' THE OREGON' DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND; THURSDAY ; EVENING.' JUNE 1, 1911. V SUGAR TflUST PUT under nium GY INVESTIGATORS Special Committee Digs Into Operations of Trust That. Is Second, to Only Steel Cor poratiori. i Trashtngton, Juna 1. Second only to ' the steel trust investigation In Import ! anea If the Inquiry lno the American . KV luiir Refining company. and other . ' surer refineries, which was formally ' begun by a apodal committee of the f House today. ' ' Primarily, the Hardwlrk resolution. - t,r,Amr . which tha invtstlgatloa If au . thorlzed. waa aimed only at tha Araer .', .. inn. nnflnlna company. Tha ruiM (mmmlttca of tha house, however. . determined to maka tha investigation a T mon far reaching ana, and tha original , roaolutloit waa mndad aa that It would , Include all sugar refineries, In tha trust . - aad aut of It latest of Tavastigatioa. Aeoordin to Representative Hard i wick, who la chairman of tha apeclal "investigation committee, tha real Intent of tha house Investigation wilt be to ' determine whether or not chargea are true that the American Sugar Refining t company haa aecured abaolute control of - the American sugar market, crusnmg ' out competition whersver It appear ,. "Wo expect to ahow before thla In vestigation ends," aaya Mr. 'Hardwlck. "that tha American people are Used hundred l of thouaandf of dollare each year by thla glgantlo trust, embracing ; parhaps a half hundred aubaldlary or t ganisatlons. The sugar trust haa been fostered and built ud under the protee- ,tlvo tariff system, until If mia become . one of the moat dangerous monopolies "'.in existence today. - The committee will Investigate not enly the present day operation of the U trust, but It will delve Into tha past to i determine whether or not the American (.Sugar Refining company - haa fully j. atoned for the immense frauds at the ' j'port of New York. . The resolution asks . what aum was received ty the United ' States government tn settlement of these fraudulently evaded duties. It de ' mands to knpw whether the -settlement ' ', has been full and complete, and if It baa not been the special committee will i aak the attorney general to explain why .further settlements have not been de 5 mande'd. ; V , , Xaaolrc Abovt Fanlahmonl The houae committee will also make I some pertinent Inquiries as to the pun ''lshnaent meted out to. those who were f guilty of the augar frauds. The charge n has been made that the men "higher up" have gone unpunished while a few subordinate officials of the sugar trust have paid the penalty.. If the com ml t- . - tee Ascertains 'such to be tha case, that - fact will be laid before tha house and i r the attorney general will be aaked for ; n explanation or mis son or aajuaica tloa of some of the most glgantio cua toms frauds ever perpetrated againat : any government . . , The1, price of, sugar-; e.t . homer and v. abroad;, the purchasing of land In the . Philippines by the sugar, trust; the Im portatlon of duty-free sugar from the - Philippine islands; the absorption of dozens, of struggling Independent com- !j paniea. and the stifling of the beet sugar Industry by the sugar monopoly f .ere all specific subjects Into which f the committee will. Inquire,. - j j The special committee may continue its sessions during the recess of con gress, and need not report. to thejjiouae t until it feels that it haa sifted case against the sugar trust to , : bottom. ; : tha the r SUPPRESS STEEL REPORT if Continued . From Page One.) ' : Into your business from the inside for the last four or five years?" , "Certainly," replied fb witness.. .t- do not know how many hundreds of .: j thousands of dollars It has cost us to 2 aid the government Investigators." - "Have you any information whether -. tha data gathered by the bureau of cor- porations have been furnished to the ? present president of the United States?" i aaked Stanley. ' R. V. XJnaberry, who waa permitted : o appear as counsel for the steel trust today, objected to this question but Gary insisted upon answering it Gary Pleads Ignorance. ,V "I have no knowledge whether the matter was furnished to the president f or