THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY... EVENING. MAY 31. 1911. 13 t births for bale norsica ei ELLISTO Mr. and Mrs. Ben I s4t .nmuar street AdHI I. a flrl. I JOHNSON To Mr. and Mrs. ; Charles Johnaon. May IT, a boy. DEATHS AXP FUWEItALS IMETZLERFuneral ' of the lota A I hnn kitiir. will be held from thai ; Thiiradavl at 1:10 a. m. Thence to Holy Rosary church, Id and c,ck.. Iamaa ata.. wnere servicea win at 9 a. m, yviende. respectfully Invited to attend. - lntorinont In Mt Calvary I cemetery. ' ..j CaRSON'A. Lit lata residence, Li,.... ...a. this eltv. Mar II. 1111. John C Carson, aged Y . niontha land 11 Oaya. mineral no now - llAlt M. hmIth. florist ISO Ith sU - - - . m a I opp. Maiar at r?!L'L J?--U-IiT-i FCNmAL'tmECTORa r 9. IUCIaa Undertakers ininnmy iu. ivil,liiigo Modern in ........ ii.iVn Tth and Pino. Main. 410. Laay assistant. J, P. Flnley &son Laqy S'lenoam. yriin -.- . J 'i cnni i M.ilr: v aaslstant Ltnln B-1681. VB-7I1. E. .th-Alder, MI(ONl,&'.BA.-Ajtfg EAST SIDE funeral dlreclora, iuocwj ar a rtetnnlna Tne. E. It. B-1621 EbWARD HOLM AN, nr,,,I, " l1 at Lady asaiatant. Main SOT. fcELLER-BYRNES CO.. 684 Williams .... . kMk nknn.i' lad a. latent ttEMStOCK ill! B. th. s" A aloo Dawson, woomawn GENERAL REAL ESTATE 62 A Good Buv 0x105 lot, I feet abova grad. re stricted dlatrlct, cement. '. "J"' water tnalna and oewor all In. 6 short blocks from Klllingswortn vs.: 8 160 'cash, 111 month, 7 par cent Call owner. Main T4I1, evenings. tm Cat.!,'. hv nwMr. holce piece of : v. For Sale, House 1' jr : $150 Hawthorne DIsJtrlct ;, 1 ' l-room houao, 400 feet from oaf y Una, hardwood floora, ' fireplace, '. ' piped for furnace,1 china cloaet, . . built-in - bookcaae, .. full cement ' x, basemerit laundry trays and truly an Ideal homo, eloaa In. . Only IliOO. $160 daah, balanoo -111 par month. : . .. One for Cost , ' . . -1 . , - . f larce light rooma, aleplna porch, biped for furnace, fire place, full cement baaemont. ce ment aldawalka around houao and all modern convenience, haa full porch aoroaa front and back flnlahed with beat of material Jind extra, well built throughout One block from cnrllna, on a comer lot 60x100. Owner offera to anc rlfloo ao ha wiahea to leave city. Price IS80Q. Wo enn make terma. . ' $2500 $3(X) Down B-room bungalow,' cement bate ment, Dutch kitchen, china cloaet, cement sidewalk In and paid for, located south of Hawthorne In a good realdenca dlatrlct. Price leas than you could rot anywhere else. If you wiah a nice little homo wa will ahow you this. 4 Hunter Realty Company,, 128-1 Board of Trade. Marshall 1777. A-1807. r: FOR SALE nOIJBES ssa"aaaaasJs,w 61 BOMK6 ON EAST PATMENTi. 1 room housa,' I stories, an modora aaat front beautiful lot, many abad treaa, block from oarllne. street lm provementa paid, new, ready for occu pancy, HOI cash. baUne- monthly pay menu. ,.. . . , t .". - , ...; . .r-'r , (' '',:': ,;;' ;:. ' , . .. ! (" -.. - Bungalow, rooma, largo attic, fire place, furnace, bookcases, buffet Dutch kitchen, hardwood floors, east front all S Ira at Imnrovamanta nalil U block from car. lloo down, balance en monthly pay menta, , ACREAQ1B i rooma atnn annara hofiaa. lUBt I poms compietaq, oax rioors, iirtpwnH buffet. Dutch klrnhan all other modern convenience. -101 feet from cox, $100 caan, oaiance monthly payments. i '' Acreage 4000 acres In one body. Platted . Into tracts of one half to 10 acres each, with. completed and trav . aled road along eaofc lot, some lots high, and sightly, some low, black garden land: e there with , running , water; all of the vary best of soil, no rock or gravel and only 40 mlnutea out on either electric or ateem line. See the orchards, berry patches, fardena and satisfied buyera on hla acreage and you will look no further. - Prloea range from Utl to 500 per acre, according to ncatloa and state of Improvement Poyable in monthly InstsJl- THHflHAW-raAK COMPANT. Main IS. 101 4th at A-1100. 67 J : FOR SALE -FAJIM3 ' V if , '' J, 1 . ,"' ' '- - . . (, , ... t 4 - m .'"; . '.,' ,:: ,' . .. .. ... , MIS III IBEI3E bunralowB, conUlnlrtf all wodtrn . cor- I V II I WIMasvasV. 1. Ullin Will Dgi CUIDUiriOtl WWKaw a .-.a. Let us show thorn to you Wore Tpu TTl1,AT. ?,&$AA ... .Afl.ifi arirn nnri.IT iui" AmiA hmiM blocks north of Retd in stitute. K-l4. Journal. FOR SALE HOUSES 61 Corner, 10 minutes from postofflcs, Hawthorne car. 7 rooma. furnace, flre rlane, aelect neighborhood, KOOO; 11000 rash, bslsnre 7 r-r rent. Must 1J PROVIDENT TArESTMENT A TRU3- TKB UUMKAWI. 101-101 Board of Trade bldg., Marshall WANTED Capable fruit man to care for my orchard property at Hood River; party who would be willing af ter Investigation to buy part interest r referred. ream sna en imijjm-u." urniahed. Oood house and barn fine aprlng water in house. An ideal home. Address owner. D-6M, Journal. IRVINQTON A modern and attractive room house on E. 17th. with large living room, amine; room, uuicn aiiuiinii, I bedrooms and sleeping porch, hard wood floora and 1 flreplaeea, full "base ment and furnace.- W00. easy terma. MrAUlater ac Lueddemann, 121 Electrlo bldg. ! The Opening of the Town of Lyle Is the real estate aenaatlon of the year. There are splendid bargains In business and realdenoe lota on graded streets, with cement walka and curbs at prices ranging from 1150 to $760, all Improvements In cluded. Many new buildings are to go up at once. Lyle la more active than any city in the west today. Oat In before the beat lota are gone. Send postal for Illustrated circular, mapa. price list, eta Keasey Humason & Jeffery, Dealers In Land. Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Or. TRUCK PA RMS BERRY AND GARDEN TRACTS SUBURBAN HOMES 1 to C acre tracts lust outalde city limlta. Opening pricea $360 to 1669 per acre; terms 10 per cent cash, balance I ,kd6M- cottage, ah newly refinhyl st ao cure asrtland grow U.I.U.U, "'v?' " i ana grow it must lust so sure wm modern plumbings 10x100 lot .ch'ckJ these matchless small acreage tracts Yin: tk . Vi 2 I increase sieaauy in vaius, PROVIDENT TNVFlSTMirNT 4k TRUS TEE COMPANT. 101. 101 Board of Trade Dlig. Marshall 471. A-1021. 11760; 160 cash, 115 par month. Owner, 811 Jewia riqg. FOR BALE LOTS 16 If you are In the market for a nice 1 to 5 acre tract Just at the aateway to the city of Portland, do not fall to look over Webater Acres, J. O. EL.ROD. OWNER 611-610 Corbett bldg, Portland, Oregon SOUTH PORTLAND BARGAIN. Right on macadam road, 60x126. near Jonea' lumber mill. United Railway trackage; lot facea two streets. I need the money and will aell this property cheap. If interested address Owner, E-665, ournal. CHOICE RESIDENCE LOTS FOR SALK CORNER LOTS 60xl FEKT 11450 INSIDE LOTS 60x63 FEET 11250 CORNER LOTS 60x100 FEET l60 INalDE LOTS .60x100 FEET USOU Dn Vlaat Wvmmlt and HA at. north. Ifi Darch addition. Near two carllnea, with in eaay walking distance. Not suburban property. Call and ace me and get terma at ornce on grounds, any uy. WM. T. DARCH. Owner. QUARTER acre tracta for $325; onlyTo 10 Acres $50 Per Acfe Ten dollars down, five dollars per month, t per cent. Land laya level and plenty of good spring water, 26 miles from Portland. 1 V miles from railroad. This la the very best garden or fruit land. He this at once If you want a snap; must sell Call 640 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Phone Main 7147. II acres1, It scree cleared, I acres slashed; located 12 miles south of Portland. mile from a good country town, . mile from school and church. Price $4500: $1000 cash, balance time to ault at 7 per cent 40 acres, I acres-cleared, 10 acres slashed. 7 acres fir timber; soli valley loam and level, fences fair. H mile of city limits of sn up to date country town. 1 mile from school and obtirch, running water and well on place. Price $3000; $1000 cash, balance to ault at 7 per cant 10 acres; II miles from Portland, end In the heart of the beet developed fruit and farming aectlnn In Oregon, within 1 mile of tne largest canneries, evap orating and packing plants In the state; hss a fair f room cottage, a nice new well built bam, aeveral good chicken bouaea and yarda, 5 acres bearing ap ples, some cherries and pears, II acres sot to young applea and ahout 2 acres aeeded to clover. Price $4000; $3000 cash, balance I yeara. "FOR SALE-FARMH -17 3II1I1I11I1II81IIBI! 'OREGON AMD WASH IHGTOH FARMS B $700010 acres on Cowllta river. 8 r) 1 miles from R. R. station, boat K 8 landing on place, all bottom land, S K no overflow; 16 acres In culOva- 8 8 tion. all aeeded to hay. I good 8 8 orchards, new 1H atory 7 room H 8 house, 1 barna, other outbuildings, 8 8 good well, very best of bottom land, H b an crops and farm machinery go 8 with place: give cood terms. H 8 8 $150010 acres 11 miles west of 8 8 Portland, I acres in fine state of fl EXCHANGE REAJL ESTATE C I TRADES Following la a lut of property I own myself and will trade aQ or part of It for anything of value: itv acrea wheat lanfl ih mum rrem . U. Arlington. H mile from R. ere. x lilts frlce $10 10 acrea. 6 mlfce from Newport 10 acres cultivation, tl bearing fruit trees. on county rood, $J acre. Peters Realty Co., 15 N. 5th' st Main 4277 or A-77!!0. I HAVE a client that haa I acrea iW miles from Council Crest in line with j Price $400 per acre to trade for a good noma wortn me same money or a lime more. Oeo. N. Kckler, 127 Board, of i run.. Ill Board of Trade. minutes' car rider. He beautiful; water piped to each tract; Ideal for a borne or I ROOM house, 2 story, strictly mod ern, furnished;' fixtures, dhades, gas. linoleum in Have You $2100? v BIO SNAP. Two new modern hunnlnw. Hawthorne ave.. one will sell at 11100, the other at 12100: owner ecttltng In near ras. range, iinoiauni m " rnortB-aa-e tathroom; ehade trees' shrubbery and "1rol,ue1 roeea; eaat and south front corasr lot J40n0 on l Ith and Wyg.nt 1 block from Al- f;40oneono ceria car, ouw caan, Phora C-1B. Owner E. 8th St, 4 room modern house, lot II l-8 . ItO on East Ith St., vicinity East Burnslde, Price $4460. for particulars J. J. OEDER. . , Corner Grand av.. and Et Ankeny. SifiO Down. $15 a Month I rooms, block from carllne, nice lot Best Buy in roruana. Price $1500 See owner. II 10th near Stsrk. . WHf PAT RENT 7 " We will sell you a home and you can pay for It on easy monthly payments. Our houses Include furnsoe, fixtures, hardwood floora, tinting, shadea. etc r'rovldent Inveatment h Truatee Co., 01, 101 Board of Trade. Owners, $1750 $100 Down S roorh new buniralow. bath, toilet, wired, piped for furnace, full cement eastern Ores-on wires to aell hnth f.