18 THE OREGON DAILY JOURKAU r pORTLAftIV THURSDAY EVENING. JUNE 8, 1811. BASSENGERS FREE Mi .rare THOUGH SEA ROUGH Beaver Turns Away Many Who Would Come to Festi val; Vessel Taxed to Its Utmost Capacity. What la probably one of the moat tinuaual passages made by any steamer df the Kan Francisco-Portland line wu Ihe last one of the steamer Heaver, which arrived her at t:4S laat night, aa In spite of very rough weather not one of the 371 paaapngrrs waa aeaalck, ac cording to Captain Nelson. When the steamer left the wharf San Francisco laat Monday at noon ah had every cabin accommodation filled. were being 273 rirst class passengers, and many were turned away as the travel up her by steamer was attrac tive to those who wiabed to take la tha latter part of the Rose Carnival and II her accommodations In the first class were taken befora sh reached tha nay City from San Pedro. In tha steer- age there were 100 passengers. After tha liner passed outside tha Heads from San Franclaoo Bay sha en countered a strong northwest wind and heavy seas over which she pitched all tne way up to the mouth of the Col umbla river, taking considerable water ever ner forecast head as sha plunged from tha crest of the billows to tha trough of the sea. In spite of this not a person of tha entire passenger list was seasick and II apparently enjoyed the trip spending ail of the time that they could on the decks of the craft TUGBOAT MAKES MISTAKE Schooner Towed to Port Townsend Instead of Colombia River. Because the tugboat that waa to tow .the schooner Balboa to the Columbia river made a mistake and towed her to Port Townsend, Captain Anderson was under the necessity of shipping a crew .'to bring her dowi here and he will also have to pay them the amount of their fare back to Seattle. When the schooner was reported a tug wss sent out of Grays Harbor to tow her to the Columbia river, as she la under charter to Balfour, 'Guthrie A co. to load a cargo of lumber at St Johns for Caleta Colosa. but she was towed to Port Townsend instead. On her arrival there the crew demanded their discharge, with the result that Captain Anderson had to ship a new : crew. Captain Anderson said that he had no Idea that Uie men would return to Se attle when they were paid off, as they would probably remain around here with the additional money In their pockets, preferring to spend the money In other ways than to using it for rail road fare. The Balboa, which arrived at 8t Johns yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock, distinguished herself by a remarkably quick passsge down, making the run from Cape Flattery, to the heads off the Columbia river In 20 hours. She waa . three days In roaklna.the trin from Pnrt Townsend to Astoria, having to beat - down the sound against a northwest wind. be In command of her new master. Captain Ous Lofstad. In order that her paasengera might have an opportunity to see more of tha Rose Carnival, the steamer George W. Elder, Captain Jesaen, was held laat night until 12 o'clock, when she Bailed for San Francisco, Los Angeles and Ban Diego. She had 156 cabin and 20 .steerage paaaengera. In addition to which she had 1400 tons of freight District Forecaster E. A. Heals re turned last night from Puget sound. Where he has spent a week In' Inspect ing the storm warning stations and the vessel reporting system. He 'said 'this morning that he found the stations in good condition. The vessel reporting work waa also In good aAupe, he said. As the result of striking on the Co lumbia river bar when ahe went out last trip, the steamer Roanoke Is now on the Hunters Point dry dock at Han Francisco, where ahe will have two or three plates replaced. It Is said. She was drawing only 18 feet when ahe went out of here and It la supposed that ate must have got out of the cnannei, as me shallowest depth re ported at low water in the channel is 15 feet Superintendent R. C. Hart of the Seventeenth lighthouse district yester day piloted the tender Heather to Point Stevcna. near the Oaks, where she picked tip an old spar buoy. The Heather went down the river this morn- wool clip; Interferes With Clip. Baker. Or., June I. Rain Is Inter fering with tha shearing of Baker coun ty flocks and buyers complain that there are no clips for sale In the local market.. The prlcea prevailing show no cnanga. C. H. Brack yesterday purchased tha McKennon A Chandler clip. 11,000 pounds, at LA