a. THE OREGON ' DAILY. JOURNAU PORTLAND, V MONDAY EVENINO, JUNE 5, 1011. (A ON DECLARE Vi FAKE JEWELERS; IIP LAW n NEW PROVINCIAL ' HOME DEDICATED f Fake. Auctions and Fraudulent Advertising Also Placed Un- . der Ban by Oregon Ass'n in Today's Convention. Administration Building of Sisters of Holy Name Ready for Occupancy. UP 10 PEOPLE TO TRUSTS BE l-T. MAKE 0 mm CHILDREN RESCUED KING REX MEETS FROM FIERY DEATH MAYOR OF , - ; ,) ' 1 . . hi . 1 1 ii n i' i. . INAL: CHY AGAINST LUMBER Adoption of rMduUoM favoring the! lgnoT y a The beautiful new administration building BMf Oswego, built by the Bit ter of the Holy Nam as a novitiate whir from all over the Paclflo coast states young alatara of the order will b trained, wa dedicated yeatsrday by Archblahop Christie, aaalatad by Mon- Boston Financier Sees Great Prosperity Ahead for Coun try; Good Effects of Recent Trust Decisions. W. G. Oldham ; Rescues Two President Hoyt of Festival Little Ones From Burning . Association Makes Pre- Cotfage. sentallon Speech.; - BARONS EXPECTED enactment of a law in Onion protecting Tha dedicatory eeremonies took plaoel tna puoug an. .... J'"". , at I o'clock p. in. At that tlm a pro auctions and mududent sdvertlslns, etmtion ot clergymen, followed by will ba tbe faatura of tha fourth an- christian brothers, nuna from BL Dual convention of tha Ore a-on Ratal! I Mary's, paplla of Bt Mary's academy, Jawelers' aaaootatloa which opened thla I and orphan girls from tha Oswego or- mornlng In tha assembly hall of tha phenage marched to the new bulldinf Portland Cmm.rola, lolub. SrmZ which waa fVllowed hfte boo aiv.uu.K- -':: diction of tha blessed sacrament member aaema strongly in xavor 01 xne A nnmbr of visitors of all deaomi. adoption of tha raaolutlon which will ba nations attended tha dedication from ' t resented by Secretary C W. Williams, Portland. iwir at Oondon. Or- who baa tha The new building la located on a beau- distinction of being tha father of tha ful overlooking the Willamette " r.I Ik: ..f..i th tract and It la beautifully situated. P u ..." " The building Is one of tha handsomest v. v . wn ,nT of Ha kind on the coast "WrhT 0f,?.bmJ-I The opening of thla pom.V- ? J TTi tJEUJXi iTth. t " at the congestion at St Mary's aspect to have It Introduced In the next .,, hm rmlta9ma v. -.-'- aeaslon of legislator it wiu meat new edlflea with ODDoaltlon from fake aucUoa - - - a -, , i 1 moiurr prov.nc.aj anu juung wvmm bouses and connapretandln to girm K fo wofk thr Noth- academy will ba relieved. For many yeara It has been tha noma of thai mother provincial and youna; women articles away for nothing, but wa be lle re that tha public will ba with ua ing but school work will ba carried on i JL- . at the academy in future. leenna we - -"'J' fh vinltlna- rl.rfrm.ii st tha ceremonies were: Rev. Fathers Galla gher, MeOlnn, Hlllebrand, Cantwell, Tha two flhildren or W. ' O. Oldham I In presenting Rar Oreronna ta ftlayor war ' raaauad from poaslbla death In I Bimoa and tha paopla of Portland. PraaW flames by their fathar ahorUy after 1 1 dant Ralph Hoyt of tha reetlral asso- o'olockthla morning, whaa flra orlglnat-1 elation, aaldi ing la tha kitohaa af tha family oottaga I Th Honorable Mayor Md aur Fallow in Railway addition, rapidly died uielCTUMM'' Tha time has oma whaa wa house with emoke. atUoklng tha bad-1 about inaugurau weak of fea roora adjoining, where tha HtUa onaaUT,UM ' bonor of tha fair city of were asleep. Both ehlldran wara alight-1 " h oooaslon la which a vary and vacate tha present auariera a tit way aayat . - ''.' "while you are undoubtedly directed by legislative enactent to assign ta tha atata printer tha quartan now ac