The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 31, 1911, Page 18, Image 18

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! )
$370,700 GAIN
Increase of All Exports Over
Those of Same Month Last
Year Is $298,785 Wheat
and Lumber Fall Off.
Total value $117,125
Exports for Mar, 1911.
Wheat. 222. HM bushrls. .2198.187 4
Klour. 105.Sm Varrels . . . 423,202
4 Lumber, .7ST.7G4 fret... 77. SIB
Genersl merchandise.... 2.2n 4
A Tom! value I89M10 4
4 Exports for May. 1910. e)
Wheat. 262.522 bushel. .J22S.J5S 4
Klour. 11.667 barrels ... 6Z.fnz 4
lumber. 7.1 6S.POO feet. . . 98,394 4
General merchandise, 20,474 4
May exports for this year beat those
f last year by $298,786. due to the large
amount of flour shipped during the
month. There u a slight falling off
f wheat and lumber exports, but It
was a very slight dwm for which
ths flour mors than mads up. Thers
war seven vessels clearing for off
hers points during 1 lie month, anme of
which carried combined cargoes of lum
bar, wheat and flour. The vessels sail
ing for foreign ports were:
Tssssls Balling.
May 1 Oer schooner Wllhelmlne,
tendon, 1. $17,000 feet of lumber, $20.
May $ British schooner Vincent,
Qaeenstown. 116,928 bushels of wheat.
May 10 Norwerlan steamer Henrlk
Ibsen, Hongkong and way, 289.668 feet
of lumber, $2696; wheat. 60,000 bushels.
$4$. $30; flour, 48,698 barrels, $198,393;
and general cargo with total value of
May 22 Norwegian steamer Hercules,
Hongkong and way, wheat, 40,000 bush
els, $34,000; 43412 barrels flour, $173.
249; total value, $207,249.
May 26 British steamer Bt. Ronald.
Tientsin and Shanghai, 2,250.000 feet
lumber, $22,600,
May $7 British achooner' Pavld
Evans Osaka, 1,007,09$ feet lumber.
May 27 British steamer Orterlc.
Hongkong. 1,744.105 feet lumber, $17,
440; 16,661 bushels wheat. $16,000; 12.
$90 barrels flour, $51,660; total 'value,
Coastwise Xramber BMpmeuta,
Vessel. Destination. Feet
Ftr. Washington, San Frandsoo. 650,000
nir, iMorimana, Kan Francisco. .
Bk. Amy Turner, San Francisco,
Rtr. Yellowstone, San Pedro
fltr. Casco, Ban Francisco
Shasta, San Pedro
from last month, when over 10,000.000
feet were taken out to California porta.
Jim Butler of I Hum Mnhonrjr Mne
I)ainiiK'(l In t'nlllMiim.
Aberdeen. M,i H Slenmliig down,
the Chrhnlie rlvi-r In -Imse fog early
Sunday rnorrilni; nn1 wlili a Hirong miD
tt,1 Jim Ilutlr-r of Die Olson
A Mnhnncv riort. ('mtnln olxon, crashed j
Into a raft of logs at the West bridge 1
and simtalni-d a.itinc" I" the upper)
works which "Irlny h.-r .leparture 1
for San Frnnrlro f. r -n-v-int The,
brldne wo nlxo HkM!v .l uiinn.-d
I'pon Hearing th hrl'lK. Cap-
tain Olnon who wns "11 I"'' Mgi- the
Hutler. whistled for tho d 1 1 w. Hie rog ,
was so rtence that 1" ' I'i l,ut "'
few feel and conse-iuenllv the hi ib me.
wna prn-enllrig under l w bell Sud
denly the bridge loomed up h'l-'te I1I111
with the ili.iw o!icn. vlt'i ) huitr
rait of logs Jammed nrt'in belli cli.111
land. Balled at $ p. mv steamer Maver
ick, for Portland.
San Pedro. May 8.-r-8lled, steamer
Oeorge W, Elder, for Portland; steamer
Wellesley. for Columbia river.
Falmouth,' May 29. Arrived. French
bark Pierre Antolne, from Portland.
Astoria. Mliy $1. Condition at the
mouth of the river at I a. m , obscured;
wind northwest, 26 miles; weather.
den we fog.
Tides at Astoria Thursdsy High wa
ter. 3:26 a. m., 88 feet; 6:12 p. m., 7.8
feet. Low water, 10 31 a. m., 1.0
fast; 10:64 p. m., 3,7 feet
Josephine Bllyeu Erect two story
rrnme Dwelling. Sllty-t mra avenue be
tween Sar.dy road and HlekJyou; builder.
j. u. iiuyou: izuuu.
L. O. Akin Erect two story frame
dwelling, Maiden avenue betwven Vast
rievenlh and Ninth; builder, a. Alexan
der; $2600.
Dr. W. J. Bagge Repair two story
frame dwellln 461 East Twelfth street
between Csruthers and Division; build
er O. Talllson; $1600.
H. C. Urokaw Erect one story frame
dwelling, M East Thirty-third street
between tllryce avenue ami Shaver;
builder, anme; $100.
1.. Clirlatenaen Erect two story
ft nine dwolllna-. lialalit avenue betweun
Jrcsup and J.irrett; builder, same; $2600.
