The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 06, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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Episcopal Cleric Meets' Death
: When Apparatus Skids Into
a Tree; Others Badly Hurt,
4 Two Perhaps Seriously.
i n
(PoltM "Wei Laa Wlre.
ceJ, June Rev. Ceetl I
Marrack. rector of Bt Stephen's church,
San Francisco, lost his Ufa. and eight
ther Episcopalian ministers of San
' Francisco. Oakland. Berkeley and Point
Richmond were Injured, two of them
snrlnusly, In an automobile accident yea
.terday. The body of Rev. Mr. Marrack
WH removed to San Ftanclaoo today.
Rev, Hubert C. Carroll, rector of Bt
John's ehurch f Rose, whoaa guests
tha ministers ware, la resting easy today
at a local sanitarium. His left leg waa
fractured and his hip crushed. An
X-ray photograph will ba taken today
to determine how badly tha bonaa were
fractured. Ill condition la serious.
I vr. Graaham. dean of Grace
tcninial cathedral Baa Francisco,
whoaa wriat waa broken and left ankle
radlf sprained, may ba aiaie to return
home today. Tha other alx sustained
ejily painful laceratlona and bruises.
Sixteen Episcopalian mlnlatera of the
tmy towna, composing the Monday club,
held their weekly meeting yeeterday In
Roaa. When tha meeting waa over,
Ray. Mr. Carroll and nlna of tola guests
accepted an Invitation for a apln on the
town's new automobile fire angina Tha
majority of tha yaaaangara atood on the
running boarda on each side. Chief
Engineer Green of tha fire department
waa at tha wheel.
After a pleaaant ride, tha partr w"
returning and whan within 100 yarda
cf tha angina house. Mra. Carroll waved
ta her hue bead, area wo hui ia-
nal to atop and alapped on me prases
hard. Tha vehicle skidded and craahed
Into a tree agalnat which Rev. Mr. Mar.
tack and Rev. Mr. Carroll ware cruaaea.
Readjustment Gives Heads of
Many Offices Increase of
$100 a Year.
(Halted Freae Uaatd Wire.)
Twe woman giving their natnea aa
Mra. XL J. Allan 'and Mra. B. BL Brown,
both resldenfa of tha Orlando apart
manta at Twentieth and Washington
atreata, are In tha Good Samaritan hoe
pltal Buffering from aerioua lnjurlea
Waahlngton, June . Postmaster I suatalned at aa early hour thla morn
General Frank It HUchoock announced Ing, when an automobile driven by
to. that tha Aanartmant haJ com- Frank EL Harmar of tha Frank H. Har-
pleted a readjustment of tha aalarlaa of er company, an alectrtcal fUtura n
Soatmaat.r. appolnUd by tha P-id.nt l-no gfflSS
in cities ana towns wnere uie s4xr oomanyB barna on tha Llnnton road.
baaed upon the annual receipts. The throwing all tha oooupants out, com
new aalarlaa will ba put Into effect pietely demolishing the auto and break
juiv l. Ing tha telephone pole off at - tha
Tha tnVnmrinw nnllmutwt. with their ground.
r,t ..larlaa. will receive an increase I Mra. Allen, agad II years, nas bus
f lino n.r vur berlnnlna- July 1. talned a broken leg and Is vary badly
Oreaon Pal em. 131001 naaer. jbuo; oruiaea. wnue iarm. orewn iwai uut wjw
nnL tiooo: Oranta Paas. 12400; ana sustained a Di-oxen anaie.
Ryhnnr iiiflo. I Aoordlng to the report of tha aocl
Washington Taooma, 13600! Bpokane, l cent, tne trio naa oeen spending muon
11900; Aberdeen, $2800; Chehalls. S 200. time during the evening at tna varioua
Medford. Or., la raised from $1600 ta roadhouses. The party sUrted out at
$!800, and Klamath jraiia irom ziuv to
Boise, Idaho, which pays $1200 at
present la Inoreaaed to $1100.
Laramie. Wyoming, postmaster's sal-
T o'clock from tha Orlando, and at I
o'clock landed at tha hospital In aa
automobile that Harmar pressed lnta
servloe after hla machine waa wracked.
