The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 08, 1911, Page 15, Image 15

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County Courts and Road Su
pervisor Will Unite Efforts
to Aid Association Coming
Year Mileage Posts Set.
Secretary " Olcott ' Holds Tha
; General Names Cannot
; ; ; - be Protected. ? . ' '
Prom the present activity manifest by
members of the Oregon State Automobile
association ths prospects for greater
road Improvement throughout tha lull
are exceptionally bright
ror ths paat ysar the association has
been Increasing Its tnemberahlp and
automobile owner aJl vsr tha stats are
taking an active Intereat In tha work
of the sssociatlon. ' .A combined effort
hrough the count ceurta and county
road supervisors -will ' be made during
the coming year. ; " :
The policy of the association ror the
eneulng year la to operate through the
road supervisors In tha different eoun
tlea throughout the state, getting their
cooperation In locating unpasssbls
roads, repairing same and making them
pasaable for the motoring publlo In par
tlcular and the traveling publlo in gen
eraL ualng section I!17 Xord's Lews
as their platform. ") .' .
I Veer Clubs Pormed. ..
There are several new clubs organ
ising throughout tha aUte with the ln-
tentlon , of coooeratina- or axruiatln
A'ith tha, stats organisation, which
strengthens their mode of procedure and
their membership, la becoming large
enough to attract. attention.
The Oregon Btat Automobile associa
tion la making great effort to hare alt
Important roads la good shape by the
middle of summer. - Mileage poets win
be set This organisation is worthy of
the assistance; of every vehicle owner
ts belp them to maintain good, toad a.
and If there la a bad stretch of read
that Is not receiving attention ts notify
the secretary of this association for Im
mediate action.
It Is contemplated that an open road
to Hood River from Portland and Also
Ho the ooast will aoon be built. A second
main road , is contemplated, running
from Vancouver to Ashland' through
galem. Albany: Eugene. Resebnrg. Med
ford and Aahland. and eventually
throagh the Crater Lake district, mak
Ing a splendid 0 mile tour -for the
Oregon tonrlat en bis two weeks' vaca
tion. ' s ' '
All Should Assise, i
It Ms the duty of every automobile
towner to Join this stats organisation
which la so liberal Iq Its views to give
good roads. The dues are nominal, be
ne IS a year and 92 entrance ree, max
ing tS for the first year. This not
only! gives good roads' and road protec
(galea Bateau ef Tee IneraaLt
Balem, Or., June I. Trademarks are
engaging attention In the secretary ef
state's office at the present time and
many requests for certain, protected
names are being turned down. A Port
land firm , yesterday applied for the
trademark "National Pence Construo-
tlon company." and was refused as the
name .waa too general. IL It Corey,
chief clerk In Secretary Olcott's of
fice, rujee that term 'sufficiently eps
olflo to denote the particular brand or
grade of merchandise manufactured
muat be adopted, such as1 Bearer
Brand." as applied to woolen goods,
r "Buckeye," as applied to certain
Mr. Corey drew no the trademark law
so as to avoid Indefinite terms and the
confusion Of the trademark and the
corporation name. Attorney General
Crawford bolde that In the above men
tkmed ease the term "Smith's Pence
Constriction company" . would bave
been sufficiently definite, but Mr. Corey
gives ths law a more rigid Interpreta
tion In ruling upon applications fot
(SpMlal Mipetefc e The Joe-sal.)
afarshfteld. Or. Jans . The differ
ences regarding the settlement of the
estate of the late Colonel William
Coach, millionaire ttmberman, have been
finally decided by Judge John. P. Hall
In the county court Six different pott
tlonswern filed asking for the appoint
ment ox six amereni aaminisuraiors.
Arguments have been beard for several
days and ths matter was finally settled
by the Judge appointing the three chil
dren, Arthur and Joe Coach and Mrs.
Carey, administrators. The three are
the only heirs to the estate. The total
valuation of the estate. is not yet known
but It has been so far shown that it In
eludes l0.0eo worth of securities,
stock In , the steamer Bandon, , the tug
Klyhlam and other vessels - and 200
ahares in, the Coach Timber company
valued at $200.0t0. Colonel Coach waa
also the owner of 1000 acres of, valu
abls timber land In this county as well
as other timber bi Oregon and. mining
property in Nevea.
