The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 30, 1911, Page 17, Image 17

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Mo r
If -; 'i .
uction Sale
r '' thkx large'' collection" of
lid Virginia; Antique
Furniture Company
OT BAZ.TZXOmX, uxmtulwo
t 209 Fourth St.
This collection comprtM manyfcpeel
iens of tha Chippendale. Sheraton. Hep-
llewhlts' putch Margaretre, Louie AV
KVl and colonial period, old English
liantle and grandfather hail clocks,
Sheffield plate, old bronsea. fine china.
Iut glass, etc.
Kxhlbltlon Mondar. Tuesday an
Wednesday, May 1. SO and 31. Sals
itarts Tnuraflay. June 1.
J. T. WIL.BUW. Auctioneer.
Glisan Street
Half Acres
C&n b mad to olv lot of
for the city man.
1 "The High Coat of Living." .
J But see tomorrow's announce
ment for othera.
Ideal Half Acre Tracts '
$700 to $600
170 down 114 per month.
de r
Only 20 minutes' ri
of city,
from center
Hartman & Thompson
Estate Dept. Chamber of
Commerce Bid.
Crh southwest corner of
Price $80,000
McGowan & Pennington
Room 3 Healy Bldg., corner Grand
and Last Morrison M.
Phone E. 282. B-1643.
Mortgage Loans
F07n John E Cronan w70Jq
'w sot Spalding Bldf. '
ANSWERS to 'classified advertisements
which appeared In The Journal await
those possessing certificated for the fol
lowing numbers: v
A 111, (1( (21, BIT. 111. 141,; 141,
14s. its. no. ii4. ei7. tot. soi. mtL , mmm
B y..litM 614,, 161. tit. M0f 611,
d-'o, 111, 617. 111. 111. 110. 141. 4I,
tttTttl. 167, 171.673, B77. 60S. 027. . ,
. IU.411. 60s. Has. US. 867. 671. tl
K 487. 101, 111, US, HI, til, 640, I4S.
171, 73, S77. I7, 614. I0. Il.ltl.r
F 611. 114. 117. 111.; 111. lit.' 141.
J V77.' idlJ'llO, 111. 14.-I44;;i7,l.
HlOl.' 871. I77. 171. III. 149. 141.
. J 111', tlllO,' 140. 4IVH. 164,
'K-loi'lVYiJ, 147. 141. its. III.
irH)'. 141. 141. 147. 161. 171. III. 041.'
N 414. 441. 614. 611. 140. 147, III, 161,
sow, bus. , -
P 680. 111. ill. 111. 141. 140. 110.
R 643, 111, ill, III, 168, US, , .
M 688, 41. .
i ,OS, OVI, OSV. -.v, v-a,
ISO. 111. 111. 114. 61. f if. 4, 695, 99.
V 641. til., ill. 613. III. 160, 141,
664, 600. 667.
W 644, 661. III. 114. ISO, 110, 101.
X 103. 110. 614. 147. ,141. IIS. ML
f 634'.' 637. 611, 642. 141. 144. 141,
147, III. -
2-638. 146, 666. 66. 607, 6t.
w;c smith & cm.
Wedding and visiting card engravers
and monogram stationers, Washington
biag.. wssnington at., pet, iro anq tin.
DRh'tiS nulti for rent, all alsea Unique
Tallorln Co.. 101 Stark at.
CLARK rc BROS., floriats. fine flowera
ar.j noral deenrna. JSf Mornwn- ai.
A. P. and A. M. Special
communication thla (Satur
day, even Ins at t o'clock,
Masonic Temple. Work In R
A. Ar,rrrr Vlnltln brothran
By orJer W. M. A. J." HANDLAN,
CAMP. No. 20 L W. i.
W., meeta every Tueaday
hlaht W. O. W. tample. 111
llth at. Visitors welcome.
Members requested to at-
A. I.. BAKER. Clerk.
" 10 Acres at $200: Vv
' Jn Tualatin valley, near Cook station,
f miles from courthouse, near steam
and eleotrlc roads, 0 acres under culti
vation, rood soil, llss level; $500 cash,
balance to suit; will subdivide; f acres
for tlioo, other I for 11000. . i
. 2 Acres. 2 Room House
TVlt . k... .4l 4M 10 la a Olnsa
' lewisi- fives WmWf s 4k lie iuiMvaBiw,
only 2000; terms; near electric statloiE-
2 Acres, B ack Swa e
AU cloared: only I'lHOO; terms.
' On Oreon Electric; wlU sell t, I, 4 or
I acres; price 1400 per a ore: on ma-!
cad a ml zed road. In a community which
Is building up rapidly. i
40 Acres at $40 Acre
' t H miles of Spring water, Or., on Es
tacflila. line; 1400 oash, halajice y.
. Near Sellwood City Park
I room houae with bath; only 11100,
with furniture 11100. A flfood Invest
ment Alwsys rented: near fiellwood
and Oregon City ears. x
0 room houee near thla one, 11100;
nlcs yard, flowers and fruit.
ISIS B,-13tn. Sri I wood car. Sellwood
' FOR 8 ALE II0C8EB ' 111
brnia Six
A Good Buv
10101 lot. I feet above grade. In re
stricted district, cement walks, curbs.
wstnr mains and aewer all In, 6 short
blocks from KlllloRsworth sve ; I860:
1110 csnIi. 116 month, 7 per cent Call
owner. Main 7431. evenings.
i'OR RALG by owner, choice pleoe of
property. 200x132, with psrlly fin
ished houee. 0 blocks north of Reed In
stitute. K-034. Journal.
TO ALL EMPLOYES worslng under the
Metsl Tradesderartment. Vou sre
herebv Invited to attend the annlver
sarv of ths marhlnlnts' strike, to be held
i room 401 Lat)or Tempie, ztvi Aiacr
t., on wonesaay evenins' my aim.
EXCURSION g-lven Webfoot camp
No. 06. on Bailey Gatsert. will leave
Alder street dock at 8:10 a. m.. Sunday,
May 21.
M. W. A., ROSE CUT CAMP Monday.
Bejuns-inrsch bias:., wssnmrion near
0th. Phone Clerk. Mein 8i!4. A-4016
. N. A Oreito.i Rose camp, meets
Tuesday evenings. Swiss halL Id and
r. B.. Portlsnd lodge No. 101. meets
Wed, nights. K. P. hsll. llth Alder.