J Manlorff Krect one story frame
shed. S93 North Twenty-fifth street near
Upshur, builder. M. J. Hundstadt; $2000
J. Murdoi If Repair one story frame
rniilnln Ihdii s.-w lil" d,ini;er
on -r rwriK f'r rull ep e I uxl ri
liile und Ms heHlly Imided w..s.l
t'o nnicli f cir tlir englnen. however,
with Ins wheel larmued haid over
steamer swiinR nrouml. her ulern ranh
InR Into the Miuth apprn.Tch I" th.. diaw.
raking oT tb.- i.ft.-r mm, the Mii"k-
StHi k n:: M-.hH 1! tie I'U't l.e.i.-i t'lirlt .
ih.. I'f, b, it l....e fr"m II .l:i In hi 1
snm-l:lt. lie b..le upper w..iKh K'-b-
erallv t"iip:.i:n i '.yr, sU-i,n!.'d fr ,i
slNt.-iiiee and .1 lui; Hli'i; it Hurrcw-"'
dock n M""i'l' d. pu-nmu her w .1
through Ihe I"hm und i:eitm a line
to the st miner and fur' ee.. d w It h I he id ,
of tho lattrr'H niKKiea. In iiiilllng tli'i,
vessel free t the bridge. I ut not until
ths damage to the simmer h'1 been
done und u peithin of " e old. walk on (
the upjiiT side of the bridge h:i'l be ti (
torn uwiiv- '
The Hutler vnn towe l to the dock "f I
the puiiowm Lumber eompnin .iiil i-,
rangementa were at nnee .iiiile t o re- ,
pMlr t lie duniuge j
A new mast will he Installed by tli-l
Eiidresnan Slilpvards iiimia:iy, while the :
Oiays Harbor Holler wnikt will repair
the Btaek. i'Hptnln Olson exiecla o
get away on his voyage on ThurKday
or Friday at the lau ft
o estimate bun been madc of th"
damage to tlie steamer.
Laden with a cargo of cement and
general frelsht. the ateamer Hhna Yak
In acbeduled to arrive tomorrow from
Han Frunclsco,
Lumber laden for Han Francisco, the
bark Amy Turner will leave down for
the iea tonight In tow of the steamer dwelling, 393 North Twenty-fifth street
h klnhanin I near I'pshur; builder, kimt; $600.
I passengers and freight, the , r - ..reet" Vtw
n,l at Meamer Hit-akwater.. ( aptaln Macgenn. j KM Klghty-eecond and Leebow; bulld-
i M" i mii u-ii una morning lor i.iioa nay. , r , u Wll.ion; $.160.
wis Itepori.H from down the river are to Clyde Peebler Krect one story frame
and, : the cff. ct that a flro broke out In the garnge, Kast Flf ty-auventh atreet belli-
Maiiimoml mill yesterday morning and M'?.'1 Lincoln and (Irant; builders. Post
l.,,, r.r ,i... .,..l,.Ll.. i ..-.'O. "HJ, fiuu
story frame dwelling, East Twenty
foorth street between Holgata and Cora
avenue; builder, same; $1(00.
J. H, Nelson Repair two atorr frame
dwelling. 17 Fremont street Between
Missouri and Michigan; builder, same;
$1000, .
M A. Peel Repair ona story frame.
dwelling East INinin street oeiween
.Stark and Washington; builders). H. L.
C'amn A Co 1100.
W. It. fnes, Kepatr two siory frame
dwelling, 624H Washington street be
tween Seventeenth and Eighteenth;
builder, E. a Angollj $200.
Oeorge I). Bcnam itepair inree siory
frsme stores and rooming house, ttaw
thorne avenne between Union avenue
and East Third; builder. A. E. Kapee;
I) J. neeson Kreot one story iremi
dwelllnr East Forty-fourth street be
tween fllxtv-fourth and Blxty-flfth ave
nues; builder same; $1000, ,
J. C. Marshall Repair one story
frsme dwelling. 449 Benton street Be
tween Dixon and Dupont; Dulioers,
fttokps-Zeller company: $460.
Have You Seen
Situated In tha midst of tha finest
orchard tract In Oregon, with soenery
of unsurpassing grandeur on all sides,
tha town of urtley ana purruununn
country Is bristling with opportunities
for the man with a feir hundred dollars
to Invest. v
2400 Acres
Is being- platted In 5 and 10 acres tracts
...a n- u i) ie li iMTMniivn ADtKH
CERTIFICATES of tlUe made by the
line ss irusi oompany, mwu Bldg.
Lawyers Abstract at Trust Co., capital
$200 000. $ Hoard of Trade bldg.
rassentrer Launch Ioses Proillor,
But Makes Snfe- Laiiiliiig.
While carrying paasenBers between
the Oaka and the Morrlaon street brldirn
yesterday the launch Constitution, be
longing to the Merrill boathouse, broke
her shaft and lost her propeller. She
was put out of commission Just above
the Hawthorne street bridge but man
aged to reach the boathoi:se landing.
Hern tho mill would have been de
!t"ii I . It w;i the loss was cou
nt. c, I piiictuullv to a big $12011 belt.