-r kitchen arid 00 tn 2000 h. balance assume ' . mnrtnr. V.. ....... I ' m n n n n . . wi. iiiuol Hive .vvu caan se calling; you can clean up ima in a verv snort limn Thi. of the unusual windfalls vnn may have looked for for a long time. Portland-Pacific Investment Co.. 411 Railway Exchange, Marshall 2761, or jsonr mi, $5500, Special Bargain Thia Is a strictly modern I room house with hardwood floora downstairs, furnace, fireplace; combination fixtures, wash trays, full basement; near 21th and Clackamas. Holladay Park addi tion. Now completely furnished, and will throw In furniture if taken at once. Eaay terma to right parties. McCr-gar. Bates aV Lively, 101 Teon bldg. VIEW HOME. $1200. COUNCIL CREST HEIGHTS. Full lot. bearing fruit lawn, neat cottage, convenient to ear and auto mobile drive: lot alone should ha basement, lot 60x100. eaay monthly '"ur" ,n"".Pr,cj owner leaving. .,.vnm. 2M Commercial blk. P"0" ""may; .ouv casn. Daiance montn- . V.: t szz ly at i per cent. From wide front SAVE commission and buy from owner porcn tn, olty; river Vancouver. Ore- a, new uu..hiuw, " "'" rr"ti gon city ana mounum peeks are In hot and cold water; 40x100 lot. H block VJ)!W. Ac, now ,f interested. 711 . V. I.' A III!..' I. A . I M A I l.r 1 1 1 (J 1 1 L 1 1 . in l in nr., RIAVII IIVUB, WVUVll of Mt. Scott csr. Main street. Lents. 10 ROOM HOUSE $4600. Modern, corner 100x100, close In; flre- rlace. full basement, attic, fruit; beau Ifiil place; $1200 down. 207 Rothchlld Mdg., 4th and Washington streets. Phone Main 2407. BTAUTIFUL New 7 room house, Juat completed; choice lot east front, on street only I oiochs 10 car. trice 14U0. ir you Want a mnA IiAWIA lhMn ifnn'. all ROSE CITY PARK see this at one. HOMES We can give you splendid EVELYN BEAI.TV rn value In bungalows and houses In this I Half Block East of Grav's Croaalna-. LnAeBWenc W Uomf 680 lP Take Mt, 8cott Car, 1st and Alder. 6000 on easy terms. McAllister ft " ' . . r . . ueddemann, 921 Electric bldf. BuriBijjn, a Deautirui e room ' 1 - j x j i I nmiaa An TT. 9Tth a.iaa. ama ku.1. Juat finished laVt wsek. elegant 7 S.'Va S. ,nNewy,mSVn00.n room bungalow In Rosamere. modern JCw.rtJia? a?irartf ,m!lrn.Jn In every detail: lot Ilea hlah. has fir !Xry Aa-r"cu.'.arL "rctlv. ,P",d n1 atTabor MI,0M " Phn ""'l SSrlt PI I BOUT HO" . MArn Bite's 1ava.-vl n er e.A.n, . wa e-7VfiiB I"" V II. VCIIIQIII. VI 1 IIAJ.J 1 1 . . . I Muur.niY ruwm uiiwiow.i juat cum- oasement ana rurnaoe, Hlrdeeye maple plated, within half a block of the floora. Thla property Is a bargain at cari C.'.'V b bou,rhuo.0.a.d(wn J11; th? r,oe- McAllister & Lueddemann. ance $20 per month. 201-202 Board of 921 Electric bldg. V,l4a- For Sale $3250 10 arro. on main rnnntv ernaa mada Investment. This property Is In 11ns for one mile to R. R. station and one mile fast aeveiopmeni. ana orrers an cxce!: to mills and stores, two, miles to gooa lant Aniwirfunllv foe Investment aa Well I .nwn nar ahAAl m rr-rm m tK. rn. A f(n..t as an Ideal horns; $26 down and $5 a soil in Willamette valley. Part In cul- montn. m . k. uee. ii uirpnu pmg. tivation, oaiance gooa timoer. uan oe no r to II it. I handled for only $600 caah and $J7i pO UUWIli 40 a IVIUIUM per year, Dn,.. na ln.a In TtaxeldelL Inalda eltv I ii'w. .a.r i-r a.riina and n ml Six I acre tracts, only $760 each. Hood electric now building right by thia achool and church on the property, close nronerty. Price 1140 up. upen eunaay, i rv. xv riujr, WEBB, 414 E. Stark, cor. E. th. Five hundred acres adjoining set to apvtoa. rrupeny un main uviiin iubu and aoll the finest. Terms I860 casn. n . 1 II AA . f ft . Vxm-. I 1U la II I iuu l.oi nrn .... a. a i , mi, a a a T-iiur iu ain a Miirai,-, 1 . . . . . . . . . n ao ia""i ' v " ... . . . in unnrv hintr Main xzui A-lu. Thia la view nrooertv and rlneat or ZZ '- garden soli, no oetter orrenns; on i" market. O. w euo ni n,aiai u.. 414 E. Stark st CITY lot. 6 mlnutea fro nr carllne, 10 fruit trees. SplUenberys and Kings; viexf 01 moumainB anu .umiii"i. i IKEA Mir terms. 201-202 Board of Trade bldg. ' WOODSTOCK! WOODSTOCK! WOODSTOCK! A efri hualneaa corner, close to school. tKft- term. A anod buy. Fred W. Oerman SIR Burnslde. Main or A-1776. THREE 60x100 lota, corner. In fruit 2 blocks w. w. car,; improvements a i In and paid for, part terma; will sell for 1200 a lot less man ma.ra.av iv. See owner, mi l,bwib diok- Why Not Buy a Sunset Poultry Farm? 5 AND 10 ACRE8 160 TO $75 PER ACRE On easy terms, 1 H miles from Oakland, the poultry center of Oregon. For full Information call or write the SUNSET LAND A POULTRY CO.. 108 Spalding bldg. Main 1690. Acreage Close to Portland and close to electric -.1, '..--. .ntnnal ma tn sell mv etauon. an nigniy in.prc.vea ana ins GOOD reasons compel ms to sen M ,v f ,, yoct.ttA luBt -.-h, h gh grade corner io m ..nWr. - , k . - M fj.-nm .,5lj tj 1300 per acre on very easy terms, aiany customers ws would be glad to refer spot caah and dirt cheap. nai. CHOICE building lota 60x100. with city vou to. water, on good carllne; $400; nothing WILLAMETTE VALLET DKVELOP down. 110 per month. Inquire for MM MENT CO.. Leonard. 14 4th st. Columbia Trust Co. phone Marshall 2435. 904 Teon bldg. Dandy Little Ranch Homes Cheap 26 acres 2 acres under cultivation. 15 acres more slashed snd easily cleared, considerable cord wood, rood well and spring of fine water, young orchard, about 1600 berry plants, 4 room house, small barn, etc., close to good school, 2 miles from good town on Columbia river. Price only $2650. 