a , 4 1 V V .THE OREGON DAILY - JOURNAL, PORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING.. MAY 30 AMIS LIABLE jTEDDY FUND GOES - FOR REAL TAXES PAST $400 In , Personal Property, How ;, ever, Judgment Is Lien Against Owner. ' Sales Bareen ef Tbe Joersal.) Evlera, Or.. May tl.r-An Interesting eplnlen waa given out yesterday after noon t y Attorney Oeneral Crawford, In newer to a question asked him by B. K. Mulkey. district attorney of Jackson ville, concerning responsibility for the payment of taxes on real and personal property transferred after assessment and prior to the tax lory. The attorney general takes the stand that In the case of personal property the owner at the time of assessment Is personally liable for the taxes, as personal property taxes do not constitute a Hen upon the property, but are held as a judgment against the owner. Ia the caae of real property, however, the one to whom the property la transferred Is liable for the taxes, as they are a lien against the property. Bank stock la an exception to the role governing personal prop erty, and follow the rule governing real property. Answering Secretary of State Oleotta u nation whether or not the eertlfleatea, Issued for rebuilding stove foundries at the penitentiary after the fire two years go should bear interest oa the Interest accrued at the tuna the warrants were duo t0 days ago. Attorney General Crawford replied that there was no rule af law for payment fez aompound Inter est In this state without express eon. tract to that affect And ha added that . the warrants should bear only alrapla . interest irom maturity unui paia. ne controversy and the extra Interest on tne warrants since the legislature "ad- .Journed la the result af a notion on the part of the legislators that the erner. gency clause should not be attached to .the measure. Master Fish Warden R. B. Clanton asked If the state board of. fish and ' game commissioners were empowered , te raise the salary of hla head alerk to . 1111 per month. The attorney general expressed the opinion that the board has the right to fix the salary at any sum. tout that .money for that purpose was ' sr-ade available by appropriation, which waa $100 for two years. Therefore, as the clerk has bee getting but flOO per month, ha may safely be raised to 1111 ao as to consume the appropriation In iw years, , ; ,-- Mt. Tabor Children Give Fairy Play for Half Blind Boy's Aid. Teddy read. Previously acknowledged . 17.T Mt. Tabor children II (I Albers Bros. Milling Co.. 6.00 Afton Oliver, La Grande. , Or 10 , Total 1401.14 4 -4 1 S PASS YOUTHS 3 GRANT! 'ASTOUND BY ROBBERY (Special Mroetek te The Journal.) Grants Pass, r.. May to. The arrest f three boys and their subsequent von fesalon of house robbery has caused a wide sensation at Grants Past. The boys, Lloyd and Frank Parker and Merle Mock, sons of prominent fami lies, admit an taring the home of K. B. McKee. Sunday; night. May J L while the family waa at church, and stealing 1100. The boys first blamed a drum mer, who was arrested and brought to . town, but 'later entangled themselves arid confessed. . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' IfJOVVORDS TOO LITTLE TO TELL FULL STORY OF PUBLIC UTILITIES BILL . (Stleai Btueae of The Journal.) A Salem, Or, May 10 Just e 4 how he ls going to condense ' Into 100 words the full embstance e e and purport of the public utltl- . e ties bill Is a problem over which e Attorney General ; Crawford ' Is e , perplexed at the present time. . He has just been Instructed to .. . .Prepare ballot title to four meaa- . ures which have "to be referred to the people for ratification or rejection at the next general election. According to - law the title on the "ballot can not con- tain over 100 words and the at- totney general fears that la not space enough to set forth to the voters a clear conception of the purport of the measure. In ad- e , dltlon to the public utilities bill, , e ballot titles are being prepared ' or. the two University of Oregon e appropriation' bills and .the Mon- month' dofmftory 'appropriation '' bUL . . "V j . e e ee4 .T,.K:,i ;- , . . Journal "Want Adc bring results. The Teddy fund went over the 1400 mark today with a bound. Its growth was given renswed impetus by girts from several different