not" Gary said. "I have lnforma , tlon to the effect that a report will be furnished to the president within the i, next few months. I do not know wheth A er partial reports have been made to ; him." y . Judge Gary waa the flrat witness 4 called: Asked by Representative Stan- DENTISTS i.ONE FRICE It" HO HOSB HO UESS f J Consult our advertised prices carefullv ,. then come to us and vou will find ' that we do exactly aa we advertise. t- j' ter stui, oring tnis "aa-- with you, get t the work performed, then pay us the loveruara prices, vve zui. crown, treat, bridge, regulate or extract teeth wlth- ut paJn. These low prices buy "best oualf .. - I'll ' 'l ;; I , , , , 1 $4.00 ; BHXDaB WOKX, per tooth Ba-carst OOIiO OBOWBS POIOIUII OIOWH ! rKSS ZZAKZHATXOH, ZZTSACTXOH (when plates or bridges are ordered; 'CZiSAHZHQ) TESTS (when other work f is ordered.) Uver riUlngs Simple Boo; com pound ft. Oold rulings- .According' to sise, II XilUnf Herves aad Treating Teeth tun to fl-50 extra. -,..s- . . , Foil Set ol Teelh, $5t$7e509$10 Aooordhsr to quality of work desired. . , Au won vuaramteea tot is Tears. ALBA BROS. MXUABLB VAXVUSa VSHTZSTS Opn a. m. to t p. m. Sunday to 1 p. tn. Phone Marshall 214. woorme an anc Momsoa. xrpstairs. lay whether the Carnegie Steel, oom pany eompetaa with the. other aubaid!' ary concerns In the trust, Gary replied "I should aay that It does compete, putting my own Interpretation on (he word. Tou ma put a different con struction upon It Undoubtedly the subsidiary oompanlea are Influenoed and ultimately controlled by the ateel cor poration because it la the owner of the stock In the various companies." Control Over Companies. ' "The directors and officers of the subsidiary oompanlea," continued Gary In Iresponse to further questions, "tiava the right and power to act Independ ently. It may be assumed, however, that If the eenduet of the anhsldlary companies. If .Inimical . and displeasing to the stee) corporation It would be but a- matter of time before the manage ment of such s company Is chsnged." . "Then the Steel corporation exercises s fort of right of 'recall' over subsidi ary officers T" asked Representative Stanley. That's about if replied Gary. Gary admitted that the subsidiary oompanlea have, a common interest; that tne Hteei corporation, aa such, operates nothing and manufactures nothing, but gets Its Income from the dividends de clared by the subsidiary companies. Gary Admits rower. When pressed on the point Gary ad mined that If officials of subsidiary companies opposed the policy of the Steel corporation, they were removed. "Who doea thatr bo was asked. "1 do." The witness added tAat he was a 41. rector In eacb company. Gary told the committee that the Carnegie Steel company waa capitalised for 1110,000,000, of wWoh 110.000.000 was In common stock and the same amount In preferred when the Steel cor poration took It over. The Steel corporation, declared Gary. paid Andrew Carnegie 1301,460,000 In bonds. IM.000.000 In preferred and 190, 0A0.000 in common atock of the United States Steel corporation for the Car negie plant Chairman Stanley showed Gary a ropy of the) "Ironmonger and Universal Engineer," an English journal, which, under date of May II, stated that an agreement In the steel ' Industry was pending whereby prloes throughout the world would be steadied, and that sucu aa agreement would be due to Oarye efforts. Stanley instructed the witness to- prepare aa explaaatloa end then moved for aa Adjournment of the com mittee. Gary demanded to be heard at onoe. shouting; "I appreciate the chairman's frankness In putting and I will freely ten the Committee all our alma. think that will set the mlnde of the committee at reat regarding possible danger." f The motion to adjooro did not earry at onos and Gary continued his testi mony, Ksrerring to the Tennessee coal A Iron company, one of the subsidiary organisations of the trust Gsry said that It was "Independent s far as bus I nest Is concerned, but dependent as far as livelihood goea." . The hearing will be reaumed tomor row at 10 o'clock. ports have been received today from Chihuahua regarding the reported ar rest there last night of Juan Greet. brother of Enrique C Creel, former minister of foreign affairs la 2lak cab inet Creel, according to the report, has been arrested oa the charge of com plloity la the plot against Madera. Enrique , Creel stated today that he had received no oonf lrmatloa of the report. . . . . ' .