The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 30, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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    1 A'
tM.k r eventa taseent Saodayi J
nrr Sne4ar awwnlxr t Taa Jarl
. Ins. flfta sad TaaiaUJ strata, Foctiaaa. vt.
Rateres at the pn.offlr at fwttoBaOr..
tn, tr.nBilaloa through UM SJalle aeooad-
elae mttrt.
A -torn.
-t milin r Main TITir Hoi
All rvrlmrnfr rrartwd by rheae aambere.
' Tall tk .rt wkil f prtniiit wast.
KuJmla A Kmtnor Oo., Bronewlri iBallaing,
v t tf. erasa. Kew lorkt ISIS l-eoleTe
Dm BaUdlng, Chlrtfo. ' -
gnliecrlpUon Tnna by anil or t an adSreae
UaJtre state or anna
'fta ttM
. Cm year.
' On raw.
Ou year.
,8.00 On BKHltk 8 .80
6180 I Ona Boat I M
fT.80 Ona ownth I .
of the state at heart would do well mandmenU, which have ben Ini-
to rtmimber that true greatness la pllcitly followed In the New York
Oregon must come through the per- library. 1 They will ddubtleaa govern
in an en t development of all the re- whatever architect ara employed In
sources, of all the land, of all the designing the sew public library of
Industrie. Portland. (
The people of aouthweatern Wash- The' nalfr polnta are that the
Ington seem to hare found the -building shall be fireproof through
greater part of the grain raised in
the western proTinces la exported to
foreign countries.
Thla observer ; finds in . the reel
procity treaty, great opportunities
for the American fanner. The 8.
000.000 Canadians, not to apeak of PhVVh.Vo7r.M about the VUtEm
gitiXL change
II ean claim but mite of phtlos fl
ee , i
nmn ..if .tA -hrtnM t ra. ont-Vthnron vhl v and .fl Hffhtfld hv year, have to be fad. and the nra. ' Wanted, -a.. weather, prognostieaior
... b"-i I - . i - , . . wno eu d raaio t aureiv a year in au
suits In the next fewyears. Isn't it I day and night , It must be naturally lent area devoted to farming on the vanoe. , -
time ror Oregon to De moving in ui cia ana easny aepi iree irora norm iu 01 me poruer is eniirejyi A moA.i ltcensa law doaa Hot make
same direction r ausc 11 snail nave even lempera- inadequate lor wanaaun require I vary man who aeouraa .a itcenao
nooM aaiuonnaapar.
ture and ventilation. There must be menta. except in wheat, the surplus
free and eaay passage through and of which, as above mentioned. Is
between all the book stacks, and lo- shinned to Burona from Canadian
r IMPORTANCE second only to cation in close communication wltl) porta,
mat day w&en tue Birmaay or reading, cataloguing and delivery It is hard to aee how, under these
the American nation la ob-j rooms. circumstances, - the free entry of
served comes that on which Whatever are the requirements of American produce can fall to stlmu-
Thra ara man arho waul A vota the
prohibition tiokat at avary opportunity,
if may uvad a tnouaanu ysara. ,
a - a - , -
Mnm a ummumtn wko tirofasa to
favor tariff raform want reduction of
outiaa ror uta otbar fallow oniy.
the neonle recall the services and Hi.ti k...,. . iv. ntK. I mtm imn.m.u k .11 1 So far Oovarnor Harmon and. Bnaakar
- . 4. I --v. ,.vvU... ... Clark hava not baaft haard loining la
How allrht a chanoa may
ralsa or sink a soul. Bailer-
IVEN TUB obstrucUonlsU should
realize now that further oppo
sition to the Broadway bridge
is futile. Yesterday's , accept-
' . ance of 4500,000 bonds by Boston
buyers turns obstructionism into
' rout They have lost in what would
aeem to be their last stand. They
are without a solitary hope of fur
ther delaying the structure. Why
. do they not accept the inevitable like
aane men and quit?
' All they can-do now is to beat
down the price of bonds. Their
'k suits, their attacks on the bonds,
" their representations to distant buy
. ers only serve to lower the price the
securities bring In the market. They
c do not prevent the sale. They do
- not stop work on the bridge. They
merely make the purchasing power
of the bridge bonds less, which
makes the bridge cost more.
What is the use to fight further
v. when all that can be accomplished Is
to further victimize the city flnan
dally? What Is the use for the ob-
' structlonists to spend more of their
own money to make the city lose
. money?
' They have already spent large
turns in obstruction.. All It has
amounted to was the earlier delay
to the bridge, the infinite trouble to
which it has subjected city authori
ties and friends of the bridge, and
lowered prices for the bonds. What
is the, use of spending more money
now In a business that does nothing
sut cost the obstructionists heavily
and cost . the people of Portland
1 heavily?
