( THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. MAY 31. 1911 r. i as JO CTCAM DflTATflFQ ! i nTHI in RH Hfin MFW PPflP HAV Tfl RFRRY nFFFRINR. IMIF MMFT IN IwiK hi nm i i i n i in ii i iii.i jiiii i im uu.uljlj iil.ii uiiui iiiii i u lukiiiu vi b i iiuu uiii i a. in mi it i TArtPTmnnpTiip nn r iinn nnnnl nrnrrrnrn nrnr inr Hfll ini I lirilim nin 01 llllfin THniW I lUlitl Kill ui- ifit I oflLt Hur m ut mm mt m. mm mm miivw iuumt AAnnDTcnDllPC IM A OUflDT TIMC : DDIPFQ fifl RAP7 is nar n m bbs mm ma m at bh IIIII UIULUUUUU Carload From Lone Star State Is Cooked by Fruit Inspector Who Does Not Want to Take Chances. State Product Now Expected to Be Smallest for Many a Year Sap Sours. Portland Wholesale Market, V.KK f n 111 Cii'.cken wrnkrr. Lemons higher. Strawberries loivr PolB'Oas i1l"tl o1 TfiHK (inifin.. 1 Tf. Cam f -hi" i i it'if'i. Hop crop j'l.or That Oreson will not pio.lura ov.r fifiiirni imica, is now prelhtid hv many of the representative deiili r mid (row era lie season In advanced sufficient tn nnip tl.f ilftinasr hv i!.e winter and S rl n R I'llrr.atlr condition Missing hills arrt nil ulion !nir in pr- si.'ti.'n al 8h In (inn. , i'lM.-px ii:. outlook la i.nr mo ii n f ora h 1- na In oil'iie I'll' :!! tint in.- iii'aalnir ate n"i !ik- in iibpf !r n fi " fl i n to mnnt ..f t' o Inula It iiii'.-uv immI 1 1 i r I ii u tin tili.nt" "f I'd' r . :, I v mi. I .rt of Mnrrh tie ix.nllicr a m wnri'i tl.jtf t'r snp et.TMci to i'!.ir i.invuril f i om the. room I Tt ln-i. '..k.iti t" iow nn.l riirny ap p.'rii1 ;iU.e li.e ro'iri'l Ijlfr ultti IV Into aprlng freeje, the totnlfr a....' wee k t ; 1 ! iinil tha sap ruriTilriK I'lo k Intn the nih M.nir.'.i It I. t.p, ,.f,,r,, ricirrd iht t i.'its will renuiln dnrrnunt 'I'irlnij tl.e ieinnlnlrr of t,. niomi Hltlowjch no ll effects AT f-' r.' i.rllT'C hn f'ltlirr Crop Being Cut In the Interior and Outlook Is for Bumper Production In Nearly All Sections. iifd potatoes fice for tha atklngi ,, ,. .1- .fforud the public today wl.rn 1 ,'7-0,h5r;11 .f"nP7' I' I npe. tor 8tanat,;;rrr c' ' " SliVd. 1 1 M. 1 1 C 0 1 )rr ifor.. crnlnary tlli Jl.nof:i 0"; Btaan ware rruu in, r ouii.i..-i 1 7 """" -' mtjarl. I d 00 JM 00 ; rlnvrr. til 00 th- carload of potato,, . rac.lv.d fro,,, ; w, 9 rrr .f: VorJ Teiaa a faw daya afo wki an hud (tut ut tha county offklal rould aaa no way uu of tha ultuatlon axetpt to destroy il,e car'a lioldlnna Thareforc a hola was norrd In tnn I4.4II tratrht. JtJfr'f nakara. 1.11; aiport jrrinaa. js.bo Trt.rv. Bnttar, Err no Poultry. IH'TTKH Katra craamar; ruh.i ana car and a pina loaded with live atram ''" " ..Ar J. turned Into tha pntatoca. Thla pro.ea. Prn'. i"2tc. atoraga. lc. datiy. continual for nn tiour or more when no ''yill.r further fear of damage by ttia buga tn that particular car waa frarud. To date only one carload of potatoai from Taxaa haa been condemned haie, although two have' bean found to con lain the draaded potato bug. The flrat car waa fumlKated aa thoroughly aa lo KGGS I.ocol. extra. 51n: caaa rm int. fresh, 20n; apot buying price, l'.'o f. o. b. Portland. BUTTKH FAT F. a b. Portland. Ditr pound ?c POULTRY Fancy hna. l'4W17c; J if v I fa, JM- lirr I"., IMUUCI.1, a,M ill. ral lnteranta knew how. but according to i fryara. Ic; gaea 12r; llve youn, the officials the work waa not com- ' ducka. !,VfMc. mo duck. lW!0c. rlatad and therefore It waa decided to ! turl.aya. allva. 14c; draaaed. .7Hp; confiscate the aecond cnrlojid. ,,'5-p.1n.H..V dr'n- ' . The carload of potatoes cooked tody i rHKKPK- -New Oregon f;n0T for by Inspictor Ptanaborrv. waa recently ! "earn, trtplete. and dalaca lBc par lb. condemned by I'allfornla offlclala afte' J"n' ,mA m5" . . " 1? notification waa given by a Portland 1S4 W HvPllfornl flata. 14c man that buga were beginning to arrive: J? 