The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 09, 1911, Page 14, Image 14

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4 -as, ma. mamm m m m mm. -fan. a - .a mm. bjsj. am. sana a m m am , ii i i m mm ar- mm m r mm, m t . ay n mrm n ar an n
' - ,V I ' 1 ' ' f , , i . wont out to pitch that ho did not fWlL , . T" - ' -
.'. , . - ,..::. V ' ; .M. : . . . .. ' . , l ' . ( i !'. I luat rlaht" Mo ouro bora out tho itite ..... - - . . , . I . ' 7 - .. .-.'.- ' '-v.. . ', ! I 1 . .' -: .
Portland Has Bad Streak -of
' - Luck and Southerners ;
' ' Gather Runs, v-
to An.. ' with Dolh! pttchln Tern Beoton. 4efoot tho Bor
-t... i tn I. althovrfc the
. . ' h. via! tor a. Mut
7. om w. o7 worWnf In . rod
SIZA rth.U eomblnod wlthtor.
- .ki.Mi at critical momonta
"L'.'vr' " .7.. their flrat gomo.
;; "Howard pat tho A.fjo 1 tho nnnlof
. ' M.i ki m Oacrlflcoa M ooe-
Sna,? Jirrd . Dolmo Wt and
cam homo whon Murray triad to eatoh
him eft thlra. a
. , i. - j ... to atMl OOCOBd.
"Thr; hit, mcittdwr hrrwMif?r-
Kyo tho Anroia ono run """"-
wh.a Bomard ocorod aftor Wo Jnflold
hit. on Daloy'a trlplo.v .... .
Dolmaa doublo and Ortod o'o lnlo
.v." .T.,.h.rn.ra tholr third ta tho
fourth toning and thoy
' ir work tf putting anothor run
: in tho ninth on . Motigtr1- floldor-o
! choice! fZmm hall and dUr-4 doa-
bio oteal that wont wrom it-i.
fay mado a high throw to Pocklnpaugh
and tho Utter wao dllatorr gottlng
tho bU back to tno piaio. .
Rodror put Portland In tho coring
lino whon ho boat out' an
' tnok oocond on an ont and reglotorod on
Krugrt oingio. ' -
t- , Mrh Mnrrav olnaied aod ocoroa
en Chadbournoa throo baggor Into left
center field.
f Tho ocoro '
, v; IOB ANQELE8. ; -
. . - ARB.KPO.A.E
Akin, lb r . !
ri.m.rd rt ......... i I I
Daiey. cf ...... .4.
Howard, If .........
WeUger, .........
Ielmaa 2b ......
. DHIon.-lb
' Qrtndle. o.
ZelbU P v... ....... .
Total ...'.II' T 1
;: .... PORTLAND.
. , ... AB. R. IL FO. Ai E.
rhadbonrno. rf ...... 4 V I
Kodgero, lb .......
Ryan, ef ...;........
Krupger. If 4
Rappai lb ......
Eheehan, Sb
pecklnpauaja, Of ...... 4
Murray, e J
Beaton, p ...........
1 I
1 0
1 1
1 s
1 ),
1 4
t U
Williams'- Men Play . Woozy
- Game and Longanecker;
Jakes Nick at Word. ,
Fourth With Jimmi
vancouvor. B. C Juno ITha Klrkt
loot ' yeolorday'a gam by forfeltur. I
Thlo make tho oloronthotralght game
that" tho Nlcko have dropped, ono game way are ucceaofully carried out,, and
below tho rooord made by tho Seattle ( tho principal will b nono other than
team, v .. V Battling Neloon, former lightweight
Tho NIrke secured a fire run lead In I champion and one of tho great eat fig-
the flrat inning by bunting "on Erlckonreo In' tho boxing game In the laot 14
on. Then the Canucka came back at I year, and Jimmy , ritten. the Callfor-
Butler tho 'young buehor, and alammod
In the aeventh run in the next throo
Innlnga Throo were made In tho tfecond.
throe In tho third and ono in tho fourth
Innings. Portland's raw playing eauaod
a lot of scoring.
