The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 30, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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I LnllO
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Proposed Amendment Abounds
; in Jokers, Declares Attorney
Robert' OWI; terms It 'a
! Dangerous Menace. '
Ssrtoua flaws ara daclared to axlat
lir tha municipal pavlna- plant amsnd
mant, by Robart J. O'Nall. ao attorner
wbo haa axamlnad tha proposal chanrea
by contractora anaaaad in aradlnc and
laawaiK eonairuction work.
According to Mr. O'Nall. tha amend
mant abounds In Jokara, and la much
mora than It purport to ba oa Ita
faca. Ha aaya It conatltutaa a dana;roua
manaca to tha fenaral fund of tha city
and attsmpta to taka away from , tha
city.tna powar to lat atraat oontraota
of any kind or natura. HIa opinion
on tha quoatlona Inrolvad la her dram
Thsss propoaad amendments ara
earaiaaaiy drawn, and anamination wlU
atsci IB namaroua Jokara whloh thai
contain. Tha moat ssrtoua faatnra,
bowrrar. la that portion Which rsJates
to tha aaaaaamant of ooata to tha
proparty apaotflcally bansfited.
Ohartar Prorlsloaa.
"Tha preaant provlalona of tha chartar
authorising and empowering tha council
to lary and collect an aaaassmant up
on all lota and percale of land apaolally
benefited by tha Improvement are
providea among other thine that tha
oontract price baaed upon tha aatlmate
of tha olty engineer, the coata of right
' way and expenaea of condemning
iana, ana a aum not to exceed I per
cent of the contract price aa tha coat
of advartlalng, engineering- and auper
Intendenca ahaU ba deemed to ba tha
eoat or every aawar or street improve
ment la allowed to atand without
chana-a. Inaamuch aa tha proooaed
amendment would do away altogether
wun contract ror street Improvement
of whatever kind or nature. Including
j.Tcmenii, eiaewaiKa ana grading, it la
obvloua tht the adoption thereof would
make It Impossible to baae the assess
ment In the manner provided, while
und.r other sections aa proposed to be
amended the council would b power
lesa to refrain from paaalng a atreet
Simple wash recommended.
Poinon oak Is said to be more viru
lent this season than ever before.
A wash of wlntergreen oil and other
soothing liquids, known a D. D. D.
Prescription, the great Ecxema cure, has
been found very effective.
P. D. D. suppresses the Poison Oak
pustules and destroys the dlseaae.
Physicians advise having- a bottle of
V. D. D. always on hand.
JDrop Into our store for a trial else
bottle at 26c, and we will show you
proof of what D. D. D. has done. We
shall not urge you to buy, but w will
be glsd to tell you all about this rem
edy. Skldmore Drug- Co,
Improvement . ordinance, provided tha
owners of Zl per cent of th proparty
affected petitioned for tha Improve
ment and the owner or u per cent
did pot remonetrata agalnat It
. ' ' , ; rul Boon Bwhanafd. ' .'
Tha reault would be. that tha ran
eral fund would aoon ba exbauated and
tha city would ba without money for
carrying on th expenaea of govern
"It might b bald that aectlon lit
would be repealed by Implication so
far aa It relate to street Improve
ments, although th courts do not favor
th repeal of a etatute In that manner,
but what then? By th proposed amend'
meats th present requirement that tha
engineers aatimata of tha probable eoat
ahall b published with th resolution
of Intention to Improve is don away
with, and there la abaoluetly no way
provided ' for th property owner to
check up tha cost of th improvement
as affecting his property. All Is left
to th arbitrary will -and dlacratlon of
th gentlemen who compos the council,
and they are empowered to find what
are th 'special benefits' by some pro
cess of mathematics known only to
Onaaoo for Favoritism.
Besides, th entire control of the
operation of th plant and earrylng
bn or the worit an executive runctior
Is vested In th council, thua departing
from th theory upon which th char
tar was originally written. Vaat quan-
tltlee of material and machinery would
have t be purchaaad and a great many
team and men hired and employed.
