The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 09, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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Standard Buys 1 00,000. Bar
?' rels From Amalgamated
' Development Company i and
May Have Bought Concern:
' X . " ' (Unit Pittas Lhm4 Wlrt.l
Seattle. Weeh., June The Standard
Oil eomuanr U to invade Alaska.'
'' It became known here toder ' that
Standard Oil had contracted with the
Amalgamated Development company, of
Xatalla, to'take 109.000 barren or
; ' Ulla oU. John McLean, special asent
, of the comDanr. confirmed the -con
tract but refused abaolutelr to dlaoUM
the rumored taking over of tha Amal
gamated company, which la a Brltleh
Columbia corporation, by. the Standard
v;OU company. . : '' ''
, Tha Standard's tank etesmer Drake
, will ro north la August to take out
40.000 barrela.
- ' The Amalgamated company recently
' completed Unka i with a capacity of
IT.OOO barrela. It la rumored tha
Standard la to Invest heavily In Aleak
;U Held'., v.- ' ;-, ;
(Continued From Page One.)-
murderad la a rough, frame cabin, put
Up aa a temporary home until Hill
' could build a better one on tha acre
tract. Ha bed some of tha lumber for
' the new . houee ready on tha ground
and waa to have begun work on It aoon.
The building ' a tan da back about to
feat from tha road, which la frequent
ly traveled, and la about ona mile south
. from Ardenwald station, which la, per
hapa, a mile south of the Waverlelgh
golf links, on the Cazadero line. . The
i place had been - cleared and there la
, no underbrush about the houee. :
C B. Mathews, an employe of the
Wells Fargd company la Portland, lives
100 yards from the Hill house and
there are several other houees within
too yards of the place. ".'
Mr. Mathewa and Mrv Hill have been
In the habit of going to the car to
gether in the morning. ' Thie morning
Mr. Mathewa paaaed the Hill home aa
uaual but got no response. Then he
called to hla wife to ; go down and
arouse the family In the meantime
Mrs. Mathews had noticed the absence
of the children, who were usually play,
lng In the yard. -
Tlada Mutilated Bodies. ' ;
Bhe went to the kitohen door, which
.. aha found unlocked, but closed, , opand
j It and aaw the body of Dorothy, blood
covered, stretched out on a cot a few
feet from the deor. 1 She ran screaming
back to her own house and called the
neighbors by telephone. She made Jio
Investigations aa to other members of
, the family.
What was found f en investigation
staggered strong men. Through the cen
ter of the house - a low partition of
rough boards shuts off a room that Mr.
and Mrs. Hill used as a bedroom. ' The
boy alept on ft cot near the entrance to
: this room. Hla body waa lying on the
, eot. partially covered with a quilt His
head had been beaten Into a' ahapeiess
mass. - ";. " -" :
In the bedroom, huddled under tha
bed clothes, the horrified ' neighbora
found the dead bodies of Mr. and Mrs.
Hill, both having been murdered fn the
same manner as the.-children." There
was nothing to show that there had
, been any struggle. Apparently both had
been killed as they slept. When the
murderer had made sure both were dead
he had pulled a coverlet well up over
their heads, and left his bloody work.
irotUar Koleated.' - '
The' drawere In the bureaus and the
little kntckknaoka about the house, had
not been touched, apparently. '", The re-
malns of the previous ..evening's supper
were m th stove.- Or a tnblo were the
children's lessons which they evidently
had been studying together before going
to .bed last night,- '-.v-v ' ,i: v
Near the body of the girl was a newly
sharpened axe, blood covered. . The axe
belongs to J. T. Delk, who lives on the
road about a quarter of a mile towards
the station. Delk sharpened it yester
day and left It standing ou in front
of his house last night The moon was
shining brightly- It waa nearly full
and probably aa the murderer walked
down the road from the station towards
tha Hill home he saw the axe gleaming
, Visitors to the
Rose 'City should
- not fail to visit
- Gill's, the largest
Book and Station
ery Store west of
A splendid. variety,
. of :'
Western literature
The J. K. QUI CoM 8d Alder BU.