eupiad, I desire to assure you that, I wlU ba pleased to cooperate with yoa In every way poaatbla to relieve the con gested condition. Therefore If you will advise ma what office" you have In view to assign tha etate printer, I wUI endeavor to find a way to adjuat my aqulpmant ta them, and ahould It be found possible to perform tberala tb dutiea required of ma by law, I will bo mIaaaaA a 9mm A In at mv ftf f Ic iMMnl Precaytions Taken in Empan. EifiU HMsUBArV AVfUkflllA nf mAvinftV the. Affirm can t paid." . - ROSEBURG WILL SEND 1 EXCURSION TO FESTIVAL A apect'al train carrying II Roseburg paopla will arriva hen at o'clock to- eling Grand Jury to Investl- gateTlmber Trust Believed to Mean Business. (VsMed leat Uea Wife.) Journal Want Ada bring rarulta. to such flagrant practloaa aa an now permitted to flourish. ye Protection as rvoaent. - "Tha atata of Oregon glTa the pur chaser of faka Jewelry no protection whatever and ha can ba bunkoed to any extent "Do you know that brass can ba ' a tamped II karat gold and then la no law to prohibit itT "Our bill la not to be aimed at faka 'Jewelers only. It will Include aU lines, for It is not only In the Jewelry line that tha public la deceived and de frauded. Wo expect other business interests to aupport ua and feel con fident that they will. "The legitimate dealer suffers by tha Thomas W. Lawion. "When the six months a-ranted tha Kieotti, Bona, Mcueviw, i nomas ana frusta a r.fnrm . t.n .111 tha a mar. MAY OUS T HEAD OF Chicago, Juno I. United State Die-1 orrow morning. Tha excursion will triat Jnilva V W tsia tmjtm- - 1 Kimi unAer tha auanlaea af tha nose- y burned before thsv could ba dressed I PtriotlO eltlaen ahould Join heart andlnanalaA a ..ul.t .. ,. Isnr nimmtMliI 1tib In return far tha out or tho room. Tha rather sustained 1 war snow am woria at gata tha lumbar truot and Its ooeratlona. rortiana excursion to RoaeDurg at me slight tuna. Duwl Mcrao, and oonaldarablV mra- a Strawberry festival about Tha family were aaleea when Mr. lETrTL.."" L" T""? w' "?u"' tarr aurroanda th. .nu . a throo weeka ago. aseaia VHI 1sag UaM VUaN aaVaUfJ T VVViVlvOI , w Oldham was awakened by .tha crackling I ahould bo laid aaido for tho day and rrr fTor waa mads to prevent any of flame. Ho ran Into tha kitchen only I hour and cooperate I tha oalebratlon l,,ormUoB leaking out Tha court to be driven back by ft aheet of flame, lot our far-famed festival of .flower. instructed the Junn that they "muat He then rushed to tha aid of hi chii- 1 -a tha chief executive f tha ritv BS! aou ua aaa 10 any on a dren and by herolo .off orta managed, to of roses we ask yoa that you urge all luaf f8"11 Instructed tha .grand get them out of tha path Of tha flamaa people to lay aside business oarea ao tulT wntlgaa whatever United despite tha fact that tho room waa filled, far aa they may, and to partlotoata la Wrlot Attorney Slma and Aa- wun miuni amoae tumoa. 1 mm giacsoma raveia of the Oomlnar week. I -v n;ntr m 1 . m - a . . . f v - & i . -. ana. aa. r an 1 ne iiamee prmi impiair mm 1 um taj reign unoonnnea ana let us ax- I there waa no time to aummon tha aid I tend tha hand of a.wul.raiia-ahi-. ' t vlMf M JUT, of the fin department A hand to hand every stranger within our gates. Our I Ia haxglng tha Juror, tha court aald: a.. .. m a a a aU O .I a m I V ' mm. ti A av tall aaa. a. a. a . -S Dattie was wag a against tne nre ny 1 geniai aovariega who ba held away I wut w ui rou ana ming. in Mr. Oldham and netghbon who wara at' over our former fetea is with ua one u u r" Juror talked. Thla tracted to tha aeena Tha oottaga, It more and bis majesty oommanda that w'u not our again. Tha matters we ao mm proper