The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 06, 1911, Page 19, Image 19

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..-' y FOB 8.UJB7-LOTS..
7 ' i
- " ,
Modern B room bungalow,
elos In, Sunnyside district: r
t rsved streets, leww; every-,,.
: thin to and paid for. No .
'Street improveroenta Mfla .
' to this price. Everything In. ""
Full purchase price. 12150; x -.
1600 cash, balance easy .
monthly payment. Do net j .
hraltate lo look thla up Jf .
rriu are looking: for some-; ,
hlng. wher-the prloo ' U
right. Thla bungalow waa
built about one year ago- by
the owner. His reeson for
selling la that ho la leaving- ''
tie cfty. , ' '
T, A. Sutherland
1084 Hawthorn av.
Phono. Tabor 20 IT.
Opon evanlng a.
SACRIFICE Bljr comar 120
120; equal to 1 city blocka,
or 14 lota 10x100; between 4
nd 7 rail circles, Juat outside
the city boundary: aradcd
street, water under pressure;.
' 1760-1100, on ' Powell Valley
road. 160 acre lota, 90 of them
void to satisfied buyers, 70 left
for other who will bo satis
fled. On market only two
month. Better look Into thla :
today. Graded ' atreeta. watef
under pressure; near oar Una.
628-1 Yeon Bldg.
v Mala 140, A-I31I.
The Opening of the
Town of Lyle
" At a Sacrifice
Fine corner lot covered - with fruit.
82x110, 1 foot alley; only 11009; also
g I-9I1UV ana auey; near store anil
postofflce; tl 100. phono Woodlawn 1114
or call at of flee. Slbrsv A Hart, till
i . . . . - ' . i
iomoara street.
la the real atate sensation of tho
year. - . t
There are aplendld bafgalna In
bualneaa and realdenc lota on
graded atreeta, with Cement walka
and curba at prices ranging from
1350 to 760, all Improvements In
cluded. Many new buMdIngs are to go
up at one. Lyle la mora actlv
than any city In th waat today.
Get In before the beat lota are
jrone. Send poatal for llluatrated
circular, maps, price llat, etc
Keasey Humason &
WE liftve a- few very choice lot on th
' weat fide; only ti mlnutea' car ride;
1185. tit down and it a month: water
piped to each lot. Theee Iota II beau
tiful; excellent view; rlsht at the ata-l
lion, ji you are looaina; ror a food In
vestment or a home alto, thla will id-
pea i to you. M. k. Lee, in Corbet t tldg.
ruu uy owner, two choice iota
In FalrDort "Kenton dlatrlct" and
two in wooumaro, "ML Scott, una". K-
IX)T8 cheap, very aay terma; 1 blocka
weat or Kenton bank, the rreateat
manufanturlna; center In north weat; alao
eeverai nouaea. pnone owner. C-1II0.
aer ranch. rlh tr
th eiectrlo Una, with a never fall
ing atream for on boundary, la an
oapeclally arood layout for a hoc
ranch, poultry farm or dairy. It
haa acrea cleared and In a hlith
tate of cultivation; aoii la a ricn,
dark loam luat the kind for aar
denlncr'M acre all In potato
Juat acroaa th road will ahow
you what thla land will do; 1 acre
beaverdam. balano flrat claaa
timber, Ilea on main county road,
oloae to arhool,' ator and etatloai
14 ml lea from town of 1000 leu
than 1 hour's ride from Portland,
with many train dally.
Adjoining land' Is planted to
fruit. Go with as and so how It
thrives drainage Is all right
too much cannot be said for qual
ity of land. . .
Price f 1000 only 1600 cash, bal
ance small monthly payments to
170 6th st.
Opposlt Poatofflca
Tlre In Land.
Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or.
$50 Down, $10 Month
at -T L i W But. lie. a
n rnnrn naw nunruow. mi. dwil iiiivi
plastered, beautifully painted, back and HOTTHE8 ON BOMB OF THEM, CAN
front nnrphee: rlnae to achOoL churches. I TAKE PORTLAND LOT OR KOITITY
atoreaptc. It'a worth $1400. My price I IN BUNGALOW ON ONE OR TWO OF
11100. Quit paying rent. X will take THESE. HAVE SOME ESPECIALLY
anything of value aa flrat payment. Bee good BARQAIN8. INQUIRE OF L. M.
4U . ATI? ITS Tn in u rpu nt.irv
J6hn B. Goddard,
BOS Yeon Blllg.
I. - .
West Side Home
T room new bunaralow. corner lot.
Portland Heights; 160 down and !S
month. Including the lntereat, or will
take something to extent of 1500 vslu
as nrst payment, trice iuuu. iw
can't beat this In a hundred years.
John B. Goddard,
606 Yeon Bldg.
M0 Acres
$50 Per Acre
Ten dollars down, five dollars
per month, 6 per cent. Land lays
level and plenty of good spring
water, 21 mllea from Portland.
M mile from railroad. This la
the very beat garden or fruit
land. See this at once If you
want a snap; mut aelL
Call 640 Chamber of Commerce
Phon Main 76T.
$200 DOVU-85 A MONTH
S acres rich black land, 1 acre
in aprle orchard, baianc in clov
er. This choice piece of land Ilea
right near the carllne and on a
wide graded county road, only 40
minute' rldo from the city lim
it, close to .stores and achool.
Under woven wire fence.
Excellent drainage, no rock or
gravel, all rich black mallow gar
den aoll, which you can plow any
time of year.
11000 1200 down. 15 a month,
6 per cent Interest.
170 6th iL
Oppoalte Poatofflca
Per Acre
'..Following Is a list of Property Town
myself and will trade an or part of It
xor anyining or value: - . .
