The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 09, 1911, Page 17, Image 17

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Admiral Uriu and Minister
Saito Said to Have Picked
; Site on Recent Tour of In-
i; vestigation. " v.'
i . (Catted fuss U4 WIi - ; -S
Toklo, June I. In Spite of formal ds
Blale from the navy department. It U
generally believed 'her today that Jaran
plant to Mtabllah a naval base at the
lionln lalanda In official clroles the
rumor la currant today and la accepted
, authentic. The Bonln lalanda.
known alao aa tha Parry group of the
Arsoblepo Islands, lie south and Mat
from tha southern paint of Japan, al
most directly weat of tha Hawaiian lal
anda and north and east of tha Philip;
Plnaa, . Hon gkoug -Honolulu vteeela and
Yokohama-Sydney ahlpa touch there.
In April Minister Salt of tha nary
department and Admiral Uriu, head of
tha nary, vlalted many of tha lalanda
around Japan. It la reported that they
decided that tha Bonln lalanda offered
tha beat poaalbUIUaa aa a baa for fu
ture operation! In the Pacific, , Secret
nefotiatlona for tha base ar aald al
ready to b under way and plans .for It
establishment formed. '
- At the naval department today a for
real denial was Issued.' - Tha Japanae
naval policy. It waa aald. ta to Increaae
tha movable armament for defense,
rather than devote large eum of money
for stationary defense work.
(Continued Prom par One.)
d greet prloea for artlstlo decoraUoo
war trampled under foot' .
Smile met amll between the deco
rated car -and tha happy crowd.", Th
Una of parade was a progressive tri
umph. It waa a storm and tha roaea
wer th rain. It waa a battle aad th
rose were th bullet. For vry on
hit thr waa a laugh. ' .
Cow ethers Botes.
.' - It waa on time when th people who
moat crowd th street rather than alt
In grandstands had th best of It. The
Una of progress led from th peninsula
carbayna over Kllllngsworth and Union
avenues to Burnslde bridge..
Then on Third, Second and Alder
atreeta to Washington and back from
Twentieth 'treat and , Washington over
Etopf Bldnesa, Dandruff aad Scalp
Duet mi Eettoren Gray or Jaded
. ' EmSx To Its JTttnzal Color.
Bwlssco produces astounding results
so oulckly It hae mined those who
hav used It , W wlir prova. lt lo you
l it vmi wHi send loc In allver or stamp
.to pay postage and we will send you a
- trUi bottle and our wonderful testl-
Smonlala, . ' . .
There 1 no excuse for baldness.
' Write today to Bwlssco Hair Remedy
Co., IH'P. O. Square. Cincinnati. Ohio,
gwlssoo la on aaie ai an uruijui;
and drug department at 60o and 11.00
a bottle. j ... , .
For sale and recommended in Port
land by ,
Would You Gain a Pound
' A Wk tot Tht Koatbal
srLajijiinriir i - -- --- -
-? Then begin taking " regularly thre
grain hypo-nuclano Ublets, which ar
mad from a health-germ of ordinary
yeast and eomblned - wHth . hypophos
phltes and an absorptive phosphorus.
Physicians and chemist assert that
thla tablet Is very largely used for In
creaalng the weight and Improving- th
nervous system because, of Its aid to
digestion, assimilation and absorption.
The food elementa which go to make
blood and solid tissue is retained when
thla treatment la- regularly used for
aeveral month. Most physicians and
apothecary shops supply them In sealed
periodical . pain. All druggist v sell
tanu r
! Cure Men
yftjr Whra Oaxd.
;y WOUVi4 wmaw wm w v
i omnia -Results of exposure, overwork
! rnui other, v.olatlans of If stare's laws.
f Diseases of Bladder aad Kidneys, Vari-
eos Terns, quioiuy ano parmasanuy
onrsd at small pii--t-:, .'J.j?,
' BPSCIJtZi JXUOurrsJ Newly con-
ma.a mnA hmnn MtMm tinrmA. All
I burning. Itching ' and Inflammation
atoppea in nours. wures eiiscieo in
(seven days. ' Consultation free. If an
i able to call, write for list of questions.
Office Hour a. m. to p. m.