-. MEXICAN FORCES UNDER GOVERNORS CLASHAT CULIACAN (Continued Trom Page One.) for the capital. Madero expects to leave for Mexico City tomorrow. Julio Madero arrived here today from Chihuahua He declared that further fighting was Imminent there, the fed erals not yet having heard of Dies' resignation. The Chihuahua stats legislature. Ma dero said, understands the s Una tlon and tomorrow will depose the present gov ernor and Install Oonsales, the Madero candidate. There are 1000 federals In Chihuahua and about 1000 Insurgents outside that city. Francisco L Madero Jr. upon receiving the Information brought by Julio Madero telegraphed General Villa, commander of the insurgents at Chi huahua, to join tha federals In preserv ing order. President Pe I.a Barra has been ssknd to again wire the federal commander to the same effect -Fttco Jfot Returned. , ' ' rrjRltfd Frees Up4 Wire.) San Diego, Cat. June 1 General Caprhys Pryce has not returned to the Insurreoto camp at Tla Juana today, and It was- believed by many of the rebels that he would not go back. . The local junta and the junta lit Los An geles are disagreed as to the plan that should bf ' followed. The ios Angeles leaders want the Tie- Juana forces to move on Ensenada.1 The local Junta die approves of this plan. Tot the present the forces ars Idle, No Ifrwi of Ai i est. Mexico City, June 1. No further re- ins a ww- - " Walvra Examination. ITtBltoA ImhI Wtr t ' El Paao, Texas, Juno 1. Dante) De Vlllars. the former Boer officer, who Is accused by General Orosco and vlljoea of Maderos army of having attempted to brt)e them to start a revolution ncslnst their chief, waived preliminary examination yesterday and was bound over to await the action of , the grand Jury. Pe Vlllars Is charged with hav ing conspired to kill Francisco I. Ma dero, Jr. His bonds wsre fixed at 1200. To Close Track, Juarea, Mexico, June 1 Abram Oon sales, slated as governor of the state of Chihuahua, tnteads to elose the Juares race track aa soon aa ho can af ter assuming office. He la opposed to gambling. The track at preaent Is un der federal license. Taft Praises Qlrkinson. (Halted Press teued Wire.) Nashville. Tenn., June 1. Declining an invitation to attend a banquet In honor of former Secretary of War Dick inson, President Tsft wrote: "Plekinson has left a record of which his friends may be proud." CENSUS ARRESTS J JMSNOVVHITE S AT ECONOMY PRICES ALE First Four Freed on Bonds of $1500 Each; Seattle Is Next In Lino.- rrjn! Press Leased Wire.) ' wTacoma, Wash., June 1. iFour msn who acted ar enumerators In tna cen sua aklnjr last year were arrested to day on Indictments found by the grand jury charged with padding tha returns n this city. Several others are bains plaoed under arrest this afternoon. 'Of tne indictments, is were in connec tion with alleged irregularities in the census returns. . Those arreeted today were Charles T. Jaeger, Alphonse Carbons, C J. Foley and Fred H. Allen. All were released oa I1S00 bonds.. Tha speolflo charge asalnst each of the former-enumer ators Is falsifying census records, fall. ing to make proper investigation and films Incorrect reports. Investigation of alleged padding of census figures at Seattle, Everett and Belllngham will be made Utet. , ; SPIRITUALIST'S BODY.. CLAIMED BY RELATIVES San Francisco, Juno 1. Relatives of Rev. H. E. Howland. a Spiritualist ac cepted today the charred body found In the ruina or tne unuies rire as nis remains,. although definite identification had not been made. Howland. who was 111, was seen In his room In a lodging house destroyed by the Chutes fire. He was hemmed la by the fiemee and It is believed certain he waa killed. 