The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 09, 1911, Page 4, Image 4

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nmiro immnnwrn
IMIh llulKff lliir A
Sheldon's : Get - Rich - Quick
j Game Instructive to Public
. and Destructive to Promot
er; Got Nearly $2,000,000.
llnri.l Umtr. to Tke atoaL)
p. i. Montreal, June Ths trial has com-
' meftoed Jere of Cherlee D. Shsldon, the
so-ealled "blind pool wlsara," whose
t.rlch-aulck methods of flnenos ara
Mid to ho oost Censdlaaa many thou
sands of dollars.
r V The'chsrses on which ho ! being
trl! are thoss of embes.lement Ho
' la alleied to hsve fleeced hlo Victims
.' out Of lumi ((rrtatlnir nearly 2,00
; ooft. Be far a la known he la now
practically pennllesa
v Worked Tares Tears.
Sheldon's operation In Montreal be-
ran about three rears aro whan be
ODened an office and carried on an Jn
T Taatmint and ' brokerage bualneaa. ad-
Twtlaln satenelvsljr. ror a .time, k
la said, ho paid from It to St per oont
, on the tnveatmenta monthly, and il
. ohort (Ims money came pouring- Ints hla
offloo from all parts of Canada. A gem
war cmoloTed In many towns ana civ
Ira to solicit and collect money for him
en a 10 er cent commission.
Last summer the newspapers began an
Inveatla-ation of his business ana an
" expose of his methods followed. 8hel
don maintained that he was doing a
- legitimate business and offered to sub
Kit his books to the crown attorney for
complete Investigation. On Cctober It
ho suddenly fled from the city and of
ficials had an opportunity to lnvestl
gaje further.
' ; T Arrested U nttssmiw.
v He waa lost sight of until March STth
last, when ho was located and arrested
la Pittsburg. In that city he had been
? tlaying tha atock market and It la be
loved that ho bad lost all of the money
, which ho had Uken with him from
Montreal. Tha police Investigation fol
. lowing his arrest developed that be had
lived In Scranton, Pa, before coming
to Montreal. . .
In the Pennslyvanla city ha waa
known aa Charlesv D. Washburn, and
under that name boNs aald to have been
Involved in seme shady financial trans,
actions, Sheldon Is also alleged to
have been In trouble noma years ago In
Brockton, Mass.
Millionaire;, Hotel Proprietor,
Shot by Girls, Will Recover;
. .Love Missives Disappear;
lUaltod Prwja LmwS Wtra.1
New Tore, una S.W. E. D. ftokea.
millionaire club man, hotel proprietor
and horseman, ahot and three times I
wounded bv Lillian Graham and Ethel
Conrad was pronounced out of danger I
today by bla phyaiclana. When - toia
that h would get well Stokes smiled.
"I guess those girls did not know
how averse I am to parting from my
money." he aald. Stokes alleged that
ho waa ahot when he refused to pay
money demanded for the return or let
ters written to Miss Oraham.
Mlaa Oraham and Mlaa Conrad are
making plana for their defenss today.
They have conaultad their attorneys and
aeem satisfied with their case
Attorneys generally believe that the
case may bs dropped. Stokes has no
witnesses. The Jspsnese waiters who
were the only witnesses 'besides tha
girls and Stokes, rushed Into the room
believing the ml 11 tonal ra had attacked
tha girls. Their story. It Is generally
believed, would be at least as favorable
to the two young women aa to Stokes.
Stokes attorney. Judge Olrott has ad
mitted that hla client had begun nego-
nations to get tha letters from Miss
Oraham. Tha letters are aald to be
missing. , .
. u ;r..
OSpeclal DUxutefa te The Jourmml.) '
.... Dayton, Or.. June I. The Dayton
Commercial club completed Its organic
, nation Wednesday evening under tha
.1 articles - of ; Incorporation ;: recently
' adopted. With lu SJ now members It
now has total of Is live men, who
: boost for Dayton, . '. '."
k Th officers for tha ensuing year are:
S. W. gigler, president; a, C Detmering,
(-lea president; O. B. RIppey, recording
f secretary; W. T. K. Tucker, financial
s secretary ; C C Carter, treasurer; and
J. J. Klrchoff, auditor. .
Tha club will begin erection of a two 1
J atory brick bulldlnj, tha total coat of
which will be doss to 1 8000. . . ...
