The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 06, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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parnlval Vloltora Arc Invited to Mnkc 1 Headquarters at Our Store Every Modern Convenience la at Your Service
-.ffDHDnv iTweMm 'Animal "June Vvlhiite Days" andl -mr? Q'S.v II
Specials on Sale From IP to 11 A. IV1. Specials on Sale From 11 A, M. to 12
Regular $1.75 Flowers Now 25c TS. Regular $2.00 Kimonot for S9c Reg. $1.25 Kid Clove, Pair 39c W Regular $3.75 Hat Shape $1.19
10 to 11 a. m. tomorrow. Positively for .'T'XV 10,0,1 a m toraorrow- in basement 11 a. m. to 12 tomorrow, main floor, a jJ lT H m. to 12 tomorrow, in the Millinery
one hour only. You may choose from I I tore 2d floor' I000 women' Lo.n. aenaational one-hour tale of 2000 pairs V j Store, second floor, a one-hour sale of
an endleis Mortnvnt of Millinery Trim- f ' I T EZiTh inH 1,1',' of women's Kid Glove., odd. and ends, I untrimmed Dres, Hat Shapes, the very
ming Flower., worth 50c to OK- ySw. I.. m flora and .triped patterns vll made ,H ,lfei ,nd kinds; worth to QQ- I I ew,Jt modd, and various fl1 If)
$175, at each or the bunch ZDC MAHIah, l """J, Lm Z 59C $1 2S ro"ped for l hUr M,e at IJ HlM 1 EE Reg value," to U75 $1.19
Reg. 10c Skirt Hanger Now 2c 14 T PI j Regular 75c Cortet Covert 45c Reg; 25c Drew Shield Now 10c (R Nj Regular $2.50 Curtain End 49c
10 'to 11 a. m. tomorrow. Lay In a aup- SPlvClAIyS . , m .ftmrtfr, ? a fir w 11 m- to 12 tomorrow, main Hoot. A V jA - V,IAIyS f 11 a. m. to 12 tomorrow, in the Drapery
Ply of skirt hangers. Extra heavy wire, 1 Lt CoveTs! madi of ta dSh! ",e of, ,ri?ht fl whiteAnain,ook Wv Store, 3d floor, a sale of 2000 Imported
ful mckeled. well made--w.ll keep the J ! and nainsook, trimmed in torchon, Val- covert Shields, .nail s.s An oppor- 7 Curtain ends, 1 yards long. Importers'
skirt la shape. Regular 10c value. Op V V . ! ,nciennes and embroidery, finished J oT'vVj" 1 )' T, IOC V sW .ample, of fine Arabian and Marie An-
go on sale for this hour only, each N-Ti in wash ribbf,n- ur regular yi1- AZn ,appIy f 25c V4,UM palr AUt NP.i oi"tte laces, worth $2.50, each. 4Qp
Men's Regular 25c Soda at 11c J ue, to 75c Spec,!, the garment VOL $3.25 Bra Jardiniere at $2.39 JjL special for one hour only at
tn . " T 1 Reg. 50c Chintzes, the Yard 23c 7 , . : T 77" 77; " I Reg. $1.00 Muslin Drawers 69c
10 to 11 a. m. tomorrow, main floor, C.rv NwtwMr at 5c ' H m. to 12 tomorrow, in the big tg 50 Trimmed Hat Si 00
center aisle. If you can't come, send 50C rancy INCCKWCar ai PC n m tomorrow jn the DrtptTy Crockery Store, 3d floor. A seasonable "mmeq "a" n a m. to 12 tomorrow, 2d floor, Under-
your wife for a lot. Men's Socks in J() tQ n t m tomorrow, center Store, 3d floor, a sale of 10,000 yards of ,ale of 12-inch Brass Jardinieres, with n a. m. to 12 tomorrow, in the muslin Store, sale of women's Drawers
black tan blue and fancy stripes. Ig . A sal of odds Bedroom ChinUes. bought special. Beau- J. An attractive excep- (PO QQ basement "Underprice Store." a of fine quality muslin and longdoth