140 aorss wheat land tV4 miles from
Arlington, H mile from R, R. prtoa 110
acr. . . ,
l;'o. acres, 1 mils from Livingston, all
in cultivation, tiouss ana outbuildings,
III aero, I -
80 acres; 'S miles from Newport, 10
acres SultlvatlOn, 26 bearing fruit-trees.
00 county road, 420 acre.
r It acrea bottom land near . Eurene.
house, all kinds of outbuilding. Some
neaveraam, acres in onions. . irice
11200. ... .-. -
. 30 acres near Kelso, raw land. If 00.
Alsq 20 lots In 'Glen Haven Park and
lots In. Willamette sdditlon. Berkeley.
Westmoreland and Irvlngton Park; also
acreage near Portland and equities In
housea-and lots.
Thase are only a few of our tradea.
Come In .and look our list over. We
trad for anything. '
Peters Realty Co., 15 N, 5th st
Main S77 or A-7720.
1 ULL fkAhm my
f room house, all modern, picket fence,
ahade trees and close to car, for a va
cant lot, and take difference In email
monthly payments: Value 12000. Joe
Nah, owner. Take Mt. Bcott car to
Millard av. See me at 660S. right
where you ret off. Phone Tabor 2313.
Residence property for sale cheap or
trade. 11 room house, t blocka from Pa
cific university school ground. Fin
fruit, bou on 2 lots, best location tn
town; can be kept full of students
through school year. P-Ofl, Journal.
New 7 room house, neatly built. In I
arood location, view or 2 county roaa,
and 1 choice lot. east front on street;
nw i uu - -"rr:. . ..v.. Invrltn.n In fri.lf T.A Tl.
km rcveivn ueaitv uo. t'none iioor -
E2. Half block cost of Oray'a Croaa- "!
If you are looking for a gilt-edged
MU8T SELL I have five' acre
lota In rapidly growing acre
age addition eaat of city limits. .
with graded street and water
under preeaure. Will sell part
or all at $750 per acre lot; easy,
terms. Talk with owner. Main
Take Mt. Scott car. 1st and Alder.
Good Home Snap
Owner will sacrifice fine 6 room mod
ern bungalow, close to best car line In
eltv. . Street Improvements paid. He
needs money. Quick deal.
406 E. Morrison. East 1116, B-1417.
I tlAflM houne aleeolnr Dorch overlook'
ing river, wnite tliea nainroum mu
200 acres st I6 per acre
160 acres at S60 per acre.
80 acrea at 1100 per acre.
40 acres at 1100 per acre.
40 acrea at 137.60 nor acre.
40 acrea at $26 per acre.
This land Is all partly lmoroved:
terms. Phone Woodlawn 1119. or ad-1
oreea u. u. trteeiamitn gB Keroy at.
Rich Land
T.ow PRir'irm triuv ttttj ia
Richest black loam aoll in Tualatin I
Dutch kitchen, pla-te rail, carpets valley on main county road, near elec-
lorouinciH, wmoni ""y inc line ana oniy iz miles rrom Fort-
laundry traya; lot 60x100 large shads hand; all ready for this year s crop. Any
trees, cnoice mnuuraj, "'""igixe iraci on your own terms.
and lawn. Will sell furnished, lnves- PACIFIC N.-W. DEVELOPMENT CO..
te. rnce tavu. i-nui t(n uoucn Diag., ftn t.. near wash, st
SMALL, nouee. line Dam, iwa una. wsiKing distance to good town.
fruit tM rrnwlns Verv Suitable tOI runnln. vilar KjMit anil f...
feu out as ioib or iw " y- i spienaia irun aisincc, view or uoium-
eon ranch. Near school, churches, bla river and snow peak a 2 acres 3260:
stores, eto. On Mt. Scott line. SO mln-13 acres $300; 10 acres $500; 10 per
Utes or postoiiice. enouia mn emi caan, easy payments, otnsr tracts
HKnn i want 1900. Hair easn. uwner. near railway station iz& to 140 nar arra.
John B. Goddard, 605 Yeon wiag. kkawk. M f AKMNU REALTY CO,
i?Kft iASH 116 PER MONTH. uv. u.u,., roi imra
Will buy new artistic modern bunga- FOR A HOME,
low, on full lot. with beautirul ansae I can sell you a 4-arre tract with a
trees: only 2 blocks from car; $3260. 1 new house and barn and lots of fruit
It's worth more money. See this sure, trees, etc., all Improved for the pries
r. ri. bubo, i you u pay ior a nouse ana lot, and only
is ppaioing piug. i i minuies ouu tTice 30UU; 11000 caan.
NEW .handsome, well built room o
house. Strictly modern. Finely lo
cated as to all city conveniences. Will
sell at cost. No agents' commission to
pav: H500 cash will do. See owner. 820
Chamber of Commerce.
Why Not Buy a
Sunset Poultry Farm?
$0 TO $76 PER ACRE
On essy terms, 1H miles from
Oakland,, the poultry center of
Oregon. For full Information
call or write the
103 Spalding bldg. Main 1600.
Best Improved farm in Linn county;
110 acres of fins loam aoll, 140 acrea in
cultivation, 180 acres In grain and vetch,
looking fine; 20 aores In paature, mostly
cleared; U mile from good town; new
eiectrlo line thla summer; new $22,10
.s .A V.a rvt Ha- mi t K 1 1 1 1H I n irl
plenty of good water; all kinds of fruit. Ohio hotel
Dotn large ana smaii; an larm mucinn
ery complete; everything goes for $100
per acre; terms. The owner of this
farm hss 2 boys and desires to give
them an education, and wants to move
to the city, and offers this place $26
per acre cheaper than farms adjoining
sold for last week. See It today; it's
a haraain. ana even Deiter man ti
looks on paper.
