The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 09, 1911, Page 1, Image 1

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    r- ii i t rm w v . . t . i r w- v , , . , .. ,
; Portlands Rapid Growth ; i
KMU fTMtwfll realty, iwuri,
- ere offered dally la Tli oraals 3ee,,.,
' l"a. , - ' " '
; The weatberFalr tonltat and
Saturday; northwesterly winds." .,
Boise .,.,. i.i.,
') mm . a T . ,
Sea STraneisea
' price two cents ' a'Msn
.. ;. '.'''....;.',;":"; ...7,:. : ,-,-
Pretty Peninsular Girls Scatter
! Beautiful Blooms in Bewil
I dering Profusion; Four Car-
J: 1 i' r-i 1 1-.-. j
f loaus qi riuwers ueu.
rnrrTK ninnrrrn
mill iii 1 uinu. 1 binkw
Battle of Blossoms Fought to
I Edification of the Spec-
Jrnar rrornun. "
1 p. m. Races, Rlvaralda Drlylaf
4. club, Country Club ground. 4
4 I p. m. Bwlmmlng carnival, . wu- 4
4 lamttta nvr. Mat cna Haw- 4
4 thorn briar. 4
4 I p. tn. wua waat ahow, Muitnc- 4
4 man f laid.
4 4 p. m. Human Roaebuoa, 4t00 w
4 . acbool children, Grand avanua, 4T
4 parada and fantlatlo drlua. 4
Ap, nx Pyrotechnic diapiar at the 4
4. Oak a. Children under a( or 10 4
4 yeara admitted free if accompa- 4
4 -tiled by parenta or adult guar- 4
4 dlaji. . 4
4 satnMaya rrognua. . . 4
4 10 a. m. Mualo on buainaaw g
'- atreeta. , .,,:- - 4
4 S p. m. Raclnir ' matinee. Hunt 4
4 club. Country Club rmoe track.
t:tO p. m. Nea perco Indiana, puan -
ball camea by horsemen, Multno- 4
man field, - .-.
1:10 p. m. Farewell . to Rex Ore-4
4i gonue. Repeat maalo electrlo 4
4.' parada. k. ...-..-
Millions of rosea, riotously ' flunff
broadcast by 100 beautiful rlrls. car
peted the street and filled the air with
perfume over a 10 mils course this
moraine. v
peninsula people to the success of the
Rose Festival, and an event without a
poaslble parallel In the united, states.
Four carloads of roses were riven
and thrown away. There was a bou
quet for each of the thousands that
thronged the .line of parade, Perfect
blooms that would have excited the
envy or eastern nonets ana cominana-
Continued on Pejre Seventeen.)
t iiiiiii ii ii 1 mum :-
I . ,i j
RAREST FLOWERS, m'-h, -; ,Jf
RESpOFjiiMMrWlE .'.''IV
William Hill, His Wife and Her
Two Children ' Beaten . to
, Death Near Sellwood; Mur
derer Unknown.
Wore Than 4500 Children to
Parade on East Side Streets
Today; Wonderful .Sights to
Xumaa.Bosebad Vaxade. : '
. I p. m Grand avenue. Form
on Holladay and Grand avenue; '
; march on Grand avenue aouth to e
Hawthorne. . Maypole ; danee,
garland ' and wreatb- drills ' and
other forraationa In. uniform and
flower costumes before the re
viewing stands at Hawthorne
and Grand and East Ankeny and
Grand. '
Three prises are offered for
the 'school having- the largest
percentage of representation, and
for the school ' making the beat
i Forty-five , hundred children
from nearly to schools Will par
4 e 4
Procession, Brilliant With; Wealth of Floral .Decorations and
Gay With Rich Trappings, Prancing Steeds, Stirring
Music, and Floats Laden With Pretty Girls in Costumes,
- Sets High' Mark of Excellence; List of Prize Winners. -
Fiend May Be Hiding in Dense
Wood. Nearby; Autopsy ; .
.Being Held. u f f
. . . ',... 2..-
.; J,1:; ;
- ?
William H. Hill, his wife, Ruth Cow- ,
lng Hill, and Mra. Hill's two ehUdren, .
Philip and Dorothy Rlntoul, aged 9 and
I years old, were murdered early this
morning la their littla cabin ona mile '
aouth of Ardanwald station on the ,Cas
adero line of the O. WV P. " .
All were killed a they elepL the
murderer braining each with an axe.