In tho serenth Inning Vaneourefs
eighth run came on a double by Adams,
a sacrifice and a passed ball. With
two men out In tho seventh Inning. liar.
rlson stole second and Nick Williams
and Catcher Harris both wont up In tho
air ana youoa their heads off at the
decision and Ionganecker chased Harris
rrorn tno gams. He took his ttmo beat
mg it, ana nick Williams askod In a
jesting way, "Why don't you forfeit
tho gamer and no sooner than Nick
had said this than Longanocker replied:
i wiii- . .
The teams will play again this after
noon at 4 ore look. Jeaso Oarrott or
Tonneson will swirl for tho Nicks, while
nagis or Clark will work for tho locale
Portland, lost a gams yesterday,
was unfortunate that w should but
we can't win them all.,
Tommy . Beaton , remarked before he
Went out to pitch that he did not feel
luat right' Ho sure bore out the state
tlU ni A tM i,. ment. Beaton nas been going aiong
UUAliiy IVIdllll ridlllieu lUl JUi Mjko a, houas anre.
Delhi worked for the Angels and was
accorded good support. - At that ho was
lucky to get away with ths gams. The
Beavers slipped tho Angels a run In tho
second inning that shouldn't have fig
ured. Murray's low toos to- Bheehan
gave them a run and that halped soma
In the fourth inning. Artie Krueger
(food on second bass and sang "Pleas
On Away and Let Me Sleep." The An
gel Infield, heard tho Dutchman singing
and blew for a few 'seconds only to
com back again and catch him, -, '
' This chap Metager la playing a beau
tiful gam for the Angels at short, HI
work, during this series ha boon su
perb. H Is a rant man getting ponuia
second base after drlvea. that appear
to be singles.' If he keep tho good
jrorkup. It look like a move to the
wf show.- ... ..,,., ,. ...:
' Chadbourn vnoorked a triple to loft
field that .was a slaaler. - When CAad
: Rumor has It that Portland's pugllla.
tlo fans will bs treated to some first
class boxing July 4; If plans now under
nla , lightweight, who ' 1 Just now. one
of the most promising youngster in
the ring game. . Where they Will box
their 10 or it round ha not been defi
nitely settled. It may be in Van
couver or Mliwaukie. or oven Portland,
Nelson came weat to Portland... to
take in the Boa Festival, but primarily
his visit was arranged with the object
of boxing Bud Anderson at Vaneouvsr, rt, twnf niin4 tho,. bag. there
filncs ths Vancouver fight promoters uotWng t0 ,top him but a stone
tossed up the sponge, it Is likely that , Mr hass a fctrld that would make
. M.. 11 " . .
th proposed Neleon-Fltten match wlU
bo staged by Portland parties. . '.
. WooU 0 Into Old Chap. . , (
weison is anxious to get oaca into ommittet on th ci!and team.
his old position at the top of tho fistic j ' . , . ,
laaaer, rrom wnicn no was toppiea oy
Tom Longboat look sick.
T r-k.?'. : e . .-. V'.
Oene ICrspp and Speck Harknees are
Harriaon. If
Adama, rf
Brashear, lb
Jamea 3b . .
B Tinker, cf
Bcharney, es
iewis, o
XjriL-RIUH. D .,...,
Jensen, p . ...
Aa R. H. TO. A. E.
111 l I
. Totals ............M l I lr i
Lo Angele J 1 1 0 0 0 0 14
Hits ...........01 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 11
Portland v,........' i 0 1 1 0 0 0 01
. H1U 1 0 1 I I 1 0 0 1
t - SUMMART. ,' f 1
Struck out By acon 4, by Delhi I.