sources. None among theae was more expressive of the Interest and sympathy for half blind Teddy of the Baby Home, than the III. IS gtvea by. the Mount Tabor children, who earned the money by a delightful play called the frog Fairy," given last Saturday evening In the ball room of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Buehner. The play m written by Margaret Button Brie- ooe, adapted -from the Grim fairy tale of Twelve Dancing Princesses." The east was as as follows: Ths soldier, William Grout; executioner, Claud Hoi- den; king, James Gttntenbeln; princesses, Virginia Trent, Mollis Green, Ellen Oan- tanbeln; herald, Virginia Trent; pages, OUIe Green, Helen Trent. Edward Gen tenbein; "The Frog Fairy." Helen Berry. It was announced that a matinee would be given today, with the expeo tatlon that another tidy little sum konld be realised for Teddy's educa tion. , BUSINESS SUFFERS BOOTLEGGER JONES PARDONED BY WEST Closing of Rogue River for the Season Means Loss to Curry County People. . HONOR ONG THIEVES? NO SIR," SAYS DUnON (United Press Taee(l Wire.) New Tork. May 10. Trimmed by a woman who looked as though she would not steal a toothpick, Samuel F. Dutton gave himself up In disgust to District Attorney Whitman today to answer the charge of stealing 1200 from the effloe of the Interborough Metro politan railroad, where he was em ployed as a ticket agent . Button had "worked the game" on William Bpencer, an employe of (he same company. . He invited Spencer to oome over to his booth to ascertain the cause ef trouble between several pas sengers who were quarreling, and tn Spencer's absence got away with tlVil of the company's money and $10 be longing to Spencer, Feeling rather flash, he unwisely In vited an Innocent looking young woman out to supper and In the course of the evening she, tn sptte of her apparent an gello moral standard, managed to beat Dutton at his own game and got away with hla 'brand new bank account LAYMEN, TO TELL HOW TO V-RUt-NEWSPAPERS That members of the -'Ad club may learn some practical and humorous facts about , newspaper publication they will be given a newspaper program at their luncheon In Richards' restaurant .tomorrow. W. T. Buchanan has been announced' as chairman of the day, and he has arranged some stunts that will prove. It Is expected, extremely Inter eating to the men who make a business of publicity. The program for tomor row is printed In the form of an aa dent newspaper. It announces that Archbishop Christie wUI be guest of honor. There will be an address by the archbishop, also by F. W. Hild, gen eral manager of the Portland Railway, ugw at rower-oompany, ana trie last subject' Is "How News Is Made and Gathered," "bjr unknowns." GOES WITHOUT LUNCH TO CUT GROCERY BILL In order that her husband would not object .to the grocery bill, and that there would be more on the dinner table, Mrs. Nina R. Divine alleges In her cross complaint for divorce from Thomas J. Divine, that aha would frequently go without her lunch. By so doing, she would economise enough to afford a full dinner, and the grocer's bill at the end of the month would be within the demands of her husband. The Divines "were married In 1901 at Goldendale, Wash. He started suit for divorce, charging that his wife neglect ed the home. Mrs. Divine started a counter action today In the circuit court and charge he was so stingy she was afraid to eat. .It Is also alleged that he was cross and irritable. They separated In 1909. AT FOUNTAINS, HOTELS OH CUIWHCRI Get the j Original and Genuine MflFl l I P Ff ' G WIFE BESIDE HIM DEAD II U II ft. I U hi U WHEN HUSBAND WAKEN j tLJllsLlKIJ 11111 CI (B. -the International Hewt Service. I ' lllnsai I GsjI 111 I Ball,' Dayton. Wash., May 80. A sudden jf at death took place here yesterday' morn- (jffi&aMJiTllfalfidnL i ,n ln th" P8",n awy ' Mrs- Georgia r,WHHWVMMfrrV7H Rlckard. wife of J. A. Rlckard of the ' TheFoodDfinlcfnrAlIArffte: Portland Flouring Mills. Mrs. Rlckard, . KCM VOX. MtXX am CnMX a tOWOU usual health until a few days ago. Her UA1 ! Mill Ti. husband wakened in the morning to 11 Ol 111 Oily lllllfC a sTUSI, 'iR wife dead, beside him. Death T T"f" FnPf ICR'S w" T t0 uramic'pol'oa Take.paoWbomo DAYTON BUSINESS MEN v Te Old Reliable LET CONTRACT FOR HOME x Union Painless Dentist Salem