THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING JUNE 10, 1911. 12 i . EXCHANGEREAL ESTATE 84 BU8LNE8S CHANCES HO Buy, Sell or Trade - 14 room transient house, central loca tion, ion leas; 11000. term. Hotel, 1-miles from citjr. olsarmg f 180 per month. Kaay terms, or will sx- chanr for bualneaa In city. Good restaurant easily handled: will etchanga (or amall farm and pay eash r.i ! -v-IOfl ACRE DAIRY RANCH. -. . ' 4 At.Colunihl" river. 16 miles Portland, ?-: r. station, atorta. school and ; cheese factory, ever 0 acres -ncultl-v vation. 1 SCO In pasture. 16 timber. 60 1 bearing fruit trees, dandy 1 room nous. j . lsrge barn, raw creamery ehlckea and i ether outbuildings. t-w angina and crm - - i a m.mmnr nlowa. harrows, disc . ,-.'',. .. ,! on I difference. 'eowsTll head I and t year old heifers. We have soma extra rood hergatns tn " I horses' 110 ehlckena turkeya; price room In a house, reatauranta and saloons. " II 1.000; 18000 caeh; or will eschango I want to laa a room In good loca- ' Jor .Bneral merchandise atore or In- tlon. suitable for realaurant and lunch -WdVa!J;Nfcl,ll CUnUr- SIMMONS A CO., Ot'tht 17 W Park. Phone Win 7174. 4-ROOM modern bungalow, no, better " VftrV And FfifiH Stflhlfl constructed nousa in city, mi ww. i -... .... . two blocka from Union ave. Prlea only I. I have a. livery and feed etsble well 12860. r am fraat 1lh near : 1 etna location for apartments, flata aell very reasonable, or nr nice raaidence: worts. $8600. My I good farm or Income , npire 11150 oould pay aorea difference. It doea not Lot on East 24th at., with 7 larga mean thle la not paying becauae It la bearing cherry trees, near Tlbbetta at offered for sale, Investigate and you ' -Price only 1900 Will exchange the will find It all right Keel Brown. 700 bore for mortgagee or good real aetata Swetland bldg. t contracts balance . your own l-rm.. S11 per cent In dlvidende In 4 years r. i. oir.inmii, u"i.., naa oeen paid oy a mercantile ous- ' 4t OerHnger Bdg., 2d and Alder. intmt , jortland. I paid $16,180 for I HAVE a client who wanta a 8 room it In December teat, and It la aa good aa modern house up to 14000; will take ever can be bought 8tock, lease, ac- lt as part pay nn a IS acre fruit farm counta this week for $7500. It haa been near Roseburg and will give a rood bar- paying 80 per cent annual dividends gain. He also has a note for 18000 well above salaries on this amount. I must aecured by real estate mortgage; would have the money: don't enawer unless take home to $400t! and balance caeh. you can part with It: half down; half The farm la rood alue, and the not is interest. If rlrht party. O-701, Journal. as good aa the fr-Id. Neal Brown. 7i HOTEL, H 11 room a. nweiisnn oinr. HELP ; WANTED-FEMALn . WANTED TOUNO LADIES . FOR TBLCPHONC OPBRAT INOi WITH OR' WITHOUT EX PERIXNC& ; APPLT. THE , PA ClflC TELEPHONE TELS . GRAPH COMPANY. TB AND EAST ANKENT iTS. . KXPERIENCED girl on body Ironer; must alao be good ladles' clothes iron er, can get ateady position and good pay at the South Bend Steam Laundry, waan. at. FUltMSHED ROOMS . WEST SIDH ,rHote! Burton r; Mr; land Mra. Rurt W, Flaher ha tnken the management of tha Hotel Burton, corner Yamhill and Second ata., and will be pleased to aery -their friends and tha general public with tha moat modern and up-to-date hotel aery Ice possihle. Call and be convinced. FOR a clean, oool. comfortable place HOUSES FOR RENT ia WE eaa furnish your Bom at a great saving.,. Be tie before purchasing elsewhere. M. Ostrow A Co.. - N, Id at Complete housef urnlshera. Bee. eons we priors, cssy terma. and rosea. room house Woodlawn 1719 til.ldi" yard , ' llDl'SES FOR RE XT Fl'RXrrL'RE FOR 8 ALB FURNISHED FLATS ngaai SO WANTED 5IISCELLANEOU8 PORTLAND Helghta. Ill Davenport at.. WH . BUT CLOTHING AND EVERT 4-room furnlnhed flat nlo around. rse. bath. A-17M. SUMMER RESORTS A 4 room furnished house for rent for . rummer sr (ion at Beaaide, .Or., rea- wrTi ioib. r-fws, ournsi. am I mt - . -w m ! i i 1 ' . . i i n -i i . Ai.u rurnisneu cottage for rent R- WTQl i..J" tV.i. i 5JLnA"jrLLl 'I that I pay the hUhe.t cash rfZ t of . THINfl. 'Highest prloe pail for men' and Indue' caatoff clothing and alio. Mam 1080. 0 1st. - "VlCTltOLA" wanted In trade for C ' acre at Woodstock. Difference on I easy monthly payments. A. t'nderdahl, owner, room A, Lumber Exchange bldg. I'lion Mdin Ud. irv the new FOSTER HOTEL THIRD AND DAVIS 8TS. GERMAN girl for general housework. email family; must be strong, willing, good plain rook; wage 140. Call even fnr, 1081 Ralelyh at I will. JV my furniture .and rent you a 19 room moaern nous mat- win rive you t rooms and bath , en first rioor rre - or rent: naa x renters- on 110 outside rooms, hot and cold water. I aecond floora bringing 140.60: house elect r to light and phon In every room. I rent. 41 K. oth N., cor, E. Couch. fre hatha, free auto bus from and to all U' Wlir'AM ruaa. l.r A "'.mail? trslns; lowest ratea In the city. nwly nw. , CaM Saturday or Bun- day. Phon Main 1077. Yamhill 'at. . Doan, 1111 E. HOTEL RENWICK Opposite Helllg theatre, on block from FURNITURE of 4 room' flat1 for' aale, Portland hotel: atrlotly modems a nlo flat for rant Larg basement and at- home for buslneea people. Main ill l tie, x diooks aoutn or courthouse, I714 i -.ii i ubl ' ll'lelt mm ' niTT of town yl.Hnra tn tha Bltlt ar Clf t U A V4 IV W If V IVIV-VI V UIV IVWSi - I . I ,, ma himmii ib i si ii m n i i i nlvI will find th PhlUdalphla koteM LEAVING city, will aell my furnfturi 4 Jti re ni m f akewvrvwt .... ... - I a uiriiii eiiviiv7i. ,' I 1 ae - i wi . iu 16 ACRES 7 UNDER CULTIVATION, flee and rood woodshed, water In houae, room, kitchen. parlor. dlnlni I room house, good bam. other out- furnlture and part of fixtures, ground looxioo, an goes ror iiaoo; trie punning bulidlnrs. rood well, on county road, I rr,na nt Vancouver at station. 