Grande; the Dalton York clip at North Powder, 22,000 pounds, and the Foster Broe. clip of 0000 pounds, and 8. K. Millar clip of 12,000 pounds at Union. The prlcea paid ranged between lzvt and l cents aocoroing to staple and shrink. Colorado and Wyoming buyers are In tha market here for sheep and have laasn contraois on aometning line tjvu head, mostly ewes, at prlcea ranging about 12.00. Ed Whittler has disposed or i wo oands or ewes to Kust meven- son and Rufus Bunch. J. M. Tates. Mrs. Rattler and others are also understood to have contracted. lng with Inspector Klllcott. who will Inspect the Warrior Rock station, aboard. She will leave for Puget sound Monday on an inspection trip. At the city crematory ISO cans of opium, valued at about $5000. were de stroyed by customs officials In charge of Inepector J. M. Oleey. The' entire time taken to consume the cans of drug wss five minutes. Dally Rlrer Readings. STATIONS. tvena tehee Kennewlck Lewlston Riparla . . . Umatilla .. The Dalles Vancouver Portland ... Eugene Harrlaburg Albany . . . Sa lem Wllsonvllle s2 ix SP -? " -I A z fg : r g5 asr : 3 : 40 128.31 0. 41 .0 30 13.9 0.1 .02 24 13.1 0.4 .03 20 12.7 0.2 .0 25 17.0 0. .0 40 27. 7i 0.2 17 16.9 0.2 .0 It It. 4 0.1 .0 10 4.0 0. .0 1 1.20.1 .0 20 3.4 0.2 .0 20 2.8 0.1 .0 37 1.3 0.1 .0 Rising river; ( ) Falling. MARINE IXTIOXIGENCK One to Arrive. Btr. Breakwater, Coos Bay June f mr. woiden uate. Tillamook June 10 Str. Sue H. Elmore, Tillamook. .June 10 oir. Koanoae, san Diego -..June 11 Str. Bear, San Pedro June ,12 8tr, Anvil, Bandon June It Str. Alliance, Eureka June 16 Str. Rose City, San Pedro June 17 Str. Geo. W. Elder. San Dleero. .June IS Hir. ueaver, Han Pedro Due to Depart. Str. Alliance, Eureka Str. Breakwater, Coos Bay .., Str. Anvil, Bandon Str. Golden Gate. Tillamook . . . Str. Sue H. Elmore, Tillamook June 13 Str. Roanoke, San Diego June 14 Str. Bear, San Pedro June 17 Ktr. Geo. W. Elder. San Diego.. June 21 Str. Rose City, San Pedro June 22 AGED MILLIONAIRE SHOT (Continued From Page One.) . .June 22 .June S .June 10 .June 10 .June 11 North Powder Wool. North Powder, June I. The wool crop from North Powder this year will ag gregate .100,000 pounds, according to lo cal wool men, a good portion or which la now being brought In for storage In North Powder warehouses. The wool is said to be of a better staple than laat year, being equal to that of the crop of 1209, and there Is less shrink age, since, owing to the cold and damp weather there la less oil and less dirt In the wool. The clips now In the local ware houses are those of Tork A Dalton 20.000 pounds; F F. Wllshire, 20,000 pounds; George Huffman, 13.000; E, C. Miller, 12.000: the Foster clip. 11,000: the Starkweather clip, which was sold SEATTLE PRODUCE . PRICES FOR TODAY Seattle, Waah, June .'-. Butter-. wasmngioo creamery. iBo, eastern fresh t rOLl'ttZ1 r"eh "0". Mstera fresh 31222, Oregon 24c. Cheeae Tillamook twlna, I la,' Tilla mook Young Americas lie. .Wisconsin twins ltd. Wuhlnrln. -. ... ... . lnJ" Xun "rlcae lie, cream lluX wmone Ausrrailan 12.0004.00 bar bo, yellows I3.2S nee W sTi per sack. "" 48, White River tllMu .... i771 oar tinunrf nWio PRICE OF PRODUCE AT SAN FRANCISCO San Francisco June i ... I.. I .1 ... 1 . - -. All. . . I I n II ll.tOtll. U MIIAM . n M I 1 . "'?"' "". II 48l.BjJt SorthTrn tiaki.i "H0I.71H: club. Russian red.' l.BIi.t7H: """" ,BtJ;l)r"rl.f',0,, t0 choice. I1.2TH 110: fannv. ItnueMtu, J. ! f ai r. ii .2 2 v i .1.7 v itzl " fhg. nominal; Chevalier, nominal Eacs California fraah : . ....... , ,lv. 1 1, ,i him cases, cutraa. 21c; prima firsts. 20Vjc; firsts. II Ue ssoonds, lHc; aestern enonde. llViO. ' . Butter, per pound California fresh, extras, 22 He: prime firsts, 31icj firsts, 20 Wei aeconda. 20a. . ' - New cheese, per pound New Califor nia fiats, fancy, no: firsts, 11 Ho: seo onds, lo; California Young America, oo rirsts, no: uregon ranoy, o. 18Ho; dregon ' fane) New York daJalea, llHe: do singles, II storage, Potatoes. Dar rental Oreaons. 1 1.40 (A t.0; , eaatetn, 21. 