Graves Writes Law Book.
goeell DUoatek to The Jo rail. I
Marahfleld, Or June I.- A new law
book has been written by Attorney R.
O. Oraves, a lawyer of thla 'city and
lieutenant In the local division of the
Oregon Naval militia. The work is en-
for protection when It oomes to a Isgls- tltledJOregon Legal Forms With Laws
latiue measure. iu and atajtlona,? and baa been endorsed
i ' -, ,' .. , .'!,,
i a ' ,i .. ..inn ;. r . .
"It Is Up to Each Country to '23TOB'
. . . , x . wrvloc at alL With steai
waicn uui ior racmc bom
meree,' Says New South
Wales Intelligence Bureau.
"It Is up to America and Australia
to look out for the Pacific," said Percy
Hunter, member of the New south
Wales Intelligence department, who la
In Portland today enroute to London,
and we should strenrthan our - com
mercial and frfcndly relatione as much
as possible. The Paolflo coaat of Am
erica la our nearest white race neigh
bor' and we feel that our Interests are
Mr. Hunter dlacusaed conditions in
Australia with Manager C. C Chapman
of the Portland Commercial club thla
morning, and Iricldently remarked that
while Australia ls.ln need of a larger
population. It has little hope of getting
many settlers from the Parlflo coaat
becauae this section Itaelf la Inviting
wai ciaas or people. muv IPDTIII ftp liiaavii a
on. "we have a very high regard for IMr I Mini Ur UMHIIUH
tatlve In America at preaent It has
several In Europe, Aala and Africa and
we carry on an extensive commerce
with these continents. But we are cloaer
to America and see possibilities here.
tost will be a mutual benefit. - .
"We could supply your coaat with
the flneat of froaen mutton, butter and
other dairy products In return for many
arttoles that we now Import from the
old world. At present wo buy lumber
irom mis coaat. to ooms extent, and
you buy eome of our coaL a
"Ths reaoon for the small volume of
trade between our count rr end the Pao
tflo coast Is found In the lack . of reg
ular steamshlo service. With the ex
ception of Infrequent sailings between
wo have no
mere Divine
regularly the volume ef trade would
soon develop to enormous nronortlons.
Sastasos Men's Bxemrstoa. ,
Tt Waa at finokano a counle of dava
ago v ana consequent upon . represents'
tlon that I made there a movement will
be started by the Sookase Chamber of
Commerce to organ lie a bualneas men's
eicursion from the Pactflo coaat to
Auatralla In the fall of lilt. This ex
cursion we hope will reault In the
tabllahment of cloaer trade relations.
Ths excurelon will corns upon Invita
tion of the Australian aovernmenL
"Another feature that we should work
ror In harmony Is the attracting of
tourists to ths Pacific Inatead of
permitting the people to spsnd their
aurpiua caah on ths shores of ths At
lantic, both on the American and ths
European shores, we should attempt to
onng mem to tne Pacific coaat. Ha
wall will Join with ua in a handa around
the Pactflo movement and so will Jaosn
ana coins.
Mr. Hunter expects to lesvs for Ban
Francisco this evening.
. t
Major Sears Diesis Result: of
Heat Attack;. Services at
; ; Unitarian Chapel.
One of Portland's moat .prominent
pioneers,' Major A. T. fleara.'dled at his
horns In , Portlsnd yeeterder at about
noon, aftar a general breakdown, due t
advanced age and heart trouble. Fu
neral services .will be -held at 2 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon at the Unitarian
chapel. Seventh and Tambill - etreeta,
with' final rites at ths crematorium.
The body. Is In charge of 3. P. Flnley
A Sons.
Major Sears led an Interesting esreer.
He was born In Boa ton,. Maae.. In 1131,
He descended from a long line of sol
di. ra. . lis grest-grandfather ' was a
lieutenant of militia In 1T7I. His grand
father served with the American troopa
In Rhode laland. and his father, who led
an Interesting career as a soldier of for
tune In South America, commanded a
cruiser In Hll, In the service of the
states of. I Plata la the war for inde
pendence from Spain.