Bnreea ef The JoornH utLjutn, ur May au. ttias ror the construction of a two Story brick build ing for the Commercial club and S. C. Stuckey of this place were opened, yes terday end the bid of Messrs. Watson of Dayton and Hoard of Portland was ac cepted at $7880. Work will be com menced at once and the completion of the building - le not " to be later than September; t.Ti- - OCT ; Ol" TO W VSOFUI should re membvr, that our force is se organised that ae can do their entire crown. brtlg and plaU work la day. If aee ; easary. Full Set of Teeth S5-0O , Bridge Work or Teeth Without Platee ....... ....f&60 te SSOO Gold Crewns.........350 to f 5O0 WW W flUlQfP. e)XUCf Vf Stiver Flllrnge so 4 te ftl.AA irulM. , fieara IS Tears ereareatee, sa. te p. sm Suadaya Union Dental Co, TOJnt Ajro KOXBXBPhT WTM. V ;. Bergeie. Resolution Sidetracked. ? (Psltee pFees Leased Wlre.l K Washington. May SQ. The house rules committee has . deoided not to rejort the resolution of Congressman BeTger proviaing ror an investigation of the arrest of John. J. McNamara at India napolis. They concluded that Inasmuch aa the resolution of Congressman Kor-" wr provided for an amendment ot the extradition laws which would prevent a repetition or the McNamara Incident an Investigation waa unnecessary. Berger issued a sutement demanding recommendation of his resolution.- (Soeelel DleMtek a Tbe- JearaaLI Marshfleld. Or. May 10. For tbe first season In many years, the fisheries of Kogue river In Curry county will be In- active, and thouaands of Chinook salmon will enter the harbor and go up the river to spawn and die. On account of the recent law passed, commercial fish ing on itogue river Is prohibited. This means ths loss of about $10,000 worth of business and cripples the bualnesi Interests of the Rogue river community considerably. Oold Boach, the county seat of Curry county, Is located on one side of Rogue river and opposite is Wedderburn. the little town started by the late R, D. Hume, who a as known aa the "king of Kogue river." For many 'Wears Mr. Hume operated the salmon flsherlea and had his own cold storage plant and tan nery. He conducted many legal fights with the government and with Individ uals at different times, but always man aged 40 maintain his supremacy on the river and controlled the fishing of the waterway. He ballt his own fish hatch ery which for a time waa the only pri vate hatchery tn Oregon. It has been sold to the government. Since Mr. Uume's death some of Ms heli a leased the fishing rights from the estate and conducted the ftsheriee. Fifty, or more men In the locality made their' living with the flsherlea, and what ehtpV ping there was and much of the busi ness of the towns depended upon It, The salmon season on Coos bgy opens In. July. Many are employed' here In the business, and this season It will be more extensive than before, as there Ms to be a new cannery opened In Marsh fields The cannery at Empire will also be operated and Portland buyers will probably shin fish this year, aa they have done In the past The fishermen expect an Increase In the price paid for fish on account of there be roc an addi tional demand. - . PIONEER. WJOMAN OF '53 -DIES MANY CHILDREN :s Mrf, 'Georgia Deardorff, a pioneer ef 1I6, idled Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. F. Hunt, 501 Rodney avenue. Mrs. Deardorff had been mak ing her home with her daughter and son-in-law for some time. Her husband died several years ago. With her husband she settled upon a donation land claim near Oakland, Or in list. She is survived by three daught ers, Mrs. B. F. Looney of Jeffeson, Mrs. Wills of BIlY Or..-and Mrs. A. F. Hunt of this city and thefollowlng sons: Dr. Deardorf f of Berkeley;. Cel., J; W. Dear- dorrf of this city asd H, FV Deardorff of Burley, Idaho - y-. ' The funeral will be .held .at Oakland, -r., lurourrao, . i (Iperlsl fnssstea teTee JeevsaU HUlaboro, Or, May 10. Charles Jones, serving a sentence for bootlegging, was released from the Washlngtonoounty Jail Sunday en a pardon by- Governor West. Jones pleaded entity on January i to four IndiotmeaU charging illicit liquor selling la tbe .grading, camps of the P. K N. and was sentenced en the first to ITS days In Jail and s fin of $856. As hf had no money he wad alto serving the 1 fine, and 