obelsanoa. His mereet wuea yoa ara 10 invaaugata wui be wish ahould ba our moat potential oom- bra. t0 y0UP attention by tha proper mand and It ahould be our general aim utbrlUe. Under no oiroumetanoea to give tha city over to him. awearlng mut member of thla grand Jury ..,1 - 1 . , J . a . J.... k a l..a.Ha.lta. I . W mil aiiogianca to nim. ooservinv m - ii-iuuvi va any one mandaUs that may lsaua from tha mva. or WB" . being Inveetlgated." tic throne and to honor him aa onivl FoUowingHhU charge to tha grand loyal subjects can. : I Jurr. Judge landia summoned tha news "Tour honor, the mavar. it mttnrA. M. Ipaper reporters, to whom ho aald: tha greatest of pleaauro to pnaent to "u ?on raporten see anyone Ulklng you tnat marrieat ot ail. 1 1 a memDer ei vim grana jury, tne oourt archa, the kindliest at ail kiniiv I Inatmot you to notify him Immedl- 1.. Ba. .- r-f-i..a a....-1 "-ws'ia, nis najeaiy. Kax urasonue. klnv '--r a. .r. . of the Oregon country, a- sSnti. rui.T Otlmlaal Aotioa Kay Oome. thT VMfl. .VyrKTrther !LTa ?.f LM1 ni W. Poopie-i I tt U ndantood that It 1. tha purpcae K . . w vla 1B vujr-u jyttjcwiy- nax I v " i-nmunai w nin criminal proaacuuona against soma or tha most TAKE CARE OF YOUR EYES lis said, waa greatly damaged. RAILROAD GETS STAY N LAND CONTEST CASE lean people be fooledT That la tha big question," said Thomas W. Law sun of Boston this morning at his daughtera home at the Wlckersham apartments. .... , ... ,. ..... wiivn inm mi v mmib vrruuia- I rwa .... " referring to the recent supreme court ,ch agalnat tha Southern Paclflo com-1 wreonu CHEMAWA cecisions in tne standard OH and To- pany. until Mme. da Orubblaalch. whe bacco trust cases. was a sranddauarhter of Ben Holladav. "The decisions will have tremendous can ahow reasonable grounds for tho effect." he continued. "They mean bringing of tha suit that hereafter anyone caught reatraln- Mme. de Orubbtssloh claims that oar ing trade muat go to Jail after alx tain land In Clackamas county held by months are un unless tha American the railroad waa tha erooerty of her people can ba fooled by aubterf ugea and grandfather and waa given her by his "HOLD HIGH CARNIVAL," SAYS REX OREGONUS. TO MAYOR OF THE CITY rromlnent lumber men In tbo country, n order that they may not claim lm inanity. It la aald that aene af them will ba aummon ed ta testify before the grand Tbo enief clerks of tha confcanlee in tha lumber trust and tha private secre taries or tha men against whom tha In- Answerlrig the niavor'a welcoma and , .1 . .iJ.... w acts of tha faken because It Is hard Da. -J irt lta,-u;,a,. TUni technicalities, and I believe they an wilL Tho railroad claims Holladay. tha presentation of tha key of tbo city, been ordered to Broduee ail reeonia for him to eatabllah a reputation with Believed In WaSmngtOn That thoroughly aroused, and that thev will when he .old tha Oregon A California Rex Oregonus handed to tho mayor a ooMndeaoo referrlSl ta 1 the fsken tearing It down aa fast as . ,Ur on th. tldewalk and watch tha railroad, gave title to tha land to C P. scroll upon which wen these wordai uopraaslon of ooinMUtlon." "ui a oai ui uur jneign in Twenty Yean' Experitncw at Your Serrlco. they can. "Take for instance In tho Jewelry line. A reliable firm get out a new piece of Jewelry that sells for 10 and v- la worth every cent asked. "A falter managea to have a factory build him a good Imitation without tho ' laatlnr aualltlea and offers It for IL . Jt ia gilded and made to look good. Charges Against Supt. May Bring Discharge. procession to see what will happen; I Huntington and other buyera of the ta d. a m a a 1 .. . . I . a a,. . . - . I a a. - I 11 m rvuurisa uiu nm iDTirnmini believe they will see to It that tha ra.