't"""- from Taxaa. After being condemned In ..JTIK8 "ii'l'l.nAr!,t'? California the ehlppera diverted the load I $?.35j 2.40; good, ! 00125. Buvlng to Portland with dlaaa:nu reaulta. All . rarloarta. select, $2.00; ordinary, $l.'i; state offlclala along the coast have baen i new 3ff 4c ...... .... told to look out for future ahlpmenu I ONIONS New, IB; Auatrallan. I4.B0; from the Lone Star etate. but It la un- I new red. I3.25W3 KO; garlic. 7$bc per lb. deretood that the Infected product corneal FRFHH Fnt'rTn orangae na only fiom one section. Other carloads vela, 2.R0frS.2S box; bananaa. 60 lb.; received here have been clean. . Irmons. $4.0nifiK 80: grane fruit, IJ 25; Two carloada came forward from Tex- pineapples, 6ff7e lb.; tangarlnas. $121; thia morning. The stock was packed ' strawberries. Oregon. IS. 00 J 4 .00 per 24 In bushel hampers, which makca tho j box crate; California, 1 76 per U box Vanriltnff much mora convanlent to tho . craw. ft J 'T.in. . r9 w- . . . I . .... I vr.ur.i ADbr..i iaw lumipi. 10c; 1 beets. 75c; earrota. 7Re dox. bunches; rabhara, 12. hO per cental; , tomatoes. World's Wheat Market. 4 4 rortlnnd Club, 887c; blue- 4 I 4 stem, my Htc ! 4 Llveroool W'h ea t unrhanaail A 4 to 1,(1 higher. 4 Hudapest Wheat 1 lo hlrhr 4 Antwerp Wheat Ho lower, 4 Uerlln What, to He high- er . 4 4 Hu'iioa Ayres Wheat steady. 4 4 Melbourne- Wheat strong. 4 e Chicago May. 11.04 ; July. 4 0c, Brpteintier, 87 Sc. 4 Supplies Along Front Street Today Double Any Other Period of Season. mail trade. TEXAS ONIONS ARRIVE Florida, $4 per crate; beans, 10(31 2o lb.; horseradish. IJMOc; green onions, llir dor.; peppers, ball. SOc per lb.; head lafture. 60'fi7Kc doxen; hothousa, 1 60W 1 7R box; radishes, lie dozen . bunches ; Car of Crystal Wax Comri From Lone Star Stt Today. A carload of onions from Texas waa celety ( ) per (for.an; egrplant, 14o par received this morning. The supplies lb.; cueumhers. 12.25 per dozen; pass. Were of the Crystal wax variety and the fie; caunnower, irrai. ( amen shipment waa in excellent condition. Price waa generally quoted at 12.26 a crate. A carload of Florida tomatoes and a ear of pineapple from the same state Were due this morning. Tomatoes are New crop alfalfa hay will ba offered to the trade within the next 10 daya. Cutting of the new crop has started at various points in trie interior, altnougn operation have not yet become general. The Hiiun for cutting the first crop Is teiei'.'il weeks later than normal, ow ing 10 mo qelrred warm weather. With the rrew crop In sight, the hay market has taken on a tone of easiness. although aa yet no weakness la showing. Itellaaln reports from various districts In Oregon, Washington and Idaho state that this years crop Is likely to be the heaviest In history. For that reaaon buyers are buying sparingly ana in a nana to mouth man ner. Wheat market Is firm with practically no offerings now being put forward by growers. Quotations are nominally the same Coarse grain are firm but show no change In price. CHICAGO MARKET HIGHER Advance of 1 c Is Forced In May at Close Today, Chicago, May 81. May option went out with flying colors today, closing at 11044, or an advance of lc above the previous closing. Other options ad vanced from V.c to lc The market al road waa generally ftrm with Liverpool. Budapest and Ber lin higher and Antwerp lower. Liquidation tn the September gave that option but little Tieadway today. Ra-nge of Chicago pricea furnished by Orerbeck & Cooke Co. gjuotad generally at 14 a crata LIGHT HOGS ARB SELLING Market Is Steady Only for Blockers; Others Lower. Whit there la a vary alow demand for dressed hogs of large alze unless pricea are shaded severely, the market la fairly steady for light stuff and 10c comDound. tierces, 8c per lb. is atlll obtainable for this class of, ha M.S. RACON, ETC. Hams, 1SJ blockers. Heavy hogs are generally 1 j 7c; breakfast bacon, li8i2o; boiled juoted at 8c and c a pound. : ham, 2S25c; picnics, 11 Vc lb.; cot- Dresaoa veal is steady altnougn gome tags roll. lSc per lb.; regular short aaparapua .ocal, anaisr cmrn: extra fancy, 75f?fl0c; WnJIa Walla, ll.25ijl.50 box: rhuVarh. 