The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 07, 1911, Page 13, Image 13

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vo you uwn
an Acre Lot
at Anion's
Farmers Making More Money
- on Ten ; Acres.s Now Than
Formerly '? on ' 1 60 Great I
Changes' Seen.
Tim was In
Terr other
Oregon, well aa In
agricultural . aectlof
North Arairlci, when It m thi ambi
tion of the successful" farmer to own
aa much land aa h could pay taxes' on.
In fact, hla success was measured by
the extent of hla acreage. The man
with a quarter section of land waa pitied
by hla more opulent neighbors and hla
farm contemptuouely referred to aa a
"patch." He who owned a half section
wa looked upon aa a man who. If he
persevered in land buying, promised to
become a real farmer. But the man
who measured hla holdings by the sec
tion was both the envy and the admira
tion of his less fortunate neighbors.
In that respect times have changed
and this chance la nowhere more radi
cal than right here in Oregon. The
average slie of holdings' In the older
ettlgd agricultural states has grown
steadily less for many years; but here
In Oregon the transformation has taken
piece, with greater rapidity.
Several causes are operative. One Is
the large Increase In the value of land
In Oregon; "hut the controlling reaaon
I to he found In the development . of
scientific methods of agriculture, espe
cially as applied to Intensive farming.
Overwhelming proof haa been adduced
by the intelligent farmer, the agricul
tural schools and state and government
experiment station going to show that
from the same Investment of capital and
labor hetler profits could be made from
the small farm, well cultivated, than
from the large farm poorly cultivated.
(Jolng bark , ' to the reason
given the lncteid value of land, the
farmer can' neither" afford to own nor
buy1 a large piece of land, and by very
necessity he Is compelled to make a liv
ing rait of a smaller tract
At a meeting of farmers held In a
Willamette valluy town last spring, a
member of the faculty of the Oregon
Agricultural college at Corvallls made
this declaration "Any ten acres of farm
land In western Oregon, properly culti
vated, will support a family handsome
ly." He might have added that any ten
acres of eastern Oregon Irrigated land
will do the same.
Ten acres, of course. Is only a con
venient unit. Fifteen or twenty acre
farms come under the same general
principle, and there are scores of little
farms of only five acres or even less
that are supporting families and doing
It easily and well. It might be added
that to achieve this result the land
must Jbe deepj-fertil and durable, climat
ic conditions' must be favorable, with
plenty of moisture, a long growing sea
son and freedom from heavy late frosts.
In other words, .the conditions must be
Just such as are to be found throughout
entire Portland terlrtory of the Wil
lamette valley and the rich Irrigated
sections east of the mountains.
The ten acre farmer Is of necessity
a specialist In those crops that bring the
largest returns from the smallest area,
and be must be sufficiently near a cen
, ter of population,- large enough to In
sure a dependable market. . Another
essential Is transportation facilities for I
reselling that market quickly and cheap
The question Is often asked. Can I
farmer afford to pay from 200 to 1400
for a 10 aere tract that meets all of
the above conditions and requirements T
The answer Is simple If he Is a good
enough farmer to make a living on
the land, then he can richly afford
to pay that price.
The demand for this class of land,
near a markel and having transporta
tion facilities Is large and is constant
ly increasing. Prlcea now asked for
rich farm lands In Oregon and which
are thought by some to be high will be
I -1 - 1J1. u .
conniucrea nuicuxuuty cumu ca ww
years hence.
For the best farm land In western
Oregon, there is a wide variety of
prices. Splendid land, finely located
as to transportation facilities and with
in 15 to 20 miles of Portland may be
' 1...J 11(11 (a CAA aa Tk
decreases with distance, and It Is al
together possible to get a valuable farm
'Within 40 miles of this city for as
low as $50 to 175 an acre. If a buyer
wants fruit land, he will have to. pay
more for It; but when he gets it and
it becomes a bearing orchard, he is as
sured of an annual Income per acre of
rom $300 to $500. The prob
em of a living from a 10 acre orchard
in Oregon presents no difficulties.
There are scores of 10 acre oroharda in
the Hood River valley and other es
tablished fruit scotlons of the stater
that yield an annual income of $3000 to
$6000. Such orchards sell for $1500 to
f 4nnn an nra and thaw Ara wnrfh avorv
- u " u " J - '
dollar they bring,. - . ,
i "For the man weary with the struggle
of making a living In the city, the 10
acre farm in Oregon will solve the prob
lem. It is no experiment. Thousands
are doing It Uilfy It la an achieve
ment within , the reach' of any man of
average strength and Intelligence. It
offers a reward that 1 rich and certain-
- It mnan -tnny fhatn & 9mrm
living. It means- the life worth While..