. Watson and Hord have tha contract
and expect to have the building ready
I to turn over. by September U .',
I The Oregon Merchants' Mutual will
f also ooraraenoe erection of a briok 20 by
I SO feet, 6ns story modern office build
l tng. costing $2500. f
I 8. W. Slgler, Barton's mayor, haa
i ground broken for a two atory residence
which will cost close to 2000 while
f several other residences have been
i planned for completion before tha fall
J rains commence.
. M. Peterson. representative of the
Grand Bonds Commercial elnh la in ha
city for tha purpose of working up en.
Southern Y. W O. A.
Secretary Potter of the Portland Ant a.
mobile club saya that all the work t
- (urainMj.njr m ciua wur Jbeex
l pended on tha Mount Hood road tintll
I It U finished, but that immediately upon
( 2 Its completion attention will be directed
.. to the road to tha, coast by tha way of
the Grand Rondo valley.
; j , Mr. Peterson says that the Portland
i and West Coast railway has secured a
i right of way to Grand Rondo and that
actual conatrnction work Is expected to
I begin shortly. The new town of Grand
, ; Ronde has been platted and many busi
r ne-a home and residences have been
promised within 90 daya.
Telegraphers Celebrate.
1. ol: DMtdi to Th JumH
, ; cedar Rapids, Iowa, June 9. A cele-
bratton was held here today In honor of
the twenty-fifth anniversary of. tbe Or
I Her of Railroad Telegraphers, which was
, f organized In Cedar Rapids, June 8, 1888.
i The organization started with a dozen
: members. In 25 yeara It has developed
. ;Mnt one of the largnnt and most influ-
?,.Snt,aI labor organizations In America,
, vlth 10,000 mernhors representing the
telegraph and kindred service of vlr
. f tually all the leading railroad systems
v Of the United States. Canada end M.
",i'M' For more than 20 years the order
..had Its headquarters in Cedar Rapids.
v it jtn uu ma on ices were
titles Beraaa af The JonraaLt
Salem, Or., June I. Slxty-eeven out
of 80 law students who took tha recant
state bar examinations were admitted
by tha auprema court. In an order made
yesterday artemoon. The sucoeasrut
onea ware: John L Bosortb, T. H.
Beverly, Ira W. Carl. Lynn B. Coovert,
Herbert r. Clark. Edward J. Clark, r.
Dempser A. t Dundas, Clarence M.
Eubanks, Kenneth L. Fenton, William E.
Gwynn, Andrews Wllbert Hawkins, Ed
win N. Hoff, Fred B. Hammond, Bert
Haldachmidt. -Arthur D. Hay, Wilbur
Henderson, Clarence R. Hotchklss, Rob
ert A. Imley. Evert L. Jones. William
too mas Keller, Artnur H. Lewis,
Blanche Lackey, Alva McKlnley, Frank
R. MUler, George H. Mulllns. L. W.I
Matthews, Abraham Kelson, . Frank L
Nagelf Leo W. O'Rourke, Frank A, Pall,
r. i rnipps, jonn fi. iuraraer, r , .
Phillips, Ralph W. Roblnett, A. C
Raten, Frank 8. Sever, Harry Amos
Swart, Robert D. Searchy, Willard A. I
Tapper. John C. Veetch, Elmer E. Toung,
u. x. uiuet, r rana u. Thompson, Har
rold C Merryman, Roy'Hollabaugh and
Clifford D, Holland, all of Portland; H.
C. Brodle, Jamea W. Crawford. Waller
Chamberlin, H. Chamberlin, Sidney i.
Graham, Virgil Lloyd.' L. O. Lewelllng,
C. H. McKnight, Joseph Nya, LoU
By r Upjohn, Robert. Eakln Jr, Salem;
u. . w. uagsca w,. , jaokson vlUe: ' H. H. I
Belt, Francis V. Galloway, Cecil J. Hos-
wns, Henry O. Miller, McMlnnvllle; a
a. aavwMv. mw, a.fWh nWTU XI. A4.H I
ooln. Medford; Arthur Kk Peck, Marsh-
neid; John B. KKorer. Wadsworth. Nsv.i
John T. Stewart Toledo; A. W. Scbaupp,
Joseph; and Sylvester L, Staata, Bend.
Fbllomathean Reunloa Called.
