman disentangled It he
found it to be a - champagna bottle
sealed with an oyster that had attached
Itself te the oork. r.The bivalve, ludg.
In fram th alaa ' th. " .
noveUst. ws, ,0: stout thatut was a t about five yeare old. Smaller oysters
day1, exerciss to walk around h!m and were atUched to the aldea ef the b't!
he waa eneireled with bendaea ae if I tie, for ene of the beet oyster bed. in
be were a hogshead. Rossini,; the o, .i the Ijnlted Autes is situated ta-Hamj
1 Champ dark Shocked.
V From the Washington Post
Rather unnerved by a twe dsy.' ill. linets of old countrv hen.a. u.
nsso. Speaker Champ Clark walked into Ton scarcely reailae aa n.i
his office today to find upon his desk them that without her wedding knives
an. ornate petition, apparently signed n her girdle the medieval and
blood frnm a triha ut rhi.n.. t-.ii (seventeenth century bride wauM haMii .
in MtanotnTor
had signed hljname In regular tUhlSI!-:-
hut , besldech signature, 1 written J,y Hem oTthe'VltuaToMh; VTeZny that
" 'paleface." was . a : crimson ihumb I they once came to be eonaidrai .t,...
print There were sixty of them. aa necesssry to the orthodox marrlsge
' It s sokeberrv lulce." he anno.inn. I as the veil and tha rina- itaaie -m.. -
last, relieved that the Indians had " V1" teem with allusions te them,
not resorted to the esnedient at nain I It is very curious tn lum ih.i
blood signs to express their Indignation, ef the finest English specimens eman
Mr. .Clarke hailing from H Issouri, still ted even in those remote days from
retains hi. 'Dhow tneV habits, and la Sheffield.1 The nracia. aHtn re Vw.
presumed to be an authority on- poke-1 oustam of wearlnaweddtns knives la
berries and their stains.- , lost In obscurity, but decline flam
- ' 1 1 ' , favor seems to have set In attey the
nice . xAite Oregon, - wiuiam ana Mary,
From the Eugene Register ')
Oregon, the land of fruit and finw.
ers, of shtdy nooks, -Qdenle bowers, se.
quested spots of beauty . rare, with
ul ii " uw,rr Jmjla compare; of f (CeetrltKited tov The Jon rati br Wan itaiaa.
Wmpld streams and flowern tall, with '" anielit: ml pXeTSIJ riJft
snow-eapoed peaks hlarh tai an, resular i-atvtre ef Uis eeluma laatW iLtZ
fertile valleys and of Aerde, of game 'TrT-' , V ' .'A.!
anjl menythroated birds, of climate all ' The .kin att. M,h " vu' "
can bank upon-no placa on .arth Uka tJ&&;iSSZi
. - - ' , . Oegree will smile or blanch at hla light.
'i r , , r . . - . " eeK tone and bow and grovel and bend the knee. There's glowing splendor -
" WM-.ln.M InonW who stopped y"y hand.-at la a stirring and dasallng
"Seoe?e hm mu?&m t. scener and peersand prince of .very
v-M,Ljrl iTi7,irm'l r have coma to jolly the king and
; Job that I choee-- T- ' " n worn the faoe of a man who
I' tbf.yesr ,hlneteen,'iaven. 'where h eIdomi laughed; perhaps ha thinks
-wjo orande. ewa, J tning to mourn that he was . called
?? - 1 2-Vh J.5,wmb n.,n, vlM " who digs, the mtM who
:-twb.r& dweusjn a humble oot. with ilr2?
"'aoiWmTFS! oow and his bunch of nigs, snd MmmZi
It was tough to be a noWtr, you a'n Ela tr? and ra.plotHe may
taka mv mnA .a ' r". " " I have dreams of a nulat 11. . 1 .
19 vtn.'r.V,nln,teen ,lreviin,Toatbe,ro',r!a,.,lBd thrones and silk, with his
de of Mexico..
A-wrltln' endless postcards to the home
. - ,v. .nq Claim - i-':.,
There nevar was csmpalimlnl-that was
1 - ' ' " half an mtitrn An m.. ...... . . . ;
As the row ef nineteen '.even.' Wat a
lotierin' iiipeteen ten," ,;, ,-. ;"
It Wai an a-ed Ijensioner, Who" wept the
?" ' WflllB flft til KSn '-,!s.',-
And limped like Rip Van .Winkle .when
. . finally he walk ad v - . . -For
bed. Injured both hla ankles they
had Fiiatai4 tVim 4f.a., .
In the war of nineteen 'levan. whaa' tha
Dfaji cinch came looae, , .
barefoot kids and his faaDnv wif -wi
sings while skimming the morning milk, i
"This arm ef mine waa inlureAi ha.RTVM. ZZZ"'" u.
:;."?"' tne eame a ft. J, .rr ZV " "f
- v..-. .iiiaaa acaiea may
seem' far .better than holding away e'er
England, Scotland and Cork and Walaa
f Vk Kovr. l,f ' ,n th blinding glsr
ml. w on a in rone and
crown ah, better p rlda on a old Tain
mare, and earry thiee dosen of egg. to
town! The face, of kings are. alw,-,
Hid. their eye. are heavy, their whiskers ,
grey l their soul, are sick of the rrtgn!
ing fad they'd like to ride on a load of