20'2Hc lb. APPLKS 11 OOCf 2 78 Meats, Plan aad Provisions. TOESH BEEK Wholesale slaughter ars' pricea: Beat steers. IOOIOio; erdl rary, IV4tT10c; beat cows, tfV4c; or dinary, f'ifllc. DRESPFD MRATB Front atreet bor fancv, 10c per lh. : ordinary, 9o rer pound;' heavy, 8c; veals, extra, 0c; ordinary. 9c; poor p; spring lamb, lOftllc; mutton, 8c; goats. 4c; beef, flfifSc. LARD Kettla leaf, tierces. 11 Ho lb steam rendered, tierce, 10;c per lb.; supplies which arrived yesterday, wera carried over. l"rlce is generally un changed. CHICKEN MARKET POOR clears, smoked. 13 He: backs smoked. 14c; rlcklad tonpues. 6Dc rerlb. FTSH Nomlnaf Rock cod 10c par lb.: flounders, 6c: halibut. l9c; striped ! baas. 20c: catriati. HOHUc: aimon 11c ner lb.: sole. 7c per lb.: shrlmna. 1 1214c lb.: perch 7ffr8e fomcod. go: loh- Supplles Carried Over Even Afte stars. 2Rc: herrings. 5r; black baas. r.i ct 1 20c: sturgeon. U'4c lh.; Columbia m 1 jv 1 a s u X- aa . WMh a further shading of quotations smelts, lU2c lb.; silver smalts, 80 in.; niacK con. i,tr. crans, small, 11 the chicken market la weak along Front , larce. $1.60; rne.llnm. $1.25 dos.: dreesad street and quite a few arrivals were shad 7e; roe shad, 10c; shad roe, 20c lb carried over from yesterday. Ieale,s OYSTER Shoaiwater bay, per gaU are generally quoting fancy chickens Inn, ): per 100 W Back, $S 50; Olvm from 16c to l"C4i pound. , pi, per irailun, $1 ?R; per 100 lb. Back, ! 111 BO: canned anatern R5c can, $8 6s MORE RASPBERRIES COME i Ml!ern 'L.?!?;11 V ? p'r 1,0 1 Sops, wool ar.fl Slaaa. HOPS Contrrts. . 1911 crop, 5c; Another Small Shipment From the '1910 crop, choree, 20fl;2ic; prime to .. - nmK aj.it. A ttKn ;eho!cv-l(c, n'ime, 17f. vnatiium, Homh Sells 93.50. Iuhci nn: growths :?HOlKc. Another small lot of raspberries have TALLOVJ Prime, per lh.. 6c; No. I arrived from California. The fruit was and grease. 2 2 Ho. in good condition and waa packed in W'OOI. Nominal, 1911. Willamette, 16 half pound box rratea. SaleB wera valley, 1413o; eastern Oregon, 124 generally maJe at 13.50. 14c ch'TTIM iA.'iK 190. nominal, la. E(; maiuvet steady i19!?,. r, ,u.,,..j ,w HIL1E8 rrv hlnea 16ViW16Ho lb.; frraen. CH7Hc; bulla, green, aalt. h; kips. 6H37Hc: calves, greaii. 12 1 Dozen for No. 1 Stock. 1 "mSha'ir lflll. selected. 88J7a Market for eggs is holding steady ! Groceries. JTuts. Xta. with supplies rather liberal along the SUGAF c:ube, $o.3w, powdered. 88.40: street. Sales are generally being mads fruit or berry, IB. 40; ?ry granulated. t 21c a d07:n for No. 1 cHiidlfrf Mock. $5 40; O vellow, $4.70: beet. IS.20; Fed KaFtcrn si u k is being sold at "0c. ar.i Fmbarrv. 6c less tt-an fruit er LEMON MARKET FIRMER irirv: Honolulu Plantation cane gtar.u- 1 1 :. d. uc less. (Above quota ns are 80 days net "hict: Japan N. 1. Uf)6c; No. I. 4c; New Orleans head, 6H8H; Creole, 4 Uc. BALT Coarse, half sroand 100s, 18.11 rer ton; 60s. 9.00; tab? 4alry, 80s, 111; 00s, $17: bales. $t.2W: extra fna bar rels 2s, Bs and 10a. J406; lump rook, $20 B0 per ton. HONET New. 18.76 per caaa. BEANS Bmnll white. $4 21: Targ white, $4 2S; pink. 16.75; bayou. $ ; Limas 17. 2K; red. 86.35 Paints, coal OH. ate. Open Season Ends Todav; Shut for LINSEED OIL Haw, bblo., 89c gal.; , kettle boiled, bbls.. 11.01; raw. in cases. mren .vionins. i$1.04; boiled. In cases, $1.06 gal.; lots Tha season f,,r razor !, clones in : of 260 gallons, 1c leas; oil cake meal Oregon and W.,.hin;:or todav nr.d no (none In market). shipments can Ik u.o.o it, this Mnte WHITE LEAD Ton lots. 8c per lb.; omsii'e of 1 he ,.nn ,.