The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 09, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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real uUU 'transaction la on reoonj
here . today. Mrs. Orwn, through' her
rants, placed en tula aoma land In
Oeme per. The coup which. was exe
cuted by . Frederic IL Bartlett and
the property passed Into tha hands of
topics of In
Coba and McKinnon, Ita present owners.
', . ' I ' ' mi L
Talking tables, as well ss all other
types of talking machines at EJlero Mu
slo House. '.' , - , i' i ' , i!", .
ChlcaaTO. June I )n. Imu... w., r.. v la aal, m taM .M,il
Hetty Oreen finished second beat in a I them tha neat profit of 11.5,009 before
-'.S.J bbj
... v .nd if re. William ' MacMesier
' .i . iiinn.r laat evenlnf at Ard
tour for a number of tht vlaltora to
the vVeverly flt tournament Flaoes
' J' were marked tor Colonel and lra Ar
" x tliur; Jones, M rev Archer Martin. Mlaa
Nora Comba and Mm. Hartraavaa, an
of Victoria, B. n? " Mra
K. A. J. Mackenate. Mlsa Malala Mao
l Waster, Commander J. M. Ellloott, Col-
' i onal D-orse K. McQuiwesio of tha bar.
racks and th hot and hostesa. ,pl
, 'Tiiin at the Golf elub on Tuesday
Is with tr and Mra, Ai A. Morrison were
f .e -Jf A UakA a. Mat
fIJihop ana jut, now 01
' " ' Mrs. Lyman T. !POweU of West Supe
J -in.. ni vii tha winner of card
: hnnnra at tha brldse of five 'tables
-i.... s.-mtrAmit h Mm E. la Thomp-
! aon at her beautiful Portland Heights
noma. . ,
Mracharies T. Whitney, I Wasco
i stwt. haa .carta out for an at home,
! with r-adltisa by Mlaa Noyee. on Tuea-
flay, June is. m ,
i . -i . e v.
' Mls Jean Brewnlle returned yeater-
" i day from Oakemare, New Rocneue, w.
where ahe has Just been graduated.
'. i . .
. . Mra 'W. a Knighton baa aa her
f ' ameet for a few days, her mother, Mrs.
' E. E. Watera of Bslem.
; lira nn.Rtanflrld of Echo, Or- to
f vleltlng her daughter, Mra V. H. Por
j tsr, at tha Meredith.
J e
Off org 9 Stanley, aon of Mr. ami Mra
F. 8. Btanley, returned yeaterday from
f Tala to apend hia vacation hera Mr.
Stanley was able to arrive sooner on
f account of exemption from examina-
fc tlon, due to excellence in hla atudlea
: J Wednesday la tha day chosen for the
! closing promenade ' and dancing party j
J. .r tha aaait at lh Portland Heights
! club. Tha social committee, Mra A. p.
t Charlton, Mra. t. J. Maiarney,
f A. C. Panton, Mra.' F. H. Tage and Mra.
. i Jay Bmlth. will act aa patronessea
. i " Um VL''A Vara of Seattle, who for-
4 merly mads her home In Portland, haa
VUM a nun) tnr th Hit VolltlVal.
! Mla Gladys Lang,' daughter of Mr.
i and Mrs. Isador Lang, arrived yeater.
day from New York, where she baa
Just finished at tha Finch school.
Mr. and- Mra . R. N. Stanfleld and
daughter, Mlsa Barbara SUnfleld, of
Pendleton, are Festival guests at The
Weaver. - ..'A
Mra Oosllnsky haa coma up from
I San Francisco to spend the summer with
I bar daughter, Mra I. N. Flelschner.
k ' - "7 ;,-:e'-7- - .--,
I 'Vr unit Un. Paul H Proellrh have
as their house guests "for a month or
mora Mr. and Mrs. T.' J. Mltchela, who
arrived laat Friday . from , Milwaukee,
Wis., to apend the aummer In Portland.