When the courts decided against
obstruction, the building ' of tbe
bridge was settled. Law and courts
, will stand in this country. They still
mean something to a vast propor
tion of American citizenship. When
tbe law and the courts say a bridge
- - shall be built, It will be built When
a majority of the people determine
through legal processes at the bal
lot that's bridge shall be built, it
.1will and should be built
We are not going back to chaos
; and permit, a little group with more
money ' than patriotism to decide
what shall or shall not be done. We
are not going to permit a few dol
lars, a bunch of legal quibbles and
a lawyer to fix the policies of the
city of Portland. Men who are at
tempting through obstruction to this
bridge to inaugurate such a rule in
this city should know by this time
that they cannot succeed.
They should stop their obstruc
tion. Th-y are hopelessly beaten.
Their opposlton has become a farce.
The bridge is being built.
To not all of them waa It given
to lay down their lives for their
fatherland. On this day the graves
will be adorned also of. thove who
were honorably mustered out of the
army services of the nation when her
dire necessity was over, and safely
pay homage to the memories of the embodying the fulfilment of the food products Into Canada from theltha laudation of Oovarnor Wilson.
soldiers of the renubllc in tha CHID.- I main nroa tha IfHrturv tnmr I AmaHr-an ml A I
paigns wmcn saved the national lire, be conserved. But the time for expecting any IbinVd r. intTata T .m.V inooitT ara
new facte or opinions, however eon- convincing argument in it xavor.
liAiaiLJAU iTn..vr ALKUiiin&s vincing, to cnange one single vote w i n aaa ,Hi ..t.u mn tuai
in th annaf at WaaMnrrnn la naar. or would ta mora or leaa. in tna city.
HE SUPREME court of the man mn. W Ma n occasional raacal muat bo axpootod.
United States has decided TOte will b cast To delay, and At laaat it haan't anowed this month
that ths indictment must be von on rflnvln- 1nat fntlla All ln Portland and vicinity, though somo-
They had better '
and have done with It
quashed against one Dr. 'John
and gloriously over, thanks to the son for selling "cancerlne tablets
devotion of her children. These took wtih labels alleged to be false and
up again the burdens of dally life, misleading In implying that thece
which they had laid down but for a tablets would cure cancer,
time at their country's call, and be-1 This medicine vender was In
came once more the soldiers of dieted under the pure food 'and
peace. But they needed no uniforms drugs act of 1908. But the court
to mark them in their after lives, restricted the application of the act
.V- V.1I. ... Ifl-.l .!... .V. . M i 1-f -. ..1 I WIMW,.... U.U. ...
ui iuo (cjuuiiv. ibb uiDuutuviu iuuul ius lUKiruiruii ui mouicion. l mothera
tlmaa "It" aaamaA to hava a. notion to
me piays to me gauery nave neen ao so.
'count !
Fire CLief Happy
From tha Naw Tork Olobe.
"How docs It fael not to hava to fly
. ... i . I whan tha ball rlngsr askad the visitor,
enough. lit could not be held to rrevent la
If there were but a few heroes of baling drugs with what were essen
the great battles, it would be their tially predictions of cures to be ex
fitting fate to be burled,-like the pected from their use,
Greek dead of Marathon, on the if a man chooses to buy a tablet
ne:a or victory, so would a shrine which he knows contains such and
be fixed there, to stand a constant such medicines and nothing else,
memorial in the country's history. neUher government nor any other
But so many were there or the :iv is power cz.c, or should, restrain his
"Feels, flnar said ex-Chlaf Croker, of woak.
( a a
A largo proportion of tha poopla oft
Linn county, at least of thosa who sat I
tneir namaa in ma naoars. aopaar to
do Miners. '
a v
Euro d should foal very friendly to
ward tha United Gtatee. whan tha vast
amount or money apeni oy our niu
llonalres over there la considered.
a a
If mora Oreaon farmara are thinking
-or going up into Alberta, taey may be
interested In the Item that anow waa
about a foot deep there during the past
the New Tork flro department
beaming smile.
rlth a I
Every trust and combination that Is
"I'm enjoying life for a beneficiary of privilege, that Is auth
orised to men money irom mnnona oi
now and I am as happy as a big sun- .lent, la a gain at reciprocity, or anyform
flower. WTian I get up In the morning of tariff reduction.
It does seem a bit queer not to have to
i.n ...h. t .Vn .ninr ami not fionator Hay burn of Idaho Is greatly
tell anybody when I am going and not aUrnied ,e airtct elfCtlon of ..tori
to have a wagon racing after me if I ahould lead to annulment of the con-
walk, down town. I attend to my bust-1 etltutlon by the people. Well, if the
.iuvu itw us, iUO riRui to Know exactly woat I ana go to oeq wnen i n nu iierSO.
rniild rnntaln them all. On avervlt.. K,. Ka I it niskt mil .Imh with both avaa I
. iV . . . . .. " '. . . : ' . m.. There la no more reason why ex
dbiuo grouna mere is a cemetery, tection stops. Prophecy Is rree. and c0ea- bankers Walsh and Morse should be
But those also who bravely fought, I some scope must be left for the ex- "Nop" he declared, "no tears of re- pardoned than Jhere la for tha pardon
A' chapter of Royal Arch Maaona baa
seen inaututea at sorest urova.
