The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 06, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Chief Event Tomorrow to Be
Gorgeous Affair; Handsome
Young Women in Cars
Entries Closed.
Jff ' ' ' ' lUx
' ) ' :- v v "; '' -'..'. -TY
ls of March.
Automobile parade 1 p. m. to
morrow: Fouth oo Twelfth to Morrison;
ait on Morrison to Fourth;
north o Fourth to Oak; west on
Oak to Fifth; aouth on Fifth to
Stark; wast on Stark to Sixth;
oath on Sixth to Washington;
cast on Washington to Fifth;
oath on Fifth to Alder; weet on
Alder to Bsventh; north on Bar
nth to Burnalde; east on Barn
aid to Grand avenue; aouth on
Orand avenus to Morrlaon; wat
on Morrison to Third; south on
Third to Main; waat on Main to
Seventh; north on Seventh to
Salmon; east on Salmon to
Fourth; north on Fourth to Tay
lor; weat on Taylor to Seventh;
north on Seventh to Yamhill;
east on Tamhlll to Fourth; north
on Fourth to Morrlaon; weat on
Morrlaon to Tenth; north on
Tenth to 8Urk; weat on Stark
to Thirteenth. Dlamlaa.
The automobile floral parade will ba
tha chief event tomorrow. Five hun
dred automobiles filled with handsoms
young- women, decorated rorgeously with
rosea, "will constitute a parade more
than a mile In length, whloh will start
at S o'clock.
Entries for th'a parads have closed.
All but th final t'.uehes of decoration
has been arranged. The committer con
sisting of O. K. Jaffery. W. J. Clemen a.
T. Irving? Potter and Frr.k C. Rlgga an
nounced this morning that tha Judges,
Mr. English. Pro! Robert Krohn and
Mrs. Jay smith, would be given tha
greatest difficult In determining which
among the splendid assemblage were
most beautiful and hone most worthy
of prises.
Tear Bands.
Tha 'parade will form at Thirteenth
ar.u fink. Four band o." tan pieces
each will furnish the rauMc. Tha for
mation will bo:
Police Band. Mayor, President of
Auto club.
1. Electric cars facing north on Thir
teenth south of Burnslda.
3. Runabouts and roadsters on Thir
teenth street, north of Burnslda, facing
, , C BAND. ,
I. Touring ears facing east on Burn
slda, west ef Thirteenth street.
4. Clubs and organisations, on Burn
slda east of Thirteenth, facing west
I. Auto' trucks, facing aouth on
Twelfth street, south of Burnslda and
on Stark. '
Outsld Oars to Compote.
Twenty-flva ears ars expected from
various parts of Oregon, from Eugene
SO. Albany 10, Salem 10; also cars from
Seattle, Vancouver and Astoria. Tho
list of prlsea accounts for the keen com
petition in entries and tha great In
terest in the parada These are:
1. Orand prise, beat decorated auto.
2. First cup, second cup, third tro
phyTouring car class "C."
t. First cup, second cup, third tro
phy Clubs and organisations "D."
4. First cup, second cup Runabout
and roadaters "B."
i. First cup, second cap Klectrlo
vehicles "A."
I. First cap Aato trucks "B."
7. First oup Artificially decorated
cars "F." ...
F. A. Krlb's cup, grand prlxe-Mist
beautiful and artistic car In parade.
Mrs. William Gadsby's cup, roses ex
clusively used In decoration.
Cup for school or college having beat
decorated car.
y "
eaeve awneewMiTw t
O. RuBhlljht, rerular Republican nomlneo,
ho was elected mayor
Pi-Mbtei-ians of Canada.
(Special PUpttoh to Tb Journal.)
Ottawa, Ont, June t. The thlrty-aev-tith
general assembly of the Presbyter.
Ian Church In Canada will meet in Knox
church In this city tomorrow, with the
retiring moderator, the Rev. Dr. John
Forrest in tha chair. The moat .of the
ministerial commissioners are here, and
the arrivals tomorrow are expected to
make up the complement.
Outward and visible signs are abund
ant that the present general assembly
in likely to be one of the most Impor
tant of recent years. There are many
Mk questions for the commissioners to
consider and act upon. Church union
1s one of the foremost of these, and It
1? predicted that it will cause a keen
discussion. The proposition that the
Presbyterians should unite In an or
ganic way with the Methodist and Con
RTtgatlonal churches In Canada was
first brought up In the assembly at St.
John seven years o. During the past
year the question has been voted on by
the 68 presbyteries of the Presbyterian
Church, from the Atlantic to the Pacific,
and the result shows a decided sympathy
n the part of the miniti'rs and the
presiding elJers In 1km, r i r t lie move
ment for union.
The position of Queens I'niverslty
sdn its future relation to the church, a
question that has been a bone of con
tention for almost a decade, will coma
up again and with a fair proapect of
final aettlement. Principal Grant, dur
ing the latter years of his life, urged
, that the university should 0e nation
alised, anfi Principal Gordon, now In
charge, has taken the same stand, a
small coterie of Presbyterians, however,
' has strongly resisted the Idea of separ
: ation and lias sought to have the pres-
ent relationship continued.
'The election of a moderator this year
lev creating mue interest, from the fact
that the choice of the Rev. Dr. R. p.
Mackay of Toronto, well known as the
' secretary of the foreign mission com-
mltfe' of the church, is generally re
". garded as a foregone conclusion.
By A. G. Rushlight.
"I want to aaaure my friends, the
people who elected ma, that I am deeply
grateful for the honor they have ac
corded me, and I will do all In my
power to merit tha confidence they have
shown In me. My ovary effort will be
to ba mayor. of the whole people, re
gardless of politics, creed or social con
"I have no announcements to make at
this time as to what officials I will ap
point I only wish to reiterate what I
have time and again asserted, that I
have promised no positions to any one.