' JUST 7Q' ACRES LEFT, out of 160 acre
VI ,ou we ivertiea rwo momns ago -w
v satisfied buyeri in, eight week., And,
when thef market hat pasted there, 'will
not be another acreage proposition like Anion's
Acres near, this or any large cit at theprice
you will either have to pay a higher price or go'
further out; and irr either case you will sacrifice
some of hfi modern 'features that make our
property recognized as Portland's best high
class acreage addition you can depend on that
f T50U80OThlnk of itl Land between '
Portland's jd fnd 7 mile circies-almmt In the
small lot area selling at $750 and'$800 an acre
, lot I 160 acfe lots, each one facing on a graded
street and having good, pure water under pres
sure for house ana lawn and garden uses. 'Is
it a bargain? It is more than a bargain. It is
a SENSATION. If you don't know this you
should find it out at, once. It is eaJr. enough
to do. Just prlee land 'anywhere around
Amon's Acres Hand without streets. or water.
You will be asked more for It than we ask
you for our acre lots with all improvements in
and paid for you can depend on that.
cuse is there for any man or woman with an
ambition to own a home EXCUSE is the.
word what excuse is there for YOUR not
owning an Amon Acres lot wnen you can
get it on the terms we are offering? Have
you ever inquired about our terms? Have
you asked about our "90-day clause" the pro
vision that protects the buyer in event of ill
ness or loss of employment? Have you seen
any of the 70 FINE ACRE LOTS that are
left at Amon's Acres? You have NOT. If
you had seen them you would have BOUGHT
one of them you can depend on that.
GO OUT TOD AT If you are In the market for
Portland acreage of the kind we advertise, we
will arrange on request to take you out by auto
mobile to look over our .property. If you are a
bona fide buyer It will be worth your time as
well as ours for us to get together. And you
can depend on that
625-6 YEON BLDG. MAIN 1400, A-3213
1 to 5 Acre Tracts
Best of Soil; Built Up Neighborhood; Located
at the dateway of the City of Portland
If you are in the market for' a poultry ranch, truck farm or su
burban home, where you can have fine garden, raise abundance of
fruit, berries, etc., keep cow and horse and enjoy life and SAVE
MONEY, do not fail to look over these small tracts.
Opening prices are VERY LOW $350 to $550 per acre and are
sold on terms of 10 cash and balance very easy monthly payments.
Call at office for further particulars or send name and address
for descriptive literature.
J. 0. ELROD, Owner
518-519 Corbett Building, Portland, Oregon
No location in Orezon offers rreater induce
ments and opportunities than Troiitdale Acres
its climate, the great fertility of its soil and
A its close proximity to Portland makes it among
The Choicest Acreage Ever
Put on the Market .
Situated at the junction of Columbia and
. Sandy Rivers only 15 miles from Portland,
a 40 minutes' ride Troutdale Acres is'on the
main line of the O.-W. R. & N. Co. and P.
Ry. L. & P. Co. Only one thousand acres. "
All cleared and plowed all bottom land and
all free from rocks. A great fruit and vege
i table growing section. First 300-acres at $300
, per acre, payable in five years, interest 6.
Call, or write for particulars. Autos to prop
erty by appointment;
407-8-9 Merchants Trust Building
. : v Phones Main 8457, A-2937
We offer 319 acres, close to the city of Dufur, Or.,
on very attractive terms.
Every foot of this tract is perfect apple land. Soil
and drainage cannot be excelled. Money cannot buy
We have bought and sold over 5000 acres in the
Dufur Valley this Spring, and this tract is thq cream of
it all.
We were'the first to buy in this valley. We bought
only the best and will sell the cheapest.
1007-1008 Yeon Bldg. Marshall 467. Home A-4142
$180,000,000.00 INCREASE
The census bureau reports this enor
mous increase in farm values in Idaho in
10 years on account of irrigation. Similar
results will show in the Willamette valley.
The Willamffte Valley Irrigated Land
Co. will show you how you can have your
share of this wealth if you will call at their
ofice ;h Hartman & Thompson's Bank.
Ask for Mr. Hartog.
5 acres sown to alfalfa and clover $250
cash, balance 6 per cent.
4 acres for poultry farm $200 cash, bal
ance 6 per cent.
8 acres partly n apple orchard $400
cash, balance 6 per cent.
10 acres, ideal homesite, finest mouldleaf
soil $500 down.
14 acres, 1 in strawberries, 1 in alfalfa, S
In apples $700 down.
10-room house and 16 acres, all kinds of
fruit, on county road.
11 acres adjoining O. A. C. Experiment
station, in clover and oats $550 down.
10 acres adjoining school on county road,
in crop $500 down.
All adjoining S. P. depot at WEST
Free site in West Stayton for hotel, res
taurant or other business. General Mer
chandise store about completed and sold,
livery stable and other buildings going up.
Get in on 'the ground floor in this center
of new activity.