7ttP2.lt: tew Early nose, joik per, pouna; jaurDanaa, Hlo par pound. . Onions Australian brown, ner crate. nominal: new red. ner sack. 12.00: sll- Teraains, li.uu per lirn. r - - I- A atd. $1 1601.7S: choice, . ll.OfOl B0( rancy I2.fe0t7l.00; vaienmaa. iancy, ti.60Ot.7B; do choice, 32.00. . Strawberries Being Shipped. I Freeweter. Or.. June 3. Strawbarrlea are till coming In plentifully, the sea son being at Its best Fifteen hundred crates were shipped yesterday over the two express lines, and It Is estimated that today's shipment will be double that number. Magoon biyrtes are sell ing at 3 a crate, whlls the Clark seed lings sell for 12.10. Goldendale. Wash.. June I. Berry picking Is on In earnest here. The first of the. local berrlea on 'the market ar rived vesternay. , -J j ij x , i I to Green and Mrs. Rattler's clip, which Hellner's. car Jacobson waa purcnaaea hy xne largest clip in this vicinity, Oe- aaa-rea-atinsr 60.0SJ pounds, has not yet been brought In; neither have the Henry Gorham clln. 1000 pounds; U S. Kelseys 1000 pounds, and that of Ralelah Warner, amountlna- to 4000 pounds. Miss Graham today displayed marks on her throat which she said had been made by Stokes' fingers when he at tempted to choke her. Stokes asserts that he was lured Into the apartment and that the girls en deavored to blackmail him and secure 123,000. At a preliminary hearing this morn ing both Miss Graham and Miss Con rad were charged with assault in the first degree, and held without bail. Stokes, now proprietor of the Ansonla 1 1 A ... I --I 11 1. A uu in at Kalama En Route From on the Pacific coast, having come to Wool Awaiting Shipment. Lewlston. Idaho. Juna S Rhaen shearing Is practically completed oo the upper Snake and Salmon river ranges and the clip la now being de livered at railroad polnta on Camas prairie and at the river landings be tween here and the mouth of the Grande Ronde. where it will ha nicked nr. hv the Open River comoanv steamer Twin Cities on the next trip. There Is ap proximately 250.000 pounds now await ing shlDment alon the finalr rtvr alone, and the Salmon river output will aggregate aa much. If not more. 'The fleeces were unuaimllv hiv this year," said Dick Steen. one of the most extensive snake river ygTOwers. "and the oualltv la tha beat fr vra The sheen wintered welL and thla la responsible for both tha heaw rtln an.l the prime quality. 8heepmen will net more from their nroduct thla mrinn than for aome time, as the prospects for a fair price are nromlalnr Tha market opened weak, but the wool men were in a position to hold indefinitely unleas the price offered wss satisfac tory, and because of their Independent niLuuB me wooi ouvers era nuttina- up the price." Big Pendleton Deal, Pendleton. Or.. June I. Tha lirrxl private aaie or wool maaa in thla vi cinity thla season waa consummated here yesterday when Charles H nreen. representing J. Koshland A Co.. of Bos ton, purchased the J. E. Smith clip of jdu.uvu uuunus. ine riiox. kock nart ui uie cup. comprising izt.ODO pounds, brought 14 K cents, while the Barnhart part, 48,000 pounda, brought 10H cents. Smith refused to sell tha Barnhart clip when offered 9tt cents at the first aie, neia in renaieion last month, and he refused t allow the buyers to look at the rest of his clip after opening thla bid. He said this afternoon that his refusal to sell at that Urns saved him J more man iibuu. mroiTi or rata aviql tatb htxitt or m mrxTam itatxi smAirox or TXB HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INSURANCE CO. HIP U A VTPTTTn T XT ruff it a. Tm rm xro a w on the 21st day of December, 1110, made to the Insurance Commissioner of the vi - riun, purswani 10 taw; OATZTAXV. Amount of U. 8. Deposit . A.... I 201,000.00 XV COM3. Premiums received during the year In eaah Interest dividends and rents received during year. Income from other sources received during the yea Total Income '. BOY POUrlS OIL ON BABY;' SETS FIRE TO CLOTHING ' Sacramento," Cal..' June I. While his little IT months brother Robert was rolling and cooing about tha dining room floor at noon today. Louis Benches, iH years -old. poured the contents of a can of ooaj oil over the Infant. and sat firs to him. resulting In burns that will probably cause tha little fellow's death.' SKIN SUFFERER SAYS "IF I HAD ONLY KNOWN" . ' ! If I had only known how, quickly Ecsema can be cured, what long years of awful suffering It would have saved me." writes r. A. Will of IBOI Wash ington street Ban "Francisco, Cal. Thla, after 40 years of suffering and after using less than one bottle of the Oil of Wlntergreen-Thymol D. D. p. Prescription. Try at least a IS cent bottle. To our certain knowledge, D. D. D. Prescrip tion always gives Instant relief abso lute relief Inside of ten seconds I Skid-1 mora Drug Ca 11,810.141 II 70.49114 3.711.11 .... BxgBtrms mm Commissions snd salarlea paid during the year.'