- -ne-aeea was aesiroyea yur ui or June. Nineteen Hundred -ill nrsre a unloue lii Mint Ta h. trust do reform and give the other fellow a chance. ea llaoh Vxoaparlty. Tha people for the paat decade have seen great prosperity, but they saw all something waa wrong. (WaaMBstoa Bareta ef Tbe JsoraaL) Washington. June I. Special Agent tha time that but actually It la perhapa not worth Holcomb's report on the Chemawa In-1 They asked for increased pay and got mon than 11. Tha Innocent purchaser d,M school I being examined la tha jt, Dut xhty soon discovered that then la lad to he 11 eve be get a bargain and DU o"a aa wa no money left on Saturday night than nnaa to ma sorrow tnai ne ha "-. un- Tra tnev aU ftnd pt and got o-, been defrauded. The result la that till the ma t has been thoroughly L,, but they observed that their jagiumaie owwr -ui.. w, , . . next door neighbor added an extra team Cm Ittttew? tS ttM toUblTsh Ite Ct th;V thTonirtlln; rDCerouad Th.T bea'an" to .VudJ .,,1.1. v. ......i urrM ir.in. Prnf.aanr rh.icr.ft u in. more prosperous. They began to study tha aama as the ona offered by tha legl- efficient management, with the prlncl- oondiUon. and they aaw that then waa tlmate dealer. pal charge against him resting upon his Immense aurplua of money some- "In Europe tho stamping law. ta very conception of the uaea to which corporal where. They wen not getting Its it trlct and New York and other state punishment ahould ba put In dealing did not evaporate; It didn't sink Into an adopting it. Wo hone to have On- with children of Indian parents, and the ground. Then where did it goT gon fall In Una" 1 that whatever tha report may contain "And then they discovered that soraa- The convention will lasT today and t will not go farther than to raise that tomorrow and will and with a banquet question and tha recommendations will t the Commercial club at 1:11 tomor- be baaed thereon. row evening. I It Is believed hero, according to other This morning' session concluded a aouroe than Indian officials Immedl tneetlng of tbo executive committee, and I ately concerned In tha ponding decision, registration of members. Thla after- that the situation aasuns that ChaV aoon H. S. TuthlU delivered tha ad- craft will have to give up that poaltlon drees of welcoma on behalf of the Port- and that the decision will contain auoh land Jobbera who will tender tho ban- conclusions aa will make It Impossible quet tomorrow night I to place him with another Indian school. Beoeptloa This Svenlng. although nothing has been turned up This was followed by tha annual ad. renect in in slightest degree in tha Ban Franoiaeo fire. They aakad and Eleven. Ongonue. br araca of nrovt- Z" ..IT. J "ITl'. '"A ,n-,ln." tha oourt to order the prosecution of dence, kind consideration and good LtTfcT tKat Vo i.. , . th. ... .tnr.Tmjt -,-n .v.. Vi.i.ife -.,m IvMih.. nt hi. .a.i i I wlu h " proof positive of a n-;:- .",7,.: oonaplnoy to throttle competition, can BUV- V-.UO-I a ...v.w.a. I Va J" HVUQ iViiQWIUlD. I a,. la. .aul.aal V.a a a. .a.. . a. - U.r.ril PJrrl. ''"tIT h tSnVTp "1 anTth. .hutun. tmiwma u.t.i..... vw a..u, ... v - . rw uy our wonny aer- -f a -..