The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 06, 1911, Page 15, Image 15

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    - V
Washington. Juno I President . Taft
today received an Invitation from As
toria, Or to vlalt that city daring the
centennial celebration next August for
the founding of the town as a trading
post by a "member icf the Astor family.
The president has not yet Indicated
whether ho will 'acoepk. A summer
home alte on the shores of Lake Pend
d'Orellle, Idaho, haa been tendered the
president by the town Of Moscow. Taft
announced some days ago that bs would
not forsake Beverly, Mass., aa his
summer residence. . '
President .Taft Is alao considering an
invitation rirelved from Governor M. E.
Hay of Washington to visit that state.
Newest Phenomenal Discovery
Is on Applegate Riverj Own
ers Locate 9000 Feet Along
Ledge and 60 Acres Placer.
i -v; ; . . i , .i i I t , f X " "l .
I ; (VntHt Press Leased Wlre. -
OrutiiFiML Or.. June : I. Another
phenomenal gold strike has bMn mad
In Josephine oounty the third In five
weeks. This time the find wu mad
on Applegate river, about 14 islJea south
Of Grants Paas. The fold occur a In
the white quarts, which la glutted with
me yeiiow metal
' The property la owned by City Coun
cilman H. L. Herat nee r, Leror Currier,
a u. a. k. veteran, and A. u. Davis,
a prospector. Davis made the find
Tnursoay of last weak. He cot word
quietly to his QranU Paas associates
and Councilman HersJnger hurried to
toe property. Last night be returned
to Oranta Paas with a aack of the rith
ore. Newa of the strike cauaed fur
ther mining excitement In this city.
j ne ore la on exhibition today.
The partite have located the led re
ror a aistanco of 1004 feet, six olalma
In length. Decompoaltlon ofthe sur
face of the led re through long time baa
reaulted In enriching a large area t
the base of the hill, the ground being
permeated With numti end hnkm
Quarts rich in gold. The owners have
located 10 acres of this around aa
placer and are recovering muon of the
coarse gold with the greatest ease.
Mining men from ail over the west
rn states continue to arrive In Grants
rasa and hurry to the hllla.
Anotner rich strike Is reported at
Oriole mine In the Qallee District The
unoie mine la a very rich property,
Tne Herslnger atrtke on Applegats
hows values fltOO to I100J a ton. free
go'o. imu la rrom aiatnot not proapeoted
elosely before the strike. There Is
plenty or water at hand for develop
ment. The atrtke ahows a well defined
lead three to nine feet wide. It aeema
to be the coneensus of opinion among
many minora that gold will be dis
covered much cloeer to this city within
a abort time and the hllla and moun
taina ar full of mlnera and prospec
(Continued From Page One.)
present their aole representative le T.
i. Concannon. who ran aa an Independent
in tne rirat and came in third In the
rare. Monaa the regular Democratic
nominee, taking the plum.
John Montag'a victory in the elxth
ward la belnr hailed as a algnlflcant
victory tor good government. H. A.
seining, regaraea witn distrust aa a
representative of the apeclal Interests,
Is unhorsed after a service of eight
yeara. Unrest over conditions In the
council Is alao assigned as the reason
for the defeat of Kubll, agalnat whom a
aara ngnt .was made. ,
In the First ward Thomas K. Monks,
Pemocraf, polled lit votes, Jordan V.
Stan. Republican, came in with ii7. and
Concannon, aa an Independent, trailed
third with 14. Monks' plurality Is 41.
WansUa Elected.
Frederick S. Wllhelm, a young attor
ney and member of a pioneer family of
Portland, made more than a threo-to-ono
race agalnat A. J. M'Cabe in the
Fourth ward. Wllhelm is a Republican
and M'Cabe a Democrat, the third man
In the fight being Otto Newman, a So
cialist. Complete returns from the ward
give Wllhelm 8444. M'Cabe 490 and New
man 343. The ward comprises the cen
tral part of the West Side, from Wash
ington to Jefferson streets. Wllhelm
is pledged to Immediate submission of
the commission form of government
John Montag gained a lead of 235 in
tne sixth ward over Councilman Beld
ing. uaoritx, tne socialist. noiit lin
Montag was a member of the executive
poaraa or Mayors Lane and Pennoyer
no once a candidate lor mayor.