V :tii a full lift of ; p:ias'iig'ra and
.. in cas. h f rl.-csc. tl r s'eanier Cioblen
'. I 'i'iiiti iinhed eter-
il.: . iil:eiiioni ft, mi Tillamook Uhe
wili Kill a;i,n lotnotrow nlt;hl
bile on an excursion trip to the
Cnsi ailc Links i'Heri!ay tin- Hleamer
ll.illey tlal.ert broke a pitman strap
und is a lesiilt situ Is luld up at the
Willamette Iron Kteel Works today
for repairs She will he ready to go
out on her resular run tomorrow rno-n-iti.-
Harbor Patrol Officer C It (Itlslrn
thin inortilrii; nrresld Cldiidn .Miuuike,
of 1':':- riftiliy Htriel on a churge of
lm iiik stolen propi-rty in his possession
and of having tried to conceal It.
Muiieoke is the father of two boys.
Claude and John Munecke, who are ur
i lined of stenlii.g tht launch Huth be-loni-lin,-
to i hi rles Lohlad. The name of
li e Ilium h wi.s changed to Zcblnh and
Mie was repu lilted.
Due to Arrive.
Sir Hose f'ltv. Sn n IVdro June
Str S-ie II 1 Imme. Tl'lamook. . June
Str Hi eak w atf r. Coos Hay June
St t; . W I-bier S in I ieso. . June
. June
..Tune 7
June II
.June f2
Ptr. Ctolden Gate. Tillamook
Ptr Alliance. Kureka
Ptr Anvil. Handon
Str Heaver. Sun Pedro
Str Itoanoke, Sin Idepo ....
Str. Hear. Kim Pedro
Dtie to Depart.
Ptr. Roanoke San Mri.o ....
'Str. Hob'en Oale. Tlllanionk
, Str Pear. San Pedro
John Ivy Repair ono story frame
dwelling. 845 Greenwood avenue between
Oladstone and Cora; bultrlers. Post At
Way: ( I itOO.
.1 I' Low thaln - Erect one story frame
dwelling. 164 Kast Tayjor street be-twe-n
,-event v-second anil Seventy
third, builder. H K. Allen;- $1300.
I r c K. Hrow n Krect one stnrv
frame barn K! Flast Twelfth street, be
tween Stark and Washington; builders,
Delsman A IVIsman, 14tin.
C It. Ieadbetter Erect one stnrv
frame garage. fi41 Kast Forty-sl th
street between Htanton and Siskiyou:
Imllder, same; $S0n.
L Campagna Repair one and one
half storv frame ariwelllng, Knat Twen
tieth Htreet between llvlslon and Ivan;
builders, (inrdon Ai Pearson; $inon
Mrs K C Imlton -Fleet one story
ordl.iarv factor. Kast Pine stteet lu--tween
Seventh nnd Fight h ; builders.
Parker Hanfleld. $K(uiO.
S. llerns Krcet one and one half
story fmnie dwelling. 311 Kast Forty
seventh street between Hawthorne and
Harrison: builder, same: $2500.
Paul Hatch- Krect one nnd one half
- Grand
. 0 gi f turnea over to mi purcnaser.
Au cf ion bale A Few Hlffldred DoUars
have already been planted to the choice
est varieties of apples. These tracts
are sold on the easy payment plan and
Tor ny competent norxicui
6 years, at whlcn time a
turned over to ths purchaser,
C IL Orunlng at al to Maratie-
dltta Aungell . Reed, land at
Brooklyn etreet and west line
of Esst Seventh street $
The Commercial Rank of Van
couver to James a. Pike, lots
11 and 12, block 10, Roaedale
Anns ,
J. Miller, lot 6, block 5. Crea-ton
Herbert H. Rrown
lJnrr Ont o n s
Kjlt PltrglHIgia. Uneln..
Laiirelhurst company to I,. H.
Maxwell, lots 1 and 2, block
6, Laurelhurst .,
a..M- Lombard and wife' to
United States Building Invest
went company, 60x100 feet
commencing on south Una of
?rodwfy ",reet 0 'et wast
Sf ""lowest corner of lot 1,
block $. ilancock Street addl-
r. Alexander
to John
of lot $.
Aiary hL llnrnaM n
..i. a . . . . - -
Don't Be Bald
Almost Anyone May Secure a
Splendid Growth of Hair.
Str. Hreakw .iter. Coos Hay . . . .
gjVrncli Hark Covr-ro Diatanrp to Fnl-1 osp'cur? ' Pedro"1001
month Vrom Astoria in 127 Days, i st lb se citv.' Pan Pedro.'!.'.'!
Maklnir a good passagn of 127 iiiivx,str i,.n r.iner Kin luego
from Astoria to Falmouth, the French
bark Pierre Antonlne, 2030 tons net.
Captain Nedollec, which loaded wheat
lure last winter, arrived out Inst Mon
day. She took out a cargo of 111,732
bushels of the cereal valued at $97,-
ptr. Nome CJty, San Francisco. .
Ptr. F. H. Leggett, San Pedro. .
Btr. Rainier, Han Frsnclsco. . . .
Btr. Northland, San Francisco..
' Str. F. 8. Loop, Ban Francisco. .
Btr. Yellowstone, San Francisco
if tr. Dispstch, 8sn Pedro
(Ptr, Westerner, San Francisco..
6tr. Tamalpals, San Francisco..