1 cow, I cannot be built for leas than IS00O: ' K Iiuili' nrliu tlKflO- 1XAA Cash I WI tmA .In vnnl W T nwit 9 mAm 11 and 200$ In exchange for city home. I miles from Portland; must sell on ac- wa nave a large list 01 cut pninj i mum 01 poor neann. ui itaiiway ex- - for Improved farms. No. 1010. I change. Main 4841. OTr,ifhC.tBE- I Meat Market FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE A houae WtlHIElfiSii1." JLAm..? J.U of II rooms, lauuary ana coia eiorage, --. eu . . . . d lot 10x100, at No. 871 Cable at. 1 machinery) doing a buslnees of ISO per Intttea' walk from th poatof flee; beau- dr: no other market in town. Her la a modern. rMiwilthl anrl reasonable I or I rooms. WANTED Young woman to aaalat with place ta atop. - S 1 1 Mb 4 t corner 6al-1 eel-Shaver car. house work and care of two small i mon. pnone A-ZM1. TWO large front bay window. Fargo at take Rue- children. Wagea 121. Call 101 Weldler at. rnone Kaet WANTED Swedish girl for housework In amall family; no washing. Apply In person. Claronc Branch, 1071 Mia slsslppl nve. HELP WAKTICD MALE AND FEMALE 29 In' eoorna Aea . k 11 s ivviusii iivmi 4y 1 1 ea i t w wewa eann le aaiil saKta. ds I eai n navaAn arA vwauia VUV FMI (VI W V "VII! Reel- tlemen preferred. Ft 'path. Phone A-1701. Ill 4th at . ONE larga front room suitable peraona. tit 7th. ' I . . 1 w mnmtmm v will 1 1 J f Stl ..!( A A IT. A . . FURNITURE of 4 roonae for aale for 160. ' Inquire 171 Ith-at FURNISHED HOUSES SO and ' minutes' tlfuC Mf" location, overlooking the city. ynone wain ie. or a-h.h. WANTED REAL ESTATE 31 WANTED SEASIDE PROPERTY. Hav 21 acre, fine buildings, lota of fruit location Ideal for platting, to ex change for same: $1100 cash required. ror particulars, phone wain mi. a good opening for a market man. Ihia up; It's all right Look Neal Brown. 709 M wet I and Olflg. YAMHILL COUNTY REALTY CO.. 410 r bidg.. th and Waahlnrton at.. Portland. W hava farm from 10 to 140 acree, nop yards, orchards and orchard lend: timber, ahlngle m.'ms. hotela and city property. We locate timber claim and homesteads; alwaye reliable. WANTED Man and wife to work on farm; man. to do general farm wort; wife to keep houae and cook for family of I, father -and two boy a; good home and good wages to right party. An dreas Thoa. Troman, R. D. B, 'box' 70, Albany, Or. 10,000 POSITIONS For graduate last year; men and wo men learn barber trade In I weeka; help o secure position: graduataa earn 111 to i weeklv; expert Instructor; toole free: writs for catalog. Moler System of College. II N. 4th gt.. Portland. PRIVATE shorthand leesone, Oregg and Pitman; day and night claaaea; apeed drill and poattlona for stenographers. Main 7IS3. Modern Bualneaa College, Ith and Washington ata. WILLIAMS Teachers elee for next year; dept. wanted. Ill Ch Arencr Vaeeu- ear; teacher for all amber Commerce. FURNISHED ROOMS EAST SIDE , 63 BEAUTIFUL new I room furnished house at Rose city Park; no children: crn be leased for a number of month I If bond I furnished or for aula. dree P. O, box 201 f. station A. Ad NICELY furnished room with refined (COMFORTABLE furniehed house of A i..iiv w..w it wa ... kANA I ' roome. L hlocka rrom tha eae Una. tl month; cloee In, 411 E. Oak. between tj . Otto f Harkaon Realty Co, III E. ath and fth eta. Phon B-1I4I. First treet - nd FURNISHED modern " STORES AND OFFICES' 11 LARCTrf plaoa, 10x171. on front between Main and Madison; just -the place for machine, blacksmith, holler shop or ie4 tor. , . ( .'':; " ':r'y: .Y: aecond hand hTuaehold goods- N. M. Feate" 143 Rueeell Feat ul YOUR cast off clothing, anil shoo are we pay. tn best worth .somethlna: price; we alao buy Main 1171. household good. .-. ..wor RENT. ' , '144-111 Front nt, long lease, near Madlaoa it bridge. ,J. Simon Bro. BE WIHR: get more for your eeoond hanj furnltttr by sailing it to Ford 1 Auctlo.. Co.. 111 1st. Main 1. A-M4I. ' " BAhER'rTUiTtrONIfjrfSIE. ' 170 K.. Morrison, phone E. 1021. pay J , nignesr rasn prn' ror rurniture. FOR BALK AtTTOMOBILES 44 HALF of new three atory brick. lOxiOO, f lat glass front llth and MarahalU table for llrht iobblnr manufact' r- ing or retell;, divide apac to ult ten nt or tenantil long leaee. ' A. i. Long. FOR RENT 60x174 on" Front bet Main and Madison IV Br.. Front and , Grant ata. Mim zuui, A-xnvx Call at J. Simon Phon ATTORNEY haa fin furnished offlo - room to right party reasonable. 7171. CI-70S. Journal. lOVxlOO baaeinent llxht and airy. 'for . storage or manufacturing. . Phon A MA3cEL(--50tyt", piUi'.'fit Mln I CADILLAC 1910." I equipped, a i REO I eyl I fully MODERN houaekeeDlna rooms furnished room; all newly furnished; new building at Russell and Klrbay atreeta. Take U or u car. lower flat rooms and bath, eleetricltv and raa 10 ft from car; alao I room flat on W-W or Ww car. Inqulr 114 E. list, THE Oayosa. Mod ohon. eurvator Grand av. and Ea PLEASANT furnlahed rooms, modern. walking dlatanc; reasonable. C- xtarn rooma. Private l-ROOM furnished house, 1 fooma . walking dlatanc. . 50W ?"t,p.,'8nSta.P,'n0a.Tl,,P' est Surk. ' "I "f porch. IIH Lincoln at Main 6145.' 