Allan R. Joy, the Republican nominee,
had a runaway race in the Seventh
. ousmigui. rae re-
- Tfivcu piurainy or iuiz over R. B.
White?, his Democratio opponent, with
one precinct missing. His vote Is 111.
aiiiu rvuucs 1101.
Ellis Votable Lose
William Schmear, IndependenC and
another advocate of the commission
form of government, took the lead over
councilman kudu in the Eighth ward
by 188 votes. His total was 1717, with
1809 for - Kubll and 688 for Frank M.
Kelly, the Democratio nominee.
On the recall election In the Tenth
ward Councilman Ellis has apparently
boon ordered to stay at home. Six can
didates Were In the running, but as the
ballots were counted the fight nar
rowed down to James Magulre, Clinton
A. Ambrose and Ellis.
With precinct 144 missing, Magulre
leads with 1148, Ellis Is second with
1119 and Ambrose is third with 911. The
missing precinct . is expected to bo
strong for Ambrose, but will not giro
him enough to catch up. If Magulre and
Ellis run about even, as expected, Ma
gulre will be the winner. As It stand
he seems reasonably a are.
with the vote from two precincts en
the tall-enders unreported, F. B. Har
ring-ton received 268. Will O. Steel ISO
and D. O. Stephens 818. V
(Continued from Page One.)
' . 1 : VI. ... - I in . .-iJ . ' " ' ' i I
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Maybe Ton Cast 1t event Thew, , bnt
Ton Can Easily Bomor
Tk em Quickly, Too,
Top row (left to right) A. L. Barbur, city auditor; Frank S. Grant, city attorney; William Adams, city treasurer; George Tazwell, municipal judge; John Burgard, councilman
at-large. Second row George U Baker, William H. Daly and J. J. Jennings, councllmen-at-large; John Montag, councilman, Sixth ward; William Schmeer, council
man, Eighth ward. Bottom row Ralph C. Clyde, councllman-at-large; Prederlck 8. Wllhelm, councilman. Fourth ward; James Magulre, councilman, Tenth ward; Allan
R. Joy, councilman, Beventh ward; Tom N. Monks, councilman, First ward. '
Was increased, and the highest predic
tions made at Republican headquarters
,,,wers exceeded. ."
Total Tote 88,00a
The total vote will run close to 18,090,
higher than was Indicated by the slow
voting yesterday morning, and higher
than most of the prophets anticipated.
Charles H. Otten, the Socialist nominee,
' polled 1684, two preclnots out, and Har
rison, the Prohibition candidate, received
' 458. , ' . v "
Rushlight carried the West side by
probably 700 votes, and In all quarters
the Simon strength fell beneath expecta
tions. The outlying districts on the
east side in many cases made him a two
and three-to-one favorite. It waa little
less than a landslide for the' Seventh
ward councilnian. '. r .
East lido Tote- JEoavy.
The east side did not fall RushUghT.
As a candidate for the council and for
th kg-'Slatnra 4io bad demonstrated
great vot getting qualities in previous
elections, and yesterday, be again rolled
. up a big1 rote, not only in the Berenth
ward, his homo,, bat all the way down
to the peninsula, except In Irrlngton
and other limited districts. '
The vlctcr did not win by the votes
of any one class. There was less con
trast between the different sections of
the ' city than te the primaries, ' when
Lombard carried many of the residence
dlstrcts -by an overwhelming vote, and 1
Ruahllrht wen portions of the east side
and the north end by an equally' em
phatlo lead. ' This time, that rote shows.
Rushlight annexed a good share of the
vote cast for Lombard In the primaries.
Tt im likewise true that organise
labor atood by. the Republican candidate
with unusual riaeiity. inm mcucm vi
the Simon managers In putting forward
the Manger to business" as a aiogan
served to solidify the labor vote, and
at the earns time failed to unite the interests as it was intended
to da Large numbera of the amaller
business men gave no heed to the cry
against Rushlight, and did not fear hlra
from the Industrial viewpoint
Another powerful Influence for Rush
light was the support given him by the
most of his colleagues In the council.