Bundars, 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. only.-' -
' Corner rirsi.
f 1
Morrison, past the reviewing etsnd, over
Morrison bridge ,to Orand avenue, and
by Grand avenue to Holladay, where,
with roe mi all go, tha care quickened
their speed and carried their precious
freight of peninsula girls back to their
home. Over the entire distance thoee
who crowded closest to the ears gath
ered most rosea, decoration which In
point of wealtb nd fragrance an ori
ental notentate mlaht well have envied.
Tha motor float, the throne of the
peninsula Hoae Festival queen, came
first It bore Queen Haiel Warmoth.
chosen from among all the handsome
girls for which the peninsula la noted,
a ad her malls of honor. Miss Constance
Woodward and Miss Mabel Johnson. The
car bearing- tha official band waa seo
ond la Una, and unlike many bands. It
wa aa generoue with muato a the fine
were extiavagant with their rosea, .
The four carload of roaea cam then
In order. " ' .
. . Boa Battle Fougfct. :
The were open oar, decorated with j
mm wri. optp .. .
evergreen "and hung , profuaely with
. . . M il. ..Sh.!
For each girl who distributed
the roses there wa a seat.- -r
AKnovn 11 naa no.
popl gathered on KUHngaworth avno
to see th procession start Many wer
th riclamatlone Of prld at th glow
ing .display. Thoueanda were gathered
along th entlr length of Union ave
nue, with their enthusiasm Impeding the
progrees of th parade, ao that it wa;
a llttl , lat getting t u oownwwn
atreeta. , , s i. . '
; Th mot spectacular featur of th
vent wa th rose battl befor th i
trlwlnr 'taad on Morrison BtrMt Th
block between Fifth and Sixth streets
wa jammed wltn merry makers. All
entered Into th plrlt of th flowery
battle. Th roe and th rose petal
filled th air with a pink and whit
rain. No event of th festival has born
o enjoyable, so charming or so happy,
and It t absolute uniqueness mad- It
specially distinctive and memorabla. ,
Th valua of mlUUry training for
student was splendidly exemplified In
th drill of Oregon Agricultural oolleg
cadet on Multnomah field yesterday
afternoon, r . . , v
' Five hundred oldler-llk. attractively
uniformed young man went precisely
and smoothly through drill that were
at one th wonder and admiration of
000 spectators. . N" ' '
Colonel McOunnhrle of Vaneouves
barracks, who reviewed th three cadet
battalions, aald he had never witnessed
better drilling, or a higher etandard of
personal neatnes and dlaclpllna. .
Major U. O. MeAiexanoer oi am
teenth United BUtes Infantry com
manded th cadet and directed th ex
hibition drill. He waa aalted by
Cadet Colonel 3. B. McAllister, and Cadet
Lieutenant Colonel L. L Keen. . -
When, th bugle. Bounded th cadeta
who had been reatlng after the long
march in th hors and veblcl parade
gathered In company formation In a
trice. They stood at attention, under
review by Colonel , McGunnlgl and
Major McAlexander. " At the word of
command they went through the gun
and other exhibition drill tn loo and
close formation; - . '
Multnomah field, broad and smooth,
with Tonm for - every maneuver, fur
nished gdmlraM drill- around; th
newly erected grandstand gav every
spectator uninterrupted view,-
nn drill . followed another with tn
sam quick brilliant military exactness
that had characterised the first. Th
climax of it all was when th 11 1 com
panies unexpectedly execuiea
maneuver writing In llvlnc human let
ters "O. A. C." ' ' . .
Th exhibition of th cadts brought
forth enthusiastic spplaus from th
crowded spectators. AH nJoyd . it
thoroughly. Many expressions of a p.
preolatlon for th pleaaur given Roa
Festival vlaltors and townspeople allk.
wer heard. V- i -:
r Th thre battalions wer composed
of II companies with officers as fol
lows: First - battalion. Major D., 8.
Young, company captains, 8. I. Bu
son. EC' J. Atkinson, H. J. Ollkey, W. C.
Second battalion. Major C U NeUonj
company raptalns, I. 1 Jamison, J. R.
Chapman. H. A. Lungrn. A. P. Oibon.
. Third battalion. Major W. R. Carlson;
company captains, H. J. pfandhofer, B.