Regular 25c values, at J.JA, ' Tin Lev neckwear com- iful Ptterni. worth 35c .nd OO. t""l value; worth $3.25. at P.O iale-o beautifu, dimmed Hats, trimmed in embroidery, fine clusters of
D r.J. H.. dfi - I J a , V.?ZZ 50c a yard Specia1' the yardOC o SI 25 Elastic Belt for 48c aeasonable styles and remarkable tuck f Our regular values Q
Reg. $5.35 Garden Hose $4.50 p.,ng hundred, of pretty style. w , R Keg. l.p UlasUC Belts tor 4ttC na(i UfgJ smtU nd medium to $i.oa Special pnee. the pairDC
10 to 11 a. m. tomorrow. Be .ure to m r ,'iht,y Jrau"ed anJ vvomen s Keg. c vests at ic n a to 12 tomorroW( , le of 1000 lhape,( trimmed , ribbon. flow- Rei., 5c Collar Buttons at 2c
leave your order while down town. A .oiled from being displayed and 10 to 11 a. m. tomorrow, main aisle women's Elastic Belts, fitted with neat ers, etc. Just what youll want -
guaranteed grade of Garden Hose, in 50- handled. The value, vary up to south. Women'. Swiss Ribbed Vests, buckles, designed in many shapes, colon to piece out the season. Hats 11 a. m. to 12 tomorrow, main floor, a
foot length, with coupling and nortle. 50c each. Fqr this hour fT n liale or cotton, low necks, sleeveless and black and combination ef- AQn worth $3.50 to $6.50. ?-J AA ,aie ef Bone Collar Buttons, in pure
Our regular $5.35 seller, spe- jl PA only you may choose at OK, styles; all regular sizes and ex- "J Q fects. Regular $1.25 values at 'iOt Special for this sale at PXW white, excellent quality, 12 on a 0
cial for this one hour only VOU I I ceptional values at 33c each. Sp'l. Xa7lw Manicuring and Beauty Parlors, 2d floor .1 card. Our regular 5c vard vals., atC
tea a
Specials From
la 1V1 to 1 P M.
Women's Reg. $4.00 Waists 98c
12 to 1 p. m. tomorrow. Shop by the hour.
Women's Lingerie WaisU in a great rariety
of styles, trimmed with Valencienne. and
duny lace, front, embroidered in color.,
alio tucked, high or Dutch neck., QQp
kimono or f sleeve; values to $4 wOt
Reg. 75c Silk Hose at, the Pair 39c
$5.00 Petticoat for $2.75
12 to 1 p. m. tomorrow, 2d floor.
Women's Petticoats of fine mus
lin, lawn and longcloth, in a great
variety of patterns. Deep flounces
of all lace or clusters of tucks, or
wide embroidery, with beading
and ribbon. Values to PO HfZ
$5. Special for this sale tl
12 to 1 p. m. tomorrow, main floor. At the
stroke of the gong we'll bring out women'.
Gauze Silk Stocking., some with fashioned
foot and lisle soles, others seamless foot,
spliced heel, and toe. Regular val- 9Q
ue. to 75c a pair, special this hour 07v
Men's Regular 50c Ties Only 19c
Specials From
1 F 1VI . to 3 F M.
Women's $4.00 Sweaters at $2.89
1 to 3 p. m. tomorrow, second floor. Wo
men's Sweaters in fancy weaves, semi-fit
ting, styled with the V-shaped necks, colors
are red, gray and white. Regular dJO QQ
$4 values, special for two hours VttO
Men's Reg. $2.50 Pajamas $1.15
40c Curtain Rods Now 23c
12 to 1 p. m. tomorrow, 3d floor.