( nn i.a,prul 1 Ac-.n,j '.j, ... . Ous oocaslons. Is prima facie evidence of clrcum.tann.. h,,,:'::"-". T.I uoh oowplncy to retrain trade. and to our royal prerogatives, mere mo-1 Austrian Tripoli. E WILL SOAR KRYPTO FAR Visfcj Without Un in the Lens inn WHH BRDMAN ELY FRIENDS MOURN DEATH OF OLIVER C. RICHES dress of President F. M. French of Al- nDon nUl onor. tany, Secretary C. It Williams report, and address by C C Chapman, mana ger of the Portland Commercial club, E. J. Jaeger's report, and tha talk of Becrotary Williams on tha proposed bill referred to above. This evening a reception to tho ladlea will be held from 7:10 to I after which : addresses will ba delivered by Charles T. Hlgglnbotbam, pioneer watch build er, of South Bend, Ind., and representing tne south Bena waton company, e. C. Everyone In tho Federal building McKeen. of tha Waltham Watch oom- who knew Oliver C. Rlchea, the post pany, Waltham, Mass., and B. E. Chap- office Inspector who.dled la Spokane S t, 1 .cu company, is- Saturday evening, feels today as S1"' 111 ; though ha had lost a very good and Tomorrow morning tha membera and tried friend. Riches died In a Spo- their families will see tha city and kane hospital foUowlng a two weeka In tho afternoon nort talks will be uineea with tubercular meningitis. His delivered by members. Following these body has been brought to Portland, and -v-uw- will be cremated tomorrow, afternoon. During Festival Week We have made special arrange ments to welcome and show to own ers of and dealers in real estate per fectly equipped, up- to-the-minute TITLE PLANT. -Call and see what a modern Title Plant looks like. TITLE TRUST COMPANY Xwls Bldg, 4th aad Oak sts. Riches had been a postoff.ee Inspec tor for 10 years, about half 4t?f that time ia roruana. xnougn tne nature I of his work Involved dealing with I criminals to a considerable degree. It never tended to make Riches harsh or unkindly, and together with hla sympa thetic disposition, he aded a very broad understanding of his work and its rela tion to the publio that made him. In tha eyea of his aaaociatea In tha govern ment service, aa invaluable publio servant Surviving Mr. Riches an a widow and five young children, living at 1KI M1I waukle street Mrs. Riches was wtth her husband when ha died. She accom panied tha body to Portland. tlon, special favor and good grace, wo thankfully commend to our manv hannv 1. J . a a . . . " ouujeuia 01 mis our rosy realm your ex cellency's kind rreetinss and vm-Ai-a ing hospitality to ourselvea and to our roourr, for to ua, alnoa our laat vleit nera, nam oome word of your perform ance . and. .achievement whlnh hath When Eugene Ely starts his passenger I " ... . . , . . carrying flight Wednesday afternoon ' " '.Y.'.V. ..? "na ".'"V a. 1 . , 1.1 Wa n T 1 -nraaaa I w vu, id.LJ V 1 LIM I1K 1 1 nor na -ana men mey aiscoverea inai soma- wmpmuiuu w..i d j- """. i marred hut ahina -ai.i. ,..v " a when that surplua was finding a net- the local automoblliet and sportsman. ..tlsfaction lor Idl ouV ' . . -.. .. a. a " . .. I ha k.a ,k. ll.-lnotln-i nt Imnnrlln- th WV"i-DllUn IOr W1 Ur SUDJeCtS. ingpiace. o m-7 uikbt . nuciiine " r" av. . ' ur royal pleasure dsth I'lnr. i iirii aeroDiane iniw ioe awuwnt, i ,. . . . . : - - ' I 7 . . . . aa I from them Into the coffers of the few. Tho queetlon then was, how to divert IVat -M Aa.alaaa11a V.aV ftaa.aUa,- a. hau hira. Wl7i ,k. h.I naUonal character In th !A'Lt ' WhMl tbe bUt " ba "eld. haa been anxloua to I to come and hear aad heed to this our a. tnar.hlna that eanvava1 that aumlua first aeroplane into the northwekt wemmo a macnine was a lima v-ur- i ...-. m , , - . tls. with which Ely .Urted on his avla- SL i lt? .? tlon career. Ely, alnoa he haa become . . . " nere the aviation -J?''