Bookstand Modern Of
Stationery fice Furniture
... - . t
In the light and ' took, it .along aa a
weapon. . .,'' 1
The murder waa committed Just with
In Clackamas county but the frlKhtened
neighbor thought probably the Portland
off lcero . would be able to , get . there
quicker. As aoon aa Sheriff Stevens'
office heard of, the murder they noti
fied Mr. Cowing.. He and hla wife and
hla two sons, Thomas P. Cowing, Jr,
and E. 1L ; Co win a lumped In their
astomobllee and raced out to Arden
wald. . At first they were Inollned to
think that the tragedy might have i
aulted from family troubles. Hut the
position of the bodies of Mrs. Hill and
of the little glrL together with a cur-
sory examination by Dr. Roy 8. Stearns
who had been called to attend Mrs. Cow
lng, .would Indicate thai the crime must
have been th work of a degenerate
of the moat repulsive type. , i
Pending an autopsy It la Impossible
to' stats with certainty that the mur
derer ia a neotrophlla ' but Indications
point strongly to auch a fact ' ( . ..
, ; . Coroner Takee Charge.
John T. Kelso, justloe of the peace at
Mllwaukie,; waa tha first .officer to
reach the houee. When Kelso got there
the bodies were atll) warm, though the
hands and feet had grown odd. Thomas
O. Fox of Oregon City, coroner of Clack
amas county, took charge of the bodlea
and left them In bed, where they-will
remain until the Inquest set for 1:10
o'clock this evening. , ' -..-'
' Little la known of H11L He waa a
plumber by trade, and met Mra. Rlntoul
while she waa . living In MarysvUle,
Where she had gone to establish a mil
linery business following her divorce.
Although the Co wings are a very, well
to do family, Mra. Rlntoul preferred to
do what aha could to support herself.
Following their marriage they ' moved
to Sell wood to live, remaining there
aome montba, and moving out to the
acre tract at Ardenwald last winter.
Mra. Hill was a handsome woman.
well educated and attractive. Her rela
tions 'with her second hnsband are said
by their neighbora to have beea of the
happiest to judge by appearances. H1U
la aald to have been married before,
but whether hla former wife la living
or not ia not known. ' .
, (Continued from Page One.)
become her maid they discharged me at
Riverside on accusations that were with
out foundation and caused my arrest
when I asked an explanation and satis
faction, I have beea hounded by detec
tives hired by. the Kohls and. nursued
from house te house, from city to city,
and from state to atate." ahe aald.
"They said I was eccentric at Glen-
wood Inn, Riverside, and that I slapped
the faoe of a hotel clerk there. Of
course I Bid. The man Insulted me.' I
did only what any woman would have
done. .-
Sag CoatemjOated Sulclds.
"I am sorry for what I did yesterday.
ir i had the day to live over again !
would rather turn the gun on myself.
I think that ia what I contemplated dur-
Ina the twe years I carried the weapon.
Aa she talked to newspaper men at
the city, prison todsy the girl laughed
hysterically, then wept and at times
screamed her denunciation against those
whom ehe accused "of persecuting-her.
"I don't care what becomee of me
now, I hope Kohl gets wall Let the
law take lta course," she continued. -.;
"They eay I am crasy. Maybe I ant
but I waa aane when I came to thla
country and It le only the troublea that
have followed the persecution that have
made me different" " , .
A charge of assault with Intent to
kUU it was stated at headquarter,
would be lodged asalnst the girl pend,
lng the outcome-of Kohl's wounds, .y j
(Continued from Page One.)
riding derblea. Around the neck of each
hors was a large collar of tones.
f taaborate Seooratlons. ..,-'
' The various horses and carriages that
followed were all elaborately decorated,'
principally with roses, . though the
Scotch broom,, larkspur and other wild
flowera were used with fine effect In
distributing prises the Judge were
largely influenced by the use of rosea
as decorations, and many striking dis
plays made up of other flowera were
pasaed In favor of tha festival rose.