McGowan &' Pennington
Room 3 Healy bldg.. Grand eve. arm
East Morrlaon. Phone East 232 9r H-
1448. .
STOv,.w farm. 340 acrea, 820 under plow,
all lmplnmenta and 20 bead horae.
Plenty outside range. In Sherman coun
ty, Or. Price $30 per acre Jakea all.
will trade for Income pronfrtv. Ad-
dree or call on owner, N. E. Moffltt.
Mllwaiikie. Or.
EXCHANGE California property,
leaned at $75 per month, for acreage
or small farm. Pays 20 -per cent on
value. Price $4600. Incumbrance
$2260. and rent will take care of it All
offers glvon consideration. Owner, room
VrTi5 Sit .V. nl,nw 131 mnrm
choice wheat lajid, 8 mlies from sta
tion, has all been plowed.
140 acres, timber cruise 6.000.000 ft.
40 screw fruit snd garden land at
Barton with creek through place.
Smith. 8)0 Hamll ton bldg.
40 ROOMS, brick buMdlng, stoam heat.
running water in room a, -year lease,
well furnished, clearing $2U0 month.
Only $1600 oasn requireo.
81 rooms: rent only USA month: 3
year lease; steam heat; fine close In
west siao location; wu rumianea;
clearing over $200 month. Price Is re-
aucea; itu casn rcquireo.
It rooms; rent $80; located near
11th and Tavlor eta.: part housekecp.
ing; well furnished: clearing $60
month; nice yard, yrice $oo;
11 rooms, rent $16; 8 year leass: all
on on floor; nicely furnished; good
income; rnee $ito.
11 rooms', runt $30; 6 block south
or f. u.i rurnaoe neaL electric lignt;
extra well furnlahed: clearing $46
month. Price $1100. $700 cash.
,9 rooms, close In. West Park: fur
tiace heat, fine lawn, yard and roses,
sleeping porch; well furnished; can get
lease; clearing $60 month. 1'rlce l
out to $360; terma for quick sales
I rooms and sleeping porch; rent
$26; fins west aide location; all houM
keeping; nice yard. Owner will sacrl
flee for $260.
170 Fifth St. Oppoalte P. O.
A swell new brick apartment
houae, all up to date, elegantly
furnlahed. fine new Brussels car
pets and ruga, prlvats phones and
oaths in every apartment; gas
range and waah trays, fine loca
tion, on 2 carllnea; 42 rooma, all
rented. Income la $N60 per month;
6 years' lease, rnt $300 per
month. Price $4600 complete, half
cash, balance $100 per month.
This la a money maker. Owner
It compelled to dlapose of thla
fine property on account of 111
health. This 1 an up-to-date
proposition. Don't fall to look
this up.
Ball & Kuntz
481 Lumber Exchsnge bldg. -
ideal little dairt.
86 acres sandy loam rivep.
bottom land. no overflow. 40
in high state cultivation. bal
ance pasture and timber. good
buildings. fine water. lies
level, fenced and cross
fenced, fine neighborhood, 26
miles portland. will sell this
place With one-third crop for
$4300. this 18 not a run down
proposition. but the best for
the money in this country,
don't fail under any circum
stances to investigate this.
keasey. humason & jeffery
232 Chamber of Commerce.
Close to Portlana on corner of two
county roads, fine deep soil, 6 acres In
potatoes, 4 In wheat and clover, 8
icres in fine bearing orchard and gar
den, balance taken up by building,
lawn, shade and fruit tree. 8 room
I'house, porcelain bath tub. good wind
mill, water piped to barn; large barn,
two large chicken house and other
buildings; price only 36000, on terms.
See Mr. Camp st Hartman A Thompson
bank. Chamber of Commerce bldg.
.. ... I O 4 a li 1 1 i UU. JK n,4
Ul kind of properties for ""'". ,Tv t tT
nge. See u. before making D , . , RJL, HvT: J,'
We have all
sale or excha
a deal
the pacific realty co.
Hotel, Rooming and Apartment House,
Phone Main 1660. A-3476.
waan. bib.
of 12 rooms, laundry and cold storage,
snd lot 60x100, at No. 273 Cable st.. 10
minutes' walk from the pog toff Ire; beau
tiful, high location, overlooking the city.
ptione Main 166S, or a-7426.
WILL sell my equity in good corner,
66x100, two blocks from Sandy road,
for $600. Cement walks. Bull Run
water. Or will trade for acreage. Bal
ance $280, payable $14 per month. L
496, Journal.
Will take lot as part payment on a
modern 6 room bungalow. Phone owner,
WoodUwn 2nno.
$lo00 EQUITY In five 46x100 lots In
restricted dlatrlct, fine homes all
around, to trade for something of equal
value; will discount $260 for cash.
Phone B-1017. '
SELL or trade my $R60 equity In a 6
room modern bungalow. 1 block car
line. 20 minutes out' for 1200 cash, or
anvthlng of value; bal. $16 mo.; sick;
must sell or lose It all. Call 88 10th.
EXCHANGE for farm 4 room new
house and lot city, price $1000, will
assume up to $600. B-TOO, Journal.
GOOD real estate to exchange for auto
moblle. Call 311 Corbett bldg.
438 Chamber of Commerce.
2 Acres in City
1. 1. I. 10 and 26 acre traata.
oloae In on 4th st carllne, at
$260 per acre and up, payable In
easy monthly Installments. Be
us before buying.
Main 86. 102 4th st A-8600.