Baaes on balla Off Beaton I, off Dol
hl 1. Two bae hits Beaton, JXlmas.
baorlflc hits Metxger. TStoten bases
tflllon S. juetzger Urlndie. faasea cans
Murray. Tim of gam 1:80. , Um
pire Finney. ;
1 College Baseball to Oom. . V
fCnlted Pwaa lUew Wire. . 9
V New York, ,Juno t. Th college base
bail season will close next week. At
Weat Point tomorrow th game between
West Point and Columbia ends th army
schedule; Harvard and Brown play to
morrow, and - th following Saturday
William and Harvard croea bat.
Pennsylvania plays at Holy Cross to
morrow,, and o Wednesday Holy Cross
goes to Harvard. Columbia, Cornell
and Tale team aleo disband next week.
' : Track Opened 28 Tears Ago.
v (CMted Pm ternwd Wlr.
' Cincinnati, O., June 0. Just 28 years
ago today the Latonia race track, which
opens its annual spring meeting tomor
row, was Inaugurated with th Hindoo
take as th feature. This race is now
called the Derby. , '
t.' . B
Mundorff ' ..... 4 1 1 4 4 1
lasey. ZD .......... 4
Bradley, as-If 4
Btovall, rf I
Williams, lb ......, 1
M.naor, lb S
Bpeao, cf ... I
Harris, 1
Butler, p ............ I
,...11 I 010 14 T
k Two out when gam waa forfeited.
Vancouver .....0 I I 0 1 1 0 lS
Portland ,....... ...6 0 0 0 0 0 0 06
" ' ' 8UMMART. .V . '
Stolen bases Harrison. Bennett.
Brashear. Bacrlflc fly Adams, Speaa
Sacrifice hit Bcharney, Harris. Two
baa hit James, Adama Three has
Bit "-Jensen.- Inning pitched- ny'Eh-tek-
son S. At bet 11, runs I, hits . . Bases
on pans orr veneen ' , vtr Butler I.
Struck out By Erickson , by Jensen I,
by Butle 1. Double nlay Bennett to
Bcharney to Brashear, Passed ball
warns z., Tima 1:4s. -...;,...,..,.
Canadian Athletes Sail Tomorrow.
Montreal, June t. Rprentatlve of
th Canadian Amateur A thlo tlo Union,
who will carry the colors of th do
minion In th festival of empire game
at London, assembled hr today ready
to sail on th Megantle tomorrow. Be
sides .th festival games, the Canadian
athlete will participate on July 1 at
Stamford Biidg In th chamnionshlns
of th English Amateur association.
New Texas League.
Fort Worth, Tex., Juno 9. A new
six-club Class D. bsseball league open
ed its season today. Franchise have
been placed In San Ahgelo. Blar Borlnr.
Balllnger, Abilene, Stamford and Sweetwater.
Ad Wolgast and sent reeling yet
ther by Owen Moran, neither of whom
could have stood too to to
Battler tarhen he waa fighting Jimmy
Brltt and Jo Gan. He is yt a young
man and his model life ha no doubt
left him still strong enough to wad
through most. If not all, of the present
top notchers In proper condition. He
has planned out a campaign that means
taking on this or that econ rater un
til he ha worked himself back Into his
old 'form. - But the Dane Is frank to
admit that If h sees he can never
mount to the old pedestal he will quit
the gam for good.
Nelson ha never boxed befor a
Portland crowd, and th fan her are
eager to ae him In actlon,vand no
doubt th affair would be profitable to
all concerned In It if It finally ma
tore. Toung Fitten ha boxed here
and on' hi only start mad a deoldedly
favorable Impression. . He came . north
from San Francisco for the purpose ef
boxing Danny O'Brien or-Bud Ander
son, but ths disbanding of th Van
couver Boxing club left him out In th
cold; so far a a local match waa, con
cerned, until Nelson appeared on th
seen. ... .
riaas Being Withheld.