2I4B. 4li NICELY Williams ave. transient rooms, furnished. moderate crlces. Lambert llou. lIVs Union. Phon Eaat 1810. CLEAN room for gentleman, bath, on Sunnvslde carllne. II ir month. Ill Belmont. FURNISHED cottage, phone, bath. ana piano; cioae in. jajta u car. Page at. k-ROOM furniehed houae with yard,. I IS J minutes to P. O. Phon Main 1171. APARTMENTS 43 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 63 ror part cuiars, pnone wain am. . 1 , t l i l t aj... 1 i ' . , 1 m.t NEW atore, stock of grocerlee and hard- WILL pay cash for a bargain In a flat war. and fixture; ulldlng 14x41 lot r3?!!!?f ,i.U: .r,ythl2 VpJ.,e.-! "xllO: baaement I feet; "locaterf on pmaldered; glva i full particulars in first DU,i. .trt, Mt Scott line: stock worth 11400; price IEJ00; 11600 caah; 12000 less than adjoining prop erty, owner, btzi roster roaa, city. fetter. No agents. F-707. Journal ROOMTNO BOUSES FOR SALE Of 1 THB PACIFIC REALTY CO. ' Hotel, Rooming and Apartment Hoosea, REAL ESTATE AND EXCHANGES. Phone Alain SSIO A-I47S. 111-14 Falling Bldg., Id and Wash. Bta. . MARY E. LENT, , Portland s Ieadlng Hotel Bmker. . 32 Room House CenUr of city, price 41400. If sold thle week: las. , 171 H Morrison st, ,' room II. ' . ,f PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSE COY" 411 Henrr bldr. Marshall 114. tJtfmnAm on it9 i1ts. Call after liouBea, bonght, sold and exchanged. 1 10 fc m Tn- 8pmBton Cof Raity Opera. A BARGAIN 11 nicely furnlahed rooma tor, ill Oak at. r.52f ffemn"?1 Ir'i " lLmV CASHIER in llf office, mu.t S!tS.i ' wll educated, good correapondent r I ui. , M, , and thorourhly eompetent stenographer s KtAiMB, exocneni lumuure. (; i ana accountant; position or responsibll- on account ox aicanees. jtot pamou-1 ity. Apply In own handwriting, j-707. BY OWNER Two lota, atore building. Svlng rooma, barn and warehouae, clean stock of groceries and ftxturea, all for 14000; good location and doing good business. Addreaa 07 Foster Road, or call Phono Tabor 14 20. PARTNER with money to open meat , market in city, b-toi, journal, j HELP WANTET) MALE WE want 2 or I bright active men on . our new and om subdivisions, ws psy liberal commissions and hav prop- H. R. HANSFN &. CO. GENERAL EMPLOYMENT AGENCTEA Main office It N id at. Fortran d. Ladlea' department, 7tb and Wash, sts upataira, rorxiana. 4,4 Front Ave., Spoken. 47-41 4th at.. Ran Francisco. KstaDiisnea 1I7. 10 Red Cross Employment N. Id. ror. Burnslde. M. 6211. A-I7I4. WANTEDAGENTS big of RETJABLE aales mar. can. niti Dionev aelllnr otir wall known lin hardy non-Irrigated treee. shrub, ro, to. Outfit furnlahed: cash weekly. Ad- ares s. Oreiico, Or. Salesmen Hoi Salesmen wanted to ' sell th moat complete lin of nursery stock la the northwest Cash weekly. CAPITAL CITY NURSERY CO, Salem. Or. CASH every week for salesmen (Selling lara call at one at 147 East 4th at near J journal Yamhill. to..jTPh... III, "-.V""" i ,g ., 14 i , L ' i i i. x... . uuvifir. viniuvi iiiaviniiiai, wasningion DUTwarj vo., xoppemsn. jawoi. iwiii au. uwuav, ior loreman wrraun ciix aaiiy. union, i vvaftn our clean, hardy, well-rooted nursery stock. Outfit fre. Good territory. any reasonable offer, brick, leas. 410 ISO. no drinker: rive full Dartlculars. in cluding rererencea. When ran coma ana . i J ,v..ui,bu,d , ... , i i . mvmmWf fent, terma Owner III Williams ave. 1400 rntt SAT.R 1400. Rooming house, II rooms. HI for-1 DENTIST: muat ' rlshed. Call 418 H Davis st, corner 10th, I licensed. Good salary. " 1 1-1 tj ' wii scnvii iiuivaiji ja -r o , be A-l M-14. Joumeli operator and Alveolar l-n WANTED Salesmen in every locality In th northwest;- money advanced weekly: many mak ever 110 monthly: cholo of territory. Yakima Valley Nursery Co., Toppenlsh, Wash. SALESMEN wanted to sell our 11ns of CLEAN, new, modern rooms moderate. Eaay walking diatance. 144 B. Yam hill, corner llth. B-1090. TWO or 4 furnished) rooma at 44th and E. Madlaon. Call Sunday. SLEEPING rooma. 60c to 41. 444 Bel- mont, near E. Ith st. Tax B-8 car. ROOMS AND BOARD IS ROOM and board during Roe Festi val. II a day. 401 N. I Oth. Take "S" car t depot ret off at 20th. walk 1 block north. Ill llth New manarement thorough ty renovated, single or doubl rooms. isnie Doara. BEAUTIFUL breakfast and dinner. It per wk. XI. parlor bedroom M'DEZHiDMF 208 1 6th st., Near Taylor THE APARTMENT HOUSE FOR THE f AM1LX WITH ALL THE COMFORTS OF HOME. ( These elegant 4 room unfurnished apartments which are now completed, are slt'iated in the heart of the city, within 0 minutes walk of the bualneaa center. They include large, light reception halls, built-in bookcases -and buffets, automatic electric evator and dumb waiier, aiaappeanng oeaa, p rival r-a-clfio telephones, large . porches ' and closets. . 1 - Reservation may be mad from own- on premises or, by pnone. Jtain 471 Clay. Phon Main 111 THE Whitehall Family Hotel. American 4715, A-6444. plan; every modern convenience, 4 1 square rrom, f. u. i tn. I pr . 1 i - ROOM and board, private family, good tParK AP2irtmentS location: ner wear, rnoni ju. w.w ..a u.-.i ... 2ISL 211 Broadway. I naanHei a e..rafKaA LARGE furnlahed room with board, all I housekeeping apartments, every modern conveniences, reasonani. 10 lain st, I coneninc. waiaing a i stance, good oar between Flanders and Gllaah. BOARD AND ROOM in private family. 