The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 30, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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" - . , ... ." . r. i
HEILIO Julia 'Merlowa and B. . It
Hot hern lit 'TeminA" or ina enrtw.
BUNQALOW Lyrlo Ma-icel Comear
company la "The Harvard Professor."
BAKEK John Salnpolte, supported by
QRPHEUM 6rpheum Circuit Vaude.
yllle,- ' -
PANTAGES Vaudeville.
GRAND ulllvan A coneldlne, Teuae-
Court After all the oooupantt war morning when an automobile which Roy
asleep two man approached tha house M. Hulburt waa driving, turned turtlt
In a buggy and, pretending to ba trav- on the Baaa Llna road, ara reportad at
elera, datnandad to apeak with tha man-' bain anUraly out of danger tt St Vtn-
ager. On hla approach thay demanded I notpitaj ana Hopes ere expressed
money, but. were eooa everpowered. Tha
matter waa reported to tha county au
thorltlea, but at no damage waa dona.
ror t quick raoovary. Mra. . llurburt
waa Injured themore seriously, having
sustained . broken let;. Mra. Holmea
sustained- a f raotere . of tha v arm.
NeUhar Mr. Hurburt nor Fred Fratp,
who owned tha car. ' and who waa a
Vonrtit ' WUk ' fnllann a-TVillrni
man Dick" Stewart waa sent to tha Passenger whan tha accident occurred,
Harrieon hotel at S o'clock thlt morning wr' '"Jured. , , ,
to arreet Pat Caaaben, who In ft drunk. , J ' -
on ramble, had Uken poaaeaalon ofa ,BlejroBai Inured II. O. Pack of tha
room which ha had sot paid for." Thel"3 Auto Wheel company, while driv
patrolman encountered ft man that near I ' hie tuto laat night, collided with
ly reaulted in hla death. While trying to I Paul Ortdey, a messenger, employed, by
h . ..-a.. I the Central MaaaanvM. .w
STAR, ARCADE, OH JOT, TYPZT I nearl threw Stewart from a fourth! waa riding hla bicycle, at Eaat Nine
First run plcturaa, 11 a, jn. to It p. m. I , -r. .mim,. ftmiif I teenth ' and irawthArna . ...
, . ' i conquered rat, was 8 cnargea wiia, uimm i wiku, n wneei ana preaa
Weather Oondltlont.
orderly, oonduct
Ing tha rounr man'a tt la hallavail
K ft. . . . . . . .
Thara haa baaa a conaldaraMa In. I - . ' T "
ereaao of preaaure In ttla laat 11 houro 0mMa Bn-paota Takaa-Pttrolman "J" SirrS?, 5
over the entire country except In tha Bhaffer and Johnaon Uat night ajrea- Vlnoent hoapittJ, where It la bettered
upper Miaaiaaippi ana Kea jtiver vai- ted Ma Laa and Charley Lar ror eoni" " -
leva. The lane high preeaure field haa nu.tln a lottp nma at 144 Ollaan
J'hTCkl riilnn. aver tr- Ball waa fUad at W0 aach. Aootdont ratal-iThomaa Oreco. 14
!h. rV V.f o Wou
mDt. Toakum oontlnooa to draw largt
erowda at .tha Second Baptlat church,
Eaat Seventh, and Ankeny atraeta. Tea
tarday ha took for hja aubject WWte
hatted Love." 1 At caJl for paopla to
coma to tha altar, oorea cama and re-
calvad bleaalngt. Oat maa aana on a
orutch tad a can and waat twty leav.
Ing both bohlnd. Another man cama
with orutch and when prayed for ha
walked away without hit. orutoh. Mra.
Terry, who waa healed laat Saturday,
teeuned aha waa healed of cancer.
After tha matting Or. Toakum rial ted
Mra. J. & Ruat tt Arbor Lodga. She
wat afflicted with paralytic After
being annolnted with oil and prayed for
aha aroaa and walked out of tha houae,
going to tha street t
proWurV l7W Staking ftftar '"' H.Jght'dl: Tha doctor la furnished aa automobile
have fallen la-Nevsda. Wyoming, tha they Wd been reliably Informed that n,,t at Bt Vincent a hospital at ,o ha can yltlt the tick who can't gat
Dakotaa, Kahaaa, Oklahoma, aouthorn the gamo waa going on. Patrolman tha result of Injuries sustained aarly J t0 the meetings. J. H. Haak hat given
Wiley and Croxford watched tha front
door while Shaffer and Johnaon piada
(he raid. . , .