Ilarmar waa not Injured beyond a
few aoratchea and bruises and waa able
to appear at his office In tha Mohawk
building. Every possible effort was
made to keep tha matter secret and ta
that end, Harmar took tha lloenaa tag
off hla machine whoa ha loaded tha
Injured women Into tha automobile and
started for tha city.
The first report received at polloe
headquarters waa that one woman had
bean killed and Sergeant WanJeae was
sent to Investigate, but whan ha arrived
there, nothing but tha demolished ra-
matne of the auto wera to ba seen.
Mra Allen, who Is noted for her
beauty, haa resided at tha Orlando alnea
last Sunday and it Is understood that
her husband la a traveling salesman.
Mra Allen is known aa Mra Jennie
Allen. Dr. Banford Whiting la attend
ing the women.
ary la inoreaaea xrom
annually. "
$2800 ta $:oo
This morning the visiting Jewelers
who are assembled here In annual con
vention devoted to sightseeing with
their families. They went to Council
Crest and other points of Interest and
vantage and waa charmed with tha
view. Tha convention began Its sea
alon yesterday morning In the assembly
room of the Portland Commercial ciuo.
p . . pi xj it win ciose mis evening win a oan
UanilU HVIdlUI l& tllllllllcllUU quet at the club.
n I rut ureRon netau jeweienr aoci
rrom Air nace Dy neavy
(Catted Preai.Uaarf Wlre.1 1 ;
BalUmora, Md, June . William
Howard Taft, president of tha United
' Butea, and Theodora Roosevelt, his
predecessor, Joined with tha clvio au
-thoiitlea of Baltimore today to pay
honor to Jamea Cardinal Gibbons. The
occasion of tha celebration waa tha
fiftieth anniversary of tha ordination
-of Gibbons aa a priest and tha twenty-
fifth anniversary of hla elevation to
the cardlnalata.
-.Hundreda of prominent man Joined
, la J.he city's tribute to tha cardinal,
among them being Chief Justice White
. of tha United Btatea supreme oourc,
James Schoolcraft Sherman, vice preal-
dent of tha United States, and Governor
throwers or Maryiana.
- "A monster meeting was held In the
Fifth Regiment Armory In tha after
noon, where Taft and Booaevelt ware
acheduled to pay their trlbutea ta Gib
bons. Tha cardinal himaelf waa among
the speaker.
President Taft arrived la tha after
noon and Roosevelt came about two
hours earlier. Ha la tha gueat of for
mer United Btatea Attorney General
Charlea J. Bonaparte. Neither Taft
nor Roosevelt plan to remain tonight,
and both will depart soon after tha re
ception to Cardinal Gibbona, A special
detail of police guarded tha two dis
tinguished visitors.
(Unfted Pi Leaae4 Wlra.l
Exeter, CaL.-June 6. Despondent be
. causa Agatha Twlehaua. the pretty
. young daughter of JudgarTwiehaua of
Exeter, rejected hla love. Earl O'Brien,
10, a brlckmason, attempted to commit
suicide shortly after midnight by tak
ing poison. A friend vainly attempted
to prevent O'Brien from carrying out
his rash purpose. He will recover.
8peela1 DUrt?B tp-Tlie Journal.)
Waahlngton. June- . President Taft
yesterday took Colonel Joseph Gar
rard, commandant at Fort Meyer, to
taak for discouraging Private Frank
Bloom's attempts to get a commission.
Bloom Is of Hebrew parentage. This,
said the president, waa the only reason
for Garrard's attitude.
(United Prww Leued Wire.)
Chicago, June 6. Before leaving for
Detroit today to become pastor of the
First Presbyterian church. Dr. Joseph
A. Vance, for 12 years pastor of the
Hyde Park Presbyterian church here,
branded Chicago, with the exception of
San Francisco, the most wicked city In
the world..
(Balera Bureau of Th Jonrnal.)
Salem, Or., June 6. July 6, 1 and
are tha dates for the Salem cherry
. festival. These datea were definitely
fixed at a meeting of the Board of
Trade last night. Cherries being back
ward In ripening haa delayed setting of
a definite date.
.I;:. Convict Prepare Annnal Play.
t (galea .Baraaa et The Journal.)
Salem, Or., June & A committee from
- among tha convlota at the state, peni
tentiary la hard at work selecting a suit
able play to ba given by the prisoners
soma time In July. It Is the custom of
tha prisoners to present an annual play
In their well-equipped auditorium, for
tha entertainment of their fellows and
of Invited guests. : . ,
' , 1 1 $40,000 Addition to School.