Th cost of work would depend a great
deal on th management and the ap
portionment of the aaaaaamant would
be a matter of bookkeeping. The chance
ror favoritism, to say, the least, would
ba ao great that nuny property owners
doubtless would contest their assess
ments, ana again in general runa
would be drained. - -
"Section Itl as proposed to b amended
Is also nicely designed to causa the
city much embarrsssment It provides
In affect that when an Improvement haa
been made with a hard aurfac pave
ment aa defined by th council, th
city ahall forever maintain and keep
In repair all of the roadway between
the curb lines except auch part as Is
occupied and maintained by atreet rail
way companies.
Sapalr of VaremsBts.
"It require alao that upon tha
expiration of any agreement or agree
ment upon the part of the contractor
or contractors and of tha city to main
tain and seep In repair any atreet or
streets or parts of any street or streets
upon which hard surface pavements have
heretofore been laid, the city ahall. for
ever after continue to maintain and keep
in repair auch pavementa on auch atreet
or atreeta or part or parts thereof, and
the cost or such maintaining shall be
paid out of the general fund, altogether
Ignoring the street repair fund. Now
forever' la a very long time, while
the Ufa of aa ordinary bard aurface
pavement, ao called, la about ten yeara,
and th general fund is limited to such
money a I received into the treasury
and not specifically appropriated to any
other fund. The point would become
a Joa-e to ua all or would amount to
practically new Improvements paid for
from general taxation.
'Section 381 a proposed to be amended
abolishes permits for private work of
improvement for 'leas than one block
n length and covering the full width
of the atreet.' In other worda. a aub-
urban lot owner could not put down a
aldewalk In front of his home unices
he could get all the other owners on
both aides of th atreet for th lena-th
of the block to Join with him In th
requeat for a permit and be could not
have a walk laid by the city -unless
th owner or owners of 61 per cent of
the property in the block did not remon
strate." I
Rev. J; H. Cudllpp Reads En
tertaining Essay on "Trend
of Present Day Religion."
"Th Trend of Present Day Religious
Thought and Life" was th sub)ect of a
paper read by Rev. J. H. Cudllpp of
Grace Metbodlat church, before th reg
ular weekly meeting f th Methodist
mlnlatara yesterday. Dr. Cudllpp'
paper .was pronounced by many of
th minister preaant aa one of
the moat scholarly productions that
had bean read before that asso
ciation In many a day. Ho con
fesses at the outset that it would ba
lmpoaalbls for many men to point out
the trend of reilglona and Ufa In a way
that would bo measurably aatlafactory
to aa audience of Intelligent and critical
preachers, "That on the aurfaoe, It ap
pear a to ba erratic and fickle, no student
of the times wlU attempt to deny," said
tha apeaker. "Just how deep and mean
ingful thla rastleaaneas is. no one Is
able to tell,' only aa h may be able to
Judge by the past.
"If you ware to stand at the view
point of th Roman Cathollo church, he
would assure you that th outlook for
his church Is most auspicious; he would
show you that America, with her multl-1
plying millions, l fast becoming Catho
llo. Than again. If you wer to study
this question from th viewpoint of th
Proteetant Episcopal Un, you ar equal
ly oonvlnoed that there ar unmistak
able signs that vrywber th trend of
religious thought Is la th direction of
(he Protestant Episcopal church. But
agaia. If you were .to atudy this ques
tion from tha viewpoint of th Pan
theist, yon would b compelled t admit
that there ar signs of a, vigorous ten
denoy to hls-ward.
"00, X say. It Is not so easy to teO
what Is th trend ef rllgious thought
and life. And yet, w. ar ready to
grant that tharo ar som signs, soma
Indications, som prophecies of a oom
Ing condition, which we aver. It Is high
time to arreat and carefully atudy. Tha
question haa both a poattlva and a
negative 'aide. Negatively, It beckon
us to- consider first of all th value
of church leadership.