Get Into the Chicken
Business It Pays
One of die best ways to realize ready money on
your investment is to buy a Sunset poultry farm. Have
you ever stopped to consider that Sunset farms are ideal
for poultry, situated in the acknowledged poultry center
of the state? Also think and consider we teach you free
of cost the successful Sunset way of poultry raising, that
ii itself is worth $2000 to any one going into the chicken
business. Our farms are Vj miles from Oakland. Our
farms will have water, light and telephones to each tract.
Why not come in and let us tell how to become inde
pendent. We know you can by buying a Sunset poultry
farm. A call at" our office will convince you that this land
that sold at a lesser figure is equal, if not superior, to
surrounding lands at higher value.
5 and 10 Acre Tracts
$60 to $75
Sunset Land and Poultry Farms Co.
Originator! of "Exclusive Poultry Colonies
MAIN 1590
$500 CASH
invested in one of our 5-acre MOSIER VIEW ORCHARDS
will make you independent in five years. The apples that are
making Oregon famous throughout the entire world are grown
in the
Hood River-MosierDistrict
. The opportunity to get one of these choice tracts on easy
payments is before you now. Investigation COSTS YOU
NOTHING. See us before it is too late for full information
about our
Office open every evening this week until 9 o'clock.
Hood River Orchard Land Co.
DEVLIN & FIREBAUGH, Selling Agents
Theae plaet will biinir rood results, together with a larffe rt of In
ternet on tha small amount Invested; the soil Is of the best, belnjr black
lnsm, level and cleared, lies close to electric lines, on Rood road, close to
town and In thickly settled locality, and only a short distance from
WIT PAT VAITCT FBICBSt This land will produce as larjr a rev
enue an land selling for $10UO per acre. Coma In and look over our list
of farms.
rJtTJTT rABK 10 acres of fine land, all unTler cultivation; 7 acres
of assorted fruits In full bearing, berries of all kinds; good 7 room
lion nc. In good condition; new barn and outbuildings, fins well and abun.
nance or watpr; place all renoea; lies on gooa county roaa. joining smait
town; good scnooi, cnurcn, etc., 3 diocks rrorn eiecinc line ana station,
and only 13 miles from heart of Portland. This place Is located In a
very pretty valley and Is a good buy. Anyone wanting a nice horn with
plenty of good fruit and In one of the best sections of the country will
buy this. Price 13800; terms.
all under finest state of cultivation, all manner of fruit: fenced with
woven wire fencing; good 6 room ho u ire, good barns and outbuildings;
spring watr piped to house, barn and lawn, and overflow from spring
can be used for Irrigating tract: 2 blocks from electric car station,
blocks from school; telephone, R. F. D. mail; In thickly settled locality:
good view of mountains, and an Ideal little home, 8 miles from heart of
Portland, and a bargain at $5000; good terms to right party.
6 ACBBS 4 acres under cultivation, 2 acres partly cleared; fine
building site; located close to Beaverton and Oregon Electric, on good
road, close to good school and In excellent neighborhood. Price $1760;
land adjoining this tract selling for $500 per acre and up. This place
Is dirt cheap. See Dryer, ,
IDZAX. BOO AVS DAISY XAITCK 180 acres of fine soil, with 20
seres under cultivation, part in crop; 20 acres more very easily cleared,
20 acres of good saw timber; land all lies good; has fine trout stream
through land: fine spring water piped to buildings, good windmill and
elevated tank; good 8 room plastered house In good condition; new barn'
62x72; flno orchard of assorted fruits in bearing; t acres of good prune
orchard, good fruit dryer, cost tlBOO; auothcr 4 room house, also chicken
bouse, hnphouee and all necespary outbuildings; place fenced; Ilea on
good road, close to school; 2 miles from railroad and small town and onlv
! miles from Vancouver; the soil Is of the best, having no rock or gravel.
There is about 10 acres of fine beaverdam land on this place, which Is'
fine for onions, potatoes, etc. Anyone wanting a general farming and
dniry proposition will be more than pleased with this place. Price only
$10,000, terms to suit. Would consider part trade for Portland prop
erty, but must be at cash price. SEE US FOR FARMS.
Printed list furnished upon request. Don't buy until you have InVea-'.
tlgated what we have to offer. We are headquarters for farm property
anil our services are at your command.
around Floor, rwis Bldf.
Are always open to those who ob
serve and act upon their observa
tion. IJ Study the location of beautiful
Chehalem Valley, 22 miles south
of Portland, where we have FIVE,
live little city of Newberg.
J Beautiful scenery, "red shot"
soil and pleasant climate what
more could you wish for in one
I You have choice of timbered or -
cleared land. Cut and ship wood
to us and pay for your land in that
way. ....... ,...,..,.,,.,, , . .. , . ....
I Being in a great orchard district
insures you best market for your -fruit.
. - t
f We make trips out to these tracts "
by automobile on week days and v-
Sundays.'" ' ' v , ,i I'-'i'.v.
9 Don't delay-these tracts won't :
last long there too choice. . .
, IJ Call on or address us for plans . , r
tM'ff :and.oklets.::)
i 4