() niis The 600-lb. lots, 8c per lb.; less lots, tftt season remains ch.sed for thre months par lb. : BENZINE 88 degrees- cases, $4He FOR KC AST run K1llTnr-i7c ! gallon; iron bbls., 21c per gallon. MMltt .1.M I'm hHllPERS , COAL OIL Cases: pearl. 16c; star. 1 13c per rallon: watpr white, bulk. i& The V. S. Weatlicr Rureaii Sends Onf ' 12c per pallon; upectal water whtta. Way Julv Sept. May July Sept Mav Julv Sept. May July Sept. May July Sept. May July Sept. v WHEAT. Open. High. .. 1034 104 .. 88 S ... k7 Va 87 CORN. .. 6$i 63 .. 62 63 H . .. 63 Vi 64 OATS. .. SSU 3614. .. S5? 36 . .. 36', 36 PORK. Low. Close. ioau 104 88 8I 87 67 51 61 B 62 53 A 63 61 84 84 86 86 36 86 . .1487 ..1420 1172 1466 1430 1416 LAJID. 1487 1466 1420 800 Fully double tha amount of strawbar rlea came to the Portland market today of any day this seaann. Receipts were from all directions with tha following from each place Increasing. Hood River has started to ship In earnest and the arrivals from there; were rather liberal this morning. White Sal mon and Moalar also contributed fruit. There were arrlvala of ISO crates from Clackamas and 75 crates from Milton. Local berries were likewise offering hut only In small lots Some California berries ware likewise In evidence today but they mat with poor reception on account of the much better quality of the home product and tha lower pricea now available. The strawberry market was rather mixed as tn price and character this morning Wltn such a heavy Increase In offerings, It was but natural that buyers should hold back for lower quo tations and these were generally forced all around Hood River fruit sold from 14 to 4 25 a crate but generally at the lower figure while Kennewlck stock sold at $3 and . i.iamettaevalley offer ings from $1 to IS.io generally. borne fear was expressed by the trade Drop of at Least 50o Is Con sidered General by .Sellers 'Who Try to Hold Out Grass Season Well On. In the Stockyards. 4) Hogs Nominal; lot sells at 16.75 for tops. j Cattle Market about 60o low er; grass tops at 16.66. Sheep Best iambs firm; sheep generally lower. ik tfcl. jl.v In meant veer a as fol Hnaa. Caltla. Bhseu, ini if- .., m ioia lie 681 . 1909 188 "'-. 61 SOS 1908' 10 il 1 sat :. SOB 185 1906 103 .108 1905 n o tm A year ago today mere waa a sieaay ton in all lines of livestock with no change In prices. Official kapressatatlTe Baits. Following ars official sales. They represent domand, supplies and Quality offering: STEERS. Ara, lbs. 21 steers .., 1160 288 steers 1163 27 steers 1128 21 steers 122? COWS AND HEIFERS 2 heifers 1105 2 cows 970 1 cirw 1120 SHEEP AND LAMBS. 188 lambs 14 Prlet 85.90 6,81 6.86 6 65 IS.61 6 26 4.75 16.60 1 STRAWBERRY CROP g Albany Prunes Ripe. Albany. Or.. May 31. There Is ! good crop of home berries and they will anon crowd tha mraktt. on account of the cooked appearance that many or tha berry arrivals had tnis morning. OBACCO DROPS 6 POINTS AN E New York, May 81. After a very stiff opening the stock markat showed a wonderful decline all through the list, but the closing as compared with the previous seasion Is mixed. The American Tobacco decision cause1 a ehiirp loss in that security and a drop of 26 points was forceff. Rending, Amalgamated Copper and American Smelters lost heavily but Northern Paciflo closed 8 points higher. )ej PORTLAND LIVESTOCK RUN. Hogs. Cattle. Calves. Sheap. Wed naxdny Tuesday Monday . . Saturday . Friday ... Thursday Week ago 16 i ii iii 28 218 '63 1172 84 431 43 8 18 li 6 19 Range of New York prices furnished by Overbeck Cooke Co. Description : Open, Highj Low Bid A.maL Cop. Co... 67 I 67 Am. Car & F.. 0. 65 j 66Vj Am. Can. c I 12 V 12'. Am. Cot Oil, O..I 60 60 V ! 80 40i, 33 Am. Loco.. C....I 40 ! 