Olsen. It L. Harper, H. J. Kb-ly.
human ros:ebuds, :. iL
rarest flowers,
in grand array
; (Continued From Pagw Ona)
about the achool children 'who could b
so perfectly prepared and In such num
bers. To B Oratt Thaa Bt. '
With 2000- more participatina; this
year than last, with th drills and fop
matlons mor laborat and with th
preparation, mor eomplet. a' greater
success than Jast considered in
evitable. - M - -!': ' ,
' Among - tha children,' too, ther Is a
tremendous, yt friendly, spirit of odm
petltlon fop th pris. Th school that
wins any on of th thr cups makes
it a year-long boast and tries again to
be priae winner th following year. Tb
competition combine with . natural
childish enthusiasm to land charm to
th event - , . t . ' N . ,
Th chlldrn', or Ros-ehud parade, 1
given under th auspices of th East
Bid Business Men's club. It waa first
held on 'Grand avenue, because ther is
no other street so fit for the purpose
either in length, - uniform - grad or
breadth. This year no other street in
th city Is so well - decorated. The
rosebud parade hae becom consequent
ly i "fan annual: eaat side feature, in
which the peopi of th weat side and
tb Rose Festival visitor ar cordially
invited to participate . a (
Vt aobool Bepreseated.
ThJ year - ther wa some agitation
to have the parade of th children re
peated on taturday on th west side
Thla was strenuously opposed by . the
east side business ; men., who assarted
that, since only east side children were
participating, and ainc it had - been
originated on the east sld It wa not
at all fair for th weat side to attempt
to shar th honor, or tb do other than
accept th cordial lnvltotlon extended
by the east sld to theweat side and
come iii mass to witness tb beautiful
In th perad this afternoon th fol
lowing schools will participate: Lents,
Arista, I Crestori. ;: Woodstock," Sell wood,
Llewollyn. Brooklyn, v Clinton Kelly,
Mount Tabor, Glencoe,- South Mount Ta
bor, Richmond, V. Holladay,- Bunnyslda,
Buckman; Kerns, Montavilla, Rose City
Park, WoodUwn, Vernon, Ockley Green,
Porumouth, . Peninsula, Shaver, Btepb
ens and Hawthorne. . ; 1 .
- Schools war dismissed at S o'clock In
order that participants and those who
will watch the parade might arrive on
Grand avenue In plenty of tiro.,
; New Depot Well tTnder Way
V- HDect! Dlinatch to The Jorl.l f '
Hood River. Or, Jun S.-i-Brlck work
on the, new G.-W. R. & N. company'
passenger depot baa been finished and
carpenters are inclosing the ctructure.
which will be considerably larger than
the Old building. ,
With Face Torn Away, Chest
. Crushed Is Standing
- v When Found. ; '
; ; ' - (Special DUpsteb to Te leoesaH
HUlsboro, Or, June . With th right
aid of hie face torn ,wy. bl collar
hni hmirvn and his cheat ' crushed,
" " . r , - .
Charlea J. Grobb, engineer, waa found
-Ksa a,alMai miaM 1 flat ml IK BO In
denaer plant at f:l o'clock hls tnorn-
nlng. Th engine bad toppea on a o
rente and Orubb bad turned It over
with a bar, attemptlng-to remov this
condition. When the engine started the
Injuries we received. Grubb showed
iron'nerv after regaining consciousness
and wa standing rect when found. He
hu a wlfeand two children and cam
from Portland two month ago. , Th
doctors say be wm die. ; , : ; u
' (ConUnued From Pago One.) '
bullet In a bullsey th is of a iollar
la practlc th day befor th shooting,
fired from th hip. striking Metsner at
mor than 100 feet, then vanished Into
the heavy undergrowth, a mil eastof
Dlshman. - A . man answering hia . de
scription, carrying a rifle, was seen at
o'clock laat nlf ht tn th woods thre
miles further east, but capd while a
farmer' poss waa being organised.
. Consternation reigns among th farm
er throughout th country about Spo
kane, arma being kept within reach In
expectation of a visit from th fugitive
any time, for becau of bl cool, cal
culating manner, displayed In yester
day's jnurder and eecape. it la believed
Byrd will closely follow Tracy's' tactics.
Seven detectives smashed In th door
of tbo Tourist botel room thla forenoon
to capture a man supposed to be Byrd,
After being- choked Into submission and
otharwiae roughly bandied by the
sleuths, who pounced upon him in bed. It
waa , learned he. was Herman Garry, a
railroad man, closely tallying with
Byrd's description. . Garry is almost
prostrated from his experience.
