THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. JUNE 0. 1811. fj i. j TQTOPICS TOXICIirS AMUSEMENTS y IIElMO-Janeex O'Nell 'end Charles Cartwrleht in The Uly." BUNGAMiW Lyrlo Mu.loal Cmdjr comnnv tn "The Policeman' Ball. BAKEK John Falnr-olle. UPP0" stock company la Th Qreat Dlvl ORI'HIiUM Orpheum Circuit Vai villa.;- ' v i ' QKAND tfulllvan A Coneldine, vaude- jres, 11 a. m. to " P- STAR. ARCAHR. OH. piccur First run I Wrathrr Condition!. - The noMbwttttrn .high pressure field , covers th jrreater portion of th I'cino '"'er.e ovrlles the country east MI.nlK.lDrl rivet Oulte.tow pressure ' obtalni vvrr te central portion oiine country. Precipitation ha ocourred D northwestern a.hlnaon nortbweatern "Montana, southern Irtijho. Nevada, Knor,L '.ern Utah. Colorado. Wyoming Wisconsin and "MlcWan. 'tonus were reported "front s herlttan, ,,Wyo., North platte. "? Hi'if i .Marie. Mich. , The weather U cooler la western Montana. Idaho, the northern nortlone of Nevada and Utah, and west. 'em Bouth Dakota; and it is warmer tn t aouthweHtern UUh. In tb central por tion of ttt MlaMaalppL valley. ;ndn the middle Atlantic atatea. On the i Pi 1 clflc alope and along the south AtintWi ' coast temperature are below normal, and they are generally above normal ticularly in c t tipper Dortlone or in iiin v '"""'i Wisconsin, 8u Lawrence - valley , north Atlantlo atatea. . - . Condlttona ara lavoreble for fair weather tonight and Saturday in outh- ern Washington and Oregon, wnlle , showers are . Indicated for northern Washington and Idaho. Warmer weather la expected for tonight In southeastern Idaho, and generally weaterly wlnda will w- forecast.' i v'v Portland and vlcinltyTelr tonight and Saturday: northwesterly wlnda. . Oregon Kalr tonight and Saturday) northweeterlv wlnda. .t Waahlnirton Fair aouth, showers north norUon tonight and Saturday; southwest to west winds. Idaho Showers toninrht and Saturday; warmer aouthweat portion tonight -T Ceo. Hasan's ', Hotter Dlea- The friends of Attorney George W. Hasen 1 and his famHywlll regret to learn at ' the death of a Is mother, at Erie, Kansas, ..this morning. Mr. Hasan and his son i David but recently returned from Kan sas, where they nt to aee the mother and grandmother ' Mm. Hasonepent summer here a few years ago. Mr. Hasen was In her eightieth year and I alnc the death of her husbandv mada ' her home at Erie, Kansas, wltfi her only daughter. Mrs. Judge Wells. Oriental Bugs If you do not look through our large stock when ready to i buy you will certainly pay more. W guarantee every rug we sell perfect, and undersell alt other' dealers at all times. We hare place our goods In the finest homes In Portland and the . northwest and .have yet to find a dis satisfied customer. All we ask Is an Inspection of onr goods, our prices will do the rait Cartoalan Bros, lm Dorters of oriental rugs, 471 Washtngtoiwiear ..ThlrtMnth atrMtt. - -1 Juvenile Court Busy. Last month ' waa a busy one for the Juvenile court officers. The monthly report shows that sixty children war brought Into court. Of - thla number 41 wore boys. There were to under 10 years of age and nine ov II years.' Truancy waa tha cause t.f the: largest number, and II boys and girls were brought befora the court for thla offene. Thera war 14 new caeea placed an probation.. Ivanlng- Wit Teanyson The College club will hold a Tennyson evening at Acsdemy hall Monday. June 12, a'oloclc. Fifth and Mill atreeta. Thera will be a delightful program rendered by members of tha club. Including.1 ba- Mmi marina- of mtnr extracts from the works of Tennyaoo, several vocal and Instrumental musical selections. rommaiLeameBt BxeaolseaTha com mencement exercises of Bt Mary"a academy- will ba held at Chrlsteneen's hall,. Eleventh and Tamhtll treets, Thuradav avcnlnf. June- II.