.'. jaat-B. iitrmn ana ieee pain nunng tne year.... Ainuum vi ai, oiner expenaitures Total expenditures ASSETS. Value of stocks and bonds owned Cash In banks and on hand Premiums In course of collection and In transmission Interest and rents due and accrued Total assets admitted in Oregon ivzABxxrrzzs. Gross claims for losses unpaid Amount of unearned premiums on all outstanding risks " Diie for commission and brokerage aii oiner liaointiea f T42.I4.A 171.112.21 42,50177 UI.I30.II tl.71l.4H0.0O 44.1M.14 1.84.8 22.646.05 $1,468,062.77 11.411.147.21 11.985,139.12 VV.,;-' A ... s ,7 The Sr. Oreea Offer. FREE ' i FOR ALL AILING . i l IT? MEN J: 112.600.00 1.184.712 II 4. 803. 34 30.000.00 Total liabilities Btrsurrss nr obkoov roB tkb tbab. Total risks written during the year Gross premiums received during the year ' Premlume returned during the year Losses paid during the year losses Incurred during the year Total amount of risks outstanding in Oregon Dec. Il. 'ljio.'.' HAMBURG-BREMEN FIRE INSURANCE CO. Itt.90t.00 IS. 29.24 3.128.88 2. SOS. 90 8.105.80 174.550.00 ..... mm . By F. O. AFFF.LD. Manager of U. 8. Branch. Statutory resident general agent and attorney for service: A. H. BIRRELL, Portland. Or. ORETERIC CAPTAIN FIXED Portland to Seattle. iSnecltl Dl.pitcfe re The inarm L Seattle, Waah., June 8. For falling to come direct to tho port for which ahe cleared. Captain Findley of the Water house liner Oreterlc, was fined $100 by the Jocal customs. When she left Port land the Oreterlc had a clearance for Seattle, but en route the vessel stopped at Kalama with a shipment of lumber, and thence proceeded to Puget sound. Since the vessel's arrival here Saturday the customs men have Investigated, the result being a fine. The regulations re quire that tha vessel shall not stop en route unless on - account -of -disaster. The usual procedure for the vessel Is to make arrangements at Portland or Seat tle for stopping, but Captain Flndlay failed to take this precaution. The Oreterlo Is due to leave for the Orient "tonight MARINE NOTES Astoria, June 8. Arrived at 3 and left up at 4 a. m. Steamer Breakwater from Coos Bay. Arrived at 11 a. m. Steamer Tahoe from San Francisco. Sailed at 11:40 a. m. Steamer Geo. W. Elder for San Diego and way ports. San Pedro, June 7. Arrived Steamer Bear from Portland. Astoria, June 7. Arrived down at 2 and sailed at 6 p. m. Steamer Rose city ror San Francisco and San Pedro. Arrived at 8 and left up at 9 p. m. Steamer Shoshone from San Francisco. Arrived at R and left up at 9:30 p. m. Steamer Northland from San Fran cIbco. San Francisco, June 7. Sailed at 5 p. m. Steamer Atlas with barge No. 93 in tow for Portland. Kalled at 8 p. m. Steamer Tamalpals for Portland. Ar rived at 7 p. m. Steamer Aberdeen from Columbia river; at S p. m. Barsre Amy Turner, from Portland Astoria, June S.ConHtlon mouth of the river at 8 a. m wind, cloudy. northwest, miles; weather, New Tork from San Francisco after the fire of 1906. Miss Graham also formerly lived on the coast. Her sis ter, Mrs. John Singleton, lives on a ranch near Pomona, Cal., and another sister, Mrs. Andrews, a widow, lives In ean Francisco. Anaonaoed Engagement. Lillian Graham came to New York with Stokes from San Francisco. They lived together ' at the Ansonla hotel Eight months aco, accompanied by Mrs. bingieton, the girl left for Europe, oe tenslbly en route to Belgium to study music Friends here say that she told them .that . whan., .her . musical . education was completed she would return and marry Stokes. Four months after she left New York Stokes, and Miss Elwood were quietly married in Hoboken. Miss Graham hurried back to New York. For some time she has been living with the Con rad girl at the Veruna apartments. It was over letters written to Miss Graham while she was In Europe that me quarrel arose which culminated In last nights shooting. Although the stories of the principals vary In many particulars, all agree that Stokes- had written leters to the Graham girl which he was extremely anxious to recover. The visit to the apartments concerned the letters. According to the girls. Stokes last night invaded their apart ments and demanded the letters. When they were refused, both girls assert. Stokes seized Miss Graham and choked" her. It was then, they assert, that the shots were