The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 30, 1911, Page 15, Image 15

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v. ... ...
Candidate for Reelection Tells
How He Stood on Main Is-
"sues Affecting the People's
Rights; Sure He'll Win.
Councilman k. K. kudu, wdo la
candidate to succeed hjmaelf from the
blghth ward, Is making an appeal to
tha votara of the ward on hla raoord and
declare ha ia confident ha will win
next Monday ovr his two opponent,
William Bchmeer. Independent, and
Prank M. Kelly. Democrat.
I am invitina tha attention, or the
people to what I have accomplished aa
member of tha council," aald Mr,
Kubll yeeterday, "and a brief review
rill abow that I have beta active In
protecting tha lntareats of my oonatltu-
"I oppoaad tha .vacation of aaat alda
atreata. becauae I did not believe tha
citr waa offered lust recomoenae and
bit oonatituanta were oonosed to it.
Thla aDDllee to tha vacation of tha
street enda of Oreaon and Adama
street for tha railroad brldae and to
the 14 blocks runnlna . down to the
Wsterfroat and artreeta.
"It seemed to ma Inconsistent that
tha people should vote 11,600,000 for
publlo docks, which I also favored, and
than vote to give away practically all
- h l:M
I A. L. Mills. and Dr. Wheeler to
Address Clufcs; Taxpayers
Issue Statement.
Fay Balnter.
Painty little Fay Balnler, who has
In behalf of municipal garbage col
lection and tha proposed 175,000 bond
lasue with which to buy equipment, A.
I Mill. resldent of tha Firat National
bank, will tonight addreaa tha members
of tha Bellwood Commercial club, and
Dr. C. IL Wheeler, elty. health offloer,
will appear before tha East Twenty-
eighth Street Improvement olub,
Mr. Mllla will dlscuaa tha economlo
phaaea of tha subject He believe that
tha collection of garbage and tha dispo
sition of tha waste product of tha city
could be accomplished for half it pre
ant cost and with double It preaent af
Dr. Wheeler la In a position to tall of
tha need of municipal" i collection with
sanitary, non-laakabl ateel wagona, aa
a protection for publlo health.
Much lntereat haa bean aroused
through tha announcement of tha ad'
dresses and large attendance ia expected
at both organizations.
The Indorsement of the proposed mu
nicipal collection of garbage by the tax
payera' league in it formal statement
to tha voters haa oonatltutad material
encouragement to the allied women'a
organisations that have been campaign
Ing In behalf of the system. The Tax
payera league states:
"Vote 111 Tea. Thla la an act for
tha establishment of a municipal gar
Referendum : Petition Held by
Gantenbein to Be Judicial
of the waterfront In the Eighth ward w" laatlng place In the hearts bate collection ayatem for a bond lsaue
Of $71,000 to provide the neceaaary plant
for lta operation, consisting of wagona,
truck, ate., tha expense of operation to
be borne by the cltlaena upon rules to
be charged.
"Notwithstanding the reluotaaca of
the league to Increase tha bonded In
debtedness of tho city, thla aeama
wise measure in this caae, I
"Both for eronomlo, sanitary and po
lice reasons, tha city should handle and
control the disposition of garbage and
the only way to do it la to do It Bor
row the money, buy the plant and oper
ate It aa economically- aa possible under
wlae and proper regulations. Voters
are advised to vote yea."
to the corporations. Llkewlae il op
posed the transfer or granting-of valu
able rlghta to the railroad until proper
concessions were made In connection
with the building of the Broadway
"I made a demand in the settlement
for. a free right of way for the aewer
down Sulllvan'a gulch, for which the
O. R. eV N. was aaklng ttOOO, and ef
fected that amount of aavlng to the
people of the ward.
"I have alwaya refused to Introduce
resolutions for hard surface pavementa.
and early In my term Inatructed tha
city engineer not to attach my name to
any such resolutions, I have taken the
position that property ownere ahould
of Baker Stock patrona the past few
months, haa become popular quite a
much becauae of her original ana ex-
aulslte taste In dresalng aa by her
olever acting and winning pereonallty.
For the audtencea never know just what
to expect from her she la constantly
springing some surprise, and it la often
noticed that her audden appearance in
atartllng gown or hat la the signal
for a spontaneous outburst of applauae
one of the highest oomplimente that
could be paid her. for It simply means
that in striving for aa affect a picture
that will be pleaatng to her audlencea,
aha haa created and designed more than
well, and tha result la a combination
of auch harmonious and pleasing color
and cut that admiration la spontaneous.