, , - e
" Mr." and Mra 15. E. Roberts, formerly
i of Tacoma, left .Wednesday to spend the
aummer on their farm, Oakhlll, near
Sutherlln, Or. They will return In the
fall to make their home hera '
Mlsa Anna Flnley Is entertaining Mias
Rucker of California, . s
Mr. and Mra J. B. Perry and daugh
ter. 1 Miss Jennie Perry, of Pendleton.
have taken a apartment for tha sum
mer at tha Meredith, Twenty-second and
Washington. , v
; -i . , e a .
. Among the out of town visitors to
the Rose Show were Mr. and Mra. Bert
Heaman of White Salmon.
' Dr. and Mra, W. H. Lytla of Pendle
ton have taken an apartment at the
Weaver for tha summer. ,
""An elaborate affair of last evening
was the banquet given at the Commer
clal club by the Monday Musical club
for the Northwest Music Teachers' as
sociation. . Places were laid for about
100 on a table beautifully decorated
with' garlands of red and white- rosea
and shaded .candles.-- John Clair Mon
telth acted as toastmaster. Toasts, re
sponses and short addressee were made
by Miss Emily Frances Bauer, Mrs. H.
A. Hepner, Mrs. Sarah A.' Evans, Miss
Lucy E. Cole of Seattle, Ralph W. Hoyt,
I Claud. Madden of Seattle; II, Eilers and
O. F. Johnson. Miss Alice Juston and
the Harmony quartet gave a number of
delightful selections. '
f : ' .
Miss Mabel Choata. daushter of tha
former American ambassador to Great
Britain, who was presentea 10 King
George and Queen Mary at the third
court held at Buckingham palaca
Many other prominent Americans
made their curtesy to the king at
tha time and alaO a great number of
the wires of tha colonial visitors.
Miss Choata wore a allver gray bro
cade with a rich train showing roses
on a wnue nacagrouna. on ins occa
alon of her presentation.
I By Darra Mora. '
R." AND MRS. LBNZA ef Chicag
couldntt get along. The father
left tha mother witn six
little children. Jlhs couldn't sup
port bar brood, and tha children
were sent to tha Mennonlte home In
West Liberty, : Ohio. But there was
great unharplness far tha youngsters
in tha home, and a row days ago a prat
ty black-ayed girt. Just turned 10, and
her brother, aged it, arrived la Chicago
1 "on tha eushlona- Tha little girl was
wearing ana of. bar brother's suits; her
hair was short Tha two runaways had
"bear their way to Chicago to fat help
for thalr little brothers and sisters, .who
wars too young to brarj tha "cnsnlona
The HtUa'glri was talking of her ax-
periencea, . "It "was all right for a day
or two," aha said. Then they began to
whip ua . I was "whipped twice an Sun,
day for pot staying la eburoh. 80 was
Harry. Than they sent ua t(f bad with
out our dinner or supper. I
"It was Llllie who made It up for ua
to run away. She said that Harry and
X would have to go. because Frank la
only 4, and Gaorga only s, and Beatrice
only 8. She aald she would stay with
them and take tha whippings If wa
would coma to Chicago and gat help.
"Well we ran away on Thursday
mnrnlm. The aent aa ont ta keen tha
cowa out of tha potato pateh whUa the
man who whipped oa and soma ladles
wars planting 'am, Llllie had sneaked
ault of boy's clothes and a pair of
scissors and Marry and I hid 'am nndor
our clothes. 1 . -
"When tha man who whipped vs and
tha ladles wasn't looking, wa slipped
over on tha other side of a hill Than
wa ran Ilka sixty. Pretty soon, when wa
Just couldn't run any mora, wa crawled
on our bands and knees in soma bushes,
'and then Harry cut off my nalr and
helped ma oa with tha panta I took
off my aklrt and everything and hid
thorn In tha weeds. Then I put on the
cap and tha coat and wa started. We I
ran at first Then we'd walk a while
and run again, At laat wa cams to a
pond that waa Just full or mud turtlea
Wo rested and tha turtles earns up on
the bank, and Harry ran and caught II
of them, booauao ba said, ha could kill
'am and eat 'am it we ooulda't get any.
thing also. , , .-, , ;.v
"Than wa started off walking again,
and wa got awful hungry. Harry said
wa'd aat soma of tha turtles, but whan
ha got tha crawly thing out and showed
It to me. Z said I wasn't vary hungry.