Just what plans th IndependenceJ
day promoters have in mind they ar
not ready to divulge. However, they
say that the public will b duly ap
prised of the training quarter Of th
contestants and th location of th .boot,
if it Is carried out according to prev
ent Intentlona - - - - '
There la on thing ' certain, and that
is tb fact, that th Portland fans are
lovers of good, clean, scientific boxing
such as Nelson and Fitten may be x
pected to entertain them with. . When
th Vancouver bout Were being held
considerable" surprise wss expressed
at th presence around the ringside at
great discomfort to themselves In trav
eling and lack of proper accommoda
tlons of prominent and . dignified Port
land business and public men. They
gave tone to th exhibitions and there
wa a distinctly noticeable lack - of
rowdyism of some of the, told time flat
fests In this neck of th wood.
. Arrangement for th match will
probably assume tangible form In a day
or so, wnen, it is expected, some' Inter
esting Information may be ready for
announcement to the fans.
This is ladles' day at th ball gam.
Th fair sex will about fill th grand
stand and than soma. - With all th
visitor la town space will be at a prem
ium. First com, first served.
. , .. e . . -n
Steea might pitch thl afternoon and
whenerir he doe It 1 usually an extra
Inning affair. That - has always been
Bill' luck on ladle day. . .
Whenever you have a grudge against
your Chines dishwasher don t nri mm
during th Rose FaativaL . That la what
one of our moat prominent baseball fans
did and now th chinks won't work for
him and he misses ths game.
"j ' '-'-: e V .
Forfeiting games seems to b th
fashion around th Northwestern dig
gings these summer afternoon. ...
. - . e - - '
Tonight at San Francisco Jlmmle Car
roll and George ' Klrkwood will clash
in a four round bout that will draw as
big a houa as a battl for th cham
pionship of th world. Both boy ar
lo . great 'form and ' Interest Is keen.
Ther win b a good many thousand
dollar chang hands on th result. . '
Ping. Bodl 1 still tb walloping kid
with th Whit Box. H has been at It
ever since h Joined th Chlcagoans and
now h Is a hero bold. Th pride of
Dagotown at. San Francisco will have
A monument dedicated to him whan he
crosses th great divide.
Hunt Club Running Events To
morrow Promise to Be ri.
- ' V ' Interesting. ( N
Th Portland Hunt club's spring mat
In, which Will b held tomorrow after
noon on th Country club track, starting
at I o clock, promisea to b th greatest
running matinee yet held by " that or-
ganlaatlon. ' Th beat horse in th club
hav beef) ntered. and. some of them
hav been . schooled to stlth an extent
that they ar expected to mak a mil In
l:4x, carrying not les than 14S pound
Two of th horses tn th dub, Ore
gon kid. owned by Cheater Murphy, and
H. Bennett, owned by William Davis,
each of - jrhlch has won sight paper
aha. during th past year, ar x
pected to put up th great eat rac of
their, careers, and sttl th suprem
acy ta their claaa.
In th five eighths mil dash such
good horses ss Misty Pride, , Kittle
Story, Colanthus and Oregon ' Frank,
which, won th Thanksgiving paper chase
and 'th Washington's Birthday rac.
will b ntrd.
Tin relay rac was tried out yetr-
ay, and th Worses and riders received
their . last Instruction. Thl , ahou-Id
pro on of th Interesting' events on
th card. . . ;
Four arm officer from Vancouvor
barracks will hav their horsss entered
in the polo pony rac. They ar Lieu
tenants Ruckerm, Sleman, Bdd ana
Schof leld.
Th race Will b run off In haste,
so that th spectators may ranch th
cars before I o'clock.
Seattle's 'Splendid Club to
Meet' Portland In Annual
university of Michigan alumni will
hold a Hold day at Belle Isle, Detroit,
June io, a zeature being a rowing rac
between the Detroit Boat club and Uni
versity of Michigan crew.
Hart Schaffher & Marx
have made some special
young men's styles for
us this season "Shape
Maker," 'Varsity," Nor
folkthat are right in
every way.