Miss Balnter haa an especially dellght-
petltlon for lmprovementa, and when
properly petitioned for I favor the fa nl" na ?n 2. 7 T1, PVFP or rACT TIIDkltrn
granting of the prayer. The desire of ful n ln "Btrongheart" thla week, and EYES OF EAST TURNED
the people ahould govern in such mat- ml wr wTm nw TfMAADn TUIC PITY
tera. and no resolution for Improve- " lUVVMnU InlO ll I I
ments in my ward haa been favord JOKER IN MODEL LAW
aady Boe4 Crossing-.
"Another matter concerning the peo
ple of the ward waa the Bandy road
crossing of the O. It ft N. Thla la a
dangeroua crossing, and acoldanta were
several tlmea only narrowly averted.
Vr v xinM An a nt th. nmw nrmtrln-
MAY FREE SAL00NMEN " of he 9"1"- wrtmn LB"
parrnieni iiori, .rnvcu ki ri umiu
Against the opposition of the railroad
company I secured the passage of an
ordinance compelling trains to atop at
. that crossing.
"I worked for purchase of the Ladd
tract at Sunnyslde. I have eecurad
more new atreet ligbta than were ever
secured before by a Councilman In the
Eighth ward, and I have worked for
better supply of water for domeatlo
purposes ln Montavllla and other out
lying sections.
"In the negotiations over the Mount
Hood railway franchise I stood for a
joint franchise with the Portland Rail
way, Light & Power company whertby
. a 10 minute service la insured by the
, f. latter corporation to the city limits ln
Montavllla, and I aecured the Insertion
of provisions In the franchise under
which there can be no merger and the
Mount Hood company cannot furnish
power to the atreet railway company
at any lower ratea than It glvea to
other consumers:
rill tTp Wonghs,
, ,. "J aecured the filling of the sloughs
on East Eighth and Ninth streets be-
. tween Belmont and Morrison, where a
tench had long been caused by the out
let from a vinegar factory.
"A large paving dlstrlot. Including
East Madlaon street and other atreeta,
waa petitioned for by tha Hawthorne
. estate, this, estate owning 1J iot in
' the proposed flletrict."' it was I "so formed
that the holdings of thla one company
made the required 20 per cent, and it
could not be defeated by remonstrance.
I have a resolution on the way to re-
. aclnd the resolution, for I do not be
lieve In that kind of an Improvement,
In disregard of the wishes of a large
majority of the property owner.
,. "To my vigilance was due the block-.
Inar nf another dlntrlrt imnrovnment for
East Sixth and other streets between
Morrison and Burnslda I had this
checked up and found the petition waa
160 lota short of the number required.
o it waa knocked out.
"If elected for another term. I shall
maintain the same position with regard
' to atreet Improvements, working with
. regard to the interests of my constltu
enta, and consulting them ln each caaa
to find out what their wishes are.
ravora Commission' Plan.
"At the earliest possible time I ahall
favor the submission to the people of a
new commlaalon charter, and will oheer-
fullv vAtd mviAlf nut Af nfftn tA mm.
cure the adoption of that idea.
"Charges have been made that I have
profited In my business because I am
member of the council. I have made
friends by reason of my Official post
. tion I would not otherwise have made,
and I have also made enamlea. I have
gained eome business, and I have- lost
some. My stationery business ha not
Increased a much during my term -as a
councilman, I think, as the bualnesa of
several of my competitor.
"It would be nonsensical for me to
turn down buslnesa that cornea to me,
but If all the bualnesa I do tot the
paving companies and the public serv
ice corporations were withdrawn my
business little hurt I had
the patronage of the Warren- Construe
. tion company before I entered the coun
cil, and it haa averaged something Ilk
$58 a month. I have had about, 120 a
month from the Portland Railway,
Light A Power company the last two
"In view of my record in the council.
It surely cannot be claimed that these
corporations have given me business be
cauae of my attitude on nubile ques
tion. .for it Is not a record that show
tnem any favoritism'.
Another joker haa been found In the
new model liquor law which will ln all
likelihood result ln the acquittal of all
the aaloon men arrested last week by
Sergeant Riley for having aecret pas
sageways or stairways leading from the
aaloon to rooms above or below.
According to the law, these stair
way a are not permitted, but before a
conviction, can be aecured. It must be
shown that these atalrwaya are there to I eaat are much better acquainted
Sunday for the purpose of completing
the transfer of the store, and to pre
pare to make hla home here.
Mr. Holts aaya that the eyee of the
t are turned toward Oregon now.
Banker and atald business men in all
departments are looking thla way, he
aaya, and there will be much eastern
money Invested ln Portland and Oregon
In future, he believes. People ln the
aaalat In the disposition of liquors.
