The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 06, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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clpal pJessur , and recreation rret.
Alexander 8. Drescher, chairman of th
sldermani committee on' parks, propo
to Introducs a resolstlon at today's sua
sion of ths board of aldermen, vrovtd-
fITBtted FrM Umm- Wlra.1
' Nw Torkjr Jun .A proposition tor the purohas of th area recent
en foot for New Tork City to acquire I ly burned over, II tlmst that It
Coney Island and make it Into a muni-1 wth net coat In exres of tl.OOO.eoo,
Be Conferred!
Western Washington County
Residents Want Yamhill to
Voters Elect Green, Republl
can, to Congress; He's Op
. posed to Reciprocity.
June 13 on 131;. Many
l4" Alumni Expected. 7
W Av'j 'V a
, . SfdaI Dlepatc to Tb J.uraal.)
i Oregon Agricultural College, CorvaMs,
Or, Jun .-A' wek of festivities,
' lnnlng th vninf of Jun T. will clos
tlia collet year and mar th gradua
tion of the cjass of 111, , , '
I .The program will b opened , imme
diately Upon the cloee of examinations
tomorrow, with the graduation recttei
,f th achool of inu9. The nett day
xth cadt regiment wUl Journey to Port
land to Ult part In the Bos Festival
arad and to glv an eihlbltion of
milltsrv maneuvers on Multnomah field.
' Friday night th eenlor claee will pre
ent "Barbara Treltchle." Clyd 'Mob's
stirring war time' drama. Th Junior
promenade will t . held In the college
gymnasium Saturday evening. Thia la
th prlnolpal eoclai vent of th col
leg year. .
' Sunday morning graduates and their
friends will gather at th rresoyienan
church and listen to the baocalaureate
mum. delivered by Bishop R. t. wa-
terhous of Ban Antonio, Texas.
II t i i . . 1 J A. ,
II'.. kh ( '
L.f 'I
(BrwrUl DtMMUh to !. Imnvatl
Marahneld.. Or.. June . Th mm
In thbre of th two Coos Bay divisions of
venlng th CorvaUls churches will meet
In th college gymnasium In union serv
)c and will again be addressed by Blsh-
p Waterhouse.
i Th alumni, who are expected In larg
cumbers, win toav charge of th exer
cise Monday. Th "old grads" will
meet in business session at 1:10 o'clock
In the morning. Following this the
srraduatlng olass of 1U will hold class
day exercises under the Trystlng Tree
on the college campus. At noon th
alumni win meet In the college armory
for an Informs! luncheon. Th prin
cipal event of the afternoon will be th
dedication of the new college armory.
The cadet regiment has petitioned th
regents for th prlvlleg of dedicating
this new building to Major MacAlexan-
eer, wno is reunng arier iour yrar. ui
enrloe as commandant of th regiment.
Th students have seoured a large brass
slat conUlnlng th words of dedica
tion and will hav It placed on th front
of the armory. Following thee exer
cise th alumni will repair to the varl-
iim hAmM throughout th cltV for th
purpose of holding class reunions. In
th evening there will be a musical pro
gram and Informal entertainment
The regular commencement exercises
will be held Tuesday afternoon. Th
commencement address will be delivered
by Dr. C. H. Chapman of Portland. De
grees will b conferred by President W.
J. Kerr on 111 young men and women.
This will be followed by presentation
f military commissions by Major Mao
Alexander, commandant of the cadet
Visitor ar already flocking to the
campus to enjoy the commencement program.
Division appearing- first time with nrw naval rifles.
lnth exercise with th. members of
th Ck A. R. Th officers ar giving
th members instructions In th as of
th guns and a rifl rang will b se
cured and th divisions will hav regu
lar rifl practlo. Up to this time the
men were drilled without guns, but have
been well Instructed In marching and
also hav ben taking a course In navi
gation. The rifles complete, th equip
ment of the divisions and the members
will soon b in good training for their
cruls on the Boston.
th Oregon Naval Militia hav received
their Springfield rifle and appeared
with th guns for Th. first tlm on
Decoration day, when with th Naval
Militia band-of this city they took part
First Camp Is Established One
Mile West of Eugene City
Limits. .
CBUft Preie Leiae Wire.
