THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAU PORTLAND. MONDAY. EVENING, JUNE 0, 1911. DOLLARS MILLION A DAY FOR WE RECORD FOR 1 91 1 Hiflhway Improvement, Gets ' Greatest Impetus Since the ...Foundation of . Republic ; . Every "State Contributes. . (WwhlMtoa Imi ef Te louraaLa .;,' Waahinstoiv June I A million dollars a day for Improvement and maintenance of public 'road, la tha unprecedented record that will be eatabltahed thla yea throughout the United fltatee.' ' -- With state legislatures appropriating mllllona for thla purpose, tha good roads roorament has received ita greatest im. oatna alnoa tha foundation of tha re public. , Mora money will ba sxpended on roada In tha next aU months than ever before in a, Ilka period. . .. r V early Doable Xxpcaaltara. Road 1 and . brldas conatruetlon '; and maintenance eoat about $0,00M00 In lM. but tha expenditure for thla par poee In 111 win. aggregate about $140. 600.000. "- Thla Inbludea all myney. ralaed by local taxatioa, bond Itauea, aUte appropriations and private subsortptlona. "A a result or the Dig reeae cam palm." aald Logan Waller . Par, dl reetor of publlo roada, -"every' atate In tha union Seem a at laat to be thoroughly roused to tha beneflte derived from In yeatmente In Improved hlghWaye. New York la devoting more money to read Improvement than any other atate, the percentage of Improved roada In that Lite ' having ' Increased from T.t per cent la 1004 to 00 par cent In 1000. Cali fornia, Connecticut. . Maaaaehuaetta, Maryland.' Pennsylvania. Ohio, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, Wisconsin, and several other, states will expend unusually large aume for road work thla y-ar. ...... - - , retmed la JTovember, , The American' aaaoolatlon for . high way Improvement waa formed In Wash lngton laat November, by' such, leading men aa Jamea J. Hill,. Lee McClung. treasurer of the United States; Logan Waller Page, 9. P. Yoakum, chairman of the Frisco llnea; Dr. E. J. Jamea, presi dent of the University of Illinois! Jomes McCreo, president of the Pennsylvania Railroad company; Bryan Lathrop, of the Chicago Lincoln Park commission; John Goodelt, editor Engineering Rao ord:, Walter Page, editor World'e Work; Leonard Tufta, president Capital High way association; Lafayette Young, for mer aenator from Iowa; W. W. Flnley, president: Southern Railway company; Jamea 8. Harlan, lnteratate commerce commissioner; Aldred Noble, paat presi dent American eocloty of olvll engineers, and a number of others. Among the affiliated organisations are tha Ohio Good Roada Federation, the Capital Highway aaaoolatlon, embracing the Atlantle seaboard, the International League . for Highway Improvement, headquarters New York, the Arkanaaa Good Roada and Drainage aaaoolatlon, the New -Santa Fe Trail aaaoolatlon. Gulf Coaat Good Roada aaaoolatlon. Good Roads club of Georgia, Montana Society of Englneera, the Southern Appalachian Good Roada aaaoolatlon. the Oregon as- sockation for Highway Improvement, In diana Good Roada aaaoolatlon, and the Aroostook County Good Roads aaaoola tlon of Maine. JUDGE ALFRED CURREY IS DEAD AT BAKER. OR. "Baker. Or.. June 5. Judge Alfred J. Currey, one of the beat known attorneys of thla city, died yesterday very sua denly at hta home as tha result of heart ' trouble He had been In poor health for some time but waa Improving fast and his recovery seemed certain, when without warning he was seised with attack or the heart and passed tiriv within m. abort time. T?a waa Sxtrn in Indiana and admitted tovthe bar of that state when a young man. He came to Portland. In 1080 and waa ad mltted to the bar of both the atatea of Washington and Oregon. He practiced In Portland for some time, came