The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 09, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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Former Carnegie Supcrintend-
' lent Says Conditions Before
Purchase Would Have End
- f ed In Mon(5po!y. -
Steel Corporation Officials Attending House Investigation of Trust
' " CnltS Press Leases Wire. 1 ,
' .Washington June t.- James K, Oayley,
, former Superintendent of the Carnegie
' Iteel company took the stand today be-
ori the Stanley rommlttea investigate
. the" steel trust He asserted that
ruinous cut-throat competition obtained
prior to tha lima the United States 8teel
corpora tloa was formed.. Tha condition!
then existing. If they had continued, he
testified, would nave ' ended la the
' strongest company securing a monopoly.
lie corroborated statement by John
W. Oetee that Carnegie contemplated
enterlnr the tube and wire business.
Tha valuation placed on the Carnegie
properties, he testified waa f 71.000.000
during the Frtok-Carnegle litigation.
This, he said, waa nowhere near Ita val
uation based on I (a earning capacity.
v . , f 1.111 J A :
i -.v v .! . ;'.: :. .-.'', ti.
In Oregon
currency bill thla afternoon, ' and five
I minute talka will be made on local con-
rdltlona by a aoore of Orea-on bankera.
Tomorrow afternoon the vieltore will be
taken for an automobile ride and In the
I evening a banquet will be given at the
Bowera hotel , , ,
Financial Status
Never Better Than at Pres
ent, Says President Martin
' New Tork June . President Tart
poke last night at the banquet given
by the New Tork Produce exchange to
the Interatate Cotton and Cruahera aa.
sociatlon. Ha argued for the passage of
tha Canadian reciprocity bill
ed. He phrased It, T want the bill, the
whole bill and nothing but the bill.''
Tne crowa yelled. -All right. Bill."
More) Firee- at Hanover.
4 n-! f I "'"vm wra Dig nr inai ueatroyea me
ai Upemng . Ol - COnVentlOn.. Hnovr Prtmenla an King and Devta
irveis oaa oeen reported out, ; three
aiarme have been aent In from the name
place, tha calla being made to extlngulah
little fires that have broken out from
the mouldering' mine. The last ' call
waa made at midnight last sight Pa
trolman Young saw flames la tha baee
ment of .the ruined building and aent
for the apparatue. Tha two other alarms
in yesterday afternoon and yes
terday morning. No further damage j
waa dona. , .' - ,., t .
Reading from left to right Norma n Ream, Jodgo B. H. Oarf, P.. a RobtrU and Richard Ltndabnrf, '
Judge Gary la chairman of tha great corporation, Mr. Ream and Mr. Roberta are directors, and Mr.
Llndabnry la counsel for the corporation.
Temperature at Chicago at 2
:f 0'CIock Was 96 and Mount
'K Ing; Record-Breaking Tem-
peratures Reported. .
Warburton, of Washington,
. Announces on Floor He VVill
. Side With Democrats.
(Catted Press Leased Wire.)
Washington. June . The flrat
publican who has announced on
floor that he would support the Demo-
cratlo wool tariff bill la Representative
8tanton Warburton, Washington, whose
speech this afternoon created a sens
tOalted Ptms Leeerf Wlrat . Ition. .. , . '
Chicago, June . Another hot wave! 118 demanded the Immediate creation
struck tha middle west today. ' l of a permanent tariff commission. He
In Chicago at i O'clock Ihls after- j"ia h would prefer to have the wool
noon the mercury stood af It and was r" ."'I
MAUHti.. M.k. t i i.V. Unite Information from the tariff board,
mounting higher. A cool lake breese. bnt mt he would accept the present
w...., ....u v ivuwvw ms aiiuauon I revision ratherthan, none.
11 ere.
Report a from ether cities show record
breaking tetnperaturea. In Bt Louis
street level thermometers this afternoon
registered 104 degrees. In Mllwaukle
the temperature stood at 04 and several
prostrations were reported.. In Min
neapolis tha thermometer stood at II.