- at :ll a'clockAwhen a large number ef gradu ates will receive their diplomat. ; rttttag eyea with proper glasses la my specialty.- W make spectacles to fit all sights. W pleas In quality and in nrlca. i Oeorge Rubensteln, optl- olan. 111 Third atraet, near Tamhlll 7re Oooktna; Pemaastratlon Herman Wulff, professor, of cooking, ia giving free demonstrations dally, I to I p. on Great Majestic Range, at Wm. Gadeby j Bona,. Washington,, cor. First u - . Portland Featoaxd Co PuWIshera of Rosa Carnival folders ana postcaroa, 111-111 LAimbermens bldg., wholesalers only.' (W have picture of all tha deo orated vehicle and autoa) ..' ' Vunday Baonrsion Cascade Locks,' tl round trip. Btaamer , Bailey Oatxert leave Aider street dock at f a, m, re turn 1:19 p. m. .Phone; Mala 111, A 1111. ; ... ; .- X Xeet and Beat strongeet eompetl. tit Ion In the city on men's suits. Take elevator and ave flO. Jimmy Dunn, room 111, Oregonlan building.' ' - Steaeaay Jesse Xarkina for Camaa Waahougal and way landing, dally ex cept Bunday. Leave Washington afreet dock at a p. m. ; -. J ; 1 SUmoad Creosote moof Btalal-Ne bet tter, too per gallon In I gallon can. Portland Bash at Door Co., 110 Front, ' Oriental Bag at sensational low prices. Atlyeh Bros removal sale. Tenth and waanington aireeisv r' PDRTCOi,l,'IS. IS DOilED FUNDS Ipoasesslon and will Probably , whether thaCon the pilot schooner will Nintll the supreme court has settled th . , , " . Mimmiutnni 'in the meantime, how- Wetkerbee Blcnardi i Oo agenta Royal Insurance Co. 1001 Teon build inr. Phone MarshaU 1771. Trr the Btat Brewery's Rose City bottle beer; unexcelled. Phone 8-fl4l, East .417 :.- .. ' . ';, . .: Oraad Oaralval Dane. Rlngler new maple ball. 2d and Morrison, Saturday. , A. Wise and aaaodataa, palaleea dentist, Third and Washington. . ; ' Pre Kodak BoTeloplnf 114 ohanU Trust Mer- ,-.e Bunt Cln races, Saturday afternoon, June II. - - ' Br. B. O. Brown, Bye, Ear. Marquam The 'Bowers Grill The perfect dinner table d'Bot and la carte, the finest orchestra, the su perior soprar.o Miss Ethel Lewis. The celebrated Dan tone ioweu m. tteaiieia. The perfect services-make the Bowers grill the popular place to dine crowded nightly. v MBMSaaaBaaewasaiBBaaawaajaaMaewaswMi - Horse race, running races, Saturday afternoon, Jan 10, Country Club raoe- track. Take Rose Oty Para car, County Treasurer Refuses to ' Pay Qver Coin Until Court : Settles Case. , jL Because of the faot that the port of Portia-nd commission Question 1 atlll unsettled, the county treasurer baa re-, fused to pay any of the. sum In -hi June II, when the lease expires. In the matter of 140 extra towage for get ting the schooner Mable 01 off the mud at Westport recently, the commis sion agreed to pay but they decided that in future mill owners aire not to look to the port of Portland for those extras. Captain Orovea, superintendent of dredge, reported that the Bt John Shipbuilding, company . desired to buy the hoisting engine removed from 'the tug MoCracken and the commission de cided that bids would be received on It It was also reported that tharepalr to th tag Wenona had been completed and that ah would b ready for serv ice again as' soon aa inspected next week. . Th