50 Tanglefoot Fly Paper box 28c 91.00 M. I. S. T. No. a enly 75c fl.00 Carlsbad Salts only 75c7' A Friday and Saturday Price-Reduction Sales The response to our first-of-the-week specfal sales has been very gratifying. Now comes for tomorrow and Saturday an end-of-the-week sale of equal, if not greater, benefit to our widely increasing circle of customers and friends. We heartily appreciate your patronage. You haye learned that all through the years, reaching back for nearly a half century, our promises in the daily and weekly papers have been more than fulfilled at our counters. Shopping is easy here. An ample, enthusiastic sales force to serve you intelligently, helpfully. Be one of the throng tomorrow and next day. We wil save you money on every item quoted below, and on many others, all through our five well-filled floors. )c Loofahs (Japanese longe), each 50 Wyeth'g i 8af and Sulphur 37c fl.00 Ayer'a Hair Vigor only 63c 5c fi.oo -vyu StenrnV,' Wine 69c f, ibc' Sassafras Bark, package 5c 10c Moth Balls, package 5c 10c Whitingy ) 'package .'.... 6c fl.00 Plerce'a Prescription p only 463c JOc'Cascara Bark (Chit tim), package 7c 10c Chloride Lime, Oa pound 10c Lye (Babbitt's), . rj pound . . , 6c 10c Machine Oil (many use), Oiler fl.00 Wampole Cod Liver Oil 72c 5c Epsom Salts, package 3c fl.00 Pink Compound only 63c 35c Absorbent Cotton, pound 35c Boracic Acid Pow der, pound 20c Wood Alcohol, bottle 27c 24c 14c 25c Craves' Tooth Pow der, 2 for 25c 25c Kolynos Tooth Paste 16c 50c PinaudYEau de QQp Quinine OOl 10c Camphorated Chalk Powder, package -f 10c Chalk and Orris Pow der, package 6c 6c 10c Bay Rum, bottle 7c 3 Belladonna and Capsicum Plasters 25c 10c "Woodlark" Pure Spices, Pepper, can . . 7c 10c "Woodlark" Pure Spices, Allspice, can . 7c 10c "Woodlark" Pure Spices, Cloves, can . . 7c fl.00 Kendall's Spavin Cure only 69c 10c "Woodlark" Pure Spices, Sage, can 7c 50c Sempre Giovina for 29c 25c Satin Cream for 17c 50t Wizard Oil for only 33c 25c Sanitol Cream for 15c 35c Sigma Violet Deo dorizing Powder. , 19c 50c Berry's Freckle Cream 32c 50c De Miracta Cream 29c 50c La Blache Q9 Powder Ql 75c Pinaud's Lilai KCkn Vegetal OUj 25c Swansdown Face Qa .Powder wv 25c Antiseptic Soap " H n Sheets J-lC $1.50 and $2.00 Folding HKn Auto Pails Wv $1.85 4-qt. Water CT"97 Bottle, guaranteed .. 4XeOl R5c 2-quart Water KH n Bottle tJlU 75c 2-qtiart Fountain CmQ Syringe tlOi $1.50 Ladies' Douche JJ Q $2.50 Ladies' Douche (J $1.00 Bath Sprays ()5C 50c rtubber Gloves QQ for OOC $2.50 2-quart Combi- (PI f7Q nation tJJJLel O All Rubber Bathing FJrt Caps all colors Oll Bath Caps 1 Q 11 and JLi7G Water Wings QrT 25e and OOL Sanitary Drinking Cups, Paper lc and 30c Paper Plates for picnicft 5c fl.00 Stuart's Dye for only 68c 25c 35c Dennison's Lunch Sets, plates, napkins, etc. 25c Dennison's Doilies, package of 12 5c Dennison's Fancy Nap- OK kins, per hundred eCllJL Automobile Drinking P" ff Cup, leather case, 75c,PleUU $1.50 Woodlark Fountain QQp Pen, guaranteed a01 50c Pint Bottle "Rites- QQ well" Fountain Pen Ink OuK 504) Marine Eye Water only 29c 754 Marmola Tablets only 52c 35c Yi pint "Riteswell" Fountain Pen Ink . . . . 19c Klb. box "Woodlark" Linen Writing Paper 25c Souvenir Book, Progres-O(f sive Portland, new ....swiJl 75c Ladies' Dressing Combs 59c 35c Assorted Tooth Brushes 28c 50c Gents' Comb for 39c 50c Nail Brushes for 39c Calling Cards, Wedding An nouncements, printed or en graved. Autocrat Linen Paper and En velopes, assorted colors QK and sizes ..OOl Headquarters for Watetman and ConkMn Self-Filling Foun tain Pens. Pens filled free. Box Dominoes Free with each 50c purchase 8-year-olf Chicken' Cock Bour bon, bottled in bond, QQ 100 proof OUVj $1.00 Pure. Old Bour S04 Celery King for only 31c 25 Garfield Tea for only 16c 71c fl.00 . Hontetter's Bitters for only 71c $1.00 Fisher's Pure Rye 'J'JQ $1.25 Carlisle Rye, . 7Q bonded I 7l 75c Brice Pure Malt for . 63c BO Paw Pile Ointment only 33c $1.25 House of P" AF Lord's Scotch DXeUO 83c $1.00 3-Star California Br.andy, 100 proof .. . . 504 Pine now selling at 33 c 50c Malvina Creans for 25c Sana Dermal Tal cum Powder 33c 13c 25"c-Bathasweet, OK 2 for AOL $1.50 Hair Brushes, fine assortment .... 98c $1.Q0 Hair Brushes, fine Assortment .... 