to Baker In the early 00'a and had been here alnce. He enjoyed a wide legal practice and took a prominent part In cubllo affaire. He waa 44 years of age and unmarried. He was a brother of Dr. H. EL Currey of this city, a pioneer physician and surgeon or. Oregon. He served In many publlo capacities and waa for nine years a justice of ' the peace. - His death is sincerely mourned throughout the county, wnere ne naa a wide circle of rrienan. f Blair Returns With Sheriff. t iimlil niarmrrh te Tha Journal.) ' ; Baker, Or Juna I. Sheriff Ed Rand returned laat evening with George t. Blair, who was arrested In Spokane last week for an alleged crime committed In this city nearly two years ago, wnen It Is charged that he stole a diamond ring valued at $400 from a local jeweler. Ha has since been at Urge, although tha nolloe of the northwest have been on the lookout for him ever since. - He fought extradition and delayed the local office several days in Epoaane. xna papers were sent to Olympla out Gov ernor Hay was away from the capital, and finally signed them In Spokane, for which city he had atarted after the papers had been aent to him. . Blair'e hearing Is being held today. ; C00S FARMERS' UNION . ; PICNICS ON C0QU1LLE J nn$Kj?T?n? OT'STf'tr mer- union of Coos county had an outdoor plonia in the Norway grove aoovo w qullls,-"on-the Coqullla -river, June- X. Besides having a owner, Drousm or u, from all carta of tha county. they had the pleaaura of liatenlng to peaking by the state officers, J. W. McAUister and F. - A. Bikes, whs are vlelUng thla county. ft ' . itnaiunlM are beainnln to Come in the market the paat few days, the rtrsj or ..tne -season ior i;ooa coumj, thia y,m-wnr haan a verv bad aortaer for berrieo to ripen on account of tha wet lweather, v '-.'- s . - i This promisee to be a spienflw season por tne aairymen in ,ovm muar, khe feed is extra good on aooount of the spring rains. The summer iau acoiuuit wsm mu iftut irhniiAiL between. Coauille and iHoaaburg, and it la tha Intention of the Contractors to carry the malt on auto Vaobllaa tba greater part of - tha dts- jtanca, ' : ' ' ' ' . V "" I 'Many "people rrom tnrougnoui woi bounty wlU attend ; tha Portland . rose Mm ord L' lino r HLUI GET BIG COLLEGE I., 4 t i ; . Bishop Scadding ' Gives In : formation About Proposed Harrimah Benefaction. - f an ..i M-aAaaV aaw erfa etrfc Sj I .Of-msli avaiaj a a.w - . i Madford, Or. June . There Is much i. thia lt aver tha nropoaea .hint, it la ho Dad airs. Har- riman will locat In. Medford. ' Blahop Scadding. who preached at at. era v,...k vuiNii. a much lateraated n the movement. He aaya that Mrs. Har- riman la" a memner oi we cpiaw, church and a generoua woman, but only t.-. it.n.tinna after most careful eonaldaraUon, aaeuring fceraelf kOf the worthlneoa of 'tne eewea. , v. . a imnr from the rector of the parUh to which Mrs. Harrlman be- longa, with permiaaion w - . Ho. He writes: ' 1 ' . i-k Ur Harrlman an alysed 4010 appeale for help. Almoat all of tha writera assurea pv wlahed ' only trtfle-wh ch totaled 1111,800.000. For X40 American schools m --ii aiaana waa reaueatedL and for SOS American chnrohes 1114.000.- 'Because Mrs. Harrlman did not wish any latter to go tnto the wests basket which might be of service to herself to other glvera, to appealing agendas or to publlo Of flciaia, sne na i...... .