The eaaea of Daa Durham, Antone eel
Groase, Maurlne Chlott, Barney Haffey
and J. u Drummond were up this morn
ing but testimony waa , taken only ln
Durham' caae. Judge Taswell reserved
hi opinion until Wedneaday but ha ax
pressed himself a believing that he
cannot hold the defendanta unless the
officer can ahow that liquor la being
eold. All the cases wjll be heard oa
Wednesday. ..j,,
Melbourne, " May SO. Opium smug
gling into various part of Australia Is
a vastly lucrative business ir one is to
judge from the facts revealed ln a oase
heard in the courts ln Sydney. The
crown authorities ln making out their
charge . against a man named Water
house, who was .Involved ln criminal
proceeding, sasertedxthat he made aa
much aa $850 ln the course of a alngle
night Hla modus operandi was de
clared to be as follows:
He Induced European to bring opium
from China to Canada, robbed them
there and. then escaped to Queensland
in order to dispose of his booty. He
was aentenced to three years' imprlaon-
the atate of Oregon than the cltlaena
of thl atate Imagine, he aaya. Applea
and politics, he believes, are to a great
extent responalble for thla advertis
ing. "I have painted Portland ln glowing
color to my friend in the east," aald
Mr. Holts, "and I wouldn't be at all
surprised If many of them followed.
Our plan for the store are being car
ried out aa rapidly a possible and the
outcome looks very good. I am grati
fied to see ao many substantial bual
nesa block being built adjacent to our
store. I am now ln Portland to re
main permanently, except, of courae,
for an occasional visit to the east I
am certainly- glad to be ln thla beau
tiful city."
The referendum petition over the va
cation of portion of Oregoa and Adam
street will not go before the voters
next jlonday. presiding Judge Oanten
beln of the circuit court yesterday after
noon held that the question involved
la the controversy waa Judicial and not
legislative. Therefore the referendum
does not apply to It
O. M. Collins and other signers of
the petition circulated it last fall to
refer the queatlon to a vote of the peo
ple. At that time, Judge Claland, than
presiding in the olrcult court, held that
the queatlon waa Judicial, and it oould
not be referred to the people. The
caaa waa decided In favor of the city,
and the petitioners took It to the su
preme court where Assistant City At
torney John Jeffrey argued "4lje matter
last week. They are to reoelve a de
cision today.
Not aatlaflod with the first ruling,
Collins and the ether petitioners started
action yesterday to have the question
put on the ballot The Judge held It
ahould not go on. The city council
vacated portions of Oregon and Adams
atreeta In order to give the O. H. N
company a chanoe to erect a pier for
the new bridge at the Intersection of
the two streets.
Wound Prevent Dlaaectlon.
New York. May $0. Believing that her
sister's body Is about to be disserted
In tha Cornell Medical school here. Miss
Annie McOovern today la beseeching
the city authorities to prevent It Delia
McOovern died In Harlem hospital. An
nie heard of her death by accident, the
sisters having been estranged. Tha body
waa traced to Bellevue morgue.
To Remove Dust
From the Hair
(From the New Tork Examiner.)
"Don't drench your head with water
every time your nair is austy," says
Marlbel Montague, the beauty expert
Too much molature cauaea the hair to
become dead and dull.
"When you want a perfect coiffure,
just take a quick dry shampoo. Mix
ounces of therox with 4 ounces of orris
root and you will have a supply of dry
shampoo powder sufficient for all sum
'Sift the powder lightly and evenly
through the hair. Brush It out thor
oughly and It takes with It every par
ticle of dust and dirt. Therox Imme
diately gives the hair a rich and glossy
luster. This mixture vitalise the fol
licles, and (If used regularly) long and
abundant hair will be the result"
(Onlted Pr tea Wire.)
Seattle, Wash.. May $0. Two big ateel
dredgea coating $100,000 are being
hipped to Dawson for uae ln early de
velopment of the Guggenheim properties
on the Yukon. O. B. Perry, general
manager of the Guggenheim Exploita
tion company, a part of the syndicate,
announced that special attention Is to be
given thla aeaaon to the Dawson terri
tory by the Ouggenhelma.
Avleolar Dentistry
In a majority of our advertisements
we lay great stress on our specialty.
Alveolar dentistry, replacing missing
teeth without a piate or Drldge work.
and the curing ryorrnea (loose teeth)
The work Is so remarkable In lta char
acter that it Is apt to overshadow those
other cases which come to us the sim
ile cases. We don't want the Idea to
obtain that we are Alveolar specialists
J one. We are tnai, Dut aometning more
-general practitioners of the first
lass. We do dentistry in all Its
ranches, from the simple piece of fill
Ing up. It's a boaatful statement to
make, but we can do anything that ia
possible in dentistry, and what we do la
alwaya of the very highest class. Our
booklets Alveolar nentiatry and exam
inations are free. There are 12 Alveolar
Dental Co. of floe In the west About
60,000 people are wearing our Alveolar
teeth. About 2000 people ln thla olty
and state have teeth supplied by thla
office. Ninety-nine per cent, ir not every
alngle one will tell you If asked that
It'a the best lnveatment they ever made
ln dentistry. In many caaea where
bridgework la Impossible and aU caaea
whero It la possible, we can replace your
teeth with beautlrul, artistic, -comfortable,
cleanly and everlasting teeth that
we will defy anyone, dentlat or layman.
to ten irom natural leein. or iuu in
formation aee our Sunday ada.
ronnna--adihi ion mag., luovfe iia St.