20 acres 2 acrea under cultivation, aome good timber, good soli, la,nd lays level living water and well, young or chard, 4 room house, small barn, etc., 1 mile from country town b mwea rrom this city. Price $2200. Terms. 13 acres all fine level land. 4 acres under cultlvalon. balance In fine pas ture, good well. 4 room house, barn 24x 36, chicken houses, etc., 4 mile from church and rraded school, mllo from good store, and SVi miles from Vancou ver. Good team, wagon, narness, nactc buggy, plowa, cultivators and all small tools, etc.; 2 good cows. Price $2500, $1600 cash. 15 acres All fine land, 12 acrea un der cultivation balance In good pasture. Young orchard, new story and half 6 room house, new barn 40x62, and all necessary out buildings, well and good spring, lVs miles from good country town and driving distance from 'city. Price only $2200; terms. This Is a snap. 13 acres 1 acrea under cultivation. being fine onion and garden land, more lana easily Clearea. consiaeraDie cora wood. 1 acres under fence. No buildings, SU. miles from country town and 12 'A miles from city. Only 11750, $760 cash, balance 10 years Is desired. A money maker. See thts. 40 acres Small patch cleared, balanco in fine pasture, timber all cut off ex cept enough for firewood, fenced and cross fenced, 4 room rustic house, with fireplace, large barn and necessary out buildings, mririy iruu ireea, Kounuanoa of living water, 2 mllea from country town and 10 miles out, only 12760. $1360 cash, balance to suit. Ideal stock ranch. Only a few of our many good buys. We have all slse ranches and our automo bles and salesmen are at your command. Thompson & Swan Ith'end Main Sts. Vancouver, Wash. 8 cultivation, all aaeded to hay. aome 81 2 .TC.,.'1 'il, P 21224.41 ACRK8 deeded land. 40 acrei nit. S church and AoVe- an aTl house "large H I d'r cultivation, balance sagebrush; H barn Twortfi 1500 2 iood 8 UP w"!r r,nt. through Mace. 8 coSE soin chicken, vei' v bent of J j Located In Idaho alfalfa district, to 8 ZrtfttoMuTir "ash 8 " 'Z'&tffirl&tet ' h Liiiiu i i.i.,.,. i ..... .ni h " Geo. N. Eckler. 837 Board of . . , , - Trade. 8 124 acres 1 miles from Eats- 8 8 cada electric car, 29 miles from 8 S Portland, lo acres In fine state of 8 8 cultivation, 10 acrea apple orchard, 8 8 small fruits, water piped to house 8 8 and barn from spring, new 6 room 8 S bungalow, large frame bam 60xNO. 8 8 soms timber, balance very easily 8 8 cleared, personal property to go 8 8 with place, fine tram, wagon, har- 8 8 ticm, several head of cattle, chick- 8 8 ens. hogs, sheep, all farm lmple- K 8 merits ana cropa. Very heat of soli. S 8 Thia la one of the beat buys on 8 S the market, guaranteed as adver- 8 8 Used. Price only $70 per acre, 8i $10,000 EQUITY In $15,000 business property on east side to exchange for farm land. L-684, Journal. $lA6(T?rm mortgage for rooming house, hotel or other business; principals only. 323 Allsky, Id and Morrison. WK handle trades In real estate any where. 808 Board of Trade bldg. I WILL buy. sell or trads anything.' H. F. Lee. 1016 Board of Trade bldg. GOOD FARMS 25 MILES PORTLAND. ONLY $82.50 PER ACRE. READ CAREFULLY. BUSINESS corner for sale next to Or- Jo ACRES West of Council Crest: ex ..nil Lumber ft Fuel CO., 4lst ana I rllnt ear' anrvlce: over 1300 ft., fao- Barr road. $600 will handle aame. Phone ng on crushed rock road; fine view; J East 4285, : lies beautiful; big value at $1000 an mnnka . P1,it,v..,on. not - foot . acre, if you are ooKing ror vma ivo. finest of soil, some nome. tnis is one oc me iineai 10 do had around Portland, one intra casn. . .. m,-. T,. Tritl.tnn I long lime jon naiance, a per turn inwiagu GREAT many fine,, lots, Irvlngton , looklne- for a arand olace. all prices. m : ii. n , t - now Th oH on. tn. beat automobile roads around Portland. M. E. Lee, 811 Corbett bldg, WANTED REAL EST ATS 31 WANTED Lot as payment on tsw, modern bungalow. 60x100 lot. Close In. $2850. Melklejohn ft Pond, owners. 405 E. Morrison. Both phones. WANTED To exchange 10 acres of commercial apple orchard tn famous Hood River dlatrlct for unincumbered property of equal value In Portland. Addrewa owner. C-489, Journal. MODERN 8 room house, two blocks from Rell wood line. Improved grounds 100x100, value $6000, for sale or trade for timber or unimproved In aide property. Addreaa A-481, Journal. WILL exchange ""city property with building contractor for flat or house, Tabor 151)0, I WANT to trade my $2600 bungalow for lota or a'-roage. If your price ta right . 8 terms i caah. balance mortgage o we can go uusiness qtncK. z-84. journal n on place, iniereai a pur cuni. o 8 Would consider psrt In exchange 8 8 for Portland property. B 8 $9000 172 acres in Benton coun- 8 8 ty. mile from R. R. town, U 8 8 mile from school and ohurc.h, 75 8 8 acrea in fine state of cultivation. S 8 free from stumps, 40 acres fine 8 8 timber. 76 acres creek bottom, well, 8 8 creek and springs, family orchard, 8 8 65 acrea seeded to fall grain, all 8 8 fenced. Hi story 7 room frame 8 8 house, barn 36x60, personal prop- 8 8 erty to go with place 4 horses, 8 8 S milch cows. 6 heifers. 