Conditions of such unusual atrocity aur- .
round the murders that it. la thought
they must have bean, committed by an
insane degenerate., The heads of each
had been beaten Out of aemblance to hu
man shape... A physician baa been sent
for to perform an autopsy on the bodies,
of the woman and. the little girl, , .-
. tXtufterer Stay Be Hiding-. , :
It le thought poaslble the murderer.
after he had flnlahed his work In the
houae, eacaped across the road and tnio
a property known as tbe Scott estate, )
which' la wild. and jUutklr ..ikxioded. A
poaa Is searching this estate with the
expectation, of finding tbe fiend or his
dead body. v..vr'r. -v-
Mrs. Hill was a daughter of Thomas
F. Cowlns. wba lives ; at 174 aat .
Madlaon street and Is an attorney In
the firm of Cowlnr Cowing. 314 Wor- 1
ceater building, i She waa married about
10 years ago to - James Rlntoul, well
known ss an athlete and a member, of
tha Multnomah club, football team of
100S. She obtained a divorce from filn-
toul three yeara ago on grounds of cruel
ty and obtained the possession of their
two children. Rlntoul waa formerly em
ployed by tbe Oregonlan but is believed
to be living- In Salt Lake at. tha preaent
time. He has , remarried. .
Hill was a plumber, employed by the ,
Sellwood Gas company. He formerly
lived in Maryavllla, Waah and married
Mrs. Rlntoul there a year ego. They
have been living on the little farm on
At t itn Ipft hand! Is ntrr of J. TT. Klaler: at Ho-ht Is ahown lwantlfiil float
of United Artisans on Fifth street; below, at left, la Seattle' "Pot-1 r'".Si
taicn uoai; in lower ngni iiauu corner as ' nanasomeiy aecoraia
auto chemical track.
(Continued en Page Five.)
Fasti California Flyer Comes
I; ! h t o ? CpIIisiort J With FrefSht
( Train;; Among Dead Arc Eri
'l, gineer and Fireman. '
The children.' rarest rosebuds In a
city of perfect bloom, will cause Grand
avenue to blosaom out with their frag
rant' Innocence and beauty this after-1
The real teat of the success Of the
Rose Festival the horse and vehicle
noon. The area test crowd of the Rose I parade pasaed off yesterday afternoon
Festival is expected there. Costumed with flying; colors and established a new
In the bright and glowing colors of the I standard for beauty that other festivals
flowers tney imitate, the children from I will have to strive long and hard to sur
all but two east side schools will march
over gorgeous Grand avenue, 4500
' In the Human Rosebud ; parade la
given all the beauty the flowers pos
sess, ana this additional animated life.
pass. . ... .
From,; every viewpoint, .both In the
quantity of roses and' other flowers
used, the artistic manner In which the
horses and carriages were decorated and
V 'is' (United Pitas tad Wirt. I -;
j Albuquerque, N. M., June 9. .! The
Fe passenger train No. 3, known as the
California limited, came Into collision
With a tie train near Domingo, 30 miles
north "of here, at 10:45 this morning.
Six : persona are reported dead and . a
large number Injured. ' - v
Among the known dead are A- W.
Green, engineer, and the fireman of the
limited., A, mistake In orders Is said
to have been responsible for the wreck.
A relief train of nine cars,' carrying-surgeons--
and hospital ; supplies has
left for the scene of the wreck. ..:.' ,
The healts of the youngnters are In theM general appearance of the parade.
fantastlo formations. . , The scene will mat oi yesieroay anemoon waa proo-
not be happier than their faces. Toes w n ost beautiful of all the week's
and eyes will dance to the spritely fes-l pageants.
tival musio. . I It Isn't so easy to get a sumcient
jTothln Can Sattal It ' n?B. of I,Rn,Mm c";
The drilling of the children hasAre-1 .. (v. ..... ... v,. ...mmoMUi m
quired manr months. The reaching Of r.rn11na. thit horses fttitbut there are
unpenecuonfcWuia? oniy nave oeen many, who will always prefer looking
possible through the enthusiastic co-l .i. .,i JS .
S"' "l fr sniiuiyn inemseivtis. men aa horses to the mechanical awlft
?ro,'580L5ob,r.:l?rohB wh? wltls .M,s" neas of an automobile or electrle pro
uwrp. wr .nn ip - pnncipajs or xne cession and the enthusiasm of the
schools, .hare) been, In charge of .the ar owds that thronged the streets yes
preparation. " rives ' the children full I . a ,,. wi
. jTi .'iT . . iney nave favor, U still with the horses when It
entered Into the spirit of the event In eom.. tn th. mukinn- of a soectaele.
all the United " States no festival of
whatever sort Is like unto or equal to
the Human Roeebud parade.
- When .the people saw the Rosebuds
on Grand avenue last year they ex
claimed with pleasure and delight. The
perfection of drill and Intricacy of
fnrm.tlin war a 4aIa1Tv ft..
city never received better advertising f1'
man nm news ana pictures mat trav
Mi winners.