' (aaleat Bareas f The Jonraal.)
Salem, Or, May s. In order that tha
work f enlarging the high achool
ballding may ba completed by tha time
achool opana la September, It waa neces
sary to begin tha improvements before
the elose of school,' which taken place
next Friday. . At a cost af $40,090 the
building will ba , enlarged tot twice ita
present capacity, and -the new addltloo
. will b furnished throughout. Tha en-
Hr-rafter af taaehera, 8 In number,
has b4f ntade out for tha" ensuing term.
(Dnltcd Ftcm Lutri Wlre.t
Bug, France. June 6. Pierre V
drine, tha daring aviator who won the
Paris to Madrid race through the air,
started here this morning- at down on
the first leg of the Paris-Rome,Turln
aerial contest. He made the first 159
miles In three hours and 64 minutci
but etfeountered a storm above Claons
Sur-Saone which wrecked his monoplane
so dangerous that ha was forced to
descond and made a rough landing near
Macon. IBs machine wss damaged ao
badly that Vadrlna abandone the race.
Lieutenant Conneau of tha French
army, who enters the race aa . Andre
Beaumont. Aoland Garros, Frey' and
Vtdart, tha four contestants In the race
all are at Roma They are preparing
to resume tha flight to Turin. They
have until June 15 to complete It
Hon was organlaed four years ago and
has steadily Increaaed In membership
until now about 200 firms ara repre
sented. This afternoon IL & McCut
chan of thla city, who repreaenta the
Jewelers' Board of Trade of the Pacific
coast will address the convention. Louis
Bruns of Portland will reapond to tha
address. Albert Feldenhelmer, Port
land; I. 13. Staples. Portland, and W. F.
Delschneider, McMlnnvllle, will give five
minute talks.
After these addresses will follow the
election of officers.
j j r- .
, iAv7--' ''it'
r , , "; v
; I V ' k V ,
'' J''
- l ;
x J t ' v t.
' 111 ftli'r-.
Somnambulist ' Completes His
Labors, Returning Home,
Strides Jnto", Space.
(Caltod Ptms Leased Wlre.t
Ban Francisco, June . Walking into
apaca from tha fourth story or an un
finished building, William Meyers, to,
somnambulist, crashed to tha aldewalk
and wag killed today. : r j
' Merra a saloon porter, left hla lodg
Ings while faat aalaap thla morning and
olad la hla pajamas -event to tha saloon
where he hjtd baen employed. He
awept out tha saloon, polished tha bar,
washed tha. glasses and than,- I still
soundly sleeping, walked out of the
plaoa. . . "( -
A policeman, attraotad by Mayer's
white garments, followed him and saw
that ha waa walking In his slep.
Movers climbed Into an unflnlalird
building, tha officer following, but fear
ing to awaken him, for, fear ha might
fall. Suddenly Meyers turned ana
walked out of aa opening on tha fourth
Voluntary petition In bankruptcy waa
filed In tha United States court today
by J. Wlnlfield Swope, an architect, al
leglng that be baa debts of $4,611.58
which he cannot pay and that his as
sets consist of but 1170.
A large proportion of Mr. Swope's
bills all of which are open accounts
with varioua firms in the city seem to
have been for clothes, though In hla
statement of property: he says he now
has but $100 worth. Otherassets he
lists are six pictures worth $10, books
worth $10, drawing Instruments $20 and
a silver set worth $30.
Among the people he says he owes
bills to are tailors, shlrtmakera, shoe
makers, furriers, furnishing goods
stores, stationers. Jewelers, furniture
stores, hotels and a riding academy.
Edward M. Walsh, a Pendleton mer
chant,- haa filed a voluntary petition In
bankruptcy alleging debts Of "$6J41.20
and assets of $1816.
(ObHiKl Pm Lease WlrO
Boston, June s. Former Justice
Moody of the supreme -court who re
signed on account of 111 health, arrived
hare today from Haverhill. His con
dition is critical.
The charges made by Harold Pope
against Joseph M. Rlcen and Harry
Schwartz of the Columbia Pharmacy
at 135 First street that they had been
selling him cocaine and morphine failed
to convince Judge Tawll this morning
and tha. defendanta were ' dismissed.