800, ono
Totsl feet 8,988.000
With but 15 coastwise carriers leaving
out with a total of 8.986,000 feet of lum
bar there was a falling off in that trade
Astoria, Msy 31. Balled at 9 a. m.,
steamer Elmore, for Tillamook. Out
side at 10 a. m., steamer W. S. Porter,
from Monterey.
San Francisco, May 81. Arrived at
6 a. m., steamer Yosemlte, from Co
lumbia river Arrived at 10 a. m.,
steamer Shoshone, from Columbia
Sydney. May 81. Arrived previously,
Italian ship Speranza, from Columbia
Astoria, May 80. Sailed at 2 p. m.,
steamer Washtenaw, for Port San Luis.
Ventura, ftlay an. Arrived, steamer '
Asuncion, from Portland.
San Francisco, May 30. Arrived at
2 p. m., steamer Rose City, from Port-
Vtr Alliance Fnrekn.
fitr Anvil. Randon
Coasters to
Hespstch. Am. str
J. H. Stetson. Am. str
J. A. Ch.tnslor Am. str.
Shasta. Am. str
Shoshone. Am. str ....
Roseerans. Am. str. ..
Westerner. Am. str. . . .
Yellowstone. Am. str. .
. . . San
5 I Tot ran easily find out for yourself
? ' if your hair needs nourishment. If it Is
thinning, getting dry. harsh and brittle,
or spiiiiinr ai me rims. mmi-i
e to pull a hair from the top of your
head and closely examine, the roots. If
Msv 31 i the bulb Is ulumn and rosy It Is all
..June 1 j right; If It is white and shrunken your
.June 2 hslr is diseased and needs nourishment
"r"n I Ve ,IBve ft re,rrfy toT nalr troubles
) 7 that cannot be surpassed. It hae a
June 7 I record of growing hair and curing bald
. ..lune 7 j ness In 93 out of 100 cases where used
..Tune 8 'according to directions for a reasonable
June 10 j length of time It wl ' even grow hair
on bald heads if -he scalp is not glazed
and shiny. That may seem like a strong
statement it Is. and we mean It to be,
and no one should doubt It until they
have pul our claims to an actual test.
We are so sure that Rexall "93" Hair
Tonic will completely eradicate dand
ruff, prevent baldneSa. stimulate the
Old Virginia Antique
Furniture Company
or baxthbtosb. MAmixAjro
at 209 Fourth St.
Near Taylor
This collection comprises many speol
mena of the Chippendale, Sheraton, Hep-
plewhlte Hutch Margaretrs, Louis A. V -XVI
and rolonlal periods, old English
mantle and grandfather hall clocks,
Sheffield plate, old brontea. fine china.
cut glass, etc.
Exhibition Monday. Tuesday and
Wednesday, Mav 29. 30 and 81. Sals
starts Thursday. June 1.
J. T. WILSON. Auctioneer.
Down and small monthly payments will
make vou the owner of a beautiful a
acre tract that will be worth flva times
the original cost at the end of 6 years.
Investigate today.
too lata
tomorrow may by
Hood River Orchard
Land Company
Devlin & Firebaugh
ailing- A rents.
if to
1 M A ""'
"mill um to L. c. Law
sen? i?u. block 3' Christea
sen s addition
Bt Helens Realty company 'to
AsnnM.M; Alt,?.n- It 28' 2 "0
IB AI ftrlnn VUs.
C O. Foster and wifi'to'c A
fetk'.'' b,ock',,:
. fiohrnoer et al to 'Lucy
Relnerk, lot 80, block 4. First
Electric addition .
.drf,ot Wock La." -
W. Shlolkof'f and'w'lfi'to ll'Ha!d
I. too
Dear Friends: LEVEL clum L0TS
Fri nclsco I
Hn I- ranclseo
San Francisco
. . . . Man Pedro .
. . . .San Pedro
Monterey I
San Francisco '
. . .San Pedro i
Miscellaneous Vessels Xnrouts.
Balboa, Am. sch
llannoi kburii, l)r str.
Carondelet, Am. hue. .
Fthelwolf. Ilr. str
l-:thel Z.'ine Am sch.
H Hackfeld. Cer. sh .
.... Mejlllones
San Francisco
. . . . San Pedro
Han Francisco
. ... San Pedro
. . . -..Honolulu
. . . . Yokohama
r .erT CTOw-
The first step to, hair health Js to
rtceap the scalp clean and healthy. To do
rihis the hair and acalp should be
washed twice a month for a time. Avoid
(Caustic soaps and alkalies, such as bor
'x, washing soda and ammonia, and.
above all, do not use "dry shampoos,"
tor they only Increase the dirt In the
hair. I find plain eggol Is the best hair
and scalp cleanser, and a teaspoonful
dissolved in a cup of hot water Is
enough for ona shampoo. This makes a
(beautiful lather, is easily washed out of
llie UKir, uncr quitaiy miu icaven iu7
hair in that silken condition. Eggol is
Inexpensive and can be had at any drug
tore. 26 cents' worth being enough for
a dozen shampoos. If the hair Is thin
and straggly, or falls out, a good tonic
should be used every night, otherwise
twice a. week Is sufficient. Always ap
ply the tonlo after brushing the hair
and massaging the scalp for a few min
utes. This energizes the scalp bo that
ths tonic is more effective. You can
prepare a thoroughly reliable tonic by
hilling half a pint of alcohol with half
a pint of water and addlne- one ounce of
fieta-canthol. if my readers will follow
tnese instructions they can have long,
lustrous hair, and plenty of It.