Ha ssid ho wasn't hungry either, so wa
kept on walking." t .
For six days the plucky children were
"guoats of honor" in tha Lima, Ohio,
Jalt But bow that they have' reached
Chicago, they are to remain. Also, the
four brothers and sisters who wars left
at tha Mennonlu home are to bo santl
for. , "h v ' ' i-.. , i.
One half tha little boys and girls In I
the world don't know how tbs other
half lira , ., -
rnttinur Awar Lemons.
Lemons are aa Item that ovary house I
wife can economise oa this summer If I
they follow these Instructional Dip aeon I
ono In malted parraXina and wrap lo I
waxed paper, : Lay, away In a large
glaas Jar or crock. Tha large, thin-
skinned ones are to be preferred, as
these can bow bo purchased for about
ono cent each,, and, ee you know. In tha
middle of tha summer you are required
to pay tares times as roucn ror sot as
good quality; an hours time, tan cents'
worth of parraflno and five cents worth
of wsxad paper will be considered money
wall spent If you now put away enough
to last ycu through tha hot spall.
When you wish to use them, all that
will be necessary will ba to dip. them
la fairly bot .water and not only will
tha parraflno entirely coma Off, but thai
not dip win also improve the lemon
by making the extracting of tha Juice
much easier ana mors' complete.
'..U..!.l.B.'. !. ,'J. . 1
seven Tull & Gibbs, Inc. loll
' ',','','" ; . ' J " . ; f '' ',' "J ' ' ' ( , r - " -j
Great interest StflTj "Manifested , in Oir
Closing-Out v:SaIe.' It -Continues a to ' Be
the Most Remarkable Economy Event.
The Stocka, of veiy deparfment j are ; teeming'with bargains;
, most exuaorainaryfi? xnai ; onenngs,: tnat bring ' remarkable
opportunities to . thritty; buyers Never such a sacrifice of
. denendable, merchandise was ever known in Portland;; nr in
f: fact the entire West. 1 In the Women's and Misses' Apparel
Sections In; : PiixnitureNOffice ; Furniture; ' Cajpets;Kufi:s;-
.uuiuiciuua, uiauuigH,. irapcry .una: curtain uooas, vwmaow
bhades,-y m Kanges, . (ias Kanges ; and,Heatmg Stoves, Jin
Crockery, : Glassware, Kitchen ! and Laundry Helps, Utensils.
Etc.. in Go-Carts ;,' and Children's iFurnitiire in TnVa nnA
Children's rVemdesSuch advta
ing .thbus'ands 'of ; homefiixnishers f to v;ttiiv.8tore.;vRemember
mat juiv nrsr is tne aav we nave set: to wind un nnr hnci.
ness in Portland. The present ; selling indicates '' that everv
tu utic win uc; uiauuacu ux u . ima lime, ll is 110 W tnat you
' should avail yourself of the wonderful opportunity for
supplying your' home needs; : Such savings as this great
event offers . are not likely to be presented in many months.
Don't delay ; in your selections Choose . while the assort
ment and range of prices are broader than they will be during
the last days of sale. All Store Fixtoes; Machmery, Wm
dow Display Fixtures, Lighting Fixtures, Etc., now for sale
(Tinfteo Praea IaHuw4 tvre.t
New Tork, June I. The elopement
and marriage of Miss Helen Whlttler
Andrus and Henry Homer Hobb be-'
came known . -today. Repreaantatlve
John E. Andrus, father of the bride,
multi-milllonalra. Is. some time called
"the richest man In congress." Hobbs,
who ia a floorwalker In a Springfield,
Msaa, department store, waa for two
years before his graduation last year
one of the star players on tha Tala
football team.
is the only dentifrice that thoroughly
and properly cleanses the teeth
The Sale of Wall Papers Conines to Be As
of An Attraction as During the K
'Tliirik of Fine Wall Covering., Such as comprint Our Stock, Being Dupoed of
at One Fifth of Regular Prices, and Even Lets Bring in the Measurements of Your
Wall Space YouTI Find Latett and Most Artistic Effects. v v
. 'I' ii ii f . .-V ; ' , '
' tX5alei fnm Leaied Wlre.l
McKlnney, Texaa June 9. Because his
wife opposed Senator Bailey, while ha
was a atrong aupporter of tha Texas
lawmaker, argument In tha home of J.