Attempta Vuloida -Peter railing, a
la tha, empjoy of the
Paclflo ' Terminal company,
Sunday morning while tt hit work. The
man wat hurt in the trad In camn and
In, some manner tutttlned a fractured
skull through a fall on ft pile of rocka.
The. case haa been reported to the cor
oner and aa Investigation la being held.
Ho leavea a wife and eeveral children
wno lira la Italy.
Xedal Oontetfc A Matron's Medal
conteat will be given at Central W. C
T. U. Wadneaday 3:S0 p. m., room 101
oooanough building, followed bv a to
clal hour. AH members tnd frfendt cor
dially invited. i
Zonlm M. Marks, tha original booster
ror Rose Festival Interior and exterior
decorations tnd novelties. Salesroom.
f7i Washington it. Main 61J5.
gtsamav Jaasa VirYtn fnm nmimm
Idaho: Fair tonight and wadneaday. seeks to have tha railroad remove car- i Washougal and way landing a. dally ax-
p i n. r. av t miLVA n a. . ram n m n m in r na w 1 1 1 tarn ear raaj n v aw a w nr. - - a. .
. " - 1 sr near -lamsDurg, L.inn wvnir, win i aock tt 1 B. m.
alftftvlv tnr tha nnt two Or three I . ...... ,.m . . . . lvv
Texas, southeastern Louisiana and Man
Itoba. Tha w anther la warmer In tha
Mntral nlatna atatea the Red River val
ley, eastern Maine and in Alberta; it la
cooler In northern Minnesota, wettern
New Tork and the Ht. Lawrence val
ley. Elsewhere temperature changes ara I laborer
unliminrtant. Tn tha Ohio valley and in I ..-.
irv. fhi arf P"J on obad to work,
t-mperatura are much abov. the Hatt;ptt4 ,uIcl(J y.".t.rday morning by
- ' ' . . . I I . . . B . . - . . . S
Conations are ravoraoia xor xair piuntma neaa ioremosi irora in xop ui
' weather In thlt dlatrlct during tha next a passenger coach In the Northern Pa
li houre. No Important - tamparature) olf)o pM,engar yarda. Mia efforte irara
al'il" indicated and wlnda wUl ba Uov.u,ngt h0Wever. for although ha
FORECASTS WM atunned and bla head badly cut
Sounds and Strait: Light westerly by the fall, he was not seriously Injured.
wtnria. IT.Ir .. i I , f
Portland and ylctnity: Fair tonight 0, jr. Oo.'t Demurrer Orerruled Judge
and Wadnoaday. Northwesterly wlnda. BMn yea tarda y overruled a da-
WawStart-iS'-f ht We3M r murrar In tha case of Cartrlght agalnat
jforthweateriy win a a mt aa
waahlngton: Fair tonigni ana v oa- , . ... V " 7 .....
Btsday. Westerly winds. a reault tha ault In which tha plaintiff
' Injured la a Tall Fred Rlatman, an
Ironworker employed by tha Columbia
Iron Wire works, waa hurried to tha
St- Vincent'a hospital .yesterday after
Boon Buffering from terlout Injuries re
ceived In tha collapsing of a scaf
fold upon which he was work
ing in front' of the Teon building.
Blttman and Ptul Mel by, hit helper,
were on the rumey scarroia wnen a
heavy plank that, formed part of Its
tupport fell and struck him on tha
head. He fall about ten. feet to the
sidewalk, breaking hit right arm. It
Tt Orearoa Grille A name synony
mous with til that's high class. During
tha paat alx years wt havt established
an enviable reputation as purveyors to
thoae who enjoy the very best the mar
ket afford a. Our musical programa also
ara of auch a character aa to attract
tha music lovera of Portland. The fa
mous Italian violinist and hit select
orchestra all this week.
Burnt OolAmaa, the noted anarchlat
Iectarea In Altaky hall. J6S Morrison
street Subject tonight "Ravolutlona."