Washington, Jun t. A subcommit
tee to conduct th Investigation into
th methods employed In the election
f Senator Lorlmer of Illinois, has
keen named unanimously by the senate
.otnmlttee on privileges and elections.
..' The subcommittee consists of Sena
tors Dillingham, Jones, Johnston, Flet
Cher, Kern, Lea or Kenyon. Jones was
substituted for Clapp. The senate will
1m asked to give the subcommittee full
powers to summon witnesses and con
duo t hearings. Th probe will begin at
fflMriil to TVi I.srail.l
Eugene, Or., June . Construction
work on the electrlo lln to be built be
tween Eugene and th Bluslaw coun
try was begun today on th Conger
farm, a mile west of th city llmlta
Contractor Oeorge Perry established
his camp there Monday and began
throwing dirt bright and early this
morning. H has 16 or 20 teams and
twice that many men. Th country be
tween Eugene and Elmtra Is compara
tively level and construction will t
easy. When Elmlra is reached, two or
thre lumber companies which have
large tracts of timber in the burned
district In the Coast mountains will
take up th work and extend the line
on Into the timber.
It was planned to begin ' work at
Fifth and Blair streets, inside th city
limits, but the right of way over a few
stretches of property Inside th city
had not been secured.
The Lane County Asset company has
a Joint franchise with th Oregon Eleo
trie Railway company over Fifth street
as an entrance to the city, butt inas
much ss there Is a probability that the
Hill company will not build to Eugene
this year, th local company will con
struct its track on that -thoroughfare
and when the Oregon Electrlo reaches
Eugene with Its track, will us t he
track already built.
(flpeelel, Mipete to The Joarsel.)
HUlsboro, Or Jun I. Thomas Con-
nell and 3. A. Imbri. who ar viewers
on the rebuilding of th Taylor Ferry
road from Tlgardvlll to Rex eompleted
th work Saturday and will report to
the Jun term of the county court,
which meets Wednesday. This Is the
rosd which Portland automoblllsts ar
raising money to Improve. Notwith
standing statements by them at public
meetings that property owners along
the road would donate what land wss
necessary, the, viewers encountered
much opposition. It Is not likely
Washington county will do more than
has been promised, which wss to expend
11000 In case th premised subscriptions
wer made. The court Is receiving 'pro-
teats from the west end of the county
from taxpayers who hold that no money
should b spent to make access to Tarn
hill county essy until that county takes
steps to Improve th road through Mo-
Loughlln gap. This road Is th on
used by Washington eounty people and
Is said ts b In much worse condition
than th on fh automoblllsts wish
(Valted FrM Letad Wire.
Council Bluffs, Iowa, June f. Com
plete returns today from yesterday's
special congressional election In the
Ninth Xowa district show that Judge
W, B, Green, progressiva Republican,
was elected over W. F, Cleveland, Dem
ocrat, by a plurality of 1192 votes.
This is 700 votes less than the plural
ity of Walter I. Smith, standpatter, In
ths regular election last year. Smith
recently was appointed United States
district Judg by President Taft The
Ninth district Is normally 4000 Repub
lican. Only about 10 per cent of the voters
went to the polls yesterday. Although
Judge Green had opposed reciprocity
with Canada, he was indorsed by Preet
dent Taft. Cleveland was an avowed
advocate of the proposed treaty. It Is
believed many Democratic farmers
voted for Green, and that many stand
patters remained away from the polls,
preferring to take advantage of the
fine plowing weather.
Straw Hats
Journal Want Ads bring results.
Dakota's Golden Jubilee.
fSnvUI to The lonra.LI
Pierre, 8. D, June t. Th territory
of Dakota, was created SO years ago to
day, and In celebration. of th serai
centennial anniveraary flage were dis
played on all publlo buildings.
Miss Ella Clark's Body Found.
fBneclal nitMtch to Th Journal.)
Eugene, Or.. June . The body of
Miss Ella Clark, who was drowned in
the Willamette river near Coburg, Fri
day, was found yesterday about noon
by four men on a gravel bar six miles
below where the drowning occurred.
The funeral was held today.
(Salem Bureau of Th. Journal.)
