The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 30, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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    f-r..r. -v.". :, ' :-.-y '.jv-': ? r - the o:
, li. UJ- J L UJ 1 I L , I.,. UJ 1
;' License. Commissioners of City
v. Secure $1000 Yearly From
' New Source.
' the buir- llotm eomrolaslonere: of
, the ltr auditor's offlca hare Jiiat. dis
covered another way to ecure eVreve
nu that haa hltheo escaped the flo
' tic of the cltr authorlUea Deputy
, 'Auditors ' Hutchinson and McEwhern.
who have chrf of tha lteenaa depart
ment of tha auditor"! office, have Juat
hit upon a plan that haa added mora
than 11000 annually tr" tha general
fund. ' '
"r The city ordinance! provide a license
fee of 110 a quarter for agents at in
aurance companiea. Tha law require
asenta to pay thla turn for each In
aurance company handle!, but tha
airenta for the moat part have smoceed
ed In carrying from two to six compa
nies on their lints, paying only one 11
cense fee. for elL ,
There waa no way by which tha II
cenae commleslonera could , certain
how many attendee one man, or firm,
might have, it the holder did not ohooae
to pay more than a alngle Ucenae fee,
for It waa an easy matter for tha
agent so Inclined to keep tha commis
sioners In darkness ia to the number
of companies carried on hla Hat. A
visit to the agents office waa of no
avail, for the agent while handling
several companies, might not display
the eigne of mora than one.
Commissioner Joseph Hutchinson,
however, found out that the secretary
of state has a list of all the general
agents of Insurance companies doing
business In Oregon. He wrote to Balem
and obtained the namea of these gen
oral agents. Having done thla, he dl
rected a circular letter to the general
agents requesting them to submit a liat
of all tha aubagenclea under their Jur
ladlctton. He haa already evolved a
card Index system by which he can keep
fn tAiin with tiiAa luhiMnd. Th. r-
suit Is that the city la th richer there
by, to the extent of more than llOflO
Wtfumpharit June S Based Comparative Competition
n--i-i.':f ,.;. .vvM.,V:
As commonly used to create '
Ftlae Price ,RfIuctioni nd '
Inipoiiible; Qargains is
NEVER Uied byThi Store V
'No Groceries "
No Meat Market
No Reitaurant
MerchandisG of teril Only...
No Poti and Pans
No Crockery
No Liquor
,The Word "Value0
Having long since lost its
signification, and viewed by;
the public with distrust. Is
NEVER Used by This Store
Representing a syndicate of wealthy
Minneapolis Investors, Roy F. Elke
closed a deal yesterday afternoon for
the purchase of 126 acrea of fine fruit
lands located three mllea southwest of
the P. R. L. A P. Co.'s new power plant on
the Clackamas river. Th property be
longed to C. D. Bruun of the Blake-Mc-Fall
company and was sold for 118,009.
Mr. Flke said thla morning that hla
Minneapolis clients plan to put the en
tire tract In commercial apples, sub
divide It Into email orchard and sell
..oniy 10 euirrn ouyers. 1 ne main 01
flcea of the selling agency will be es
tabllahed In Minneapolis.
"While In Mlnneapolla aeveral . days
ago," said Mr, Flke, "on other buslneaa
I met several men of wealth, who ex
presned a keen Is teres t In Oregon fruit
lands. I was commissioned by them to
hunt up a large tract and submit it
to them. Lpon my return to Portland
I offered them the Bruun property and
they were bo well pleased with Ita lo
cation, the soil analysts and the price,
that I was authorized yesterday by
wire to close it.
"I found the eastern people to be tre
niondously Interested in Oregon, e-
pecLaily in Oregon fruit culture. From
what I was told by the buyers of the
Bruun property I have no doubt that it
Is their Intention to engage In the
handling .n the east of Oregon fruit
lands on a large scale."
Keasey, Humason & Jeffery hav sold
for J. O. Elrod to C. D. Bruun a 300
acre tract located three miles west of
Willamette Heights for $50,000.' Mr.
Bruun- bought the property for. speou
" lation and haa no Intention of sub
dividing it. The tract is heavllv tim
bered. It will be cleared and the tim
ber converted Into cordwood, of which
it la estimated there are 30,000 cords.
Iri This Xxtraorainary Sale $5.00 to $8.5p Waists Sell for $1.95
Recall, If you can, the BEST of Waist Sales, you have ever attended. ' .