Jealousy of Whipple and - unrecipro
cated affection for Mrs. Whipple, In
whose hbtel he formerly boarded, are
believed to have caused the shooting.
Whipple died at the hospital last night
whll trying desperately to explain the
situation. He said he ordered Byrd
from the hotel after the tatter's at
tentions bad annoyed Mra Whipple.
(Halted trees Lease Wtta.1
Philadelphia, Jun . Between 1"0
and 1B00 boilermakers employed by th
Baldwin Looomotlv Worka, ar out on
a strike today without the sanction, it
Is said of the national officers of the
Bollermakera' union.' The trouble la due
to tha.laylnff off of WOO man two wk
B0. i f ' .V'' .' -' - .','.
Many popl seem to, eonslder ' mar
riage ,of no more lmpoVtanc than a
horse trad, or th purchas of a snit
of clothes. 4
Another Chance
How a Wife Who Was About to Seek a Divorce
Was Restored to Happiness
She bad left her home ana was
on Jier way downtown geek a di
vorce. Her ground for a'legal sep
aration was not unusual. There are
many pitiful counterparts.
Only a wife with -the heartache
and once-lovlnt; husband weaned
from home and duty py excessive
drink can, full understand.. v v
Time and again had the man
promised to stop drinking, onljr to
relapse after brief periods of absti
nence. Patience ceased to be a vir
tue. Thought ot separation was dis
tasteful, but the wife, distracted by
mental torture, started former at
toraeyV office, determined to Insti
tute proceedings for divorce.' As the
car trolleyed along, a newspaper ad.
"The -Neal Institute," caught her
eye. .' "',
' in an instant there troaped be
fn hr ftves in mental review re-
cits Is she had read pt marvelous re
demptions of long-time siavns vi
rinir ho In three days, through
the administration of the Peal Treat;
ment, had. become masters oi mem-
selyes. r
Then the memory ot her own early
happy married life came to brighten
the shadows pt the present. "Why
not?" she asked hersel. "Why not
give him this last; cnance? He was
good to me i before he Legan
'a food fellow ana annit xo vcrj
bodv's health and his own misery
and mine! i? I'U,do,itl
i-, innms)iin."rT n rri i - '
'"-... : 'Mx;-M&i:lmt - u. ; -''V.'
; "x t J -.
Blaze ln.N. P. terminal Yards
May Have Been SJarted by;
. Fir, th origin of which ha been
traced to a rubbish heap around which
tramp were seen loitering, at I o'clock
last night destroyed a Ions' freight shad
belonging- to the Oregon-Waahlngtoa
Railroad Navigation company, in tb
North Paclfle terminal yards, Just aorta
of th steel bridge . f
The extent of the damage has not yet
been ascertained, but it is believed that
$1000 or 410,000 will cover the loss, due
t the fact that ther was very llttl
freight tn th building at th time of the
fire. . V
From aU indications, tb. fir orig
inated at the north end of the sheds,
which are 100 feet long. Jlobos who
lounge around that section ef th yard,
waiting; for trains, ar believed to have
at a match to tha refuse heap. There
was a large amount of property in the
Immediate -vlolnlty ndangered by th
bias, and tb quick work on th part
of th fir department 1 all than saved
It, for tb bias waa a terrlfio en for
some time. "
' In spit of that fact, only one half
of tha shed, which waa originally l
feet long, was destroyed.
When th alarm came In. Sergeant
Oolta. with Captain Bailey of the police
department, were on eaat side assisting
In handling th Ron Carnival crowds.
Sergeant Colts and a aquad of patrol
men wer obliged to abandon the pa
rade and speed to the fire la the police
auto. The men seen around the refuse
heap escaped before the arrival of the
police and a description was not ob
talnable. , , j
Sbop-LlXtcr Sentenced.
A pair of gloves valaed at It cent
stolen yesterday by Mrs. M. Colllna
from th glove counter at Meier at
Make the Liver
Do its Duty
' rtkwWthaWrisMlW
Shr wi-V aad bawaif are sight.
-Tatar? for
HaaJsca. sU Dsstraa aftar Calis
. aVsltsaUDeM. SeulPsb
Genuin mm Signature)
Back to -the Near Institute she
went, and there she unbosomed her
grief and asked, "Can he be saved?