Waterfront acreage;
1 block from V ftllnan mt vr- I v acres rini at ooat lanaing, one
tavlm car' aU in' cultivation, f "l tend !)alf.mUtl0l' iL4."""'
21075 berries, new 6 room house. Bull Run Ti."". . V V.7"'J
irvlngton lot, between 30th and 88d on water; to appreciate this you must see lhV vaeV bilance allghtl roll-
' I aU Vlnda of amftll fnitffl! nulok Mrvln.
10 ACRES handy to Portland: excellent to Pnrtand murketa lTnr Immullaf.
SNAPt Fine three room house, lot 60x transportation facilities; 48 minutes' j sale, prioe $160 per acre, one fourth
100. on mock rroni wssimoreiana. oar riae; pric iuu an acre. 60 down casn. Bee Mr. uaor.
Irvlngton lot. Between stn ana sa on
Schuyler; south front, cement walkndfli
curbs. 8-703. Journal. I Kay bid;
iasft ISKO cash. See Dahlgren. Ber- and $10 a month. S ner cent lntereat on 60S Lumbermens b dir.. Rth and Stark.
keley station. Estacada or Gresham car, deferred payments. If you are looking ri i j5 5 T
FOR SALE by owner. V4 acre in beat P' ace to rase small rrult. berries, ONIUKCll tlllU DVy ndllUII
cultivation, all planted, small house, chickens, etc this Is Ideal. M. E. Lee, Fie buildings, spring wster piped
Ec carfare. 11200; worth $1600; terms.
K-B8H. Journal.
40 LOTS 60x100 each, $22,000. Fine
hntldlna- Dronosltlon or will retail
readily at a large .profit. W. H. Ross,
610 Spalding mag.
FOR SALE Modern 7 room house In
Walnut park on easy terms. 11 1 a
Union avo. Phone Woodlawn 174T.
$10 Down, $10 Per Month
Fine view lot. matured fruit trees
restricted district, near car, cement
walks, Bull Run water, rruit carea ror
free of charge. 202 Board of Trade
QUARTER acre traota, excellent view,
only 20 minutes' ride, water piped to
each tract; excellent for an investment
hnme alt. Prion onlv 2MK. 126
: down and $6 a month. M. B. Lee. 811
coroett Diag.
We have 10 loa In Rose City Park.
will sell one or an; maice us an oner.
iaa Chamber of Commerce. v
)636 for lots- 28 and 24, block 26, Fair
nort addition, at Kenton: no build
ing restriction on these two lots; $266
cash, balance 6 per oent . Phone Main
' GREGORY Heights lots $200 and uo:on
easy terma. una or koso city am
carllne. Come toda
s. Er
Come today.
Gregory Inv. Co.
860 LOTS
On West Stark and 6 2d sts.. carllne
building: Pest Duy in tne city, empire
Realty & Trust Co., aiarenaii 848.402
Yeon bldg.
$760. $750. $760. $760,
r 1.4. mmL-U sb 14Rv1 1A a ai-raJ1
W tUlBf liixx-aa.4 11 aj a v lev, a. 0 vw en a .u tjv;j
of land, close to Mt Hood Eiectrlo, $260
cash. Fred W. German. M. or A-2770.
829 Burnside. -
$100 FOUR level lots, all cleared and
ready to build on; close to school:
stores and -station; fine for home or
splendid . Investment; terms; owner,
1016 cnamper or commerce.
GOOD ressons compel me to sell my
hirh crade corner lota in Kenton for
spot cash and dirt cheap. 0-86, Jour
nal. - . - ....
CHOICE building lots 60x100, with dlty
water, on good carllne; $400; nothing
down, $10 per month. Inquire for Mr.
Leonard, 84 4th st Columbia Trust Co.
6 LOTS with I room house and good
A barn. 31260. mile from Flrland
station. 8460 cash, balance On time.
Phone Tabor 186.
SIGHTLY lot In East St Johns, $800;
3300 cash, balance I years T per cent
Interest. Phone Sell wood 1678.
$800 EQUITY, LaureJhurst lot, $300;
Phone Tabor 1881. - v
klLUNGSWORTH av oorner of Boe
ton. 100x100-. Phone owner. East 8880.
FOR PALE 6 lot Willamette. Owner
1 12.1 Samoa
811 Corbett bldg.
house, lawn and barn, 2 blocks from
BEAUTIFUL 10 APRS FRUIT TRACT, car line, fine orchard In full bearing, on
Am leaving Portland. Will sell my graded street. Bargain at 14500. terms.
equuy 01 mu in rine lu-acre tract, con- I Be
venlent to Portland and one mile to rail- Thnmncnn X, Ciuon
road-sts tion. Purchase price $1800. Con- ' nOlTipSOn Qi oW3n
trsct calls for $26 monthly payments In- Sixth and Main atreeta, Vancouver,
viuuiiir niKrni, a nap lur some one. v asnirgxon
No sgents need apply. H-698, Journal. T7
Ideal Little Dairy
(8 acres sandy loam river bot
tom land, no overflow. 40 In high
state cultivation, bslanos pasture
ond timber, good buildings, fine
water, lies -level, fenced and cross
fenced, fine neighborhood. 26
miles Portland. Will sell this
Flace with one third crop for
4800. This is not a run down
proposition but the best for the
money In this country. Don't fall
under any circumstances to In
vestigate thla. Keasey, Humason
'fc Jrffery, 232 Chamber of Com
merce, .
Portland's Leading Hotel Bmker.
14 ROOMS, boarders If desired. rent
$22, price $260 for all. fair furniture,
west side location, very cheap; you can
more than double your money. God
dard. 606 Yeon Bldg.