.i -- e a .
Forest Groves new Ice plant 'with a
capacity of 10, tons dally. Is in opera
lion, ...., . .
' ' e , e
The eltv council of Tamhin'ls con
slderlng paving . bids, eoverlng four
Diocka. ,
' The Foreat Orova h1h school turned
oUt Us first graduates this yea, June
s is commenoement aay.
X H. Keefe. tha new aecretarr of the
r-anaieton lommeraai ciun, win aaareaa
hi meal f flrat to the taak of vastly In
creaaing me memuersnip.
Forest Orova Tlmaa: Kaar Jnduatrlaa
for Korea t nrova Ice nlant and a brlok
and tile factory. There will be more of
them and there will be more work for
our noma people, . v
a m
Yamhill county farmara have In
corporated a mutual telephone company,
Farmers In the rerlons about McMlnn-
vllle. Sheridan, Yamhill. Amity- and
otner towns are intereated.
Rev. Bauer has resirned as nastor Of
the Congregational church at Salem, to
devote all of hla time to work for the
parole board. Ha will aoon leave for
a tour or southern and eastern Oregon.
Klamath Herald: Tha Klamath, ona
of the favorite a team era In tbe Klamath
LAke Navigation company's fleet, will
make regular dally tripe to Eagle Ridge
tavern ana tocay point during the
summer season.
40h W IC1 IVi 111 CA . . I 1 m . . . ' . . . , - .
but passed safely through the great ercise of common sense. So that b". Tr. ?f " 5!'"!. rwimwmttiUiJ
lustlflcatlon for the rani -" crimes, but have little or no money and
nrrioa 1 ri a Van fntmrl Kurial amnn or t Visa I ikA. . .HaMA m a u
rT.::: ": t. "J. V'" " i'"'-"'" if i wanted to shed any. For 27 years,
nvmvu oi vncir irienus. ana aiuarea. decree Of the supreme court Out- ever since I was a kid of 1. I have
All of this generation are not with- side of the strict interpretation been fighting firea and for the past
out graves to decorate. It is a sacred which that court gives of the law. 1 bave been "shting all
I k. olnmnl. r,.rfnrrr,at I t,-. .....A kinds Of Other things SA Weil. Thejob
few if any friends.
a a
I've the sweetest sweetheart of anv
fellow, whatever his station or name;
her cheeks are Dink, her hair corn
yellow, her eyes deep, soft flame.
She's winsome and dafntr and ventle
ana pure, yev sweeny winiui ana Wlia
PORTLAND and all Oregon
should be interested In the
work which lies before the
, Southwest Washington develop-
1 ment association which convenes for
;! a three days' conference Thursday.
The work has to do with develop
ment, with clearing logged off land.
wiiu crtHtuug tt iuarxet ror western
coal, with cementing closer business
relations in the northwest. Every
man who has the public welfare at
heart is interested In some of these
; subjects.
While the people of southwestern
Washington are making a serious
study of conditions, it is well to re
member that it Is but a short span
from Portland to Puget sound, and
that state lines are merely Imaginary
barriers. Portland is as such inter
ested in the permanent development
of southwestern Washington as she
is in the growth of eastern Oregon
or southern Oregon. Portland is
, bound to be the metropolis of all the
great Columbia river basin? and
, southwestern Washington canaot get
; avay from being tributary to Port
land, even were the disposition
strong to do so.
If the develonment nnenctaHnn
, takes hold of the important problems
before It as was done at the last con
tention, at Vancouver, Oregon
should get a number of valuable les
sons in gathering capital for the de-
velopment of logged off lands and in
the movement to colonize lands near
great milling industries. Washington
millmen are tired of transient labor.
the kind that vanishes when a few
dollars are Itcbine to hn ft nan r anrl
they are trying to uafce useful the
' land which has been occupied by
stumps- !or the building of homes
for employes, for the purpose of de
' creasing the high cost of living
among the men whose families need
more of the pleasures of life and
smaller expense accounts.
Oregon has tremendous areas of
vtimber lands, of logged of lands, of
coal lands, as well as great stretches
of table land In central .and southern
sections of the state. The movement
to develop these areas is commend
ablcbnt those who have the welfare
0BTvr. fireman had to see the room .in which
I was to dine and the very chair in
which I waa to sit Then he drew a
diagram of It and If a fire broke out
HE INSTRUCTION In road " v"r ' . i.Y," r ."'i
DUUding is to tie empnasizec at seldom reached the roast at dinner.
the Oregon Agricultural col- Thinga usually began to blaze before
! An na.rf ha. h me soup WRS ciearea away, saia ine
' I l . ... . . . . . , i . 1 W A 1 1 1 V A DDUli . A uvaaM w
greatest warrior the best Deace lover P'ya ana erron win do airectea to everr nlltht t Bept through without b
of us all. give agricultural ana engineering ling routed out of bed i would be ame
t .u- . . . students a thorough tralnlnz in the to buy a bunch or orcmaa, ror oaa nres
If the day com when the oaward n f? ?.n ... L.v. i . of braakin out m the nia-ht:
march of th nation Ip.rf. it Anvn meoreucai ana practical pnases oi . . ...: . v., fA,,w.