Ho went with them to victory in the
primaries, and they gave him unstinted
support In return.
lmoa Given Lesson.
. Not to bo forgotten alao was the feel
ing la many quarters that 1 Blmon ahouM
nave entered as a candidate In the pri
maries. If at all. and that Blmon should
bo given a lesson In the doctrine of
party regularity, which he haa so often
advocated. As the primary nominee,
Rushlight achieved a large advantage,
and tha appeal of the Republican central
committee to abide by the result was
not without effect v v
Pumping Is Continued.
(Unite Press teased Wire.)
Havana, June "-The work of pump
Ins; water from the cofferdam buUt
around tne wreck of the United States
battleship Maine in Havana harbor'was
continued today. United States naval
officers are In chargo of raising the
wrecked warship.
Departments of Washington,
Oregon, Alaska in Encampment.
The departments of Oregon, Washing
ton and Alaska, U. S. W. V., will hold
their annual encampments this year,
Wednesday and 'Thursday. During the
two-days' meet, each department will en
tertain the other. The Washington and
Alaska aepartments will meet at Van
oouver, and the Oregon veterans at
Portland. "The former will be guests of
the local camp at Vancouver, while
Scout Toung camp will entertain the Or
egon boys on Wednesday and all the
departments Thursday.
Thursday will bo the big day In Port'
land for the veterans. On that evening
all departments will join in the Rose
Festival parade. In which the veterans
will put on the "Military Order of the
Serpent'' Commander Salsbury, of
Soout Toung camp, and the committee
nas given out the following programi
:S0 a. m Meet at Armory to perfect
organisation oz department or Oregon.
Bottled in Bond
Since 1780"
Distributors - Portlands Or.
11:10 a. m. Take ear te Vancouver,
where they will visit Wnshlngton dele
1:00 p. m. Orand review of U. B,
troops In honor of U. L W. V. at Van
couver barracks.
:00 p. m U. S: W. V. parade In Van
couver. 8:00 p. m. Orand military ball at
Post hall. In Vancouver.
0:80 a. m. All members of U. S. W.
V. meet at Armory for election of of
ficers for department of Oregon, and ar
rangementa of minor details In enter
taining Washington and Alaaka depart
ments. . 1:00 p. nv Washington delegation will
vlait Oregon department in a body. At
Armory. Families invited.
6:00 p. m. Tke Initiation of "Order
of Serpent" will take place with an com
ical features pertaining to such organi
sation Including the "Snakes of the
T:I0 p. nu Orand parade of the "Mil
itary Order of the Serpent" and U. S.
W. V. on east side.
Journal Want Ada bring results.
(United Press Letsed Wlrs.l
Highland Falls, N. Y., June . The
condition of John Blgelow, the venerable
statesman and author, who has been ill
for several days at his home, "The
Squirrels," continued grave today. His
physician said there waa only a alight
chance for recovery.
'netted Press Vn4 W . (
Washington, June t. The Democratio
house leadera decided today not to
press an Investigation of the wool trust
until the Underwood wool revision
amendment to the tariff passea the
Journal Want Ada bring results.
It is far better not to wait until the
hot summer winds and aunahtne bring
out your freckles In all their unwelcome
ugllnesa. There's a simple remedy
Klntho that removes freckles as If by '
maglo and It's guaranteed to remove'
them, or money back. Oet a two ounce
package at Woodard, Clarke 4V Co, er
wherever toilet goods are sold and see
how quickly and thoroughly Klntho Will
remove your freckles.
"Use Klntho Soap too. It will not
only help give the freckles a push, but
it is delightful for toilet use." '
They Grow Hair
Certam Ingredients, If Proper
ly Combined, Stimulate
Human Hair Growth.
Resorcln is one of the most effective
germ destroyers ever discovered. Beta-
naphthol is a most powerful, yet abso
lutely safe germicide and antiseptic,
which prevents developments of germ
matter and creates a clean, healthy con
'Pilocarpine, although not a coloring
matter or dye, is an Ingredient well
tabllahed fur Ita power to restore nat
ural color to human hair.