-Judaed btr THAT STANDARD we offer 500, new and beautiful Waists in messalines, net, China
silk, Satin surah, hemstitched satin, soft taffeta, handkerchief and fancy silks, . ,
-The assortment of models is bewlldeting. Every possible style now in vogue is to be found in this
collection of Summer Waists. Black and every "color fashion fancies. I v -
Hiah neck Dutch neck, elbow sleeves, Kimono sleeves, long sleeves, sailor collars; in short, the great
est exposition of hand-tailored, high-class waists ever offered in this city at such an amazingly small price.
Positively no mail orders, telephone orders or C. O. D. orders filled. Nohe sefft on approbation, nor
any reserved before the hour of sale. , SEE CORNER WINDOW
Und ermuslin Half- Price Sale
That Is Truly Triumphant
No, Two Pictures Alike in This SAMPLE Picture Sale
The city la flooded with myriads of cheap, pictures. Pictures put together in Soft wood frames, badly fitted, inferior-glass and cheap prints.
These are exploited at so-called SALE PRICES, and people are badly defrauded by buying these common pictures. ' . , .
, The pictures we place on sale come from the well-known picture house, Tabor, Prang &. Co.,
of New York and Boston. They represent gallery pictures on exhibition in their New York
show roomi. We secured the entire collectionno two alike a few weeks ago, and offer them
Below we example a few of these beautiful pictures: . .
... .
Reading From Homer 1 La Brune & Baughter
Hand - colored gravures,
framed in 5-inch ld goM mould
ing with ornamental top and cor
ners. Regular $25.00
Sale S12.SQ '
An original French print in 3
two -inch hand -carved frame.
Regular $10.00
Sale $4.75
In behalf of' the aeveral thousand
traveling men who cover the territory
within the Columbia river basin, action
was taken by the United Commercial
Travelers- association upon -the pro
poaed bond issue for the construction
of an auditorium In the city. of Port
land at a meeting held on Saturday
night. Chester A. whitemore preaented
the resolution of Indorsement and It
passed without a dissenting vote. The
traveling men have and are taking an
active interest in this campaign and
foreaee in Ita use a remarkable advan
tage to Portland, not only to exploit
the reaources of the state of Oregon,
but Increase the development of the
trade of local factories, through the
agency of pure food exhibitions and
auch other lines aa might uae an audi
torium. . .'
Atlanta's Race
Hand-colored artotype 20 by
38 inches. In a three-inch antique
gold frame, inree men jvrac
mat Gold "burnished ornamental
corners. Regular $15.00
Sale $7.50
$4.00 framed" "Sir Galahad," sale $1.98
$8.00 frame "Aurora," sale $3.05
$4.50 framed "Beethoven," sale $2.25
$6.00 framed "The Jolly Saddlers". . . .$2.08
The Chariot Race
A hand-colored etching,; size 26
by 36. Framed in three-inch Ro
man gold moulding. Regular
Sale $8.95
The Age of Innocence
By Reynolds.
An imperial grayure, hand col
ored in an antique gold frame.
Size 16 by 20. Regular $9.50
"Sale $4.75
' The Sunlit Bay
A" marine hand-colored photo
graph, 20 by 24, with three-inch
Keller. In three-inch hardwood- dul gold mat and antique gold
carbon frame. "Regular. $10.00 frame. Regular, $14.00
Whistler's Mother
A Burlington proof, hand col
ored. Size 20 by 24. In a three
inch antique gold frame. Regu
lar $10.00 v
Sale $4.95
Neptune's Sanctuary
A hand-colored facsimile of the
original painting b Ferdinand
Sale $4.95
Sale $6.95 '
$9.50 framed "George Washington!
sale .v. $4.75
$10.00 .framed "Prophets," sale $4.95
$16.00 .framed
$9.50 - framed TDuchess
$6.00 framed "The Jolly. Saddlers". .. .$2.9,8 $7.50 framed "Schubert," sale ...$3.75 sale':V:'--.5--
Also hundreds of water colors, pasUls, etchings, carbons, hand-colored artotypes, all artistically framed, at HALF PRICE.
, . "... ? ' ' u ."; '
awawa . avi w xs y ww
"Madonna of the Chair,"
... ....$7.95
of Devonshire,"
Enthusiastic, Delighted Shoppers
What truer indication of public approval can a firm ask than -the
response of hundreds of women who have satisfied them
selves that our undermuslin bargains are unusual, remarkable,
unmatched by competition?