(SoecUl DUoatrk to Tha ImmLI
Paclflo University, Forest Grove. Of-
June .-The Philomath ean Literary so-1
clety of Paclflo University during com I
menoement week will hold a reunion
and reoeptlon to all former members of I
tha society. Nearly 800 Invitations have I
been aent out to old "Phllos." The
Greek play, "Pygmalion and Galatea,"
presented several weeka ago aa a ben
efit for the reunion, will be repeated
Tuesday afternoon to the gueata of tha
society, and will be followed Immediate
ly by a reoeptlon to the members. A
program consisting of readings as well
aha wffcal a. wt A fiafttfMatal nmel. 1 1 I
V V UaUCUiP.1 Ul UBtU W 111 I
be glrn. Th Fhilcmathean society Is I
ona of tha oldest similar organlsationa
la tha state, founded In 1878. '
southern general conference of the
Toung Women's Christian Associations
began here today and win continue for
10 daya. Several hundred delegates are
in attendance from college, city, rural
and Industrial branches of the Associa
tion throughout ths south.' An instruc
tive program of papers, addresses and
discussions dealing with all phases of
tne Association work has been prepared
xor me garnering.
Sore Feet
Tired, Aching;, " Swollen, ' Smelly,
sweaty eet r ' uoras, callouses
or Bunions? tTae TIZ. It's Sure,
Qnlck and Certain.
t, removed
to St. Louis.
1 aW
jtoses ef.The Jonraat.i..
"-Salem, Or, June Represen.
tatlvea from 10 great Indian
tribes will talcs dlplomaa from
the Indian training achoc! at
Chemawa June 21. It Is an un
usual coincidence that no two
of, tha graduates come from the
aame Indian nation, and that
tbey represent Indian tribe, from
4 Alaska to California, Anna Buck
l an Ataskan Eskimo; Eugene
f a Anderson oomea from the Shaeta
f trlba of California; Jamea Ben
; JamU Is ; f . Idaho Nea Perce;
f 4 Kasel Butler ,1a Klickitat; Ml-
' nerva Meacurnv JElamatb; Henry
I . Darnell. Clatsop; Antoine Fran-
els, Col1Ue;. George Kross, Puy
I ; allupr Joseph ., Burns, Taklma,i
, 4 ' and James Smith, a native of the
Warm Springs tribe. The grad
10 uatss averaga about II years ef
s age, -.,, w
Ton WU1 Enjoy tjstngr TIZ. The Most
Pleasant Bemsdy, Ton Zvery Triad
and Moreover t Works.
At last here Is . instant relief and a
lasting permanent remedy for sore feet
Ne more tired feet No more aching
feet No moro swollen, bad smelling,
sweaty feet No more Corns. No more
bunions. No more callouses, no matter
what alls your feet or what under ths
sun you've tried without getting relief.
Just use TIZ. v. - ;; , .
TIZ is totally unlike anything else
for the purpose yon over heard of. It's
the only foot remedy ever made which
acts on ths principle' of drawing out
all the poisonous - v exudations s which
cause sore feet .Powders and other
remedies merely cjog up tho pores. TIZ
eteanses them out and keeps them clean.
It works right off1 Ton Will feel better
the very first; time Its used.' Use It a
week and you. can forget you ever had
sore feet There Is nothing on. earth
thst ean compare with it TIZ Is for
sale at all druggists 28 and 60 cents
PT box, or direct If you wish from Wal
ter Luther Dodge ts Co., Chieago, 111.
' AMttunm ,
.:,; Remedy.
1 i -'
Balm '
ly '
flair Tonic
Dell's Dandruff
25c 50c
Ean da Quinine
Bed Bug
Pint Quart
35c 6'0c
Wine, of ,
wltli Cod Iirer
Lane'a Kidney
and Liver
Regulator '
45c 85c
Celery and
85 c
Emulsion and
Cod liver OU
. gpeejal at
Iron and Wine
for only '
g for $125
Three Oregon ;
Pitch iWua ;i
Plaatarg . , ;
25c .
Dandy . '
': Roacli :-V
' , only ,
50c i
; Cooper's
only, r
.; ( j Ideal' ;V
' Dyspepaia . -;'
.. Tablets 'si-.
25c; 50c
s Coldweire r , .
V .v.Cougbj
JByrup 1
at ,,,-
25c, 50c, $1
; - . Spanish J
i Ilair Lotion ' .