Salem, Or., June 6.- "Th Oregon
Boot" was slipped onto Paul Durney, a
13-year term convict at th state peni
tentiary Sundayafter he, had been, laid
out by Guard Walter Johnson, whom he
assaulted. Durney was out by th laun-
Twentv teams dry building during .recreation hours
wlH compete for the large stiver loving Pln Pt coyote's tail and In other
utj. th Drtx Offered by th local lod. wy" punisning in ammai wnn a lei
' low Eagle at Capital.
rRneHiil Dlnnitrh to The Journal.)
Des Moines, Iowa, June 0. For ths
first time since the organising conven
tion In 1904 the Eagles of this state are
fathered in this city for their annual
-State convention.. About 2000. delegates,'
representing aeries in all parts of th
tat ar in attendano. Th conven
tion, which Is scheduled to continue for
thre days, opened . today at th larg
Stall of th De Moines aerie No. 109, An
; Interesting program - has been arranged
.try th local Eagles, Including a contest
for the exemplification of the ritual, to
he'Tield at th Coliseum.
It ts expectea that . Sam Swift of - Du
tjuque, will be elected president to suo-
T m VSram nr-fitit!1 ntnfffl
'' y -lit' mi
'3 . HermlstoB Pulpit Filled,
' (Special DiTO.ten to The 3owsLf f
m.iiwn isr., tfuna o. -ne, xrs. vroom,
"who recently severed his connection
with the Grangevllle Methodist church
and sine then has been residing In
Milton, has accepted the pastorate of
th church at Hermtfrton, Or, left va
cant by th minister going to Europe.
-X Ill . Ml , .
Schiff Charters Itg.
,. J New Tork, Jun ft.- Th steam yacht
lets Is undergoing repairs and will b
placed In commission about July 1 for
th use of Jacob Schiff. The Isls, be
longing to J. T. Spaulding, has been
chartered by Schiff for the summer.
No Appetite
There is no question
but that the Bitters will
quickly restore the ap
petite, aid digestion
and p're v e n t liver
Troubles, M a I a r i a,"
Fever brid Ague.' '
Start today. " '
low convict objected, A quarrel ensued
and Guard Johnson Interfered. Durney
responded angrily and when Johnson
ordered bun to fall !n line, struck at
him. with a can. Johnson laid th prls
oner out. Durney, a few. days ago, was
found with a piece, of lead pipe up his
sleeve, the prison officials say. He
was sent up from Klamath county for
an attempt at robbery.
New Tork, June 8. Overjoyed at ha-r-
lng gotten out of Mexico alive, Rosendo
Pineda, former president of the cham
ber of deputies under Diss, who has
been accused of all manner of plots
against the life of Franclico Madero,
arrived in New Tork aboard the Ward
liner Morro Castle.
It was rumored he would hav troa
Vie landing, as th Mexican government
was reported to hsve advlstd Washlnjr
ton of the seriousness of the plot
against the life of. the lnsurrecto leader.
However, no attempt was made to mo
lest Pineda when the boat docked.
"I cever attempted th life of Ma
dero," said Pineda, "I was too busy
protecting my own life.1
(Special Dispatch to Th. Journal.) A
Wenatchee, Wash., Jun 6.-
His first sight of a railroad tram e
In IS years was secured by Jack
Johnson Sunday on Jils arrival
on th down river, boat from
Okanogan county, in the fall of
1S9S he lost all he had during
the panic while residing at Sno
homish. He decided to get out
of civilisation . and tak up a
homestead, which he did, locat
e 1ng 1 x miles northeast of Con-.
connully. He bad not been: there
, long until h met a young K
woman who had driven Into that
e neighborhood from Idaho.- Sh
e ' had never' seen a railroad train
at all, and, that experience Is .re
served for'her yet, although sh '
is now th mother of lght ohll
dren. .
Just a few more days and this wonderful
tale will be a thing of the past. Don't
let this opportunity slip. Provide Pure
Liquors for your friends who come to
tee the Rose FestivaL Our wagons de
liver promptly everywhere.
Rose Festival Visitors Welcome!
650 Bottles Claret i 5c Ea.
What more proof rlo you want that this is an un-
ordinary sale? A splendid quality of table, wine, ex
cellent flavor, for the wind-up of pur Expan- (
sion Sale, per bottle IDC
and MUSCAT, two bottles for OuC
at 30c the bottle, or two for OOC
Spring Valley Beer
Ho Other Low Prlcid Beer Is SoUood
No Other Good Beer Is So Low Priced
Don't suffer from hot weath
er. Don't feel listless and
weather fagged. Be prepared.