87c $1.00 Cloth Brushes for 87c lt Off on All Military Brushes Sanitary Drinking Cups, CH aluminum 5c, 10c, 15c,2Sc,Oll $1.00 Juniper Gin for 83c $1.00 Apricot and Peach Cordial 83c 504) Doan's Kidney Pills only 33c 50c Quarts' Pnxe Concord 99 Grape Juice ' OOl " w 1 y 75c quart's California Port, Sher ry, Claret, Zinfandel AQn and Hock, 6 for $2.50. . . fVL fl.00 Potter's Walnut Stain only 69c Rest room and correspondence' desk adjoining prescription section, main, floor Public tele phones adjoining elevator," fourth floor: visit our cool, restful picture gallery on same floor See the aemonsirauon oi ine nana aroonic oypnon in wasnington sireet winaow or ar tne sunanes section, main floor All orders by telephone promptly filled and delivered Canadian money re ceived at par value. . - . ' WOODARD, CLARKE, & GO. Washington and Fourth Streets fl.00 Cuticura Ointment , only 77c 25f Mentholatum now selling " -15c Ling ene Blouses v ones i Marqu isettes, Jap Silk A- ana Tailored Waists Linkeiic and Tailored Waists, 1 fri 310 Values, Your Choice . Jp 1 My Voiles, Marquisette Waists $1.95 Jo 32.50 Misses' and Children's White tj l OCi and Colored Dresses, $2 Vals. P S O ; Others $2.00, $3.00 and Up j All Trimmed Millinery 1 Your Choice of Our Entire Line 12 Price Qustert of Lilacs and Lilies of the Valley f)n .sale. Reg. 25c Price Pretty Foliage for Hat Trirnrmng. Reg. 1 50c, sale'price. . .1 7t Have Your Furs Repaired or Remodeled at Summer Prices Don't wait until the fur season opens up, when it will cost you more. We will store absolutely free of charge all furs remodeled and renovated. Entire Bufkfintl Cor fourth ntt IlTnrrJMn LEADNO SPECIALTY HOUSE FOR LADfES MISSES 8. OfODREN ' - The Doctor's Answers On Health and Beauty Questions Mr bb. urwu BAxza. The questions answered below srs rsneral In character: the symptoms or diseases ars ittVen and the answers will appiy to any case or similar nature. xnose wisning- runner advice, free, may address -aaaressed, stamped er address must be riven prescriptions can be filled at any well-stocked drua stora. .1- D.V TWW .Oil Ohio, enclosing; sel ply. Full name and addres tlals or fictitious Tn. 'ft Bids'.. Cbllrfe-Ellwood Sts.. Dayton, If-addressed, stamped envelops for re. musr oe given, but only Inl- Tns Collers Bldf.. ame will be used In my answ.ra. Any druKKlst can order of wholesaler. Adam El Tour symptoms plainly inatcate catarrhal trouble.- Beginrtn with nasal oatarr the disease has af fected your stomach, caualnar foul breath idicestlon. aas. etc.. while the kid- n.ys ana and In esuBlns; burning-, ralnful. frequent and" uncontrollable urination with dull head- arne ana backache. For nasal catarrh, obtain 2 oes. antiseptic vllane powder. Put a half teaspoonful in a pint of warm water. Snuff tha watsi" from the palm of the hand through the nostrils two or three times dally. Then use a level tea spoonful' of the powder to one ounce of vaseline, mix and apply a small portion Into eacfc nostril. Also take a teaspoon ful four times dally of the following: syrup narftaparilla compound 4 ozs.J voinf. iiuia qaiinwori j. ox., ana riuia ex tract buchu 1 os. Mix and shake Well. M. Wait.- Tou can" increase your weight and strength and Improve the general health greatly by a thorough csurse of treatment with thiw-graln hypo-nuclane tablets. Take one after each .mealr and ono at bedtime. Drink plenty of water slowly, between meals. Vou should not expect a great increase In weight quickly. Remember, It takes time to ctuvnge tha calls and tissues of the body, but you can depend on it as a thoroughly effective flesh producer. 2 Susan: Writs we more .fully, or send xor my Tree examination' chart, and will gladly do my best for you; always glva full name .and address, i never publish tna correct name. R. M.i-Do not delay using the follow mg treatment lr you value Brood hmith. You need good, mild laxative tonlo and blood purifier to correct chronlo consti pation ana ins generat aeomty or wnicn ou oompiam. xno weakness, numbness. dreea (I). Lucorrhsa or 'Vhltss" should be treated as follows: Dhfain nn. tannic add and twe ounces vllane sow- M. m-v mwr ua a nan teaspoonful of tannic acid and a tea spoonful of vllane. Use twice dally as an Injection with syringe. Continue for a month after cure is established to prevent a return. I received