Pope, shaking in every limb from the
effects of a drug, called at the district
attorney's office yesterday and con
fessed the use of the drug and asked
that warrants be Issued for the arrest
of the drug store proprietors, and the
arrest was made. Judge Taawell, how
ever, ruled that the unsupported word
of Pope was not sufficient to convict
Pope gave himself up to Patrolman
Helms last night and asked to be held
at the city Jail with a view of helping
him conquer the drug habit. Jn court
this morning he cried as he faced Judge
Tazwell and assured him that he. would
fight to become a man again. He- has
wife and child. Judge Tazwell con
tinued the case against Pope.
(Salrm Bnrran ef Tb Journal.)
Salem. Or.. June 6. When a certifi
cate la Issued to the Umpqua Valley
bank of Roseburg, that city of 478S
population will have five batiks, which
will make Roseburg second In the state
in Its Dumber of banks. A certificate
was granted today by Will Wright,
superintendent of banks, to tha First
Trust and Savings Bank of Roseburg.
Had these two banks not filed articles
of Incorporation before May 20, neither
would have beau permitted to open,
for on that date tha new banking law
limiting the number of banks according
to population went Into effect, in tha
race from Roseburg to Salem, however,
John W. Throne, for tha Umpqua Val
ley, and W. 1m Bpauldlng, for tha First
Trust and Savings, reached the secre
tary of state's offices on the evening
of May 1 and filed articles, and tha
certificates must be Issued under the
old law. Only one more bank In tha
state. Is now left to be Issued certifi
cate under the old law, the North Plains
Commercial bank of North Plalna, a
new town In Washington county.
Superintendent of banks Will Wright
returned today from a tour of north
eastern Oregon and reports rapid Ira'
provement from the alump of last win
ter. Deposits are increasing and good
crop conditions, the wool clip and an
Improved livestock market ara combin
ing to help that section.
Tha Portland Commercial club has
been compelled to deny a number of ap
plications for dinners and banquets for
the work owing to lack of apaca to
accommodate them all. Everything haa
been dope to comply with tha requests
but they came In so thick and fast that
President Harvey Backwlth found it be
yond all poaslbllty to grant half of
"This week offers a practical Illus
tration of the need of tha Commercial
in Twvwith hi. n.nmin. T.r. .... allty and stunning appearance. Although
hn rmmjM-nn. i,.K. hardly mentioned In tha advertising of
eons and dinner parties for almost tn ftttractlona. aha" haa received un- contest
- ,1.1 I.. --, ... usually demonstrative receptions since I Judges- 01 mi pnse rose contest
wi jr mi ww aim must di ium . - - - - ,
Miss Muriel Hope
Miss Muriel Hope, who Is playing
Margaret Anglln's role of Ruth Jordan
In "The Great Divide," at the Baker
club for additional apace.- aaid Preal- th' wk- woman of rare Paraon-
Largest Rose Exhibited by
Mrs. Block; Measured 8
Inches Across.'
we have been compelled to refuse, as
much as we desired to grant them.
Tha mhhi r,t ti,. mnmm ta I goes, witn tne HaKer audiences. AS
being taken up by our owrt members Ruth Jordan ln'h "uerb M,"er
and their families to such an extent that P1 thlg week. Miss Hope haa
we have to set tables In the hallways. bn compared to Margaret Anglin by
ha- flrat waak whlrh I. .mnl. nroof the AlTOOIT had no little difficulty
tha aha haa a-nnri" aa tha aavlnff I deciding the Winners In the VarlOUS
mnmm with th. r.v.? a.unroa classes ao flna ware the exhibits
Tha largest rose In tha show waa ex
hibited by Mrs. John R. Block. The
flower, which was a Madame William
Soufert, measured eight Inches across
Its faca. Up to, tha tlma of going to
press tha winners of the best rose in
tha ahow, and tha winners by sections
Tha r.mitar wa.iciv .i innnh. many wno saw uie latter piay tne e
eon of the boar of eov.raora to acting role, and at other tlmea in her
held today waa postponed so that the T "l?1""! , cene" i1?" h" b'n
. ... , . . I Ukenad to Nazlmova. She is vounr.