A temperature of lei was reported from
New : Ulra and Montevideo. . Minn. X
Winnebago, Mian the 100 mark was
(Speetsi IMipstch to The MoraaL) r
W as n June f
" Vancouver.-Weah June I. In a tele-
rAt Omaha Jhs schools were closed to- Ef?ra"?.,??.L.rto
Jlas Aa - M - . . a . I UCtWCCU AUUKVr USIDUKU U V10 ag
,.u.u, neat scoron- county and Auditor CampbeU of Cow
, uuvuib m iu-nu urn num arrangement was made for
uemoon. maaing a temperature of meeting of the commissioners of the
??T'Z!!J? 2 ttnbearabla A baby at two counties at Kalama, Monday. June
the Chllds Saving lnstltuta died this u. to draw up a mutual agreement for
i-I fc L I .s .A nrcury in the maintenance of the proposed Joint
IIZ. ZZ 'T' V? swrma . unun men bridge over the Lewla river at Wood
T'r ln crop in southern No- land. After the agreement has been
li.-.. w . burned up, while signed, a copy will be sent to Olympla
J? bewi damed fully E per for record and State Commissioner
ru im corn erop was unhurt. White will be notified that he may oro-
I ttmA wiHi fthsa vnrk nf Mrf ilail onnsitrttn.
,V Jiunawar Girl Fonad. Uon.
Amber Chrtatlanson. tha 14 .vMr-nM I Clarke county appropriated 116.000.
daughter of Mrs. Ellen Chrtatlanson of Cowllte $16,000 and the state $30,000,
Lents, was found last night by Mrs. Lo- making a total of 160.000 for the pro
la G. Baldwin in the Occidental hotel poaed bridge. The Clarke coupty sp
end has been arrested. Thla -iri i proprtatlon Is now available. Cowllts
Financier and Two Others Ar-
rested on Fugitive Warrants
in Waldorf-Astoria Hotel,
New York.
1 United Press Leased Wlre.t
New York. June I. On chsrrea rt
rraua involving a 112.000.000 coal land
aeai in west Virginia, Thomas Latimer.
a rituburg banker. .John PhlUina of
tuenmona, England, and Henry Derud.
oer ex jLrfmaon, were arrested on fugi
tive warrants at the Waldorf-Astoria
hotel this afternoon. The arrests were
made at the request of Pittsburg police.
The men were arraigned and committed
to the Tombs In default of 110,000 balL
The men denounced the arrest aa a
malicious attempt to Interfere with
legitimate transaction.
wanted to testify , against Louis Hoff-1 esounty. it Is understood, has experienced
man. a .- man 14 years old. . who Is
charged with contributing to the de
XltHiuency -of-a itslner. "Tha'glrt ly said
to have been lured from her home by
Nellie Churchill, also . a resident of
The Christiansen gtrT la company!? i 51 rctvrout of h Pjopo" taU road
some, difficulty In meeting the amount,
but . will be prepared by the time the
money Jsnceded,.:. ;,.-; rrrr r"
'The bridge will be located at the In
tersection of the main street of Wood
land wlta the river and will be on the
from Vancouver to Seattle. Borne dif
ficulty was experienced In getting the
appropriations as miiuence was brought
to oear to place use bridge a mile
nearer the -Columbia river and to this
Several days ego. Petrolma- U.i. " " oul Mu
went to the hotel hn. .1 H"" " me people or tne
one m.n t- f f counues wouja not get tha bene-
' - owww t, iLu inn i nt anil f , aim . i -
the ChurcbUl woman, Jeft her home on
May it. She met through the Churchill
woman, Jack Likes and Hoffman,' all
of whom took rooms la the Occidental
Jbotel. .
' one
The case will be heard tomorrow.
' - . ' Cute Throat la Sleep.
i ' I . . 'United rress Lean! Wiit.1
Los Angeles, June While a victim
t of nightmare and sound asleep, Anthony
if"?! v2.' Jrom his bed and
slashed his throat from ear to ear with
a rasor. Menge explained that during
- the course of a dream he became en
raged at himself. He We aMtran ...
h wrm blood trickling down his body.
.ilia condition Is serious.
tage of autolsts on through trips from
Vancouver ana Portland to Beat tie,
tlW Oil HAND
Makes NearProphecy and
Propounds Method. of Find
ing Nominee.
"Banking wss never In a more sat
isfactory condition In Oregon than at
tne present time," declared President
Alex Martin Jr.. of the Oregon State
Bankers' association In hla addreaa thla
morning at the. opening seaelon of the earns
' "There was more railroad building
last year than ever, before," he said,
"and the prospects for the entire etate
were never better. Large areas of land
have been opened and with nrener man.
agement the Indloatlona are most pros-
About TI bankera are In attendance at
the meeting, coming from all parts of
the state. The sessions are bain held
la ths,W. O. W. hall and Will ooatlnue
through tomorrow morn 1 nr. with Ht.s
talnment by the local bankers inter
parsed. ; , -,
Vestal Bavtmgs Bank, v
President Martin, who la cashier of
a bank atr Klamath rails, made brief
reference -to the postal aavlnra h&nk
esubllshed by the government la that
town, indicating that tha business dons
at the federal depository Is disappoint
ing la volume and haa not hurt tha local
banka, . . , ' - s ' . ;..(.-
' "I learn that the deposits la tha aostal
aavlnga bank have not exceeded about
11100 at any one time," ha said. "This
was money that never had been and
never would navebeea deposited la any
of the banks of Klamath Falla."