? mgh carnival, frolic and full funl take Mr. IA i . """"Oi 'l anine tne sum Booserelt a Tall nre. Then they began to eearch for the button to press and stop the machinery, or at least retard it Finally they found one that they thought waa the proper one to press And It did respond slightly for a short time. That was Roosevelt Wemme up In the heavier than air ma ohlna I 3ding nave begun! UNIQUE FIREWORKS AT CREST WEDNESDAY EVE Paclflo coast people who, happy their Ignorance, have never seen Our festive roses buddln e gracious all and withal content; Much to ahow and do la an inu- Therefore, be happy with us, and, in due ijitsrriifienc. For those kindlier things our subjects do wait without. Let freedom and unbridled pleasure icien auproine aDOUt, So that our visitors and all mav Vnnw This will not be a hollow nor an empty "But soon the people's hopes wen L'rr.'V"' XLT Zn TV" .VJ,. "nJwv... . again blasted for aside from, a mo- I :r":r7J.;' ll l. . I i,,.7". J'"'.. mentary rattle. UtUe results We ob- ' u,"" 7TiJork. w f h .. z-ia-.ai a, a .u. special display of fireworka will be White House to the head of a monster Li"" 'T11 Portland roses He scattered in the nuai. RETURNED A IS TENDERED RECEPTION Rev. J. Richard Olson, pastor of the Immanuel Lutheran church, who re turned Friday from, Nebraska, preached hla first sermon yesterday and Satur day evening was tendered a reception I by his congregation. . The reception was held In the church parlors. Addresses were delivered by Rev. H. E. Sandstedt of the Augustana Lutheran ohurch. Rev, Allan Lease of St. James', Lutheran church, Dr. P. W. H. Frederick, presi dent of the Lutheran Theological sem inary, F. W. Lonegren, A. Bedin and David B. Lofgren. Rev. Olaen came hen from Marsh I field about two months ago to succeed Rev. C. J. Renhard, who resigned, but his wife died from an attack of pneu monia. Just as they were preparing to I leave Marshfleld for Portland and In I company with his wife's parents he took a jtxlp to his former borne In Nebraska. Tomorrow evening then will be a concert In tbe Immanuel church by a double quartet from th Coeur d'Alene I college, Coeur d'Alena, Idaho, and Mra Myrtle H Norquiat a noted soprano. Negro Wounds White. r (United Prnw atwd Wire.) San Francisco, June 8. William Kerby was ahot and fatally wounded I by Robert Lee, colored saloon propri etor. The cause of the Quarrel la un- Iknowa. I gas company at a salary of 1100,000 a year and litso.tjoo Tor expenses, and mettero again loosed discouraging. "The American people are Intelligent They kept at It Two yean of waiting was a long Urns, but those two years are ended now, and the supreme oourt has given Its deolslona Bad the court decided that the trusts must Immediate ly ba dissolved, business would Im mediately atop and the country would suffer. So tbe word Unreasonable' waa Inserted In the law on the statutes. and six months was given the trusts that ware operating In restraint of trade, "unreasonabdly to reform. And business went on. Buslnea Xust do On. "Then are 1.00 large corporations doing business In the United Statea They are controlled, managed and prao- uoauy owned by isoo holding com panies, with a capital of about $14,000. 000,000. They are tbe 'Buslness'of the country. The business of the country must not stop at once. The effect would be disastrous. Hence the su preme court decision. "It would almost seem that the hand of Providence Is taking part In this great affair. Shortly after tha at ( months an up the six months granted the trusts to reform the people will have a chance to say who shall go to Washington to make their laws. They will say that If the trusts do continue to disobey the supreme court's decision the last resort then they will take the matter into their own hands and see to it that men like La f'onette go to the capital and make laws far more stringent and binding than ever before; laws that must be obeyed; laws covering all technicalities and all subterfuges. They will watch closely. If