Into the very valley of the shadow of roaa DU,,ainK- firemen, for they can get through the
death, there will be no faltering, as ln aaau'on. tne expert will attend aeseriea streets raster man
there was none on either side in the farmers' institutes, and other gath-
bad days, of '61 for the heart of enng8 wnere a aiscussion or roaa
the nation is sound. But may the making will be of Interest and prof
wisdom of our statesmen. andVtha Bulletins and other means of in-
force of the people's will behind formation will carry the gospel of
them, lead us on ever in the paths &ood roads as widely as possible. If
nlng tricks; in the garden of Ufa she's
the fairest flower I am alxty, and
aho'a six.
Patent medicine venders will. otlWWi.rniK rn imM
It is well to be Tecalled to the days course, take heart from the decision lob of a slave and a oriaoner. Why, I
when patriotism was no emntv word and rlva fr rln tn thnlr fanrv aa never moved three inches from the fire- shea sometimes saucr. aometlmea d4
but spelled sacrifice even of life to the results to follow from taking !L0""j1L.T,,Th0".t..h""! VeTRV.e..!! muiM th .V2-,ai!22L l? gZtc.
,m..4. i liib hluii Liier H(?ii. niiL inn mm k.i t . - n N (hmnvii Tw. rihitrMt Afiuni upr iwwbi . Miie iwa nunr run-
. .. . -I '" - - " I 1 -"-" .V" nln tHokl' In th .ri4.n i
Lai tne thoughts or those flays or and fast methods or the law we now J and happened to turn into inirteentn i
desDerate trial remind ua alan nf know cannot nrotoct th Irnnrantl would have raised a scannai in tne oe
m . a . . ... .1. I'm IIIIFIIU . l Jl Cll A v t "
war as Hell. And be knew, if ever
man did. Let no false glamor be
cast on war Itself.
The . remembrance of the days
when its dark shadow lay over all
this fair land and the lifting of It
was so long postponed, makes the
Enterprise News-Reoord: The ladles
of the Improvement league have raised
the money, 1160. necessary to buy the
cemetery and will turn It ova to the
eltv with the understanding that water
mains anau pe extended to the ceme
tery. a a
Rev. James T. Moore of Cornelius
has been appointed to fill the vacancy
In tha Methodist FolsconaJ nultilt at
TllUmook, caused by Rev. Saliabury's
departure. Mr. Moore came from a Ver
mont conference to Oregon about three
years ago.
Cottage Q ror a Leader: Charles Otter-
eon, employed at the city rock quarry. Is
drifting In SS feet, when he will crose
cut i a eacn way. riu the nolo witn 700
pound of giant powder, and touch r
off. This will give the municipal plant
plenty of rock for the crusher for some
Or e
The Dalles Chronicle: The double
tracking work on the O.-W. R. & N. Is
progressing rapidly, east of Biggs. Two
work trains have been put on at Ar
lington to cut away the aand bank at
mile post 14. the sand being used to I
fill In a bridge at Henpner Junction. A
steam shovel Is also on the work,
a a
Hold Hill News: The Shasta Limited
which drops the morning mall aa tt
sneeda throurh Gold Hill, ran over
sack df papera Thursday morning,
chawed them UD and kept Annlntftn
Postmaster Avery buay during the day
explaining to people who wanted to
know why their papera didn't come.
' 1 "Protection Breed t
By Ida M. Tarbell In Tha Amerioai
' ' Magazine.. ,
' The history of protection la thH
Country la oae long , story at injured
manhood. Tan It at any nolnt. and vo
find It encouraging weak, base, humail
traits self Interest .self, deception, ml
difference to the claims of others. TakJ
the classes Chiefly involved in making"
a tariff bill the suppliants for protect
tion and the legislators who grant ltr
What kind of .men does this make c.
them? .To begin with, It destroys the! J
aolf respect. No man can carry on the
kind of lobbying done In Washington
and not lose finally the ability to blusll
for himself. In the contest over th(
Payne tariff bill I watched the struggld
of a group of men new to the work,, t i
get a duty on their product - They left
their business at home to keep up lil
Washington for many weaks'a large ami
active lobby, - Then lived at the besl
hotels and entertained royally. The
sought from all over the : country thi
id of persons of all kinds of profaal
aiona, and or all grades of eharsctet
and intelligence, and for what! On th
chance that through them they might
for a few momenta secure an Interview
with thla or that senator or representa
tive whose support they honed to win
It was new work for them, They hadf
spent their lives at home attending tol
their own enterpraea. There, they were!