411 Henry bldg. Marshall 464.
Hotels, apartment nouaea, rooming
nouses, oougnt, soiq ana exenangeq.
A BARGAIN 1$ nicely furnished rooms
and good tronalent trade; sickness
cause of selling; no agents. L-697,
16 ROOMS, excellent furniture, $760;
on account of sickness. For particu
lar call at once at 187 Eaat 4th at, near
APARTMENT. 22 rooma. brick building.
1 floor, low rent, long lease, fine
location, always full; cheap for cash
or some terma. Owner, V-699, Journal.
FOR HALE BY OWNER 31 room hotel.
money making place,.$3000; half cash.
271 Morrison.
22 ROOMING house for sale east side
st a sacrifice; $1000 will handle. Ring
East 8376.
FIFTEEN 2 room apartments, new and
well furnlahed. Good location. Buy of
owner. East 1346.
WANThl) IOt as part payment oni
splendid new modern 7 room houae,
$8860. Owner. East 1116. B-1487.
MINING and Industrial stocks; tele
phone snd other bonds bought and
sold C. 8. Fletcher. 126 Ablnrton bldg.
LADIES' and children's dry goods etxl
furnishings, stock will, Invoice about
$20,000. all new and up-to-dale, new
brick building,, choice' location, doing
fine business; good lease end low rental.
See Thompson & Swan ,
8th and Main eta., Vancouver, Wash.
New. modern brick hotel, hot and raid '
water in all rooms; elegantly furnlahed: '
can clear $306 to $400 month; located!
In a thriving town; best hotel town on
the coast for th slse; only two hotels,
snd this Is the new one. He owner-or
write H. E. James, 88 10th, near mark.
WANTED Steady man aa partner In
well established business thst will
pay you big profits; experience ant
needed ss owner will teach you the bul- ,
nesa. Inquire 84 8th st room 417.
RESTAURANT, beautifully, newly furl
niahed; cost $1000, for $300, essy
terms: wilt clear 810 dally: my bual. '
nesa Is here. A knap. Owner, Ooddard.
no; icon mag.
FOR HALE Pool room, fine location,
doing good business, reason for sell.
Ing, going east; will rent same to re
sponsible party Call at once, Eaat 1171,;
for Information.
I HAVE an up-to-date business pay
Ing 6 per oent on money invested? now
If you want something good come to 111
Yeon Bldg.
FOR SALE Horse shoeing 'shop cheap-
good location doing good ousiness; can
49 N. 4th.
PARTNER with money to open meat
market in city. 8-702. Journsl.
FOR PALE Shoe repsir shop, best plec
In city. 607 Ullaan St., corner itn.
(One of many.)
Office secretary employment derart-.
ment, T. M. C. A.
Young man. stranger, out of work $20
his total cafch aHaeta) If I pay you If
for special employment memherahlp, I
will have only $16 left between me and
starvation. . .
Secretary If vou nay 86 for apeclal
employment membership, you will have
the 1 . m. 1. a. wun na reaourcee Be
tween you and starvation.
Calls for men . . .
Positions filled .
New members .
Employment membershlo guarantees
employment or refund of membership
fee. gives two monma run memoersnip
privileges. 10 months' social privilege,
and undertakes to keep party employed
during the full term of membership,
without further charge.
We have constant demand for high
grade experienced men. Ar you quali
fied for a better position T
Be secretary employment depart
ment T. M. C. A.
When vou are offered something for
nothing, you can bet you will et noth
ing for something. Comnlon eenae
should tesch you that no one is going
to divide a "gold mine" with you. Rare
ly buy what he la anxious to sell; exam
inn what he la anxious to keen. A fool
and his money are soon parted." Don't
be a fool.
Advisory Department. I. m. c a.
DESCHUTES VALLEY 160 acre lrrl
gated farm, 160 acrps In clover and al
falfa, 12 head Jersey stock, farm Imple
ments. 1 mile from O. T. R. R., pet,
Redmond. and-Bend.-. Call .mornings, be
fore June 10, 829 Montgomery St., or
address R. E. Sherwood, Redmond, Or.
100 ACRE farm all in cropstocked with
horses, cattle,, hogs, sheep, chickens
and everything needed on farm, 4 mile
to school and R. R. station; terms to
suit E. N. Keeney. R. 1, Dallas, Or.
Near Beaverton
Fvpontlrtnol flnrirtrt nm-fw
We have several sections of selected county road and near school, offered for
land in central Oregon, good locations, $125 per acre to close estate; surround
4'5J?J!?Ac.r.... . A ing land selling at more than twice this
i . , ' u -V 1 ' 1 . Price. Half cash will handle. Investl-
434 Chamber of Commerce. Marshall 1944 gate at once. The McCarthy Co., 422-3
TOR BALIS 41, 79 or 120 acres unlm-lgn" ""' Main 9Sa, A-8983,
provea lano, n nines rrom town, sou GARDEN Home acreage, 10 acres In
vry be8,V BO witeE: about 3-00'- rotten logs, very easy cleared, single
000 feet allow fir timber river and acre tracts from 1760 upj 80S Ablngfon
iB v-u .uu u.vsuhui,u, piaus. rcns pldr. Main 4841.
IM Tier iuik 11000 rajrh! no .nnt. n I "
899. Journal.'
FIVE or 10 acre tract cleared, leved.
rich land, very suitable for fruit
garden and chickens;' mile from depot,
and will be.near new eleotrlo line; close
uwner, ivio cnamper or commerce.
SHE'S raw
20 Acres
Nice little chicken ranch, 26 minutes olv 12600- 1U miles from
-ft f .Lrem.S7n,i PreBOn Electric; young orcl
m., Tuesday and Wednesday.