Sweat Oil Staia for Interior finish.
11.71 per gallon; calcTmo tlnta. lo lb.
Portland Sash Sk Door Co.. 210 Front
Wetherbee miohardt Oo agenta
Royal Ineurance Co. 1001 Toon build
ing. Phone Marshall 17T6.
Hurt by Street Car. W. E. Hutson, a
taamater, was struck by a street car In
charge of Motorman Fulton at First
and Clay streets laat evenlag and tua-
Baggagt Moved. For transfer com
pany, now at Park and Davit. Main
6910, A-2821.
tha use of hit tuto for that purpose.
A meeting will be held thlt evening
at T:I0 and tomorrow from 1 a. m.
to 4 p. m. and at T:I0 p. m.
tnslted Praaj tw4 Wlnl
Washington, May 10. A tt year eon
trovers between tha attta of California
and several hundred of Its cltlsens over
title to 100,000 acres of land In the Im
perlal valley ended tt tha general land
orrice hero yesterday with a oompletc
victory for the dtlsent tad defeat for
the contention of the state.
a. . .a -v.., ... .lr.,11 ma I talnul aavaral hmkan Hhl Tha InlllHaa 1 , . . . . . . " . .
la iwuTi - - - - ' I . . - : I uvTiiisis. intra ana watninrton. .
& . a r i . a. a a . 1 1 mmmim n n m w,wn.Aiw nam.
DS I iaC l U roU. mal.lllil linn ikiuhj hi. i miv ac avu muw au w .
Urea tt (011 Sixty-second avenue, I fuL Dr. Fisher, one of the street car
Woodstock. I companya physicians It attending the
- " man who waa ramovea ts tna Bt vin-
Br. T. X. May, graduate chiroprac
tor. 1011 E. 6th. North.
Br. Irving Exonerated The coroner'a cent'a hospital
lury. which yesterday afternoon Inves
tigated the death of James. H. Robin- Boyt Arrested-Frank
aon. who died Sunday night at St. Vln
Celeatlno and
Roy Thompson ware arrested last night
cents hospital as the result of being by Patrolman Klin gel, for the theft of
struck by Dr. Lloyd Irvlng's automo
bile bt Third and Jefferson streets May
4, returned a verdict In favor of Dr.
Irving. It was declared that the ao
cldent waa unavoidable. The man waa
struck while crossing the street, tnd
l.t. Irving' took him into hit car and
started to the hospital. Robinson prd
tested that he was not badly hurt and
Jumped from the auto. Last week.
'however, hit Injuries took a serious
turn and hla death followed.
11-TeacvOld Boy Za Drwwned Wll
.Jlam H. Crutchen, 11-year-old aon
of H. P. Crutchen, waa drowned Sun
day afternoon In the Sandy river at
"Welchee" while playing with hit -
year-old brother, Felix. The sorrowing
parenta bent on oecuring proper atten
tion for the corpse of the lad, started
in a rig for Portland last night tnd
drove all night .without stopping, with
the little body on t bed of straw In the
wagon arrived here tt o'clock yester-
dar morntnf. The body wat taken to
Dunning A McEn tee's tnd the case re
ported to the coroner. ' The body waa
pulled out of tha liver by Henry Lang
after several houra of eearch.
a quantity of cigars and tobacco from
Dr. B. O. Brown, Eye, Ear, Marquam
Seaside. Wheeler European hotel. .
Electricity now doea practically all
the work tn the kitchen of the United
Am Zanoratloa OomxaeiKiIng JUme L
In addition to the t la carte menu
a special dinner will be served dally
p. m. until 7 p. m. Charge 11.15.
Monday, Wednesday and Saturday,
Beef Steak Dinner.
Tueeday and Thuraday,
Virginia Chicken Dinner.
Rhode Island Fish Dinner.
French Dinner.
Musical attractions extraordinary;
Ethel Lwls, the California Nighten
gale; Lionel M. Redfleld. baritone, and
J. W. Lewis' famous orchestra f until
I tnd 10 until 11 p. m.
Time Saver.