' Mr. Martin praised Btate Bank Exam.
Iner Will Wright for hla work In secur
ing the passage of the banking act ta
the last legislature and said this law
is as good as any that oaa be formu
lated. . He favored a system of uniform
taxation of bank stock and closed hla
address by reading a poem on persever
rorgec Cheek rfl. ...
Secretary J. U Hartman of Portland
in hla annual report also referred to
the work done by tha state bank ex
aminer for .the new banking law and
IT, B. Harrington, wbo' la said to have
stated that he met an Incendiary In the
Hanover apartments on the night of the
fire, andthet he endeavored to put out
a blase that the firebug started, will be
brought before District Attorney Came
ron some time this afternoon and asked
to tell what he knowa of the affair,
Harrington's story has net been given ,
credence by the police, but since the
story has been circulated that sn Incen
diary started the fire that destroyed the
Hanover, Captain of Detectives Moore
desires to get the matter straightened
out Harrington Is an employs of the
Neate McCarthy garage, across the
street from the Hanover.
' v. - - I'" '.
v Troops Ordered Withdrawal. ;
' : li K4 r Lese4 Wlee ' ' ;
'Washington, June . President Tft
War Htlmeon and Oeneral Leonard
this afternoon ordered' Secretary-; of
Wood to proceed at once with the withe
drawal of troops from Galveston and
Ban Diego. ., . . .. w -- N k .
(Catteg PreM Lsasatf lrs.i .
Washington. June . Discussing the
reported split In tha ranks of the pro
gressives In the senate today. Senator
Jonathan Bourne of Oregon delivered
near-propnecy and without mention
ing names outlined a method for tolling I advocated constant am to mmt h
woo wouia oe next presidential nominee passing or rorgea cnecks, which he de-
"The apparent efforts of some news
papers to mlsleadthe people by con
veying the Idea that there will be no
protest to ths renomtnatlon of President
Taft Is the most ldlotlo peanut politics
ever Indulged In," he said. T would
suggest to newspaper editors and rep
resentatives that they propound these
questions to ths first hundred Repub
licans cney happen to meet:
"who'll be the nominee of the next
Republican patlpnal convention r Sec
ond. 'Who'll be presldentr Then on the
assumption that no convention ever
nominates a man whom the delegatea
Inevitably believe will be defeated, see
what conclusion they'll come to regard
ing who will bo ths Republican nominee"
Few people
realize the
many dangers to
which one's title is ex
4 posed in making real
estate transactions,
aid a new patron
r.recentlyj "I fealized
it too late after I
had lost $4500 and
hereafter I propose
to have protection
through a Certificate
. of TiUe.M, ; ,
Profit by thla man's ex
; , perienee. Inrestlgate the
" qnestlon before jroa make
your next deal. Call for
otut booklet, hW:
, tewla Udg, u and Oak.
Vancouver, Wash., June Opposition
to the payment of $21,000 In exceas of
uie lowest bid for hard surface pave
ment passed by the city council Wednes
day night Is presenting Itself and Mayor
mucins win mane a thorough investiga
tion before signing the contracts. - It is
contended by many that asphalt paving
equaiiy as good aa bitullthlc, inas
much as the top coating can be removed
ai any time and a new surfaoe laid.
while a number of property owners
mvor tne Ditnuuuo even at the advanced
cost it Is argued that they do not rep
resent the majority and this Is the point
Mayor Klggins will thoroughly Investi
gate. It is a comparatively easy matter
it is contended to secure signatures to
a petition, especially when the signers
ao not tnorougmy understand the condl
tlona. , . .