IN Effect April 16. 1111.
Dally or Sunday
I 1 f lm, fii Dfr UntL
i consecutive times, 7c psr Una per In-
S ft. mAr MinUfllllJvt tlmB. ge Dr line
per Insertion, or 7 Insertions lor pries I bikiun ipair. ana aira. nay our-
GEESLIN To Mr. and Mrs. Errett
Oeeslin. 900 Superior street. April 1,
JENSEN To Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jen
sen, 006 tovely street, April 21. a
VANSEN To Mr. and Mrs. Ajidrsw
Swansen. April 20. a boy.
TRENHALME To Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur Trenhalme. May 27. a boy.
GIN To Mr. and Mrs. Lee Gin, 17
Fourth street May If. a boy.
POWELL To Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Powell. 482 Emerson, May 24, a boy.
SCHALY To Mr. and Mrs. Oustav
Schaly. May 23. a air
GRAY To Mr. and Mrs. David Gray,
87 Blandena, May 18, a girl.
MONAOHAN To Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Monaghan, May IS, a boy.
room house. 1 stories, all modern
east front, beautiful lot many shade
trees, block from csrllne, street Im
provements ds Id. new. ready for ooou-
pancy, 400 cash, balsnr- monthly pay
Runralow. I rooms lsrfca attic, fire-
P'sce. furnace, book-men, buffet, Dutch
kitchen, hardwood floors, cast frot. ail
street Improvements paid, H block from
car. 1600 down, balance on monthly payments.
rooms, I story, sqiisre house. Just
being completed, osk floore. fireplace,
buffet, Dutch kitchen, all other modern
conveniences, 100 feet from ear, 1000
cash, balance monthly payments.
We have several other houses and
bungalows, containing all modern con
veniences vhlch will be completed soon,
tt us show thorn to you before you
, S01. 101 Board of Trade bi le
Marshall 472. A-1021.
ul New Cali
Room Bunca
With a magnificent stone front Ldtga
reception hull, nice parlor with s beau
tiful flrenlaea. Urn bonk rases. I)ln-
Ing room paneled, heavy beamed oelllng.
Built In buffet, ITull Dutch kitchen. 1
large, airy bedrooms, with large closets.
New bsth between bedrooms. Medicine
chest and linen closet Large attic and
full cement basement with cement floor
and laundry trays; elaborate ras and
electric fixtures throughout 'Cement
sidewalks In front and around house.
Eaat front The price Is
Only $3500
Ralancs Easy Paymenta.
Thla place le a beautr and In my Judg
ment It cannot be equalled for the money
In this district.
T, A. Sutherland
1084 Hawthorne ave.
Cor. R 10th st. Red office Tabor 2017.
Owner offers for sale splendid new
Heights residence; strictly modern, I
large slry snd well lighted bedrooms.
also 2 aleeplng porches with dressing
rooms, mirror doors, living room 20x14,
t . 1. ! at . t -j , l . . HAwtA
wiiii mil, Airrjnau'r, uiiiiiih itj.jiii vav,
beautifully paneled, large fireplace and
buffet large kitchen, pass pantry, tiled
sink cool cupboard, etc.; paneled bil
liard room and den, cathedral beamed
and rustlo fireplace; wine cellar and
fruit room: lovely screened dtnlng
porch and large porch off from living
room: 2 complete bathrooms, 1 toilets.
6 lavatories, hardwood floors, I wood,
lifts, wood, coal and clothes chute.
roomy eioeets, z lots, drlvsway, garage,
lovely native treea, everything that
makes for attractiveness and comfort
A secluded location, beautiful surround,
lngs. Pries only 114,000. Can arrange
000 Bpaldlng bldg.
' 4000' acre In one body, platted
Into tracts of ons half to 20 acres
. each,, with a completed and trav-
eled road along each lot, eoms
.lots high and sightly, some, low,
1 black garden land: othera with
running water; all of the very
;best of soil, no rock or gravel and
' only 40 minutes out oa either
- alertrto or steam line.
See the orchards, berry patehea,
gardens and satisfied buyers on
this acreage and you will, look no
Prioee rang from 1125 to 1600
per acre, according to location and
. state of Improvement.
Payable In monthly Inatall-
Main It. 101 4th at. A-3600.
For Sale $3250
10 sores on main county cross roads
one mile to R. K. etatlon and one mile
to mills and atorea. two miles to good
town, new aohool across the road, finest
soli In Willamette valley. Part In cul
tivation, balance good timber. Can be
handled for only 1600 oash and 8376
per year.
Six 6 acre tracta. only 8760 each.
achool and church on the property, close
to iv. ii. snu atorea.
Plvs hundred acres adjoining aet to
applea. Property on main county road
and aoll the finest Terms 3360 cash.
'Balanoe 1100 per year. 8ee C. A. Parvln,
bj Henry Dinir, win sum, s -1 i us.
I KNOW where cheap lands, farms for
sale.. Call see me.- Cost you nothing.
Parker, 601 Corbet t bldg.
Free Government Land
Homestead, well located, good land,
plenty water. 'Comparatively level. Lo
cation charges res sons bis W. J. Cook,
601 Lumber Exchange bldg. Phone Mala
HOME8T1CADS Located near Portland,
first quality of aoll, highly desirable,
near R. R. IVhsat, alfalfa, fruit, pota
toes now growing near by. Fine cli
mate. Call room 11, 167 Oak at.
$350 Cash
Rose City Park
New house, 8 rooms snd sleeping
porch, oak floors, srt snd leaded glass
windows, mirror door, book cases, Targe
fireplace, paneled dining room, beamed
ceiling, buffet Dutch kitchen, woodlift
cooler, built In Ironing board, full ce
menj basement, laundry traya, furnace,
hot water coll, house piped for gas,
eaat front lot 60x100, one block from
car. Improvements in and paid. 103
Yeon Bldg.
Moaern house, aeven rooms lot 60x
100. well located near car, improved
street, plenty fmlt. Price 83600.
Bungslow, six rooms. i lot 60x100;
fruit, flowers, gas, electrle lights. $2100.
Improved lot 60x100, graded street
near car. $660. Terms.