Have you ever considered the con
vent en oe ef having your baggage
checked at your noma or hotel T There
la 'only one transfer company In the
city that can do this. Ths Baggage 4
Omnibus Transfer company, Park and
Davis stt. Phones Main (910, A-tlll.
a poolroom at 104 First ttrset The ""men
boys entered the room after tha doelng ut'- Military academy at Wast Point
hours tnd concealed their loot In the x'
Summer Rates.
The Canadian Paclflo Is the line that
offers real Inducements to the traveler.
Low round trip rates to eaatern points
are now In effect Of floe. 141 Third at
baaement of Caleatlno'a home.
claimed. 1
It is I
Woman Tired of X4fe Mrs. Antone
Demosco, the wfe of t Greek,
made a futile attempt to com
mit suicide yesterday mornlng.With a
dull kitchen knife she tried to slash
her throat and when the failed to inflict
a fatal injury she rushed to t nearby
grocery and tnea to oorrow a anarp
knife. The grocer, who knew that the
woman had recently shown tymptomt
of Insanity, notified the' police station.
ftgd Sergeant Htrmt arrested the wom
an, turning her over to the county" au-
thoritlct to be examined for her sanity.
She has been living with her husband
ftt (74 First ttreot.
Burglars . TTnauocessfuL An unsuc
cessful attempt wat made tt 11 o'clock
last night by burglars to enter the
home of O. F. Pearson, (II Marshall
atreet Tha prowlera broke the window
oppoatte the latch and tried to- pry up
the window. An effort wat made to
open tha back door but thlt wat ajeo
McCarthy Trial Jane S4-The trial of
William McCarthy, charged with Induc
ing girls to go to Alttkt, will be hold
In tha circuit court June 14. This date
waa agreed upon ycaterday, whan he
wat arraigned. The case against C. B.
Dunsmore, charged with check forgery.
waa aet for trial June 25.
Set Keady for the Carnival We can-
ndt have a cheap looking aet of men
walking about the atreett of Portland
during carnival week. Dress welt fel
lows. Buy your suit from Jlmmle I
Dun and save (10.00. Take elevator
to Id floor, Oregonlan bldg. '
Woman Misses Mnsband Mrs. Wil
liam Bandon, who recently came to Port-
land from San Francisco, has missed
her husband by reason of having made
the trip on the boat while her husband
came by rail. She it now at the Mit
chell house at Seventh and Flander
treats In a destitute, condition. She haa
tked tha police to assist her In her
aearoh for her spouse and orders have
'been given the patrolmen to look for
the man,- who may not be advised of
hit wlfe'a presence here. Mrs. Bandon
had received word that her husband's
mail It being forwarded to Caacade
Captala Stokes' Case Attorney J. W.
Westbrook, who defended Captain
George, W. Stokes of the fire depart
' ment In the recent hearing' of the city
- civil service commission, on uapiam
Stokes appeal from the finding of the
city exeoutlve board, In which Stokes
was declared guilty of numerous minor
Infranllnn. nt tha rule of tha flra da-
partment and reduced to the ranks, this
morning suDomiea a Drier to uepuiy
City Attorney Tomllnson, resting Stokes
I ease on the evidence already laid before
('- probably reach a decision on the appeal
wraorrqw. .
Viminm ftarwlaa. TT!f fecttva Man
Amu avMilnr June fi. 1911. and averv
Monday evening thereafter, until further
notice, a steamer win do proviaea 10
carry passengers between Hay den It-
land and Vancouver, connecting witn
trains to and from Portland, maintaln
. Ing the regular weekday achedule, while
the ferry it undergoing the required
weekly inspection. , Thlt steamer will
only carry paseengert, having no facili
ties for vehiciea or .animais. mt no
quency of the service will also be im
proved on the above date. See time
cards. P. R., L. St P. Co. .. .
Seary roller Slot Henry ? Fuller, t
-pioneer of Oregon of the early 40t, died
i at Nogales, Aria, May i, according to
t letter received at Portland yesterday.
He waa one of- the proprietors of the
first tannery In Portland. Later he es
tablished the Fulton market which la
atlll Tunning. : In 1171 he went to Art
?tona to engage In mining. He waa a
Volunteer In the Cayys Indian war and
waa one Of the citizens who assisted la
I the burial of Marcus' Whitman. He la
survived by his wife and. three children.