2 doxen 8 8 chickens, 6 stsnds bees, farm wa- 8 8 gon, spring wagon, 20 tons bay, 8 8 Cream separator, all farm machln- 8 8 ery, household goods, very best of 8 8 soil. Terms $3600. exchange for S 8 Portland property. $1000 cash, bal- B 8 ance mortgage on farm. H 8 8 8 $6000 7 V acres on Cowllta rlv- 8 8 er, 3 miles from good town, pop- 8 8 illation 1600. on main line of N. 8 8 P., also boat landing, 26 acrea In 8 8 cultivation, S acres slashed snd 8 8 seeded, some timber. 2 acres bear- 8 8 lng orchard, small fruits, well and 8 S creek, 10 acres to timothy and clo- 8 8 ver, fenced, rails and wire, IV 8 8 story 6 room houae, barn 60x60, 8 8 other outbuildings, all farm lmple- 8 8 plements, mower and rake, plows, 8 8 harrow, all small tools, on good S 8 road, one mile to high achool and S 8 church, no better soil, terms $2000 8 8 cash, bslance 6 years 6 per cent. 8 S 8 8 $2000 160 acres on Cowllta liver, 8 8 4 mllea from good town, on main 8 S line of N. P. It. R. and boat land- 8 8 lng, i mile from high school and S 8 church, 6 acres in cultivation, good 8 8 family orchard, small fruit a, creek, 8 8 well and springs, 100 acres fenced 8 8 with 3 wires and aeeded to timothv, 8 8 orchard and blue grass, and la half 8 8 knee high. now. An ideal dairy or 8 8 stock farm, all tillable. 6 room 8 8 house, barn 40x60, fruit house, Other 8 S outbuildings, good location, good 8 S roads, very best of soil, give terms. 8 8 8 EQUITIES bought; mortgage contracts city and suburban property. Room I, 221 H Morrison street. ONE to three acres on river, between Portland Journal and Oregon City. T-687, WILL accept good lot first payment on strictly modern 6 room bungalow. Phone owner -Hansen. Main 1200. WILL take some city lots and caah for . 40 acrea near Hood River. 0-6I7. Journal. FIVE room bunvalow. Rose City Park or Vernon. 420 Swetland bldg. GOOD chicken ranch.' close to city. De scrlbe in full. 0-691. Journal. ROOMING HOUSES FOR SALR 03 R 8 206 Gerllnger bldg., corner 2d and 8 8 Alder. Office, Main 8430, Res.. 8 8 East 1798. 8 8SS8BSSSSSSSS8SSS8S Best Offer Within Next 6 Days Takes Portland Rooming House Co. Hotels, Apartment Houses, Rooming Houses. 411 Henry bldg. Phone Marshall 114. Elegant Little Hotel , 19 rooms, running water, modern, beautifully furnished, close In, long lease st 1100 a month: this la a dsndy house and 11600 puta you In possession. , 14 Rooms, Housekeeping A completely furnished house, very close In, rent 160, alwaya full, clears 180 per month; everything le good and clean. A good buv for $1100. 9 Rooms. Housekeeping, rent $40. nice yard, house well furnished; will pay all ex penses and give tidy Income; price $760; terms. Cheap Rent 16 rooms, 2 year lease at 110. com pletely furnished for housekeeping; this house gives a big Income; $600 cash PORTLAND ROOMING HOUSE CO, . 411 Henry bldg. : cufiPPKT lot In Overlook., aave $200 for a snort lime oiny. v. mi tauui. Phone Main 3817. agents. W. H. Herdman. FOR SALi: Fine lot. 60x80. with alley; 1 room house and wood shed; $775 for quick sale. 846 East Sumner N. FOR SALE FARMS 17 ACREAGE fONnENlAL neighbors wanted; fruit land, beautiful scenio surrounums". rfo.n mnnnialni. boating, ilsnlng; .ir a.iantrl Una. one hour's ride from Portland. Am improving 40 acres for mv own home: want congenial neigh- bora on remaining acreage: will sell In 1 tn in acre tracta. If vou want an Ideal location for permanent or summe-H home, this is your opportunity. i better land in Oregon. For further par- : tlculars, address owner, u-bbo, joumai. MIME PER 10 Acres Jolng the Oregon Nursery Co. s Im mense nursery at Orenco, on the Oregon trwiric- verv finest deen soil. In high state of cultivation, beautiful view, low price, easy terms. m. WILLAME7TTK VALLUl MENT CO.. Phone Marshnll 2436. 904 Teon bldir. 01 E ASY TEM Rich Land Beautiful Home Irvlngton. East 2i3. C-1861. AGENTS. W. H. Hrrdmnn THREE" BEST FOR PRICE) IN CITY inoaern nouse, seven rooms lot 60x 100. well located, near car. 'lmnrnv.d iara room, rina , ... , . i ' - - cholceat location S.1"' "onlJr lru,V 0. 9 rooms, ' large billiard room, fine Iinian oan, ioi ioxiuc, cnoicesi incinon i T.rm, NO BUILT TO BUIT YOUR PURSE. ' If you have lot and little cash, will build and loan balance. . A C. FURLONG. CONTRACTOR. 883 Chamber of Commerce. Main 2061 Bungalow, atx rooms, lot 60x100; fruit, flowers, gas, electric Hghta. $2100. Terms. Improved, lot 80x100, graded street. nnai car. pou. terms. . I ROOM 11, 167 OAK ST aaa tromwr or voinmerca. main ivvi. i 1 '. " MODERN 7 room house and bath, fur-' FO ,SYS bJ nana flranl.a and aleanlna-. unh! r1 OSUtO business in live town near room finished in attic; best bf nelihborl SLM" J-"1 hoods, on west side., felx minutes' walk-liJnJ.Tl lng distance. O-BP0. Journal. -: . A Snap m . ji - i.i. ra-ti. . vv..- it m.uA tv emu v r!.lT"" raTO'ranou""' w et "tsrted right in --rowing, thrifty price $3860; easy terms. F. I. Mltchel- community, addreaa C-488. Journal, tree, Anabel Station. Phone Tabor 210. 1 ' . Stop Paying Rent FOR SALE 8 room modern houae, ninea ror ras. e ectricity ana rurnace .-t.. ln$&?itlUb&Tl W,V' Paro'hsOxlOS lot 2r . Fnone wlth 12 foot a)ley , rea north front ?wbi7 - ,i i s -r !15.Per. month and Interest Price MUST sell at once. a. 6 room modern $8600. Located on Fargo street, half bungalow on E..12th and Alberta sts.; block frbm car line. Inquire Frank Bol a nanism; .you awi nui auuiicavo, rnona i jam. owner, izb sra Street. Phones owner, wooamwn tuvv. " THIS PAYS 13 PER CENT. Snap 2 story business building, pays I to the M.