ROOM 21, 167 OAK ST.
STOP the rent; pay $5 caah, $6 month;
acreage home, 26 minutes out; chick
ens, garden, nice shade; why don't you
take this as an Investment? It costs
you almost nothing.
Would thla ault yon? Nice little place
cloae to river, 26 minutes out car overy
30 minutes; you can pay 310 month, or,
would you prefer to keep on paying rent
and have nothing?
Call after 10 a. m., you buy from
owner. Smith, llltt Washington, room
14000 for auto and 6 room hnui, fur
nished complete: hard surfs re street
and large lot. 7 large fruit trees, all
t!0 Monthly.
Hawthorne District.
T rfMmi antl Hon Iffanl n ar nntvri 41 ri
place, furnace, sas'and electrTo fixtures. kl"ds of choice flowers and berriee, elec
built in buffet end bookcases, mirror. I trio sewing machtne, all velvet carpeta.
etc. Cash 1400. I inlaid linoleum, mahogany and oak fur-
NATIONAL REALTY A TRUST CO.. nlture, all new, will sell unfurnlahod if
828 Wash. st. room 610. Phone Main I A;8' r1!. 2 blocks off JIawthorna rear
tni. iiin. rngni D-ina. laiwr aviv. I nis
' js Dv owner.
Corner. 10 minutes from nnitflfflna
Hawthorne car, 7 rooms, furnace, fire-
place, select neighborhood,' $6000; 81000
casn, oamnco i per cent. Must sell.
101-108 Board of Trade bldg., Marshall
473. A-1052.
of a
Ma mA fount for leas than 1 lines.
The above ratea apply to "Now To
day" and all other classifications except
ing the following: 'Sltustlons Wanted,
To M.rl n.l Wiinted to Rent" ads.
Ths rates in these classifications are:
. to per line per Insertion.
xaree insertions ior ins pne, oi ""
ton. 476 H falling street. May 14, a
ERICKSON To Mr. and Mrs.
Erickwon, May 20, a boy.
SMITH At the home of his brother-in-
law, J. H. Plllman, 211 Eaat 10th st.
;-V.3 ;rK; t May 20, Airred 1. Bmitn, aged 63 years.
tfaftrtK ftiVRRTiHEMEKTS. Bloved husband of May h- Smith. De-
1 '.lii1.??, iiV. M ceaaed was a member of Prospect camp
t ? c.,P?r . ,. No. 140. W. O. W. and Rose City camp
a consecutive nines, e irer nun ymi - ... ...
I Ml. , . A.
more consecutive times. 7o par 5P"inn!,nfi.M9Cl
nr insertion day, May 81 at 2
ove rat -s apply to "New To- fufly invited. In
J or more
line per
Tha abf
rfav" anil nil other classifications ex
cept the following: "Situations Wanted,
To Rent and Wanted to Rent" ads.
. : The rate )n these classifications is 70
par line per insertion. '
No ad charged tn lesa than- two llnea.
or 16C
CERTIFICATES of title made by the
- Title at Trust company, mwu oiuk.
1th ami Cla'c.
Lawyera Abstract & Trust Co.. capital
8200.000. Boara or iraoe piog.
Funeral services will be -held
McEntee s chapel Wednes
ft. m. Friends respect
erment Lone Fir cem
UMBRIACO In this city. May 80, at
ins late residence. i uaat tn stu
Rafael Umbrlaco. aged 82 yeara, father
of Frank and John Umbriaco, A rata
tan t el It. Rosle and Lulci Umbriaco.
The funeral services will be held at St.
Ignatlua' church, corner of 48d and
Powell sts.. at 2 n. m.. Wednesday. May
81. Friends Invited. Interment Mult
nomah cemetery.
BURKE In this city. May 28. at
Thomas James Newton Ripley
. and wlfs to Mount Hood Rail
way tt Fower company, pari
i m n m e an H tit anholvlsion
'' of F.uatwood 260
Alameda Land company to
. -'K.-l.. m f'lvlanrt lot 2.
hlork as. Alameda Park 000
McDanlel Investment company to
UMnn T UUi.qlnff lot 1 2.
block 4. Caesar Par 3 880
Rose -City Cemetery association
. ,n r Mrrmnliil lot
'' SOB. section "C" said cemetery J00
Daniel Inveatment company to
T XXT Dnlhinn )nt 7 hlOrk 2.
Caesar Park addition TM
J.. A. Freeborough to Henry Free-
kinuivh unH U. Cit tit 4. hlOCK
"W" Tabor Heights . MOO
Investment company to Kathryn
10. Irvlngton Park 1,004
Sam to Kathryn Scholhelmer. lot
. O mm a, klnAl. A Trvln.lllll
Park HO
Joseph E. Conway to John Am or
nn a imm nf nlalm of fibiin
J eser Creswoll 1,8400
W, L. Greene and wire to caro
,f line Rosenthal, land commenc-
. Jn, at nnrth.anr corner of
1 block 106, Carnthers addition 1,000
N. M. Davis and husband to
; Emll Hartmann, north 40 feet
f lot IK hlor.k IS. Central
-Alblna M00
Morgan Fliedner IBoyce to
Fordham Investment comjpany,-
. lAAvins tt 1n hloolc 7. John.
' sons addition 26,0
Joseph H. Nash, and wire to
'norma t ariaiiin 1 1 it. mi. u mi a
85, Tremont Place 1,200
Fred Bohmld and wife to Charlea
Schmld. lot 15. block 63 Vernon 700
t Silas M. ' Leonard to Mary A.
Iioloo .lot K hlork 4. 4rlmea
."addition to St. Johns ... 400
H; B. Noble and wifo to John
. v U'ulu. t.t al lot 10. block 7.
Smiths add! Won and subdivision 860
George W. Simmons and wife to '
First National Bank of St.
..Johns, lot 24. 26, block "A."
i riMn rnmnsnn'i addition to
? St..' Johns. .. t .1,200
I. A. McHolland and wire to j.
' ; Tf MnrHhrier lot 6. block 1.
' Foxchase addition ...... i , 471
W. Hosea Wood and wife to J.
' . 17 Tmmnna at al. lot I. hlOCk
."'.t0.' Sellwood 1,860
Jdnious B. Powell and wife to
to xf Pnm.. lot g. block 13.
lna Park ,. 100
Investment company to Pauline
i Schoelbeimer et al. lot 0. 11, . ,
. It, 16. 17. 19. block 10, Irving-
ton Park 1.121
Edwin H. Mlnlch et al to C. V.