..ra . ,r. had not been armounced
tha noara wiu not meet this week un
less something very Important cornea up
and then In some other room and not
at the lunch hour.
"Tha club also needs a larger kitchen
to give Uie cooks and their asaiatanU
a chnnco to worh."
A banquet will ba glvtn at the club
day of the big parade, and every even
ing. Parade evenings tha curtain will
this evening by the wholesale and Job- not after the Tarade Is over.
bing jewelers and opticians of Portland
to the delegates to tha Oregon Retail
Jewelers' association which Is how hold
ing Its annual convention here. Thurs
day night the Northwest Muslo Teach
ers' association will hold a banquet at
tha club. These events were arranged
for several weeka In advance.
ness that alvea nromlse of a brilliant snowing are tna awards made this
future! Portland is lust barlnnlna to I afternoon:
become fond of her aa tha season closes. I Following were awards of prises as
Manager Baker announcea that "The! made by tha judges of the Rose Show
Great Divide will be seen every after-I at tha Armory.
noon this week except Thursday thai A Class First (Madam Carolina
A. Storey; sec
:?i 11,
.-SI I
Rev.: George A. Symington of
' ; CflnTr'iH'j Mner fin fn tho "
Penitentiary. ' '
(Ipeelal TM.patcn to The JouruaLt '
'.Cantralia, Wash.June . With
amasament. It waa learned here last
night that tha Rev. George A. Syming
ton,' rector of tha Can trail a Episcopal
ehurch, has been sentenced to a term
of from one to ten yeara in Seattle for
a aerioua orrenee, la which c u. Bel
ford waa complaining witness. Tha
rector was deeply respected by all d
nominations aa well as In hla awn flock.
and opinion la divided between flat dis
belief of tha charge and doubt of hla
sanity.' . . .
Mr. Symington la a man of scholarly
tastes and dlarnlfled mien. He is well
along In year and married lata In Ufa.
He la tha father-of baby twin daugh
ters. In view of tha esteem In which
he la bald here, nobody bellevea ha la
actually guilty and tha announcement
created a great sensation In hla home
city. Tha news wa aa Well guarded
that even hla most ' Intimate friends
wera left la tha dark until tha facta
were announced In a local paper last
While tha clergyman waa in Jail all
week It waa believed that ha waa In
Seattle transacting business la connec
tion with tha diocese, and outside news
papera containing stories wera kept
from the home. Mr. Symington's fam
ily physician haa expressed hla opinion
that the convicted minister la not In hla
right mind, and says ha believes ha has
been mentally afflicted, for soma tlma
(TTnlted Prrm Im4 W!ra.
Seattle, June (. To tha penitentiary
for from one to ten yearn waa the fata
of Rev. George A. Symington, rector of
St John'a Eplacopal church. Centralla.
Waah.. when ha pleaded guilty In Se
attle to aasault in the second degree.
Tha complainant agalnat him waa C H.
Belfnrd, 23 years old. Tha offense waa
committed In Seattle last weak while
Symington was here on a visit.
Nagasaki, June 6. With the crown
prince of Slam and his retinue on
board as well as a number of other
passengers, the steamer Ryazan of the
Prussian vounteer fleet Is hard and faat
on a reef near Nagasaki. Tha vessel
struck yesterday while bound for Vladi
vostok. The crown prince and all tha
pansengers and crew were aafely taken
ashore. The Japanese warship I wale haa
been sent to the scene.
(United Pns. teased Win.)
Nice, June 6. It is now considered
certain that Lieutenant Bague. the
French aviator, who left Nice yesterday
morning for a long flight, waa loat in
sea near Corsica. Nothing has been
heard of him. Hla plane waa found
floating on the water.
In Session in Rochester.
Special Plsnatch to The. Jonrnal.)
Rochester, N. Y., June t. Tha thlrty-
rirst annual convention of tha Ameri
can Waterworks association opened for
a rour days' session in Rochester today
with members in attendance from many
leading cities of tha United States and
Canada. '
(United Pm. Leaied Wire.)
Bremerhaven, Germany, Juno I. Ut
terly exhausted after three hours In the
water, three balloonlata who left Ber
lin yesterday In the competitive balloon ,
flight, were rescued today In tha estuary
Testout), won by W.
ond, Fred A. Krlbba. .