-.,11 atnillad. Of UtS praO tloaUy all her letters have been dlreotlv answered la Mrev Harrlman'e behalf. noting her inawiity is eomr w.. w... ' atAtlne- - briefly the huvav i mH . ... nature of her atudy and explalnlnr way in particular cases It seems Inexpedient. .mn for Mrs. Harrlman to aid partially and badly what local support- srs tit local givera onwiia do completely and efficiently." - Blahop Scadding referred to tha fact that Mr. Hani man's summer boms was In eastern Oregon, and that swing to the ,.,tnn tha need Institute In Port- iwauvw wa w Und, ' the state university at Bugene and the need of a aniveraw ai a .v.. ni.fupaaaua aite at Pelican lake, the progressiva people of Medford would nave to mae wu vi case to convince Mra. HarHman that thia Anctional memorial should be plaoed in Medford, . SPOKANE MEN PLAN ; M'NAMARA PARADE -I-PjsPs'-W-U w. X. Haywood, of Moyer-Haywood-PstU- bone lame, a aeraonairauvn nMu n tha arreat'and ax- taw tradition of tha McNamara brothers In the Los Angeles dynamiting eaae in v.. h.M lima it. Elaborate nreo- aratlona are under way by tha Indue trlal Workara of the World, tha So cialist party and portions of organised labor, who declare the McNamara cafe a repetition of tha" Haywood-Moyer-Pet-ttbone can a Several thouaand strong, v a thaaa thraa eartlaa will IUT w- ' march through the principal streata on the above oats. w. u. mimw, ha nw that tilrht. A fund UUJwaV aaw w w " " for tha McNamara defenae will be raised. NEWSPAPERMEN INVITED TO CALAP00IA SPRINGS TMeTMVJ-aa ta T IaOjTbU.) i.sasja.asa ae .a ssjaav - Cottage Grove, r., June i.-r-The newspaper publishers of Oregon have been Invited by the Calapooia Springs company of London to be Its guests for two days, June 10 and 17, i during SIX TESTS TO SATISfY SKEPTIC A young vinan by tha name of W1V II. H mJ YlwaUM VlJaair MMtMlafL. IOWaaai I iaIU CAfMia J as vw He was so 111 with Brlght's dlsaaaa that his physician sent mm w nop tal In McGregor. He reports that the ..a hnamltal ahawad 00 Bar Oent albumen and that the doctor aald he could live but a rew weeaa. , An auto called-at the hoapltal with a cousin of Henry In It to tell him about a treatment - that was - curing Brlght's disease. He saia a uniaew - - hv tha name of Fox had the specific. Fox was visited and had but three botuea. mey w ,u" a n,nM tn nnia-alat Kuensel inu souk w. - - of Garnervllle. Patient went on the treatment witnou aoiay. montha thereafter his local physician told him he was well. r But as the albumen was. 80 per oent and th patient was lying in mna .ii a.-ii, hia,, whan tha treatment was changed It seems that somebody required a large numoer wi aww w fore declaring the Results, for tha pa tient aendo us this report of the tests made: , " " November 14, me, no aioumen. I. December ll, 1010. no albumen, v January 0, 1011, na albumen. Jauary II, 1011, no albumen. ; , February 6, 1011, ao albumen. a-h v itil hm alKnman. - - mivu ., - We ouote furtheri "I went up to see .v. i..t la-ht- Ha aakad ma If I was gaining In weight He thought I" was looking well. I gained a pound or two every week. As I had the dropsy I weighed JO pounds more man i -i a v.. hinn't had tt alnoa. Doo- UVUU, WW - " - . tor says I am cured, but he daea not know what I ueea. a am now awns all kinds of hard work on the farm, win tt hurt ma? The doctor told me I ahould do light work." The spedfio ,rererrea w aoovs -wmm Fulton's Renal Compound., ? j M ard Drug Co. and ,: Blttniauer-FrBali Drug oe. . . For the Stomach Here's an Offer You Should :0 Not. Overlook. Rexail Dvaneoela Tablets remedy aiamacii troubles bT supplying ths one element, the abaenoa of which In tha gaatno juioea caueva inaiinwa " dvaiMDBla. They aid. the stomach to digest food and to julckly convert It Into rich red blood and material neeee aarv for overcoming natural body waata. Carry a -package of , ResaU Dyapepaia Tablets 4a your, veet pooket, or keep them In yeur room. Take one after each heavy meal rnd IndlgesUoa wlU not bother yoav-. .-:.-; - -r- ' We- know what Bexail - Dyspapsla Tablets ara and what they will do. We ruarantee them to relievo Indigestion and dyspepsia.