fired, because they thought her life was in danger. Ticked the Door. Stokes said he waa asked to go to the apartment and that when Inside the girls locked the door. Then they de manded that he pay $25,000 and sign a statement which they had prepared. He refused, he 8-ays, and both elrls at tho ' drew revolvers and began shooting at smooth- mH l,,B"B- oioKes aamus mat Me was Malheur Wool High. Malheur county wool, acording to I staple and shrinkage, has been selling aunng tne past week at private sales from 124 to It cents. Buyers have been scouring the country and from indications will have bought nearly all the wool before the sales day on June tt. ine price receivea in Malheur coun ty far exceeds that paid In other coun ties. Among mose wno nave sold are lonningsten tiros., 13,713 pounds at 13 cents; E. A. Vansicklin, 21,782 pounds at 15 centa: Hnverfleld and Harris 0181 pounda at 14 centa; Powers and Walters 31.980 pounds at 14H cents; Turner croa., iy,uvv pounds at if cents. Yl'nnl at HTnlvaa Madras. Or., June 8. The 1911 wool clip of Crook county Is being received at the local warehouses daily and the estimation of the warehouse officials is tnai ny me oate or the first wool sale In central Oregon. June 24. there will be a million and a half pounds to I oe aisposea or. xne largest wool grow ers of this section of the state have made arrangements to offer their wool for sale on the local market. Every condition exists to lead the officials of the Konoway Warehouse company to believe thai. Madras ..will.. cromDtlv be. come ine largest wooi market in central Oregon. M-EM Cured In Five Days Varicose Veins Hydrocele Piles Fisinia Urinary Obstructions EXPERT EXAMINA TION FREE her Tides at Astoria Friday High water ' Mi8S Conrad. 0:10 a. m., 6 9 feet; 11:32 p. m.. 8.6 feet.' j Jt was 3ust a on the most friendly terms with Miss Graham, but that he only recently met iftcr the Shontlna- tht uuw waier, o:as a. m., o.O feet; 5 48 p lne Japanese waiters, who were pra m., 3.S feet. ' ' j paring a dinner for Pat Casey, a book- ; lng agent. In the Veruna, took a hand - ALONG THE WATERFRONT I ln the Bffalr- rushing into the apart- j ment and seizing Stokes. In search- With 20 cases of cheese the hmi. ln . aprtraent or tha young wo gas sciiooner Delia. arrived last night from CJoverdale. She ' v "v UHiB man 1 U n . , ) I. oapuin Casridy, , the following poem, written hv mi.. hysterics, agreed with everything companion said. "Stokes telephoned me," Miss Graham continued. "I disguised my voice and said I was the maid, and told him Miss Graham and Miss Conrad were not in. He said he would come up anyhow. We did not want him around. It was merely accidental that we both had revolvers. We got scared recently and both had purchased revolvers to defend ourselves. Demands Xls betters. When Stokes burst into the flat he stormed and raged and demanded tha letters he had written me. I told him to get out and he became abusive. He was choking me when Ethel came to my assistance. Then I got hold of my revolver and it exploded." From his bed ln the Roosevelt hos pital Stokes today repeated his asser tion that the shooting was trie culmina tion of a blackmail plot "This Is wie second attempt," he said. A week ago Miss Graham came to my office ln the Ansonla and demanded 500. I refused 1L Then she threatened o kill herself and produced a bettla. told her to go as far as she liked. She walked towards the corner of the office, and I sprang after her. took the bottle away from her and smelled It. It contained cologne. Then I had her ejected from the office." Ifaay Oaay ysamasisatly Ow4l in en TBaATaUITT. Host Ttaae JKt J?0" Fifh. Meat. ware. e Detentieafroa Oeevnattoa, rasa. g7 ay Kama. A Baajoal aad ITerauueut Owe. X Will 0rre MO to Aay Ohasttr as a tfaataaises ae Brecy State saeat aa This Aaaewaeeaaei U Trae. , f ottae rapidly, palnleaaly and at small expense. I will demonstrate aotual reaiflta In your ease. I will sive conclusive artdance of my merit which la obtained and maintained ky ahllity. I invft you te ooaie to mr "2e iJfSM Jli'n mZ treatment for Hernia, rUes, Mstnla, Tart Vefae, Palvio, Werroua, Meet, Kidney, Bladder a4 fiactal Buteaees. I will Ura you free aphysical examination; if necessary a mloreaeopi oal and chemical enahrsia ef secretlena to determtee a2iting aatbelogUal ad haeurloteglcaj oemlMone. Bvery person Should take advant&gYef this eppertuaity te learn their