Restores Hair to
. Natural Color
75c :
s J Imperial
, I- ; ; Violet , ,
Talcum Powder
; '.,..'' only
liUXiy LaVJUJ ii ILILaVIiU U JLii JiJ LIP ill ii VJf AiX
,1 y ('
Xa VMa UU aUaV- VU sUb Wj I VMJb aJLU .JY ViAA mf , '. '
Washington and fourth Streets , ; . ;
Every departfnent has vied to furnish something particularly attractive for our Friday and Saturday Bargain
Days. Every one of our sales force is eager to serve you. .Ve have gathered here a notable offering of drugs ;
and allied lines of merchandiseT'making us the largest retail drug. store in America. You will always iind here the ,
best to be had at the fairest prices." We want you to feel at home-in our store; it is your store as well as ours. '
Take your time when you shop. We intend'that you shall be comfortable, so that a visit to our stor,e will be .
remembered with pleasure. ' ', ' V , .. '. -''.'.V;.-: :y"r
Very likely you will find something in the list belowi-lhat you need. It is offered to you at a most substantia
.. j. ! tir. :it . i , ..,
reaucuon in price, vv r win wticome your, patronage.
Listerated i
- Tooth v , ,
' Selling
Special at
' WoodlarkM
Dry , .
'. Champoe .
' , , only f
25c 50c
50c Pure Cream Tartar, OA
package 011
10c Pure Soda Bicarbon- Pp
ate, package
10c Epom Salts
15c Compound Licorice Q
Powder, package a7lv
iS&!. .6c
10c Flaxseed, . Oa
package ' Ol
10c Cascara Bark, f7
10c Camphorated Chalk fp
Powder, package wv
Whiting, ftp
10c Powdered Borax, Cn
packaee ,.'.vt
10c hump Alum, ftp
package Ui
: 85c
Salte. '
85c. ;
10c Powdered Boracic Kf7n
Acid, package
10c Powdered Pumice, ftp
10c Powdered Chalk and: Cp
Orris, package ....... r,,.: til
10c Rochelle Salts, ' ftp
package Ul
10c Fuller's Earth, Cp
package Oy
' ' ' ' r 1
10c Sulphur, ftp
package "1
10c Sassafras Bark, Kg
10c Soap Bark, . . ftp
package. ........... . . .... U
15c Para wax, 1 1 1
pound J,
tOc Moth BaUa, ., Cp
packs ga .y. ......
-10c Senna Leaves, - ftp
package ' "y
10c "Wpodlark Pure Hp
Spices, Pepper, can, I
10c "Woodlark Pure fj0
Spices, Allspice, can ...... I Is
10c "Woodlark" Pure 1 7p
Spices, Cloves, can ......
10c "Woodlark" Pure rjfZ
Spices, Mustard, can I V
10c "Woodlark" Pure 7p
Spices Cayenne, can IV
25c-Sea Salt, ; 1Q
package Xe7 v
10c Chloride Lime, Qp
pound mo,m m,
10c Lye "(Babbitt's), M 7a
pound . . . i . . . . .'. . . .. e f
10c Glycerine Rose Water, -ftp
bottle Wv
10c Sewing Machine Oil fS
(Manyuse), bottle . ...... Ols
25c Bay Rum, I Q
bottle J-O
25c Pure Castor Oil, f tn
bottle ,.y...... XUi
, ii in i i i r . ii in.
25c Spirits Camphor, "1 Qp
bottle XU
25c Witch Hazel, 17
pints .. . . .. . . .i... ..... . XI
15c DB4jAlMh'';
bottle'' ."".TtVr, .
10c Wood Alcohol, . rjl
bottle ...., . . .' I v
S."T...:.. 16c"l
25c Tincture Arnica, 1 17 n
bottle ,...; XII
50c Formaldehyde,
25c SanitolCream , Qq
50c Camelline 32C
25c Eastman's Rose 1ft
Cold Cream XOl
50c Viola Cream 33 C
50c Creme Tacoraa , QOn
25c Pasteurine Tooth
25c Lyon's Tooth Pow- OPrt
der, 2 for ............-SJl'
25c LV. Graves' Tooth' OK
Powder. 2 for
25c Euthymol Tooth
Paste . . . .
25c Frostilla, OK
2 for .'.a-OU
25c Rubifoam, : -
2 for ....... ...........