-V, carv near school, stores, $628 yearly. Price $4000. 207 Roth- churches; v beautiful lot 100x106 10 ft. cnlio otag. . fnone jaam jtiw. $600. Terms Bmalt house. 60x100 lot, woodshed. 114 Price $2000; $300 cash, balance to suit alley. 16 bearing fruit trees, lots of oerries, rine garden, chicken house, etc.: owner will sacrifice for quick sale. Commercial blk. and lot, UITY In good 6-room house will sell or trade for anything of value; the balance like rent. TE. John . st., Et. jonns, ur. II FOR BALE by owner, 6-room bunga - lew, close In, On . car - line; pared streets: $3000, easy terms. Phone East 1817. 1 , . 4 ROOM' modern bungalow, street !m provements In and paid; a bargain for $1126; easy -terms. . Address 161 Id st Main 6730, JTBEAtJtlFUL 50U. Z0 6 room home 11500: monthly. I room bungalow 13000: 1300. 120 monthly, , Phone Wood lawn .799. or 1710 '- . . .. A ... . J.. House and lot. $725, $175 cash,' rest terms. Phone Woodlawn 1044. FIVE room modern cottare, furnished, rarden. fenced. 11750 terms. Owner. 70th st B. B.. Mt Scott line. 12100 i room new house, ' Montavllla; : reasonable terms. Parker, 601 Corbett bid g. ' ' FOR SALE 7 room bungalow, price $4200; terms. W-691, Journal, .' vou Cowing & Purcell. 607 Spalding Bldg. , CONTRACTORS. ATTENTION "" wanted to let contrect for building modern hotel In country town near Port land to party who would be willing to take desirable piece 04 property as part payment Exceptional opportunity for energetic man in this community as new town just starred and many other build- !?!?'. In5,ulBf ttor 00n 40 uilt C-680, Journal. $l6 Monthly.' " - 1 Bawthorne Distrlot T rooms and den, sleeping porch, flre- lace, furnace, gas and electrlo fixtures, uilt In buffet and bookcases, mirrer, eta Cash $400. TV NATIONAL REALTY "-TRtTHT CO., Ill V Wash, st, room 118. Phone-Main Going Away My two lots. 80x116, corner 42d st and 57th ave.; 9 room house, tenthouse, barn, chicken park, fine shade, $400 cash, balance terms, $110.' Call Tabor 10 before 7:10 o'clock, , . .. LOW PRICES EASY TERMS Richest black loam soli In Tualtin. on main county road, near electric Una and only 12 miles from Portltfnd; all ready for this year's crop; any else tract, on your own terms. PACIFIC N. W. DEVELOPMENT CO, 405 COUCh Dlfl"' CHICKEN' and fruit ranches near Port land. walking distance to good town, running water, best soil, free wodd, splendid fruit district, view of Colum bia river and snow peaks, 2 acres $260; 1 acres $100; 10 acrea $600; 10 per cent caah, easy payments, other tracts near railway station $26 to $40 per acre, FRANK M'FARLAND REALTY CCs. . 809 Teon bldg.. Portland. X MTTST sell my 6 acre traot, near North Plains, finest land In Oregon; leaving on acoount of Ill-health, $250 down, balance on terms. M-505, Journal. 5 Cent Fare One acre, new 6 room house, all f dumbed, full cement basement '4 acre n strawberries and raspberries, good barn and chicken house. $2600; $500 cash, balance yearly or monthly. 214 Commercial blk. 8H acres, under cultivation, spring piped to house, 8 mncs rrom courtnousn, on ;ood county road, 10 minutes' walk from o fare on' the west side, price , only I5B00. u-eus, journal. FIVE or 10 acres of cleared, level, rich . land: good for fruit garden and chickens; mile from depot, and will be near new eieciric hub, uiun to ujk mar ket. $50 per acre, easy terma. Owner, I0H cnamoer oi commerce. In tracts to suit. 10. 10 or 40 acres. some pieces all In high state of culti vation, with buildings, stock ana im plements and other nlecea partially cleared; all have aeveral acres under plow, all clear soli, and lays fine. Near school, phone R. F. D., good roads, from ii to 6 miles from town. Near school." phone, R. F. D., good roads, from 3 to 6 miles from town. We have 20 acres with 1-year-old or chard on part $76 per acre. 80 acres with about 10 bearing apple trees, 1 acres In clover, more ready to plow, at $65 per acre, on any terma you want 1 places of 16 acres each, nicely Im proved, well located, bouse and barn, water piped, and can be made the finest kind or homes and money makers; only $2000 for either place; terms. We have others, also large dairy farms. Call at either of our offices. WAHHOTTGAT. DAIRY ft LJtND CO.. Washougal, Box 10. Wash., or 106 Wash. st, Vancouver, Clarke uo. .wean. "See the Big Squash." of waste, levo). finest of soil, some beaverdam, belonging to an Indian. He wants money. Will take $6500 for the whole business. Here Is one of the old time opportunities. My fine 85 acre place, all In a high state of cultivation except 3 acres of pasture, all fenced and cross fenced, fine creek and trout stream, on main county road, close to school. 2Vs miles to Pacific university, mile to S. P. R. R., town, stores, etc.; on R. F. D. end phone in house, 2 acres in fine assorted variety of family orchard In full bear ing and 3 acres of S-year-old Spltzen berg. Newtown Pippin and Baldwins, all in finest of shape. 