aggreaslve, outspoken, sura of them-
selves, iters, they became suddenly!
obaeouMrTs. fluttered, chary of speech J
Their days were spent In scurrylnd
around. In concocting petty schemes fori
getting at men. In marshalling motley!
delegations of Individuals who' should!
have been at home at work, before sen-1
ators who gave them a hurried band!
and as often as not answered tholri
application with a curt "Not lnter-l
eated. My state does not produce the!
article." 1
These gentlemen, so deep In their owl
business, such admirable Judges of men
In one case employed a second-rate lob
bylat on a good salary, a man whom!
they would not have allowed ln their
home offices for a day. It seemed sal
If their common sense as well as thelrl
self respect waa ahattered by their task. I
The final case against the doctrinal
of protection as we know It Use then inl
the kind of men It makes: Men whol
are worae, not better, for Ha practice.
No eyetem against which this, the great
est of human offenses, the corruption!
of manhood, can be proved, can stand.
Protection must ultimately disappear!
from thla land because it Is breeding I
bad men.
of peace!
county courts so desire, such infor
mation will be afforded and such ad
vice be given as will help in securing
intelligent construction of highways.
HEN the New York Public Roads and farming aro torathor.
library, on the broad plot be- Oool roads and good farming build
tween Fortieth and Forty- ar state. No activity mor aDDronrl-
second streets on Fifth avo- ate or more splendid can be pursued
nue, was opened ln its new marble at the college. Trained vounsr road
home, after an expenditure of ten builders sent out from the college
minion dollars on the building and and settling in the various counties
its equipment, a new standard was will be a reserve asset for better
set for the world. roads. Thev will know how. and
Two architects, John M. Carrere help to build good roads. They will
and Thomas Hastings, will be known be leaders in a modernized system of
for all time as credited not only with road work. They will be Informed
the design of wondrous beauty, but as to the value and the meaning of
also with having carried the same beet highways.
principle or harmonious art Into the A trained and practical expert In
smallest details of the fitting as well the work can make the college an
as of the adornment of the building, agency from which will radiate in-
John M. Carrere Is dead. Thomas formation r.nd enthusiasm for bet
Hastings lives to see that the mem- ter roads. A reason why roads have
ory of his dead colleague receives so long remained ineffective is that
the run meed of appreciation. there has been no permanent lead
in the designing of a magnificent ershlp or enduring publicity for
nome tor tne Diggest collection, and them. Information on how to build
the worthiest collection of books for effectively has been lacking, and the
the use or any city In the world, the work has been haphazard and !m
original requirements or a public 11- potent. Enough effort has been
brary have not been obscured. There wasted In Oregon to gridiron the
are 63 miles of main shelving, and state with turnpikes. The waste haa
a capacity in book stacks for four been going on for 60 years
minion volumes. To contain books, Road building is an art. Macadam
to preserve books, to place books became famous because he knew
within easy reach of a multitude of how. He was so much better than
readers, haB been the ultimate aimf others as a road builder that his
never lost sight of in the providing name is a household word. It has
of carved pillars, elaborate frescoes
and decorated ceilings.
The main book stack consists of
an immensely long, narrow and high
framework of cast iron and steel,
backed up against the rather slim
end wall of the building. Further,
above the seven tiers or stories of
the stacks Is the main reading room,
a tremendous apartment of the
same area as the stack, and 60 feet
high, also backed up against the end
wall of the building. The architects
designed this stack so that it should
be an integral part of ihe building'B
whole, the seven tiers of the stack
taking the place of the steel frame
work of the ordinary building.
The great reading room is on the
top floor, 295 feet long, 77 feet
wide, and more than 10 feet high. It
is divided in the middle by a double
screen of intricately carved oak
about 10 feet high, .with a narrow
balcony, giving a (view of the whole
room. Another narrow balcony sur
rounds the chamber.
In the entire, arrangement the
ideas were followed that were laid
down by Bernard , R, Green, U. S.
C. E., who had charge of the "con
struction of the Library of Con ere
In Washington. He may be called
the father of library building under
modem conditions. . He condensed
the principles lnto'lS rules, or ( corn-
been on every lip. It has become the
name of a good road, and Is even
used as a verb in expressing the
method of constructing a good road.
It is proof of what an art road build-1
ing is. It is proof that the secret of
how to build should be taught to
the young men, and be published
broadly anil persistently. The ag
ricultural college does well to make
good farming and good roads Joint
phases of Its training.
OME FACTS given in the re
port from United States Consul
Felix S. S. Johnson, Kingston,
Ontario, Canada, issued by the
United States department of com
merce and. labor on May,, 15, arfe
worth repeating.