- If they tMll we will re fund your money. Three Sisee: la cents, 60 cents and 11.00. Remember, yeu cn obtain Bexall Ramedlea only at tha Owl Drug Co. Inn, corner Seventh and Washington atreeta. . ' ' . f -..v ,. DEFY GRANDFATHER'S WILt IN GOING ABROAD I 'i'i--' - ' ' ' ' ' ': '.. :k." I 1 f.'S..'-; ' ' Ma-rlo. anrTaci..Burke.oha, XlliK who recently aauea irom new ' l, D. . Burke-Roche. and to rlalt London and Pafla It wal whispered that the Burke-Rochea ware forfeiting .an Inoome .; - Z&Jfft. STandfather-s aetata by visiting Bngland In the lifetime of their father, whouV Frank Work dlallkeM u much as he did their step-fathei', Aurel BatwylTrThe boys, however, declare that tha tdlp doea not violate whloh time a p'lcnio will be held In' the park on the reaort grounaa. n n visi tors will be met at tha Southern Paclrio ...ten at rnttava Grove with auto- mobUesr and driven to the hotel, located at the Calapooia mineral springs. In a picturesque , valley surrounded by the o.iaAAia. mountains. II miles distant from Cottage Grove. . Already mora than II have notified Bccratary uetee orxneir Intention to be present, asa aocommoae tinna hara bean reeerved for 100, with emergency room for all comers. 925,000 Bank Building Begun- i (gpaeial Dlraateh to ne ionraaLI fttmrm flmi Or.. Juna I. Work was begun this morning on the 121,000 new building ror tne jnrst wauonat bank. Tha Institution will be 10x00 feet, and will be constructed principally of preaaed brink, atone and marble, all of which material comes from the east ' ' Btatwid Prohibition. Fort ' Worth, Texas,. Juas I- With delegatlono present from an over Texas ths anti-statewide prohibition campaign was formally opened here today with a great display of enthusiasm. Thou sands of persons filled the North Bide Coliseum to listen to the speeches of Governor Colquitt and other opponents of the statewide movement Tha cam paign thua begun will be carried on throughout tha state- until early next month, whan the question ef adding a prohibition amendment to the atate constitution will be decided at a spade! election. UIII0I1 HUE SUM DRAWS BIG CHID Successful ? Exhibit of Farm a Stock Occupies Three . gprtal IMapate. as The soeraatl ' Union, Or., June I. One of the big gest events of Us kind ever held la east ern Oregon took place hers Thursday, Friday and Saturday, when Union held tha annual llveatock enow. The town had been properly decorated for tha occaalon, flags floated from tha buat ness houaes and the buatllng little city took on tha appearance of a holiday, . Theparads was at least a mile long and some of the finest horses not only of the state of Oregon were In the line but the flneat stock of ths whole coun try. , There was every kind of animal known to the horse family. The occasion, waa enlivened by two bands each day ana from North Powder and one from La Grande, besides the local band. Large aeiegauone came from the aurroundlng valley, La Grande, North Powder, Haines, Cove and Baker. The town eeemed to be alive with auto mobiles, at leaet 100 coming. from La Grande In one day. a " . Sixteen beautiful allvar cup trophies were awarded to the successful exhibit ors at tha close of the band ooncert Saturday evening la the presence of a large crowd by tha prealdent of the as sociation. WU1 VogeU , ' The association has already begun te lay Ita plana for a bigger and better show next year, v. .' SOCIALIST. C0ATES WONT WRITE HIS RESIGNATION goac1a) raotc te Tha JoaraaLt Spokane, Wash., Juns I. On acoount of the election .to the Spokane city commission, D. C Coatee, labor candi date, has been requeated by the state secretary of the Socialist party te sign a resignation from tha Soclallet