"Th church must get away from
th lda of adjusting and re-adjusting
Itself to meet changing condition, in
deed. It is th buslneaa of tha church
to change conditions. It most so man
Its leadarahlp that tha world will be
compelled to fall into ita program.
Chrlat did not talk about adjusting him
self t his environments he spoke, and
th world waa oompelled to bear hie
"Say what you will, thr la a ten
dency in these erratic daya to belittle
the priesthood of th church and thua
to cripple the leadership which it owea
to tha world. There la a tendency In
th rellgloua thought and Ufa of this
day to a mora practical, a aaner con
ception of what it means to ba a Chris
tian. Of course, there is wrong in th
world, but ther newer was a time when
wrong had such a bard tlm to get on,
and this will do mora and more the
fact as th dsy grows to th noontide."
If,' V SA
Betterments Go on at Asylum,
, Prison and General
Schools. .
(B.l.n Bsreia of The Joaroal.)
Salem, Or., May 30. Close supervision
over all atat Institutions is to be main
talnd by tha atat board, compoaed of
Governor West. Secretary of State Ol
oott, and Stat Treasurer Kay. The
flrat of a series of weekly visits to
theaa Institutions waa mad by th
members of the board Sunday. At each
of them Improvement are underway,
At the asylum a large force of .car
penter I rushing th work of repair
ing the fire loss suatalned by the build
ing two weeks ago. Bids are to be
opened in two waeka for the construc
tion of additional wines to the build
ing.jf Tha appropriation for tha purpoaa
waa' 170,000.
Landscape gardening is being done
extensively at the hospital for tuber
culoals patients. Orounds are being
graded, roads laid out. and old build
ings torn away.
Industrial training rooms are being
quipped In th basement of the audi
tori urn at the penitentiary, while th
auditorium 1 being repaired. Hereto
fore the basement room haa not been
Owen Bush Says
that "this thine of changing drinking-
water it mighty serious handicap to a
a KT1 m1aur'a h-1th an1 arf-ivirv " W
;L plays safe combines health and pleasure
mmm bjr drinking
Invariably pure and wholesome thirst-quenchtne to the limit of
satisfaction. You will enjoy Coca-Cola from erery standpoint of
healthfulness and goodness.
Delicious Refreshing Thirst-Quenching
4 5c Everywhere
About Coca-Cola" and the clever and use
ful ecoring device, the Coca-Cola Perpetual
- Atlanta, Ga.
you see an
Arrow think
of Coca-Cola
uttllaed. Early in July tha roof of th
main penitentiary prison building will
be rebuilt' to give better light
and ventilation to th uppr tlera of
eelle. A laundry building la being con
atraeted. Dairying 1s to' b carried on mor
extensively at th Institute for th fee
hi minded. A cow. barn with IS stalls
Is being built at a eost of $4000, mod
ern and sanitary In every detail. A
dormitory for girls is alao being built
to eoat $15,000.
A trades building la under oourse of
construction at tha atat reform aohool
which will coat ItOOO. At th mut
school a 11500 dormitory for girls, a
$:S00 hospital, and a $2000 cow barn
ar being built. Thee enterprise la
addition to tha planning of tha new.
atata nous addition to eoat tiaMO an4 i
th eastern Oregon asylum ar keeping
State Architect Xnlghten occupied.
flecond Trial of Hart.
Moultrie. Cal.May fl. Th case f V
John Hart, who Is charged with killing
Will Williams. In aa aliased family
fsud. came up today for Its second
trial. The killing of Williams ooourred
more than two years ago. Hart and .
two of his aona wer Indicted for rnur-f
der. On hla flrat trial, which took plao f
In October, ltOB. Hart waa convicted,
hut the verdict was reversed by th
supreme court and a aw trial erderd. ,
Straw Hats
The new English
Sennit, fine
Milan braid and '
Swiss split
sailor styles . '
' T. ' .