)ln Portland today there is a cou
ple who for months have been en
joying a new l oneymoon. The wife
Is the woman who was headed for
the divorce court. The husband Is
the man who was given ''another
chance" and the Neal Treatment
He wouldn't trade the results of
those three days at the Neal Insti
tute for a fortune.
,The man who drinks to excess
no matter how long he has been at
Hcan entirely rid himself of all
craving and .desire for liquor in
three short days. . This craving Is
the natural result of stored-up alco
holic poison In the 'system an ac
cumulation of poison which must be
neutralized before nature can eltmt'
nate It This poison is responsible
for what the world calls "liquor ap;
petite." The Neal Treatment neu
tralises and eliminates this poison,
and thus destroys the appetite.
The treatment consists of a per
fectly harmless and purely vegetable
medicine, consisting ef only twenty
five doses, and may be taken In the
privacy of the home or at any of the
Neal Institutes, and the strongest
evidence or its merit is rouna in io
fact i that Senator.- Bruce, who Is a
leading man In financial, business
and political circles of the, state of
Iowa, and whose, financial.: standing
can be verified v at any . bank or
through, any mercantile agencyv wM
furnish, the treatment ana medicine
to anyone under his personal guar
antee that the same shall be ABSO
LUTELY 1 FREE unless , the patient,
his? family physician? relatives and
friends are satisfied : at the end of
the third days' treatment
All business transactions .are
strlctlyxonfldentlal, and anyone can
secure the plain facta and convincing
proofs ot the efficiency of the treat
ment by calling or writing without
obligating themselves in any way.
. Institute open-night and day. .
Telephone Marshall 2400. .
" 1134 Hall Street, Fortland
X f VtK
f .saw I llaafsssa. 1
Drinldng Husband
EVENING. JUNE 0. 1911.'
Frank's, resulted la a sentence of tO
day la jail being Imposed - oa her
by Judge , Taswell this morn
ing. The woman waa detected by W. IS.
Klernan, in the employ of Meier A
Frank who turned the woman Over to
police detectives. - ' -
la court tula morning sh failed to
give a report of herself to the Judge,
and as she is believed to be one ef a
gang of shoplifters now operating ta
the city, she waa found guilty. '
- nd In til lands under the iun In til conditions of Jife by gwnera- .
tlon after generation the safest and most reliable family remedy
! the world has ever known b Beecham' Pill. The pood these un
' equalledhealAregulatorshavedoneilnthequlckreliefofhumansuffer-f :
' ' lng and the prevention of serious sicknesses, Is beyond calculation.
.can do tha same sort of good for. you,' and for your family,
eecham's Pills do their beneficent work J ccordanca with
Nature's 'law. Try a few dose just as soon as physical
trouble shows Itself and see how immediately effective they are
ce how qukkly the whole bodily system will be benefited.
Then yo will know for your own food, why Beechams PiUj ara
: The " Greatest!
Family Remedy Canovn
U Wa.itk UWJ
; Every person afflicted with n old sore realizes, sooner or later,
that the ulcer exists because of bad blood; the ;harccter end condition
of the place depending on the nature of the blood infection. Virulent
impurities in the circulation produce angry, discharging ulcers, hile
milder. In serais are usually manifested in the form oflndoler.t cores
or drViScabby places. No one 6hould depend upon salves, wtfhes, lo-(
tions, etc., nione to cure a cnronij sore, u is necessary to .Tmcv - an.
cause before the place can heal. S, S. S. heals Old Sores by goinffdovn
into the circulation and removing the impurities and germs which unr
responsible forthc place. - In addition to purifying the blood SL.
enriches this vital fluid so that the irritated flesh around an eld sore fc
naturally stimulated, and a permanent cure results. 3oo!c on Sores
and Ulcers and any medical advice free. SL5.S, is col tie drug stores,
la Many Cues
Tor Inferior traatmant whan yon can St
tha vary hast madtcal attantlon at a fa
ef froro one-balf to ens-tasith that
charred hr othsrsT Rcroamfesr that yU
ara not askaa to nay (or any oxparl.
monttna or any failures. If yonr eaaa
will not yield to my treatment, I eaa
ascertain that at the first examination,
and will frankly tell yon so. X am a
specialist for men only. Ton make no
mistake by submitting- yewr ease to me
first Call today and you will be oa
the road to health tomorrow. Those who
ara not ettlnf results elsewhere call
and see what the rlfht doctor can do.