Major Sears was a civil engineer of
great repute, and followed that nrofea
a Ion before end after the war. He did
effective work for his country In- the
war of '61. and was honored for his
services. ' He waa also a lecturer and
writer and a leading light in many engi
neering societies.
Hs was married In" 1AS0 and three
children were born to them, but none
are now living, Two grandchildren. Miss
Ml JL-lJiUJ JU " " " "V
Elisabeth Sears of Portland and Lt.n
tenent Robert S. Scare of Vunoouv.r
barracks, survive him,
i . " '
' Convicts Labor at Sanatorium.
(Salem ef T. AwrnaLl
Salem, Or.. June 1,ParXlog the pa
vlllon, seedlnf - It to graaa, and en
closing H with a stoas wall at the tuber
cular . sanatorium, six miles south of
this city, will be completed this week.
Fifteen stats prisoners sro at work
beautifying and Improving the eana
tortum where 41 patients srs registered.
Improvemente by convict labor will eon
tlnue there the better part of the sum
mer. -..'. -.
Asylom wing won uprn wuno 1.1.
tsalesi Bsrw a ef tU jMtaai.k
i Salem, Or., June . Plans for ths new
wing st ths state Inaane aaylum to
replace the wing destroyed by fire sev
eral weeks ago, are on file at the state
houss. Bids for. ths construction of
thla addition to the asylum will bs
opened June IS.
-X ..J...1 1.
tlon,' but ths courtesies of the local
clubs throughout ths state, an identi
fication card that will cave one from
many embarraaalng positions if one is
inclined to speeu or come before the
biotloe of the different county courts,
land finally will strengthen ths demands
J. 11 Albert, president. Is very enthu
siastic ovsr ths prospects or the com
ing season ss wsll ss ths results of the
naat few montha, end hs looks forward
to one of the strongest state organisa
tions In ths union.
Any communications will be sttended
to by H. L. Worthen, secretary. It
North Seventh street. Portland, Or.
Pastor and Nine Boys on On tins;.
Junction City. Or. Juno I. Rev.
Jjoaeph Knotts, pastor of ths Methodist
Episcopal church or this place, witn
kine boys rsnglnW from IS to It years
Jof ags, started for ths coast Tuesday
knornlng. They took a team, tents and
ramping outfit, expecting to be gone
libout two weeks. They will make the
It rip by easy stages, fishing along tits
(way. The boya in the crowd ars
rCnights of King Arthur, an organlsa
lon started here by Mr. Knotts.
by a number of lawyers who have ex
amlned It. Mr. Oravea has received of
fers from several publishing houses for
getting out the book.
Depositor for Savings.
(Boee!.! Dtnatefe to T. Journal.)
Marahfleld, Or., June S. The Marsh-
field poetofflce is to be one of the
plscss of deposit for ths 'postal, sav
ings bank according to Instructions re
ceived by Postmaster Curtis from the
department Arrangements will soon bs
mads for receiving deposits at this of
the American farmers and would like
very much to hsvo them corns over our
wsy. As it is we expect to draw the
greater volume of settlers from Europe.
And soma prehapa from your eastern
Australia Weeds Population.
There is always a certain number ef
people who will travel until they find
hat they conalder about Ideal con
ditlons and as persona' ideals differ
Australia, stands a r nance of getting
eome of your American farmero. But
we do not make It a point to draw set
tiers from communities thst are en
gaged In attracting aettlera themeelvea.
Australia Is greatly in need of popu
lation. Ws ars In the same poaltlon
today that the United Rtatea was la
ths day sfter ths Declaration of In
dependence. And wo need people thst
ill till the soil.
In Australia we are doing much ae
you out here, that la Introducing Irri
gation, cutting up the large wheat
fields Into amaller tracts for dlverei
fled farming. We have found that our
soil will producs anything In ths wsy
of fruit, grain or vegetables whsn given
sufficient moisture and development ts
being prosecuted slong thess lines.
Win Study Irrigation.