pary. Coats refuaes to sever hie connections and hia action has been Indorsed by Spo kane Social lata. It la one ' rule of the Soclallet party that a member elect ed ta political office muet write his reals-nation from the party, thla ta be uaed only If hie official conduct Is unsatis factory to the Socialists. Coatee held that aa his election here waa non-partl-aaa'the ofloo waa not political within the meaning ef the Socialist rule. PUBLIC PAYSfllUS FOR SOCIETY. PltiK ' TEAS ON GUNBOAT v : ? , ' . . , U. S. S. Dolphin Makes Handy , Pleasure Craft for Secre tary, of Navy's Daughter and Washington's, Elect, v . IWaehiaataa Boreas of Tae Joamal.) ' Waahlngton, June Inveatlgatlon of the death of Alexander Tellowleea, when the U. 8. & Dolphin eraahad into the launch Culprit Fay, Saturday, night, brought to light facta which ara of In tones Intereet on Capitol Hill. The Dolphin la a converted gunboat of 1411 tons displacement. . She Is 140 feet -aMwiaa a a raw of 140 men. Bhs Is now assigned to ths special use of the secretary of the navy. The Dolphin did not steam down the Potomac Saturday afternoon on any of ficial . bualness. Mrs. George von L. Meyer, and the Mlaaee Meyer, wife and daughtera of tha secretary of the navy, were giving a river party, and Miae Helen Taft Aaalstant Secretary of the Navy Wlnthrop and Mra Wlnthrop, members of the diplomatic corps, and about 10 othera ware gueeta. No one olalma that the Dolphin was being used for any purposs designed by law, nor for any object growing out of the duUea of efflelala of the navy department It was estimated that to hire a priv ately owned vassal of tha else and equipment of the Dolphin for the five hours she was used by those picnickers, would eoat not leae than 111 aa hour, and that anyone who could hire such a vesael at that price would oonalder him self fortunata. Thla estimate Is based on questions aakad of naval officers Members ef congress are asking why veesels of the navy, maintained at great coat, should be uaed by members of ths cabinet for purely social purposes. The administration la talking much of economy, and has aooompllshed some thing la that direction. It has been, however, aomewhat at tha expense of the small-ealaried employe, and large num bers of clerks have been discharged ta the effort to reduce governmental ex penditures. Practically every trip the Dolphin taxea out oz nuoraiwn, carries a party of society people aa guests of soma official of the navy de partment Its bollera cannot ba staroM at. leas than several tone of coal an hour, and Ita aommlsaary cannot be atocked for such oocaaione without the expenditure of conatderabie money. Congreaamen are asking bow all thla squares with the profession of the de sire to save the people's money and In augurate a regime of genuine economy. CASTRO RETURNING - TO S0UJH AMERICA Havana. Juna I. Former Prealdent Clprieno wastra ef Veneauela, la on tha Spaniah ' trana-Atlantio steamsnip 1,0 gaspl. anchored ,ln the harbor here, ..iim tn all vanarta. ' The authori ties ara watching the steamship and Castro wha la In the second cabin nnAar aa aaaumad name. will not te permitted te land. Zelaya, hla friend. la with btnv Zeiaya la oouna jor -or T.imn castrou'lt is said, wilt land at aoms Colombian port. v ; '' WEAK KIDNEYS MAKE WEAK BODIES Kidney Diseases Cause Half the Common Aches and 111 of Portland People. ,- As one weak link weakens a chain, so weak kidneys weaken the whole body and baa ten tha final sreaklng- n-.nnA atralna. oolda and 1 ether ' causes injure we aionera, wu their activity la leeaenad tha whole body suffers from tha exoess ef urlo polsoa circulated in the blood. Aches and pains and laagour and urinary 111a some, and there la aa ever Increasing