If yon want a reliable marantea, some
to saa,
May depend upon the kind and quality of treatment yon fat at first, Wow,
how do I do it? By alvlnt every patient that come to see me a strictly
scientific-examination one that permits of no mistakes being made. Then
I knew positively what I've rot to do and how' to do it I can take any
ease of YABXOOn YSIYg, aTPBOCSU, rmOBTATTl waaaJBII, or
any BasJTXO 9ZSOBBEWB, eenSraotod alseaoes, FalSfUh msanAMOMU,
tr&CBBs, sxnr sisbasbs or bzkod rozsov, any snsinrr, rroau.osr.
unnsa a Mil ntomsxASL and X will euro these itdozex by my aaeth.
od of treatment than any other specialist to this city, and the onro will bo
permanent and lasting.
My Prlcas Are Witbla tht Rtch of Kvnr.Man-Yoo Can
Pay Weekly or Moithly as Yoa Art Able or Whea Cored
I want every man who haa tried
FREE5 and I will explain to him why
five roller. I ao noi accept lnoaraoio . - - .
I Advertise What I DOAND I DO Whit I Advertise
Reasonable Fees Speedy
If yon suffer from sny Disease or Weakness caused by JfI!v"t
Its, or any form of dissipation, oomo and set my advice FRER do thla
ter who haa advised you or treated you. for Irhave a POSITIVB CU
t0t lnth.UC;.5 IS day. X wtU rtve
$31 UBOOtnpUOAt OSSH, WIW ft fUftXMwCslVO vvnra jm
MsaIw 4sT'sir1
. mt saa roa
S, from., f S to flS
ra .S to fao
..........Is to fl
iTHOPHT. from...
from to SIS
WA8TINO, from- S3 to SS
DI8CHA ROES, frbm S3 to fit
s Medicines furnished from my own laboratory, 11.89 to l B0 percourae.
If you iinnol call, write for particulars. Many cases are erurable at homoi
Hours A. M. to S.P. M. Sundaya, 10 to It . ;i. ;.v:,;v';,a -M
saoii TAsrcrxxi STBEinr, cob. vn
Long-tslablisnea specausi
For Inferior treatment when- yon can set
the '-very, best meoicai attention av x"" .v
of from QNE FOURTH to ONE HALF that 1
charged by other specialists with my repu- V
tatlonT ; Remember that yon are not asked
to pay for any experiment or any imum.. 1
lm ? : . .111 ni ,tAlf mv V,-'
can ascertain- that
the firat
tlon, and will frankly tell you so,
' .mi ad vica how to take ' care of :
ICY SFBCXAXjTXXS ABB Wervons Bebillty,
Blood Disorders. Files, varicose 'rata,. Hydro- Vh
.... wnanMa tmht. Bladdas aad all dla-
eases neoaliarto man. . -
Corner Alder1 and Second atreeta : Entrance 118H Second street, Portland.
Or. Office hours 9 a. m. to p. va.
' Arraignment rostpoaed.
(thrfte Pimsi Lreax WtnLl
" Chtoaso. Jun . ArrsJjnmetit , ot
Evelyn Arthur Seo, originator of the
'Absoluts Life" cult, charged with mis
treating a girt dlscU'K has twen post-
pored. Bee's attorney having filed a pe
tition or prejnoic agaimn. uug
Ion. .;. . ... '
Journal Want Ada bring results.
10. i
I tSsw at al sVwasU.
In vain tejret a on re
I can CURE when all
to call and see me
sloe falls to even
Results Guaranteed Ceres
nia, no
fonrt - Ctow whom
r fee for
y U not oo
; from ...f to f
PiMPLiKo, rrom
wry.lCM A. from . .
from .............. ....f"to SIS)
from ....tS to flS
from ...... ............fS to flS
OBT&Ajn, OB.
Sundays ID t o.
to 1
p, m.
rV-V -.a' I. .-
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- am , a S
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A. G. Smith T.1. D.