commission pays flT.IO a month for rent of th wireless appara tus en the pilot sohooner .Joseph Pu Ut ter, but It has not been need aa the law requlrea a man outside of the crew to operate it ' Th apparatus will be retained until after July 1, however, aa at that tlma the law-requiring appara tus on all passenger steamere will go Into effect and it Is desired' to see ever, the . old commission 1 - nara shape financially, aocordlng to report made yesterday at their regular tnet-. Ing. - In the matter' of 10 bond, eacn valued at 11000 which fell due on June 1, there was but money, enonghrt re deem 11. although there waa enough to pay Interest on all of them. On the April account there waa a total of 111, 000 not paid, while approximately 111, 90) carried over In May. , . ' .' A ' Aa It la expected that . the ease- now pending In the supreme court will be concluded by that time, it waa an nounced that 0.-W. R N.. through Captain Conway, auperlntendent of wa ter llnea. bad extended the leaae an th office at Ash street dock 10 day rrom MILITIA - EXAMINATIONS HOTEL PORTLAND MUSICS During Rom Festival . week,; Herr Faldcmar Llnd and bis , famous or chestra, have been pleasing the patron of th Hotel Portland with m high clan musical each evening. Th orchestra is positioned on th open-air .balcony where the diners can bear th mualo to advantage. Tbla Is a new idea of the management and ha proven very popu lar. The following 1 th program this evening: . March, "TunlcuH-Funlcula" ...Roberta Waktses. "Blue Danube" . ....Strauas Overture, "Bohemian Girl" ...... .Balf a Suite, "Cleopatra" ............ Oehmler Selection, "The Arcadian, 4. Monckton "Caprice Eapagnole" .Beaumont Dancea from ,TNell Oywna'.... German Grand, fantaaia, ."Lucia" Donlsetti Serenade, cornet aoio , .otuuuer Mr. Ben Drlscoll. Selection, "The Kissing Girl'.... . .. Harry Von Tllxer Characteristic, "On Mobile Bay".Eenlel .Oaks Musical Program The following program will be given at the Oaks In ths open air tonight by the Oaks Park band, under the direction of Philip Pel, and th Metropolitan Opera company: ' Raymond, overture ...-inoma Valae, "Tales of Vienna Woods". . . . . , Strauss Potpurrl, Die Judin Bchrelner Operatic Numbera, Quartet rrm. n I. Crema TobanI Caucaalan Dance Da Demon. Rubensteln abes In Toyiana ....nsroen peratlo Numbers, Quartet. . ...... Carnival Costumes Get the spirit of real carnival dree as the occasion demand., Th Chicago Costume house , can furnish quickly masks, fancy dres and all accessories for makeup. Ill Morrison street, oppo site Old. Wortman V Klng'a. . Oregon Naval Body tlolda 'Meeting) Go to Bremerton. , ' . , At a final . meeting of the Oregon naval mUIUa held at the Armory Wed nesday evening, the officer of the or ganisation swore In the applicant who had successfully passed the examination for entrance, and assigned to their du ties under tha different officers. Those selected to go to Bremerton will meet at the Armory next Tuesday evening and will, leave on the Northern Pacific for Seattle at 11 o'clock, under the com mand of Lieutenant Humphrey. On their arrival at Bremerton they will at once go aboard the Boston, where their outfit will be given them and they will be instructed as to their various duties aboard ship. . It la planned to reach As toria sometime on Jun IT so aa to be able to get the Boeton to Portland Bun day afternoon. Lieutenant Commander Jacob Bpeler, who Is now at the head of the naval mill t la of the state, will leave for Bremerton Bunday and will be In command on the trip down. JHART5E NOTES a, m. Bteamer Rose City, from Port land. ,' Ban Pedro, June I. Balled Steamer Bear, for Portland. Arrived Steamer Despatch, from Columbia river. - Aatorla, June 1 Arrived and left up at I p. m. Steamer Golden Gate, from Tillamook. ' 8aa Francisco, June fL Balled at 10 p. m. Steamer westerner, for Portland; at 11 p. m. Steamer J. B. Stetson, for Portland. ..