7 acres of choicest 4 no acrea 200 acrea bottom land 40 un- black aoll for onion land; place lies land paeture, balance bench land, j nko0n. P)a? 11inln ?" nearly .11 . tillable when cleared, has an 8 room houae .In fair ' fhape barn Price 112.60 per acre, on easy terms, i -'""'. ...v... Will probabry put In a bSnch of W. f . Thla place la a money maker stock. PThls property baa been owned 'rm th"trti 1 ho,me " Plftc n . maM fan d-flSL Will UUUUIO in V1U Wlinin wii. ilia... vaia - ... for ahnut 8n veara bv you beat It 7 This Is right on river and only 26 miles from Portland by aectlon line. 66 eeres, 40 tn cultivation, new cottage, large barn, spring at houae, right on river, eery bit genuine sandy loam bottom land, fenced and crosa fenced. In fine neighborhood. Be lieve us. reader, thla is the best bargain In three states, 14800, In cluding one third crop. Don't sleep on this, for It won't last Whoa! Back up. turn around and read this over again. ' KEAPEY. HUMASON JEFFREY, 232 Chamber of Commerce. next three years. street. See owner at 210 Oak DAIRY 10 ACRES. 10 acres all In full bearing fruit that will yield $1000 worth of fruit this year; five blocks from car line and food country town. Tfhis is. 13 miles rom Second and Stark streets, city;, faces on two main county roads; house on every ten acres adjoining this. Ad joining land Is selling for $360 to $400 per acre, all around this. Price $2100; $660 caah, $260 in six months. Balance 8 years at 6 and 7 ner cent CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY 619-20-21 Railway Exchange. Fourth and Stark. 38 ACRES, deep black soil, U cleared, balance in pasture, and timber, run ning water, level, close to school, church, store, etc. Thickly settled neighborhood, near electric carline, a very desirable close-in suburban prop erty st the special low price of $125 per acre, or will sell half for $130 per acre; good reasonable terma. Call phone or write us today. J. W. HEFFERLIN REALTY CO, 203 Corbett bldg., both phones. BEAUTIFUL river front tracts on the Willamette river: 18 miles rrom port- land: boat landing- on the place: Ideal fort villa homes and investments. Terms $50 down and balance to suit you.' M. E. Lee, 811 Corbett bldg. I, 2. IS AND 10 ACRE tracts, close In. '' good electrlo car service, 1100 to 1250 per acre, big valuea, easy terms. J. W. Hefferlln Realty Co., 201 Corbett bldg.. potn pnones. FOUR acres, on the west side; 6 cent - fare; fine view: macadamised road; Ideal for chicken business. Price only 1600 'an acre. 'Owner would exchange for house and lot M. E. Lee. 811 Cor- bett bldg J. 1-1 acres New room bouse, good v well, 4 blocks from . car, $3500, 1100 down, balance to suit S. Felghnar 4k Co., 191 Morrison st. CALK or exchange, acreage In Willam- ette valley, terms, owner, M ll 1044. 6H ACRES. Q79 acrea n.1 1 in uuiuvnituiii . kuic. In strawberries, some small fruit . and young orchard.; new 6 room house, large chicken house and pens: good wl. This tract Is 12 mites from Second and Stark streets Portland. SOc car fare, 1 b)ock from electric station; lots within two blocks of this are selling for $280 ccr lot. Price $2000: half cash: terms on balance. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY 619-20-21 Railway Exchange. Fourth and Stark. 40 ACRES $4000 $1000 CASH. 10 acres In crop, hay. good barn, plen ty of good water, on good gravel road, 2H milea electrlo line, mile from R. R. station, K mile school and church lj miles from small town, good store, R. F. D. and telephone. 16 miles from court house, Portland, fenced and cross fenced. 20 acres of tills plaoe is slashed and easy to clear, makes good pasture; soil Is A-l sandy loam with clay aubstoll, land lies level and is well drained. 40 ACRES $4600 $2000 CASH. This Is well Improved place and good dairy farm: mile from school, church and store, plenty of good running water. 20 ACRES $600 CASH. On good gravel road, 10 acres slashed, dairy farm; H mile from school, church y. mile from R. R.- station. tVt miles electric line. J. B. ATKINSON 8-Line Vancouver Wash 3-Line Opposite P. O- 401 wasn. st. ' 6 ACRES $700. 6 acres all good level soil; 3 acres In high state of cultivation; balance easily cleared; this tract faces on main county road, R. F. D. and telephone line and in a thickly settled neighborhood. This Is a snap and you will buy it. $280 cash will handle ft Juat 16 miles from Portland; 2 mllea from electrlo station. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY 619-C0-21 Railway Exchange. r uunn ana Biara, 32 Rooms AH housekeeping, brick building. clears $160 per month; $600 will handle. 40 Rooms Center of city, good lesse, rent 1115. clears 1200 per month, $2700, terms to suit 16 Rooms . ... Good furniture, 2 years' lease, rent $50. $400 puts you in possession. 32 Rooms . New brick hotel just furnished, hot ' snd cold water in every room, clears $200 per month: $1760 required. ' CONSOLIDATED REALTY CO. 110 Henry Bldg. Cor. 4th and Oak Bt CLOSING OUT ALE. T" . 14 rooms nice furniture, furnaoe heat all outside rooms, neat of location, and $400 puts you 1n possession. 28 rooms, all housekeeping and always full; Income $100 per month above ex penses; owner getting old and want a to retire. (!) 20 rooms, full of regular roomers. Thio ls a money maker. To see thts la to buy. (1) 10 rooms, alwaya full, I year lease, rent $20, and this makes your wife pin money every week besides your own:, rooms. J. E. NICHOLS CO, 615 Yeon bldg. 'V 65 BOOMS, transient $4600; $2000 down; 18 rooms, housekeeping, 1600 downj' lease. 