I am free to carry out the wishes of
the people in every respect. I will do
all that can be done to achieve a com
mission form of government for this
city as soon as it is possible to do so."
By Joseph Simon.
I have nothing to say. I think I had
better keep quiet, but outside of feeling a
certain ting of humiliation at my defeat
I am not sorry that I was not returned
to the mayoralty chair. I would not
have continued in office longer than the
first tf the year, if I had been elected,
as I would have given my strongest ef
forts to achieve the adoption of a com
mission form of government as soon
as possible
By George H. Thomas.
To my personal and party friends, I
wish to express my sincere gratltuda
for their support, and to Mr. Rushlight
and those distinguished ones who" elect,
ed him, I extend heartiest congratulations."
city is decorated in honor of the con
vention and ample 'entertainment has
been provided for the visitors.
Sunday School Workers Meet.
(Special Dispatch to The Journal.)
Cedar Rapids, Iowa. June 8. The
forty-sixth annual Iowa State Sunday
School convention opened lta three day
session here today with an unusually
large attendance of Sunday school work
era from all sections of the state. The
program arranged for the three days of
the convention comprises a number of
addresses by distinguished leaders In
the Sunday school movement of Iowa
and other states, a big parade and a
banquet on Wednesday and a choral
concert under the direction of Professor
Meredith of New York on Thursday.
Foresters In Session.
(Special Dlapatch to The Joaraal.)
Port -Huron. Mich., June 6. Practic
ally every court In the state is repre
sented by delegates at the annual state
convention of the Foresters of America,
which opened Its four day session here
today. Many of the delegates are ac
companied by their wives, and a highly
successful gathering Is expected.' At
this oonventlon delegates to the biennial
supreme court meeting of the order, to
be held at Detroit In August, will be
Southern Golf Toarney.
(Special Mopatch to Tht Journal.
Nashville. Tenn.. June (. Golf en
theHiaats from all parts of the south are
In attendance at the Nashville Golf and
Country club, where the annual meeting
of the Southern Golf association and
the tenth annual tournament of the ar
ganizatlon opened today under the most
auspicious conditions. The meeting will
continue through the week and tha
finals will be plaved on Saturday. Tha
qualifying rounds were begun today,
and will be continued tomorrow.
For 1912 four chassis are presented with super
structures of new and approved
Deliveries Begin in Jimer-Six-Cylinder Three Models
j F. O.
Br Portland
Tops, complete with Peerless Storm Curtains, Banker Winii
Shield, Bosch Magneto, Imported Fulman Batteries, Foot
Rest, Robe Rail, Tire Irons, Four-Qylinder
Four-Cylinder One Model
The perfect motoi car will do what is required of it easily,
smoothly, quietly and for a period of years with only gradual
wear. It is rich and beautiful, and its comfort is absolute.
Such a car can be produced only where there is not the
slightest tendency to allow cost to dominate quality.
Peerless Cqmmerclal Can,
5-4-3 Ton Capacity
H. L Keats Auto Co.
Burnside, Seventh and Couch Sts.
Demonstrating Cars
En Route
'io w. o o EE
S fS
mm sr m m saw van m m m m
V J9 I 1 TV V I I V J 111
Children Cry for Fletcher's
r""""! a i
if " . mr n. d
The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signa
ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, and has been made under hla
personal supervision for over SO years. Allow no one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and,
"Just-as-grood" are but Experiments and endanger the
health of Children Experience against Experiment
Castorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo
substance. Its ttge is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
cyc. 11 Ueves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
'Bears the Signature of
Morgan-Atchley Furniture Co.
69-75 Grand Avenue
Corner of East Stark Street
In Use For Over 30 Years
TMt ctarraua coawwr, tt atuaaav TstiT, new voss crrv.
( Meeting of Eagles.
' . fKpeMal Dtopatrli to Tb. Journal.)
Lganport. Ind.. June (. The annual
: State convention .of the Fraternal Order
f Eaul convened -here today with,' a'
larte attendance of delegates and vis
itors frotp all over Indiana. A big street
parade -was tha principal feature of the
' opeolna- day. Tomorrow will be devoted
to the business of the convention, --including
ths .electloa of officers for the
ensulne- year. Conrad It Mann of Kn
saa City, grnd wort lyr. secretary of the scheduled to aeJIver an address
t theUanquet tomorrow evening. The
Your Old Clothes Made Like
New at Little Expense
This being "Rose Festival" week, we do not care to bother you
with details of the great bargains we have in all lines, but would
like to have every visitor as well as residenter call and look at
our mammoth stock of everything for the hpuse furnisher. It
will be a revelation to many to know that such a stock ot first
class goods are carried on the East Side.
Oar Annual Savings In Interest and Taxes Because We Built on the East Side
The new woman of todav Is she whosa
frarments have been renovated fcre. She
ooka just as If she had stepped out of
a DaiKOToi. Tom tier ostnen feather in
the hat down to the hem of her dainty
SKlrt everything- looks brand now, yet tt
is mil uBi season sjooas, cleaned or
dyed by us to "look different." Well,
few beyond herself would know that
every, article- was not new. Thera Is a
delightful freshness about the clothes
thar reflects great credit on ua
DTzraawoBxs ,
Kan OrAars aleoeive Vrompt Attaatloa.
Fbones aflaln 145, A -34 60
824-aa Third St., rorUaad, Ot. .
Houses ".fi PraSlrae' On
Furnished 'H'faki:
Complete iy Wc"luh ' Terms
i I " ' - I i -
- rv