-''1, " Hankow, June 1 Arrived British steamer Beokenham, from Portland. ' Monterey, June . Arrived Steamer J., A, Chanslor, from Portland. Astoria, June I. Condition at the mouth of the river at I a. m smooth: wind southeast ,H miles; weather, cloudy. - . " -'. ' ' " . " ..Tides at Astoria Saturday! High water 0:11 a, m l.l feet Low water 1:17 a. nt, 1.4 feet; 1:11 p. tn, l.t feat ALONG TUB WATKTCFBONT i - , , To land supplies for the lighthouse, the tender Mansanlta aatled this morn ing for Tillamook Rock. Laden with 174.117 feet of lumber, valued at 11,111,11, the Amerloaa schooner Mlndoro, Captain Larson, cleared this morning for Honolulu, be ing under charter to the American Trad ing company.' She will sign her crew at Astoria, although they are practical ly all aboard now. Carrying II passengers and f 01 case of cheese, the steamer Golden Gate. Captain Ertekson. arrived thla morning from Tillamook. , On her first trip to thla port tn sev eral years, th steamer Aural la arrived at Aatorla thla morning, at 1:10 o'clock from' San Francisco, Bb will load a cargo of lumber out , Twenty-four hours late because of northwesterly winds, the steamer Ta ho. Captain Maloney, arrived at Couch street dock tbla morning from Sen Francisco, She discharged II ton ef powder at Martin a Bluff en the way ap and arrived here with 100 tone of oe ment and 111 tons of general freight She will load at Aberdeen for her return Weather" bureau reporta stat that the Willamette river at Portland will re main nearly etatlonary Saturday and rise rapidly Bunday and Monday, reach ing a stage of 11.1 feet Bunday and 17.1. feet Monday. Thla will catch near ly all of the lower docka on the liver front and preparations ara now being mada by some of the occupant to move to the apper docka. - - ' ' Astoria, June I. Arrived at I and left up at 7 s. m. Steamer Saginaw, fromSBsn Francisco. Arrived at 1:10 a. m. Steamer Aurella from San Fran cisco.' Sailed at 7:11 a, m. Steamer Al liance, for Cooa Bay and Eureka. Sailed at 1:40 a. m. Schooner Am, Bowden. for South America. Arrived at 1:41 a. m. and left up at It noon Gasoline schooner Wllhelmina, from T equina. Ban Francisco, June I. Arrived at F. W. Baltes and Company invito your inquiries for PRINTING First and Oak DIRECT TO YOU That's the wiy.our Furni ture got from our factory. You Save Middleman's Profit We can surprise you with , our prices and the grade of our solid oak FURNITURE Peters Mfg. Co E. Seventh and Hawthorne Sat upday Is CSilldtcis Pay all PMIlIps Stupe CpMpan: THE l ivfwjrp: SHnFMFlM ing SIXTH ST BET. WASH. AND STARK STS. There are a ffreat many things carried by the big shoe store, tht sell every day in .the year; but seldom find their way into newspaper print1 or window display. . PROMINENT IN THIS CLASS IS CHILDREN'S FOOTWEAR. Our stocks are at their best and we want every girl and boy in Portland to see them. We buy direct from the east, where style is everything and feel capable of supplying you rUri..tii nmnr irinri nf fnrvtwpor fnr fhft -sMsmi, ; Don't forget Saturday at Phillips where both quality and exceptionally low prices win oe Phillips Shoes That Wear Never Rip or Never Tcnr FOR: SATURDAY FOR THE GIRLS MISSES' PATENT BLUCHER OXRDS Made Goodyear welt, of a very fine grade of leather, with high toe higrf arch x and shott vamp. Something that will satisfy the most, fussiest girl n town. ' Sizes 3 to 11 . . . . . . . . . . . .