A sale of 1000 extra heavy Ex
tension Curtain Rods, complete
with the finest brass ends and
brackets. Our best 40c OOp
seller. Special at, each 60L
15c Toilet Soaps on Sale 2c
12 to 1 p.. m. tomorrow, main
floor, center aisle. Good quality
Toilet Soaps in many brands and
odors. Slightly marred in tran
sit. Regular values to 15c Op
a cake. Special for this hour v
12 to 1 p. m. tomorrow. Positively for one
hour only, 500 dozen men's Four-in-Hand
Tie., narrow or wide, open end styles,
many beautiful patterns and plain colors;
also washable ties in plain white and 1 Qs
neat (tripes. Values to 50c at only Xl
Regular $2.25 Lace Veils Now 98c
12 to 1 p. m. tomorrow, center aisle, main
floor, 25 dozen women's Lace Veils, in
many pleasing designs; black, white, navy
and brown colors; various sizes to QQj
choose from. , Worth $2.25. Special Ol
Regular 70c Water Sprinklers 59c
12'- to 1 p. m. tomorrow, in the Hardware
Section, third floor, a sale of well made,
heavy galvanized iron Water Sprinklers,
in the 10-qt. size. Our regular 70c KQ
values, special for one hour only, ea. tJaC
25c Souvenir Plates for 10c
1 to 3 p. m. tomorrow, on 3d floor.
A sale of Rose City Plates with
Oregon Scenes, very neat, unusu
ally well designed. The best 25c
souvenir you can possibly "J A.
find. Sale for this one hour AUC
1 to 3 p. m. tomorrow. Positively for two
hours only. A sale of 250 dozen men's Pa
jamas; tan, cream and blue colors, made of
fine material, suitable for Summer, all nice
ly trimmed with silk loops, etc. (PI "tfZ
Regular $2.00 and $2.50 values PJ.Xtl
Regular 25c Tooth Bruahes for 8c
Reg. $1.85 Gowns at $1.19
1 to 3 p. m. tomorrow, women's
Gowns of longcloth and nainsook
materials, slipover styles, round
or square neck, short sleeves,
trimmed in allover embroidery,
fine Valenciennes and linen laces.
Regular values to $1.85, 1 Q
on sale for one hour at P--xI
1 to 3 p. m. tomorrow, main floor, a sale of
Tooth Brushes of best quality, real bristle,
securely anchored in fine bone handles.
Brushes which sell readily to 25c each. QA
Special for two hours onjy at low price
Regular $2.75 Lace Curtains $1.59
25c Ribbons Special at 12c
1 to 3 p. m. tomorrow, main floor.
A two-hours' sale of all pure silk
taffeta Ribbon, in every wanted
shade, suitable for sashes, trim
mings, etc. Regular 25c 1 Op
values, for this sale, yard XC
1 to 3 p. m. tomorrow, in the Drapery de
partment, 3d floor, a sale of 250 pairs of
Lace Curtains, white and ecru, all very
pleasing patterns, 8 different de- (J" fTQ
signs to choose from. Reg. $2.75 pXtl
Women's Regular 19c Vests at 11c
1 to 3 p. m. tomorrow, main floor, center
aisle south. A two-hours' sale of women's
ribbed cotton Vests, low neck, sleeveless
styles. Very seasonable qualities. 11
Great sellers at 19c each. Special Hv
Manicuring and Hair Dressing, 2d Floor.
U 3 to J4pm 1
IlissBBB pVk1sVsWsVsaBBiBiKyil
Specials From
3 P.M. to 4FMV1.
Reg. $5.00 Silk Petticoat at $2.98
3 to 4 p. m. tomorrow, 2d floor. A sale of
fine Taffeta Silk Petticoats. Very attractive,
stylish garments, styled with deep flounces,
tucked and plaited, with dust (JO QQ
ruffle; black and colors; , $5, at PS70
Children's Hats at One Third Off
Reg. 50c Underwear at 33c
3 to 4 p. m. tomorrow in the base
ment ' Underprice Store." A sale
of fine Balbriggan Shirts and
Drawers for men. Well made
and finished. Splendid Summer
weight, sizes ii to 44.