in today's mall 8 letters from women who used the above and now report they are cured. Help: The larger drug stores ean supply you with this excellent specific treatment for the stomach disorders, common to so many, such as pain under the ribs, belching, bloating, wind, gas, heart palpitation, shortness of breath. A. A ft W I t . . . . . . V. """"" vge or iriopepune tablets and use" pink after breakfast, white after dinner and blue after sup per. Trlopeptine will correct most any stomach disorder, help digest the food, vuiio uu mo iiomacn, increase tne gas tric juices and enable you to sat what ever you live. Stubborn.- For ulcers, running id other toms of scrofula use the following: soraa, symp- loss of appetite, headache, neuralgia and faint spells can be corrected by using tnree gram smpnrra- tatuets (laxative), as per direction?, accompanying, and also the following: . Compound syrup nypopnospniies s ozs:. tincture caaomen composna 1 oe.. slid compound flui balmwort 1 oe. Mix, shake well and take a teaanoonful before meals and at bedtime. This is a valuable tonic, and will vitalize the nerves, increase tha strength, calm the mind, improve the Quality of the blood and remove the ex-1 baustlon of body and mind. , v J X. T. Z. toms ha Tour auestlons and ivmit- ave been answered and explained several times neretorors in tnese col umns, but as they may have escaned your, attention I will repeat my advloe, as i nave xor many otners. , lour arug gist could -obtain anything I have pre scribed, in these advices from the whole sale firms. Insist on his doing so. or go to a large, up-io-aaie store ana get it. z xne. treatment lor ltcning scaip, falling hair and dandruff which vou re fer to :1a, called plain yellow mlnyol, packed in 4-ouhcs jars, directions ac companying. This cures dandruff, makes the hair glossy, fluffy and free from ex cessive eiltness, and I have been thanked by scores for discovering and proclaim ing ltS Worth. ; v 1 ' - A WIfe:--(l) Write for my examina tion chart (free) and give name and ad- plmples, sore eyelids and toms of scrofula use t) Syrup Trlfollum compound 4 oss.. com pound fluid balmwort 1 Ox. aromatla fluid casoara 1 os. Mix. Shake well and, take a teaspoonful after meals and on at retiring. The dose after the first ween may re increased gradually to two teaspoonrms. rnis is errectuai m chron ic or inherited blood disorders. This treatment snouia continue 4 to 6 months, and sometimes longer, , to thoroughly srauicitia tire disease. Aged: Tou say you are 4R rears old and your symptoms are extreme nsrv- ousness, weaic, urea, n timid. Irritable, no energ act naturally under all circumstances as ousness, weak, tired, worn-out feeling, a, irntaoie, no energy or ambi :t naturally.! others do. The-least exertion tires,' and the limbs and body are often numb or aching. Regular daily calisthenics cr exercise which calls into play .every muscle of tha body should be followed. Also take the following: Tincture cad omene . comp. 1 os., comp. essence' car dlol 1 ox., syrup hypophosphites oss. Mix and take a , teaspoonful before or after each meal; after nis first week gradually increaoe the dose 'to' two tea spoonfuls. Continue ' two or three months. ' . r Ethel: To check or ston a cold lii its early stages, obtain fluid menthoxone. 1 oz.. and take one-third teaspoonfut every half hour for four 'to six nours and an symptoms will vanish. A. M.: A pleasant and effectual non. seoret remedy' for chronlo constipation is called Caacaroyal pills. Miss R.:-A very prompt and efficient. thouah harmless headache and neuralgia. remedy 1m sold under the name of Pain- Away pills. . Obese: Obesity or abnormal fatnees of the human anatomy is caused by, tha absorption of fat elements from the food and drink and properly treated as follows, the weight can be lessened Tt-om 10 to 40 pounds. Obtain 1 os. of glycol. arbolene and-1 oka. of aromatic elixir of' your du agist. Mix together and for the first three days take a teaspoonful after each' meal, then Increase to two teanpoonfuls. Continue St regularly un Ml prope weight i attained. Quickest Results Are Obtained by ; Wanteds in. The Journal . assure vozsom - I: T