Phone us your order for a
case or two of beer and when
you're tired and warm open a
bottle. .
Spring Valley Beer is mild
and pleasant. Every bottle is
a-sparkle with vigor-giving en
ergy and life.
And ybuH pronounce it the
best tasting beer you ever
$1 Doz.
65c Doz.
Whiskey, Full Quarts, 65c
'"f 1
800 bottles left of fine old whiskies. Five different
brands Silver Dell. Monogram, Old Ripy.Old rf
Glory and Atlas Club; choice, the bottle DDC
115 Gallons Monogram Whiskey, Gallon $2.25
185 Gallons Private Stock, Gallon $2.45
620 Gallons Old Reserve, Gallon ..... .$2.95
410 Gallons Old Glory, the Gallon $3.45
Pure California Port Wine fiSc Gal.
We have left for the last twelve days of the sale just
475 gallons of pure California Port Wine. While this
quantity lasts we shall make a very low price. J
Supply your needs before sale is over, gallon ttDC
350 Gallons Sherry, Angelica and Mus- Cffv
cat, while they last, gallon OO V
425 Gallons Choice Old Angelica, Mus- CC
cat and Sherry at, the gallon. . ... . . . . UOC
235 Gallons Old Private Stock Sherry, OC
Angelica and Muscat, the gallon ...... .OOC
325 Bottles of Apricot, Peach, Apple and
Blackberry Brandy, for last 12 days of sale DDC
PHONES MAIN 589, A-1117.
Spring Valley Wine Co.
24'yamWnSf.,Bet 2nd and 3rd Portland, Or.
Avleolar Dentistry
In a majority of our advertisement
we lav arrest stress on our specialty.
Alveolar dentistry, replacing mlsalns
teeth without a Plate or bride work.
and the curlns; Pyorrhea (loose teeth)
The work is so remarkable in its char
acter that it la apt to overshadow those
other cases which come to us ths sim
ple cases. We don't want the Idea to
obtain that we are Alveolar specialists
slone. We sre that, but something more
general practitioners 01 tne rirst
class. We do dentistry In all its
branches, from the simple piece of fill
Ins; up. Its a boastful statement to
make, but we csn do anything that Is
possible in dentistry, ana wnat w do la
alwavs of the very highest class. Our
booklets Alveolar Dentistry snd exam
inations are free. There ar 13 Alveolar
Dental Co. office In th wast About
(0,000 people sre wearing our Alveolar
teeth. About 2000 people In this cltv
and state have teeth supplied by this
office. Ninety-nine per cent, If not every
single one will tell you If ssked that
It's the best investment they ever mad
in dentistry. In many cases wher
bridge work is Impossible and all cases
whero It is possible, ws can reDla.ce vonr
teeth with beautiful, artistic, comfort
able, cleanly and everlasting teeth that
we win aery anyone, aentist or layman,
to tell from natural teeth. For full in
formation see our Sunday ads.
Portland Ablngton Bldg.. 10H 8d st.
Seattle Height Bldg., 2d and Pin.
Terms to reliable peopl.
The new English.;
Sennit, fine
Milan braid and ;
Swiss split
sailor styles
The Hat Without a Peer J
Genuine Peruvian Panamas $5, others ;
up to $12; fine Ecquador and Monte '
Cristo qualities. - 1
' - vvO-
I m w&i'&n "Kgv t t: - i
1 1 y? S ' . t ,t 54.. f "i , 7 ' i kV , t i ' VJI
1 1 iuutv'M: f 'Mr f Irh r r
llrV'i twfiyA&r aIU- JS'VK'
., -an sf J j;y ! r'ZP ' K UA 7' i
The Human Eagle
Will Fly
Tuesday & Wednesday
June 6 and 7
At Country Club
Bombs will be dropped
and roses scattered
from high altitude.
Good flights guaran
teed. Take Rose City Park
and Montavilla Cars.
Admission 50c
Grandstand 25c
Children Under Ten
ft ' J& p V "
y - " .. i
vr, -flit w rfi ' "v;v --r' .'r
, . y '