Tn the near future Portland will be
vial ted by a very prominent member of
our government, the Honorable Niei
Nlelaon, minister for landa. Mr, Nlol-
son will corns to Oregon to study Irrl
gallon. We have completed very re
cently the largest Irrigation dam In the
world, a dam that holds mors water
then the famous Ascouan dam In Egypt,
and which will water 1,000,000 acres by
gravity. Mr. Nlelaon Is planning other
Jrojects of Immense Importance and foa
ths purpose of becoming acquainted
with the very lateat Improvements In
dam building and irrigation, he will
make a tour of the Pacific northweat.
The landa under,. the big project that
I have Just referred to are now In wheat
but as soon as they are watered, the
fields will bs cut into smaller tracts
and worked intensively.
"My purpose In coming here at this
time la to make a report to the govern
ment on the possibility of trade ex
tension bstween Australia and the Pact
flo northweat My report will probably
mean that my government will send
permsnent commlsioner to this cosst
to aaaiat In developing the commercial
Exchange of Commodities.
"Auatralla has no official represen
(Rpeelal Dtfpatrh to The Jouraal)
Wash. Juns I.
Csptsln S. V. Winslow of ths
United States Dredge Umatilla
wiU spend his summer vacation
at ths hasardona a port of ahoet
Ing the treacherous rapids of the
upper Snake rtver. He left here
Tuesday evening on the gaaoline
launch Tilacum, which he pur
chased from ths Richland com
pany for a contract with a mov
ing picture syndicate, which Is
desirous of securing resl life pic
tures of rapid shooting. The
Tilacum, built on Puget sound
for racing purposes, was not In
tended for rough water, and It Is
probsble shs will go to pieces be
fore the summer is over. Cap
tain Winslow, however. Is look
ing forward to his advsntures
with no sense of fear. He ssys
bs thinks his craft will bs de
molished. In which event the
pictures will bs sll the better,
and that he is willing to take a
chance on swimming to shore.
m m--... . i
miff excellence
Vlf comes In every
yfl bottle bearing
S i tne triangular
II label. Just re
member this
I and order Blatz.
jit TlmnmmtB .
!1 Itothschild Broaw
HlVl ' OlaWsstsrs
1V !M It rVsSurertUaiOnv
Phoaew Mala 153-A466fl
; e- c
) I If IIS S I
( i ?t m !
if i:'
vis fl:!!f ,-?Ji
1 w II
(Bpeei.l DlsDttefe to The-9nera.Lt
Seattle, Wash.. June I. The Quarter
master's department has decided to call
for bids for 17,000 tons of forage. 10,000
of hay and 7000 of oats for use In the
Philippines during ths coming fiscal
year. The bids will be opened July 17,
although recent advices stated they
would be received a month later than
that date. , For - August delivery S000
tons of hay and 1000 of oats Is wanted.
It Is expected If the contract Is plsced
In ths northwest a portion of ths' tim
othy will likely be furnished by the
new Sunnyslde district, Taktma county,
but there will not be sufficient new crop
to complete the order. However, local
dealers ars not sure of Its coming here,
owing to California's large yield. The
last government forage contract was se
cured by San Francisco.
(United Frees teased wire.1
Albany, Or, June 8. A large delega
tion from the Commercial club will go
by auto to Corvallls Friday evening
to start a movement for a Willamette
valley exhibit of products to be placed
in the Omaha land ahow and also at
similar expositions to be held this year
at Chicago and St. Paul. It was at
first croDOsed to make onlv a Linn
county exhibit but members of the club
evolved the Idea Of embracing all sec
tions of the valley and are working to
that end. The cooperation of the several
county courts will be enlisted to defray
at least, a portion of the expense in
volved In the assemblage of tha exhib
its la conjunction with ths Commercial
clubs of ths valley towns.