40 Am. Sugar, c 1113 1120 Am. wmeit., o. Anac. Mln. Co. Am. Woolen, o Atchison, r .. Halt. & Ohio, 0.1106'i I.MTfc oiikai . rtklyn R. Tran. Can. Pacific, o. Con. Leather, c Chi. Ot. W.. c av 38 U MlilL OIL 11 7117 107 63 I 63 80 1 R0 239 239 302 81 Chi.. M. & St. P.124!121 64 64 1 1 c 60 40 lie 7S 39 33 112 106 61 U 79 J 237 29 807 810 805 806 817 820 812 812 RIBS 776 777 770 772 790 790 782 782 780 782 775 77T OMAHA MARKET WEAK Quotation Here Still Inwer Than Elsewhere on Coast, Market for lemons is firmer along Front street owing to the higher prices being demanded by California shippers. Prices here are still lower than in the I north but a further advance Is ex l pectsd along Front street. CLAM SEASON IS CLOSED . S. Weather Rureaii Sends Out JC Per gallon; Bpectal water - .i . . 12 616c. Notice to Produce Men. ROPF Manila, 8c; sisal. 7c. eat),cr brre.i.i s.-ndp o-it tl.e fi Motr ins' foroc'ivl tn s' ;i i.( is Prot.i f t:i. ip. i.'s ns fur north n Seattle aeaiiist t. n.i.i i.-tt:ir of nho.it 76 degrees. M.rl Vast 'o Spokane. v ,je arrees; southeast t.. Boise, ko daatces- eonfh to Sl5k!oii, rtcirmee Highest gallon. temperature at lortiand tomorrow about 82 degrees. GASOLINE Red crown and motor. IhiiVlc pallon; gasoline. 280 :;5f gallon: V. M. & P. naphtha, 13 i'l'c gallon. TCRPENTINE "In cases, 81 c; wood barrels, 79c; Iron barrels, 74c per NORTHWEST RANK STATEMENT FRONT STRrCrrr tTTOTATIONl Ifraln, Plonr and Kay. WHEAT Nominal Tiack delivery TIub. 687c: bluftem. rM'..t."" fort--: fold, 850 86c; Willamette valley, ft;,f. r(d Ruslan. 84c; Turkey red. 9cc. OATS Nomlnil. Prlucer-a price Track, No 1 white, 123.60; gray, $28 50 0 29.00. s BARLEY Producers price feed. 28; rolled. 29.B0: brewing, $29. aiLJixrf? selling rrlce Bran. Portlajid Banks. --arinps today $2,201,066.12 ciearins.s year aso 1,644,825.99 Cain today Hnlarices today Balances year ago FJ.fi, 2 3 0.1 4 515,330.00 1 32,130.14 Hojfs und Lambs Are Lower; Other Lines Poor. South Omaha. Neb., May 81. Cattle, 3400; market weak; steers, $5.76&6.10; cows and heifers, $4.75 5.76. Hogs, 13,100; market 6o to 10o lower. Sales. $ 5.66 5.96. BTieep, 2800. Lambs lower; sheep steady; yearlings $4. 76g6. 36: wethers, Jl infr.voo; lambs, $6.75 7.75; ewes, $4.': ;u 4.60. Strawberries Are Developing. Puyallup, Wash., May 81. The straw berry crop is developing Tory fast. Most of the strawberries in this part of the country are grown on the hill lands as they find that they do much better on tho higher lands than in the valley land. In the valley land the plant growth Is rather excessive and in moist weather amies the berries to rot, but tha hill land appours to get more sunshine and lias li-fcH of plant growth, so that the berries are more accessible and receive more sunshine. The berry station at Auburn Is now being erected by the Northern Pacific raUway and will be ready for use by the association within the next 10 days. As quickly as the Auburn plant Is com pleted the carpenters will go to Thomas at which point tho second warehouse will bo erected Chi. & N. W.. C Ohesap. & Ohio Colo. F & I., o Colo. South., c. Con. CaS Corn Pro.', o . . . , Dela. A Hudson n. & R. O., o. .. Erie, c Gen. Eleotrlo Ice Securities 111. Central Int. Harvester . Int. Met., o do pfd Lehigh Valley .. K. Southern I.. & N Manhattan Ry. . . M.. 8. P. A 6. 8. M., K. A T.. c. Mo. Paciflo Natl. Lead Nev. Cons. ..... N. Y.. Ont. A W. Norf. A W.. c No. American .. . No Paciflo, o. . . P. M. 8. S. Co. . . Penn. Railway . P. O., L. A C. Co. Pressed S. Car. c Reading, c fl0 Rep I. A S.. c Rovk Island, o. . . S. L. A S. W.. o. So. Paciflo, o. . . Southern Ry.. o. Texas A Pacific. T.. St. L. A W., c Union Pacific, c II. S. Rubber, o. . TJ. 8. Steel Co., c Utah Copper Vir. Chemical . . . Wabash, c W. U. Telegraph West. Electric. . . Wis. Central, o. . 