Entrenched behind the most wondenul -stock
of undermuslins this store has ever
offered In a June sale we bid for your con-
tinued patronage. Thousands upon thous
ands of garments are , offered at HALF V
PRICE. . -
FineDomesticUndermuslinsExactly Half Price
Made of the finest, sheerest, materials, with the very best of
woricmansnip, guaranteeing penect cut, hiuwi ana nu auo
garments are made in full sizes, full length, full width.
Trimmings of the finest Swiss and mull embroideries and in
sertions, real Torchon laces and insertions, Cluny laces, Valen
ciennes laces, eyelet and blind embroidery and lace edgings.
Gowns, skirts, corset covers, Princess slips, combinations
in an enormous assortment. ,
75c Under' Garments -.38
$1.00 Under Garments ..50
$1.25 Under Garments ....63
$1.50 Under Garments .........75
$1.75 Under Garments 88 "
$2.00 Under Garments ..$1.00
$2.25 Under, Garments
$2.50 Under Garments
$2.75 Under Garments .81.38
$3.00 Under Garments $1.50
$3.50 .Under Garments $1.75
.$100 Under Garments S2.00
$5.00 Under Garments .$2.50 '
$8.00 Under Garments i.' .$3.00
$7.00 Under Garments , . . .... $3.50
$8.00 Under Ga;rmtf&ts $4.00
. Embroidery Sales
- - -
' (rnlted l.-en LewMt Wr t
Bt Louis Mo.. May 80. When Mra.
Henry Rlschard waa ordered by Judge
Kimmeu to pronounce aentence upon
her huaband, charged with cruelty and
ratiure to support, their little 1-year
old daughter took part in the proceed
lnga and set the head of the family
tree. .
Aa Mra. Rlschard hesitated In fixing
punisnment the lisping "da-da" of tha
child .was heard. Rlschard hung his
head grasped the child In his arms and
strode forward. ,
"Will you do better by me, Henry r
the wife asked. . v
"Give me another chance and I will,"
The couple left the courtroom arm In
(United Press teased Wire.) .
Vancouver, B. C, May 10. John Kelly
appeara to be a second Jack Shephard.
For him atone, walls do not a prison
make, jior Iron bars a cage.
-Arrested her last Friday for break
Ihg out of Walla Walla penitentiary, on
Sunday he broke out of the city Jail
and is now clear of the police. Rally
was picked up on Friday by Detectirea
Thompson, COrady and Jewett, on tha
street here. They recognised him from
a description attached to a (0 reward
which tha Walla Walla authorities war
Were this sale NOT out of the ordinary this an
nouncement would carry little weieht. iRealizine
fully the intent and purpose of this'great jfun' event
and the foundation upon which it mts.-.wejire of-
fering three remarkable embroidery specials.
Before leaving for Europe we pur- .
chased from one of the foremost im- t
porters of fine Swiss embroideries his
entire stock of sample, pieces..
- . "-:"V
Flounces, corset covers, bands and insertions.
We expect an enormous response to this an
nouncement. We know you'll find bargains even
Lbetter than you expect
-All of course, FIRST QUALITY goods.
So tongas there are standards to judge by, these
bargains are bound to appreciated.
;27 Inch Swiss Ffounclngs
Remarkable Bargains at 95c
We quote no comparative prices in this sale, for
one glance at tnese tiouncings wnen you see tnem,
wilUconvince you of jthe remarkable 'bargains.
r The flouncings are macfo'bf ,4he finest quality
Swiss 27 incnes wide ana in an immense assort-
$2.00 W. B. Nuform Corsets $1.39
Made with good quality coutil with new medium
bust, long over the hips and back. Wide, embroid
ery banding, ribbon drawn top finish. Two pairs
hose supporters attached. Sizes 19 .to 29, ,
Nemo Self-Reducing Corset $638
Made of finest quality imported French coutil
with wide lace beading and ribbon trimmings. Ex
tra abdominal support. Exceptionally large on ab
domen, hips and back. Hose supporters attached.
Sizes 20 to 30.
men of elegant designs orextra deep embroidery, $nape anJ Jq Self Reducing
selling at less than import cost nrtc QPVrFAF CQ Kf
Of the finest quality coutil and corduroy batiste,
with wide, fine lace finish: Some with medium bust,
others with bust supporters attached. Also hose
supporters attached. Sizes 19 to 30.