All tbe provinces pf Canada ex
cept Ontario, he says, are short in
production of eggs, which are sup
plied from the United States and In
winter the Ontario export also stops.
During the summer season butter,
eggs, potatoes, fruits, vegetables
and berries have averaged the same
price on each side of . the border,
while rents and the cost of living
are higher on the Canadian side.
During winter and spring all these
things, and; meat as well, are import
ed 'from : the United -states. .- The
ble to do In the day time.
"But It's a slave's life. The worry
and responsibility added to the wild
hours of hustling are stupendous. The
chief has to know -every new street and
every new building in tne city, ana
every material change In any streets or
group or buiiaings. lie nas to Know
his city like a book and much of bis time
la spent Inspecting the city, which is
no mean Job In a town that grows and
changea as fast as New Tork does. Then
he la responsible for the up-keep and
equipment of the department and to be
a successful chief he should be ac
quainted with the apparatus and the
special capacities of every company. He
should know exactly what he has to
call upon. For Instance, I can tell you
to a dot the number of men and the
kind of men, the appartus and even the
color of "the horses in every flrehouse
In this city today. To carry all that
In your head, -when you have 25 S com
panies and 4600 men, la not a task for a
scatter-brain.- Then there Is the busi
ness of the department, which ln- itself
Is enough to keep a man busy without
having fires to fight Repairs, for ex
ample. If a man from any flrehouse
came ln here this afternoon and said
that the roof of hla engine house needed
repairing, I could tell him almost to a
day when that house waa built and when
it was repaired last, and aa much about
it probably as he knows himself. All
these matters, of course, had to be dis
cussed at headquartera and that waa the
most Irksome task of alL Fighting a
fire is exciting work, even ln pajamas
on a winter flight, as I know from ex
perience, but I'd rather answer a three
alarm fire every day in the week than
spend two hours at headquarters talk.
Ing business."
Again the German Ingenuity.
From the Philadelphia North American.
There have been so many disastrous
explosions of dust and gases ln deep
coal mines ln various parts of the
world, caused ln many Instances by the
use of explosives ln tearing the coal
asunder, making it eaay for the work
men to remove It with their tools, that
a great effort has been made among
engineers and mechanics to find a safer
method of putting the coal in condition
to be easily removed.
In Germany a system is being used.
that promises to ' go Into general use.
Instead of the powder or other power
rui explosives oeing used, holes are
drilled deep into the coal vein Just as
if blasts were to be lnsertel; but ln
stead a pipe Is Inserted and a heavy
pressure of water forced into the block
of dry coal. The water finds Its way
Into the crevices ana produces others.
and ln a short time such a pressure
has been brought to bear on the coal
that it opens up and Is ready for the
men with their picks and shovels, and
no dust or dry gas has been formed.
It is Stated this method Is even more
rapid, as there is no loss of time by
the men waiting for a mine .or shaft to
clear itself of the poisonous fumes pro
duced by tbe explosives.
Pike County Farming.
From the "Washington Star.
Senator Burnham, in a recent address
In Manchester, said of agriculture:
'There are some of our New Hamo-
shire farmers who complain of the
stoniness of the New Hampshire soiL
but If these good men would visit Pike
county, ln the Pennsylvania wilds, they
would learn wnai stony ana sterile Soil
really Is. .
"A Pike county farmer was once talk
ing to a fisherman from Porter's lake.
" Tm goln' to light out," he said; 'I'm
golh' to New England or Canada' ' -
" 'Ground too rocky for farming, eh t"
said the 'fisherman. . X .
" Tea. aaia tne farmer. . v Til be
whanged if I'm goln to waste any more
time work! n', ground so hard arid rocky
that you've got to plant wheat with
shotgun.'" -
Unlike Powhatan and Massasolt, who
have preceded, Tecumseh seemed never
to lose, for a moment, through his long
life, his hatred for the United States,
for the people who came to take from
him and hla people their land, and all
the efforts of the celebrated Bhawnee
diplomat, orator and soldier were to
crush the permanent settlers. He not
only tried to accomplish this through
his own warriors, Dut ne aiways joineu
the British ln their efforts to subdue
the country, not because ne lovea mem
more, but he found pleasure In a re
venge of whatever character.
Tecumseh was born near Bprlngfleld,
Ohio, ln 1T8, and while still a young
nun ha won fame in tne campaign
against General Anthony Wayne's Yan
kee troops, in spue or many eirona
nothing could soften his hatred. He
was a great schemer and he formed
the Dlan of uniting all the warring
western tribes and to form them into
a mighty federation whose object was
to destroy the white men.
Thla e-reat plan looked rather promis
ing for a time, but it was nipped In the
bud at the famous battle of Tippecanoe,
when CJeneral William Henry Harrison
won his famous victory over tne in
Tecumseh was not present at tnis bat
tle, but his defeat did not discourage
him. The War of 1S1J was at nana.
mnii ilka t firebrand he swept through
h Bnnth. Almost everywhere his
fierce eloquence drew the Indians to
his standard.