Attempt to Bob X. Inn ton Saloca An
attempt wat made - Sunday night to ;
' hold up the Ferry aalooa at Wbltwood I
Br. . B. Toakum at the Second Bap
tist church. East Seventh and Ankeny
streets, today 2 p. m. and 7:30 p. m..
Wednesday 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. and 7:10
p. m. Bring the sldk and crippled and
drunkard. Healing of the Lord free of
charge. . "
Ylctbns ieoovaring Both Mrs. C E.
Hulburt and her daughter, Mrs. Harry
L. Holmes of 1103 Eaat Salmon street
who were Injured at 1 o'clock yesterday
Artistic and Exclusive
.IN - "
China and Cut Glass
Bailey & Co.
424 Wash. St, Bet. 11th and 12th
Ifa Lonesome tort o lonesome, ttt Sundy-ay
to me.
It 'peart-like more'n any day I nearly ever teal
Ylt, with the Start and Stripes above, svflutteiin' in
the air.
On ev'ry Soldier't grave I'd love to lay a Kly thare,
With roaesl roses! roses! ev'ry body in the town!
And crowds o' little girls in white, jest fairly loaded
Oh! don't, THE Boys know it, from their camp
acrost the hill? t
Don't they see their comrads comin and the old
flag wavin' still?
And YIT it's lonesome lonesome! It's a Sund'y
day, to ME,
It 'pears-like more'n any day I nearly ever seel
Stfl- with- Jhytars and Stripes above, a-flutterin'
in the aVj
On ev'ry Soldier's grave I'd love to lay a lily thare.
Decoration Day
No Advertisement TorJay
The Better the Day
The Less the Need
F. W. Baltes
aid Company
iiiYite your
inquiries for
5h0??g I Home A 1165
First and Oak
In New Bnildinii, LJy
E (1'yi e hem for the g
'"yf 'r.VUMr brand. Thla will
J!' '1iJ' insure your getting the g
FyVll l Every pair carries a g
mWrfjiff I guarantee ticket that absolutely In- 3
V -- , WfflyW ' tl1 e th double thickness finger j
- i jfJr( 1 Xou can. purchase "NIAGARA 3
fC&Tmf W A MAID" Silk Olovea at any of the good atorea 3
': JJrlifw$ oV BAm0 price ua you pay for the ordinary 3
I f , fw Moot good ttoret also carry "NIAOAKA M
; i ' " W&W -X v MAID" Silk Underwear, which la a dainty 3
l 'yMr economy for the particular woman. Ask your H
I dealer to show It to you. ' H
'r WUlQAXUl BIX.JC MTCI.a Worth Tonawaada, X. T. H
? . 1 eZZrf KEW TOBX, 33 Union Square. Stock carried. . B
- , r..w WBajrCICr 28 Keamey Stret. Stock carried H
fp' M r??Jl "'rvo.?i ?oiith--Stfit p"- -,-ir. , BL
When Special Pttrolmat P. r. Mer-
rlok followed Alloa Bannalt Intn aa alia.
at Twenty-first and Pettygrovt ttraeta
tt 1 o'clock latt night after tha worn,
aa had aroosed tha offlcera suspicions
by her strange actions, he ran up against
a combination beggar, pickpocket and
knife fighter.
Aa toon aa Merrlok had ."entered the
shadow of the building the' woman
begged bint for oentt, and while talk
ing to tha Office man aged to lift" a
wallet containing 7 front bit pocket,
not without tha knowledge of the offl
oer. however. .
When Merrick pot the 'women nnder
arrest and tttempted to recover hit
money tht started a fight. In which she
wielded a large knife. Tha offloar waa
Out several timet before he succeeded
la overpowering tha woman. When
searched at polloe headquarters, lottery
tickets were found ia bar possession.
She will face a charge of larceny, as-
sault with a dangeroue weapon and hav
ing lottery tickets when arraigned to
7th Tajl"-
, PaoMsi Xaia i 9jU JUllsa.
AND. .". ' '
The Comedy .'.'