111 days remained when the pardon was granted. The judge and district attorney both Signed the petition for pardon. Fines of 00 . were Imposed upon the three remaining Indictments, but on Ahese a parole was granted by the court The pardon says these fines are not included In executive clemency. , ', . filing Fee $78.60 on Mortxsfe, ' ISoeelal Dtesatek te The anekeLt HUlaboro, Or., May 10. A. mortgage te the Fidelity Trust company of Phila delphia eecurlng a bond lasue ef II, 000,000 by the Washington-Oregon Cor poration has been filed In the recorder's office It will occupy about so pages of the records and the fee was 7I.0. The company operates the Hlllsboro water and light plant and . owns the Haines power plant near Forest Orove. The mortgage la filed In all the coun ties In Oregon and Washington In which the company operetta caersroiea Slow to File. (Special Plepateh te Tbe Journal.) HillsWo, Or., May 10. But II Washington county clergymen have thus far compiled with the law requiring that .certificates of authority be registered with the county clerk before marriage ceremonies are performed. This num ber by no means Includes all who per form such ceremonies and a few prose cations of careless ones are looked for. TELEPHONE COMPANIES MUST MAKE-REPORTS (Salem Bnreas. Of Tb Journal ) Salem, Or., May 10. Getting a line on the small telephone companies - of trie state is the work which hss been engaging the attention of the state tax commission recently. Commissioner J. B. Raton hag just returned from Lake county and all Intermediate county seats. He says It is. easy to keep close supervision over the large companlea, but the scores of small Uaee are more difficult tekeep track of. According to-th report blanks being mailed Out by the secretary of state, there are between' (000 and 7000 active dorheatle . corporations ' in' Oregon, and 800 foreign corporations. Every one of these moat 'return their aeports to the secretary's office with their license fee to the, treasurer by July 1. Chauffeur Gets Verdict. sfTand Pthm Lh4 Wire. New,. Tork, May 10. F. Augustus Helnse, ' the Montana .copper magnate, faces a verdict today of 1326 damages awarded his taxlcab chauffeur. The as saultilt' is alleged, was committed be cause of overcharges. MAX WEISS FINED $500 BUT ESCAPES P RISON fanarUI Mmtek seburg. Or, May 10. Me Weiss. The Jeerael.t Rose operator of the local oold storage plant. waa alven the maximum fine or isoo after having been found getlty ef violat ing the local option law. 'He would have been, given a Jail sentence also but for the unsanitary condition of the county JalL Weiss Is the third man fined 1100 during the present term of court Six more men are to be tried en practically the same evldeooe that ooa vloted Weiaa and the ether two men. .MEN'S FURNISHINGS Special Wednesday ; and ' ' x Thursday Fine White Muslin Niht Gowns, .plain ; and : with fancy-trimmings, with collars and without, sell ing regularly at $1.50. on Wednesday and Thursday-Special ' JQ Gowns as above, also white twill, regular prices $1.00 and 75c on Wed nesday and Thursday 2. 59c Good Suit for Men at Popular Prices . LION CLOTHING CO. 166-170 THIRD ST. Sale Wliite Miislins; Waists and A vast collection of timely bargain, affording a moat unusual op portunity to replenUh the Wardrobe of desirable white apparel ' - . ' - ' v Come, and tee them.. -& $2.00 COMBINATIONS $1.25 Beautifully 'made and come in pretty designs of lace and em broidery. ... ..$1.25 $1.50 COMBINATIONS f98e Combination 1Cor$?t .Cqverjand Drawers ; in 'Splendid 1 quality ;iriusliht.and crossbafrdunity 98c ;40c CORSET COVERS 25c 75c CORSET (fOVERS 45c i .SplcndidlyimadcVinlily.tdhi and excellent materials 25c45c ,. . ,. 40c DiRAWERS 25c $1 DRAWERS 65c ExtraVweli made, in every" de sired tyte, unusual val. 25o5c , $1.50 GOWNS 98c I $2.50 GOWNS $1.65 Very wanted style in best ma ieriafs IndlffmmTngs: 98c41 .65 $1.50 PETTICOATS $1.15 $2.50 PETTICOATS $1.65 The best values to be had, beau tifully .'designed, fine materials. Dresses mm. Lingerie Waists Specially Priced 451 9C USUALLY SOLD f) 1 LO FOR $2.00 EACH Many waists are shown, at this price, but ypu will agree with us when you see these that the like ic nnf in Via fnnn'H in rhJc rifv frtv ;fv1f. fit nnalifv ti tnafrriak anrl beauty. There is absolutely no Miial. Pv'ftfv "urantrvl ctvle. in cluding fhcyashionable colored embroideredv-models in such charming .d e s i gn s. ' "Conserva tively a- 2.00 waist J J 25 (PI 7 C THE USUAL PRICE tDl. I O OF THESE IS $2.50 If you are looking for a smart, clever waist that possesses every degree ef style, youNwill find.it in this lot. The fashionable sailor collar and Dutch neck styles are very evident along .with the more, conservative models.