Tecumseh was crafty. While he him
self knew better., he tried to work upon
the superstitions of the more Ignorant
Indians. He told them he bore a mes
sage from the Great Spirit, who ordered
them to side with the British. Big
Warrior, another powerful chief, doubt
ed this and demanded proof.
"I will give you proori" snoutea xe-
oumseh. "When the hour ror tne up
rising comes you snau see my arm
stretched like pale fire across the
heavens. I go now to Detroit. When
T arrive there I Shall Stamp my foot,
and every house In your village shall
fall to' the ground." This was In the
autumn f 1812. In December of that
year a comet stretched aoross the skies,
and an earthquake overturned the Creek
village. This was proof enough for the
Creeks that Tecumseh was Inspired.
They rose against the government, and
ln less than two years their "nation" i
waa wrecked. Of. course, the British
may have told Tecumseh that a comet
was due at a certain time, but how he
managed to foretell the earthquake no
one knows.
Tecumseh waa made a brigadier gen
eral by the British, and at the head
of mighty . warriors along the Canadian
border they did mighty deeds against
the United States. Says one British
"But for the red men led hy the
brave Tecumseh, It la probable we
should not now have Canada."
One thing to hla credit, Tecumsen
alwaa fought fair, whtcTK Is particu
larly Illustrated in his saving the Amer
ican prisoners from, torture following
'he siege of Fort Meigs. Though he
hated every white man, he would never
permit a captive to be tortured or
Just before the battle of the Thames
Tecumseh laid aside hla 'gorgeous uni
form and aword and donned his simple
hunting dress. ' In reply as to why he
had done this, be answered simply and
"Tnls day I ahall die."
Nor after the battle could fcny trare
of him be fonnd. It waa claimed, but
never proven, that Colonel Richard
Johnson killed blm. But his body
was not discovered on the field.
Superstitious natives believed he . was
miraculously spirited away to the happy
hunting grounds. His exact fate
still a mystery.
Several historians note that he was
burled near the battlefield under
large oak. but if such was the base
no one was ever able to find his grave.
The British government granted a pen
sion to his widow and to his son gave
Tecumseh struggled in vain against
the Inevitable. He fought a good fight
but the odds against him were too great
A splendid illustration of the charaoter
of the fighter is told in 'his letter to
General Harrison at Fort Meigs, which
General Harrison: I have with me
800 braves. Tou have an equal num
ber In your hiding place. Come out
with them and give me battle. Tou
talked like a brave man. when we met
at vlncennes, and I respected yon; but
now you hide behind logs and in earth.
use a grounanog. uive me answer.
By Miles
There are plenty of fellows that I don't I
I count 'em as they come down the pike. I
They may be classy and one. two. three. I
But they don't make much of a alt I
with me.
Now, there's the fellow who knows it all.
Whoso stock ln trade la mouth and gall.
Who bluffs through life with his high
brow rront; "
But he sets away with his "I'm It"
stunt. .
And there's the pilgrim who peddles air.
Of the heateiv kind. ut nis scnero
For he wins your trust and grabs your
With your face ln front, so you see the
Then there's the geeser who wears loud
ties, ..
wkv waiita tha street with offline eyes:
Well. I don't like him like some folk
mm v
But he's on the Job and ne a mating
And the dish faced mutt who does the
"rush," lf .
AnA Knrrnwl coin On tMthetlC tnUIti;
He slUhts not one. Though hla. style
fa rnurtl.
He ereta away with the come-tnrougn
There are lots of people that I don t
fke, . . " ...
But some must fly and some must bike.
AnA mnmn uat brains ana some use
y.i rr
But they all get througn ana inas
Tomorrow Pontiao.
Hungry for Fish Story,
I am weary of the -fictions of the season
now so chill -
And of the dissertations long that used
to strangely thrill
My being wVth an Interest respectful
ana pruiuunu
Of course are matters which each one
Or US SnOUlO ciunniy m,
Tet I shun the fascinations of a great
uplifting thought
I'd like to hear a story of a fish some-
There's a ripple through the branches,
r, tf.mie'h the ilk la erav.
The clouds like stolid waves roll on.
. rrk. .nnhaame flashlnar olay
BrlnrVup a strange impression 'gainst
In which fond hopes and recollection
Intlmat.ltf tiland. ' V
Ah. fair are man's uhilosophies and fine
in efforts which establish, them or see
them overthrown. .
And yet. 'midst all the woros witn aeep
I'd like to hear a yarn about
someooqy ce'".. -
, . , Washington Star.
Scotch Weddings Decline.