148 1148 USUI 844 32l 83 5 4 146 15 170 31 334 54 146 15 170 31 33 .llS,166,l183 ' 19 19 139 139 40 119 79 39 83 113 107 62 79 239 29 21 121 '122'i ! 1 4 7 '147 81 I 84 65 66 11 lo Need Good Packing. Hermlston, Or., May 31. Hermlston strawberries are oomtng into the mar ket In fairly good quantities and another week will see the season at lis best, During this week shipments have been made every day. Yet of all those of fered in the local market and those 7(1, sent out a good pack waa rarely seen. 782 Compare the berries from other places 8063! with those grown here and you will ... 1 find the local berry equal to any for 1063! size and better flavored than moat i others. Yet our berries will not coin ' I4( mand the market they should for tha . reason no particular care is used In Those that had cattle to sell on to- packing, it requires but a little time day's market at North Portland were 10 arrange the berries In the boxes completelyat the mercy of buyers and ,n "n auracuvs manner. ceouencT ' Wild Berrie. in Kettle Valley. Thar ua. nn r..n r ....I. i Grand Forks. B. C Mav 81. Wild but a large per cent of the huge ar- ?-tr.a.w.be"1.'" V. b'!n: Picked In the rival, over Sunday were carried over , . od orfe. the 7. and sold at a smart reduction in pre- ! tlonafiy large. All fnilts are looking vlous values. well in this vicinity for this time of . !, "r" lP around id.io or year and rrult men prophesy an abund within a fraction of that while good ant crop. fed stuff is down to $5 15. and 15.90 or about 60c lower than Drevloua ! qm.. t. i.-i sales. "l"l,M .j-i.tt-.u. The slump in cattle here is remark- ! pingen. wash.. May 81. There hare able Inasmuch as it did not occur on'y ,,een comparatively speaking, but when tho groat arrivals were first U fw rra,8B ot oerrieB shipped so far. presented. This wuh nor ilu tn ins station, Dut the shipments lack of bearUhness on the Dart of ar Inoreaslng every day. What have buyera but to the dogged tendenoy of Been snipped up to data are from the receivers who wanted to protect their r.Rncn" along th river bottom con country pawrons Hgainst such a vicious i i.'ru.ou, l? B'ne"en. The berries of the slaughter Of prices. i w nite isaamon Kiver valley proper, and Portland Is How Lowest. upland are always some later. The A. :w JWW,L .. - pfekers. howwer. are on the ground and m.rkar h.. . . rort,5a ! wlil P00" b busy. Thirty crates of . . , :v ..-t-- u wio gooBeuernes were among the shipments best In the entire oountry and on this ; the fore part ef the week? "npraenl " 1 1 1 " " ' ' . miioii .way iron, i competing markota whenever wanted, today's slump here places the balance 63 143 14 169 30 64 144 14 169 30 18 62 178 34 147 137 35 60 66 19 42 107 i?9' 26 121 105 fl3 35 50 65 19 42 107 18 62 178 34 147 33 33 19 ! 19 138 138 Lebanon Berry Association. of trade elsowhere. Cattle were Quoted i Lebanon, Or., May 81. The members weak at South Omaha today with steer " tn" Bantiam Fruitgrowers' assocla prices ranging between $6.76 and $8 10 I ,lon fathered in mass at the city hall and cows from $4.75 to $5.76. The Saturday afternoon to look after business price being offered for top cows at ! matters and listen to the proposition of Omaha is therefore within a few frac-! E. L. Jewett of Portland, representing Hons of the best price obtainable for ! the Paciflo Fruit A Produce company, steers at North Portland. i and Kenneth Gordon, also of Portland, The cattle market here la passing Into wno wants the Iebanon berries for the the new season with oulck strides ni cannery at Brownsville, which ha haa kit Is unlikely that there will be any recently bought. He explained how he iii.ieimi onenng oi roo sturr nera nr auiea me oerriee inipnen mm nacKea. tho present week. Grass stuff will now i spoke In high terms of the sample coins lorwara in line ral iota and the market will be placed entirely upon the basis In fact, it la practically so at the moment, aa the difference in the price of grass and fed stuff Is very small. The margin la expected to narrow. General range of cattle Bestteers $ 00 fancy 1Z4H 1244 18 18 62 61 175 177 34 34 146 147 1136 136: 34 49 64 18 42 106 1ST'. 