117 llth Taylor. at. between Yamhill and servlc. Parents will fln4 hla an Meal plac for a child to be out in th oool park. Summer rate 141 and 440. Tel pnone in art nail P7". ROOM and board In private family! Horn cooklnr. bath, nhona. etc.. 147 llth. .. fe-IPTF.r.M I room an-rtmenla. new and tal Co.. Ablngton bjdg, 104 H Id Bt , wu lurnianea, uooa location, jouy oil WANTED At once, I man .to learn te Paciflo eoast rrown nurserr stock: wner. East 1141. I drive and repair automobile Call at I caah naM weakl PaHflo Nnrur, Co.. . , . - a.w . . i - . . . " - " ioi tjoroett oinr MINING STOCKS - SS I CHEF headquartere and helpera. Call- rornia wine Depot, is iemnm. next ' WTWTVrX and niIiiilHil atiwka- tale. I tO Journal, phone and other bonds bought and I WANTED At one. I men te learn te Soio. c s. netcner, u ABinrton wag. i drive and repair automopllea. cai Hawthorne Garage, 441 Hawthorn. SITUATIONS -MALE BUSINESS CHANCES MUNICIPAL, W&Zlvm MFREE'EMPLOYMENT OFFICE M MACHINE mn . on f urnl- UN'fWS VP- mm i lure won, addit hi commercial i a ra7 m ,. - - - . . - rn,,u ki . . I v voiinuei I J cnrbuiBA v unwtKi Business ror saia, is nr i , , l EMPLOYE cent heiow lnvolo. Fixtures and I WANTED riano player ror moving MAIN I66S: A-8IX4 jau at B. 1184. WANtEfi Partner ' for The Burns ' TJNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Centrally located: new brick building, nicely furnlahed. hot and cold water and free telephones In all rooms.' Rates by th dev. week or month- anaelal in. 41 KNOTT Board and room H block I ucmnt to permanent guests. 108 H rnon mar NEW atore, Russell, cor. Kerbyt good for worklngman's trade; rent only f 20. baaa aai varaaiu . Mil., ton . . - -u tACJIyLAO-110. pass., h. ,JPy runy quipped. repainted ouila i cy k. . a P--W Second Hand Cars STEARNS 1104,'. 7 paaa.. 4 eyl ev n. p ruuy auipped. tin con . . . . CHALMER 1110. 40. V pass io -J'j.JPiiul'T nulpped i. 114 rnKMLBi ios. t pass- Tuliy IIVl 111 404 1444 44 4044 A Th Owners of the, Mra tiea left them With ne for aela. thav hatna Mr. ehaied 1111 Plerc-Arrow or CaJlle oar a Our list of tired oar la eon tlnually changing. It wUl pay yott to Inveatlrsta , fmvET uiens rt niniwv Main 1474. A-4147. list and Waah. 'st. 1411 White gsa oar. fully equipped, like tiee; pne (ltgo. 1110 Wlnton six. mm onlv 14 An mllaaL cost ISIflO; pric U478. ' i VASa W-a j aa a ak a (It. IIOV, HOTELS 04 HOTEL PORTLAND Rnropeaa pla oniy; fa. e nay. 7uii; PIERCE 1118 pass, A-l condition , ; BOICKr-Model 10, 4 cyl. runabout with top BELVEDERE Kuropean 4th anj Alder." FOR RENT -HALLS 89 THE Drew ball for rent any sight to the week. Ill Id t . it': WANTED TO RENT in brick bulldlnr. I floora. 0x100. Elevator. Cheao rent - 1 01 Front st Main till; ' HORSES, VEHICLES, 'ETC, 18 Michigan Boggles Rushford Wacons "V Eagle Dump Wagons Jefor you buy etlher above, se Beror you bur etlher above, sea our stock and get price. We ar located outside th high rent district and for that reason can aall heanar Wh htiw a second band veblole when you can get! WE have the followlnr used car unon a new one at about the earn price f - I which w will mak varr attractive 1110 VarA 4niir4na aaa e11 Mnlmujl Magwell Jr.. Ilk nw. I1S0. ll4Garford 7 paasengr, fullY nuipima, isa. ... . . 1114 Maxwell rosabout, fully equipped, "ibtop 4 Cy, tl h. cost 41144; pric 660. Pop Hartford touring ar fnHf vquippeQ, coa i asuuu; pne I1I00. 1110 Oakland touring, car. folly equipped, run 1100 miles, cost 4ll00 it- 1 1 1 ov, 111 Flanders racy roadster. 4804. CUSTOM HOUSE AUTO CO, in Kveretl at. R. M. WADE A CO, III Hawthorn ave. pas. OWING to removal of our bualneaa Into the John Deere Plow eomranv'a I building on East Morrison st, we will offer a reduction In price for the next I 9 ft Amum ah ... .1..!, -. 1 ? A V ...... . I Thanking the publlo for past Mnerous In first class mechanical prlcea: 1 11 40 h. p. Butck. 4 l 1110 40 h. D. Bulck. 4 naaa. J1I0I 40 h. p. Rulck. 4 paaa. .. Ill 21 h. p. Bulcka. 4 pass. 1 1110 28 h. p. Bulck runabout ,'1 111 Bulck delivery waron. ah or in anov nave extra rui patronage and soJicltmg a shar of your Ci".0,"' :ranteed by us. riiiure miaineaa at in new iinr wa i 1 . t. remain) Yours truly A. 8. JACOBS CO, By C. F. Clark. Manager. - SALE One bualneaa buggy, one 1 Pope Hardford touring ear. FIRST claaa room and board for two: 128.00 each: walking distance. Main ZISU 110. Ill Ith. from L car. 84.74 and 48. TWO nice front rooms to rent with board. Th Hollywood, til Grand. one. 1015 vouNG man, age 20, fair education, ex- will ha ahntit 11000 . A mnnA I nliira ahnw. . " -t: i .i v. - i yuuno man. ar .1, rei?. " f U17 y"'r,r V"""" oerlenced rodman and chalnman de union av. n. msm TAILOR wanted, on men' fin coats, lair.. wnrir wUi, ...nin. n.rtv rim. J experience necessary. tOOH 7th st keener or sny active out door work poultry rancn, TTN.AT.T.ICn ror tallor-mada ail ta. tl N-707. Journal. uvuiirr lemiHJiia V aa- -.1 K...lX 1- . " - 1 rretlUblo bus ncaT aaoufc Toot capT TrloT Tat!or: Burnla- f!HlNESTC. flrst-claaa cook, wants po- Ital rwufred? Phone-in 140. and t?I WE aell uncalled for tailor mad suits,! sltlon In hotel or restaurant Many range appointment I HO up- Harvard Tailors, 808 Humsida. years experience. A nor ess uonr unong. 15: WEAR a Kenahaw 12 hat; all atyiea. "'J1 S." 1 1 -rnm,, FOR SALE Planlnr mill, centrallv I eated In manufacturinar district. Port land. Including eight year leaee on two story ouuaing, boxioo. inquire 478 past Alder st F. C. Young, assignee. For Sale Cheap: Saloon, Independent license doing a good business, good stock, leas. In quire 61 N. Ith st. FOR SALE; Confectionery atore, eatab "5 Hahed i year, -doing wholeeal loe cream business; located on corner, with rood lease. Pric $8000. Address 270 Graham ave.. city. FOR SALE Pool room, fin location, doing good bualness, reason for sell ing, going east; will rent same to re sponsible party Call at once. East 1478, for information. GOOD paying 111 Fourth. 