Ladlns SpclttllJt
-.,.'; :;, for At tn
I am tho only Spoelalls tn rer
laad who aa has trae name) b4
photocrsph ta ass actaenisjoasaeata, I
sea and treat say awtssata jussmtiy.
and am stoC a "snedioat .
"medical tnaOtato"- or i
oratoea. All ssea ohoaM
too doctor Is taoy can salt,
ahanU emMrallv asnsHsr wl
taoy deartre to entrant th iMalth
with a hired doctor f a aeodioei
oeeopany. ,1 veo asy photavras ae
that whoa yon seme to oee one aor
oaally yoa will roooawlae aa. In
vestigate mr ixiraoaal staniUaa W
fore acoeptloiC treatment f roan a oe-
lor of itakaowa IdentUy
or roDota
: t J.'
Beta treated la a smafactory man
ner by your present doctor? Is be
carry 61 ; oat hia promlaesT Haa be
cured yoa la a reasonable time, aad
lived np to bis naerantneeT Are yon
paylaa- btss exorbitant , prleao f er
medicine Deee bo oanploy Oor
ouctily vp-to-dato and acloatino
methods, which would be approved
by the rearular family doctor? If
?m cannot answer theae auestlons
svorablr to youroUL emet and have
a eoafldeaUal talk wrtb me about
yonr case,. It will cost you oothlnn.
Cured In Five Days
I euro suchv disorders as Varteow
Vetoa. Hydrooelo. Piles. Specif 15
Blood Poison, etc.. completely and
permanently, often with only a eln
rle treatment No severe perarJons
employed, nor detention from bnal
ness. I especially solicit stubborn
and lonar atandlna cases that other
doctors have failed to cur a .
. Examination Free
I offer not' only FREE consults
tlon and advice, bat of every case
that cornea to roe 1 will make a care
ful examination aad dlaanosta with
out charg-a. No alllnr man should
neaiect this opportunity to ret! ex
pert opinion about hia trouble.
Jf you eaanot call, write for dUa
noils chare My offleaa 1 are open all
day from S A. M to I P. AL. and
Sundaya from 10 to X. . . . .
Dr.'A. Q. Smith
BtoRlsom trees. Cor, soaaa.
FertlaadV Oa. -
The Dr. reew Offer.
We want all ail
ing men to fee
that they can come
to our office free
ly for examination
aad explanation of
their condition
wlthoat, betnr
bound by., any . ob
liaaUon to take
treatment unless
they ao desire. We
will make a thor
onrh and scientif
ic examination of
yonr ailments Tree
of charge, aa ex
amination that
will disclose your true physical con
dition, without a; knowledge of
which you are ftbplng in the dart.
If you have taken treatment . else
where without success, we will show
you why it failed. Bvery , man
should take, advantage-of this op
portunity to learn his trus condi
tion, as we will advise bim how to
best regain hia health and strength
and preserve them unto ripe old age.
i If your case la curable, the ; ' '
system of MAN-BUILDINO toeat
ment will give you Immediate bene
fit and a QUlck and laating cure.
There la no uncertainty about It.
No risk to run Our Guarantee NO
FIED la your absolute protection.
We cannot . tell you In . t this an
nouncement all we would like to but
will fully and freely explain our
proven methods to all ailing men who
come to ua. for the help they need.
- ArTllCTB) ' 9CBBV before ' treating;
elsewhere, boaestly Investigate our
nrovea methods. Yon will then under
stand how easily we cure ell curable
BXiASDEB and XXDSTEY tronblss, COM
TBACTED ailmsnta, FILES end ail
BECTAXt aUments. ,,. . - ;
. wh.t vnu want Is a cure. Come
to u and get It. Once . tinder pur
treatment you - win quickly real ie
how elmplo a thing It la to get well
In the hands of a specialist who
knows his buslBeaa.v Out. cures add
not only years to life, but .life to
years. Office hours, dally to 6;
Svening,,.. 7 to I. - Sundaya. 10 to 1
only.'r'v'-i'; V5t':9?- i,r
863 Vaahlngtoa St.' Fortland. Or.
W CJJrntmi
TA mla ud timole rwnedy bf 1
' tnauamatlmia I rrt . SKwe.
tlnnaf ALL mttUU. mnirmi,rt
er name " afa.
Maaak ar vnwuj u
at esuaoisra ai
If Hat ntt mr ymrttlf
auitwi m -l
.Tat I'M R
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