When you young fellows
can get all-wool quality
and this sort of tailoring,
with your style, you'd
better do it.
$20, $22.50, $25, $30
$35 and $40 -
Cluett Shirts
Stetson Hats
Sam'I Rosenblatt & Co.
. Third arid Morrison
..-.'r Paclfle Ooaat la4rae. .. v
- ' - Won,- Lost.'" Pet
runiBoa .,. .1
Ban Francisco ........ 17
Oakland S
Vernon 35
Sacramento',... , 2
Los Angeles 27
Northwestern League,
Won. Lost.
foruana 4....,
Chicago ....
New York..
Cleveland . .
St, Louts ...
American League.
. Won. Lost
' 22
New York
Chicago .
Pittsburg ..
Bt. Louis
Cincinnati -
Boston i
National League.
Won. Lost,-
At "Pittsburg' ;.-; R.H.B.
New York 4 12 1
Pittsburgh I T 4
BatteriesAmes, Crandall, Jieyer and
Wlson: Caronlts and Gibson. ' Umpires
Klem and Emsli. ,
Sloven Inning.-
R. H.E.
1 2 2
At Chicago:
Chicago .X.. i $ 3
. Batteries Knltxer and Bergen; Reul
bach and Kllng. . 1 :.
Umpires Rlgler and Finneran. -
At Kw York R.R.E.
Chicago .. . i, . i'. if,. T 13 : 1
New York ..,:. UUs'i:..-i'i'. 1 V
Batteries Walsh and . SuUivan; ITord
and Sweeney.'.';" i:. .".y--.'-'. .v -i;
Umpire Kran and Mullen. . ; .
At Cincinnati . : . R.H.E,
Philadelphia ... . . . i . ..... .., ri6 . 1
Cincinnati. ...... ...... 4 '2
Batteries Moor and Dooln; From
me, Smith and Clarke. - i
Umpire Johnstone and Eason. ", . .
M. Jto, th Japanea Jlu Jitsn export
of Seattle, aald to' be the best man of
his weight in America, will-meet -Far
mer". Watson, an eaatarn mlddlw!ght.
tonight in a Jlu Jltsa match In th Ar
mory at8:20 o'clock. Wats.j.. may n
any holds he wisnea, being compelled by
th roles, howTr. to don th Jacket '
It la expected that a larg crowd of
Japan - will witness Ath match, as
well as many curious whites, who hav
yet to e an exhibition of th fasclnat
Ins- same of th little brown men.
Th match wi:i tak place about 3: 20
O'clock, . being preceded , by. an exhibi
tion of 'wrestling by a team of eight
grapplers f rom Itos Seattle schooL ;
AU Washington: - R. H.B.
Cleyeland 2 8 'I
Washlngan , ......:..' ' 4 8 -3
Batteries Mitchell, Krapps and Land;
Johnson And Street -Umpire
Perrin and Dlneen.
At Philadelphia: - R. H.B.
Detroit 18 0
PhlUdlphla 1 8 1
Batteries Donovan and Btanage;
Plapk and Thomas, t ..
Umpires Egan, and Sheridan. .
At Boaton '" ! Kit B.
St Louis ...... 11 1
Boston .... Jl . i 0 6
-. Batteries Lake and Clarke; Clcotts
and Nunamaker. Umpires O'Loughlin
and Connolly. ' "
Portland and Seattle will hav It out
on th cricket field tomorrow, when th
Sound player meet the Rose City ex
part at th Or eat English game in an
all day match. Th match will b played
at th cricket park on Kast uixty-sev.
enth street, , which . can b reached by
the Montavilla car line. No. admission
la charged .to the match and the public
la , invited to attend. The gam , will
start at 11 . O'clock-and shonld th
weather prove favorable a large crowd
of visitor 1 expected. , .
Th following player hav bea se
lected to repreeent Portland: - w. Ad
ama, C. Shipley, W. Marshall, X. Bailey,
Qu Qry. P.- Chappeu Browne, w. u.