449 Washington. HELP WANTED MISC. 63 WANTED MOVING PICTURE OPERATORS fn all cities throughout the world; oper ator earn $25 to $40 weekly; actual theatre experience given; we have 'the i arrest ana linear eauipneo scnooi in the world; thestres make 410 to $100 dally; theatrea equipped on easy terms. upen evenings. NEW YORK EXCHANGE. Wash., near 17th. .1 tures, good lease snd located on good 1 tlc' work tn all Its details Belmont Auto School The only thoroughly equipped school ON THE PACIFIC COAST. Complete course, including- thorough driving instruction, technical and prac- bueinesa corner: must leave account sickness; snap if taken at once. Owner, Ij-ivv, journal, FOR SALE interest one of the larr- -"- nnu uw mm uuiineBBCB in roniana, gooa salary ana position. In-v-eetlgate at one. C-687, Journal. doing good business; will show good" reaeons xor selling; price low. 0696 Journal. FOR SALE Rooming house, 11 rooma. nice lurnuure ana gooa locality, steam heat, everything modern. Price reason ahle; terms to suit 198 N. 23d st. iu rxotion ana ary goods store, prloe $1500, for country store or hotel In good town. 117 1st st. Port HDO. WANTED To buy a meat market; must be all cash business and bear investi gation; full particulars In first lettsr. Address 204 Madison st. room 382. WILL exchange good acreage, town or city property for a stock of merchan dise In Oregon or Washington. H-708, Journal. MEDICAL practice for eale: rood prop osltlon for a man contemplating lo catlne In Portland. H-705, Journal. OLD establlshpfl paylne buRinee. ac count of Illness; bear investigation. O-700. Journal. OLD established paying; business, ac count of Illness; bear Investigation. u-jvif, journal. FOR SALE Paper and job office in e'n- lerpneinr vajiev town; good patron agc Address M-90, Journal. CLOTHING store with lease, best loca- tlon; will sell lease alone; good for any business . 80 N. 3d st. RESTAURANT for sale, will bear In- vestlratlon; no reasonable offer re fused. Call at 292 Hawthorne ave. Phone East 1172. WANTED To buy small business $1000 to 42000; what have you 7 R-708, journal. SICE grocery store good location, rea sonable rent long lease. R-706, Jour i rml. . A NEAT little cigar and confectionery store, no rent, money beside, take care of bait Phone East 448. - FOR SALE V Interest In cleaning and preeslng establishment. Call or write R. Moore. 628 H Washington st. E. 2ID AND MORRISON. Take 8-8 or Mt. Tabor car; look us up neiore aecining to enroll eisewner. Vr.-M ., -It tn K .A .1.1.. to prepare for firemen, about $100 montrwy, and brakemen 180.' on nearbv railroads; no strike; positions guaran teed competent men; 8400 sent to posi tions; state age; send stamp. M-87, journal. lalesman manu- wiiieawakb neat appearing sa with 1200 csn connect with a facturlng concern; no competition; sal ary 2t per weeK guaranteed to start: more as you deserve it Phone Marshall 141. ANY intelligent pereon may earn steady Income corresponding for newspapers, experience unnecessary. Address Press Correspondence Bnreau. Washington, D. iCURTAINS wanted, band laundry con- tracts, noieia, loaging nouses. uaii and deliver, mending free. Woodlawn ZB84. GOOD live man oan earn $8.80 a day in own town to handle our automatio dampers; good seller. Write Safety ft Economy Damper Co., 440 Sherlock bldg., Portland, Or. STUDY law in our summer term, now open; fully prepnres for bar examina tion. Portland Law School, 111 Wor cester. Phone Marshall 2781. $6 per month, telegraphy taught in practical forms, day and evening ses sions. Address Myers. 860 Flanders st, Portland. Or. Main 8812. WANTED More scholara In millinery scnooi; new ciass now rorming; nring your old hats. New hats trimmed to or- der. Make Overshop. 878 Alder. Mar. 1988 WANTED two men to learn taxicab, autotruck and automobile driving and renalrtnr. Call at once. Office 828K Washington st, room 418. GOVERNMENT employes wanted Send postal for Portland examination sched ule. Franklin institute, uep't. 107 a., Rochester. N. Y. CARPENTER wants small Joba by hour or aay; reasonaDie; experienced; quick worker. t7XVj Morrison, room 11. WANTED Position by machinist hand llng automobiles, first class repalr rnan. 101 E. 88th at N. "WANTED By young married man, work in or out of town; can glre ref erences. J-701, Journal. EXPERIENCED young man wanta work on dairy farm;.:good jnllker. J-705, Journal. - - " i SITUATIONS FEMALE WANTED One to four babies or small children to board and give a mother's care by an elderly lady with experience. Call or address Mrs. A. E. Mitchell, 411 Ivon street, city. Take Brooklyn car. HOUSEKEEPING! ROOMS 8 WEST SIDE THE SUTHERLAND. ' electric light, ras range, hot and cold water, fre bath and phon. W and S car., Cor. 27th and Thurmaa st. Main 2088 A-4174. Twelfth nsar Washington. snail zisii. GOOD VIElw1 apartments, til Market; new and nicely famished and unfur nished, t and 8 room apartments, mod ern and very reasonable; Paciflo phon In each apartment ' - Harrison court. t41'$tn two and uiree room unfurnished apartments, , nniuvrn cvnrvnmncn: niDil reaeon- able In th city. Main B14R, A-7161. FOR Bailey Ded burr v. and two seta of slngl harness; also boy' riding sad dl and bridle, all In good condition Call 98 Minnesota ave. n7 muhukk or horaea ar weight from 1200 to 1800 Monltoe tmck. HOWARD AUTOMOBILE CO MP A NT, iin ana couen sta -AM YOU USE A BARGAIN!' -40 H. P. Chalmers R nasaenrep anfat coat IS204, yours for $1100: owner leav I ing city, navia Lewis; room 8 Lum- nermen Diag. - mares. 