Taggart, lot 12. block 14, lna
Park 000
H P. Bush to Paulina Scholheim
.... t al lot !1. block 36Irv. - '
--lngtnn Park ........... ..... . . , 187
3. SUMcKtnney et al .to G. Lin- .
der, loU 6. 0." block' 38. A. L. .
- ' Miner's addition to Sr. Johns, 1.800
lata residence. 051 lovt street. Brig
adier General Daniel W. Burke, retired.
Friends lavlted to attend funeral aerv
lces. which will be held at the Ca
thedral, llth and Davis sts., at 9 a. m.
tomorrow (Wednesday), May 31. In
terment In Mount Calvary cemetery.
Services at the grave private.
SIX room modern fumlsned house, lot
40x120, 20 foot alley, 80 foot street,
small fruit trees, large shop, cement
walks, full basement; terms 1360 cash,
325 monthly and interest 0 per cent, st
Tremont station. 0823 00th ave, 8. E.
Phone Tabor 0Z6.
Corner, 10 minutes from postofftoe,
Hawthorne car. 7 rooms, furnaoe, fire
place, select neighborhood, $0260; $3000
caah, balance 7 per cent Must sell.
Provident Investment Trustee Co., 101
203 Board of Trade bldg. Marshall 473.
A-101 1
NEXT to beaverdam land I have S and
10 acre tracts on electric line. 30
miles from Portland, all in cultivation,
finest kind onion land, one mile center
Hlllaboro. ,My price $226 and $250; 20
per cent cash,, balanoe to suit. - Qeo, N.
Khkler, 827 Board of Trade.
We will sell you a home and yon esn
pay for it on easy monthly paymenta.
Our houses Include furnace, fixtures,
hardwood floors, tinting, shades, etc.
Provident Investment A Trustee Co..
201, 201 Board of Trade. Owners.
Large rooms, full cement basement,
large attic; street Improvements all In
and paid. Window shades and fixtures
in. Lot 42x100 feet. Situated between
Belmont and Hawthorne ave; $1600.
Call at 1046 Hawthorne ave.. corner E.
85th and let us show you this one.
0 ROOM house, 2 story, strictly mod-
ern, furnished: fixtures, shades, gas.
gun ran Be. linoleum In kitchen and
bathroom: shade trees,
CONGENIAL neighbors wanted; fruit
land, beautiful aoenlo surroundings,
livers, mountains, boating, fishing;
near electric line, one hour's ride from
Portland. Am Improving 40 acree for
my own home; want congenial neigh
bors on remaining acreage; will sell In
1 to 10 acre tracts-. If you want an
Ideal location for permanent or summer
home, this Is your opportunity. No
better land In Oregon. For further par
tlnulars, address owner, D-080, Journal.
CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port
land. walking distance to good town,
running water, best aoll. free wodd,
splendid fruit district view of Colum
bia river and snow peaks, 2 acrea $250;
3 acres $300; 10 acres $50 J; 10 per
cent cash, easy payments, other tracts
nsr railway station $25 to $40 per acre.
309 Yeon bldg., Portland.
Followlna- Is a list of nroperty I own
myself and will trade all or part of It
for anvthlna- of value:
iso acres wneat land zv mnes irom
Arlington. H mile from R. It Price $
820 acres. 1 mile from Livingston
In cultivation, house and outbuildings,
$16 acre.
80 acres. . 6 miles from Newport
scrss cultivation, 3b bearing fruit trees
on county roau. iz acre.
IS acrea bottom land near Eugene,
house, all kinds of outbuildings. Horn
beaverdam. 6 acrea In onlona. Price
1ft irm near Kelso rsw land. 8000.
Also 20 lots In Glen Haven Park and
lots In Willamette addition. Berkeley
WeatmorelHnd and Irvlngton Park; also
acreage near Portland and equities In
houSHB and lots.
These are only a few of our trades,
Corns In and look our list over. W
trade for anvthlnc.
Peters Realty Co,, 15 N. 5th s
Main 6377 or A-7720.
TEN ACRES. 9 acres cleared, near
.Mount Angel: running water; finest
aoll 116: take house and lot In city.
00 aorea. 20 acres timothy and clover
hfluaa. barn and family orchard: run
ning water; excellent soil; 700,000 feet
food timber; sawmill mile: laxa ati
omoblle up to $1000. For price call at
322 Falling Bldg., 3d and Washington
0 room bungalow. 05x100 comer, trad
for small erorerv store.
12 acrea. prune orchard. In fine bear
ing, looking fine, a few cherry and pear
trees, V mile rrom electric line, iraoe
for any good property on the peninsula.
or Bt. jonns.
R. M. HOOD, 604 Lumhermens Bldg.
Land $(0 per acre up, close to Port
land, In the famous Tualatin valley.
Call this evening at our office or phone
A-3120 or Marshall 351 and we will ar
range to show you this land tomorrow.
406 Couch bldg. 108 4th st. near Wash.
I MUST eell my 8 acre tract,
near North Plains, finest land
In Oregon; leaving on account of
ill-health. $260 down, balance oa
terms. M-606, Journal.
TWELVE acres, 8 miles from here, fare
10 cents, station on the land, beat
land you ever saw, one block to schools
and stores, 26 minutes from here. I am
compelled to sell; essy terms. Smttb,
razt Washington, room is
FIVE or 10 acre tract cleared, level, rich
land, very suitable for fruit garden
and chickens; mile from depot, and will
be near new electric line; close to big
market; $50 per acre; easy terms. Own
er, l o l uiiamoer or commerce.
Homestead for Exchange
160 acrea 10 miles from R. R. station
all under two-wire ffence, two room
house: 80 acres can be plowed; 1H
miles from P. O. Good whent land. Will
exchange for good houae and lot In Port.
land. C-2821.
I HAVE a client that has 6 seres IV
miles from Council Crest in line with
tunnel: macadam road througn place.
Price $800 per acre to trade for a good
home worth the ssme money or a little
more. Geo. N. Eckler. 827 Board of
224.43 ACRES deeded land. 40 acrea un
der cultivation, balance aagebruah
nald un water right. R. K.