An exceptionally pretty feature of the
parade waa the large liat of entries by
children, driving Shetlanda. In every
instance the carta were attractively dec
orated,, many with roses, others with
Bcotch broom and white daisies.
Three veteran of the Mexican war,
Colonel W. B, Bush, aged 14, Judge
Alonso Perklna, 85. and Enoch W. Con-
yera, IS, were driven in a carriage and
though few knew who they were they
were recognised aa veterans and re
ceived their chare of applause.
Seattle's moat.
The Seattle floatXthe Golden Pot-
latch represented th eymbollcal fig
ure of the Queen City holding In her
hand a model of the steamer Portland,
which brought the first treasure back
from Alaska in 1197. Thirty Seattle
girls acattered "gold" nuggeta among
the crowds, typifying the "Potlatch" Se
attle la to hold thla aummer. The fIot
waa very elaborate and attracted much
attention.'- The Wood I awn float waa a
huge ' mass of roses, the Fraternal
Brotherhood. Portland Lodge No. XOi,
a- elaborate, with little glrla forming
the center of huge pink rose buds, over
whloh an Immense eagle spread his
Few floats were as artlstlo aa the
Japanese, which waa guarded by a
squad of Japanese wearing the anoient
armor of the Island warriors, while the
float Itself represented one of the fa-1
Business Men Hope to Interest
', Local jobbers In. Commu-
nity Warehouse. y- vt,'
tSDedal DWsetch te The Jmraal. '-
Kennewlck, Wash., June . Plans for
a Kennewlck business men a; excursion
to Portland within lue next few weeks
are elng worked out by th Idoal com-
eercial club. The trip will be made In
connection wlfn the campaign" to erect
a large community 'warehouse and or
ganise a distributing company In thla
city. Portland Jobbere are evincing eon.
alderable Intereat In the undertaking and
local promoters are desirous of becoming
better acquainted with the wnoieaaiera
who will probably take apace In the
warehouse. Tha trip will be made either
over the O.-W. R. K. oi one of the
rasollne motor cars, or down the Co
lumbia on- one of - the steamers of the
Open River Transportation company;
moua Japanese miniature gardens,' with
a Japanese boy fishing from a little
canoe. In front of a cardan house half
burled under a wealth of cherry blos
The Humane society had a very at-
tractiva exhibit which won lta ahare of
Tha fire department's ' entries were
elaborately decorated and attracted
much attention.
Itule Is Followed.
(CniUd Press Leased Wire.)
San Diego, CaL. June .-.-Attorney B.
E. Kirk, spokesman for rebels, comment
ing on the order from the state depart
ment permitting Mexican troops to pass
through the American llneo aaya that
tha order ia in atrlct accord with the
original rule of "The Hague" conference.
Send a Piano Home
See announcement, page 10, thla la-
sue, of the aale of all the exhibition In
struments shown during the grand
opening daya of the new Ellera' Muslo
House. These are Instruments of the
very ohoicest kind and this sale will
prove of extraordinary Interest to every
musical home out of town aa well as
In the city. .
Journal Want Ada bring results.
C. Morrison Street
Cor. Union Avenue
Leading East Side Department Store
rfeCohsumef Gels' the Benefit
of Our Big Saturday Specials
s '
So come here and enjoy to the limit, the substantia savings in prices of seasonable, stylish and much wanted
merchandise. Such savings as arepossible only at this, the "No Rent," economy store of the East Side.
A Sensational Sale of Ladies' White Waists
53c 98c I $1.69
. A handsome lot of new Fancy
Lawn . Waists, of good quality.
Waists that have high collar, long
'sleeves. Very neatly trimmed with
lac or embroidery., Some have
Jlaited , fronts, others , fine tucks.
Tot a waist in the lot but what was
a bargain for 75c, at least.