34 4l 65 18 42 106 73 130I129'140 25 24! 24 121 120!121 10o 106 S-.-l-i- 166 29 81 160 80 33 119 29 27 21 186 41 78 48 60 16 82 78 117 28 27 21 182 40 75 46 'A 80 75 105 84 157 31 113 27 20 184 40 76 d 16 81 77 69 White Salmon Berries High. White Salmon, Wash., May 31. The first crate of berries sent out of the Fruit Growers' union of this place sold for $12.60 in Butte, Mont. Other crates sold for $6 and $S. Green Berries Hurt. Milton. Or., May 31. Getters have been received by Manager H. D. Lamb of the unloiv and by 8. S. Shields of the Shields Fruit company from Spok ane and Idaho commission houses, say ing that berries from here are In too many cases so green that they will not sell. Unless the practice of picking green berries is stopped the price will be materially affcted W ild Berries Ripen. Eugene, Or, May 31. Those who know, say there are plenty of wild ftrawberrles and they are ripening up n good shope. Journal Want Ada bring results. ancy grain steers ...J 6 00 Ordinary grain steers .- 6.85 ordinary steers Best grass steers 6.75 5.86 Best cows 6.25 Medium cows 6.266.60 Ordinary cows ... 6.00 Poor to fair cows 8,00 400 Rest bulls 6.006.2S Kanoy bulls 4.75 Ordinary bulls 4,00 Q 4.26 CALVES. Best light 7.00 Ordinary (.86 Poor , . . , . 1.00(94.00 Hog Market Zs Firm. Only a handfull of swine came Into the Portland yards today and therefore regular prices were not fully tested. The outlook seems quite hopeful, al though there was a further weakening of values at South Omaha today. Pricea there dropped 5c to 10c, which puts tops at $6.95 or $7.06 to land here. This is atlll 15o above the best price that has been offered here recently. With local packers getting all their requirements of hogs from Nebraska and with only a limited amount of locol swine available for the trade recentlv 11 would be difficult at this time to state exactly what the market at North Port land would do If a dozen loads of local swine came forward. Nominal swine values at North Port land: Best Mockers ... .1 6.85 Medium light 6,75 Heavy packers fi 60 Rough packers 6.00 6.60 Sheep market Is Easier. An easier feeling prevails throughout the sheep and lamb trade here, although extra select quality la still delred at former prices in the lamb market. There was quite a fair run of sheep and lambs In the North Portland yards today, totals being 711 head, compared with 846 a week ago. At South Omaha there was only a limited supply of sheep and Iambs In sight today. Sheep were steady with lambs lower at $6.76 f? 7.75. ewes $4.26rj 4.50 wethers $4.40ff5.00 and yearlings $4.75 ft ."..as. Nominal heep and lamb prices at North Portland: Yearlings I 4.25 Wethers 4.00 Lambs 6.15(3)6.60 Ewes 8.50 Today's ran of livestock compares Licrrir. iprca.uirti 01 Oram 1 nomas anil Amos Clem. The cannery man wanted the entire output of berries and offered 4o per pound for the same. He offered prices for various other fruits and Is anxious to get all the canning goods he can secure and Is willing to pay well for same. The berry growers of Albany present ed a request to .Join the association here, and by a unanimous vote our people bade 6.76 1 them welcome and extended a solicitous Invitation to all to come. Mr. Leavlngood and wife, expert packers of berries, gave a demonstration of packing before the assembled throng. .There were many present who wished to learn to pack ana otnerwise prepare ber ries for