1DI- Oil I'WA.,A MU.IH, -II. rnnA .nrlt.r, mil rannr mil aounrf r I o ivun K.nntA urio ifc price reaaonabls. IISV Midlson at. near Dnarn, writ eine. - I at.l ,u ...I- j.- wiiiiiiiufi. rnvnv v uvu lawn qui. 100 K. 12th St. N. HOR6Ed and buggies par rent by" day, week and month: special rates U business houae. 4th and Hawthorn, East 7t. - ' ' 6n account of death will sell 1 pair of FOR SALE The beat line nt car Inlh-i ctty from little to big and from 4100 up. See Vance A Hulburt tit FYont Main Z9ns. The Hunt's Express & Baggage Co. . i troric, aoe. Additional i ach. Grin with trunka f rea. A-441B. MarshaTI 4414. a AnneJf- 18TH ST NTilAto 7TT.A VniTT Nsw 4 story concrete bulldlnr: 1 I. 4 . 1 trork, 80c Additional trunks 80 1 11 ".771.: Iui",lu!.e,moa Rose City Park Transfer Trips to Rose City Park dally. Plana and furniture moving-. City work also. ui n. Main sirs. A-77K. ern. electric elevator, hardwood floors. wan neon, pnones ana an modern im provements: apply to the Chetopa, 18th and Flanders sts. A few. unfurnished apartments. VeerkampVfcxpress If I don't haul yoiiF trunks ww both lose money. E. 2180. 401 E. Morrison. 1) URMSHED housekeeplnjn extremely personally or phone Main 8381. or Meier pleasant rooms; very reasonable; good St Frank's rental department - - The Chesterfield -! Cor.' SOth and TT.arnev New And beautifully furnlahed and unfurnished apartments of three rooms ana patn. very desirable location Rents exceptionally reasonable. Call location: two room basement suite. $12. F-700. Journal. - t Be FOR ONE TRUNK " " " And 15o for each additional trunk; moved promptly. Phone , United Ex press Co. Marshall 2408. A-7481. -NEWLT furnished housekeeping rooms ental departmi The Cody 7TH AND TA In suites or- single. rooms st a chesp rate. 888 1st st. Main 9884. WANTED Position ss housekeeper In respectable hotel or rooming house; thoroughly reliable. Mrs. H., 4787 63d sve. s. re. QiRir ffom New Tork wants position in private xamiiy aa cook or cnamoer maid. Wares not less than 130. M. Annee. si is. sin. EILEEN Court lit llth. front room, suitable for two men. All conveniences. 418 per month. 609 JOHNSON ST., 2 neatlv furnished housekeeping rooms and T furnished room suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. TWO front rooms, housekeeping gas, bsth, phone, 4 minutes from, P. O.; south. 310 Clay st. ':- . EAST 7TH AND TAYLOR ' New corner hrlrk hnlMln. all an. aide suites of two and three rooms each: private Phone and alactrin livhta- r rooma i i . wuiei moaem also sleeping nome ror one of modest means. Gem Hotel, jORDERLEIGH apts., cor. Grand av. and I 6rK st. wew. nreproof brick nlc larg building, beautifully furnished, two snd inroa ruuni apartments, Private Datn, free phone, hot and cold water, ice box, no car fare. Summer ratea. East 800. EXPERIENCED cook; club, camp or small crew. 283 18th. A-4078. Room 21. a WOMAN wants work by the day. Phone Marsnaii io4. DRESSMAKING 40 LADIES' suits to order, your own ma terial, alterations. I. Reubln Elite La dle' Tailor, 8elllng bldg., 8th and Alder. NURSES 0 PRACTICAL nurse, recently from the east: bast of references. Nordics apartments, suite!?. East 8418. WHITE SU1ULD HOMii Confinement cases only. 287 Fargo. Wdln 824. FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE United Trans,, Never Closed One trunk. EOc: additional trunks. 25c. 24TH Madison. Marshall 2894. A-496S. FURNIBHEjj and unfurnished house keeping rooms, $2. a week and up, Bleeping rooms, $1.25 a week and up. 874 Russell St., near Mississippi ay. International Correspondence schools, Local office. 238 Alder St. M. 1021, HELP WANTED FEMALE 2 WANTED Girl or woman for. light ncuseworic: about z hours worn in re turn for board and room. 862 Front Main 3427. doinr ronri hn.l. Cash or trade.. 243 Holladay A FINE restaurant . sees, ve. WILL sail half Interest in best small market In city; can prove this to you. I'wmr, uiv0, jmirnai. 7500 Business Cards $1 . f Rose City Printer?. 12H 3d. FOR fcALE Trap nest patent; best on the market" Half Interest or outright. N-Tfii, JournaL . LADY agents to aell lota. Easy sellers. m. v. csr to ena or line. w. ta. Allen in office on corner. WANTED A girl rvr general house work, $20 per month. Inquire 680 tyui st COOKING and light housework; four adults. White or oriental. Phon A-?907. Main 6424. J A LADY who speaks German, to car for elderly sick lady, for $1 per day. SHwood 1487. () f colored woman cook. 4591. Call Main wanted Oirl for marking an ing. Tal Laundry, 600 E. d sort Morrison. COMMERCIAL hotel, under new man sibjCiiicii bj v 1. miu wau tuiiuiiif vricij choice rooms at $2.60 up per week. . 43 Washington st. IN AN apartment, close in, a very well furnished large room facing two streets; suitable for on or two; rfer- ence exenangeq. o-70. journal. THE ELM PLACE, 414 Yamhill; rooms; hot and cold water, steam heat, pri vate baths and suites. ; 247 H 6th St., rooms 11.60 up per week. fee phone and bath. Main 7784. , FRONT rooms, Morrison st; excellent view of parades. $1.60 per day. 171ft Morrison, cor. 4 th. NICELY furnished rooms, rent reason . able, walking diatance, Just off Wash ington st Apply 41 Ella st. FURNISHED rooms, quiet location, rea sonable rent; In private family... 894 Front St.. corner of Meade. . NEWLY furnished rooms. You find them .