H. Smith became so hot that he Is suing
for a divorce.
f1 (1
"Once rreckled Always rreckled" Wo
Xionger True How to Bemovt
People wed to take' their freckles to
the grave. That waa before they knew
about Klntho, the simple remedy that
la aold under a guarantee to remove
freckles, or money back. Look In the
glasa, and at the first sign of a freckle
get a two ounce pack aire of Klntho at
Woodard, Clarke-& Co., or wherever toi
let goods are sold and aee If it doesn't
remove your freckles as if by magic.
"Use Klntho Soap too. It will not only
help give the freckles a push, but it
la delightful for toilet uee," , j
We have secured from our other branch offices elsewhere in tha United
States 'several expert workmen, who have had tha benefit of our train
ing and now we want the people in Portland to avail themselves of
their expert services. Popular prices will still prevail. Coming to our
office for an examination an an estimate for the work to be dona
lacea you under no obligation to have the Job completed at our place.
e wiu giaoiy iook over your mourn ana aaviee you wnai to aoj,
, Year
23 Offices
in the
United ;
Making Artificial Teeth
The kind you want if you need a plate and the kind you have longed
for If you have an Improperly fitted plate Our plates fit so perfectly
and comfortably that they will not i cause the slightest annoyance or
diacomrort. lAon't experiment m sucn a
serious matter. Come here aadj
22-k. Gold or White Crowni ............ ,(JQ ff
22-k. Bridge Teeth, guaranteed, each DOeUU
Good Set of' Teeth on Rubber Plate ........ f 5.00
Office open from 8 till Sundays, S to It A. 1C
Over iisrolianta Hatloaal Bank, entire corner.
Second and -Washington
Karshall 7143.
Neckwear and Belts--Their Filial Prices
29a Neckwear 8al-3Se, 39c 50c, tte and
$125 Neckpieces for 29.. Linen Stocks, Pique
Stocks and Ascot Ties in plain white and fancy
1 l" Linen Collara at One-Third a? Recmtar trirs.
! , Tailored Collars, Dutch Collars and Maude Ad-
imi Collars, r lain linen, embroidered and edged
with Irish crochet lace. Wide, medium and nar
row. Sizes 12, 12tf, 13, 13, 14, Utf, 15, 1554
.and 16. - ' ' , , 1 ' ';
15c values now... "5s 25c values now.A 8V
35c values now ,,,12a) r50c values now ,,,17a
75c values now5 ...25t $1.50 vals. now ...50a)
"V , $2S values now T6eV l
Belt Sale 35c, 39c, 50c and 75c Belts for
94 Patent .leather and plain leather Belts in
red, green, brown, tan and black. - u
v. Z9e Belt SaIe-i-J5rL SI 1 2J arif Sf S(l Tt-1t.
for 29 ft Plain, patent leather and embroidered
pongee Belts. -;
69s Belt Sal$1.75, $1.95, $2.50 and $2.95
Belt for 69f. 'Plain and patent leather Belts,1
T.ffata c:n, ' p.:.u c:il. j i . : -1 -.
I tic and White linen Belts. ; i, 15
. f 1.19 Belt Sale $1.65, $1.95, $2.50, $2.75 and
$2.95 Belts for f 1.19. Plain leather Belts, Suede
Belts,. Fancy Velvetand Elastic Belts. - "
(Fritted Pr iMaed Wire.)
; London. June 9. Frank Jay
Gould's desire to acquire control
of the Gaiety theatre la explained
today by the statement Jot his
friends that Mrs. Gould, formerly
Edith Kelly, wishes to return to
the stage in musical comedies.