Z6i wasningion, room is,
TEN acres, ail In potato, at Wheeler
station;-rich soil; will sell on B. Z.
terms, or yon can par wun the crop.
N 271U Morrison St
1 9 9 K mnA 10 Bnr. .nm (m
'good eiectrlo car service. $100 to ti6&
the acre; big values, easy terms. Call.
phone or writ u NOW. J. W. Heffer-
lln Realty Co., ao coroett oidg. -
FRONTAGE on the Willamette river:
handy-to. fortiana: ideal ror summer
homes or an investments M. E. Lee.
nil corneiT. Play.,
WE have acreage on Peninsula In een
ter of mfg. diet., attractive terms If
tairen at once; me oesx lnrestment in
city. N-693. journal.
ANYONE looking ror large bodies of
uregon iana ror coionixing purposes
should corresDOnd with B. L Bmda.
Dreweey, Or.
ONE ACRE Near car. 7 room house. In
good -condition; all kinds of fruit;
$1800., This may exactly suit you. W.
H. Ross. 610 Spalding bldg.
FOR SALE 10 acres commercial or
chard on carllne. waiting station on
Slaoe, , mile fine- church and school,
wner, 400 Morris st Phone Eaat 4405.
ONE ACRE-Rlch' solL fine view, near
town. Com In oulck: you mav want
It. W. H. Ross 61 Spalding bldg.
13200. FOR 8AL by. owner 2 acrea,
- house, barn and fruit trees, near city.
Inquire 968 Front etreet. -' ' .-
CITY a,crea near Mt Tabor. -Phone
owner. East 3860.
BALE or exchange, acreage In Willam
ette valley, terms, .owner. M 11. .1044.
TEN acres for sale, at mile south of
jaesTerion, w. msisks. usavtrion.
Orenco on
orchard, some
bearing. All cleared and fenced, black
loam soil, ever flowing spring, ejgood
water, terms on this. Better hurry
See Mr. Camp at Hartman A Thompson
bank. Chamber of Commerce bldg.
15 Acres, All Good
Rich land, 12 aores under cultivation,
balance in good pasture. New 6 room
house, new barn and outbuildings, young
orchard, good well and spring, IV, miles
from country town and driving distance
from Vancouver. See Thompson & Swan,
6th and Main sts., Vancouver; Wash.
867 ACRE farm on both sides of Des
chutes, 5 miles from Bend; fine water-
Sower site; 100 acres cultivated. 400 In
Imber, 6 room house, fine milk bouse,
2 shares In Irrigation ditch. Price, $30,
000, Including farm machinery and
stock. Call mornings, before June 10,
821 Montgomery st, or address O. W.
B. Riley. Bend. Or.
WE have a farm of -125 acres, 75 cultl
vated. 13 acres In Standard apples;
good Improvements, fenced, on main
road, close to a good' farming town in
Yamhill' county. Will trade for home
tn city up to, $3500, balance 10 years at
I per cent Western Investment Co.,
417 Beard or Trade.
RICH "RED SHOT" orchard soil, pleas
ant climate and beautiful scenery,
oan all be found In Chehalem Valley,
within 23 miles of Portland; easy terms.
Call or write Eager A Watson, 910 Lewis
20 acres, sll good apole land, 10 acres
cleared, part In orchard, large creek and
spring, fair buildings, on main county
road, only 2 miles from town: biggest
snap ever offered; price only $250 per
aore; $1000 cash will handle it D-699,
48 ACRES, all Improved and In high
state of cultivation: fruit; living wat
er; good buildlnga. Fisher and Hlllier,
HOMESTEADS open to entry Jun 1st,
near Portland; sou nrst quality : near
river and R. B 8e location. Room
1. 267 Oak st.
CAN locate five good homesteads snd
2 timber claims close to R. R. ; rea
sonable fee. Address C-877. Journal.
FOR SALE Homestead relinquishment
between wnite naimon ana lyio.
Wash. Inquire 1099 B. 18th st N.
Portland Rooming House Co.
Hotels, Apartment Houses,
Rooming Houses.
411 Henry bldg. Phone Marshall 184.
Elegant . Little Hotel
19 rooms, running water, modern
beautifully furnished, close in, long
lease ai ioo a n.ontn: tnis is a aanuy
house and $16b0 putr you In posaebsion.
14 Rooms, Housekeeping
A completely furnished house, vary
close In, rent $40, always full, clears
$60 per month, everything Is good and
the house is clean; a good buy for
9 Rooms
Housekeeping, rent $4(i, nice yard,
house well furnished, will pay all ex
penses and give tidy income; price $760,
: Cheap-Rent
16 rooms. 2 year lease at $30; com
pletely furnished for housekeeping; this
house gives a big Income; $600 cash
Very Attractive
13 rooms, close tn, nicely furnished
and homelike, long' lease, rent only $65
per month. This place Is clearing over
1100 per montn ana win near the closest
Investigation; price $2100.
First Time Offered
14 rooma. Nob Hill location, apart
ments, steam beat 3 private baths, 3
year .eanj st $60; elegantly furnished
within the last !0 days; this is a beau
tiful home and gives a fine income.
Requires $1200 'cash.
Portland Rooming House Cb,
411 Henry hldg.
Only cleaning and dye works In city
or aoout 4000 population, doing good
business, established 3 years, good
money maker. For further particular
write to R. B. McLennan, McMinnvllle,
410 Rothchlld bids.,
4th and Washington sts.. Portland.
We have farms from 10 to 640 acres;
nop yards, orchards and orchard land
timber, shingle in!ls, hotels and citl
property. We locate timber claims ani
nomestesd; slwsys reliable.