Located in Idaho alfalfa district, to
traria for nronertv In Portland or Ore
son. Geo. N. Eckler. 817 Board of
I HAVE I exceUent farms to trade for
unincumbered rooming house, lm
proved property or first real eatate
mortgagea. Will pay cash difference.
C-083, journal.
6hi ACRES, about 2 acres cleared, 1
room house ti mile from station in
shrubbery and thlckls settled, highly Improved looalltr
roses: east and south front corner lot I snd only 40 minutes ride from city.
on 16th and Wygant 1 block from Al
berts, car, $500 cash, balance Ilka rent
Phone C-1686, Owner.
Right on macadam road, 60x128,
near Jones' lumber milt United
Railway trackage; lot faces two
streets. SI need the money and
will sell this property cheap. If
Interested address Owner, B-II6,
$600 DOWN
Just finished last week, elegant 7
room bungalow in Rossmere, modern
in evepy detail: lot lies high, has fir
trees and Is close to car. Phona on
at Tabor 2068.
SAVE commlsaion and buy from owner
new bungalow. 6 rooms nn1 hath
hot and cold water; 40x100 lot, H block
from car. Price $1400 $50 down, $15
per raunin. ma mum, sum nouse south
of Mount Scott car. Main street. Lents.
CORNER LOTS 60x63 FEET $1460
INSIDE LOTS 60x63 FEET $1250
IN81DE LOTS 60x100 FEET $1060
On East Everett and 2d st north. In
Darch addition. Near two carllnea, with
in easy walking distance. Not suburban
property. Call and see me and get terms
at office on grounds, any day.
WM. T. DAKUH. owner,
$1000, terms. L-682, Journal.
Sell or Exchange
We have all kinds of properties for
sale or exchange. Bee us before mak
ing a deal.
R. M. HOOD. 504 Lumbermens Bldg,
MODERN 8 room house, two blocks
from Rellwood line. Improved
a-rounds 100x100. value $0000, for sale
or trade for timber or unimproved In-
slde property. Address A-683, journal.
MODERN 6 room bungalow. Just com
pleted, within half a block of the
car; can be bought for $200 down, bal
ance $20 per month. , 201-203 Board of
Trade bldg.
TAPLIN Gertrude Taplln, St. Vincent's
hospital. May 26, age 16; tuber
culosis. . .
KAYSER Lucy Kayser, 217 Hooker
street. May 3. age n: senility.
ROMANI Emelio Roman!, Mill River,
May 25. age 84: drowning.
BORENSON Julius Sorenson, Mult
nomah hospital. May 23. age 63;
BREDAHL Fred Bredahl. St Vincent's
hnsnltsl. Mav SB. ara 41: nvemia.
SQUIRES Nelson Squires, 1070 Ver
non street. May ztt. age z: cancer.
GUTH Dolly Guth, 361 East Thirty-
ninth street, May Z8. age ; convui-
MAX M. SMITH, florist 160
opp. Meier & Frank's.
6th at.
Mala 7118.
Dunning & McEntee vfSSSt
every detail. 7th and Pine, Main 430.
A-455S. Lady assistant
J, P. Flnley & Son
BIX room new bungalow, west of Pied
mont and convenient to Jefferson high
school, lot 60x100 snd 800 feet from rar
line. $3350 with only $600 cash. L-680,
FOR SALE cheap, lot 65x125 with 5
room house In Walla Walla, Wnsli.
Make me an offer. I need some money
at once. C. W. Beaohear, E. 64th N.
an Willow st, Portland.
Beautif u (Home
9 rooms, large billiard room, fine
finish oak, lot 76xfOOr choicest location
Irvlngton. East 273, C-1860. NO
AGENTS. W. II. Herd man. -
E. 49th and Stanton, $666 cssh.
E. 48th, near Stanton, $676, 10 per
cent cash.
418 Hoard or Traae biag.
CITY lot, 5 mtnutes from carllne, 10
fruit trees, Spltzenbergs and Kings;
view of mountains and Columbia river;
$650 ensy terms. 201-203 Board or
Trade bldg.
A fine business corner, close to school,
$650; terms. A good buy. Fred W.
German, 32S Burnslde. Main or A-2770.
$100 FOUR level lots, all cleared and
ready to build on; close to school.
stores and station; fine for home or
splendid investment; terms; owner,
101 Chamber or comeree.
. ,- nil ...... r n , A A J.i. i... I
flUJl.r, MUWUIIIK lum uuAi'iv, nun lijr
water, on good carllne; $400; nothing
down, $10 per montn. inquire ror Mr.
Leonard, 84 4th st. Columbia Trust Co.
Good real estate Is the best Invest
ment Call and see what seventy-fir
pollers win qq bus fn -Blag.
If you have lot and little cash, will
build and loan balance.
033 Chamber of Commerce. Main 2061.
Third and Madison.
Lady attendant. Main 9. A-
CRPLI Undertaker; lady assistant
LLnUn B-1888. E-781. K. 6th-Alder.
MODERN 7 room hduse. cement walks,
full basement, Dutch kitchen, paneled
dining room, beamed ceiling. You are
missing a good homo. Owner. 1231 E.
29th NT
Undertaking CoT Main
Biaa. A-Z23B. i-a.ay asst.)
EAST SIDE funeral directors, succees
sor to F, 8. Dunning. Inc. E, 5?. B-2625
EDWARD HOLM AN, undertaker.
8d et Lady assistant Main 1507.
ZELLER-BYRNES CO.. 694 Williams
aye,: both phones; lady assistant
HEMSTOCK 1687 E.13th, Sellwood fl)
also 64 Dawson, wooaiawn 174. '
Owner's Loss, Your Gain
BDlehdld . new. un to date home. 7
rooms, choice restricted locality. Owner
overreached and needs moivey. Be sure
to see this. Your money's worth. $3850.
Very easy terms.
Money Talks Here Too .
Tine' new buncalow. 6 rooms, attic.
basement, fixtures, shades, linoleum goes
in. XMeeas money too, . uniy jzsou, easy
terms, uur two nest ouys.
406 East Morrison st East 1116, B-1417.
Our customers get the best buys.