. 25c
25c Swanidown Powder
25c Hand Brushes, very
$1.00 Cloth Brushes, 7Qa
every one good I
25c Tooth Brushes 13(5
$1.00 Ladies' .Dressing CQ
Combs Vol,
25c Men's Pocket 1ft
Combs XDlv
$5.00 Hair Brushes, Adams',
Howard's and Kent's ? QO
at -. .. ,. ,..... veJe70
$1.50 Hair Brushes, all j QQ
bristle .V. .1 .... ,v. ..... vOlv
$3.50 Marvel Whirl- dJO ftQ
ing Spray .......... V-Welle
$3.00 4-qt. Combination Foun
tain Syringe and flJI QQ
Bottle PXeOe7
$li0 2-quart Water ' J" - Q
Bottle . . , . a. . . . , ' 5XeXe7
98c Fountain Syringe,', CTa
2-quart ......... Olt
$2.00 Fdunfain Syr- fljf KQ
inge, 3-quart ....... PXeUe7
85c Water Bottle, RfT '
2-quart .. V -f ,1
$1,25 Atomizer , J ' Ijfgg
$6, $8 and $12 Fold CO QQ
ing Bath Tuba . . . ; . tpOeaVO
Sanitary Drinking Cups, ' "J p
paper, 3c and ....... XI
Automatic Cigar Light CHa
crs SLOP and .......... OV
Calling Cards, Wedding Invita
tions, printed or engraved.
75c Cribbage Board and QQ
Card Case OO t
$1.50 "Woodlark" Foon- QQ
tain Pen .v. ..'..aeOb
50c Pint bottle "Riteswell"
Fountain Pen .Ink
untain Pen .Ink . ; (Jq
35e H-pint bottle "Riteswell"
Fountain Pen Ink 19C
Headquarters for Waterman
and Conklin Self-FUllnf Pent,
Pens Filled Free. , ,'
Duroy Concord GrapevQQ
Juice, doz. $3.95, qts.. .i DOl
Walker Grap Juke . OQp
dozen" $2.50, pints a-iOly
Walker Grape Juice, AAi
dozen $5.00, quarts ,t... Tntv
Welch Grape Juice,
pints, dozen $250 ...... .XOL
Welch-Grape Juiced OOp
quarts, dozen, $5.00 ...V OOl
El Verde Muscatel Grape
Juice, pts4 doz. 52.73
El Verde Muscatel GrapeffA
Juice, qts doz. $5.0Q;.. UUl
$1.00 Imported Carlsbad HR'
Salts I PC
35c Fletcher's Castoria J)g
$1.00 D. D. D. -;
$2.00 Eckman't Al- CI CQ
tcrative .... 9LOV
50c Eikas Food , ,
7Sc EskaysFood , QtC
$1.00 Fruitola 'JSC
$1.00 ' Gude's Peptoman- IJQt.
25c Glycothymollne .- ;
, Ona Potmd
" Antiaeptio ' '
Tooth Powdev
One 2-wanel .
Talcum Powdaf
. v only,., ;v
50c Glycothymoline OQp J
, ait -a iiSttMe -Uv Vi I
1.00 Glycothymollne . fQf
Coopert '
- SJuMparflla
. ; Selliiig
.$1.00 Hood's Sarstpa- ffji
$1.00 Kutnow's .Pow- ' . I7QA
ders ........V....... I V
25c Listerlne 19(5
50c Llsterine 3(
-''.::' Memnre
Special Sal
Dole's- Pineapple Juice,fOp
pints, doz. $2.50. . . &0
Dole's. Pineapple Juice, AAg
quarts, doz. $5.00....... rMrxx
Shasta Ginger Ale, . IK
dozen $U5 Xul
5c allowed for each empty
Shasta Ginger Ale bottle re
turned, v-v t ,
C & C. Ginger Ale, Im- OAA
poftedrd6C$255 "trr.iuvi;
Clicquot, CJub . Ginger Ale, Sar
saparilla," Root . Beer,. OQa
dozen $1.73 ...... a-VI
Root Beer, ; - ;
dozen $1.75 ........... ::
White Rock Water, 1 IC
Vi-pinU, dozen $l.50..r.XtIv
White Rock Water, OA p
pints, dozen $2.00.....;; s-iUL
White Rock Wate C Ofp
quarts dozen $2.50 -witlv
Apollinaris Water, - ' , "I K
-pints, dozen lJ0..wJ.M
Apollinaris Water, ,; , ' O A.
pints, dozen $2.00.,.. --vt
Apollinaris Water, : ;s O fj
quarts, dozen $2.50. . 1'. -iu v
25c and 35c Rubber ' 1 Oa
Toys;'; ..... ........ ."1..