It Is also contended that . the. lettins
vi ineue oontracta to the bituilthle peo
ple was contrary to law, as the notices
called for asphalt or bitullthlc and made
no- distinction, slmply-asklng for the
lowest bid. The bid of Moreaa ft Co Of
oeatiie was the lowest. Sjid.,.ltls..con-
wnaea wai uey ahouidtiave been award
ed the contract It m a nn hion5i
affair," said Mayor Klggtns when speak-
on me suoject. "Tha facts will
Tht Wr CAmmlttaaa tha altw mi.m.
r . w av UV VW VVUM'
l? adopted, a resolution calling
forth immediate Improvement of Sandy
i-rTr L, my-suth street to
luist Thirty-seventh street with. . a 10
inch sewer Th actlon of tn- 0mmlt.
tee was taken In response to a request
L?"1 eaaUon of property owners.
o- p . "tret wentloned is already
. fr or P"vem.nt Improvement
IrtJl d,B,r of ths Interested
Jlll ttWn,er to the seweJ con
structe In advance of the pgvemeiit. , ,
(specltl DiiDstca to The Jeeraal.)
Vancouver, Wash- June Tbe coun
ty commissioners yesterday counted tha
cash in tha treasurer's office and found
a balance on hand of $21S,eS7. Ths
books were In excellent shspe and ev
erything to the entire satisfaction of
the board.
Hearing on the proposed Faulk road
was set for July f at 10 o'clock a. m.
This road. If established, will connect
ma grounds of the Clarke County Fair
association with ths Fourth Plain road.
The fair association baa bought the
grounds and it Is understood that all
arrangements have been made for the
tne right..ot.way .for. the..road.
A petition was presented to tha hoard
by-s. u. Adair, asking for the estab
lishment of a road In district No. f.
Ths petition was considered and a sur.
vey ordered.
Bias were opened for the construc
tion of ths proposed Lackamas bridge
ura ms contract waa awarded to Q. W,
Smith, his bid being $1070. Two other
oias were received, by the Columbia
Bridge company. tlSSO. and bv
Dooney, $1 4 to. Ths bridge Is to be
completed la 60 days.
A petition received from tha fiha
xransponation company for cancella
tion of taxes waa referred to the nroao.
cuung attorney tor an opinion.
Thieves Blake Ilaals.
Charles Heln of 3S5 Grand avenu re
ported to the police thla morning that
he was robbed of $36 on an "3". car at
n o ciock last night. Heln waa getting
tha car-; when-a man" crowded un
against him, urging him to hurry Into
the car. Heln protested against the
treatment and the man continued to
crowd him. When the street car con
ductor demanded a fare, Heln reached
for his pocket, discovered that bis money
was gone and Immediately suspecting
tne man wno naa crowded him, turned
to una mat ne naa flea. ;
C W; Sedgwick Of 001 East Main
street reported this morning that while
he and his family were attending the
psraae on tne esse side .last night,
someone entered his home by prying
up a winaow on tne porch. Jewelry
consisting of a watch, several rlnars. a
diamond breast pin valued at $250, were
Presidential postmasters of Oregon
clossd their convention at noon today
with tha reelection of all officers,
namely: B. W. Johnson, president; Ed
Hostetler, vice president, and J. & Van
Winkle, secretary.
Tha fifth annual convention of the
Oregon League of Postmasters which
began yesterday afternoon in tha as
sembly room of the Portland Com
mercial club will soma to a close thla
afternoon. The feature of the conven
tion will be passing of resolutions re
questing that the service be placed
under civil service rules so that tha
postmasters of the lower class may
work up to higher positions throuah
iiirnuriuua service. ,7-77-7-r: ;
ciared are-exceedingly numerous. - He
reported that the membership of the
association haa Increased from 171 to
104 sines last June. The report of
Treasurer J. A. Thornburgh of Forest
Grove showed the association haa a bat
anpe of $118 on band.
Tom Richardson made the address of
welcome, the response being given by
J. H. Albert of Salem. The latter re
called that when ha first came to Port
land tne only banka In Oregon - were
Ladd A Tllten and tha Bank of British
Columbia., Mr.. Albert spoke favorably
of . the recommendation of Governor
West to maks stockholders of all banks
personally liable for the debts of the
banks, conforming to tha national bank
ing law, and said he believed tha con
stitutional amendment proposed by ths
legislature to this- effect will receive
tne support or nearly all tha bankers.
Committees STsmsd,
Committees were appointed by Pres-
lueni aiariin as ioiiows
Resolutions Tv 3. Mahoncy of Hepp
ner, chairman; F. A. Freeman of Port
land ana j. n. roorman orWoodbiirn.
1 Auditing Leslie . Butler of Hood
River, chairman; R. W. Schmeer of
Portland and F. L. Myers of La Grande.
Nominations W. L. Thompson of
Pendleton, chairman: A. O. Jones of
Portland, H. F. Sclmllock of Klamath
Falla, D. A. Paine Of Eugene and A. a
Shute of HlUsboro.