Corset - Coverings Bands and Jnser
. Hons Unmatched at 23c
Selling Nqjjmly to$0c
Nainsook and, Swisa embroid'lry corset covers, 17
inches wide. Also beautiful Swiss embroidered
bands and Insertions ttpaiZStt 11 inches in width. In
a great assortment of refinedspecially selected pat-
terns., very usirao.iyj: ngene, press uimmings
and many othepurpsesi , . . ; ; '
$9.00 Under Garments
$10.00 Under Garments
$12.00 Under Garments
$15.00 Under Garments
The First Time Infants
; . Wear at Half Price
Here is the greatest oppor
tuhity to buy infants' wear at
such-reduced' prices.
In securing the entire stock
of this manufacturer our first
requirements were quality and
Realizing that inferior,
cheaply made infants' wear is
absolutely undesirable, we
take great pleasure in submit
ting for your approval a -fulj
assortment of infants' long
slips, short slips, dresses and
de of the finest materi-1
als, with the daintiest of lace
edgings and insertions. Swiss,
mull and baby embroideries,
edges and insertions. Lace
edgings and veilings.
We have hever before had
the opportunity of " offering
such wonderful bargains' in in
fants' wear.
75c Infants' Wear 38
$1.00 Infants' Wear 50
$1.50 Infants Wear. . . . .75
$2.00 Infants' Wear. . .$1.00
$4.00 Infants Wear... $2.00
sail- -'irv
New Black Sailors
$1.95 tc $f0.00
Rough, heavy, straight brim
ofs, selling from $1.95 to $5.00.
, -Fine, straight brim black Mllans
$5.00 and $7.50
Rough, narrow brim sailors
$3.50 to $5.00. ,
Tomorrow we will tell new
Summer models in black sail
ors, made by the famous Eng
lish firm Prevost & Co., Black
friars, London; also Balch
Price & Co., sailors and Phipps
Tub Goods in the June Sale
Colored Wash Fabrics 10c '
Hundreds of yards of fine imported printed wash goods, in
cluding dimities in dainty colorings and designs batiste and
lawns in' white and colors. About half of this lot comes with
exquisite border effects iii the daintiest designs. ,1 .
Bordered French Mouslin 20c
The newest patterns of French Mouslin, which is the most
attractive wash goods ever brought out at a popular price.
More than a hundred different designs and colorings, from
blues in a variety of shades all the pinks, including the Helen
greens in many shades lilacs and lavenders blacks and
whites in a dozen designs navy and white to foulard effects
gtays, browns and tans, in fact, all the designs and color
combinations of the season, ;
- . White French Batiste 25c Yard
AWOMlMCmmd Nets 33c
i-At 33c you axe buyjng these all-over laces at less'
than the import prip in plauen, Germany. - .,
Colors are white ind butter, - Also a few in Bulgarian-
combinations, 'particularly desirable this
season. ; , t ; ; . s v.-,
4. Upright or Inverted lhcan
descent Gas Mantles Only J C '
Regular Prices 20c, 25c, 30c, 35c
This is the largest single purchase and sale of
Gas Mantles that has ever been announced by 'any
Portland store. :
On . sale in our regular Light Department on
the First Floor. . ; v -
A soft, silky-finished French batiste in white only, especially
CL D QQ adapted for graduating dresses and dainty lingerie waist and
tjuuppiilg UdS 7UC neckwear. Special 25c the yard. ;
Selling at $1.50-$1.75
-Mid-Summer shopping bags in
a variety .of shapes of seal grain
walrus and patent leathers.
Mounted on 9 to, .12 inch frames.
Leather Jtjned. C Have single or
double : strap handles. All are
fitted -with- change purse and ,
many have card case and mirror.
;AU th'ese bags are in the latest
shapej and sizea. .. .. r
Table Linens for the June Bride
Roun,d pattern designs of neat, dainty, sprigs, also elabo
rate florals and conventional patterns suitable for round or ,
square tables With border on four sides to match.
Cloths 71 by 72 inches each $3.00. .v "
Cloths 71 by 90 inches each $3.50. - --Cloths
71 by 108 inches each $4.50.
, Napkins 24 inches match, $4.50 doz.':
. "ititdTabhS
-Fine German Hrien table cloth in neat patterns; size 70 by O
Inches,! and one, dozen napkins to match, 24 inches sq-'re.
Cloth 70 by 103 inches, with a dozen napkins, Z ) t .