Following are tbe prise winners In
horse and vehicle parade; ' '
First woodlawn's float
Second Fraternal Brotherhood. Port
land lodge No. 209. - , . ' ,-. -i--,-.-
Honorable ' Mention Seattle Golden
Special Mention Japanese society of
nnr - TTnltaA 'Bt.l.. imlllm I Oregon.
First Kramer's Riding; school.
(Continued on Page Seventeen.)
. ... . Xorse and nggy.
First Mrs. M. Kugle, No. 9T. V
Second Mrs. A C lAhmire, No. 88.
Rorse and Cart
First O. J. Brown, No. 121.
Second C W. Dilg, No. 185.
Pony and Cart
First Alice and Marion Bowman, No.
Second C. 8. Crook, No. 99.
Horses and Traps.
First Miss Francea Bheey.
Second Mrs. o. P. M. Jamison.
Saddle Horses.
Fi ret Miss Lulu Hatfield.
Becond Miss Esther Poulsen.
; Bngllsn Bldlnf Cart
First Harry Ladd Corbett.
Surgy and Team.
First I C. McCormlck.
Plre companies.
First Engine company No. 18.
Second Engine company No. 5.
' JM ... I ii i -
".' . rnnimiinniiiniirn
ruKfluu ui bnt
Is Making His Way Through Woods East of Spokane With
Many Hunters After Him; Love for Wife of One Victim
Assigned as Cause of Tragedy; Murderer, Shoots From
Hip With Rifle and Is an Expert Marksman. N
8pee!it! Dlnnatcli to The Jnonial.1
Bookane. Waah.. June 9. With a high
power ' rifle, plenty of ammunition and
xne vregon Agricultural college ca- .rmntlon tn Vtll rthr than ha
aeis, always one oi me star lea cures or eantured." William t Bvrd. who killed G.
the Rose festival, headed the parade Jr. Whipple and John Manskt, and prob-
yesterday afternoon and, as always,! ably fatally - wounded Justice C. W.
were cheered to the limit from first to I Meisner of Dlshman, a Spokane suburb.
last They marched and drilled to what last evening, has succeeded In eluding
seemed perfection. Wearing freah khaki haylly armed eearchers up to noon to-
uniforms, with Just enough orange braid
tJ vA mrt avw rafw nknr a iA naarSftal ?h
to display the college colorsr they made m.Za. mt,rr.r
a fine showing and theadmiratlon they the orthweat alnce Tracy-a day, will
arouaed along the route of the parade I .a . i , ki. k. w
muat have paid for the trouble of the fnr t.w.n it i. fenrert.
long, trip to Portland, made especially
u parcicipaie in xne, lesuvai.
Following the cadets came the mem
bers of the Portland Hunt club, the
men wearing white riding breeches, red
Jackets and silk hats, the women black
riding habits, with red collars, while
those who rode cross saddle wore silk
hats and those riding side, 'English
The slayer'a trail through the hills
southeast of Spokane was taken up anew
this morning by Sheriff George E, Stone
and a force of deputies,' who are now
following his supposed route into the
Saltese country, 35 miles southwest.
Bloodhounds were placed on - the trail
this morning, following ; a failure to
work last night but they are untrained
ana or little assistance,. , .
justice Meisner, a member of- the
posse, snot while pursuing Byrd follow
ing the murder at Dishman, continues In
a coma from a hole In one lung. - He
nas little cnance or recovery.
Byrd, who claimed to have put seven
(Continued on Page Seventeen.)
(Continued on Page Five.)
:s t (Saltni Baraaa of The Journal,!
Salem, Or. June 9. Private Jubilees
after public performances are common
among clrcua people but ' few" crews
have ever had more genuine occasion
for a -"blowout" ' than; that given ' the
Sells-Floto followers by Governor West
in this city last evening. V When the cir
euf pulled Into Salem vlaible gloom
overspread the countenances of clowns,
rlngvriders and; acrobats alike.
Inquiry revealed the cause of the sad
ness to be a comrade serving time in
the penitentiary. After a visit to the
penitentiary the employes were talking
in depressed groups la the big tent when
the governor came along and overheard
The manager oft
what was being said,
the. circus said:
t "I'd like to have John selling tickets
today. He's the-best man I ever had."