Seattle Hal rut Bidg., 2d and Pine,
Terms to reliable people.
, Junction Commencement Week.
-fflnertal Mmstch te The lotiraal.)
Junction, Or., May 'SO. The High
school exerot are taking place thla
i week. The'- graduates' sermon was
preached Sunday evening at th M. f&
church bjr Rev. ;W. tH. Davi, paator of
tne jnrst Baptist cnurcn or juugene.
Or, This evening the Junior-senior ban
quet at I. O. O. F. hall will be held.
A class day program at the High school-f
assembly ball and-a track meet be
tween Cottage Orove and Junction; City
at baseball park ere' other features.
Thursday, evening at -the opet-a house
the High, school commencement will be
held-- - - . - 1
mr II II' " ll'IIIHIIIli .
I ' I 1 1 I ' ' 11' 1 1 tMITr'l
bm I! lylliu
For Infants and Children.
slmHating defboifandfiiib
ting die Stcunariis andBowusaf
-is Til
OriuTO.Marphtae nartaL!
ata.MiaasBaaiBSBMaMw. .
Hon .Sour StomadLDtarrhoa
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
nSff l Guaranteed under!!
Exact Copy of Wrapper
AT Use
i i u i-nr iiuHr
.Thirty Years
vena eiw.
JW Jtaiama, Kelso. Ohenans,
Central!, Tacoma, Seattle,,
W Everett, Bellingham, Hew
' Westminster and Vancou
ver, B. C.
fei 3-Trains Daily-3
International Umlted.
The daylight train, 10 a. m.
For busy business men,
E p. m.
Tho nlsrht train. 10:30 p. m.
. All (rain from Jtorth
Bask station. Eleventh and
Bort atreeta.
Tickets, sleeping and par
lor car reservations at city
ticket office. 122 Third t.
and at depot
Tms sarava mxm
(V i,o.r.i.i As
Owing to the b&ckwaxt! teaton, I ani orerttocketj with woolens. I must reduce my
stock and I arh coing to gire you more for your money than was erer before giren
by any tailor. I will build a suit to your measure from any Spring or Summer pat
terns you may select, worth from $30.00 to $50.00, for only
With an Extra Pair of Trousers
Worth $10,Free
Union Label in Every Garment
I will make the extra trousers from the same material as
your suit or from any beautiful gray or fancy striped
trousers pattern you may select This assortment in
cludes Bannockburn Tweeds, English Tweeds, the late
Niggerhead Cheviots you can't buy in any tailor shop for
less than $50.00, together with all the late shades of Urn
and browns, English Worsteds and the famous United
States Government Test Blue Serges. I have spared no
money in securing the best tailors this country affords,
and I will see to it personally that you will not leave here
unless your suit is more than satisfactory in every detail.
Moberft Douglass
125 Fifth Street THE TAILOR
area Waahlagtom. Open Jlva'r. OPEN EVENINGS
125 Fifth Street
Veer WasMag-tom. Opca BVe'g.
ar to
If a man who depends upon his daily earnings plans to paint his
house in the Spring and is presented with a tax bill much larger than
he expected, he must forego the painting of his house in order to
apply that money upon the payments of his taxes.
If a company that depends upon the public at large for its income
plans to build additional plants, longer car lines and Improve a large
part of its equipment, and its taxes are increased tens of thousands
of dollars more than they should be, Is it not similarly true that the
company would have to relinquish some of its plans for improve
ments in order to apply the money toward the payment of taxes?
The rule holds good in either instance.
It is a logical conclusion that the imposition of a 3 per cent ad
ditional tax upon the gross light and power earnings of this com
pany will actually prevent the expenditure of a vast sum of money
for contemplated improvements and betterment
Which would you prefer? More cars, more power, more tracks,
more manufacturing activity, bigger employment lists and bigger
payrolls; or more tax money for thecity at a time when the" city
does not need more funds raised by this method?
In the former case, you see and know where the money goes. :
Again we say, apply the principle of a square deal when yod ;
vote Monday. VOTE 131 NO I
Portland Railway, Lght & Power Co.
-v-v,.. . .. .... -t: ....