Smith. J. Churchley, j: Mackle. B. Ven-
wlck.,J..f Cummlng. ,
-The team has bean, practising nerd
during th . last week and 1 now In
good snap to repreeent th horn city.
From all account Seattle is bringing
down a strong team, . so that a cloee
and exciting gam I anticipated.
Every preparation ha been mad to
welcome th Seattle team and the club
houee Is beautifully decorated with the
club . colors and toses.. .... .:.
. ; ,..',
' . Feathers In Good Condition.
Los Angeles; June I. Joe Rivers and
Tommy Dixon are in th beet condition
for ' tholr l-round contest- scheduled
to tak plac at the Vernon arena to
morrow afternoon, ' The boy weighed
in at 10. o'clock thi . morning with
neither over" the stipulated weight of
122 pounds. Both! fighter ar confidant
of victory, . ...
' Ragle's Broken Ann ' Mending. ..
Pittsburg. Pa, Jun I. Walter Nagel,
formerly of th Pacific coast league,
who l recovering from a' broken arm,
is hopeful today . of soon being able
to return to the' game. When he re
joins th pitching staff of th Flrat.
Nagel is anxlou to mak good th repu
tation h' brought with him from Los
Ang!.' :,. ,. '., '..
Th national Interscholastie track and
field . championships will be held at
Travers Island, N. Y under, the aus-
pices of th New York Athletio clnb on
Saturday, Jun IT. . . '
Colored Pugilist Sets 'Em Up '
V; and Becomes Popular--
" on Boat, y,:
:- ."lVi.1ld Prwe STIrat ' 1 C
Aboard Kron Prlns Wilheim. June t
(By wireless to New York). Jack
Johsaori,'en ( rout to , th coronation,'
continue to b th center of attraction
on board th big liner. No oolor lmf
has yet been draw After a slight.
attack of meJ.deiMmer the flrt day out, ;
during which Johnson and his wife kept
t their stateroom in th chief, engln-
eers quarters, Johnson . appeared thl
morning feeling fin and gav a boxing
exhibition In th gymnasium. ' v
Both nal and femals Daaaanmra
watched Johnson's perform aaoa iwlth
keen Interest Johnson has established
quarters In the smoklna- room ana sn.
Joys the greatest popularity among hi
fellow passengera. The constant pop
ping : of - champagne corks may hav '
something to do with thla Yesterday
Johnson scored a victory that he prise
as highly as ths heavrwelaht cham.
pionship of. the world. Despite any
thing any land- lubber mar ar. Jack
is a Ungulet of elasa After one night's
truggl With a "traveler'a Enrliah..
German dialogue book," the champion
almost gave a stolid Qrman eteward ,
heart, failure,' when, fixing th waiter
with a olmn ' y. he asked for his
dish In Teutonlo gutUral thst would
hav mad th kaiser proud f him.
Mrs. Johnson, swallowing faat almost:
choked on th Vienna roll as her un-
lonqured husband tor through another
rflAftW 0.9 . . MMVma Tf.
ger wlthlng rhot ' gasped. Johnson
never stopped onUl he reached what he
thought Should be a period. Then h
took a long breath and mad a running-
sUrt for another bunoh of language
Soft 'for Carl Morris.
(Cnlted frees Lease Wlrs. ' t
Tnlsa, Okla.. June 3. Carl Morris.
the Sapulpa hope. Is dus to collect some
mor soft money tomorrow ' when h
meets Jesse Wlllard, another Oklahoma
heavyweight, in a 16-round battle here.
side bet of 36,000 Is said to hav
been made and the winner is also to,
tak all th gat receipts, r . v ..