Class I Best general exhibit,
B Claaa I -(Madam Carolina Testout)
F. C. David; second. Mrs. Max G. Cohen.
B Claaa I (Frau Karl Druachkl)
Mrs. Max Cohen; second. W. A. Storey.
B Class 4 (Madam Caroline Testout)
Mra Charles Winters;, second, T. N.
B Claaa (Same), Fred A. Krlbba
second, w. a. Btorey.
B Class I CLa France), Mra. E. T
Williams; second, Salome Berustln.
B Claaa 7 (La France), Miss Ella
Stephens; second, Mrs. E. T. Williams.
Best red rose, claaa D, No. 1. L. A.
Brown, with General MoArthur; second.
Mrs. Plumber.
f). class Iv-Flrst, ; second, Fred
D, class ! Ft ret, Mrs. Fred Page,
with climbing Papa Gontler; aecond,
Mrs. E. Caswell, with Grace Darling.
E, class 1 (single roses) L. A.
Brown, with Mra John Lalnfg; aecond,
Mrs. Herbert Holman, with Charts
E. Class 1 Fred A. Krfbbs, with clus
ter of three Captain Haywards; aecond.
H. M. . Grant, with cluster of Horace
Verne t .
XI Class S L A. Brown, with Madame
William Soufert; second. Mrs. John R.
oubt throughout AJameda county today to ba regular county offlcals and will fZt a 'in. Si " ih. -t.M
that the bond election of . UW.JWt J Uarleg . ot J 1 C$0 annually auD, f!,.5B
M itUTT WUlllJ III.!. I,,al J TV li I U&J I J U y I , . " - W
the required two-thirds majority. The county teacher nlna years and haa held
Wa.hIn(toa Boreas of Th Joaraal.)
Washington, June 9. Senator Cham
berlain wrote to the secretary of the
navy today requesting that one or more
battleships be detailed to the Astoria
centennial celebration Auguat 10 to Sep
tember 9.
of the Weser river. . They had descend
ed Into tha river to' prevent being car- .gL . rr; B""'
ried out to sea. Nlna other balloons r flribbs. with Jladama Alfred Car-
landed on tha coast
Marlon Snpen lsors Named.
(Balem Burvan of The Jonrnal. t I
Salem, Or., June a. The Marlon
county board of education put tha new
law for districting counties containing
ever (0 school districts Into operation
yesterday afternoon by naming two dis
trict supervisors. Miss Lizzie Corne
ll i llirni r-l rnri l"Ll auym mm uixaiv v-orar
ALAMEDA ELECTION Uus f Turner and John W. L. Slmth of
neon s jams, county oupennienaenc
(United Pm. Lmxi wire.i I W. M. Slmth will act aa tha third aupar-
Oakland, Cal., June 6. Thera seams I visor. These district supervisors ara
passage of tha bonds has bean recom
mended by the grand Jury which con-)
demned tha conditions existing at tha
present county hospital. Voting was
TO SAVE FATHER'S LIFE Lambert of Stayton, and tha oounty
superintendent; ax-officio.
the prlnclpalshlp of the Turner achools
and the Stayton achjools. Mr. Smith
had taught In Marlon county five years,
holding prlnclpalshlp at Turner Aums
vllle, and Scott's Mills. Tha county
board itself Is a creation of tha laat
legialature and consists of J. M. Poor
man of Woodburn, E. E. Shields of
Oervais, A. W. Mica of Liberty,
E. Class 4 Charles Winters, with
Madame Melaine 8oufrt; second, Mra.
M. L, Holbrook. with Irish Elegance.
E. Class S Mrs. Ti. B. Lambson, with
Maraan Cochet; second, Mrs. Caswell,
with Maurice Bauvln.
B. Claaa S-H. J. Walters, with Anna
Olivier; second, Mra George H. Flta-
glbfcen, same rose.
'United Ptms LeaMd Wire. I
New York, Juno 6. In order to raise
money to send his father to Greece, his
only chance to recover health, James
Saltilisaa and his wife, Julia, today ad
vertised in' the newspapers offering to
aell their "mighty fine baby, pretty
ana neaitny, ror 1000.
nlna months old.
Tennessee Sunday Schools.
(Special Dlipateb t Xn Journal.)
Chattanooga, Tenn.. June 6. With
Sunday school workers present from all
Death of IL A. Stewart.'