tma eondltlon. Certaiaty ef care Uwbat you want A. G. Smith M. D. Leading Spclallt ii.82i.686.i2 II rormsan I am tha only Bnectallst In Port land who uses his true name and photograph In bis announcements. I see and treat my patients personally. and am not a "medical comDany." "medical . institute" or a "medical system.' All men should know who the doctor la they consult, and should carefully consider whether they desire to entrust their health with a hired doctor of a medical company. I use ray photograph ao that whan you come to aee me per sonally you will recognise me. In vestigate my oeraonal standing be- rore accepting treatment xrom a uuc tor of unknown Identity or reputa tion. Are You Being treated In a satisfactory man ner By your preaent doctor? la he carrying out his promises T Has he cured you In a reasonable time, and lived up to his guarantees Are you paying him exorbitant prices for medicine Does ha emnlor thor- I oughiy up-to-date and aclentlflo methods, which would be approved by tha regular family doctor If you cannot anawer these questions favorably to yourself, coma and have a confidential talk with 'ma about your caae. n will cost you nothing. Cured In Plve Days I curs such disorders as Varicose Veins, . Hydrocele. Pllea, Specific Blood Poison, eto completely and permanently, often with only a sin gle treatment, no aevere operatlona empioyea, nor aetention rrom buel nee a. I especially solicit stubborn and Ion atandlng caaea that other doctors have failed to cufe. Examination Free I offer not only FREE consulta tion and advice, but of every caae that cornea to me I will males ra- ful examination and diagnosis with out charge. No ailing man ahould neg-ieci mia opportunity to get ax pert opinion about his trouble. If you cannot call, write for diag nosis chart. My offices are open all day from A. M. to I P. Ji. and Sundays from 10, to 1. Dr. A. O. Smith B34M Morrison Rtraet, Cor. eooad. A therovrh lareetiavtiea ahaald ha ma hv mtv atitM mhm the specialist ha cenawits. Duty sad destiny to ef an Iheee who de pend UDoa you demand tha best medleal attanttan T fcw h km- .- VBfl VU lfll IfTTm so that my services may be obtained by any maa whe sincerely deairea 'J our?rt 1 make a e mialead4n atatecnents er aabualneasllke propo sitions; neither do I desire to be particularly independent, and I would like to have you for a patient, if yeu will come to me en a strictly pro fessional basla. and the Inducements that I offer, Which are my ability, and IP years' suocessful experience, Hme-saring treataneat aad guarantee ef cure of certain diseases. 17 Yeirs tf Saccfu in Trctfiiif Men dres Gatnatcd r Xi hj ..3, ?l2.?Zwlr?2rJ55S!!T220 estt5 wkxox tjajnrtrri'Arii BtOOP AJfP SjTOT AIUSBaTtTi, ItXBTa WXA2arBSJSJ, VA2UOOIB O KBOTTTiP TBllTB. O B ITBVbttOs sSbB. rnbanaVswOUBH BASES COKKOV SO UBB. v. u slum oiM- W"e are permanently located, lnoerperated aad licensed under the laws of Oregon. . MBJT, rrTLZmTWXTMlM, OOIWL7 TJS TOBAT. , If yeu aaanet ealL write for free hoe and self-examination blank. Many cases cured at home. Honrs a. na. te I p. m. Sundaye, 1 te 12. OREGON MEDICAL INSTITUTE SSI BrOBBDSOV t. Bat, X-omrth aad VMH. 2rOBTXajrD, OB. - will sail again tomorrow night. -aaen with io4 tons of cement and general freight, the steamer .Northland Captain Bodge, arrived at Oak street dock this morning from San Francisco With the bark Gerard C. Tobey in tow. the Port of Portland tug Wallula Graham : you've sipped -all the honey there was ln the flower And Its petals are yellow and dryt You've had all the sweetness In one short hour. O, butterfly, when you flew awav was achedulea to leave down for fir,hi ! . An? 1 thought that life was over. where the Tobey will load lumber for nt? njv heart seemed to say: Ran Francisco, at noon today ThI Cheer up, 'id another lover.. WalluU will proceed to Astoria ,o go : p Tell, of Bhootln-. on the bar service while the rw.., ' Promising sensations that will shake cornea .up to relieve the Oneonf ,M.u.ftew lorks white light" set to the will be ' , tottom To take on more lumb Aorth China, the British .r mi gown irom et Johns last nirht br cargo tfiatrap Oswes for for Kalama. She kvlii return up the riyer to finish. v Carrying paesengers and freight, the 1 sTble, w steamer Breakwater. Captain Macgenn ! "i i wm scheduled to arrive at noon frZ L..k," oos Bay. She left up the river at oviock thla- morning. 