A -Snap
New 6 room modern house, lot 50x100;
price $2860; easy terms. F. I. Mitchel
tree, Anabel Station. Phone Tabor 210.
$380 EQUITY in good 6-room house
and lot will sell or trade for anything
of value; the balance like rent. 619
E. John st, 8t. Johns, Or.
FOR 8 ALE By owner, H block on
Alberta and Commercial sts., dandy lo
cation; I need the money; terms to suit
S09 Cook ave. E-2183.
BUSINESS corner for sale next to Or
egon Lumber ft Fuel Co., 41st and
Barr road. $800 will handle same. Phone
East 4285.
BEAUTIFUL lot. 60x100, east side, near
car, worth $600 must sell $440 oash.
Owner H. Smith. Marshall 293.
CHEAPEST lot In Overlook, save $200,
for a short time only. Call Camp.
Phone Main 8817.
I WILL sell my lot In Irvlngton on
Schuyler st, for $1160 oash. E-887,
T ,44U ........ H
J-., I 1 1 neat Dill li.lur, L ', lit I
Powell. Phone Sellwood 618.
A GREAT many .fine lota,
all price East 278, C-1866.
agenta. W. H. Herdman.
T.l- i
"FOR SALE by owner, 6-room bunga
low, close in, on car . line; paved
streets; $8000, easy terms. Phone East
$26 MONTHLY buys 6 room house, bath.
paniry, paneiea aining-room wltti
plate rail, cement basement lot 60x100.
Price $2160. Phone owner. East 2741.
4 ROOM modern bungalow, street Im
provements in ajid paid; a bargain for
$1325; easy terms. Address 651 2d st
Main 6730.
PACIFIC Title ft Trust Co., thes leading
abstractors, I Gh, Conv, ground floor.
Cheao Home SnaD '
Nearly new house-. !4x2S. 100x100 W.
fine ofl, close to car; quick deal, $485;
$136 dowm $8 per month.
V Half Acre,-$25 .. " '
Down, $10 , month - 4 per eenti $100;
hurry, j --'-vr- 'V.-..-v
. 401 E. Morrison. East 1111. B-14S7.
A BEAUTIFUL 6 rtom home $3600;
$500, $25 monthly. 6 room, bungalow
32000; $300. $20 monthly.. Phone Wood
lawn 1799. or 2720
FOR SALE Fine lot. 50x80. with alley;
2 room house and wood shed; $775 for
quick sale. 846 East Sumner N.
Dandy Little Ranch Homes
26 acres I acres under cultivation. 16
acres mora slashed and easily cleared,
considerable cordwood, rood well and
spring of fine water, young orchard,
about 1600 berry plants, 4 room house,
small barn. etc. close to aood school. 2
miles from good town on Columbia river.
rnce oniy d&u.
20 acres 2 acres under cultivation
some good timber, good soil, land lays
level living water and well, young or
chard, 4 room house, small barn, etc., 1
mile from country town 8 miles from
this city. Price $2200. Terms.
Is acres all fine level land, 4 acres
under cultivaiony balance In fine pas
ture, good well. 4 room house, barn 24x
36. chicken houses, etc.. M mile from
church and graded school, mile from
good store, ana miles rrom Vancou
ver. Good team, wagon, harness, hack,
buggy, plows, cultivators snd all small
tools, etc.; 2 good cows. Price 32500,
$1600 cash.
16 acres All fine land, 12 acres un
der cultivation, balance in good pasture.
Young orchard, new story and half 6
room house, new barn 40x52, and all
necessary out bulldlnga. well and good
spring, 1 miles from good country
town and driving distance rrom city.
Price only $2200; terms. This is a snap.
33 acres 8 acres under cultlvstlon,
being fine onion and garden land, more
land easily cleared, considerable cord
wood. 8 acres under fence. No buildings,
24 miles from country town and 12 '4
miles from city. Only $1750, $760 cash.
balance 10 years Is desired. A money
maker. See thin.
40 acres Small patch cleared, balance
In 'fine pasture, timber all cut off ex
cept enough for firewood, fenced and
cross fenced, 4 room rustic house, with
fireplace, large barn and nocessary out
buildings, thrifty fruit trees, abundance
of living watr. 2 miles rrom country
town and 10 miles out only $2750. $1350
cash, balanoe to suit Ideal stock ranch.
Only a few of our many good buys. We
have all size ranches and our atitomo
blea and salesmen are at your command.
Thompson & Swan
0th and Main Sts. Vancouver, Wash.
FOR SALE Moving picture show on
east side, fine location, clears 8160
per month. Low rent, long lease. This
is a bargain. Ill health reason for
aelltnr. Call WoodlSwn 405
OWNER of established millinery busl
ness desiring to retire will sell entire
or part stock Including gooa lease, iieug
to $2600 handles. Phone Main itn
WILL exchange city property with
building contractor ror riat or nouse.
Tabor 1580.
"WILL trade my $1600 equity in $2600
bungalow ror lots or acreage. K-s.i,
$10,000 EQUITY In $15,000 business
property on east side to exchange for
rarm lanu. ia, journal.
WILL accept good lot first payment
on strictly modern room bungalow.
Phone owner Hansen, Main 3200.
WE exchange what you have for what
you want. PEPER ft BAKER, 444
Sherlock bldg.. 3d and Oak.
IF YOU have anything to sell or ex
change see us. Northwest Realty Co.,
$17 Board of Trade. See Mr. Morrow.
IF you want to sell, buy or trade, see
Shoemaker, 620 and 637 Henry bldg.
Main 4465, A-74.T4;
FIVE room modern bungalow In Spo
kane, value $2160: will exchange for
Portland property. K-686. Journal.
WILL trade my 66 acres in Wisconsin
for something In 'Oregon. Call 423
Magnolia st, Woodlawn.
WE handle trades In real estate any-
where. 80 Hoarq or Traae blag.
I WILL buy, sell or trade anything.
H. K. lois tioaro or iraoe Diag.
BOOMiXQ mouses for sale ca
Partly Furnished Apartment
House -Price
Only $1600, -Terms Only
$200 Cash:
This la a new, .modern apartment
home In tha finest west aide district:
contalna $0 apsrtmenta; mostly all
rented unfurnished; has I year lease.