Good Investment
$6000 Realty Associated first Issue
profit sharing bond, semi-annual divi
dends, lieal estate security. Inquire
25,c.y b'?Si- d snd starK.
WANT to buy in good town, Oregon or
Washington, a 6-10-1 6 cent store;
must stand Investigation. Give details.
Address Frank H. Mayer, 285 Roaa at,
SICKNESS forces me to sell Ice cream
and grocery store with four living
rooms: gooa lease; tnis is wortn 10
tip. Call 37th snd Handy Road. Phone
Tabor 3028. C- l'.Q6.
WANTED Lady or gentleman partner
for good clean museum show, big
money maiccr; open nere ween Kose car
nival. Referonces exchanged. Apple, 606
Yeon hldg.
A Forced Sale .
44 rooms, new brick building, 4 years'
lease, rent $250 per month; furniture
cost $8000 less than a year ago; $3600
cash If taken Monday.
32 Rooms
All housekeeping, brick building, I
years' lease, clears $180 per month;
will take small rooming house aa flrat
payment; no cash required.
Washington Street Hotel
73 rooms, fin furniture, good lease,
cheapest rent on Washington street,
clears $800 per month; will take some
trade and $3000 cash.
810 Henry oiag., cor. 4tn ana obk sts,
y For Sale Cheap
Saloon, independent license, doing a
good business, good stock, lease. In-
gulre 66 N. 6th st.
FOR SALE Confectionery store, estab-
llshed 16 yesrs. doing wholesale Ice
cream business; located on corner, with
good lease. Price $6000. Address 270
Graham av. city. '
WE REQUIRE an energetic man as
manager for Seattle branch; must be
liv wire; salary 8126 month and com
mission; $3000 required, which will
draw big dividends. 383 Oak st
FOR SALE hi interest one of the larg-
est and hest paying ruel Duslnesses In
Portland, good salary and position. In
yeatlgate at once. C-6 8 7, Journal.
FOR SALE One of the best located
shoe shops In the olty for custom and
repair work; have a fine trade but oom-
pelled to take rest 709 Williams avo.
1260 Delicatessen, home bakery and
confectionery, good business for man
snd wife, no competition; good reasons
for selling. gn union eve. N. ; terms,
In every section of the west
to take applications for
The Industrial townslte on the
North Bank road. We will give
full Instruction and will furnish
all literature required.
for the REAL TjIVE MEN who
can deliver THE GOODS.
State previous experience and
full details in your first letter.
Dealers In Land.
Chamber of Com. Portland, Or.
able bodied unmarried men between'"
ages of 18 and 36, cttlsens of United .
States of good character and temperate
habits, who can speak, read and writ :
the English language. For information
apply to Recruiting Officer, Ainsworth
block. 3d and Oak ats.. Portland. Or. ,
Young man. Bom experience. - Mod
erate salary to begin, with good,
chancea for advancement with progres
sive Portland firm. In answering; glv
full particulars and state salary ex
pected. H-692. Journal. I
MAN snd wife, must be reliable and.
steady, familiar with fruit culture
and general farming, to take charge of
mall farm .5 miles rrom fortiana.
near electric line; owner lives In city;
state age, experience -and give refer
ences. V-898, Journal. '
WANTED Three or four experi
enced newspaper solicitors. AU- '
dress R-707, Journal fefflce; -
WANTED AT ONCE Boys over.ltt with
wheels, to deliver telegrsms. Good
wares for boys who will work; Apply
between 8 and 10 in the morning, west-,
em Union Tel. Co., 78 3d st.
WANTED Bookkeeper and stenogra
pher for family liquor store. Seattle,
Wash. Wages $100 per month. 1 Must ,.
be competent. Address S-704, Journsl-,
YOUNG man work on dairy and milk
m cows. Rose City-East Ankeny ear.
to 67th st.. then northeast 8 miles. . In- -;
quire 'or W. S. Johnson's dairy. .
DENTIST;, must be A-l operator and
licensed, noon samrx. Aivfoiar iwii.
tal Co., Ablngton bldg.. I06H 3d st.
WANTED At one. 3 men to learn to ;
drive and repair automobiles. Call at
Hawthorne Garage, 445 Hawthorne. - '
WANTED At once, t men to learn to
drive and repair auiomoouw. van at :
80-62 I. Ttnsi.
CHEF headquarters and helper. Calt
fomla Wine Denot. 366 Yamhill, next
80.000.000 yellow pine at $3.75 per
1000; flrat class timber, in one body,
excellent location .ror manufacturing,
close to railroad. Address box 278,
Klamath Falls. Or,
BEAUTIFUL 14 hi acre tract oh carllne.
all In cultivation, Deautirui Duiiamga.
cash or trade, $8600. David Lewis, room
8, Lumbermen's bldg.
OLD established corner grocery, brick
building, cash trade; will exchange for
home or acreage; $2500. Write Wagner,
829 West Park.
0 eer acre takes It: 440 acres alfalfa
land with exclusive water right for Irri
gation, good ram) ouuamga, good out
side range for stock. Address box 31 J.
Klamath Falls, Or.
80 ACRE farm. 7 acrea In prunes. 40
acres cleared, ss mue out. trice 5
per acre. Wade Kepperly, Gaston, Or,
R. F. D. No. I. -EIGHTY
acrea of good tillable "land
- some ' timber. near railroad, small
tow, Partloulara writ to George Llp-
WANTED A. countrv place, cleared or
uncleared, in exenange ior an estab
lished romlng house. 370H E. Mor-
rlson. ,
BEAUTIFUL 10-acre trsct, all In culti-
vatlon, near electric carllne; want
homo for it. David Lewis, room 2,
Lumbermen s piag
$1200 Cash
Buys the furniture of a 28 room
house, located on Morrison st, within
6 minutes' walk of 3d st, 3 years' lease
at $100 per month. This Is the biggest
snap In the city. No phone calls an
swered. Associated Investment Co.