Actual 50c values at on!
iiy 33c
3 to 4 p. m. tomorrow, in the Millinery
Store, second floor. A sale of children's
Hats, milans or silks, peasant braids, etc
All the newest styles in reg- A aflfff
ular values, 40c to $4.50, at 3 VII
Women's $1.00 Neckwear at 39c
Regular 50c Gloves at 35c
3 to 4 p. m. tomorrow, main floor,
center aisle south; 2000 pairs of
all pure Silk Gloves, ip the two
clasp styles, black and white only.
Splendid sellers .at 50c pair. OC
Special for one hour, pair OtIC
3 to 4 p. m. tomorrow, main floor, center
aisle. A grand showing of thousands of
pieces of women's dainty Neckwear, in
Dutch and sailor collars, jabots, cascades,
fichus, etc., of net, lace, linen or QQ,
lawn. Values to $1.00. on sale at Oal
Reg. $1.00 Hand Mirrors Now 49c
Regular 25c Towels for 18c
3 to 4 p. ni. tomorrow, in the Do
mestic aisle, main floor. A sale
of Bath Towels, 250 dozen in the
lot. Heavy quality, hemmed
ready for use. cream color. Extra
large 25c values. Special " O,
sale for one hour only at XOv
3 to 4 p. m. tomorrow, main floor, center
aisle. Ladies' Hand Mirrors, best French
plate glass, 6-inch diameter, set in backs of
ebony, mahogany and walnut woods, fin
ished in several styles. Our regular iQ.
$1 values, special this hour only at kvl
Reg. 35c Cretonne at, a Yard 19c
3 to 4 p. m. tomorrow, in the Drapery Store,
3d floor. A sale of 3000 yards of cretonnes
in 15 different designs and colorings, suit
able for window overdfapes, for in- ij Q
terior hangings, upholstering; 35c val. AUC
Specials on Sale From 4 to S R. M.
$15 Hats
For gg.OO
4 to 5 p. m. tomorrow, in the Mil
linery store, 2d floor, your choice
of any trimmed hat or tailored hat
in the store , up to $15.00. This
sale comprises some very beautiful
styles, all well made and the very
newest, most up-to-date, hats we
have.' Pick one worth dpT Af
$15.00 and pay only WtitUU
$5.00 House Dresses Now $1.98
4 to 5 p. m. tomorrow, second floor. A
sale of women's House Dresses, of ging
ham, percale and chambray materials,
s'tyled with high necks and long sleeves,
plaited or plain skirts, neatly trimmed.
A big variety of. values to QQ
$5.00. Special price at only npLtVO
25c Cuticle Ice, Special, Jar 15c
4 to 5 p. m. tomorrow, main floor. A
sale of Cuticle Ice, a preparation for mas
saging and healing the akin, softens and
removes all blemishes. A good seller at
the regular price of 25c. Spe- "I
cial price for this hour, only lut
Seven-Piece Berry Sets for 39c
4 to 5 p. m. tomorrow, in the China Store,
on the third floor. At the stroke of the
gong we will bring out a lot of Berry
Sets, in the old blue decorations, 7 pieces.
Just what you want right now. QQa
Priced special for one hour, set OaC
Child's Reg. 85c Rompers at 39c
4 to 5 p. m. tomorrow, in the Children's
and Infants' Stores, 2d floor. A one-hoar
sale of Rompers, in dark and light blue
chambray, checked ginghams and piped
with red and white, etc. Sizes QQ,
2 to 6 years. Reg. vals. to 85$ OVl
Regular $6.50 Handbags $3.98
4 to 5 p. m. tomorrow, center aisle, main
floor, 150 novelty-shaped Handbags,
extra quality suede material Black and
all wanted shades, long strap handles.