F. W. .: You say you are "flat and
, ehapeless." Nature did not Intend you
I to be so, and if you will try the popular
, Vaucalre method your figure will soon
. become plump and symmetrical. Get an
ounce of galloi at the drug store and pBt
(In a syrup made by dissolving a cup and
Is half of sugar In water to make a pint.
' The dose Is two teagpoonfuls before
meals This treatment nourishes starved
or shrunken tissues, and once they are
In a bealthy condition ecrawnlness and
' hollows disappear.
("J. S. : The soft velvety complexion
you admire In southern wortu-n Is due to
the care given It. Th" fe ret is this:
They use a retiring cream bo named
because it is applied Just before retiring.
t-UM- i , - -
Every night the face, neck and arms are
washed - with plenty of soap and hot i
water, then dashed with cold water, and
after drying with a coarse towel tho!
cream liV rubbed In. The cream that is j
mostly used Is a simple one get a two
ounce package of amarol from your!
druggist and dissolve In a pint of hot j
water. This makes a full pint of cream
mm win ntn cost any more than a four
ounce bottle of the ready made.
Freda: The hairy growth on vour lip
should not cause worrv. as It Is easllv
removed. Get an ounce of powdered
delol at the drug store and mix a little
with water to make a paste, then
spread on hairy surface. After two or
three, minutes rub off and wash the.
skin. You will find this .ffen
seldom requires repeating. The delol i,
a trifle expensive, but not nearly
inn eiri-inc nepcjle. He mire vnu
get genuine delol, ns It is tho onlv pow
der of which I know that Is antiseptic
and works quickly.
Ha -npton, Br. st r . . .
King Cyrus, Am. sch.
Koan Maru. Jap str.
Louisiana. Am. bge .
Orterlc. Rr. str
St. David. Am. bge. . .
Polvelg. Nor. str. ...
Ptrahlyon, Rr. str. ...
Titan la. Nor. str.
Grain Tonnage Enronts.
Col, de Ylllebols .Mareull. Fr. bk.
Jules Gimmes. Fr. bk. Newcastle onT.
Kt-ne, Fr. bk. .. Newcastle, A.
St George. Mr. str ..Antwerp
Htralthbeg, P,r str ..Antwerp
Ft Rogatlen. Kr. bk London
Rarmbek. Ger. sh Sta. Rosalia
Hone, Fr. bk Newcastle, A.
Pretagne, Fr. bk. .'....Newcastle on T.
Kirkcudbrightshire. T5r. sb Newcastle A.
Kinross-shire. Ilr. bk. .Newcastle on T.
Teasels In Fort.
Mlndoro. Am. sch N. P. Lbr. Co.
H Hackfeld. Ger. sh Llnnton
Orterlc. Br. us.... Kalamu
.lohan I'oulson, Am. ss Westport
1 in V Turner, Am. bk Iialnler
W'ni. I'iowden, Am. sch Tongue Pt.
F. tf. Loop, Am. str Westport
.Marshal de Gonlaut, Fr bk.Port Lbr. Co
Marecnal de Castries. Fr. bk. Centenniel
Daily Rlvt-r Readings.
scalp and hair roots, stop falling hair
and grow new hair, that wo personally
', give our positive guarantee to refund
every penny paid us for Rexall "B3"
Hair Tonic In every Instance where It
does not do ns we claim or falls to give
entire satisfaction tri the user,
i Rexall "'.3.' Hair Tonic Is as pleasant
to use sa clear spring water. It Is per
i fumed with a pleasant odor, and do!S
, not grease or gum the hair. We have
lt In two sizes, prices 80 cents and
$1.00. We urge you to try Rexall ,,93''
1 Hair Tonic on our recommendation and
with our guarantee back of It. You cer
I talnly take no risk. Remember, you
'can obtain Rexall Remedies only at the
I Owl Drug Co., Inc., Cor. 7th and Wash
j ington Sts.
Glisan Street
Half Acres
Today because our advertisement writer
ute so much clilcken, gooseberry pie, as
paragus, strawberry snort cake, etc., at
the home of one of our Glisan Street
Half Ace owners yesterday. He says
the people out there are accustomed to
It and It costs them nothing because
they raise It all.
The half acres are cheap, $700 each:
terms $70 down and $14 per month and
they are within 20 minutes' ride of your
work. Call but don t ask Tor me. Yours
truly, WILLIE, the Office Boy. with
Hartman & Thompson
Seal Estate Dept.
Mortgage Loans
EQZr) John E. Cronan 7P55l
' ' SO? Mnaldinir Kid.
Are You Tired
Paying the Grocer?
If you. are, why
not turn the tables
and make the gro-v
cer pay you pay
you for the
fruits and vege
tables and poultry
he uses?
Tha .new townslte of Rochester, al
ready the Junction of the Northern Pa
cific, Oregon it Washington and Milwau
kee railroads, Is to have an ELECTRIC
LINE. Four miles of this electrlo line
has peen completed and cars are run
ning Think what this new ELECTRIC
LINHJ means for Rochester and those
who own property there.