From the Westminster Gazette. '
Marriages registered in Scotland dur
ing 1910 numbered H0.8S8; ?74 more than
were registered during the previous
year, but 1.018 fewer than the average
number registered during the preceding
five years, : and l.lll fewer than, the
average number during the preceding 10
years. The marriage rate or tne year la
8.26; it is .OS above that of the previous
year. out. is . ies man tne mean
marriage rates of' the preceding five
years and .83 less than the mean of the
rates of the preoeJtng 40 years,-"" v
No Danger of Apple Surplus.
From Lewlston Teller. '
. Erery little While the cry is started
that , there is danger of an over pro
duction of apples. This usually comes
from those who are not only Ignorant
As learaed' Wlsions of affairs of . o pre(Msnt eonmlons but have for.
The : talks oiv commerce and on art and
gotten : facts about former apple pro
duction. Those who have rnost to do
wlththe shipping and sale of apples
agree that there la no Immediate or
prospective . danger of over produc
tion. ., .
, For the past seven years the total
production of apples V In the United
States has averaged about one-half
of the production of 1896. In the II
years that have elapsed, the popula
tion has Increased probably 80,000,000,
so that a 100,000,000 barrel crop now
would be no more than a 69,000,000
barrel crop was In 1896, It is safe to
say that fully 18 more years will elapse
before the apple production reaches
100,000,000 barrels, and, meanwhile, an
additional 85,000,000 or more will have
been added to the population. There
will come a time when the area for
successful . apple production will have
Deen taaen up ana tne maximum of
production will be reached, while the
population Increase will continue In
definitely. It can thus be seen that the
danger of an over production of ap
ples Is , very remote. , f
Not only is the. home market grow
ing, but new markets are being found
abroad, yet the . marketing of. apples
Is yet in Its Infancy, so far as sys
tematic management is- - concerned.
Scientific , grading, 'packing, 1 handling
and marketing Will eventually 'i result
in' a more perfect distribution of tha
apple crop, so that the needs of both
producer , and consumer will be fret.
There Is danger of poor.- distribution. I
but no danger of over production. ,
Further. Legislation for Niagara
wrnm the Chicago Record -Herald.
Despite the volume of legislation al-
rradv enacted for "saving Niagara,
more Is required. Defects ln the water
ways treaty with Cannda endanger the
falls, already Injured by the Inroads ofy
the power companies, unaer inw xiig
.Ine- arrangement a maximum diversion
from Nlaaara of 68.000 cubic feet a Sep.
ond Is permitted "for purposes of power
production." This amount Is 28 per cent
of the whole 'flow. But on the basis of
tha ordinary low water flow the amount
rises to 80 per cent. And as regards tha
irin of water "for sanitary and do
mestic purposes" thre Is no limit at all
Scientific observation has established
the fact that the water level of the
great lakes rises and falls In recurring
0 . . .end 1QAI A twin rr
cycles, tseiwecn i "
which period large power developments
were taking place, the level showed a
tendency to rise. Slnoe 1908 a cycle of
reneaelon has set in. The Bridal Veil Is
considerably diminiahed in volume, and
along the break or tne worsesnoe tan
hnnrireda of feet of rock are barely cov
ered with water. In fact, the beauty
and Impresslveneas of Niagara are se
riously voroVB"w.
in the circumstances the American
Clvlo association is rallying to tbe sup
port Of the Burton joint resolution
which la now before the senate com-
ta on foreign relations. This reso
lution Is designed to oonunue in lorco
fh provisions or tne burton oiu, ana
will do so if passed before June 39 of
this year, the date en which the Burton
bill expires. Tne resolution wiu uper-
ate to overcome the deficiencies of the
waterways treaty.
Queen Maryf Decree J
ir,.ntrlhuted to Tha JournaMwtWalt Maaoo,
.i- w ...... mm Droac-Doems r
regular feature of tbla column in .me vaiiy
Tha aracldus Queen Mary la sensible,
very, an ornament, she, to the throne;
her recent decision shows unclouded
vision, and wisdom surpassing our own.M
Her majesty ,situn in state in ureai
RrUatn. has shooed the ' freak ladles
away; and women who wobble 1n harem
orj hobble or other outlandish array,
must drink from the chalice of woe, for
the palace is closed to the murmuring
throng; the noble high butler will swear
like a sutler ana-tea mem to moBey
along.'i Says gracious Queen Maryi
These females contrary wno areas uks
the barbarous Turks, are atmpiy
scandal ; their tailor's ; a vandal; they
give me a pain ln my works. . il'm not
arbitrary," says mnaiy wueen Aiary,
but while i- am Albion a queen, no
female carousers ' in ' calico trousers
around this old shack will be aeen.
These dress reform smartles can't come
to my partlea or slide on the royal cel
lar door; and dames who would crave or
would merit my favor will dress In tha
san way of yora'.I wish it's no fio
tion -the queen's Jurisdiction extended
all over the globe, since 'dames have a
passion for crasy-jane fashion, and Jeer
at the time honored robe. :.. r . . ,
Onpjrrlirht. 1910. by
ueorge siaitliev AOama,