-- at 42 Front aj. For respectable peo- TWO furnished rooma with or without : board: also one housekeeping room. 169 Taylor. Phono Main 7619. '. - - ' . t " ' ' .r-' ' w r - H FOUR furnished housekeeping rooms. . conveniences, ground floor front, gas mnge, aid munin, vve From bk. geldings. Weight 1000, team and har-ers-s ;; .".'.'" v' . 1 . . - i ss. $400. Cor. E. Madison and 7th, wiLJ-'e Ford runabout and lot In ill for Mr. Aldridre's pslr. I St Johns for -new or nearly new 8 Exchange Stable, several nesa, Call EAST to Sid horses - snd mares, weight 1000 1800. 270 E. 7th, near Hawthorne. SMALL black team of mares, weli matched, I and 4 years old, for sale cheap. 701 Marion ave., Bellwood. passenser ear. A, O.- Belshlm."0ilr, Springs guaranteed. ft N. llth st FOR SALE cheap draft team." weight OLD ajto tires i 7c per lb. d-jllvered. In over 1200 lbs." Phone Oak Grove. Red tat. '-' .', - . - ONE handsome mare pony, harness and cart Call 270 E. 7th, near Hawthorne. FOR SALE cheap, horse or cauip wagou. ; Ask ror McDunn, Ksmond hotel. rs n o if r 4A .A.t.- A-.- I : i . -1 , , I . " w-rfT Vi.oJ . -Infill 3 """' I ELEUANT 7 passenger Wlnton auto. "" ruiwn limn 1 , CJOSt tn. OWher 8RB0. AS gOOd SS ner tubes 12c. We also bur Conner. ores, . aluminum ana aona tirs. f . I Leve, l ww coiumwa. Mill tin, AUTOS bourht and sold. Write for our i bsreafn. lft; .we are sure to have th car. yo-i want. Custom House Auto Co., Hat Everett. ' xqnin 1B4!. FOR SALE Heavy team, harness and vtH Inch wagon. Bellwood 491. 1 LIVESTOCK AND POTJLTnT 85 new. 42OO0-'cal(. David Lewis, Lum-1 40 H. P. ChaWbers auto in fine condl-l tlon. to trade for Portland nronertr. D. Lewis. Lumhermens bldr. FOR SALE 1910 runabout in good runnlnr. order, fullr eaulnned. will sest rour 1360. zb K. ZBth. 12x60. House and yards rent for 412 I FOR SALE Motorcycle, twin cvlinder.- - """" : i i nil or naaress 78 Jarrctt St.. city. THOROUGHBRED Buff and White Or- ' 1 ,rst pington eggs very cheap now, i Mur-1 mv, wooastocK. weiiwooa iso. FX)R SALE 100 Rhode Island Reds laying hens. 200 chicks t to I weeks old. 260 ' eggs setting, chicken house HOROUOHBRED Barred Rock eg; a, choice stock. SDeclal rates per 100. Pel I wood 138K. PHILO incubators ami 2 coops; leaving town. K-707, journal. GOOD young Jersey cow for sale cheap. BZ7 noseiawn ave. -H-iMCSICAL INSTRUMENTS - 84 E. COULTER 3 30 Labbe bldg.. violins, musical instruments made and rea.1 FINANCIAL 4 PER CENT MONEY. FOR BALE- ftllSCKLLNEOLS 10 For bulldlnr or house nurchaalnv as. u ststance payable the same ss rent Th J Standard Rest Estate Loan Co, (Ino.t, F 46 Chamber of Commerce bldg. " - P FOR SALE Mortgage, $6000, on. ex-R , i-tAlia-nt) IninmA - imnrAVMt Prtrflain SUPPLIES, IRONPIPE. STEEL AND! property on Street , Car line. , Address UABi-:inuni'iuiu,iv, ig,w uur vr 1 H-70D. journal UIPIQ bprjc Trana Co., furniture invyiwj ui moving SDeriaity, 71 7th. Main 1909. A-lOlt. -HOUSEKEEPING rooms, lowest ratss. electric lights, pnone. boih water st HELIl ntNTnii.i Give me East 4192 ' Alhermarla lull 183 Williams ave.j one three room un furnished apt. one three room furnlah.A apt. Cheapest summer rates in city. Modern in every respect.: SAN" MARCO APARTMENTS, E. 8tH AND COUCH STS.. NHTW RRIMf all room apartments with nrlvate hatha. I OlUo. WOKTMAN. kiinu BUILDINO. I '.. ''""' gas ranges and phones, rents for sum- 6TH AND WASHINGTON LUMBER. I Vrniin 5?. "7-, .kVJVA FOR BALE SECONDHAND DOORS, WINDOWS, V GLASS, PLUMBING mer months $28 to $27.60. I IOI. Phone East FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, two room suites.- IIP to $26, 6 Olisan st ...v TH E Pa kKHURST, tOth and Northrup sts.. Mln 1171 Choice t room apartment, elegantly furnished, new bulldlnr. naw furnltnra private bath and phones, electrlo el. Li "ou"'eJ'"?.IrJ.ra"i. "5"S vstor and ianitor servieeTsummee rat-- lu ; moneraie. iinsr lannera. a u l a, i . r r "TliAr fvr11 piagrouna for ehlldren. 228 N. tOtlr st Marshall t0t8. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS - - EAST SIDB 48 NORDICA apartments, cor. Belmont an3 urana ave. i ;ana - room rurnished aft & 4- aa aW 1 1 aa. kaat ' aa,1 . mioJn2rfi"!?S!nJ THE DAYT6N-SweU locatloA. fine large room, modern conveniences, walking g-room anartment norchaa 5 nistanoe. Kaat 1740 104 I Ren ton - I " '. zPrIVi?VAM?.fyJ;Fy- 'con .,.,.1a mi hi i j iaj i w t i. ii I . i ni .ii. . v vaTJa a vwiivimwuj -OIIVi OUD r laHUCrBi N.AnKorhn,8hra-w Apartment.. 2. 8 892 b. Morrison. Phon, Est 6901, renable" 1 TthTnTfev'e're.Tn 7ffl- FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, con venient. 622 Delay st; take L car; near y. re. w. car snops. FOR RENT FLATS 13 THOUSANDS OF FEET OF LUMBER HAS BEEN USED ONCE FOR' CRIB-" BING. ALL FOR SALE AT LOWEST PRICE. INTERNATIONAL BLDG. & WRECKING CO.. 107-11 FOURTH ST. MARSHALL, ,1884. " - .NEW and second nana pool and billiard Union Security Co.. and Oak. Beck b'dg- 7U LOANS WANTED 3ui so WANTED Building loan, $2000, se , 'cured by first mortgage; select cor ner, Waverlelrh Heights: will hav I table bousnt ana old on easr termi: I jcn....i. v.. ..t.a . , bowling alleys, refrigerators for I mm- JA,,.! dlate delivery . Address tn Brunswick il 1 i.T sr r-r- Bs'ke-Collender Co.. 48 6th st I WANTED $7000 6 years 1 per cent, to value; am leaving city (must aell). Call I v?Tl ' j' j - " 1 i -'"V ' "'''auair and at 286?TlUanrook st, Portland. MONEY for farm loan in fertile WH Or. BAKES New and Id hand; low price; eaay term; safes opened, repaired and tainted. Pur cell Safe Co. and Portland afe Co.. 86 6th st. Main 830. A-4118. EXCEPTIONAL bargains durin lamette valley, good security,, a. peri cent, tsox o, cottage wove, .ur, ' MONEY TO LOAN 27 LIGHT housekeeping snd-- sleeping FOR RENT A modern 6 room flat nvtnii ror rant.