Governor Hay, addressing; the Roch
ester Commercial club cm May 11, 1911,
said: Wlth the prospeot of a densely
populated farming country surrounding
Rochester and the advantages of several
lines of transportation established and
operating through this point, you people,
of Rochester ought to succeed in build
ing up a populous, inririy ana prosper
ous community.
Pld you ever hear of a chance like
this? A new town with three railroads
running dailv trains and an eleotrio lino
coming! A town where rectories are
hulldlna-T A town that is growing and
building up like Rochester? You never
did, and you will not get this chance
$25Level, Cleared Lots $25
You must act quick If you want any
of these level, cleared lots at the open
ing price of $25. Every lot will be
worth from $100 to $200 as soon ss the
nil t-t nf t . - . . "MrV
"ft?; to Carat"'
rs addition ,
IilnA tTfu'i comPy toRlehl
ard A. Bland r .1 ir,f. i .
-'h b,loc i. Albion addition....
Fl., LVrK'00l and wife to Mat
.thla" N'". Prt of lots 10 and
dldon Sunnyslda ad-
McColl. lots I and 4,block 4.
Mount Hood addition to
EUl - D" ,V rrfo'n and husband' to
X V ". "'. -oi 4, block 15,
Center addition n v b.-ti.-j ' ...
Clarence B. Vest and wife to h"
Rasor. lota 14 and if. ku.i,'
Wtst Portland P. rl, ' "
P. A; Msrouam Jr. to li ' 'tlt' 'nri'il
llams, lots 24 and 25. block 41
Peninsular addition is '
Same to Ha ma. lot i hinw"it"
Belle Crest '
Charles Miller end wife ' to ' W
P. Hhoades, lot 4. block 1 Hi..'
sex addition
Frank H. Powers and wlf.'tn
Charles Hall, lot 1, 17. block
19. Coimcll Crest Park 1 604)
a"rK,? R"be n1 wife to John
M. Thomas et al, east H of lot
17 and west SO ft nf it is
block 10. Tllton's addition . . . .'
Jme.C?,1,lve n(- wlfe ll Herbert
C Rllllngs et al, lots 7 and ,
block 14, Sell wood
R. U Marietta and wife to j. ",
Kaddery lot 11 and south U of
lot 10. block , Vemon....... ;
M. C, Matthieu to Charles W. Da
vis et al, lot 7, block 16, Tabor-slde
D o
n o
C 3
c r
. : 4 0
, .1 .10
D.: It Is verv dane-nrnn. tr. 1
ointments and salves to driv-A hofb- r,i, ,
pies. Nature Intended these Impurities !
to come out of tho blood or she would '
pot drive. thf-m to the surface The onlv '
way to get rid of these Impurities Is bv I
taking a good blood purifier. Here is !
an excellent one: LiFsolve a cun of
... a. ,,,,rl XIL ait;i. nun one otinee
Wcnutclite . .
Kennewlek . .
Hi par la
The Dalles . . ,
Hnrrlshurg . . .
Sclem -rt I 3.61 0
Wllsonvlllo I 37 6.9j--0
9.1 1 0.
.10 9.4 0 .
25 11.20.
40 121 . Hi 0.
17 h;i.4o.
15 13.3 0.
10 I 4.0 n .
.16 1.7 0.
20 4.0; 0.
.2 .0
.2 .0
.2 .0
'.2 ' . 0 '
.3 .0
. li
.1 .0
River rising. ( ) River falling.
Business Failed to Come When the
Gordon Fulls Electrical &. Manufaetur-
of sarseneand take two teMpoonfu'ls I 'ny became hrt . of funds to
bofore meals and at bedtime ! pronioto Its business In 190S, George L.
' pi-aslee readily advanced money. He
Bess: Ity all means remove the day's ulleges lie was given to understand that
gTime Deiore retiring, if you would re- business would soon pick up, and he
lain ins youinrui lint and trlno in v,.i.,,t v, .i,i i.i,. v. i
complexion. Mien the skin is thorough- tin cu ibi. r,,rniI. i i.
anA rla I v... ,i, n.c
ly cleansed and
wun a cerot cream. Th s c ran tho
pores and so stimulates the tender tis
sues that a smooth, satinv skin with a
roseate tint to the complexion naturally
follows. To prepare the cream iret tn
ounces of cero from the druggist and
dissolve In three-fourths of a pint of
boiling water, stirring until smooth
nnd thick.
cult court that the company still owes
him $266, and he asks Judgment for
that amount. A large part of the money
he advanced the concern went to boost
ing for business.
Despair and Despondency I
v wvsnan can ten roe story of the suHenng,
?Trt nd th "Ponwy endured by wonea who m
a daily burdsa of ill-health and Pain because ol disorder
car nr
mod Mln bur f AmA A
TTi n"V"ent el lat delicate and important organi that arc
distiaertr- feminine. The tortures ao bravery endured cosm
pletaJy upean; the oerres if long cootinued.
Dr. Piaroa's Favorite Preeoription is a poeld-re cure imt
weakasei aad disease of tho temiaino or(anisn.
It alleys inflammation, beali ulceration and aootbes pa fa.