Borax, because of its well define!
softening and cleansing properties, Is
most useful In the treatment of scalp
and hair diseases. Glycerine acts as
stimulant to the hair bulbs and has
soothing, healing and nourishing In-
fluence. Alcohol Is Indispensable In
medicine because of Its antiseptic, .
stimulating and preservative qualities. ,
Rexall "OS" Hair Tonic Is chleflv
composed of these Ingredients, which -
are compounded In a peculiar form,
and we believe tt is the most effective .
remedy known to nwdleal science for
ecalp and hair trouniea generally, we
I personally guarantee It to eradicate
dandruff and scalp Irritations and to
grow hair, even though the scalp - In
spots Is bare of hair, providing Of
course thsre is life and vitality remain
Ing In the balr roots. -
Wo want everyone troubled with
scalp disease, dandruff or loss of hair
to try Rexall W Hair Tonic If It
does not remove dandruff and 'promote
a growth of hair to the satisfaction of
the user, we will without queation r
quibble return every cent paid us for.
It Thla guarantee Is printed on every
package. It baa effected most satisfac
tory results in S out of 100 cases
where put to a practical test. ,
Kexsll "9S" Hair Is entirely
unlike and In every particular different
from anything else we know of for the
purpose for which it Is recommended.
We urge you to try It at our entire
risk. Certainly we could offer no bet
ter guarantee. Two sixes, to cents and
f 1. The Owl Durg c-.., ino., corner
Seventh and Washington streets.
No. 2
Middle Aged and Elderly
Use Soley Kidney Pills for quick and
permanent results in all cases of kid
ney and bladder troubles, ana for pain
ful and annoying irregularities. They
contain just the ingredlenta necessary
to regulate and strengthen the action of
the kidneys and bladder. They are
tonlo in action, quick in results. Try
im filrlArrtAM TlpnV Prt TvA mtrtTHM
main store. 1B1 Third street: branch ths working of M. L
store, Morrison and West Park. Wood- 15- T. on the human
system, and must
say that it entirely
meets with my pro
Ifessional sanction.
Late Demonstrator of
Anatomy, Philadel
phia Medloal Col lege
Greatest Nerve and Blcod Tonic
I have riven per
sonal inspection to
ard, Clarke Drug do.
l l ll I Ill . ll I
Didn't know you could get a Victor-Victrola for so
little money? Well, you can. And they possess
the same clear, sweet, velvety tone-quality as the
higher-priced models.
You can get one of these new Victor-Victrolas
right away, for we'll arrange terms to suit. You
can enjoy it while you're paying for it
. Other styles of the" Victor-Victrola $iSo, $200,
$250, Victors $10 to $100.
Sixth and
Sixth and
1 i- To ,
Y -
r (M mrlF
IVhat Vo Guarantoo H.I.S.T. flo.2 Will Gere
RHEUMATISM, no matter how long standing.
Any ease of Inflammation ot the .Bladder or
Enlarged Prostate Gland, no matter if the pa
tients have been for years forced to ase a
II la do stimulant its effects are permanent
and lasting. . Will cure any case of Stricture
without local treatment. Will remove entirely
from the system Cancer and Cancerous Germs.
- In addition to the above. M. L&T.N&I
nas cured many eased of Paralysis. Locomotor
Ataxia. Spinal Trouble and apparently laeo;
able diseases of the serves. -; -
M. 1 & T. has been oa the market for over M
yeara. and haa cured thousands ot sufferers, it
is prescribed by leading physicians all over the
country. It Is pleasant to take and absolutely
sate.-. It never iDcreaaai or diminishes the
action of the heart, if yon are auSerins from
any chronic disease you are arced to writs u
aa no matter how many doctors or kinds ot
mediolMM yoo bars tried without reliofc W if.
' That yoa may Join of the value of the Great Speetne
self, we will send yoa ooe week's treatmrat by ll 1 1.
only asking that when cored yourseit yoa will reoicnnjcn it
toothers. Write confidentially to our me1lrl Conmu-e--,
giving armptoms. H par bos, er six boxes lur fci ,
M. I. 5. Te CO.. Toledo, Ohio
For sale in Portland b
131 Sherlock buii
Eben Perry, Manager.
lure refprcnee. Hours
unan' Sunday from to 12 m. Mrs, sannle M. Kubl. y cr ).
and Oak. Save thla for future refercnea Hours I a. m. to r