-TAicnro) op
Great Needlework Sale
. Every Article
An opportunity la offered our
? a t r o n s to purchase Stamped
.Inena, Embroidery Cottona or
nrrAwrs loio ajtb skobt
SaVXatXa. hand made and embroi
dered; daintiest deslgna ever shown
in.,.p?ni.M.d...T.h,,...l..i4. off
WAISTS, crepe, regular l Cf
values, special y'fiJv
Hand' Embroidered Artlol
pricea never quoted before.
takpsd uniri AID
pnte your needs for summer.
These prices may never be dupli
cated. 9, K C Embroidery Cot
tone, all alsrs, special, per t O
docen 1 OC
IIOITI1 BXX.K, sites E snd D
only. K"rular 4o skein, 1 Q
special, per dosen IOC
btakpss wxrra ltjii cbv-
mxmcia, regular 86c, 1
special 1C
patterns, values to BOo, in.
special lifC
HUT -WAXSVS, uke cut.
stamped on b e s t Vrade yr
India linen, reg. 11.25. apt 4 UC
tamped on flnost grade JQ
lawn, reg., special. ... QS7C
ToitH An lfAXQtrrBii'rrTD
Regular tlue 110.00. C 7C
iipeuial pO,l O
appropriate for bridal gtfta. Reg
ular boc values zor: regular 11
values 600; regular 12 values.
l.zr; regular 3.o
.Table Linens, Infants' Wear, Wetrrng Apparel, etc Prices leu than
coat of production.
IMPART AMT NrOTirt? P "l continue for ten days.
11IU UltifUll 11V1IVU
Out-of-town patrons may order by mail.
Tomorrow mat. MiWtTO AVSrn TfTLTTTV
Tomorrow nltht.HOMXO AMO tVUUiC
Thursday night, June 1
, .hubsCXAsrr op Trwicra
FYlday night. June t.TWXlaPTX HlOtlT
Saturday matinee, June I
am too tna rr
Saturday night, June I.. ......Mam. BP
Pricea, both evenings and matinees; fcn
tlre lower floor 11. balcony, flrat rows
11. SO, next t rows tl, following rows
75c. laat ( rowa 60c Entire gallery too.
Curtain rtsee at 8 and I o'clock.
AjrvoinrozBCEWT BXTmAosourABT
acaia 117 tnd A-eaa.
Matinee every day, 1:41. Two evening
performances, T:46, 1:1. - The popular:
Lyric musical comept compant
in "vxta BAJiTAJLD pmoruaaom." .
Nothing but lauthter and music. New' '
songa, choruses, costumes. All the favor- "
Itea; Weet and Vack, Jeane Pletcher and
the others. Prices lie. lie. Mate 10o.r
Chorus girls' contest Friday night. ..."
T I 1 A 1 I 1
Mala g and A-4V3SO
Geo. It. Baker. Witt.
Tonight all week Mat. Wed. and Sat
Tn eminent actor
ion aAJurvoxaa
Supported by the Haker Theatre Co. la
-itsus asiiax
As played by Robort Edeton,
Oreateat of college playa.
Sperial aummer prioet fto, 600, Katl-
neea ISo all aaata
Next week 'The Great Divide.- ,
scAnr a, a iom
VrmtX It Ttlf ATOW ICfC.CA.7Ca
Joseph X art's -A aright la a Tre-
lah Bath." Parrel Taylor and eom
Saay, BeUa Adair i Murray and Zaaa(
arow Brothers! Jaaaet X. Oulleai Okn
ra Japs. Bventna; prices ISo, 8So, too
and Too. Bally xaatlnea lao, too, aoe, MoU
lday xoatlBeea jrifbt prioet.
Taeoaaled TauderUia.
thla treek Hxtni Tha Oherttt
glrters, Daateneea do Parla Zxtraordln -
Smki ant Oailtala,! Tlort an1
Whlaahouaos The Ponr Black Diamonds
resoope. f-opuiar pneea. juuntf gur,
0, T:10 and .
QRA1ND WttkMay39t lfl I
Fourth Annual Picnic
Modern Woodmen of America
Woddburh, Ore,, June 1, '11
Southern Pacific
will sell round trip tickets from Main Line points, Port
land to Albany inclusive; and from points on the Spring
field Branch, Crabtree to Woodburn inclusive, May 31 and
June 1, goad for rtturn up to June 3. zt r ;-rr:--
One and One-Third Fare
An elaborate program, including Band Concerts,
Sketches and Selections by the Willamette University Glee
Club; Athletic Sports, Pie Eating Contests, Tug of War,
Baseball, Confetti Carnival, Competition Drill by the
M. W. A. and R. N. A. Teams, Grand Ball, Moving Pic
tures, etc.