It tones and Builds up the nervee. It fits for wifehood
and gootfaerhood. Honest medicine dealers sell it, and
na mat nofklntf tn nra ,
jvu mm jul as goou.
BOO 'ST one . no.rfoQholis mnd K.. . I t . . r
. v - r - - .wm ui lorry years oi cures.
AM Tout NnoiiMU. TWy probably know of some of hi many sure..
Znt b?k..djt " bout woman's diseases, .od bow to cum
roeni at home, aead il otM-erat tamps to Dr. Pierce to pay coat of miilinj
S S"1! 4 Ta f hi thou.end-pae illustrated
, J 7- iieioai Aavtter renseo, up-to date edition,
neome eiotb-bindin, 31 ftampe. Addren Dr. R. V
Wahl Road Hearing. Several persons
Interested In the Wahl road in the east
ern part of the county were called into :
the county court this morning to ex
plain why part of the road had been
losed. In the Investigation it was
arned that the part that is closed has
ever been opened or considered a coun
ty road. County Surveyor Holbrook
I says the part is, not practical, and the.
I persons objecting to the closing of It
j have another outlet. The persons wish
ing It kept closed were advised to peti
tion the court to have the road vacated.
Engineer Xasljrns W. W. Lucius, en-,
glneer of construction in the city build- !
lng Inspector's office, tendered bis res-!
lgnatlon to take effect today. Mr. Lu
clus will open an office of his own In
tho Ltwis building. Examinations to
secure eligibles for the position to be
made vacant by Lucius' resignation will
be held bj; the city civil servloe com- j
mission shortly".
Haven't got the rneans, ypu say?
But indeed vou have.
If you've pot the means to keep up those butcher and
grocer bills, then you've got the means to turn the tables on
the shopkeepers. " J
Get your pencil and a scrap of paper.
Put jt down that you've got $75 or $K)0 saved. Allow $8
or $12 a month out of your earnings to go with that.
How long will it take you to pay out on a $400 invest
ment ?
Kot so long, eh?
And what do you think of a $100 investment that will
enable you to turn the tables on the grocer that will make
you independent?
Pretty good investment, don't you think? And that's ex
actly the chance you have in those Beaver Homes orchard and
garden tracts of ours at REDLAND.
The kind of land that has made other districts famous.
The kind of land that can be developed into the $1000-per-acre-per-year
producing sort. '
Plenty of good water, good school, churches, good roads,
handy to town.
Only an hour's ride from Portland down the Columbia
River, near Goble, Or. Rail and water transportation, with
smallest known freight rates.
Experts pronounce this oiie of the big coming districts be
cause of its rare fertility, nearness tb Portland and other fine
advantages. " I
Today it fs a poor man's chance for independence. We
will offer every possible encouragement to people who are in
If you want to participate in the growing prosperity of the
Northwest.'if you have any confidence in the worth of a small
orchard or garden tract, then you mustn t overlook this propo
We are selling at present at $25, $30, $35, $37.50
and up to jpoU per acre, in tracts of 5, 10, 15, 20 and up to 40
acres. .We wiiradjust the terms to meet your needs.
lng jrice of 25. Every lot
worth from $100 to $200 as soo:
nlectria line is finished. Don't wait un
til the beftt are gone. Come and make
youT selection today. Easy terms. War
ranty deed and free abstract. Call or
write for Illustrated folder.
1018 Chamber of commerce,
On Stark, between 3d and 4th.
S. Tavlor t n TV vf
Banschhach, undivided S of lots
' u ii, diock au. jrvington
John Trottno and wife to Schml't-
Jr.. soutneriy hi of lot 6,
block 4, Oak Park addition to
Johns i in
John Schlag and wife to W. R.
vamnau. lots 2 and I. block 26,
North Irvlngton
Fabyam Perisiah to Matt Ektero
vtch lots l and 2, blook 7, Trs
mont Place ,
H. Hamblet and wife to Charles
II. Winffnagle. lots 21 and 2$,
block 30, Kalrport
Helen L. Stratton to W. A. Car
penter, lot 4. block 2, Helen L.
Ktratton's addition 1,804
Mary B. Harrett to P. Spiegel, part
of lot 6 and lot 6, block 64,
Caruthers' addition to Caruth
er's addition, agreement (as
signed to Mike LaOrand) 4.0H
Maude Wenner to John M. Ta
ber, south 40 feet of lot S,
block 21 Multnomah MM
J. H. Hecker and wife to Ernest
B. Nelson et al. lot 6. block 2,
Hecker addition 1TI
PACIFIC Title & Trust Co., the lead Inst
abstractors. 7 Ch. Com., ground floor
In the very heart of Greater
Hillsboro. li acre tracts, splen
did homesites, fine soil, good wa
ter, $350 and up. Very easy
terms. An unequaled investment
in a coming city, 19 miles east of
Portland on the Oregon Electric
and P. R- & N. Railway.
Chapin & ilerlow
332-338 Chamber of Commerce.
C. G. Reagan, Sales Manager.
ANSWERS to classified advertisement
which appeared In The Journal await
those possessing certificates for the fol
lowing num tiers:
A 612. 616 628. 687. 639. 642.
648, 668. 660. 664, 687. 668. 801.