(Special nitpttch to The Jonrnal.)
Lebanon, Or, June . H. A. Stewart
died at his home, two miles north of
this city, Sunday night after an Illness
of about two veara of drnnav a4 tha
The baby Is age of 88 years. Ha waa born In Law
rence county, Mo., and with his par
ents came to Oregon in 1888 and has
City Auditor A. L. Barbur and City
Attorney Frank S, Grant were elected
lived on tha tarn farm alnce. In May, I by large majorities, these candidates
1904, he waa married to Miss Pearl
Paris. They have two children. The
funeral service .was beld today. Ha
having received both tha Republican and
Democratic nominations.
George Taawell' had no opposition for
over tha state, tha annual convention of waa burled under tha auspices of tha the position of municipal judge, the only
tha Tennessee Sunday School Associa-1 L O. O. F.
tlon opened here today for a three days
session. Sunday school 'experts of na
tional prominence ara among tha sched
uled speakers.
The funeral of Oliver C. Riches, the
Portland postofflcp Inspector who died
in Spokane Saturday night, was held
from the crematorium In Sellwood thla
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Former asso
ciates of Mr. Riches In the parlous
branches of the government service
acted as pallbearers. The body was
placed In a vault and will not ba cre
mated. ' -
Alleged Forger on Trial.
Charlea Barrett charred with aaaainar
a forged check, waa placed on trial this
morning in the circuit court Efforts
were made by his attorneys, tMoser &
McCue, to obtain a poatponmont, but
Judge KaVanaugh said there had been
enough1 delay ln'fh caaa and 'directed
tha attorneys to proceed. ' - ,
American Girl a London Bride.
Six-win 1 DUp.tch to Hi Journal.
London, June 6. Miss Edna Katharine
Shull, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John
Shull of Minneapolis, waa married in
St George's church, Hanover square,
today to Lieutenant Granville Bertie
Vernon. The couple wlU reside In Ceylon.'
New Masonic Temple.
(BpacUl Mapiitcb to The Jonrnal.t
Cumberland, Md., June 6. The corner,
stone for tha new Masonic temple that
is to be erected on tha site of old Fort
Cumberland was laid today with impres
sive ceremonies, under the auspices of
the grand lodge of Masons of Maryland.
Safe Crackers Make Haul.
(United Pres. Ltaaed Wit.)
Saratoga, Cat, June C. Burglars
blew open the safe In Cortstetn's gro
cery atore here before daylight this
morning and secured J17E In money and
1 4 00 -4a checks. Entrance was Secured
through a rear door, tba lock of Which
had been forced.' Tt is believed Ito be
Heat Wave Blows Awa4,
(United Pre tcaaed' Wire.) "
unicago, June me neat wave
which has held tha middle west In Its
grip for the past few days has been
broken. Today's temperature waa com
fortably coot Similar conditions are re
ported throughout the middle west
Driver's Condition Improves.
(United Pren LeaMii Wlra.)
Indianapolis, June 6. Driver G. Greln-
er, seriously hurt during the Decoration
day automobile races, is improving. His
Injury brought out tha fact that he
was secretly married five months ago
to Alias uiaays oyites.
(Continued From Page One.)
members of the fire department, appar
ently defeated by a small -majority.
Pension fund for like purposes for
other aspirant for tha office belna
Socialist . ' .
William Adams rolled up a heavy vote
for tha office of city treasurer. Ha waa
tha Republican candidate and had In
significant Opposition in candidates of
the Prohibitionists and Socialists.
George L. Baker, William H. Daly and
J. J. Jennings are tha three new coun-
cllmen at large ror long terma. They
' Aviation Meet Stirs Pastors.
(Salem Bnra et Tb. Journal.)
Salem, Or., June 8. "Direct affront
to every member of nearly every Chris
tian church In Oregon,' is what tha
ministers of Salem pronounce the use of
the state fair grounda for Sunday races
nd other events where admission Is
-The local Ministerial union adopted
resolutions yesterday evening protect
ing against the use of the state fair
grounds for such purposes on Sunday.
Tha resolutions at thla particular time
ere called forth by the aviation meet
held on tha fair grounds Sunday.