Irving F. Moulton. rloe president of
the Bank of California at San Fran
cisco, Is scheduled to dlscuss.tho Aldiich
f jl
: All pianos will be sold
within a few days. :
Among; the many spe
cials offered Saturday is
a beautiful Princess style
Ivers & Pond, Grand that'
sells for $800 for only
5507, '
REMEMBER, this is a closing out sale of strictly high
grade and up to date stock on account of our retiring f rom ...
business. You can. now secure an IVers& Pond,'GabIer,
Davenport & Treacy, Behring, Walworth and the great
Apollo Player Piano, and others, at less, than cost; but you
- will have to call soon if you want one. Easv payments
if desired, without extra cost.' Saturday will be a day of
; specials in every, department and the store will remain open
till; 10 p m.: The first thine Saturday mornings will be-'
' a $40 Talking Machine for $18. Music Cabinets, Rec
ords, Talking Machines and Player music, all go at the
sacrifice. One of our great attractions is the Tel-Electric "
Piano Player. Can be fit into any piano. Be sure to see
and hear it So .we say again : '
Do not overlook our Saturday specials.
106 Fifth Street, Next to Perkins Hotel.
(Specisl DUpsteh to The Journal.
Salem, Or.. Juns 0. Oovernor West
when , told by The Journal about the
murder of the Hill family near Mil
waukie last night, said: v
Tne state or Oregon will offer a
suitable reward. When I receive full
details, the amount will be announced."
Journal Want Ads bring results.
Confesses Lej-cenr.
Dick Reynolds, who has spent most of
tne past 10 years on the city and county
rockpiles, broke In for a six months'
term this morning in police court whan
he entered a plea of guilty to a larceny
cnarge. lie was captured yesterday aft
ernoon by. Patrolman Wade In. .the north
too. arssaing one or tne Harare election
uenta recently used in the election. Rey
nolds was trying to sell the tent when
he met the officer, a.i - v.. -v,...
Attempts ' Suicide Italia.
james al Travis. arrested on th
night of June T, in a rooming house at
730 Kast Morrison on a sUutory charra
by ratroiman Hewston, after having
" vf -nim snores, attempted
suicide last night In a saloon at First
and Morrison streets, by takiasr urhnii.
acid, but was saved from the effects of
tne purmng xiuia ny tne timely arrival
of Dr. Walker, and waa booked at police
uettuiiuri.cii on a oruna cnarge.
Two ? grooved wooden rollers. hi.'
implement for rubbing linen while it I
is being wasnea mat. hap been Invwted
In 'France. : ..,;.-;.
Journal Want Ads brlnSresul
1 " ,
.,.. p mm'm-i-- ? - -
v.-;--- ti x?m'mmmm
r f " 5
V 77: 1 ..J'f-i
. ' '.. , , -
' 4
' 1 r
In Your Eyes
What fs it that Is causing all
that trouble with your eyea?
Are the ,. muscles following
those laws laid 'down for them
by nature! - - - - -
Are they' worklng; la "narmony
and without strain?.
---Are your eye nerves belnc ex
hausted , and ' Irritated by the
unnatural demands made upon
them , by aome form ot eye
strain that you have? : I shall
be pleased to set your mind at
rest on these points.
Remember, there is no ,gue8
work In my methods.
My, 20 years'- experience plays
anr. important ptrt-' In each
. Specialist
Second l-'loor Corbet t Bldgv
Fifth and Jlorrlson
Are lined throughout with
pure aluminum, and the
cooking utensilsvare alumk
num. ,lhey are perfectly
sanitary and easy to keep
' Made in two sizes.
No. 2 , has one -4-quart
and one 8-quart ' kettle.
No. 3 ' has ; two 4-quart
and one 8-quart kettle.
We" are glad 'to show
these and explain their op-
, Our , demonstrator ' will
also gladly explain the iises
and are of "Wear-Ever"
Alumirmm Cooking Uten
sils. On this line, we aTe
making the following see-
ciaI.;pricesfor ;this week
Try this Test )
' Plact mm etamUutm mtenni, tmpty, grrr u
dr Mnd "hen utensil Acs htcom htatei
throughout, thro into Urn pint of ict
' muter. You will (ini tilt uttnsd uxuffected. ,
That's one reason why "Wear-Ever? ware lasts a
generation But- there are - other good reasons.
3-pint Sauce Pan, - regular 70c, special 35c
2-pint Sauce Pan, regular 55c, : special 30c