B 524. 630. 624. 666. 668. 610. BSL
667, 672.
C 609. 616. 617. 618. 621. 680. 642. 641.
00b, bbi. bbl. 671. r. i 3 . 677, 69D, 6Z7.
D 498, 609. 683. 649, 667, 676. 688.
E 487, 602, 612, 628. 638, 636, 540, 648.
072, biS. 677, 67.8,
OXO, Oi),.
F 621,
681, ti.
68T, 648,
You can never know the true
condition of the title to your
property without investigating.
Our Abstracts
Tell it all. 14
8200.000 paid up capital behind
every abstract we prepare.
Member Oregon Association of
Title Men.
624. 887.
D78, 6a. 69, 938.
Cf 477, 606, 610.
677, 616.
H 692, 678, 677,
646, 6S9. 637.
J 319. 616, 680,
671. 692. 696. 697.
K 606. 639. 642, 647, 64. 668.
690. 697. 699.
L 600, 643, 646. 647. 562. 572, 6(5. 641,
N 424, 441, 634. 686. 640. 647. 656. 658,
569, 588.'
O 344, 622, 688, 642, 666.
P 530, 631, 636, 638. 641, (41, 6,
695, 619. ' '
R 543, 662, 663, 666, 658, 559, 692, 599,
B 636, 641.
T 436, 607. 630. 633, 688. 640. 541.
660, 552. 653, 654. 665, 558, 694, 696, 69f.
V 641, 686, 638. 533, 661. 656, 642,
664. Bft. 667.
W 544, 651. 652. 654. 659, 890,
X 503, 630, 634, 647. 548, 66$.
692., 694, 697.
Y 634, 687, E88, 542, 648. 844.
647. 598.
Z 638, 645, 566, 559, 567. 599.
William Highett. 407 Columbia. 28,
and Hazel Joraon, 16.
Myron Baldwin, East 49th and Carl
ton sts., 31, and Tessa Bent, 18.
Norrls Parrett, San Franclso, 38, and
Inez Williams. 28.
Theodore Schmidt, Woodstock, Or
anrt Elsie Kelnath. 20.
Cflvccano Isaia. Carbanado, Wash., 24,
and Lucia Chiottl, 18.
David Pallay. 33tkJackson st, 25, and
Edna Smith, 22. Wi
Louis Haltie, 363 North 16th St., 23,
and Hilda Erickson, 18.
i W. $101UU ITU & W.
weaaingana visiting card engravers
and monogram stationers. Washington
bldg.. Washington st. bet 8rd and 4th.
LtRESS suits for rent, all sizes
Tailoring Co., 809 Stark st.
in paper covert.
Pierce, Buffalo. N.Y.
Psychology club The Psychology
club will hold Its regular meeting to
morrow in the publlo' library at 4
o'clock. The breathing exercises will 1
be given in the home of Mrs.- H. W.
Coe. on Twenty-fifth and Lovejoy
streets, Saturday, June 3. from 1 to 2 '
n'r 1 nfr flnlv ri ant Kr. - I I a . a
" "'""c'o tftiV 1U V 1 11941,
E D UJL-J. 214 Lumber
I D. llUlUrUUh UK Exchange
IN Effart April 15, 1911.
jpauy or bunaay..
1 time, 8o per line.
2 consecutive times, 7o per line per In
sertion. - .
8 or more consecutive times, 6c per line
per Insertion, or 7 Insertions for price
of 6.
No ad counted for less than 1 lines.
' The above rates apply to VNew To
day" and all-other classifications except
ing the following: "Situations Wanted,
To Kent nj Wunted to Rent" ads.
The rates in these classifications are:
v6c per line per lr sertlon.
Three Insertions, for the Dries of two.
Seven insertion for the price of five.
no aa tane ror less man 100.
1 -time. 9o per line,
8 consecutive times, 8o par line per In
sertion. 7 or more consecutive times, 7o per
line per insertion. I
The above rat, apply to "New To
day," and all other classifications ex
cept the following: "Situations Wanted,
To Rent and WanUfl to Rent" ads.
- The rate In these classifications Is 7o
per line per Insertion.
' No ad charged tor Ism than two lines.
or lea, ' l
CLARKE BROS., florists.
ar.J floral designs. 289
fine flowers
Morrison st.
CAMP meet . every
Wednesday evening
In w. a W. temple, 181
11th St. All members
requested ' to attend.
Visitors welcome.
A. M. BROWN, C. a
PORTLAND Lodge No. 291. Loyal Or
der of Moose, meets on the fourth
floor of the old- Olds, Wortman tt King
building. 6th and Washington sts., every
Wednesday evening at 8 o clock. W.
B. Fulmer, Sec. WT N. Gatens. dictator.
WHIST and 600 party by Aatra Circle,
Thursday, June 1, W. O. W, bldg.,
128 11th st. Fine prizes for both. Or.
cheetra for dancing. Admission llo.
Committee. .
B&iung-mrscn nia
10th. Phone Clerk.
A Oreaon
Tuesday evenings.
ldg.. Washington near
fain sz4. A-4SSS.
R. N.
Rose camp, meets
Bwlsfl hall, 3d and
T. V. B Portland lodge No 209. meet
.woo, nighta. K. P. nail. UUi 4V A04ec
r -