It la proposed to make the exhibit
thoroughly representative of every sec
tion of the valley and the most compre
hensive of any single display of agri
cultural and general resources ever ss-
semniea in western uregon
d . (B1.b Boreas ef The JenhraL)
0 Salem. Or., June 8. -Cnauf-
'fours will have to wait! a few
e . days for their badges, owing to
a mistake In spelling on the first
809 turned' out by a Portland
firm. Tha nam was spelled
Kaiaffeur.'v but the error was
not detected at the secretary of
state's office. The firm making
4 the badges discovered the mis
S print on a badgs being worn by a -
A ' .1.. I . .Is- M ,1
. fled the state officials to turn In
0 all Uiat bad been received.
Askany member of
the Woods Motor
Vehicle Company
what he is striving for
and he'll answer "Effi
And there's nothing thai
you ilesire more in an elec
trie car than that. Its need
is constantly arising, every
moment the car is in use,
It's because 5f "efficiency
. o a a !. 1
in tne car" tnat we maxe
less profit than any other
concern in the car-building
We soend more time on tht
Woods -we take more pains
we use better materials (some
of it imported) and we bank
the honor 01 tne institution on
every car that leaves the shop.
What we want you to do
when you vbuy an electric car
is to see them ail, then maice
comparisons. You haven't any
right to 'buy a car without
makinsr. comparisons. There s
too much money involved.
when vbu buy. a Woods
- . r
you Duy ior years itoijior
season or two. Remember we
are firm adherents of the solid
rubber tires. Magnificent
springs .absorb all shock that
may come therefrom and you
are never in fear of tire trouble.
That's one of the big. points
in favor of an electric car.
' ' Local Agent,
Covey Motor Car Co.
21st and Washington Sts.
Portland, Oregon.
Banff the Beautiful
There la only ons Banff a summer
resort without a rival. Low round trip
rates via ths Canadian Paclfrc
Avleolar Dentistry
in a majority or our advertisements
we ley great stress on our specialty,
Alveolar dentistry, replacing missing
teetn wunoui a ciaie or orioae wors.
and. tne ouring ryorrnee (loose teeth).
The work Is so remarkable In Its char
acter that It la apt to overshadow those
other esses which corns to us ths sim
ple caaea. We don't want the Idea to
obtain that we are Alveolar specialists
slone. Ws are that, but somsthlng more
genersl praotltloners of ths first
claaa. Ws do dentistry In all It.
branches, from ths simple piece of fill
ing up. It's a bosstful ststement to
make, but we csn do anything that is
nosslbls In dentistry, and what we da 1.
always of ths very hlgheet class. Our
booklets Alveolar Dentistry and exam
ination, are free. There are 12 Alveolar
Dental Co. offices in ths west About
60,000 people sre wearing our Alveolsr
teetn. adouv suuu people in this cltv
snd state have teeth supplied by this
office. Ninety-nine per cent. If not every
single one win ten you u ssxea that
It's the best Investment they ever mads
in dentistry, in many cases where
bridge work Is impossible and all cases
whero it is possible, ws csn replace your
teeth with beautiful, artistic, comfort
able, cleanly and everlasting teeth that
we will defy anyone, dentist or layman,
to tell from natural teeth. For full In
formation see our Sunday ada.
ruruinu Aomiion oiag., lu.ft sa SL
Bids., fd
Terms to reliable peopl
Seattle Halgh
and Pine.
A Week of Recreation and Jollity
July 17 to 22, Inclusive
yien Pdatcl
A festival marie all
the more attractive
by the natural delight
of cool 'Summer
(day and nights on
Puget Sound.
Some of the Doings
of Potlatch Week
Water Fetes and Sports '
Historical and Artistic Pageants '
Aerial Flights Daily by Curtiss and Others
Arrival and Welcome of King Gold .
Review of United States Battleships
Music by Ellers and Other Great Bands
Parade of All Nations (
Japanese Feast of Lanterns
Chinese Monster Dragon Parade
Parades of Women and Children in Flower
Bedecked Vehicles
Dancing and Masquerades
Indian Dances and Ancient Ceremonies
Exhibits of Northwestern Resources
n j s a sin. For further information aslc any railroad
RedUCed Rates by Ml Lines aent, or address Potltach PublicityHead
' " " quarters, 822 Central Building, ..Seattle .
near. cjvUmnrAvnveCmft QK.&rrcKaiswutiM