they receive a smaller plug of tobacco for their money; If they do not see the food supply Increase for the old price thev paid, thev will know that honest busi ness is not oeing done, and then they will have their say." May Buy Orchard. Mr. Lawson will spend about two weeks In Portland and Oregon. This Is his first visit to the coast and he will make the best of it. He will visit many of the fruit orchards and will probably purohase a ran oh. He Is an enthusiastic booster for Portland anil the state as a whole. "Wall street knows that Portland Is the only city in the United Statea that haa been forging ahead for the past year and a half," he aald. Why. everv morning the financiers know what ia going on In this city. Portland Is looked upon as the most conservative. hustling city in the west Tou may look for a great growth within the next few yeara," 'i Mr. Lawson Is accompanied by hla daughter, Jeanne, who, he says, does the dictating. Both ara delighted with Portland. The telephone at the McCall home. when Mr. Lawson and hla daughter ar vial ting, ring! every thM minute dur- Fireworks, company has prepared a quantity of special displays for the fes tival, among them varletlea of lydlta bombs that are guaranteed to give prop er demonstration of the ' sights and sounds of a thunderstorm with none of the danger. Another feature will be the falls of Nyanxa, 100 by 10 feet in size. About 100 pounds of red fire have been secured and will be burned around the Crest during the evening. The Ilitt I "Given to our court on the royal berre this fifth of June in the fifth year of our reign. , . rex OREOONUa" SPECIAL CAR NECESSARY TO CARRY PENDLETON'S ROSE FESTIVAL CROWD (Special Dlipateti to Tbe JearML) Pendleton, Or., June 8. Pendleton and Umatilla county are Bonding large delegatlona to the Portland Rose Fes tival today. So large was the crowd .that a special oar had to be attached i nun V OA Dm lo DOln 1111(1 "o. it, ana even then LUIMtLT LABIN I people had difficulty In finding seata Many more will leave tomorrow and (Continued from Page Ona) Wednesday. DUNIWAY ANSWERS OLCOn CALMLY Sets Forth Right to Stay but May Move if Quarters Are Suitable. Thompson's Kryptok lensei hive no seams, no lines nor edge in the lent. They hve an absolutely smooth, one-piece surface, just the lime in appearance as a one-vision lens. (BiMctal Dlioeteh ta loaraiL. Salem, Or.. June 8. Whether or not there is to be a legal battle between Secretary of State Oleott and State Printer W. 8. Dunlway over removal by tbe seentarr of state of the printer's department from the state house was not determined by a diplomatic reply from the state printer received today by Secretary Oleott to his formal noti fication to move out, sent Saturday. As custodian of the state house Oleott noti fied Dunlway to move by August 11, If you need f lasses, do not pat it off any longer. Com here, and, for your own rood, come as soon as convenient, and when you do come, ask to sea me personally, for Z wish to examine your eyea myself. THOMPSON Eycsifht Specialist Second Floor Corbett Bunding Fifth and Morrison BENTON WOMAN IS FOULLY MURDERED IN UOrvaius, me varoic. Doing muraer u n VCAD f.1 ft DftVC the hands of a person or persona un-1 I I CMn-ULU OUlO known." The sheriff of Benton county is at work, but so far, It Is aald. has not ascertained anything definite aa to the perpetrator. ROB GROCERY STORE Three lads, each II years of age. There were marks on Mra Griffith's I Bnght.L t0 PrePr for vacation yester- neck, wrist and arms, and general Indi cations of a most brutal killing. day afternoon and broke into the gro cery store of W. R. Arndt 191 Sixth atVAaat TKaa.r ua.ii.a4 ah.ii, O C ..a. P-aT'" R wlVcan anr tackle. The boys are Lawrence Hagan, John Curtis and Horace Lamson. They were taken in charge this morning by and he is about 12 yean old and sin gle. The oldest daughter, Ida, is mar ried and In Portland. The next eldest - ...a. a a 1 1 ... I " " -" ' " wa-.