Suite 618 Yeon bldg., 5th and Morrison.
Close in on Washington st; rent less
than $5 room: good lease; can easy .clear
$150 month. If you have $500, and want
a good money maker, 'see this and make
an offer, as this must be sold quick;
owner sick. Call 98 10th, near Stark.
v -
$1600 S passenger auto In good condi
tion for sale or exohange for equity la
house and lot In Portland. 605 McKay
Diqg. main uvi.
500 equity In 11260 Beaumont lot to
trade for cheaper lot., Will give good
trade. C-897. Journal.
IF you want to sell, buy or trade, see
Shoemaker. 626 and 127 Henry bldg.
Main 4466, A-T484. , ,
handle trsdes In real estate any
where. 308 Board of Trade bldg.
I WILL' buy, sell er trade anything.
H. F. Lea. ill! Board of Trad bldg.
We have a large list of up-to-date
rooming houses in all parts of city and
our salesmen have looked them over
and can show you bargains.
y eio x eon bldg.
MO VI NG picture snow in good Dlace.
doing good business; will show good
reasons for selling; price low. .C-696,
GROCERY on down town street, very
low rent, cash, call trade; have a look
at this berore you ouy is an we ask.
Owner. N-690, Journal
IF you have two or three thousand dol
lars to Invest and a portion of your
unoccupied time, address L-692, Jour
HAVE YOU 11000?
Here is a ousiness snap tnat is-a
winner. Call In person only. 161 Grand
12000 INTEREST In a Portland planing
mill for sale at a sacrifice, on ac
count of . sickness; lots of business. Call
7 47 Kerny St., evenings. . .
CLOTHING store with lease, best loca
tion: win sen lease alone; good for
any business, ao in. aq st.
11 ROOMS beautifully finished, located
right; clearing big money, now fur
niture. It'a better than you havo seen.
Price 900. Goddard, 605 Yeon Bldg.
40 ROOMSbrlcJt building, steam heat,
hot. and cold -water. new furniture.
ol earing $800 month; long lease. Price
350O; GOdriard. 605 .Yeon Bldg.
WILL. -ft interest in Dee t paying
small Dusiness in cur, 100 mucn work
for one. Owner, E-696, Journal.
FINE opening for a barber. A man who
is sober and satisfied with 130 or
$40 a wM. Call 811 Corbett bldg.
FOR SALE & interest In cleaning and
pressing establishment. Call or, write
R. Moore. 538 H Washington st, -
NEWSPAPER and Job plant in best cltv
, in valley; try It before buying. Love
Real Estate, woooournt ur.
THE QUICKEST way to sell your
rooming bouse is to-list It .with John
B. Goddard, 605 Yeon Bldg. ,
40 ROOM rooming house In., good loca--
tlony' hot' od cold water and steam
heat 806 Ablngton. "' Main 4"4i.
$400 FOR SALE $400.
. Rooming JbO'ise, 13 rooms, all fur-
nlahtd. CaliirfSlfc Davis st, corner II th.
FINE grocery store, . Good stock and
fixtures, norse ana wagon, jsb jioJ
laday avenu e
A FINE restaurant doing good bual.
nesa Cah or ; trade. 343 Holladay
ave. . .-' ,. " -, ' - --.
, 600 Business Cards $1
' Roe City Prtntery. 192H 3d.
by owar.
A snaik buy. for .sale
239 tH Morrison St. .
In Journal.
WANT Carpentering, . painting, labor-
Ing; rive dentistry, can ?f juissy.
LAUNDRY driver, trustworthy and cap
able. Apply 289 Union ave., near Haw
thorne; - '1 -'
FINE opening for a barber. . Ar man
who is sober and satisfied with $30
to $40 a week. Call 311 Corbett bldg.
WE sell uncalled tor tailor made suits. ;
$10 up. narvarq u aiiors. jus ournsiae. ,
WEAR a Kenshaw $3 hat; all styles.
169 Fourth. 44 Washington.
UNCALLED for tailor-made eults, 110
up. Taylor the Tailor, 281 Burnside.
MACHINIST (lathe hand).. Apply, 3:5
Commercial-Club Bldg. '
MACHINE man wanted. 440 Goldsmith.
Freeland Furniture Co. '
WANTED Bushelroan at one. U3 W.
I SAY, are- you out of -work f t ljam a .,.
trade:-we need men to teach MOVING
PICTURE OPERATING, and then com- .
mand Dig money, meraime, na van -i
st. opposite Wells-Fareo. "
5 Jr month, telegraphy taught In
practical forms, day and .evening aea
slons. Address Myers. Flanders st,
Portland, or, ; Main nm. -WANTED
More "scholars " in mllTTner?
school? new.clsss now. forming bring
,1,11, nM hats. New hats trimmed to-or-
der. Make Over hopf 876 Alder Mar. 1'
GOVERNMJiNT employes wanted fcTn.t
poets! for Portland xsmlnslon se'oe.i.
ule. t . Franklin Institute. Dep't, 307 U,
Rochester, N. Y. ,, --.- '
PRIVATE Jessons. BookkeTng, 'short,
hand, typewriting. 641 Belmont, F.ait
1484. "! - ' :,..;-
tEARN'to drive entotnolilTc and' l
will not .t Out of employment f'r
clal terms 116. 243 6th st.
WANTED Youn mn . r
picture operating.. r . ,
expert , 334 Uaic u
4 -