a fancy market. - The final act of the meeting waa to appoint a committee to look Into the different offers and attempt to place the best fancy berries on the market and put the balance In the cannery, where they seem to be anxious to get them. There was also a man here from Alabnay loko ing after the handling of Lebanon ber ries In his town. HELD UP Bf COURT Writ of Prohibition Is Issued Against Board of Police , Commissioners. (Caltad Press Leased Wlea.1 San Francisco, May 11. Tha trial of I Chief of Police John P. Seymour on charge of oonduct unbecoming an of ficer of the police department and in competency was scheduled for today be fore the board of police commissioners. Judge Scawell. however, this after noon Issued a writ of prohibition against the board of police commis sioners proceeding with the trial ot Chief Seymour. The writ Is mads re turnable June 9. The technical charge against Seymour Is that while he prevented open gamb ling In 6a n Francisco, he was Inoom- petent tn that he failed to olose the gambling places. San Francisco, May 81. Laurence Flaherty. - third vice president of the International Brotherhood of Cement Workers and business agent for the lo cal union, was today appointed police commissioner to succeed Walter E. O'Connell, Vho resigned last Monday. Flaherty has never hsld political of fice. He assumed the commlsslonershlp this afternoon. ATTORNEY'S FEES ATE UP MONEY HE ST0LEU tucuta rrees Leasee, wire.t Los Angela, May 31. When the trial of Attorney Fred H. Thompson, charged with having reoelved stolen money, was resumed today, Orlando Al- torre, the postofflce clerk, who was pardoned by President Taft after being convicted or perjury and embecslement of $16,000 sgaln took the stand. Al torre has testified that he told Thomp son of the theft and that he also re vealed to htm the hiding plaoe of the first 15000 he took from the postoffloa Today's testimony dealt with the re maining $10,000, all of which, the prose cution claims, Thompson got from Al to rra as attorney's fees. Journal Want Ads bring reaulta Bonds Investments Timber Lands Neuhausen & Co. 701-3-3-4-3 LEWIS BUILDINQ, PORTLAND. OEEQON Ladd & Tilton Bank ESTABLISHED 185, . i Capita! $1,000,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits $700,000.00 Letters of credit, drafts and travelers' checks issued available on all parts of the world CORNER WASHINGTON. AND THIRD STREETS FIFTH ANNIVERSARY Seattle Banks. Clearings today $1,701,658.00 Balances today 697.259.00 . E . IJJlj .... t . - . ' AWVUi. lilttil ' j o.uo; cnop. ; hearings today $ 694,610.00 t't-PrM,.r. niw-isis-ren,, ' Ba,anc" toda- 66,090.00 THE BARBER ASPHALT PAVING COMPANY Constructs Asphalt and srftier Bitum inous Pavements. 606-60$ Electric Bidg, Portland, Or. Oskar Huber. i. - Manager. Jan. March May June Aui. Sep. Oct. Nov. Deo. New York Cotton Market. Open. Hiirh. Low. ...1299 1313 1297 . . . i?"S 3 1 8 i a ii . ..16f.o 1561 H.", ...1570 ISTC, ttSTO ...3501 1M7 llBOO ..1351 136 lkn4 - -1110 1322 1307 Close. 131213 131S W20 1560? il 157SW76 1516W17 13(!r,f?fi7 1320 6M1 13l3fl 12134214 DEPOSITS MAY 28, 1906 $ 107,851.84 (At the Olose of the 1st Day's Business) DEPOSITS MAY 27, 191 1 $3,612,572.28 (At the Olose of the 5th Tear's Business)- NATlONAt B A. N ft On Fifth at Stark FIRST NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL $1,500,000 SURPLUS . $750,000 Oldest National Bank West bf the RocJcy Mountains Of all modern pavements Bitulilhic composed of the most durable materials Overbeck & Cooke Co. Commission Merchants Stocks, Bonds Cotton, Grain, Etc. 216-217 Board of Trade Building Members Chicago Board of Trade. OemapooAents of Logan A Tw. j . Chioegrj, Hew Terk. Bovten. We bsvre tha eotr private wis onnectlng Portland wltk tha eastern emabngias. ..1300 1314 1299 V '.