$175 Sizes ll1 lo2 ....... . . ... ..,$2.00 : GIRLS' TWO STRAP PUMPS Made Goodyear welt, in patent and Rus-. ' sia leaihers. Thse pumps are of the best material and in the latest styles. Sizes 8 to 11 ...... ....$1.75 Sizes 11! to 2 ...$2.00 TOREE STRAP PATENT SANDALS ; Very soft and flexible sole.- " Sizes 2 to5 ......... 7. ..$1.00 Sizes SYz to 8 i . ; . .$1.25 GROWING GIRLS' SIZES ? Patent Oxfords in button and lace;, high arch, high toe, short vamp and low heel; Sizes 2V2 to 6 . . . ... . . . ; . . .$2.00 - WE'VE" SHOES FOR CHILDREN people.: Dress Shoes, play shoes,. In Ox ford ties and sandals, durable black and tan; leathers, of the right isort, and jrjght prices. . " t y?: ''v , FQR THE BOYS BOYS' BL'UCHER OXFORDS Made Goodyear welt, in patent, gunmetal and Russia tan, with high heel,xhigh arch and short. The nobbiest styles of the season. . - ? . Sizes 8 to 13V2 .:....i....... $2.00 Sizes 1 to 5Va .... .. .A. ... .; .$2.50; MlifCE, THE PHILLIPS BOY A line of Shoes that has no equal, made in both high shoes and low, with high toe. hieh arch and short vamps in patent; I gunmetal and Russia tan; a dress shoe as well as every aay.; ine Diggesi snap m the shoe history. , - - Sizes 8 to 13: .$1.50 Sizes. 1 to 5Vf... .', ....... ....$2.00 1 BOYS' BOX CALF LACE -A school shoe that has them'; all-beat Sizes 8 tq 13 . . . . . . . . .. . . $1.00 1 Sizes 1 to 7 . . . . . . .... . r . .$1.50; THE CLEAR THING FOR HOT Boys' canvas shoes that are cool and rest the feet. . -fr. ? Sizes12 to 5Y2 . S .A . . .$1.00 ? rlwewaiS to come itf a ftjpk at . our -display ; window; ? The goods spealc for themselves." J?f ? V . Take JPfiilH mi AFTER YOUR TRADE The Livewire Shoemeh. 109 Sixth Street, - Betweeiiaslioi. JStark1 'TleEast SidePeople's Store" 388-390 E. Morrison St., Near Grand Ave Imterestt to Visitors1 Thousands of thrifty thinking Portland shoppers are acquainted with and attend our big1, SATURDAY BARGAIN EVENTS. For the strangers within our gates we have prepared a list of mighty attractive sale items for tomorrow. EACH SATURDAY WE SLASH OUR REGULAR LOW PRICES AND SACRIFICE OUR PROFITS in order to demonstrate the reality of the economy of buying here-cut of the WEST SIDE HIGH RENT SHOPPING j DISTRICT. . s YouH find no fictitious val ues in our advertisements no fake business methods every reduction quoted real and radical f NOTIONS At Big Savings PMti1 Hooka and Eras....... Honesty Iaun y Soap, It bra. 2j jerrons xaicum jrowaer ..... 8a Steel Carpet Tacks ....... Picture Hooka, each ......... Sink Scrubbing- Brushes ..... 15c Tooth Brushes ..... ommon Pins, per packers... Tomorrow's "Sale Cf-l- it OeQH n m kJLai Lo ul Jiju a. in. i V : : BjBBeBBJMsaaaBlBHaMMBw ' BBMaessaaBMBBBBBBaeBBejBMesCpSk DOMESTICS At Way Below Value Persian ChsJllse, per yard.. ,44 Best Lonsdale Muslin, yard. .B Pull width Pepperill Bheet'r 22 130 Outlns; Flannal, yard... 7 Largi Unen Towels 10 Extra else Bed Spreads. . -Sl.OQ Amoskeas; Olngham, yard ....Re IS He Curtain Swlsf, yard ....Hi 12 Ho Curtain Rodr. each . ...5. All $2 and $2.25 -j ff Tub Dresses for ip JL UU 10 dosen Wash Dresses suitable for street or house wear. All colors In plain or figured