tendency toward fatal. BrtghV'e disease. There ta no real help for tne suirerer " . Doaitis Kidney Pllia aot cureouy on .i. .Mil -Mk at tha Mat of me arauwa k mti hla. Portland ourea ara the proof. ... . ' A. B. Horton, grocer, 1011 Bast Stark street, Montavllla ataUen, Portland, Or., ..... wrtnan'a Vlnav pills wara uaed ' ta my family with tha best af reauiu. In a ease or oacsscne ana aiaae? t)a X am giaa to nGgmmroa uim remedy, knowing of Ita merits." -v - m . a. . . - . mlk 1 For eaie ny au owiua mo aw iata. roater-Mulburn Oa, Butfala, N." T sols agents tor the United Statee. Remember . tha name Doana and , taxe no tur. ; .. ..... . V ; ... 1 ' You Can Go by Auto or Elec tric Line from Your Business to Your Cottage in a Couple of Hours if You Buy a Summer Homesite at SAIEATOGA e t (Formerly the Old Elkhom Ranch) Saratoga is on the Mount Hood automobile road1 and on the Mount Hood 'RmitetJM"ii'ftvfa- Portiand. Those who spend their Summers at Saratoga may enjoy unequaled FISHING, HUNTING, CAMPING A 40-room hotel is now in course of construktion by the Mount Hood Hotel Company.-You jy eajoy the best of senrice, including electric light and pure water. You have the bracing mountain air and ALL MODERN CONVENIENCES From the Telegram; Satur day May 27th. 1911 "When highways are cut to the moun tain ao that an automobile on the road can make 40 miles an hour, and when - paths beyond vehicle travel are fash ioned and inns for accommodation of the tourist travel have been provided In sufficient number, Mt Hood la dea tlned to become a monument upon the advertising literature of every transcon tinental railway. E. Henry Wsmme's persistent efforts "H. Henry Wsmme's persistent efforts boulevard extended right up to tha moun tain Is being taken more seriously this spring than aver before. It Is apparent from tha growing Interest that the peo ple af Portland will aoon be ready to have this work done, on a grand scale. jand that they will, by that time, atud tha lower mountain region with aummer cottages. Then It is expected that tha mountains will then divide tha popu lace .with the ocean during the warm aeaaon ana inai . great watering piacee will be established between the Sandy and tha wildest sections ef Mt Hood." Take Your Vacations andOutings in the Shadow of Glorious Mt rtood ' Saratoga is accessible all the year 'round. It is easily and quickly reached by the best automobile road in Oregon, and the Mount Hood Electric Line will soon be running cars right through this ideal outing spot. Read what the Telegram had to, say or mis section. Compare the advantages of a vaca tion in the mountains with the sea shore Be among the first to secure a Summer homesite in the most perfect resort addition ever flatted. - f Remember that when the improvements now under way are all installed, values will increase by leaps and bounds. Give yoV family the benefit of the invigorating moun tain air the splendid fishingand take the wonderful op portunity for profit afforded by the present low prices, for spacious homesites. ' COUPON :. P. W. Custer & CrV , 817 Board of Trade. tf Please send me birds eve ariew and literature about . "v -.. Name . ................ .,......... ...a. ....' Address . .,... t ALL TRACTS lOOxlOO Your First Buyers May Name Their Own Terms TAKE YOUR ROSE FESTIVAL VISITORS FQR A TRIP TO SEE THIS UNEQUALED BEAUTY SPOT. . Think of the delight of the days spent in the exhilarating mountain air v.; of . the cool and pleasant evenings amonr the shade of the k " lofty trees of the nights just right for restful slumber.' Then -you'll consider It worth whole to investigate. - - n A " ' - fM.usterii.Go. - Sales Agents 917-8 Board of Trade Buildin- Phones Main 9416, and' A-3I C