,What a "shame, no 12 Eenshaw Ve-
terday. Hero's hoping' someone gets it
today..- .f -.. -
Victoria Loses . In First, ; , "... j:. ,
Tacoma, Wash- June . J.-The i un
steady first Inning caused the defeat of
the Victorians , yesterday;. by th .score
of 6 to 4. Four runs were scored in
the first inning.' tXeller's playing at
shortstop was unusual. The batting of
Coleman, Morse and Burns proved, the
feature. .S'i'yi y;-f :V ''1
' Score: '"': -'':':!'"x'c ?;'rR H TB
Tacoma .....'........,...; I 11 0
Batteries. Sag and Spiesmanr Gor
don and. Burns., .- n-u-,.r .,v
Vernon Takes Ono From Oaks.
Lo Angele. CaU June 9.-j-Blg . Jim
Stewart waa in splendid form yester
day and helT the , Oaks down, heating
- ---.-. -i' m ' :. M ',,..,.
tnem ny xne Kvn v. i w a. mn
wer mad ff hlf delivery, v "
'".8cor. :-'i&!&-R H K
Oakland .....
Vernon T.-,... . , . i
Batteries. Flater aridjMltse; Stewart
and Brown.- ij v-; h!1
indlans Wln'Free Hitting.
Spokane, v Wash., June 9.- In a free
hitting contest the" Spokane team de
feated th Giant , by ' .th score "of 10
to 6. The Indian scored, in every in
ning but the eventh. The batting , of
Cooney.- Zimmerman and f Skeels . fea
tured ths a-ame. w - V-,
Score:'' . .' . R H 15
SeatUe f 9 1
Spokane i. : . . 1 0 1 5 ; 1
Batteries. Skeels and Spencer; Holm
and Ostdiek. s.-. .-.
V Timely Hitting Beats Seals,
San . Francisco, Cal., June 9. The
timelr hitting of the Senator won yes
terdav'a ararae. 6 1 .to 2.' Arrellanes Split
his finger In the sixth inning and Fit
rerald flniahed the game, CRourke's
Sattina was th featur of the affair.
.. Scores "':':iMs:'4-r'y& R H E
Sacramento '; .;- . .."-' f. '.,'. 1 1
San ttVanclsoo . ..i.;. ......... 2 8 ' 1
Batterte.--ritsgeraia, u-reiianea ana
La , Longs; MOBKiman j . ana iserry,
Schmidt' J;;.s. . . .:- -
K. O. Brown Coming. ,
fValfd Press Leeied Wire. -.'-:.; f"
New York, June 9. Knockout Broirn,
the local lightweight boxer, Is making
nlana for a trip to San ' Francisco.
Brwn will be at th ringside- to chal
lenge th - Winner of ; the i July" 4 fight
between Owen Moran and Champion Ad,
Wolgast v Brown says he expect . to
engage in a number of short round bouts
en rout. ' ,
The Best on
Earth for the Price
A p&racMlarly . fike - like of -v
: Panama iniow, $5.00 emd up
-.j i. ? if n -mi . I
' 'v';' ;
I - A
" V. ..1 . I . :-A M : ' Til
Moinrkom 'at Totortlii'
'P- , : BULLETIN JUNE 9TH, 1911 .
TTftrfw-ftna oit.ri aern irnrlav Tri-rlM niptrfni fVia
-' ww wy -rasw J w w-fV wmmi vs s --a, wg. .-yvz-tfa .
famous English' author: died. .Vviftvitf h--:::in'-,
".1 ilWML. ' IWIIII.I.I " ''
Tb, week of September'' 8l)' to 'October
8 . nas oeen set oy me ooara or gov
ernors of the r Aero club of; St Louis
for -the .holdlngiOf -. the International
aviation meet. ' The meetlngv will be
ppen to all comers and H is probable
foreign aviators will take part : - : it
. - j
y:,;-, MBN'S;.WKAR
'-,'!J !IC IMllli iV-'e ! V.'H
Oh cattail f
gffeojO ?40.00 ; ' ' .
' ; 84VcWASHTNGTOV - '
Osfrriffct BwtlObMt Mas
J .,'