':' (Coltea Press Imm6 Viral
Toklo, June 9. The first serious ao-
Oovernor West stepped up and said: I cldent to. mar the success of the military
"Ton would give him work, would I eeroolane experiments at ; the Toko-
youT" k i Isosawa aviation grounds occurred this
Tbe manager . fairly - lumped .at , the t morninr. when r two , officers wars ln-
anrrestlon. - i - liurecU;;:,V
Warden t Curtis was communicated 1 After salllnat 14 miles a Bleriot mono-
with and, declared John Langford an plane, carrying Captain Tokugawa of
Ideal prisoner. "The governor ordered the army and Sub-Lieutenant Ite of the
him brought to the cjrcuje and there navy suddenly fell., to earth 'injuring
paroled him. Heartfelt JubUee among both aviators. Fortunately the mono-
tha erew;fo41owe4,-;MV!'5r-Ji;.i;'-'','r. plane was not high in the air when the
Langford was sent no on circumatan-1 accident occurred, .and neither occunant
tial evidence In connection with a man's I was fatally, injured. Lieutenant -Ho's
loss of cash while drunk. - - ' left .arm waa bream - - - -
, Chicago, ' June 9. ' Larger quarters
were today demanded by the secret
grand Jury that is probing alleged of-(has been looking after the interest of
Another effort will be made to inter
est Portland merchants' in direct water
shipments to Alaska, it is understood.
and if 500 tons of freight la guaranteed
there will be a sailing from here about
June 35 for northern points.
Fred D. Parr, traffic manager of the
E. J. Dodge company arrived in the city
from Seattle a few days ago. where he
tenses of the lumbqr trust Members the company In connection with the
oi the jury today appeared before Judge I loading and sailing of the ateamer St.
Landis and informed him that the doc-1 Helens, which sailed for. Nome laden to
umentary evidence now received Is so I the auards last Mondav.
Treat that there is no room In the pres I Mr. Parr said that there was an un
ent quarters. -' I usually" large amount of freight leaving
It is reported that many of the doc-1 Seattle tor Alaskan ports this-season
uments were, secured through subpe-land all et the vessels are. being taxed
nas duces - tecum , from tbe office of j to their capacity to' handle it on their
Frederlok Weyerhaeuser.- ( - I first trips out" He says that-the out-
Landln adjourned - to the . quarters I look Is very encourarino' end baa never
used by Judge Kohlsaat and permitted I been better from the standpoint of the
me jurors to use his couruoon . , I steamship overs, all of the lines hav-
inr to turn freight away because of
iacK oi raciuiies lor nandllng. i '
While Mr. Parr made no statemme tn
that effect It Is understood that if tbe
mercnanis oi Portland guarantee the re
quired amount of freight a steamer will
be sent from this port with Alaska
rreignt ana it is probable that the
steamer Northland of the .same Una
the St Helens will be sent up there if
ms tonnage aeveiopa t The Nertbland
has been engaged In the Alaska trade at
different times.- y'l-t ':.-Vi-v--i ?'V.
The . Northland arrived at the- Oak
street dock yesterday forenoon from
San Francisco laden with the largest
cargo that she has brought to this port
for many months. She has 1045 tbns of
cement and general ; freight and after
that 1 discharged she will load a small
amount of lumber at Et Johns and then
go to j-uget souna to rmish.
Mr. Part will return te Seattla iia
afternoon, -
Confesses; She Dangerously
Wounded Sah ; Franciscan
After She Had Lost Her Suit
Against Him." ; . ; .
' (United Preaa tat Wire. '
San Francisco, June 9. C. Frederick
Kohl, .millionaire clubman. shot yes
terday by Adele - Verge, French; maid.
who hsd Just lost a suit sgalnst him
for falae arrest: today was resting com- '
fortably at the , Adler .aanitarlum. to
which he was removed.-;
Although at first believed that his ,
wound would prove fatal.?. It was said -
by physicians - today that he bad' a
chance for recovery,' r An X-ray exam- .
inatlon, it was stated, would be held to
day if Kohl's condition permitted. . '
.Vf Wtfatls'- summoned. . '. ' ,
Mri, Kohl.; summoned hastily from -""
her Sah Mateo home. , yesterday, ' baa
been constantly . with her husband. - '
The maid shot Kohl in the entrance '
of the Grant building; where the super
lor courts are housed. Her suit against'
the millionaire : for da mares for falsa '
arrest had 'Just" been decided againat '
her. She waited in the entrance until
Kohl appeared. Drawing a revolver she -shot
him down.". Bystanders caught her '
aa she ran out into tb street . ,
Later v the girl was taken to the
Emergency . hospital,- where Kohl was
lying. i He identified bar." '
. tHtl. Za XysterieaJ, ,
Adele Verge today Is In a aeml-hya. .
UricalisUte.; 8he 'la wildly eaciterl.
crying and, laughing In turn. In every
sentence she assert .she wss hounj.-i
from place to place by Kohl and f
detectives whom she charges he em-
ployed, and whose statements about h r
made it impoaaiote tor ner to reu n
situations' 'She was placed tmdr t:
influence of opiett-s laat nltt nl t
midnight transferred to the rlty . .
"Ever alnee my first trouble m t
Kohls in 19 whH. after the ;! . :j r.
Kohl had broiiatit ntn frnrn ) r f