$1.50 Round Trip from Portland $1.50
For further particulars, train schedules, etc call on
any Southern Pacific agent, or write to
. WM. M'MURRAY, General Passenger Agent
moad Show Bo. S
Tha world's most
eccentric and tera-
peram'nt'l maestro
Gennaro and Kit
Oondollat Band
Matlnao every day 1:10. any teat lie:
evening performances at T:I0 and 1:16:
balcony 15c, lower floor Ito; box seata SOo.
Btrto aaA Clark
Xa TUy '
Tha BUltorat
Oeahaxa m BsadsH
Oaljs Park'
Peatnre Attraouoaa
Rnawlaa Bandmaster and ZMreeteaj
In free open air concerts, tngmeBtao! by
special soloists and Grand Opera quartet
of Metropolitan Opera company. Newt
Tork. Hardy Hero of Niagara Palla.
Tha Ostrich Farm. Auditorium Norton'a
I Musical Comedy company. Every form
,bf high class park attractions. Admle-.
slon loo. cnuoren co. Lnaer s years rreo.
Take cars at First and Alder s treat a
Oor. Ttagha tad Twenty-fourth
but so, si, arnra l, m, , ,:
Oaataa begin week days 1:00 p. m. Snn
-rv-. dava .1:89. VSmrS::'-
Admission - Bleachers ISo: grandstand
60c; boxea 16o extra. Children, bleach
ers, 10c; grandstand ISo. Ladles' day.
Friday. Boys under 12 free to bleach-,
ara Wednesday. ' J
The coat af iaeermenta km Ini
greatly redaoed bp the Xoimaa
Vote IQO XYes
Thic Greater
South Portland Bridge
City Election June 5
ZfOcatlom Meade Btraet-Woodward Arenas (Slltwvrth Btraat)
Wp fT g W TC!I7 Portland't rapid growth In popu-
Bat-i V--" i3B -i latlon nt the laat decade demands
better facilities for traffic and transportation. The same number of
bridges are in existence now, with a three-fold increase of popu
lation. '
The construction of the bridge '
would relieve the congestion of the
existing overworked bridges
Rapid transit is essential to the
growth of any city.
Travel from the Fifth. Sixth and
Seventh wards would bt facili
tated and'60,000 inhabitants would be able to get to thalr business
Interests and work without the delays now encountered.
Safety of life and property la the
southwest and southeast aldet de
mand It; tht concentration of the fire apparatua of the Fifth Sixth
and Seventh wards would make it possible. . -t
-Of the protection of the har.bor '
would npt be ' endangered, it la
' the consensua of opinion that no more bridges can bo built betweon
the existing bridges and the now contemplated one. - Tha proposed
high bridge draw will seldom bo opened. .. . (Paid Adv.) 1
Sleretofore it haa been the custom of
eral directors to make ehargea for
ail Incidentals oonnected with a fu
neral. The Edward Holman Undertak
ing company, the leading funeral dU ;
rectors of Portland, have departed from
that custom. When casket ft furnished
by at we make no extra charaee fe? -etnbolmlng,
hearse to cemetery, outside
box or any services that may be ra
oulred of us, except elothlng. eemetery
and carriagea, thus effecting a tavlng
of 111 to 175 on each funeral.
Ba. Pred Praha - .- '
Br. Theodore S. Thomtot) :
Dentists "
OfflotKowt 10 to 4. .,
opev tram Art pbox 10 to
407 OerllagM bldg, d tad Alder.
Phoaet Main aattti A-aaod
Foster Klclscr
High Grade Commercial tnd El ec trie
s i:g s
Start Tth and Bast Bvexett gta, .
-,. Pbonea Baal lUli B-aaa4.
Portland Printing House Co.
Book, Catalog end Oommereial
. V Printing
Book 1H-at"f amd Blank Boot Making,
3S8 Taylor St., Phones: A 228 1, M 6231