-; See" these Tegular $2.50 waists $1.75 at Our Charming Marquisette and ' Voile WaisU Are Greatly ' j Underpriced. ; '. " 15.95 Charming Lingerie Dresses, Special at The equal of Any $10.00 Dress in Portland These dresses are not the usual" 'lingerie, type," but lovely creations of fine batiste linens and cotton voiles that have that qiu'et Tef inement, charming individuality and artistic tone so desfrajjle by well-dressed women and'misses. - ; Dozens t)f smart models In ' j s a tms collection, in cure . white qr the new Bulgar-Pj ian emhrof(i?reH stvVt N r "J"""Wi Vftil will K ,cfArtefta4h;h T when vou see f such'" beau-T d mrxciAX. xzbUsjBXT avaxa f - i s.si ' j Mk'S i iris: " - r rMM Ftitftfbit Car hurth ma UJmrrJH Streets I rim HO J&Z&AV MOUSE FOK JLADJESJOSrS ff aiOJXR&i Sh cm PihiteySale AJft UndermusKns at Snow White Sale Prices ; COMBINATIONS $1.25 Combinations, Snow White Sale. '. $1.50 Combinations, Snow White Sale $1.75 Combinations, Snow White Sale $2.00 Combinations, Snow White Sale $2.50 Combinations', Snow Whtie Sale $3XX) Combinations, Snow White Sale A GOWNS 85c Gowns, Snow White Sale $1.25 Gowns, Snow White Sale $1.50 Gowns; Snow White Sale $1.75 Gowns, Snow White Sale I . . . $2.00 Gowns, Snow White Sale $2.50 Gowns, Snow White Sale ... . . CORSET COVERS 35c Corset Covers, Snow White Sale at 231 ,50c Corset Covers, Snow White Sale at 371 65c Corset Coven, Snow White Sale at 49i 75c Corset Covers, Snow White Sale at 57 $1.00 CorsetJCovers, Snow White Sale at 77tf $1.25 Corset 'Covers, Snow White Sale at 93? $1.50 Corset Covers, Snow White Sale at SI. 10 $2.00 Corset Covers, Snow White Sale at $1.59 .07 1.19 139 1.59 1.89 2.39 :..67 93 $1.19 ...$1.39 . . . .$1.59 ....$1.89 sr' m.-'-Lm.' a" '. ssst . No. 2 :Culi T. No. 2 I hav given par eonal Inspedioa ta . the eforkiaf of M. L S. T. oa the human yitem, and. most af that it entirely meets with toy pro- ; XessionaJ sanction. ! D. H. LOOMIS, , lata Demoastrator ef Aaatom. PhUadel. puaMeoloa College m i: "'' Mi -r$?i? i:- ''Jff' j-- j . IVbatVo Guarantoo U.I.S.T. TJo.2 Will Cure RETTlf AtlSM. ae Bsatta ham Itma standlne. Adj case of Inflammation of the Bladder or Enlarged Prosuie Oland, no matter if the pa ttente Save bees for rears forced to dm i eatneter. euooo poison in ant k' It Is ae sttntulaea,' Its affects are Mftnanest. and laaMnfT Will en re an esse of Stricture without ioeal treatmeau ; Will remove entirely from the system Oaooer and Oaneenoas Oerms. In addition to the above. M. I. R. f . No. a tae eared menjr oases of Paralrals, Ixwomotor atakla. Spinal Trouble and apparentlr InctC able diseases ef the nerves. M. 1. 8. T. baa been on the market for over 80 years, and bas cured thousands of sufferers. It is prescribed by leadlnc physicians all over ths eountry. It Is pleasant to uke and absolutely safe. It- never lnereaeu or diminishes ths action ef ths heart.- if yon are suffering from any ehronle disease yea are urged to write to us. no matter how many doctors or kinds of medicines yon have tried without relief. V7H GUAJUNTEB TO CTJBB YOU. T xdbi yon may -uage or cue vaine or tne oreat gpeelfle for yon? self, we will send yon one week's treatment by mall FREE, only aaklng that when eared yourself yon will reeommend It .to others. Write confidentially to our medleal department, giving symptoms, i par box, or sU boxes tore. CO. Toledo. Ohio - ' , Fot aae ln Portland bv Eben Perry, Manager, 831 Sherlock building-. Third and Oalc. 4 gave this for future referenoe. Hours S a. m. to p. m. Phone Main Mrs. mnme m. KODiey uierK in . uirioe. . ?alV Open Bandar, from 9 to II m. California aOlANClOeES $1035 $21.50, $23.50, $2a50 - jUfj-F?;-to:anHFiMcisco, $5,. $10, $18,$l5.t-v ; ffjj lSAllS9 )L M., FWDAY, JUNE 2 ' C JrLffX-Smitli. C T. A.-V ; J. W. Rtniom, Agent, Ainsworth Dock : ZU2 Third St PhonesMain 402. A-1402; Miia 268.