$2.50 Bath Spray J J 9
Clearing Sale In' Towels .
AU Towels Reduced
lb. bo "Woodlark" OC
Lawn Writing Paper .. AOl
$1.00 box Imported Pa
per and Envelopes
Autocrat POndTOKp
Envelopes ;.,irrv...trT? QvV.
Sanitary;" prinking Cups, Kp J
aluminum, up from . ....Ii Jv J
Shasta.;Watef, W
quarts, dozen $2.00.. ..
Vichy Water, imported, OQp
dozen, $3125 . , .. . . . . . Oyv
Kissingen Water, "T: i Q
dozen $3.50 ............ 0Jlv
P$l.rj0 -Angler's Emul-' HO
sion .........M isJV
"Woodlark" Beef, Iron ; fTAp
and ;.Win'',i'.v; ; flllv.
25c Bromo Seltzer -'
'At I ' ,. a -4 -'
$1.00 Bromo Seltzer GTT
at OC
atc.ri'.;;::.;..,... 19C
& 37c
$1.00 Lysol 126
$1.00 Dr. Miles' Rem- fg
50c Milk of Msgnesia rQQ
tit e a i -
Cooper's ;
$1.00 MalUne , i -,: '7Ko
50c Horlick's Malted ' QO
Milk ....v.,;....., OoC
'$1.00 Horlick's Malted I7Q
Milk a ................ I Uf-
, s Ritterless .
.Cascara Sagrada
only..-. '
$3.75 Horlick's, , t0 Hf
Malted Milk tPaSslV
50c Mellin's Food ; ; ?T
-Castor 1
75c Mellin's Food ' gQp
50c Nestle's Food i i
ml - a t -. a- ' ( t-;.
150 Nestle's Foo4 e OK
at ti-Uia tti;t-&it w6&0
$1.00 ;Pinkhsm'slVege-'f
table . Compound . i i
: ? Etterveeeent
.'Sodium "
y , Phosphata ;-.
only .
ns .
$1.00 Pierce's Favorite - ftO
prescription "...,v. 0-51
$1.00 Pierce's Golden : . ftTp
Medical Discovery .V P I v
$1.00 Scott's Emulsion ?vl70p"'
$2.00 Succus Alter-. rrr
EUbdr Iron,
; Quinine and
;; Strychnina''
only ; ,
75 c
50c California Syrup OQ
of Figs . 'i . ' Vi
25c Sal Hepatica
St 'r'.i . f:, 4'4:i ... .:. ti f '" '
50c Sal Hepatica QO
;'V V' only '
QfCp -
$1.00 Sal Hepatica V HCkn
At e ' . i a a st
y v Rett Room and Correspondence Desk adjoining the Preaeripdon Section, main floor. !; Mammoth stamp-vending machine
adjoining elevator, main floor. Public telephones adjoining elevator, fourths, floor. Free weighing machine at both entrances
largest display oi pictures ana ou paintings in tne city, entire fourth floor. Citizens of Portland and visitors to the Rose .Festival
are cordially Invited to avail themselves of our many conveniences. All orders by telephone promptly filled and delivered anywhere
in xam criy or auouros. vanauian money receivea at par vaiua,'v'..v.-.;v'-;';
" 1
Coopers' :
. Naeal Spray
: for Catarrh
$1.25 .
': asv;: -
a a .1 a
jarroiic aciq , I
- bottle
: Sweet
" only
" Box of
- and Envelopes :;
U only ' . j ; -
; Diarrhoea
I:;; .Remedy
25c 50c
Sterling ' Pencil
- Holdet
and Rei
era -'
, .'.'Eskay's;;
, Special at--s
.-A .. Fellow's Vv.;
- Componnd Syrup
3 Hypoph'osphltes
r.-,'f "v:- . s
;r" fl.oo
Warner's : ":
' Safe Cure V
V w . .
s .
. .Till
i ii i
. f ,., if1