4 Jlth pascejigers and freight for Coos Itay and Eureka, the steamer Alliance wiil sal) t I o'clock tonight She will vrloa , , ii ... I .'Mvwin, in"", uianoju in jicr coil louay ioia or ine snooting yesterday. The case will come up for further hearing Monday. Congressman Martin W. Lit tleton, one of the attorneys for Harry K. Thaw, in the Stanford White case, will be engaged for the defense If pos- mibs uranam said. tend to secure Mr. Littleton if possible." she said. "Before I am done I am going to show what is behind this case. 8tokes' assertion that it was at tempted blackmail is' false in every par ticular." , , Miss Conrad, almost on tha verge of Denver, Colo., June S. Mrs. Helen Elwood Stokes, whose husband was shot while visiting Miss Graham and Miss Conrad ln a New Tork apartment house, formerly lived in Denver. She Is a niece of the late Isaac Elwood, the barbed wire king, who died recently, leaving a fortune of several; million dollars. MIbs Elwood went to New Tork in September last to study art and music. Letters received by her mother In Denver told of her meeting with Stokes, but gave no Inkling of any engagement and the first intimation either her sister or mother had of such an occurrence was when the marriage was announced. Stokes is 65 -years old and his bride 24. Search for Bandit. (United Preni Leaned Wire.) Sacramento, Cal., June 8. Deputy sheriffs are already searching for a lone masked bandit who held up two saloons on the Stockton road near here, seour lng about $100. Free Lessons . Art needlework taught free by Miss HUJa Lugnet graduate of the School of Art and Design, of Stockholm, Sweden, now at BANNON. A CO.'S, 28-J90 Kast Morrison.- . . e Journal Want Ada b results. aW. By DR. LINDSAY, Ihe Eminent Long-Established Specalisf WHY PAY IVIORE For Inferior1 treatment when you can get tha very best medical attention at a fee of from .ONE FOURTH to ONE HALF that charged by other specialists with my repu tation? Remember that you are not asked to pay for any experiments or any failures. If your case will not yield to my treatment I can ascertain that at the first examina tion, ana win rranaiy ten you mo, and give you advice how . to take care of yourself. XT sreOXAJLTXJBS ABB Wervoue 23 ability. Blood Disorders, Piles, Variooae Telna. Hydro! oele. Bnpturee. Kidney. Bladder and ail dis eases peculiar to men. f ' COMB AND CONSULT US FREE OF ALL CHARGE DIR. LI N0 AY . L K OZO BZI.ZABU SPXCXAZJST ' Sofi2eh,lf8c.oni '1?? EntSnc Second street Portland, or. Office hours a. m. to I p. m. , Sundays 10 a. p. to 1 p. m. Dr Wing Lee is called the great be cause he cures all diseases without re sorting to the knife. Call and have a freo examination. He will tell you the exact na- 1 ture of your trouble. 1 He treats successful- 1 ly every form of fe- 1 mala complaint, all Srivate and blood i I s e a s e s. cancer, ; paralysis, tumors, ' rheumatism, and all'! disorders of the stomach, liver and kidneys. He has had great success in curpig consumption, when the victim is not too much run down by the disease and will stop hemorrhages ln an incredibly short time. He brewa his own medicines from Chi nese roots, herbs, buds, barks and vecre. table teas, all of which are entirely harmless and whose medicinal proper ties are unknown to American doctors, i He uses in his practice over 600 differ ent Oriental remedies. Hundreds of tea- 1 ttmonlals from grateful patients; j Dr. Wing Lee 87 B. 6th St. Portland, Or. ! i ' ) v ' y rwm mcikzxrt into ctbb. We want all allln men tn tmml that thev can com. to nue offlr. I I rreeiy ror examination and explana-I tlon of their condition wMhnut I lng bound by any obligation to take I a h a a a m. AL . m -A m m at I irr-Kiuitmi, unie.a tney uo aeaira. we will make a thorough and aelantlfia examination of your allmant. v nt cnarga, an examination that Will dis close your true physical condition. wunout a Knowledge or wblch you are groping In tha dark. If you have wncu iieauiirni ei.awnere witnout I uccr". ws will ahow you why It failed. Every man ahould take ad-1 vantage or tma opportunity to learn I I his true eondltlon. aa w. will xlvlaal mm now to nest regain hie health and strength and preserve his powers unto ripe old age. If your caae Is curauia, me . DR GREEN system of UAN.RUii.nrNn irut. n.'fnt 'I111 lvs you Immediate bene fit and a nillrW laall im I LhtT n0 uacerUinty about It, Nol JJi'S.J Iun- Our guarantee NOI