(United Praai LtaMd Wlre.1
Cleveland, June C W. Borrows,
president of the Natlqnal One Cent
Postage association, announced today
that President Taft and Postmaster
General Hitchcock had assured him that
tha question of one cent postage would
be presented at the next aesslon of con
gress. - The fight for higher magaxlna
postage would ba renewed than, ha aald.
Sent to Subdue liberals.
(United Pra I-m4 wire.)
El Paso. Tsxaa. June . To subdue
the-Llberais, who have aet up aa Inde
pendent republlo In Lower California,
100 federal soldiers, under command of
General Luqua, a noted fighter, today
are en route for that section of Mexi
can territory. General B. J. Vlljoen
and a number of lnsurreeto troops will
Join tha federals In Lower California.
Wilson to Speak.
(United Proas teaaeS Wlra.
Springfield .IlL, June g.-Oovernoe
T8Y A mm mJ WtMlat.. TkTmx-mm Ta.Ma.aaW Hfftl Vat
yw wurvw TV aitruai. iow j ui wnj wiu ww
principal apeaker at tha annual convan-i
tlon of tha Illinois Bankers' Associa
tion here In November.
police department, defeated by decisive 1 received practically a unanimous vote.
majority. John H. Burgard, tha auoceasful candl
Pension runa ror wee --purpose for I date for the office of councilman at
Vote on School Bonds.
(United Preu Leased W(r.
street cleaning department defeated by
perhaps three Jo one vote.
Increase of salary for city attorney,
Increase of salary for city engineer,
apparently defeated by small majority.
Bond issue of $200,000 for municipal
Jail, carried by large majority.
Paving Flant Beaten.
Bond Issue of $850,000, for purchase
of Council Crest defeated., . - ftf Al PRAPT WflM'T TA I'fcf
m I '- iria.l
large to succeed T. C Devlin was Just
as popular witn tne.voters, but a scat
tering few ballots being cast against
Ralph C. Clyde polled a substantial
majority over his Independent opponent
C. L. Daggett although friends of tha
latter us ad every effort to defeat tha
victor. .
Payment of cost of large fills from
special bridge fund, carried.
Bond Issue of 1600,000 for a publlo
Los Angeles, June . Voters ,ln Los auditorium, apparently, defeated
Angeles today are voting on the lasu-
anoe of . 11,172,000 worth of honds to
provide additions to high and" grammar
schools. A two thirds vote Is necessary.
Competition In aewer plans, carried.
No seat o ride ordinance, defeated
by an everwnaimmg vote
Three per cent gross earnings tax
on electricity for power and lighting
purposes, carnea.
; , - (Balem Boreas of The Journal.) -v V
- Sal am, Or., June 8. Superintendent
Chalcraft of the Chemawa Indian achool
refuses to discuss the practice of cor
poral punishment of Indian children and
hla management of tha institution. Riv
ing as his reason that Just at present
Commencement at If. Dakota ' A.
(Special Dlipateb to Tba. Journal.)
Fargo, N..D., June . The seventh
annual commencement exercise were
beld e the North Dakota Agricultural I paving, plant decisively defeated.
college uui luoruwf. -rcuiuent jonn I '
H. Worst delivered tha address te the I . To 'Attend Coronation,
graouaxes. -ne uui reunione Kan Franelaco Jnna C 1(1.. I.n,(. d.t.H ' ( DKmiwi , b.r t
were held thla afternoon.
Like tax on gaa companies selling c-i.i ,. v..
gas for commarcia.1 purposes, carrit w,aSaMiS
rriJ,r t. dleturS
anoe. t
Tha Alaakan fishing season will draw
a large part of the 75 Alaakan pupils
Croker, heiress and" society favorite ofl-naUve coasta, where they jrin work -all
Ihla rttt-a J tw1ii 'fAO T v.l. -
Raises reachers, Salaries. , her private car "Mlshawaka." She will
FlttsDurg, vu June s. Tha Reformed attend the coronation in London. 8 mat
Presbyterian Synod, in session here yes-j will be th guest, of Ambassador and I
terdav. adopted a resolution maklna thai lira Whltalaw Raid, at IlnrchMUf
vu vui y ftuiaaaiunaaBaia roooers.' minimum saiary or a preacuer ftiuu. nouse. - ' ' , V f1
vacation. A small - percentage of tha
400 pupils wtat remain ror the summer.
The regular year's, work -f will close
June 80 ' I .
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