Before leaving for Paris yester
day, Gould said he wanted only
to he represented on the board of
directors of tha theatre. -
(Coltel Vreiw Leafed Wtr.,
y London, June 9. Lady Doclee, for
tnarlv Vlvlnn ClnnA nf Kan, Vn.i, i.
far recovered todav from h r yew
, iiiness xnai ii ia expected she will be
.strong enough to participate In the
coronation, now less than two weeks
SUES HIM FOR $25,000:
.',.".,..,. (CalteC Prea Laaacd Win..
Poughkeepale, N. T., June 9 Miss
Agnes Frick is suing Arthur Ostrander
for $25,000 for breach of promise. At
the same time Mrs, Virginia Ostrander,
the young man'a mother, is suing Mlsa
Krlck to return the engagement ring
her son presented , Y,
rrjnltni Ptrm lwJ Wlr.
New York, June 9, Ionesnme for his
mistress, who had sailed for Europe,
Pat. a big Maltest cat Jumped from the
thirteenth atory of the Hotel Plaaa and
cotnmitted suicide. ,
j Seventy-five fhtrk-e In Hunt club run
nlng ra? ea, Saturday aftcrnhon at Coun
try flu!) ratrat-k. liosie Clty.'Fark car,
j p, at.! t eat horse la aorUiwest.
e AW WAJ If X-.Wli"rrr -X. . . atw- i MM 1 WWM i
I Merely "asking for Long Silk Gloves r IjvjrS. -
AcOTA oe tnsun ycmr Ketting''aaysera."-,. There's ai way to tell llvw- -""oott
genuine Look ia the Hem fof tha name "Kayset," it's there
MVi for yoar Pirotection "N reprnt tjutlity, reliability and a life- IJh
4Vl t"nc cxpc"encc silk glove making. ., -
TAv. A Guarantee that Guarantees joJ 1 ; '
!mVV "A new pair free" if the 'ftlps" wear out before the glove, fffl l5 . . - . '
V Ew Don't Accept th '"Jtut a Good" Kind Mf . '
(llS. 4jKygci gloves "cosf no more" and are worth yyj$ul) ' "
vjgv 1 " ' "double in quality, style and value. JyjM&J I, . . "? -L
Slert Silk Clever 50c, 75c, $1.0 ' VV J "
IlSJX) " 75c:.T1.0e,$L2St$1.50Vjj , ,
' , JnUae Kayear aV Ce MeJkers SXteiV ' '
i ii mi I The'
IS" I! II P " " I
Sale of Brass Beds
This $15.50 Full-Size Brass
' Bed at $9.25
In the popular satin finish, with
2-inch posts. One of the best
plain patterns ever, displayed on
our floors.
$56.00 Brass Bed for.
$59.00 Brass Bed for
65.00 Brass Bed for.
Is the Greatest Ever Known ' in Portland. A Car
of Them at Closing-Out Prices.
The very, latest types in Brass Beds rheavy post
effect, continuous-post styles, combination square
and round tube designs in satin and polished fin
ishesV all showing the, skill of the metal craftsman."
Theseare all full size. ,
$26.00 Brass Bed for. .$16.75 ;
$28.00 .Brass Bed for. :. .$18.25
$32.00 Brass Bed for. $19.75
$38.00 Brass Bed for. ....... $21.25
$39.00 . Brass Bed for . $24.75
$40.00 Brass Bed for . .$29.75
$67.00 Brass Bed for. ...... . .$35.00
. $75.00 Brass Bed for. . . . . ; .$39.00
$77.50 Brass Bed' for .$47.50:
jhf " 'Ew' notice 'tow muck tefterfooc tastes VrQ
wKen well eerveJ. and Jaintily arnisned? ,
wImRy 5 a can uy a teer. It gives a keen ff B
MxlM li Idiwh- rT'S ' aPPctite for wholesome food. f In its
W&lMh' terSl ' tadsome 'package' it ' adoAs any
' v fB