Do you - ever remember - bf seeing
nous llks thla listed at aurh a low
Plica and aurh oaav limit Wi waul
advise you to see thla at once.
44 Room Rooming House -
Trade for Property; No Cash
Required ; -
What have you to tradeT Will tab
vacant lots or house and lot to tha
value of $6000; owner doss not ow a
dollar on thla place; It la clearing $200
a month over all expenses; has steam
heat, running hot and cold water la ev
ery room; brick building. Here la ft
chance to trade for a good monthly In
come house.
10 Rooms, 2 Year Lease
Fins, close In, west side locstlonL.rnt
$46; price $800; this is a good buy.
R. H, Goodkind Co.
TEL. MARSHALL 408; A-1060.
Read This
We buy rooming houses for essll If
price la right: also furnish half the
money for buyers to buy with. If you
want to sell, list with us. If you wsnt
to buy see us. We have our private
automobile, so you do not have to walk.
Peters Realty Co., 16 N. 6th at
Rooming House Sacrifice
Close In on business street: rant lass
than $5 room, aood leaan ran mi.
clear $100 mo. If you have $800 and
want a good money maker, see thla ant
make us sn offer, ss this must be sold
hv 1st Call 88 loth tnesr Stark .
the Pacific rv
Hotels. Booming and Apartment House.
Phone Vain 8600. A-347K.
$22-24 Fallg Bldg . Id and Wash. ffta.
Portland's Leading Hotel Broker.
Rooming House Owners
I have at least 60 trades to put to
ou with half cash for your rooming
ouss Come In and see our Hart. Pa
ters, 18 N. sth st. M. 6177 or A-7720.
30 Rooms
Close In; 4 year lease: havo been here)
vaara anil .nln nrtlt 1 1
Mu.i.H ' ...... ,1 111 VGI1 fjra
Price 11600. 271i Mor
Room 02.
easy terms.
rtson street
The Highest Bid '
Takes my 21 room apartment houae,
brick building, low rent. 2 v ears' lease,
business center; terms. Owner. C-1623.
I HAVE got Just tha thlna- voi. in
looklnr for. 8 rooms fnrnlah1 mrnnA
locality on west side, furnlttira for aala
Cst! 411 Hawthorne ave. Phona Raat .
478. ,
$400 FOR SALE I40S
Rooming house. 11 rooms all f,i
lOth"1' DVl cornr
FOR SALE One half of double hou'ssT
good location, $C0; small payment,
balance easy term Call 49i Davis.
MINING and Industrial stocks: tele
phone and Other honita haiiilit 4
sold. C 8. Fletcher. 116 Ablnrton bldg.
$1260 Invested 3 years am n-a maw
tncressed to $900,000. Ask us.
ecK pldg., 7th and Oak sts.
410 Rothchlld bldg.,
4th and Washington sts., Portland.
Wo hara farma from to fi tin ,ami
hop yards, orchards and orchard land:
"""in iii-iia, nuieis ana cut
property. Wo locate timber claim a and
homesteads: always rellahla.
MUST leave for Europe; will aell
Paylns business on mctnA ,Am tnna.
Jion for medium class trade la Port- "
land: etock consists of clothing, ahoes,
furnishings and ladles' wurln, inmr.l
snd Invoices about $8000: will eonaldar
part real estate and give easy term a. :
Address p. o. box 870. elty.
GROCERY store; one of the best, close
In; on east side; Invoices about $8600;
lunch counter dnins- arnn4 hnatnaaa In
Astoria, $300; city and country atorea"
to axennnge.
017 Board of Trade.
AN HONEST sober man with $760 can
have Me Interest in a light manufact
uring business which will clear $8000
to $10,000 yearly; $25 weekly salary ta
start; strictly a monopoly and lee-lti.
mate; good opening for a (rood man. K-
685, Journal.
In the heart of west aids rmt int
$27.60: doing $30 dallv: wall wort).
$000: am Sick. SO will aacrlftna tisr tAA '
1 . . rr v ... . w " '
rnrri, jo ai. oin m.
BIDS for all or any part of tha Hotmea
cannery win os receivea at the can
iry before June 1. ena-in Hollar .r.
desk, belting, shafts and other machin
ery. M. J. Laycock. Phona Sellwood!
WANTED Direct from owner, from V4
to 1 acre either Improved or unim
proved; near 6c car line; state full par
ticulars or no attention paid. R-680,
I WANT to get from owner a 4 or 5
room bungalow with large lot; terms
must be easy and first payment small,
Jj-689, Journal.
2 Acres $750
One mile to electric Jine, rich soil;
terms. X. Oy Barker, 827 Mohawk
bldg. Main 1902, Tabor 2029.
$ 20-acre tracts, Vt mile from rail
way, from V to 2-3 In cultivation,
fine atream of water, good roads,
lust enough timber for wood and
beauty, magnificent vlow. choi.e for
fruit, berries, vegetables, clover or
Also 120 and 160 acres at $!)0 per
acre, of latter in high state of
cultivation, 60 acres in young or
chard. 2 sets of buildings, fine
stream of water, large enough for
trout. These tracts are near the
Lownsdale & Prince orchards. I be
lieve this the most beautiful land
In the state for country Homes and
extremely productive. I think as a
speculation they are worth at least
twice the prices quoted. Good terms.
Geo. E. waggoner, Dundee. Oregon.
EQUITIES bought; mortgage contracts
city and suburban property. Koom 6,
221 H Morrison street.
ONE to three acres on river, between
Portland and Oregon City. T-687,
WANTED Houso or lot from owner,
small payment down: must be bar
gain. 712 Rothchlld building.
WILL accept good lot first payment
on strictly modern 6 rakm bungalow.
Phone owner Hansen. Main 8200.
CASH for best bargain in
e.i ulty. Q-679. Journal.
a lot or
FIVE room bunealow. Rose City Park
or Vernon. 420 Swetland bldg.
88 ACRES, deep black soil, H cleared.
balance In pasture, and timber, run-fLARGE rooming house on Wash, "at.
Hous and lot, $725. $176 caah, rset
terms, rnons woooiawn Q4.
FIVE room modern cottare. furnished.
faroen, ieuoea, siiou, terms, uwner.
0 70th st S. .EL, Mt. Scott line.