-, lflll . Wlllfama ava, 1 wallrfna iHironna nracf . 1Aa C-27S6. "' . rented brings $16; part furniture for THREE olean room with porch, nwly BaL rJa8IJaP1al?,.n.1' CaI1 Sundays from ng 416. '- 436 i?Vf - mal" . or. wee . furnished for housekeeping, Diulnftv ava 492 .UNION ave. N.i Wre outside room 41? 6 room, upper flat bath, lights, phone. Kast .1346. Union av.; -ear. 820 Vaurhn. ' 411 Two 4 room ueber flata. , 828 Vaughn. i. , , n.60 i room lower- fiat 17th and tiremm room riat ror rent, with or hDf,.t , . 1 - i - wunoui lumiiure, near uunton. call ' ..vZLli' i as w ,,.n' 5fPr l? .r.FH 8' '. m. Phone TWO large furnished housekeeping I p-ttvirrove rooms, close in. 187 E. 8th 1 block lVfI, 5 south oi Morrison. 1 East 6488, Bellwood 1782. 608 E. 22d st. HOUHES FOR RENT. Hi SEVEN room house, strletlv modern. , window shades, linoleum.- rent reason able. 1099 E. 24tn at, N. Phon Wood lawn Z5HS. EIGHT r large light rooms.west..raId. walking distanc. reasonable. : 849 12th st- ' . - flats, Festival.' . Reminrtons ISO. mier- $27.60, Bllck 117.60. Typewriter co... 0 6th st Rose Pre- ARB YOU NEEDING MONEY? You can have it for th asking. i. loan on rurniture, ? pianos, ' autos ori nwnnwui i equity in lou; lowest rates: conflden-l I rial nrnmnt aprvloa U MiMtr PIANO Would sacrifice my, mahogany I Swetland bldg. ;. I Haselton piano, cost In r $350 last! t i. L ti. i ' '.' . " " " Christmas. . Bargain for quick nurchas. K LOaMSr IV OflEaEe : LOanS Leaving city. O-701, Journal, , t At 6 to 8 per cent J. Frank Porter.l UKtiiTUWHt neanui ana pop corn ma- I v "'"""'i: m wiihhto1 chine, good location, cheap if taken by LOWEST RATES 1 loans on" aW'secur 12th, C parllxig, 4th and Main st.. Van- ity. chattel or real estate. Un lor couver. wash. .;..:..'. Brokerag Co.. 6lS-Ablngton bldg 106 GENUINE Navajo Indian rugs on sale 3d -st-- , T;-'.' v.r-i -; for less than cost price at the Motto $100,000 on mortgages, city or farm ruoKiiiu anu avfuvciiir envy. in sa i property, lire insurance, MCi.enxi 4V ei., ncu Aiuri mm iuumii, 1,0.. uernnser oiug . in ana Aiaer. FOR and" buffet all 1048 Vernon ave. SALE Range with- coil, couch LOWEST Rates $100 to $10,000 loan on reai estat.- j. 8. McKlln. Sis" in good condition. ana Alberta car. -tn Ablngton bldg. Main 8629. NEW modern $, 4 and 6-room will furnish if tenant desires, sonable rent Tabor 2766. - Rea- TWO new modern built bungalows, 408 1 NEW 4-room flat,- use of piano, gas and and 822 Hoiga'.e St.. near.sellwooai eiectncuy, wann siove .leu in oase- carllna. , Inquire 624 Holgatey $18 per I ment. 80O E. eth st. N - ' month. - - i; f . -v . I FOR RENT Five . room flat moder-.i- FOUR room, houae. Rodney ave., near w.wot ld?. . PZ .TP11"- .Call .472 Vs Stark. $.,.. - ROOM houae. ' near Albert st. ill per month, strictly modern- Phones: Woojl. 1661; C-2467. ' i FOR RENT 6-roora house, 460 E. 12th st. -. 826. . Jrnon U ii- Vincent Main 124: . , 3 LARGE rooms and bath. 192 Irving - st 412. - - - SMALL house for rent. 48. UPPER flat, 4 bright rooms, alcove and Dorch. Holladav addition. d8 2nd st. C-1001. -- - - - - h'' LOWER flat modern. Woodlawn 276. 126 Alberta. . 6-room modern cottage, and Caruthers ata. - 401 Front tubs in basement. newlv 848 E, ,7tr tinted, st. N. NEW modern- 6 room lower flat. E. 10th ; and Clay 626. Call Main 4743. V i'lVE room flat ior rent at 626 Mill U 412 per month. r . UP-TO-DATE HAVE soma tm por ted , Die t U res . chea r : t UAN'Kf to loan.. Urara loan's a ar-vUi will almost give away. . Hooper, 447 building loans; lowest rates;. fire InJ n -i. - . ... .. rail ranee, vy. u. cw., iu railing. i . J I X.. Vt t' - . . nonugrapn ana I saunj!. mmumi ui uiamuua ana jewelry i NEW Edison Fireside pli 26 records, 410. H-708,- Journal. FOR . SALE New, second stoves,; fur niture. 267 Flanders, Mar. 1370. CONTRACTOR'S equipment by United Eng. Const Co.,- 711 Lewis bldg. ' SHOWCASES, futures, store .; fittings. new; so nana, six r;vereu. m. tsit. WANTED Girl for general housework. 774 Clackamas st Phone East 1052. strictly confidential. ; 141V4 4d all $6000, or part, to, loan pn improved citif orollerty, - Easf 2068. GOOD 28 foot cedar hull, bargain. Mich- eireiaer. root or.vrampton at- -' - WANTED UnSCELLANEOUS 5 6-room " flat close in. rnun main hoy or Jjast X17g. o" ROOM modern flat and bath, $11 per t month. : 724 H William Ava, 1 flat i. V '-'..V .r- .. . v ,i- - :- ' V . 'r - f. : EAST SIDE auotlon- Jobbers wand td ' hand furniture. nigbt pric said. 94 urana sve. ti. lvox. " ,T2. C. EA8TON, 802) Board of Trade. Aiursci toanea - on equities, contract! mortg-sges, land, notes, . Main 424$ 216 Qreronlan bldr. - ; - . WE' LOAN money on good securltle' quick and quietly. .- 612 Swetland bldgt MUNE Y to loan, I to 8 per cent Good, PQ"gh 6c Seits. till Spauldlng bldg. .. 1 WILL loan $20,000 or less real estate - Farrlngton, 411 Commercial Club bldg MONEY to loan -on improved real eater i. L White. 701 Belling bldg. 3 wArxvr;i za nana zumiture. nasi 1114. i QUICK, loans on all securities. B W .148 Hawthorne Ave. Wjater ft Martin. I Kl y. 4S Washington bldg. Main 4100 WE DON'T ask What you want for your I kORTOArtK iy-iank a a. 9 Rt "nte-iFr 1 . m , . , l. I..L A A i m A A I . f. T,T(1 . - . - . X - V . . 1 2l ' I i .itruuuia, ne nw st f-". . MmVUlB OJalAMilUM. Zas Ol Altfcv BT. X