13 rooma, housekeeping, $980; $460 down. ' 23 rooms, trade for acreage. 1 7 rooms, housekeeping, olose In. $1260; -$400 down. .... Have you one you want to sell? If your price Is right we can sell It Ber- : ry Realty Co, 249 4th st Marshall; 2828. A-4718. ' 20 ROOMS 20 ' ! Best transient house in city, 8 years" lease, clearing $190 monthly. Prloe. $1200, $500 will handle. New corner-, brick. PETERS. IS N. 8th Street. 60 ACRES, 20 cleared, fruit, buildings. trout stream lltinn- trade, nr ma' farm and acreage, homes, various car- 1 n.ll . . .a wr . mica. .mi, ii pays. .a Worcester. FOR RENT FARMS 14 FOR RENT 70 acres, partly Improved, ensh or share, close to the city. F. M. "hsnce. Main 6478. . 1 SI .ACRES PER- 40 In cultivation. 1 sets of buildings, team, several cows, some chickens, wagon, plow, harrow and other ma chinery necessary; lot of-tools. More land easy to clear and some fine saw timber on part. It's well lo cated and farms on all sldea are selling for more money than we ask for this. If you want a real farm, cheap, come and see us at once. We have other good farms for dairy or fruit WASHOUGAL. DAIRY ft LAND .CO, Washougal, Wash, Box 10, Or 100 Wash, st., Vancouver, Clarke . -. County. Wash. n lf!BKS 12000. ' nn anraa: 12 acres In cultttvatlon and In crop; fair 8 room house, small barn, some fruit; good well; 1 horse, 2 doaen chickens, light wagon, 1 plow, 1 set of harness, all kinds of small tools. This is all level and on main county road 15 miles from Portland; 2 miles from car line and in a thickly settled country. Make your own terma, this must be sold by June 1 regardless of price. CO-OPERATIVE REALTY COMPANY 619-20-21 Railway Exchange. Fourth and Stark. $20 an Acre . 140 acrea, unimproved hill land, some good timber; only 2 H miles to R. R. and Columbia river ana is nines to roruana. Near Scanooose; H cash. See Albert Harala, 789 H. Mississippi avenue. Phone Woodlawn 688: HOMESTEADS 47 Free Government Land Homestead, well located, good land, plenty water. Comparatively level. Lo cation charges reasonable. W. J. Cook, 503 Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone Main 4977. HOMESTEADS Located near Portland, first quality of soil, highly, desirable, near R. R. Wheat, alfalfa, fruit, pota toes now growing near by. 'Fine cli mate. Call room 21. 267 Oak st. HOMESTEADS 47 SUMMER home, and small ranch, on eoasf, 10 acres, new house, modern, half rich bottom, land,' balance wooded bills, fine climate, river front view, fine garden, good fishing and crabbing, near town ana R. R.. spring' water. Pas. ture and outrange; price $3600, H cash. gox j60, Toieoo, ur. ACREAGE ON ELECTRIC LINE. We have some fine bargains in 6. 10 and 18 acre tratts along Mt. Hood, O, W. P. and other electric lines. If you want a email farm, see McAllister A Lueddemann, 921 Electrlo bldg. I KNOW where cheap lands, farms for sale. Call see ma. Coet you nothing. Parker, 801 Corbett bldg. :Tsfe'"x,;;v"''- . , CAN locate five good homesteads and 8 timter Claims close to ft. it; re sonable fee. Address C-677, Journal. 9 ROOMS, modern, new house. . fur nished, with good and clean furnish ings; rooms all rented; la located close In. If you want a snap,, see this. Beet offer takes It Must be sold today. No reasonable offer refused. Inquire $8 . iotn, near stark. "Rooming House Owners I have at least 50 trades to put to you with half cash for your rooming house. Come In and see our list. Peters, IS N. 6th St. M-8877 or A-7720 , EXCHANGE- REAL ESTATE 24 WILL accept good lot first payment on strictly modern room bungalow. Phone owner Hansen, Main 1100. WE exchange what you have for 'what you want. PEPER A BAKER. 444 HneriocK oiag., aa una ubk. IF YOU have anything te aell er ex change see us, Northwest Realty Co., 617 woarq o iraoe. cea atr. Morrow. IF you want to sell, buy or trace, see Shoemafcer. 626 and 817 , Henry bloc. Main 4466, A-T434. ' - FIVE room modern .bungalow in no. kane, value $3160; win exchange! for Portland property. K-6 8 6. Journal! THE PACIFIC REALTY CO. Hotels, Rooming and Apartment Houses, REAL ESTATE AND EXCHANGES. , Phone Main 3560, A-1476. 122-24 Falling Bldg., 3d and Wash. Efts. MARY E. LENT, - Portland'a Leading Hotel Broker. ROOMING HOUSE SACRIFICE. Close In on Washington St.; rent less; thsn $5 room; good lease; can easy clear $100 month. If you have $600, and want a good money maker, see this snd make . an offer, as this must be sold by the . 1st Call 88 10th. near Stark. ; v ,27RdDMS 27 - 1 block of postofflce. rent 110, I " fears' lease, gooa . furniture; clears 200 monthly. $500 will handle. PETEK8, is W. oin Btreei. 23 R00MS-23 ' All on one floor, near 8th and Wash. st. clears $200 monthly; Price $1200, Easy terms. Peters, 18 N. 81 h st. EaTSGE- rooming house on Wash,' st, 65 rooms, hot and -eold- water, big paying business. flSOA wll handle oust bees; owner must leave city. Call or address U. B. i-owiea, 40 stn. st. x. 10 ROOM transient house on Wash!". - ton, money-maker. i Rent only i5. Close In snd extra nice and clean, ' re Johnson- Johnson, 18 10fh st. "PORTLAND ROOSUTfOlfiiirWr A 411 Henry bldg Marshall 4. a Hotels, apattment r-1 if houses, bong 'it. sold and xehanr- 1 V. - $455 'KOR BAT'I'3ii"' i. Rooming -houa 1J rnn. M f -nlehed. Call 431 H I-svis 1 10th. i'V A-