NEW 6 room modern built houso, on
Holgata street 3 blocks from Sell
wood carllne.- Inquire on premises,
FIVE room new bungalow on 13tU near
Alberta, street at $2800 with . good
terms.- L-6 8 lt Journal. -
3800 i room new house, Montavtlla;
reasonable terms, Parker, 601 Corbett
ONE acre, all cleared, only 40 mlnutea
out, the very best of soil in thickly
settled community. lacing
$600 $o0 cssh and $5 and
month. I-6K3, journal.
I of star Ia.Va-1 r I It SI aa 4a asn H
church, store, etc. Thickly settled
neighborhood. ,near electric carllne, a
very desirable close-In suburban prop
erty at the special low price of $125
per acre, or will sell half for $130 per
acre: goon reasunauie terms. iau
on car line at ! phone or write us today.
interest each 203 Corbm ba)- DOth phones.
1, 2, 3, 6 AND 10 ACRE tracts, close in,
- good electric car service, $100 to $250
per acre, big values, easy terms. J. W.
Hefferlin Realty Co., 203 Corbett bldg.,
both pnonca.
15 Acres All in Spuds -
At Beaverton for sale or trade- See my
agent at Broadstreet's Exchange, 271 H
Morrison street." :
ONE aero home, east slfle, on carllne,
city limits, good house, flowing water,
finest view,' best soil. $4500; terms.
H-083. Journal.
SALES or exchange, acreage in Wlllam
atta Taller, terms. Owner, Mll 1044.
SUMMER home, and small ranch, on
coast: 10 acres, new house, modern,
half rich bottom land, balance wooded
hills, fine climate, river front view,
fine gafden, good flahlng and crabbing,
near town and R. R., spring water. Pas
ture and outrange; price $3500. H cash.
Box 360. Toledo, Or. ,
6 ACRES of richest soil In Multnomah
county. ' near Troytdale, $900. 665
cash, balance-2" years. per cent E. 8.
.-lerson, 810 'Grand ave. or phone East
6991. -' - - - - '
EIGHTY ac res of f good ' til labia lan
HERE'S your chance; for sale, 12 room
house, fine location, rent $50; central
ly located, good furniture and carpets;
owner going south; call mornings S3
Pork. A-5-'37. No aeents.
FOR SALE or trade for acreage or city
property. $3000 stock of artmeral tnar.
chandlse; first class location, good
store building, rent cheap. Address H."
Fallman, Rex, Or. ..-.,'
FOR SALfc. A general merchandise
store, doing a good business. Involra
about $6000: country place; clean stock,
Vi cash, bsl. trade or terms on good
security, phone Woodlawn 1946.
a snap; . . . -
A nicft little business paying; $80 par
week shove expenses. ,
See J. E. UICHOL8 ft CO. ; '
615 Yeon bldg.
I WANT a good reliable man In my ofi
flee to act as bookkeeper and, help
with other business; must give refer.
ences. Call 615 Yeon bldg.
I AM going to Alaska; will sell my In
teres t in real estate; made $964 la
month of May. Call 109 Clay. Pbonsj
Main 6731. - "
FOR SALE H interest one tha largest ' ;
and best paying fuel businesses In
Portland, good salary and position. In- ,
vestlgate at once. C-087. Journal.
FOR SALE A new lunch counter and
10 stools: If sold today for half price.
60th st.. Hawthorne avo. Phona Tahne
SALOON Stock invoice $500. six fur
nished rooms. Rent $33: leavlns- eltv.
sickness; $700 will handle. L-6 86, Jour
FOR SALE Uk or whole Interest In ?
grocery store; finest location and best
business.- 2 blocks from P. O. . L-687.,
23 ROOMS 23
On 6th St., all on one floor; cheap
rent. $1059; $450 down. Peters, 16 N.
5th st.
65 rooms, hot and cold water, bio
psying business, .$1600 wil handle busi
ness; owner must wave city, call or
aaaress u. is. cowies. 40 sth st N.
light grocery
ed. :
soma timber, tiear railroad: . ama
town. Psrttovilara write to George Lip
pert, BankavOr. '. .- ,
30-Rnnmji fnr TraHft
For city property, 4 year lease; a money
maker: owner leavlna cltv Thla la
dandy. 371 H Morrison st. Room 03,
411 Henry bldg. - Marshall 004.
Hotels,, apartment houses rooming
nouses, pougni, oia anq em-nangea
NEWLY furnished, nice and clean, 25
rooms, tnwy rtnv gooa lease, rooms
ail run. E-ae ems. - Apply owner, no
agents. H-089. Journal.
FOR SALE by owner; $1350 takes the
best 17 room house In the cltv. Call
at 887 Taylor or-phono M. 7886; terms.
FOR SALE By owner, SI rooms, half
. casn; juorrison sur uooti money
making place.' y
ROOMING bouse 11 rooms, fine vard,
no beter In Portland. 456 Ith st Phone
Mala 1762. - -.' - f-
BitCir- Wit Vl livlnc a-tfWama -SAtn sta-st -A
si vu vvu aa bbj v sjvn uvv :
All new and cheao. Lot 60x100. End
Broadway car. 965 E. 29th st. N.
$100 INVESTED 16 years ago, earned
to date 316,000. write for booklet..
San Francisco Home Builders. Ill
Phelan bldg.. San Franc'aco. Cal.
FOR" SALE A dye works, complete;
established trade, 7 -yeara lease on
property. -.-Will teach business. TeU
East 0241 or N-682. Journal. " ,
I HAVE a good location for a black! ;
smith and horseshoer. Grand Rondo
hotel. Grand Ronde, Or.. Yamhill county,
WANTED Carpenter with a - little
money as Dartner; iota-or worn and
money secured. - 405 K. 44th.
NEW and second-hand furniture 'store
for sale at Lents. IiKiuira at Rlfe'a
Furniture Store, jents. ur.
FOR SALE Theatre, ooing gooa bu.(.
nesSk-See operator to id p.
Theatre. 69- N. 3rd.
m.. Model
: 500 Business Cards $1
,- Rose City r-nntery. I svk jl 1.
fiMALL steam laundry with new to i.
chlnery, - horse and wagon. ; H-i0,
SlIALL'dry goois stock fr's4ie.L. " "
clesn, staple stock, goo-i 1o i ; ,
good lease; must sil li 6s i,