Actually worth $6.50 each, PO QQ
special for this hour only at POI0
Sale of Apron Ginghams at 5c
4 to 5 p. m. tomorrow, in the basement
"Underprice Store," a sale of 5000 yards
of Apron Ginghams, in checks, brown
and white, blue and white, black and
white, red and white, green and f?
white. All good qualities, special, yd. Uv
Limit, 20 yards only to a customer
Boys' 50c Underwear Now 25c
4 to 5 p. m. tomorrow, main floor. A
sale of Boys' and Children's Underwear,
odd pieces and broken lines, light sum
mer weights, shirts andrawers. OfT,
Regular 50c quality, special, at Mtli
Men's $3.50 Pant at, Pair $2.95
4 to 5 p. m. tomorrow, In the men's
corner, main floor, a sale of fine quality
tailor-made Trousers, in all sizes. Pure
worsteds in neat patterns. d0 QK
Bargains at $3.50, special at P&JU
Specials on Sale From S to 6 P M,
$1 GRADE, PER YD. 39c
5 to 6 p. m. tomorrow. Don't fail
to stop in for some of these silks
on sale in the basement; 3500
yards to choose from. Fancy
Foulards, Pongees, Taffetas, and
Messalines, full 27 inches wide. A
splendid range of color, and new
patterns, silks in this lot suitable
for dresses, waists, linings, trim
mings; regular 75c, 85c and $1.00
values. Special in basement OQ,
"underprice" store, at yard OJJC
Boys' Regular 15c Hose for 9c
5 to 6 p. m. tomorrow, main floor, a sale
of boys' ribbed black cotton Stockings,
with reinforced heels and toes. The best
wearing and most serviceable 15c Q,
hose on the market. Specialized at wt
Men's Underwear, Garment 39c
5 to 6 p. m. tomorrow, main floor, a sale
of men's "Porosknit" Underwear. Shirts
and drawers, ecru color, all sizes. Dandy
undergarments for warm weath- QQ,
er. Actual 50c values for only Oal
35c Wash Laces at, a Yard 7c
5 to 6 p. m. tomorrow, main floor, a sale
of 5000 yards of Wash Laces in many
patterns of edges and insertions, iy2 to'
yt inches wide, splendid qualities, fT
worth to 35c a yard. Special, yard C
$1.25 Fountain Syringes at 63c
5 to 6 p. m. tomorrow, in the Drug Sun
dry aisle, a sale of the Universal -Seamless
Fountain Syringe, 2-quart size,
heavy gray rubber, rapid flow, tubing
with two attachments' Our reg- CQ :
ular $1.25 values,8 special 1; hour Vm1
Reg. $2.00 Combinations $1.39
5 to 6 p. itu tomorrow. Woman's Com
binations, Corset Covers and Drawers,
in princess and corset cover styles, made
of crepe and long cloth, trimmed in me
dallions, etc Our regular val- QQ
ues to $2.00. Special at DApt
Sale of Cups and Saucers at 10c
5 to 6 p.. m. tomorrow, in the China
Store, 3d floor, a one hour sale of blue
decorated cups an'd saucers in a 1 A.
good size for general use. Special xUL
Reg. 35c Drapery Scrim at 21c
5 to 6 p. m. tomorrow, 3d floor, a sale
of 1500 yards of Reversible Drapery
Scrim, in colors,' extra weave. Pleas
ing designs which sell readily at Olp
35c yard. Special for this hour, yd..JV
Boys' Regular 45c Blouses 21c
5 to 6 p. to. tomorrow, msin floor, a sale
of Boys' Summer Blouses, made of extra
good materials, fast colors, all sires; 350
in this lot Our regular 45c $tU Ot
lers. 7 BargainizeH at each, only 4WX.C
Shoe Shining Parlors in the Basement
r I
. f
: - 1