stripes (t ff and checks. The pick of the season's dress- J) I 'II II es, go on sele durlnf this 10 days' sale at. j 25c q;ii T Stockings, at the Pair ' First time lAhas been possible to secure a fine cause silk lisle stodklnr in an extra else at less than rC COe. pair. Wonderful value durlnc the big sale. HC All slses at hilf rtg. juices tomorrow, the pair . ... . . S. Boys' Percale, Galatea OCSr and Chambray Blouses tomorrow all slses In boys' Percale, Chara Oalatea Blouses, pretty patterns, in O C dark colors, llg-nt or heavy weights; gr 1 BOo grade, during this sale at only j Sale Dressing Sacques O at One Half Price . . . AnDfK Great clearings of every short Dreaatng Sacque and Ki mono at H price; 60 dos. fine flowered or crepe nfl Sacques, long or short loose flowing sleeves; Xrf f. vals. 60o to 86c, all siees; entire Uble full. ea. Women's Best 25c Stockings, at the Pair A elear savins' of 10O a Pair on evt chased. The best grade JBc stocking you have ever purchased. In plain black or the new tan naaes, aouoie spies, eiaatwiops. eases, pr. 15c every stocking pur- 15c We offer tomorrow all slses bray and Urht and a splendid 100 pairs- 8hoes for boys and girls, faetory surplus ef a J eastern eoneern. Boys' shoes of heavy f ff rskln; girls' shoes In kid or gunmetal, all I VfLf vies, lace or new strap sandals, slses to 4 f Children's Ferris Waists, 35c Kind for 19c Here ts an offer for boys' and girls hard to beat to do, Perrls Waists, ideal summer garment splendid 1 ft quality lean, with detachable buttons and hose I M( supporters; regular 6o val.; all staes, on sale ". Children's Rompers, Regular 50c Kind for 10 dosen Child's Rompers, the Brighton make; sold er diea. all slses. tomorrow and the days of the sale, the suit erywnere at eoo suit, uome in oar oiue omy , a knockabout garment for the kiddles, an sis.i 25c Corset Covers 100 sample Corset , Gov ers. used as Travelers-. umniM en the Some are slight) y i and mussed.' Not a In the lot worth less than 60c Take your pick road. soiled . cover 25c 9c Austrian -.---H tt a B ping Baskets, large Shop- else and almost Indispensa ble to the woman who shop. They are : the regular l$o 'kind. f and are ' placed , on Jf .eale tomorrow at w. Garden Hats lia-ht duraoie. Japanese' ; Coolie H a t s,- wlde brims, hign conic al crowns ana a feather, vary Just - the thing for garden or pic nic. All slses. our cholss at.... the 10c lilvll 5 -11 HC1 tulCld 4c XArsre sUed hemstitched, cambric Handkerchiefs for men. bleached and unstarched. - A regular lOo value for tomorrow and the remainder of this great sale. eacn . . ............ tesssV . I.. i: " - 'eh as MsMa ' , In connection with the great sale and dis "play of our Embroidered Pillow , Tops we are oleased to announce that we have en- 'tff.i " : fTtt-TT tA TTtriWM ; J... I 4.1. m. CoVinAl A -art A rtoeinm nt f2?CQ tnc services WI mioo nii'jn ajwvjajxav., giauuaic "vjw v ."..v. p. v tockhohn, Sweden. ' Miss Lugten takes pleasure in giving instructions free to any pne inter ested in 'art.needlework.,'M'' .va PORTLAND'S GREATEST SALEOF FANCY PILLOW TOPS now on at our Of- ' gtore. (See window, display). $ Any design top and back tomorrow. eCoC - x a a n n Mala t eat A-4JM Oeenra ak Htunf. - MAT. . TOUAT, 8:16 TV'NkAiT trie. The eminent actor JOK BAIJirOUS. Riirrtorted br the Rnk.r Theatre Co. la TXJi omaAT Dmon- as played by Henry Uuier. guprb western play, mag-. olflc.nt ecenle effects, gpeclsl summ.r pries ISO, too. Matinee. Ilo all eeats. Next week "A rarlslaa omno. AMVSOICXrs. HEILIG tii hat:, u 7th A Tajl.f , rkesee SCaU 1 aad A-11M. TOITOn i48 O'CXOCX SpeeUl rrtoe Matinee remerrew, ', Zae tlsae Tomorrew Xlgbt. ' satzo suasco rmzaxarf "The Lily" mm sWITIll, JlssslO gOipbslJs Evenings: 11.00. 