The Hat Without a Peer
Genuine Peruvian Panamas $5, others
up to $12; fine Ecquador and Monte -Cristo
qualities. "
We Have Outgrown Our Present Quarters We'll Soon
New Importations Will Have a Place in the New Store
Move to a Much Larger Store Corner 10th and Alder Streets Only
-We Must Sell $185,000 Worth of Rugs in a Limited Time The
Therefore, Tomorrow, WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1911, Begins Our
.Early Buyers Have
First Choice. Come
While the Sale is
at Its Best and the
Assortments Are
Hundreds of the
Highest Grade of
Oriental Rugs.
Every Rug in Our
Stock at Removal
Sale Prices.
Here Are Examples
Astounding removal sale bargains on large-sized rugs.
An accumulation of rugs taken from several large lots.
Kerman, 11-8x9 feet, $415 value, special only $285
. $300 Kerman, 11x7 feet, special sale price only $185
$585 Kerman, 14x10-8, removal sale price only $365
$585 Kerman, 14x10-9, removal sale price only $362
$385 Kerman, 12x7-10, removal sale price only $220
$580 Kerman, 13x9-1, removal sale price only $360
$485 Kerman, 12.10x10-2, removal sale price is $315
$685 Kerman, 14-9x11-2, removal sale price only $470
$510 Saruk, 12-3x8-11, removal sale price is only $335
$545 Saruk, 13-7x10-2, removal sale price is only $328
$580 Saruk, 13-6x10-2, removal sale price is only $337
"We're Going to Move
200 RUGS
Values to $115
Choice for This Great Sale
A lot made up of 200 rugs of all
makes. Not one in the lot worth
less than $40, and the values run
as high as $115. For the great re
moval sale, your choice of any rug
in the assortment for only $23.50.
of the Great Savings
These rugs are priced at cost and less than cost. Of
course, we can't afford to price pur entire stock at such
low figures. See these bargains; savings are sensational.
$840 Mesheds, 16x13, removal sale price is only $565
$725 Herats, 14-10x10, removal sale price is only $480
$550 Ispahans, 13-8x10-4, removal sale price only $327
$325 Mumtaz, 14x10-7, removal sale price is only $210
$265 Mohals, 11-10x8-7, removal sale price only $168
$380 Iranshahs, 12-9x10, removal sale price only $160
$485 Serapi, 13-11x11-9, removal sale price only $290
$86 Khiva, 9-10x6-4, special removal sale price is $45
$175 Khiva, 10-1x8-5, special removal sale price is $90
$350 Royal Bokhara, 9-4x7-3, removal sale price $185
$185 Cashmere, 12x9-9, removal sale price only $125
"You're Going to Save"
A lot of 86 choice Beloochistans Rugs
that sell regularly for $25 to $40 each.
Removal sale price, special, your choice
$14.50 1
A C A I p That has to do with the distribution of the largest stock of Ori
l urLiU cntaj RUg8 wesj cf j,e Rockies. Choose and save from over
$185,000 worth of the very finest specimens. The sale commences tomorrow.
A lot of 72 Cabistans. These rugs sell
regularly for from $28 to $45 each. Spe
cial price for the removal sale, your choice
no ordinary
sale not a few
rugs of ordinary quality.' It is a sale of our en
tire stock-the largest and best selected stock on
the Pacific Coast Every rug we offer you was
chosen with care from the great rug markets of
the East", They are our own direct importations.
Take advantage of this unordinary sale. Enrich your home with floor cov
verings that will be a source of pride and pleasure that will give you service
for years increasing in value with time, and will not only last your lifetime,
but can be passed on to your children as priceless heirlooms in years to come.
was chosen by an expert They were the
cream of the various markets gathered -in
many a hard-driven bargain. Cost us much
less than rugs of inferior quality cost the 'gen'
eral merchant, and they're sold in the same way.
The Largest Oriental Rug Dealers on the
, Pacific Coast
Importers Wholesalers Retailers
Now Located at Tenth and Washington
Streets. Soon to Move to
Northeast Corner Tenth and Alder Streets
"HI '
' .