Vsr KKQUIRED UNTIL SATIS-1 lrlfa.l la VOUP ahanlnta hrntuitlnn I ve cannot tell you In thla announce ment an we would Ilk. In hut wilt fully and freelv exnlaln niir RMv.li I I methods to all ailing men who cornel to us ror tne help they seed. VARICOSE VEINS Weak. Iwollan. Sirdir Vuad I wonny-Uks Vetaa, Clotted, tarnaat i-wta .i aanvare auooa. Weak, Bet I "mm, WW TlCaUCV. waaal nam Islen. We dally damnnatrata tiat VIST. I LOSE VFlNfl mnA UTnpncrr a ... I be cured without sever. eniraHi.! An. I " "" !nericiai errecte are 1m- I mediate. Pain nnlclrllr oaaaa ... larged veins ranldlv rufnrn haaithl circulation speedily returna, and I . "Fln- aounanetia and robust ieim are soon restored. BLADDER AND KIDNEY Bnlarged Prostata Olaad. Tafia. nation of Bladder and Kidneys, Pre. iuent Desire, Painful, aaaartlar. laralnsr Bensatlan. noaa. w-f I wvuuvu, anoa, jinn winwi, weaa, I Aching Back, Dry, Pals, Waxy akin. I ineae symptoms or PROSTATIC. BLADDER and KIDNET troubles we rapidly overcome. There la no guess work about It. We remove every ob struction, aiop every waste, allay all Irritation and inflammation, revltal-l lie tne weaaened organa. and soon accomplish a safe, thorough and pirmuwni cure. GERMAN BLOOD CUR ' Bash. Cotwer-eolored atDOta. Bra. tloaa. trioers, ore Month or Throat, Kncona Patohas. alwellea a las a a PaUiar atalr. The infallible Waasenaaa Blood Test will determine whether or not you have the ailment. Then If your caae requires it, we give the wonderful Wew German Blood Kemsdy, which works like magic. Our treatment leaves no injurious arter effect It does not "lock In" the poison, but anvee it out or tne system, ao there can be no comeback. Being a Blood Purifying. Blood Making, Blood Cell Remedy. It rivea th. na. tlent a pure, fresh Blond Stream, and restores him to normal health. NERVO-VITAL DEBILITY The cause of Werro-Tital Bebltttv. as well aa lta evil effect apoa the phyeloixl. mental aad other powers, is familiar to all afflicted men. Tha symntoma need not be enumerated. we want an ailing men to Know I that our ANIMAL EXTRACT r.a. I ment Is the Ideal remedy for NERVO-1 VITAL DEBILITY. It does not .11.. I ulate temporarily, but restorea per-R manentlv. All dlsaa-reaahl. imn.r toms soon disappear, nerve eiiere-v ?al regainen, aen-reapect, seir-oonrtdence ana seir-coniroi return, and the pa tient la prepared for a new period of life. . PILES AND RECTAL Piles, blind, bleeding, itching er protruding," Pistula TJloers, sto. Our proven methods make hn. pltal operatlona unnecessary,' in most cases . no pain or- detention from business. We guarantee quick reuei ana positive, permanent cures. AFFLICTED MEN If ailing, you certainly do not intena to aiwaya remain so, -yon sorely expect to be restored some tuna, way noi nowr way delay aad grow worser it uai J wain m vurv. ufnll) to us and get it Once under our treatment, you win quickly realise how simple a thing it is to get well In the hands of a specialist who knows his business. Our cures add not only years to life, but llfs to years. Office hours, dally f to S Evenings, 7 to 8. Sundays. 10 to 1. DR. GREEN CO. sea Washington St.. Portland, Or. Every Vcman l Is Interested aad skeald I know about the wonderful IMABVElWhlrllnf Spriy new si acinai Bmnge. ciamaaea ue- snuiuy. Aak vear drnaalet for 1 ft. If h cannot iuddIt tha M A RVE I- accent no other, but eend etamy for lIlBatrated book eealed. It glrae foil partloulars and dlree fions Invaluable to ladles. auam. 00, a Ban tN tU ttW I0B. I i Clarke Oo. and Lase-Davln Drug OeS Woods rd, urea. mm I Cure Me ISAIYFEB My WliB Cured. General . BebUlty. Weak Werves, Xn umnia itesuns or exDosure. overwnr ana otner yioiations of Bators's law Diseases of Bladder and Sidneys, Var cose Tama., anlckly and. ' Bermanenti cured at small expense. i j ., SPECJAX. . AXXJKXBT8 Newly conf tractea and chronic cases cured. AI ourning, itcning . and inflaramatlo stopped ln 24 hours. Cures effected i seven days. Consultation free. If url auio io can, wnie tor list or question uiuvii riumu a. in. to . B P. C uiiunjn, V A . Ill i WlUJf, .PACIFIO qOAST MEDIOAIi.CO. i Ooraer Pirst. i FOR WOMEN ONLY Dr, San-ierson'a O o m p o u n 1 Savin and Cotton Root - Pill The best and only reliabj rpmedy tor DELATED PERI ODS. Cure the most obstlnas 'ftaaaa.in . 1 n .wa . Per box, or three -boaea 11.00. V Sold b rTuti"J.S J?T?r"''::-.??resa T, J V. I r'? r wn aaornson at 1 if C'VI 1WIB V '