11.10, 11.00, tc, lOe. Hat. Matinee, tl 0f 1. TSa, loo, I.e. ISe. BAKER BUNGALOW THEATRE ao.L.Bakar.Mir Mala 11TAai4 Matinee .every day, SMS. Two evening iriormanc.s. s:it. Tne popular LYRIC MUSICAL COMEDT CO, in TKJ rOUOZMslaT'Si BAIL" Nothlnc but lauaht.r and diurIc. New songs, choruses, coatumes. All tne fa vorite: West and Vack, Jeane Vletchar and the others. Prices lie. I So. Mate. tor. Chorus girls' content Friday wight.. f XAnr a a lea " 1 MA TOTS BTBBT BAt JSirVa THKATRB tt--50-7t Bdward Abies' ffaeeees, U Tried te Be sTloe. The Bergere Blayers, Baymead aad Cleverly, Belehalr BietAere, Albert Mole. J arris aad Xarrlsom, Adeala, Ov beeira, riotmree. BTealBg pvleee lee, 5a, BOe aad Toe. Dally aaatlaee, lee, tie, BOo. Holiday watUeee aright yrteee, tTaeqnaied Taadevm, AO This Week, ntsgerald's . - Xlgkt Bngllsh JnggUag OUle . Olivatte. tea Daxaend Dae. Oeoree Q. Davis,' raatafeseepa the Kaateal Uppe, cuuneroa aaa oayiera. Tare auuni.e Olrla. yepular prlees. Matia eUlly. . Oartala lOO. Ti0 aad too. GRAND Week Jejie 3. Ull Amarlosa Oreatest XUltary Bevelty THE US. A. BOYS Bplegel m Dmaa Xjmg Oettoa . acott Men cnAsTSAsoora Matinee averv day. 1:11. anv seat lie. Evening performancee at T:10 and t:lL Balcony Itc; lower floor, 15c; box seats too. . TxovsAirsa Biuosns Fireworks Tonight, June 9 BAST ADDBS TBATVUB. FREE BAND CONCERTS Every Afternoon and Evening UL VSUAZi BABJC ATTBAOTZOVS Ad mission ....................... 1 D( Children ............. .5e Under six years ............... Take Oars Tins aad Aides Bis. BASEBALL BJCBB ATIOT 9AMX : ' Cor. Yaagha aad Tweaty-f ourta Sta. ' PORTLAND vs.v LOS ANGELES urn in. Gama bfln wek d&. 1:0. p. n. Sua Jmm en. m TaA Am-wm A we wsa . Uai as . v y a auv s w a eee Admission Bleachers tic; grandstand ers, 10c; grandstand lae. Ladles' day Friday. Boys under 11 free to bleach ' ere Wedneeday. ' ' JiuJitsuWrestling Professor Ito SSATTTJB Farmer-Watson SAOINAW. MICH.. Japanese JIu Jltau and 8umo Wrestling ..,'".' '' PrellmlnarleA 'Ay ;-.'":?' Armory 1 0th & Davis Sts. ; iTDAT. mis t, sue 9. as. Grand Carnival Dance Binglert yew Maple Mall. Corme Bee ond aad Morrison BtA, Saturday a p. m. New Departure vaaenaaua; Heretofore It has been tne eoetom et funeral directors to make ehargea for all Incidentals connected with h neraL The Sdward Holinan Undertak ing company, the leading funaraJ dW rectora of Portland, have departed from that custom. When casket Is furnleh.d by us we make no extra -charges for mbolmlng. "'J 5tT?i;' 2UJ2! box or any eervleea that may be . re onlred of us. except clothing, eeo).try anderlagee. thua effecting a aavtng f to ITS on each funeral. , THE EDWARD HOUtAN UNDERTAKING CO. y sao xxxxb rr. com. aAZMoa; Portland Printing Hcass Co. Book. Catalog and CenuMselai Printing Book' Blading aad Blank Boo Staftxaft 388 Taylor St Phones: A228I. M 6201 High Grade Commercial and Eleetrio SIGNS Bast rtn and Bast Bverett Sta. v rnoaee Bast UUi avsaat SCllOOLS ; AND COWXOI.4 KXX.IB COLXiXOB, Bear Oaklarl, CU Tha Unly wvommn ivii' " vi, v " . clflc Coast Chartered 15. Knirdn- and graduation requirement c(u-j those Of Stanford and Unlvor!tr ' lfornla. Twenty-two drrtn.nt i ; climate. President, Lu ' mv . A. M.. WtC IK LL. I . I'" Secretary. Mli Is . . . California. JcjmdWantA ':