-v. "'""""8 is -an ii r in-a, -u. - '"" """ Probation Officer White and placed, In near Sheridan. The third Is Ella Huff th, rrazw noma 1 man. wife of Jesse Huffman, an archi- The bov. rA Dn.n. ,t tha (ShaMtoi) tectural draughtsman In the Wells- goh0ol. Late yesterday afternoon they Fargo building. The youngest is made their way to the rear of the store. Blanche Huffman, whose husband is A window was foroed open and two of Dana E. Huffman, a Portland earpen- the boys crept Inside. They scoured ter. The daughters came to Corvallls the articles and placed them In a large Sunday. grain sack. This was too large for one Mrs. Griffith was well liked In the boy to carry and it avas dragged a short neighborhood, having no enemies among distance from the store and a wagon the residents. Her father, whose name secured to convey It to an old barn at was iross, a tjivn war veteran, aiea at Fifth and Montgomery streets. the Griffith home last year, tier nus- band was also a Civil war veteran. His pension was what contributed largely toward her subsistence after her hus band's death. A brother, John Foss, lives in Benton county. The Griffith farm lies half a mile from the county road running from Corvallls to Alsea across the Coast range. It is In the foothills of the Coast range, on the eastern slope. There are no families west of the farm until the other side of the summit is reached. There is a family half a mile south and two other families near, but hone neanr than a quarter of a mile, which is how the murderer was able to work in comparative security. The Hinkle sawmill Is on Rock creek, half a mile away. ' Then is a aam ana miupond In connection with this ' mill and she was thrown In the creek near the mllldam. Ing the day, and every olass of persons In the city request Interviews with him. One old lady called - the financier un thla morning and -endeavored ' to prove that she waa hla aunt. : Flnallv ahe called him, bringing him 'some roses, but she failed to establish thr rela-1 Uonshlp. . , . . . I The Army of Constipation I Gr owing Smaller Eva CARTZR'S LITTLE LIVER FILLS i SSMiniahla tansy i only vs reUsr--" thar ptiaiaa Sy . core teaitipey nee. ma-. iiees i thea! BHicse- ees, Iself estiea. Sick Heeiac, SaBew -U sum rule shah do small rua ' Gennine raw Signature 7 wr. IHVER I lira"-, Rose Festival Visitors We Invite yon to visit our new store nd become acquainted with the various departments and inspect our lines of high-grade mer chandise. MAKE THIS STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS. The Direct Action Gas Range DOES NOT Heat Oven When Yon Broil or Toast Burner Designed for Broiling. FIVE FEET of Gas will Heat the Qven and do the Baking. 2 A '-IB- is DOES NOT Heat Broiler When Yott Bake or Roast Burner Designed for Baking. FIVE FEET of Ga will Fin ish. Biscuits on Both Racks. Distinctive, desirable and economical features characterize a DIRECT ACTION GAS RANGE. Faults of the old-style range are entirely overcome. You' can put your baking in a DIRECT ACTION GAS RANGE as soon as you light it you don't have to wait until the oven is hot4 for the burners are right in the oven with nothing betwee them and your baking. It takes 10 feet of gas to heat the oven in oth er ranges S feet heats oven and does baking in a DIRECT, ACTION; Columbia Hardware Co. 104 FOURTH STREET, BET- WASHINGTON AND STARK I r ' T