Sailor Blouses, so much in de
mand right now. Made of .ine
grade of Indian Head, and daintily
trimmed with light blue collars
and cuffs, also with striped madras
collar to match. Best $1.25 values.5
Rich and dainty fine Lawn
Waists, not a one of which is worth
less than $2.25. Some are- the all
over embroidery styles, with high
neck and f$ sleeves, others fine
lawn with lace or embroidery yoke,
high neck and sleeves,
Tomorrow on Sale La-dies'$13.50LongCoats
"TomorrowVwe .-.-place on pale all of our newest
Summer i styles in Women's Long , Tailored Coats,
values to $13.50, from which you may select at $8.95.
This lot includes the best tailored models in grays,
tans and mixtures.
A Special Sale of 15c Qr
Lawns and Dimities at
You'll ioon need the hot weather materials, and
here is your chance to buy fine lawns, batiste and
dimity in the most desirable stripes, dots and fig
ures, at considerably less than the true worth.
Women's Lin-$1 OA
en Dresses
; Stylish one-piece Natural Linen
Dresses; prettily made , in high
neck style or with !qw "neclc, either
short ;or : long -slaves. ; Daintily
embroidered fronts. Splendid val
ues at $6.00. -
Bed Spreads
Crochet $1
Our June White Sale price of
$1.89 on this exceptionally good
$2.25 Spread , should .interest you.
Extra full size, splendid quality
and best patterns. .
Silk Dresses
Nobby new One-Piece Taffeta
and Fouard Silk Dresses, In blue,'
gray and browns.
;t Women's: Stylish
Pumps and Oxfords at
l- Gunmetal Fefent Leathers ' or
fine Kid Shoes in new short vamp
pump or Oxford styles. . - ,
Little Boys' Wash r
Suits at Little Prices
; Nobby Wash Suits for boys 3
years. -Made of chambrays,
duck, madras, galateas, etc in sail
or or Russian blouse styles, and
priced $2.00 and down to 75c.
1 - V. ........... - '......:... . f :i
Crawford Shoes $3.50
and Oxfords for Men $4
The world's best popular price
Shoes. All the best leathers and)
the most wanted stylish foot fit
ting, comfort-giving styles,
Latest styles in tans. ,-
Three Big Specials in Men's Tailored Suits
for - Class. "A" Tai
lored Suits, in fine all.
wool materials of very newest col
ors and patterns. Splendid values
to $20.00, ' ;
$12.95 Suits
splendid . value
Suits to $16.50. 'Every
suit is a desirable number of the
present season. , Well tailored and
splendid fitting. N " ' . : --
for Suits to $13.50. You
must see these to aoore
ciate what splendid style and qual
ity you can get for so little money,
so come Saturday. - ? J
tt r
::! ::t.: !!:(:::"i!t:i:i:n..i ! I . r--Hi:::l:i:i::::i;ii!;:ri:p H I
'Hi::! -tit::::ir:
:n;;.;;;;;. .,.!.. ............
;!H!ini::H ifi
HSi-n nKa: !
Diicrinmatmg parents buy of m,
because our styles ere lautlbcntic, our
tailoring perfect, our qualify true and
our stock' so larire that it affords a
satisfactory choice. - ' '
KmclkerlWclkeir Swfa
On the Second Floor
Balls, Bats and Baseball Togs Free With Each Boy's Suit We Sell
Morrison at Fourth
See Our Special Line
Special Values at
No More No Less
Our special line of $ 15 Suits is unequaled
in the city. It was selected with great care
and the margin of profit 4 was trimmed down"
to the lowest price notch consistent with good
If you are looking for something GOOD
in the Suit line at a moderate price, you should
not fail to see what sterling values we have to
offer you at $15.00. ... ' v '
Always a full line of Men's Furnishings at
lowest prices. .. ' ,
- ' V v .
Your Credit Is Good
Jay to hnmenje QuajSiieTSr JKtp inTuli Carload iotJ;
- fa av. li ' V
fe f v
, r . v.